HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1964-01-16, Page 4By GORDON MORLEY
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Page 4 4044ary. 10, 190 .Kippen.nursa
Road sup'ts
discuss salt Cromarty
and district news
Mrs, Maude He;!den, Phone 5
Mrs. Archie MacGregor, Phone 56
0,10.470Ml .. • . 4_, ,Vg:
PS inspector
speaks to WI
LION. .posses
its allocation.
G, Burrows of Exeter,
public school inspector for
South Huron, was pest speaker
at Hensall WI Citizenship and
Educatipn meeting held last
Wednesday evening, speaking on
"A. year of Progress" compar-
ing education in England and
Canada. The speaker was intro -
duced by Mrs, John Corbett and
thanked by Mrs. James McAl-
Mr. Burrows, in addition to
a very informative and interest-
ing address, contributed two
solos. His accompanist was
Mrs. Ottewell.
Members answered the roll
call with "A memory of school
days". Mrs. McAllister con-
ducted a contest and the winner
was Mrs. Robt Elgie.
President Mrs. Beverly
Beaton presided for the busi-
ness, and Mrs. McAllister for
the program. Program conven-
ors were Mrs. James McAllis-
ter, and Mrs. John Corbett;
hostesses Mrs. James Ben-
gough and Mrs. John Skea. Re-
freshments were served.
Area Bible canvass
., nets. - 1,000 increase _ . -.,- - .--, ., - - - . _ ,., ,,„„„„44s increased the, people Of the Wild, A hew
40 contribution to the Canadian program, entitled Ifpcfcp4. Word
Bible Society by almost .0 POO for a New Age++ has been de,
overare :Qhre ).p9roeav ioi
res. $3,133,69, Contributions
Poe tt ro i ppruOtYlicloelnpegarr5eparpt14ya:19.0apai
tPres to Meet thePcpnlatien end
Weste rn ontarip distric t office :crease d circulation of scrip,
rePOrted this week. .1.
Total contributions' from the literacy. eXPlosion,,
compared to M.173,77 in 1.m, communities Me year,..09,0( a h 5d 91 :0Pcit
tet1M44Perrie41Pc;:haVeciw,PErPli'rMPYPi°Irle- ear,
47.001-9 0189:9:
uen:inpTphr alugne,04,4GdrwanpdoEheallildbt Creditors
-Lucan and Zurich communities, ,Dashwood
J, W. Carson, I.,cindon,preei, PlInlville and
pent of the dlstrict Poem' of Thanlee Road 8,of',!..,:9:5 03.:0:,095!
directors, is pleased with th e Exeter
"encouraging increase" over Grand Bend
the returns of previens years. Grantors
185,15 1,7373:05PQ "We are particularly happy OreenWaY
about the contributions from the Hensall
towns and villages of Western Kippen
6 Ontario," he said. - Kirkten-WoodhaM3704:.:00 0 000 1 18 5 65 :4 .„72 5 9
Money raised is to provide Lucan
the Christian scripturea in Varna-Goshen 63.0 120.0033 431015:03 01,
more than 1200 languages for Zurich
linrOtt County Road uperr,
Intendeate Association learned
about the producttch# marketing
and use of salt at their recent
Meeting in. Carlow,
The speaker, Gordon Muir of
Sifto Salt T.,td, Goderich, ane
awered a number of queatiena
from the members preeetat.
Tentative plena were made to
hold the next meeting in April,
1964, in Poderich as guests of
Dominion Road Machinery
Ltd. The annual meeting will be
held at this time, followed by
tour pf the plant,
A tour of the salt mines at
goderich in Jeep, 1964, Was
also considered and Mel v in
Good was apPOInted to make the
necessary arrangements for
both occasions.
Preeident William G. Mun-
dell, Bluevale, conducted the
meeting which included general
discussion of various Items of
interest to the superintendents.
The annual congregational
meeting pf Cromarty Prephya
tertan church was held Thurs-
day, Jantiary 9 in the chureh
Rev, J. C, Boyne acted as
chairman and Jim Miller as
secretary, Reports of the Mari-
ous church organizations were
read and approved. The trea-
surer's report showed a sue,-
eessful year financially, The
Church was renovated from top
to bottom. A new oil furnace
was installed and aluminum
windows were placed .on most
of windows,
Three new board members
were elected including Duncan
Scott, John Templeman and Jim
Laing and Wm, Harper retired
from the board.
Jelin Wallace anctRobert Car,
diner were named as auditors
for 1964. A motion was passed
that all groups appoint a repree
sentative to meet with the ses,
sion regarding plans for the
Miss Marie Sinclair HN left
last Wednesday by air fprCel
fernia Where she hasaceepted
poaitioa on the staff of the Stan-
ford Medical centre in Palo
Alto, California.
Mrs, Charles Eyre accom -
panied by her sister IOC. Re,
Bert McMichael of Walton spent
a few days lapt week at. Niagara.
Falls and attended the finneral
Friday of the late E. M. Ross,
M. 4: Mrs. Wayne Littleton
of Exeter were Sunday pests of
the latter's sister and brother,-
inelaW, Mrs. Russell Faber &
Mr. Faber,
Robert Thomson and Bert
were in Toronto on business
daring last week,
Mrs. Thomas Armstrong,
mother of Jame$ Armstrong of
Stella, a former resident of
Kippen, died last week in Owen
Spund Hospital in her 92nd year.
Alvin Taylor, son of Mr. &
Mra. Richard Taylor RR g, met
with an accident before Christ-
mas, causing his left foot to be
fractured. A cast was placed on
his foot and he is now able to
walk with the use of crutches.
Heads CF Chapter
Mrs. Jim Hyde of Hensall
was elected president of the
London Chapter of Cystic Fi-
brosis Foundation at a meeting
in London this week. Vice pre-
sident is George Bunion of
Petrolia. Other officers and
directors are from Lucan, Lon-
don, Tillsonburg, Ingersoll and
Watford, Mrs. Hyde's two-
year-old daughter Lisa is a
victim of Cystic Fibrosis.
UCW unit 4 met Thursday
afternoon, January 9, under the
leadership of Mrs. James Mc-
Allister, opening with a New
Year's message and prayer.
The devotional on Paul telling
how to make the most out of life
was taken by Miss M. Ellis,
assisted by Mrs. Jarvis Horton.
Rev. Harpid Currie, who gave
the address, spoke on New
Year's Resolutions with its
pointers, to include attending
unit meetings, commend, defend
one's faith, study, befriend, ex-
tend the Goapel and bring heal-
ing to the nations. The speaker
was thanked by Mrs. McAllis-
ter. Miss Joyce Flynn favored
with a piano solo.
During the business period
Mrs. W. B, Cross, in giving the
treasurer's report, stated that
this unit had gone well over the
top in their M & M allocation.
A tentative date for the annual
congregational meeting and
supper has been set for Wednes-
day, January 29, with this unit
to set tables in the afternoon.
The annual quilting bee is
planned for February in the
church. Mrs. Cross expressed
appreciation to the leader Mrs.
McAllister for her good work
during the past year. President
Mrs. Walter Spencer spoke
words of greetings and good
wishes for 1964. The executive
was in charge of the program
and lunch.
church centennial in. 1965, The
secretary As to select new ush-
ers .for the coming year,
The ;44104- Aid meeting was
held at the home of Mrs, Gerald
cerey, Vire, J. Scott preet,
ded and Mrs. Jas, Miller led in
A. few Itema, of business were
discussed. Mrs. T. Laing and
Mrs. ,Orate SPOtt were named
to represent the Ladies Aid on
the. centennial committee.
Mrs, T. L, Scott, Mrs, M.
Lamond and Mrs. Calder Mc-
Rats attended the annual meet,
ing of Stratford Presbyterial
which was held InKnoxPres.by-
Wien church, Stratford, frt.,
Hugh Scott of OAC Guelph
anent the weekend at the home
Of his parenta, Mr. & Mrs, T.
L. Scott,
Mrs. Jennie Fischer
Gnelph visited last week with
her brother, Russell Butler,
Charles Douglas is a patient
in Scott Memorial Hospital Sea-
Harry Norris has recovered
sufficiently to leave the hoapital
and is convalescing among the
members of his family.
Mr. & Mrs. Otto Walker and
Alex visited Sunday with Lorne
Wassman who is a patient in
South Huron Hospital, Exeter.
Carlyle Meikle has gone to
Agricultural College at Guelph
where he is taking a three
months' course in butter-
making. Mrs. Meikle and chil-
dren are at the home of her
parents Mr. & Mrs. .1, M. Scott,
Staff a.
All members of the family of
Mr. & Mrs. Otto Walker visited
with their parents during the
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Russell
left Tuesday on an extended
motor trip to Florida,
Gerald Carey is attending a
five day Dairy Farmers of Can-
ada convention at Charlottetown
Carmel WMS held its first
meeting of the year Thursday
afternoon. President Mrs. Earl
Campbell chaired the meeting.
Mrs. Malcolm Dougall con-
ducted the devotional using the
theme "Our Guide, The Bible".
Several members attended
the annual meeting of Huron
Presbyterial at Clinton Tues-
day, January 14.
At the Ladies Aid meeting,
several projects were discus-
sed including the annual bazaar
but no date was set.
Mr. & Mrs. Alf Moffatt, Mr.
& Mrs. Jerry Moffatt and Hea-
ther spent New Year's day with
Mr. & Mrs. Eldred Moffatt
and family at Lambeth.
Mr. & Mrs. Orland Johnston
of Clinton were New Years visi-
tors with Mr. & Mrs. Elgin
Mr. & Mrs. David Triebner
entertained their neighbors on
New Year's night. Progressive
euchre was enjoyed by six coup-
les. On Saturday evening they
entertained some of the hunters
and their wives.
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Moore and
family of Woodstock, Mrs. Rena
Caldwell and Jack of Hensel].
spent New Year's day with Mr.
& Mrs. Vern Alderdice and fa-
Mrs. Spencer Jeffery of Staffa.
Bill Slavin of Hamilton, who
has spent the Christmas holi-
days with his parents, Mr, &
Mrs. Tom Slavin, returned to
Hamilton Technology school,
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Lostell
and family of Exeter visited
New Year's Day at the home of
Mr. & Mrs. J. Lostell and fa-
Mr. & Mrs. John Verburg
and Johnnie of Auburn were with
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Van Wierren
New Year's day.
Christmas was c el ebrat-
ed Sunday Dec. 29 at the home
of Mr. & Mrs. John A. Cooper,
Highwa.y 4, when 42 members
of the Cooper families were
During the service at St.
Andrews United Church onSun-
day, a hymnary was dedicated
in memory of the late Mr.
J. W. McLean by Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Porter of St. Marys.
Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Parsons,
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Parsons and
Larry of Cromarty, Mr. & Mrs.
Herb Jones, Hensall, Mr. &
Mrs. Pieter Zwaan and family
spent New Year's with Mr. &
Mrs. Harold Jones and sons,
Mr. & Mrs.' Leonard Lovell
and family visited New Year's
day with Mr. Allen Parker and
Mr. & Mrs. George Parker of
Chatham and remained a few
Mrs. Pearl Love and Wayne,
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Love and
Elaine were Sunday guests with
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Jones and
Help to sponsor
education trips
The Amber Rebekah Lodge
meeting was held Wednesday,
January 8 with Noble Grand
Mrs. Clarence Volland presi-
It was decided that Amber
Lodge would help sponsor a
student in the district to the
United Nations and also to attend
the World's Fair in New York.
This is a district project of the
Oddfellows and Rebekahs.
After lodge eight tables of
euchre were played and the win-
ners were: ladies, Mrs. Wm.
Smale, Mrs. Norval Reid; men,
Ken Elder, Ross Richardson. In
a draw for a cup and saucer
Mrs. Hugh Hendrick of Kippen
was the winner; in draw on the
box of groceries, Garnet Rous-
seau of Hensall was the winner,
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Hamilton
and Mrs, Gerald Hamilton of
Lucan visited with Mrs. Walter
Morley and family Sunday.
Miss Verna Greenlee and
Bert Greenlee spent Friday
evening with Mr. & Mrs. Roy
A euchre party will be held at
St. Marys churchbasementSat-
urday, Jan. 18 at 8 pm.
Mr. & Mrs. Leon de Potie
of London visited with Mr. &
Mrs. Harold Lee and family
Sunday visitors with Mr. &
Mrs. Goldwin Glenn and family
were Mr. & Mrs. Bill Simpson
of Ailsa Craig.
Hon. Charles S. MacNaughton
of Exeter, Minister of High-
ways, is to be guest speaker
at Ailsa Craig UC Men's Fel-
lowship Friday, January 1'7 at
8:30 pm,
The surveyors for the Lake
Huron pipeline have been work-
ing last week west of Brinsley.
Mr. & Mrs. Roy Schenk and
Jill, and Mr. & Mrs. Laverne
Allison visited with Mr. Ernie
Lochner who is a patient inPe-
trolia Hospital.
A UCW inaugural service will
be held at Brinsley UC, Sunday,
January 19.
(Intended for last week)
Misses Shirley and Sandra
Reid, Who spent some of the
Christmas holidays with their
parents, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas
Reid, returned to Toronto and
were accompanied by Heather
who enjoyed a week with her sis-
New Year's visitors with Mr.
& Mrs. J. Lostell, Susie Mae
and Lloyd were Mr. & Mrs.
Ross McNichol, Barbara and
Janice, Mr. & Mrs. Donald
Smale, Seaforth, Mr. & Mrs.
Harold Parsons, Seaforth, Mr.
& Mrs. GlenSturgeon, Jo-Anne,
Hayfield, Mr. Wayne Pridham,
Misses Margaret Elgie,
Sharon McBride and David
Cooper, who are attending UWO,
and have spent the Yuletide sea-
son with their parents, return-
ed to London on Sunday evening.
Linda Roberts eight and one-
half month old daughter of Mr.
& Mrs. Edward J. Roberts was
admitted to South Huron Hos-
pital on Friday.
Mr. Wayne Pridham, Miss
Susie Mae Lostell were New
Year's Eve dinner guests at the
home of Mrs. Sterling Graham
and Andy McLean of Cromarty.
Larry Consitt, son of Mr. &
Mrs. John Consitt, is confined
to his home with chicken pox.
Mr. Bryan Finlayson, Oro-
marty visited a few days with
his friend Lloyd Lostell.
Miss Hazel Slavin enjoyed a
few days in Toronto last week.
Mr. & Mrs. Alex McBeath and
boys also Mr. & Mrs. Hugh
Hendrick and family spent New
Year's day with Mrs. A. Hunkin
of Exeter.
Mr. W. R. Cooper returned
home after spending a few days
in Toronto with his son and
daughter-in-law Mr, & Mrs.
Bud Cooper.
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth McKay
and family spent New Years
with an uncle and aunt, Mr. &
Mrs. John McEwen, Hensall,
Miss Jo-Anne Sturgeon, Hay-
field, visited in the holiday sea-
son with her grandparents, Mr.
& Mrs. J. Lostell, returning
home New Year's Day.
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Kercher
and Ross accompanied by their
daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
& Mrs. Jim Jordan of London,
spent New Years with mr. &
Men who give in if wrong, are
wise, men who give in if right
— are married.
Pork Shoulders Ham Loin Rolls Pot Roasts Roasts (Beef)
lb. 354 lb 894 112.594 113.454 lb 594
Kinettes prepare
for annual march'
Mrs. Jim Hyde, Hensall, was
hostess for the Kinette meeting
on Wednesday evening, Jan. 8.
President Mrs. John D e i tz
chaired the meeting with 100%
Mrs. Ron Wareing, chairman
of the March of Dimes, reported
that the canvass would take
place Tuesday evening, Feb-
ruary 4, at '7 pm. Mrs. Lorne
Hay is Chief Marching Mother
this year. A donation was made
to the March of Dimes.
Mrs. Homer Campbell won
the raffle and after lunch a
successful bake sale took place.
President Ted Mock chaired
the Hensall-Chiselhurst Young
Peoples Union meeting Sunday
A film on "Workshop For
Peace" was shown, Rev. Harold
Currie led a discussion on the
film's content, Games were un-
der direction of Miss Patricia
Supreme Brand
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The Legion Auxiliary meeting
was held Tuesday January 7 with
president Mrs. Wm. Smale in
the chair.
There will be a joint instal-
lation of officers with the Legion
Friday, January 17 at the Legion
Hall. The Auxiliary will canvass
the village for the Red Cross in
March and will cater for aban-
quet for the 4-H leaders January
The mysteryprize was won by
Mrs. Wm. Forrester and the
guessing contest by Mrs. Helen
Roberts. Bingo was played and
lunch servo"
Mrs. Verna Twitchell has
returned from a two weeks visit
with her daughter and son-in-
law, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Liocomo
and family of Windsor.
Mr. & Mrs. Wm. C. Smith,
Fred Broadley, and Jim Taylor,
left Monday of this week by jet
to attend the National Mobile
Home Show at Louisville, Ken-
tucky, which lasts for a week.
Mr. & Mrs. Smith expect to
spend the weekend in Florida.
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Smith
of Marlette, Mich, are visiting
at the home of their son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. & Mrs.
W. C, Smith and family, Janie
and Scott.
Miss Caroline Cook who re-
cently underwent an appendec-
tomy at St. Joseph's Hospital,
London, is recuperating.
Mr. Albert Alexander is a
patient in South Huron Hospital,
Mr. & Mrs. William H. Bell
spent the weekend with relatives
in Toronto. Mrs. Monteith re-
turned to her home in Toronto
after visiting with Mr. & Mrs.
Rev. D. J. Lane of Clinton
conducted service in Carmel
Presbyterian Church on Sunday.
Mr. Sam Oesch, who is a
patient in Clinton Public Hospi-
tal, is improving following a
heart attack.
Mrs. Eleanor McKenzie is
holidaying in St. Petersburg,
for the winter months.
Miss Carolyn Cook, daughter
of Mr. & Mrs. Robt Cook, under-
went an appendectomy operation
at St. Joseph's HOspital, Lon-
don, Thursday.
"Sorry, but I can't fall down
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than that!" Kernel Corn 14-0Z. TINS
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