HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-12-24, Page 6STAN FRAYNE
MMTER; PHONE 235-13416
.".?.6 all of you,
from all of us
a chorus of warm wishes
foe a New Year
with happiness.
Page Opc0m4er 24, 1963
wife Area 'fetes posto_..
More than 290 friends anti
relatives visited the home of, he
Rev. and Mrs. Harold Thomas
Kendrick in eaforth..S1P1(14Y.,'
Afternoon to .extend. copgratula,
tlons and best wishes to the
couple on the occasion of their
golden wedding anniversary..
Married Dec„ 16, 1013, Rev.
and Mrs. Kendrick have resident
inthis areafortliepast g0 year$
and have become well lqwwn. in
the surrounding district. Rey.
Kendrick was responsible for
the building of p e ate c stal
churches in Exeter and Clinton.
He was the Exeter cortgrega,,
tion's minister from .1943 until
1954, when the couple Moved to
Seaforth, where Rev, Kendrick
also built a pentecostalchurch.
Mr, Kendrick was born in
London, England, and his wife
the former Eileen Agne.s Lynch,
was born in Northern Ireland,
They met and married in New
York City and shortly after
moved to Guelph where they
resided until moving to Exeter,
A family dinner at the Dom-
inion Hotel, Zurich, Saturday
evening was the occasion for
the presentation of gifts from
their children, grandchildren,
and great grandchildren. Sunday
Morning members of the family
attended service at Clinton Pen-
tecostal Church wher e Rey.
Kendrick is minister.
For the open house during the
afternoon, gold chrysanth e-
mums and gold tapers centred
We hope your
Yutotide glows with
happiness and
990 cheer and: all
your (toys, are
bright KIPS,
. . . photo by Phillips
Pretty punch for holiday parties
There are seven grandchil-
dren, two of whom resided here
with Rev. and Mrs. Kendrick,
Eileen (Mrs. Wm. Flannigan),
Hamilton, and Harold, London.
The couple also have two
great grandchildren.
Guests were present from
Guelph, Downsview, Shakes-
peare, Toronto, Oshawa, Clin-
ton, Goderich, Ripley, Exeter,
St. Marys, Centralia, Lucan,
Glencoe, London, Sarnia, Ham-
ilton, Winnipeg, Stratford and
1 can (12 ounces) apricot nectar
2 Cups orange juice
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 quart carbonated lemon-lime soda
Try glazing your fruit cake
this Christmas say the foods
department of Macdonald Insti-
tute, Guelph. A glaze provides
fewer calories and permits the
true flavor of the cake to pre-
dominate. For a dark cake use
a mixture of 1 part molasses to
4 parts water; far a light cake
use 1 part slightly beaten egg
white to 4 parts water. Brush the
glaze on as soon as the cake
comes from the oven and then
return it to the oven for a few
the lace,covered tea table and
among those pouring tea were
Mrs. Amy Cope of Oshawa. Rev.
Kendrick's sister; and his sis-
ter-in-law Mrs. Charles Greg-
ory of Guelph, Guests were
received by Rev. and Mrs. Ken-
drick assisted by their daugh-
ters, Miss Alice Kendrick and
Mrs. Pete Durand.
Among the many gifts the
couple received was a beautiful
table lamp, from the Exeter
P ent ecost al congregation.
Cards and telegrams of congra-
tulations were received from
many well-wishers and special
messages came from; the Hon.
Lester B. Pearson, the Hon.
John Diefenbaker; the Hon.
George Drew; the Hon. John
Robarts, the Hon. Charles Mac-
Naughton, L. E. Cardiff, Huron
MP and Alfred D. Hales, Wel-
lington South MP.
Rev, and Mrs. Kendrick have
six children, Miss Alice Ken-
drick, Seaforth; Harold, Jr.,
Guelph; Lionel, Lucan; Ruth
(Mrs, Pete Durand), Exeter;
Kenneth, Glencoe, and Stephen,
Christmas rose
famed in legend
Blooming in the heart of win-
ter and sometimes even in snow,
the Christmas rose is a plant
famed in legend.
According to an old story, a
poor little shepherdess had no
gift to offer the Christ Child, and
so she wept. When her tears
touched the ground, flower s
Delighted, she plucked an
armful and hastened to the In-
fant, The caress of His fingers
turned the petals pink,
Botanists class the Christ-
mas rose as a member of the
buttercup family. Nat i v e to
southern Europe and Western
Asia, it has leathery, dark green
leaves and large saucer-shaped
tr.P.Ai•ataYAt tq:esi•-•-•,•746•0KI•lc;i•cft•zV,t?f,,tv!•.{4•.t:..iltf•Aio
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• From All of Us At
A & H Christmas greetings!
Our Christmas card this year
expresses a wish that I pass on
to all of you: May the beauty of
Christmas be an inspiration to
you throughout the year.
It was Henry Van Dyke who
said that "It is a good thing to
observe Christmas Day, But'
there is a better thing than the
observance of Christmas Day
and that is keeping Christmas."
An attractive accompaniment
for turkey, or any fowl or ham
can be quickly made with tinted
apple slices. Here is a simple
recipe recommended bythe De-
partment of Agriculture.
2 cups sugar
2/3 cup water
1/3 cup vinegar
1 stick cinnamon
B whole cloves
1/8 tp red food coloring
3 pounds apples
Combine all ingredients ex-
cept apples. Bring to a boil and
boil 5 minutes. Peel, core and
cut apples in thick slices. Add
about one third of the apples at
a time to the syrup. Bring to a
boil and simmer until barely
tender, 4 to 6 minutes.
Remove slices from syrup,
place in a jar and pour remain-
ing syrup over them. Cover
tightly and store in a cool place
to allow spices and color to
penetrate the fruit. Makes about
1 quart.
An attractive and flavorful
We're wishing you
an absolutely heavenly• —
Christmas bright
as a star, carefree„
as a cloud.
Beauty Lounge
244 MAIN ST, 235-1533
jelly mold can also be made with
cranberries in apple juice.
2 cups cranberries
2 1/2 cups apple juice (20 oz can)
2 tbl gelatin
3/4 cup sugar
few grains of salt
Combine cranberries and 1.
cup apple juice, bring to boil
and cook gently for 5 minutes of
until cranberries are soft.
Meanwhile soak gelatin in 1/2
cup apple juice for 5 minutes.
Press cranberries through a
To sieved cranberries add
the remaining 1 cup apple juice,
sugar, salt and heat to boiling
point. Add gelatin and stir until
dissolved. Pour into a ring
mold. Chill until firm. Garnish
with cottage cheese.
Perms , Cuts . Sets . Tints For Everything In The Hardware Line
PHONE 235-2190 EXETER Cathy ROBBINS, Prop.
z.gii.piaiwiita.vrow•JawaizOlk2410•Wiv.P..01.cos0.1t,41%!***im•PtAvKitl.P4PAroWiet.PkImiv.POt-No ti.wilio.rgt.N Modern Beauty Salon
Here is an unbaked Christmas
cookie recipe which can be made
at the last minute. It's good.
Into a buttered saucepan put:
1 cup brown sugar
1 egg (slightly beaten)
1/2 cup fine coconut
1/2 cup chopped nuts
1/2 cup chopped maraschino
1 cup chopped dates
1 tp vanilla
1 tp almond flavoring
2 tp juice of maraschino cher-
Cook Over low heat Until it
thickens. Cool mixture, then
form bails and roll in fine co-
conut or in finely crushed nuts.
Keep in refrigerator.
We'd like to
set the air ringing
with our best wishes to
you and your family for
an abundance of love,
and good cheer all throuah the holidays.
Lorna Fleming
Brenda Brenner
Irwin 's Ladies Wear
Mrs. C, t. toyls, Robert Irwin, Mr's. Grate Wurrn
Mabel Skinner
PRONS 4g36..01b0 tktYltit
.„ .. : ..... ... . ....... . ...... . . ...... .. • ...
Teen activity
urged by WI.
Elimville WI. members think
its community's greatest need
is a better place, closer tollgate
for .young teen,agers recrea,,
Nine of the N. ladies in a roll
call at the last WI Meeting asked.
for recreation in some form for
the young people of the corn,
munity, One suggestedaskating
3 ink. One of these specified .an
outdoor rink, Another mention-
ed forming an organization for
Cubs or Scouts and still another
thought a baseball diamond was
needed for the teenagers, The
Others were not explicit in the
need as long as it was "some-
thing for young teenagers,"
One member thought water
facilities for the township hall
was a community need and it
might be a help with the first
Seven ladies expressed the
need for a lower speed limit
through winchelsea. Atthe pre-
sent, trucks are hauling gravel
for Highway 4 from the pit at
Kirkton and travel through the
village and past the school at
an excessive rate. They claim
"it is hazardous for anyone,
and especially for boys and girls
who ride bicycles to and from
school, to contend with this
speedy traffic,"
Three members felt the com-
munity's need centerea around
the church in that a sidewalk
was needed from Main Street
to it and two others expressed
a need for cleaning out and re-
moving shrubbery behind the
church and cemetery.
Street lights were needed in
the village according to one
member and more industry in
the community seemed to be the
need as expressed by another.
These needs are not inacces-
sible if someone leads the way.
R.k kerng
to ali our friends!
To offer refreshments as gay as the decorations adds to the fun for parties more common
during this holiday season than at any other.
A suggestion is to prepare a big bowlful of punch, festively red and green, full of delicious
fruit flavors and garnished with fluffy mounds of instant powdered skim milk.
This Christmas Lime and Cherry Punch is the prettiest addition to the festive table.
(Makes 14 punch cup servings)
Green food colouring
2 1/2 cups cherry whipped instant
pasteurized powdered skim milk
Red maraschino cherries, halved,
for garnish
Mix apricot nectar, orange and lemon juices in punch bowl. Just before serving, add soda
and enough food colouring to give punch a lime green colour. Top punch with mounds of cherry
whipped instant pasteurized powdered skim milk, given below, and garnish with halved cherries.
1, Mix 1/2 cup instant pasteurized powdered skim milk with 1/2 cup ice water in bowl.
2. Whip until soft peaks form (3 to 4 minutes). Add 2 tablespoons lemon juice,
3. Continue whipping until stiff peaks form (3 to 4 minutes longer).
4. Gradually add 1/4 cup sugar and 1/4 cup chopped and drained red maraschino cherries.
From all of us to all of you, in gratitude and
deep appreciation for your continued friendship,
Shining across
the ages, the
Star of Bethlehem is ever a
beacon of hope and joy, guiding
all to fulfillment of the divine
promise 'Peace on Earth, Good Wilt
to Men." Let us be glad of heart
as we greet the hay Christmas season.
teeter Dairy
and Funetal .Seevite' ntEttit Exciet• Phone 2354113 PI-10A 236.121.44