HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-01-16, Page 10A. let of fellowe who .44Y Whet They think den/ de enough APO, Presentation Titnes-Advocatet-44.11YerY- 1 Of 1964 . Page 10 A eeeeeen- ' ' '''' eeeeieleeeeeleeeeer effelereeeWeC1414.4e=eee .eeratee::' Centralia VIEW DEMONSTRATIONS. Members of Ciendelieee WI were favored with two demon- strations at their meeting:held ;at the home of 1‘,1. p ay to Kestle. Mrs, Jim Petialdeen showed her method of making buns. They were later baked and serve ed for lunch. Mrs. Ernie Lewis demonstrated ideas for making use of the plastic bleach.cone tainers such as candle eoldere, toys and plant containers. The roll call was answered by giv- ing experiences with plastic, Mrs. Andy Carter gave Ways to avoid accidents in the home mentioning keeping medicines in 1pcked cupboards away from children, keeping handles of kettles turned away from the edge of stoves, and having stairs free from extras. President Mrs. Alan Hill con- ducted the business and an- nounced the leadership train- ing school in LucanFebruary 5. Mrs, Hill, Mrs. Kestle, Mrs. Donaldson and Mrs. Carter were appointed delegates to at- ,tend the school. Mrs. David Henry won the prize for the contest, Assist- ing the hostess were Mrs. Don- aldson, Mrs. Henry and Mrs. Carter. MISS OLA BICE Miss Ola Rice, 68, a former resident of McGillivray Town- ship, died suddenly in Victoria Hospital, London, Monday, De- cember 30, as the result of an accident, As she left the bus near her home she was hit by a ear and never regained con- sciousness. Miss Bice moved to London with her family in 1909. She had been employed with the Chas, Chapman Co. for 52 years. She was an active member of Victoria Rebekah Lodge and was a past noble grand. The lodge members held a memorial ser- vice at the funeral home. She was a member of St. Paul's Cathedral and past pre- sident of the WA. She is survived by two broth- ers, Ernest, London, and Wil- liam, Detroit. Interment was in Woodland cemetery. CHURCH NEWS At St. James Church Sunday the service of Holy Communion was conducted by the rector, the Rev. E. 0. Lancaster, who also announced the vestry meet- ing date for Jan. 20 at 8:15 pm. At the chancel steps the me- morial flowers were in memory of the late Wesley Revington of Lucan. At the altar were white mums given by the Ladies Guild. At the United Church the minister the Rev, G. W. Sach announced the congregational meeting for' Jan. 21. Memorial flowers were in memory of Wesley Revington, Lucan. ST. PETER'S CWL St. Peter's CWL met at the home of Mrs. Charles Cronyn last Wednesday evening with President Mrs. Frank Vanneste in the chair. Appreciation for a contribu- tion made by the league to Fontbonne Hall, London, was read. A social hour closed the meeting. PERSONALS Mrs. Bill Downing and daugh- ter Karen, Chatham, spent Mon- day and Tuesday with the for- mer's mother, Mrs. Alm er Hendrie. Eugene Bice of Windsor spent the recent holidays with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coughlin and family. At the Middlesex safety coun- cil meeting held in London Mon- day night Clare Paton Was named a delegate to attend the conference of the Ontario Safety Council, Feb. 4 and 5 atGuelph. Mrs. Rupert Williams is a pa- tient in St. Joseph's Hospital, where she underwent surgery Thursday. Jim Sigsworth, Helen and By MRS. 0. HOOPER Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Lang- ford, Walter, Donnie and Carl were Sunday evening guests of Mr. & Mrs. Harry Herbert of St. Marys. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Thomson, Marion, Sharon, Greet and Mary Lou were Sunday guests of Mr. & Mrs. Feed Parkinson of Base- line, Mr. & Mrs, Chas. Lambert, Pamela, Jimmy, Wendy, of Lon- don Were Sunday guests of Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Thomson. IMPERIAL HOTEL Grand Bend Veaturitie The 'rELTONES at Londoe FRIDAY, JAN, 10 AND 24 and DESJARbiNES SATURDAY NIGHTS FISH FRY ANbCH1cKEN IN BASKET 50c Fri. and Sat. Night Only 47he CAftrcfies in the area Invite you to join them for Worship,. Fellowship and Services KELLEle ee Mr. and Mrs, Mil ten Keller, Exeter, announce the birth of a eon at Segel, Huron Hospital, January '14. MILLAR e'e Min and :Mee. .Ho- bort W. :Millar, RR 1 Hen, sail, announce the birth of a. son at South Huron Hospital, January 11 e..ep. brother .fpr Jeffrey., SHEPHERD -e-eer, and Mrs. Neel ,Shepherd, RCAF Station Centralia, announce the birth of a deeighter, Susan Mar- guerite, at South Huron 110S pitel, January 13. WATSON Mr, and Mrs. Paul Watson, peehwood, announce the safe arrival of MaryTer- ese, at South Huron Hospital, January 13 --- a sister for Roe beet, WEBB Mr. and Mrs. R a y Webb, RR 2, Dashwood, an- nounce the birth of a son at South Huron Hospital, Janu- ary 10 e- a brother for Riche ard, Julie and Cindy. DEATHS — PARSONS—At South Huron Hospital Exeter, on January 14, 1964 Lloyd Treble Par- sons in his 60th year. Be- loved husband of Jennie (Passmore) and dear father of Douglas, Joan, and Jack of Exeter and Maxine (Ko- vacs) London, dear brother of Mrs. Edith Richard, Roy, Frank of Exeter, Chester of Alberta, Reg of Janesville, Wisconsin, Mrs. W. Gardiner of Meaford, also sixteen grandchildren survive. Rest- ing at Hopper-Hockey Funer- al home Exeter where fu- neral service will be held Thursday, Jan. 16 at 2 p.m. Interment in Exeter ceme- tery. 16* CARDS OF THANKS I wish to thank all those who helped to make the year 1963 and Christmas, more pleasant for me. A special "thank you', to all my Exeter friends, the Hensall organizations, Mr. and Mrs. Jones and their Staff, at Queensway Nursing Home, Hen- sell, also Best Wishes for 1964. —Olive Prior. 16c Mrs. Sid Baker would like to thank all who sent flowers, cards and other gifts while she was a patient in Exeter Hospital. Everything was greatly appre- ciated. 16c Mrs. Glen Kennedy, Lucan, would like to take this oppor- tunity of thanking her many relatives, friends and neigh- bours, for flowers, treats, visits and cards while a pa- tient in St. Joseph's Hospital; with special thanks to Dr. Wm. Butler of Ailsa Craig, Dr. Ray Meredith of Ilderton, Dr. Mc- Kenzie of London and the nur- ses on Third East. Also those who took care of the children during my absence. 16c Mrs. H. Sperling and family wish to thank friends of Credi- ton and Exeter district who so k i n di y remembered Us with sympathy cards during the loss of our dear husband and father. 16* I wish to sincerely thank all my relatives, neighbours and friends for so kindly remem- bering me, with flowers, cards, gifts and visits while in hos- pital, special thanks to Dr's Read and Waldron and the hos- pital staff. Dorothy Taylor. 1 6c Sincere thanks and apprecia- tion to everyone who remem- bered me with letters, cards, flowers, treats and visits while I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital. Special thanks to Cre- diton EUB church members, Crediton Women's Institute members, and my 13 Councilor. — Mrs. Ruth Geiser. 16c Mrs. James Hume and family wish to thank all their friends and relatives for their acts of kindness, messages of sym- pathy and floral tributes, dur- ing their recent bereavement. Special thanks to Dr. D. Smith and Dr. Eater, Miss Claypole and nursing staff oeSouthHiiron Hospital. 16* I would like to thank friends and relatives for treats, visits, cards and plants while in South Huron HOspital. Special thanks to Dr. Gans and nursing staff, —Mrs. Lorne Johnston. 16c By MRS. J. TEMPLEMAN LIONS CLUB Paper Drive JANUARY 22 PLEASE PILE YOUR PAPERS ON THE BOULEVARD FOR PICKUP. The anneal meeting of producer members of the Middlesex Hog Producers' Association will be convened at the hour of 1 p.m. E.S.T. on Thurs., Jan. 30 1964 ILDERTON COMMUNITY HALL for the purpose of the proper business of the annual meet- ing, the elections of officers, the election of voting repre- sentatives. Between the hours of '2:00 o'clock and 3:00 o'clock in the afternoon of the above mentioned date, NOMINATIONS for county committeemen under the Ontario Hog Producers' Marketing Plan will be held. Amendments to the county constitution will be considered with a vote of two-thirds of the county producers present necessary for adoption. Producers may examine the pro- posed amendments before the meeting at the secretary's home, Kerwood. LUNCHEON 12 NOON $1.00. Tickets available from township director. Joseph Conlin George Cuddy Secretary RR President RR 3 Kerwood, Ont. "We've something BIG in store for you on JOHN DEERE BAY" Remember... John Deere Day is a Family Affair! Friday, Jan. 31, 2 and 8 p.m. EXETER LESGploOnNsoMEMORIAL HALL JOON TRACTOR & EOUIPMENT CO.. PHONE 235.1115 EXETER. By MRS, WELLWOOD GILL Mr. & Mrs. Alex Hamilton visited last weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Alex Jessiman, their son, Barry and Mrs. Barry Hamilton and Debbie at King- ston. Mr. & Mrs. Tom Baird visit- ed on New Year's Day with their daughter, Mrs. Carl Vanner & Mr. Vanner at Chatham. Mr. & Mrs. Ron Mitchell, Wayne and Dennis of Ailsa Craig and Mr. & Mrs. Wellweod Gill were birthday dinner guests Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. John Kowalchuck, Larry and Reed. Elmer Webb is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Gratton have left for Florida, At the WA meeting of St, John's-by-the-Lake the ladies decided to hold a sewing bee in the parish hall on Jan. 15. This will be missionary work. The ladies were each given one dollar talent money and will report at next meeting. They are also having a Bridge and Euchre on Friday, Jan. 17 at 8:30 pm kin the Parish Hall. The UCW evening unit meet- ing was held Monday with 22 ladies present. Mrs. Ken Roberts conducted the worship service assisted by Mrs. E. A. McMaster and Mrs. Wm, Brenner. Rev, C. A. Brittain gave an enlightening talk on organiza- tion of the United Church of Canada. Mrs. wrri. sturdevant conducted the business. It Was decided to have the annual bazaar as usual. It was announced that the general meetings this year lie held Tuesday evenings and that the study book be discussed at this meeting. Other projects were discussed but left over till next Meeting. Luech was served by Mrs. Alan Heriirelneway and her com- mittee. AFTERNOON UNIT The afternoon unit met last Thursday with 16 ladies pre-. sent. Mrs. Wellwood Gill assisted by Mrs. Douglas dill gave the opening worship. Rev, trittain also spoke at the afternoon Unit on the organizations of the United Church; Mrs. Myrtle McGregor and Mrs. Rosa Gregg will be in Charge of February meeting, Roll call will be the name of e ehet-ln to be visited. Mrs, Alex Hamilton was ap- pointed assistant unit feeder: Mrs. RayMond Kading con, ••••••••••,k,,..,, Clandeboye tloyd, Pc.;irgns- k.)9.rno-inpoctor PPY0 Treble Parsons,. 68, A.11fe-long reeident.o.f.thisCom., inniiitY, died. in SPOT leeiree Hospital, Tueeeey, January 14, He had beee in ill health ,fo sonic time•. r Son of the late Mr. and Mrs.. Sein Parsons, Highway 4, south .of Exeter, he married Jennie Passinore of Usborne and they farmed in, Vsbprnp. Township until moving to Eepter in June lOfie• Mr. Parsons was for a time warble fly inspector for leee borne, Surviving .epeides nie wife are two daughters, Mrs. Max- Me Kovacs., Loedpn, and Miss Joan et home, two, eerie, .pouge las. and Jack, Exeter; two cis? tern, Mrs. Edith Riehards, Ex- eter, and Mrs, William Gar- diner, Meaford; four brothers, Roy, near Exeter 1 Frank, 1313. Heneell, Chester, Alberta, and Reg, of Janesville, Wis., and 16 grancichildree. Funeral service will be cone cleated by Rev. S. E. Lewis at the Hopper-Hockey funeral home, Thursday, January le at 2 pm, Interment will be in Exeter cemetery. BOWDEN (Intended for last week) Mr, & Mrs, Frei* Osborne and Robin with a daughter and eon-in-iaw, M. & Mrs, J. Rich- areson and family in Campbell? ford. On the way home they visited at the home oftheir son, Mr. and Mrs-Ralph Osborne in Toronto. Mr, & Mrs. Fred Cunnington and Miss Mabel Refoir with Mr, & Mrs. Howard Cenningt.on and family, Thames Road, Mrs, Arthur McFalls and Helen, Mr. & Mrs. W. Quinton and family, Mr. & Mrs. A. Gill- ey and family with MrS.SaMeon McFalls in Exeter, & Mrs. J. Thompson with Mr, & Mrs, Sherman Eaton and Bennie Louise in LondOn. Mr. & Mrs. j, Essery and. Ronald with Mr, & Mrs. Don Fisher, Exeter. Mr. & Mrs. Antos Wright with Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Neely And family in London on Sun? day, Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Schroeder and family with Mr. & Mrs. Orville Schroeder and family, Hyde Park. Mr. & Mrs, Russell Schroe- der with Mr. & Mrs. J, Schnee- der in London. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Bowden with Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Allison and family, Ailsa Craig. PERSONALS Miller Hawley and Hector Moran of Toronto were holiday visitors with the former's aunt and uncle, Mr. & Mrs. H. J. MacNeil. Marikay Hodgins spent a few days with Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Steeper and family at Cprbett. Susan and David Lilley of London visited during the holi- days with their grandmother, Mrs. Arthur McFalls, the for- mer for a week and David for a few days. Darell Fralick of Royal Oak, Michigan was a visitor for a few days with his uncle and aunt, Mr, & Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins. Mr. & Mrs. George Dunn re- turned home Friday after spending Christmas and New Years in Toronto with a son and daughter, Mr, & Mrs. Elmore Dunn and family, Mr. & Mrs. J. Paisley and David. Miss Marlene Overholt re- turned home Sunday after en- joying a week's vacation with her aunt, Miss Jean Overholt in London. Mr. & Mrs. Ray Shoebottom, Danny and Mary were Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Geo- rge Budcien in Woodstock. Janet Cunnington, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Howard Cunning- ton, Thames Road, visited for a few days last week with her grandparents, Mr, & Mrs. Fred Cunnington, By MRS, J.. H, PATQN By MRS. FREP 1.1c WSTIJPIFS MINA "The Light Of The World" 'Dance for Mr, 44. Mrs. CLARE 11QPPINP ( newlyweds) Aggfg-Mr, and Mrs, .,Tee Regiero Zurich, eneenieee the 1)11.111 of a daughter, Andre)", at South Heron Hospital, Jan- Nary 11 eietee for, Ron ald, Allan, Gary, Patrick, Marilyn, .Charleneand.Ponna, was the theme for the WershiP- serviee at the PQW meeting in the sclioolreeni of the church Thursday evening with Mrs. C. and Mrs, H. LiglitfOot presiding. Readings were given by Mrs. F, Qsborne and Mrs. George Dunn, Mrs. Alvin Essery fee vored with a piano solo, The study on Incite was taken by Mrs, H, Lightfoot. 'The new president, Mrs. K. Orel) was in the chair for the business. The annual reports were given. Membership fees were paid and it was decided to send a dona- tion of money to the Fisher River project in Canada. Social activities were outlined for the coming months. The hostesses were Mrs. Dunn, Mrs. Osborne, Mrs. Rol.- lines and Mrs. Lightfoot. MESSENGERS MEET The Messengers met in the schoolroom of the church on Sunday morning with Mrs. H. Smith and Mrs. S. Skinner in charge. Parts in the worship service were taken by the Wil- son children. The story was read by Mrs. Skinner. The boys and girls money making project for the year was the sale of Christmas cards, net profit realized was $91.65. PERSONALS Mr, & Mrs. Allen Nunn and family of Toronto visited with Mr. & Mrs. Victor Drought Sunday.Essery is visiting for Donald a week with his aunt and uncle, mr. & Mrs. G. F. Penwarden in Sarnia, Mr. & Mrs. Russell Schroe- der visited in London Sunday with their son-in-law, Lloyd Hewitt, who is a patient in Vic- toria Hospital. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Taylor of Exeter were Saturday evening visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Fred Bowden, en ' Mrs. Theresa Maloney re- turned to her home in Seaforth Sunday after spending a few days with Mr. & Mrs. Victor Over- holt and family, Mr. & Mrs. Duncan Tindall of Listowel were Sunday visi- tors with Mr. & Mrs. Murray Abbott. INTENDED FOR LAST WEEK Sunday visitors with Mrs. Fred Harrison and Wayne were Mr. & Mrs. Verne Smith, Exe- ter, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Harri- son and Tracy, Lucan, Miss Carol Bratrud, Mr. & Mrs. Roy Harrison and Debbie. Mrs, Fred Harrison and Wayne, Miss Carol Bratrud were visitors with Mr. & Mrs. R. Harrison and Tracy in Lucan New Year's Day. Mr. & Mrs. Roy Harrison and Debbie spent New Years with Mr. & Mrs. Joe Hodgins and family in St. Thomas. Mr, & Mrs, Joe Hodgins and family of St. Thomas wereSun- day visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Roy Harrison. Debbie returned home with them following a few days visit with her aunt arid uncle in St. Thomas. Music by WILSON'S ORCHESTRA Everyone Welcome EXETER AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING SOUTH HTIRONpisTgioTHioll. SCHOOL Trave l Club Are sponsoring Car Wash Jan. 24 LARRY SNIPER'S GARAGE 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. PRICE $1.00 SOUTH HURON DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL By MRS. WM. WALTERS The Winchelsea Euchre club held their first party Monday evening at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Phil Hern with four tables playing. Prizes went to: ladies' high, Reta Campbell; men's high, Bill Walters; lone hands, Ivan Brock; consolation, John Cow- ard. Mr. & Mrs. Colin Gilfillan and family visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Smith of Crediton. Mr. & Mrs. Phil Hern and family visited Sunday with Mr, & Mrs. Kenneth Hern and family of Exeter. Formal THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Trivitt Memorial, Exeter The Rev. J. Philip Gandon, Rector Robert Cameron, Organist Sunday, January 19 EPHIPHANY II 8:00 a.m.—Holy Communion 10:00 a.m.—Senior Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer, Junior Sunday School 7:00 p.m.—Evening Prayer All members of Trivitt are urged to attend the "Octave of Prayer" services to be held each evening, Monday to Fri- day — See separate notice for place of each service. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Main at Hill St., Exeter Minister: Rev. John C. Boyne, B,A., B.13, Organist: Mrs, Murray Keys Sunday, January 19 10 a.m.—SUNDAY SCHOOL 11 a.m.—CHURCH SERVICE You are invited to worship with us. Nursery available for pre- school children. Remember t h e Week of Prayer Services this coming week in the Exeter churches. Monday, January 20 Friday, January 24, at 8 p.m, Wednesday, January 22, at p.m. in our church with Rev. J. P. Gander". Exeter Town Hall THURS„ JAN. 23 2 P.M. Directors will meet at 1:30 p.m. Whitney Coates, President Garnet Hicks, Secretray Bake Sale Saturday, January18 at 2:30 P, m. Jake's Plumbing & Heating Store SPONSORED BY O,E.S. ANNUAL Bridge & Euchre Party Legion Hall Jan. 23 a t 8:30 p.m. Lunch will be served ADMISSION 75e Sponsored by Women's Auxil- iary to South Huron Hospital. BIRTHS — VANNESTE Mr., and Mrs,, Marcel Vanneete) RR 2 KIP- pen, announce the birth oft. daughter, Cathy Denise, at South Heron Hospital, Jan- uary 10 a stster for Linda and Brenda, Hilly visited Mrs. Slgswprth Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday at. St, Joseph's Hospital. a nd cl ri..4nane%Mterrst4iMzvti tritpCos.,rftaer, mily Sunday: Mr. & Mrs. Bill y en Walden, M° Ira: 4h431-1M r, sM, Dou g lasr. Mrs. HiejeancilCe etWtehnici4elld"tliele 14FPl ti:heillitratiPi-ci clay celebration of Miss Mar- JADE JC Agrb, Corbett co_ mmvnity Ha C arlyle Cereer, jimmy ANON- every Sunday in Hyde Park. Friday/ Jan.17 Carter and Karen of London. garet Routledge At Hyde park Saturday evening, Miss Route Wee is a former mipeimiary. She attends church ofleosannae CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Minister: A. J. Stienstra, S.D. 10:00 a,m.--Worship Service (English) 2:15 p.m, Worship Service (Dutch) 6:15 p.m.—Back To God Hour CHLO (680 Kc.) MAIN STREET United Church of Canada Minister; Rev. R. S, Hiltz, B.A., M.Th. Organist; Mrs. F. Wildfong, A.L.C.M. 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School for all ages 11:15 a.m.—Morning Worship Sermon: "Hope" beginning a series of messages con- tinued through the week, at various churches. Nursery provided. Monday, Jan 20-24 Services for Christian Unity. (See else- where for places of each serv- ice.) ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren CREDITON A. M. Schlenker, Pastor Sunday, January 19 10:00 a.m.—Morning Worship 11:15 a.m.—Sunday School 8:00 p.m.—Bible Study Hour Feb. 14 Dancing 9-1 Music BY JOHNNY DOWNS Euchre and Dance Lucan Arena Jan.17 at 8 p.m. CAFETERIA LUNCH Music by The Ramblers ADMISSION 75e Sponsored by St. Patrick's Church, Saintsbury EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH In Bethel Reformed Church Huron St. E. Pastor: W. Stephenson, B.Th. •11:15 a.m.—Sunday School 7:30 p.m.—Worship Service Sermon: "Four Questions Answered" Wed. 8:00 p.m.—Prayer Service Nursery for young children. By MRS. HAROLD DAVIS CONTINUES STUDY Mrs. Roger Urquhart pre- sented the study at the UCW meeting held at the home of Mrs. T. Elliott. It was decided to continue the birthday box, quarterly teas and Bible study at the 1964 meetings. Membership fees were paid in answer to the roll call. Mrs. Earl Watson led in the worship service and was assist- ed by Mrs. Fred Switzer and Mrs. Lorne Marshall. Mrs. Alex Crago favored with a piano instrumental. President Mrs. C larence Switzer closed the meeting, ENTERTAIN FRIENDS Every member was respon- sible for bringing a guest to the meeting of "The Class That Counts" of the UC church Thursday evening, Jan. 9. Mrs. Ronald Denham led in the worship service and was assisted by Mrs. Roger Ur- quhart, Mrs. Ross Robinson, Mrs. Earl Watson and Mrs. Raymond Paynter. Mrs. Char- les Baillie led in a singsong. Crokinole was played with high count going to Mrs. Wes Neil; most 20s to Mrs. Gordon Johns and consolation, Mrs. Ronald Shamblaw, BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH Huron Street East R. Van Farowe, Minister 10:00 a.m.—Worship, and the Lord's Supper, Dutch. 2:00 p.m.—Worship, and the Lord's Supper, English, 3:15 p.m.—Sunday School Friday, 8:00 pan. —Chur c h night: Speaker, Mr. Gerrit Vandeworp, Kitchener. EXETER PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Larry Talbot, Pastor Sunday, January 19 9:45 a.m.--Sunday School 11:00 a.m,—Morning Worship 7:30 p.m.—Evangelistic January 20.24 Week of Prayer Services conducted by the Ministerial in various churches. JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. S. E. Lewis, M.A., B.D. Minister Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M. Organist and Choirmaster 10 a.m.—SUNDAY SCHOOL All Departments 11 a.m.—MORNING SERVICE Communion Sermon: "This wonderful privilege and the far-stretch- ing horizons it discloses" Anthem by the Choir Nursery for babies and Jun- ior Congregation for children 4, 5, 6 years. Next week the Ministerial invites us to the Week of Prayer Services of the world. wide Church, THAMES ROAD MENNONITE CHURCH S. M. Sauder, Pastor 10:30 a.m.—Morning Service 11:15 a.m.—Sunday School and Adult Bible Class Visitors Welcome 5:30 p.m.—CHLO Mennonite Hour. Remember Week of Prayer beginning Monday night at our church. Speaker: Rev. Lewis. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Pastor: Rev. William Gatz Sunday, January 19 9:45 a,m.—Sunday School 10:00 a.m.—Bible Class 11:00 a.m,—Divine Service Exeter Service 8:45 a.m.—Divine Service 10:00 a.m.—Sunday School EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH DASHWOOD Minister: Rev. M. J. ,James, B.A., S.D. Sunday, January 19 10:00 a.m,—Morning Worship 11:00 a ,m.—Sunday School ducted the business. The World's Day of Prayer was dis- cussed and will be held this year at the EUB church in Dashwood on February 14 at 2 pm with other churches in community taking part. REC NEWS — Continued from page '7 all three Canadien counters. In the second game, the sur- ging Red Wings downed the Maple Leafs 3-1, Ron Linden- field, Ron Grasdahl and Jim Gentber shared goals for the Wings while Charles Boulianne scored the lone Leaf tally. In midget-juvenile 1 e ague play, Canadiens whipped the Siskins 8-4 and the Nationals edged Crediton 6-5. Larry Willert and Ricky Mc- Donald each scored three goals apiece for the Canadians. Hans Zeehuisen and Bryan Baynham added one each. Doug Taylor slapped home two of the Siskin tallies while Ken Davidson and Ron Cornish scored the others. Larry Stire's two goal effort sparked the Nationals to their 6-5 victory over Crediton. Tay- lor, Allan Thompson, Mark Hin- ton and Stan Lovie scored the others for the winners. For Crediton, Dick Colter Scored four goals. Jim Pfaff scored the other. PEE WEE SERIES Scores This Week: lied Wings 3, Maple Leafs 1 Black Hawks 6, Canadians 3 Standings Coming Events ANNUAL PANCAKE SUPPER — on Shrove Tuesday, February 11, at Trivitt Memorial Parish Hall from 5:30 pm to '7:30.16c SOCIAL EVENING —Tr iv itt Memorial Anglican Church so- cial evening of dancing and card games, sponsored by BAC in the Parish Hall, on Friday, Jan, 17 at 8 pre. Admission $1.00 per couple, Lunch provided. All the congregation invited. 160 DESSERT EUCHRE -- Tr ivi tt Memorial Peri eh Hall, Wednes- day, February 5 at 2 pm. Ade mission 50e. 16c MARCH OF DIMES --Conduct- ed by Exeter Legiori Ladles Auxiliary, Monday, February 3. 16c WLTP 5 2 0 10 4 2 1 9 3 3 1 '7 1 6 0 2 Week of Prayer Services Sponsored by the Exeter Mintisteriai Jan. 20-24, at 8 p.m. SERMON CHURCH SPEAKER SUBJECT MONDAY Mennonite Rev. S. E, Lewis "Guidance" TUESDAY Main St. United Rev. S. M. Sadder uPrayerh WEDNESDAY P reebyterien Rev, Jas, P. Gandon "Love" THURSDAY Pentecostal Rev. It, Yan FaroWe FRIDAY A nelleati Rev. Min C. Boyne ,,Thought's 1 Tim, 2:8 'l will therefore that hien pray every where's Come and join with us In prayer, EUCHRE ---Sponsored by Dash- Wood WI in Dashwood commit , nity Centre Jen 29, 8 pit. Ad- mission 50. Lunch provided, 16e Mrs. Ieerie Dow and Nelson and Mr. 84 Mrs, Andrew Chris- tie left .Friday for a holiday id Arieceiti. Mrs. Mary Tertiplerrien is now a patient in AVon Crest hospital, Stretieed, Mrs. Jack Buteen 18 ,apatierit in Vittoria Hospital, London. Pupils and teachers froth SS NO. 1, 3,4, 5 And 6 Ilibbert TOWeship enjoyed a: skating Pert}, in Mitchell arena Friday afternoon: Miss Kaye Worded arid Lorne Fell attended the '50th antiiver sary conference of teiefentatiee Jetted& Farmers held in the!king Edward Hotel 'Toronto; Leafs Canadians Hawks Wings Future Games: Saturday, Jan. 18 8 a.m. Canadiens vs Red Wings 9 aett. Maple Leafs vs Black Hawks BANTAM SERIES Games This Week: Saturday, Jae. 18 11:30 Greerishirte vs Her- fiats 4:30 Canadiens vs Wolves MIDGET-JEVENTLE SERIES Thursday, Jan, 16 p.m. Siskine vs Nationals 8 p.m, Canadiens VS Creditors SQUIRT SERIES Saturday, Jan, 18 10:45 aeri, to 11:30 eon. ATOM SERIES Saturday, Jan. 18 10 eern. to 10;45 s.,rti. (7 yeate and ender) IOOF —The 1St Degree will be conferred on a number of can- didates in the Exeter Lodge rooms Nor 67 IOOF by the Exeter ist Degree team on Tuesday, jam 21, 1864. Also the drill tetinti will present their part. All members welcome, Noble Grand, Stanley Whiting, Rec.-Sec. Percy A, Moral's. 160 •