The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-12-12, Page 11* Faberge Toiletries, Tigress, Woodhue and Flambeau * Chanel Perfumes and Colognes * DuBarry Seven Winds Colognes * Winclsong, Stradivari Cologne Sets • Brush and Comb Sets, Mirror Sets * Chocolates by Jenny Lind in beautiful picture framed boxes. A gift that is suitable for anyone. $2.25, $2.75, $3.50, $5.95 * Billfolds, Card Sets etc. MIDDLETON Drugs- with a JUST RIGHT TOUCH ! From 1941 to 1961 the size of the average Canadian farm increased from 237 acres to 359 acres. Centralia By MRS. FRED tZtOWOgN The church schoolroom was gaily decorated in keeping with the festive season Friday after- noon for the TJCW Christmas bazaar, tea and bake sale. Christmas music was played by Mrs. Kenneth liodgins and the bazaar was opened by the pastor, Rev, D, M, Guest. Mrs, Art hr McEalls and Mrs. Murray Elliott poured tea at the smorgasbord table. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Birtch and Mr. and Mrs. Helmuth of Paris were guests with Mr. amid Mrs. Murray Abbott Wednesday evening of last week. Bruce and Brenda Gaynor, returned home from St. Jo- seph's Hospital, London, Satur- day, having been hospitalized for a week following eye sur- gery. Mrs. Allan McLay of Ripley is visiting with her niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Powe and family. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Elston were Saturday evening visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Abbott. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowden were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jaques and Ste- ven and attended the musicale in the Zion West United Church Sunday evening. There will be two services in the church Sunday (Dec. 15), The White Gift service will be held in the morning and the CGIT will present the annual vesper service at 8 o'clock. 17 Properly For Rent 1-I3 EDIIOOM apartment, un- furnished, ea te ground floor, separate entrance. 90 Victoria St, W. Phone 235-130 4, 12: nano CENTRALIA DUPLEX near stores, bus, school, un- furnished apartments have conveniences, separate en- trances, new oil :furnace. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter, 235-1402. 2ltfne ...„ . SPACIOUS. 2-bedroom apart- ment., heated, furnished, '.sep- prate entrance. No pets Please. Apply 169 William St. evenings or phone 235-0736, 31tfne 18 For Rent FLOOR, SANDERS, electric, Beavers Hardware, phone 235- 1033, Exeter. 12:13tfne 20 Wanted To Rent COUPLE WITH BABY desire to rent or sublet nice, furnish- ed 2-bedroom suite or home, January-April. Prefer Exeter- Lucan area. Please reply to C. D. Westeott, Suite A, 1604 38 Street S. W. Calgary Al- berta. 12:19c 3 - BEDROOM or 2 - bedroom house or bungalow in or near Exeter. Occupancy January 1, 1964. Required for teacher at Public School Centralia RCAF Station. Reply to D. Hilton, Box 173 Bobcaygeon, Ont. 5:12:19c 25 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE of Farm Implements AT LOT NO. 19, N.B.C. HAY TOWNSHIP 2 miles north of Zurich on the Goshen Line, on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 14 at 1:30 p.m. the following: IMPLEMENTS - Oliver 600- 60 tractor with L.P.T.O., 2 years old, in A-1 condition; International 3 - furrow ace bottom tractor plow on rub- ber, nearly new; Im.H. 3-fur- row wide bottom tractor plow on rubber; International 2-fur- row tractor plow; Oliver 2- row corn scuffler; M.H. bean puller; John Deere cultivator on rubber; M.H. 15-disc fer- tilizer drill; Oliver 2-row corn planter with fertilizer attach- ments; 3-drum steel roller; rubber tire wagon; grain box; 3-section drag harrows; Mc- Cormick-Deering electric cream separator, like new; quantity of wood. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS - Westinghouse 11 cu. ft. re- frigerator with full top freez- er, like new; 3-piece chester- field suite with slip covers. TERMS: Cash. MICKEY FEJKL, Proprietor EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auct. 5:12e Ranked by value, Canada's ten leading export commodities in 1962 were: newsprint paper, wheat, lumber and timber, wood pulp, nickel, aluminum andpro- ducts, crude petroleum, iron ore, copper and products, uranium and concentrates. YOUR ONE- STOP GIFT CENTRE Cosy Bedroom SLIPPERS . • for the ENTIRE FAMILY. Many styles to choose from. Some lined with genuine Shearling, See The ever-popular KAUFMAN FOAMTREADS and the new "SHAGGY" TYPES for women and children , SNOW BOOTS - for a gift that you will be remembered by in the cold days ahead. Ladies' styles come in black, and brown nylon, suede, leather and genuine waterproofed. Your choice of heels - illusion, stack or flat. FOR THE MAN IN YOUR LIFE ... we suggest a pair of HARTT or SCOTT McHALE SHOES, or maybe a pair of "KEN WATSON" CURLING BOOTS. A gift certificate for him will mean that he can come in after the holiday and be properly fitted. SKATES . . . there's still time to trade in those second- hand skates on a new pair. TOP PRICES \ ALLOWED LUGGAGE SPECIAL . . . two-piece ladies' set by McBRINE at only $22.95 PER SET (single or in sets). Many others from which to choose. A TRAVEL SHOE-SHINE KIT . . By KIWI. Completes anyone's wardrobe. SMYTH'S Shoe Store Ltd. MAIN STREET EXETER 17 Properly For Rent 3-ROOM furnished apartment, electric range, refrigerator, hot and cold water on tap. No pets. W. C. Pearce, Real- tor, 86 Anne St. 12:12lifne 2-BEDROOM apartment, large rooms, ground floor. Phone 235-2620. 12c UPSTAIRS apartment, 2-bed- room, in Hensall, available Jan. 1, '64. Phone 88R12 Zur- ich. 12:19* 4-BEDROOM house in Exeter, available Jan. 1, '64. Apply Wm. Westlake, phone 235-2417 after 6 p.m. 12:19* APARTMENT, central loca- tion, furnished, heated. Apply Parker Apartments, Main St. Phone 235-0915. 12:12tfne 3 - BEDROOM cottage, unfur- nished, oil heat. Available Jan. 1. Apply 169 William St. or phone 235-0736 evenings or Saturdays. 12:5tfnc APARTMENT - 2 - bedroom, modern kitchen, 4,pc. bath; available Dec. 15. Elmart Apt's, Main St., Exeter. Phone Art Ganser 235-1505 days, 235- 2754 evenings. 12:5tfnc 2-BEDROOM apartment, heat- ed; available Dec, 31. Apply Attfield's Store, Crediton, 234- 6394. 12:5tfnc 2 - BEDROOM apartment, un- furnished, In the former Sim- mons apartment building. Available immediately. Phone 235-2012 after 6 p.m. 12:5tfnc APARTMENT - In Exeter, 4-room upstair apartment, modern conveniences, avail- able immediately. Phone 235- 1207 Exeter. Elmore McBride. 5:12e 16 Property For Sale 2 BEDROOM Modern home on Carling St. Nice kitchen, large bathroom. Full base. Ment with finished recreation room. Terms.. 4 HgDHOOM Wise on An- drew St, .completely remodel. ipd and has new oil furnace. A nice family home. FRAME HOUSE newly pov- ered with instil siding. New bathroom, 4 bedrooms, living room and kitchen, Full price $4,564 with terms, concrete driveway ,from the street to a large attached ga- rage This home could not now be built for the asking price, WANT AN INCOME-A com- pletely modernized older home located one block from Main. Street. A separate self con- tained apartment provides in- come enough to pay expenses. The let is large and well land- soaped. ON CARLING STREET, we have for sale a tidy 3-bed• room instil-brick home with full basement and oil heat. Aluminum storms, screens and doors. Asking price only $7,700.00 A LOVELY RED RUG brick home located on a corner lot. Attached garage and oil heat. Mortgaging can be arranged. LARGE 3-BEDROOM home with wood panel family room with natural fireplace, full basement, oil heat, attached garage, close to schools. Terms can be arranged. $2,500 down, THREE-BEDROOM brick, lo- cated one block from town, large living room with fire- place, full basement, oil heat. $600.00 for a 76' building lot. We can even let you have it for $50.00 down payment. FIRST MORTGAGES QUICKLY ARRANGED JOHN BURKE Limited DEVON BUILDING Phone 235-1863 28tfne IN LUCAN-Modern 1 storey, 2 - bedroom, newly painted home; garage, private drive. Owner moving to Ottawa. Phone 227-4775. 5:12:19e LARGE BRICK duplex house on Simeoe St, within 1 block of Main. For full information phone 235-0477 Exeter. 5:12nc COMFORTABLE HOUSE in Hensall to settle the estate of the late Edgar McQueen. Ap- ply to Edison Forrest, 267J3 Hensall. 5:12:190 EXETER - Brick duplex; each has conveniences; $3,000 down, balance per mo. owner take back the mortgage; oil furnace. Centralia brick du- plex, near stores, P.O., bus, school, abundance w a t e r, $2,800 down, balance per mo., new oil furnace. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter, 235.1402, Bill Armstrong, Salesman, 235-1376 2ltfnc C. V. PICKARD INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE 4-BEDROOM BRICK HOUSE, well located for schools. Nice- ly treed lot. House is well built and in good repair. Newly furnished kitchen and oil burning furnace. Reason- able taxes and price. A family house. BRICK HOUSE-This is one of the better homes in Exeter. In good repair inside and out. Large living room, dining room, den and a particularly attractive family room. Screened and glassed for year round comfort. Central loca- tion. Reasonable taxes. One quarter cash with owner hold- ing mortgage for balance. We will be pleased to give you service on your insurance needs, C. V. PICKARD 394 Main St. Phone 235-0310 10: 3tfnc Call JB At 1863 13 For Sale. 14 Wanted To Buy USED POWER cutting box, with or without pipes, Phone 235-1917, Lloyd Reynolds. 12* GOOD QUALITY HAY, alfalfa or clover. Phone 738-4343 or write H, Heaton, RR 1 Har- row. 12:234:16* SET OF Encyclopedia. Phone 235-2835. 12c 15 Wanted FREE - A home for puppies, Collie and Shepherd cross. Ap- ply Lon Hodgins, RR 3 Ailsa Craig. 12:19* 16 Property For Sale PaSsenger train,. 4 car American flYer, 25.' of track, in .excellent .condition, Phone 45-2747.. 12c ........... REBUILT bYdrarnatie trans- 52. to 56; electric razors, .one With flex head; child's crib with mat- tress, Phone 235-0124. 12.* 3-PIECE c.II.esterfieicl, very clean. Phone 214 Zurich, 12* DACHSHUND PUPPY, male, black and tan, 3 months old: MrS„ .Alex MacIntosh, boye, Phone Lucan 227-4598, 12:19e 1 GIRL'S. BIKE; 1 boy's bike; 1 new tricycle. Phone 235-1447, 12c IFr‘fj[L[0 1 tAIITAIII 4 MUM LTD. • •t.nt, • • 11, EQ TE WI 6 YO DEM WE'RE READY 8 WAITING FOR YOUR COMMAND 100 ACRE FARM in Biddulph. $22,500.00. DUE TO HEALTH reasons, we have for sale the machine shop which is now operated by Marshall & Murray in Exeter, This is a well equip- ped shop with a steady busi- ness that could be increased by an experienced man. Please call for further partic- ulars, BRAND NEW 3 bedroom home with huge living room and stone fireplace. There is a two-car garage, and also a separate two-bedroom apart- ment which is rented. Terms can be arranged. BEAUTIFULLY landscaped new home in North End, Tastefully decorated and ex- pensive wall-to-wall carpet in dining and living room. A Times-Advocate, December 190 Page n White Gift service at ,Elimville church. .See the W1;00 Continned from pagg$ ing, sailing, deep sea diving, vuing, and soccer and tennis matches were Island-wide sports., Night clubs featured calypso music, the ..,S$0 and Shell Steel hands and limbo dancers, Perhaps even mergl enjoyed the frequent musical jam sessions at the beach and. house parties. Guitar, banjo, conge drums and m orr ocos formed a calypso background, Row pleasant to be lulled„to sleep by the surf, watch the remarkable greens and bines of the water, see the sunsets and the moon sparkle on the pink sand of our private beach. When my parents visited in August they fell in love with the island as I had. MY decision to leave necessitated selling my mobylette, It was like losing a part of me, Then as I watched the pastel houses, the gorgeous hues of the water and finally the OCW unit 4 -- Continued from. page 9. ()it ewell; press, Mrs. John Schroeder; group leaders, Mrs. Harry Jeffery, Mrs, Hector Murray, Mrs. Lyle Little, A film "The Prince of Peace" was introduced byMrs.. Schroeder, Mrs, Don MacGreg- or presided for the meetingand was assisted in the worship by MurrayMrs. and Mrs, Harry Jeffery. A reading was given by Mrs. Howard Holtzman, reefs •disappear beneath me I asked myself once again o. could leave this Paradise Isle?" But I know that someday I Will return to my friends, the Peacefulness and wholesome beauty that I knew in Bermuda. "What's the use of it ell?" sighed the rooster as lie leaned his head against the barn door, ,!Eggs yesterday; chickens to- day; feather dusters tomor- row." Farmers choir also attended. Wayne and Arthur Miller and Donnie MacGregor of Brantford spent the weekend with the for- merfs grandmother, Mrs. 0. Campbell, A number from this corn- Munity attended the musical program held in Zion West Church on Sunday evening spon- sored by their choir. Miss Kathryn Jane Faye of London has been staying several weeks with her great grand.. mother, Mrs. 0. Campbell. Emma; What's so special about a race horse? Jim: Why, he's one animal that can take a thousand or more people for a ride at the same time. By MRS. ROSS SKINNER ELIM VILLE The White Gift service was Observed Sands.), in a combined service. Mr. Elson Lynn, the Sunday School superintendent, assisted Rev, H, WilsonWiththe service, Miss Janet Herriread the scrip- ture and Mrs, Howard Pym read the story. The junior choir sang a Christmas carol and the junior boys, Michael Elforcl, Dennis Brock, Bobby Clarke and Jimmy Lynn took the offering. The CGIT members decorat- ed the church with Christmas scenery and also adorned the Christmas tree at the front. The Elimville YPU was held on Sunday evening at the Elim- ville Church. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Skinner, Larry, and Dale attended the 4-H Achievement Night at Clin- ton Friday evening. Miss Carol Johns a member of the Junior Beth's HAIR STYLING NEXT DOOR TO SANDY ELLIOT'S Open Tues., Wed., Thurs.,Sat., 9 to 6 Friday 9 to 9 We specialize in PERMS, COLOUR, SHAPING, SHAMPOOS & SETS For appointment phone 235-1452 Exeter PHONE 235-1570 EXETER cwortpiworcovvvwormcriww SHOP LINDENFIELDS For DAD It LAD Rreart NOTICE • As the holiday season approaches, adverse weather conditions sometimes place a maximum burden on our staff to maintain our high level of service to our customers. To avoid serious congestion during this peak sales period, we respectfully suggest that our customers pur- chase their requirements as early as possible. • BREWERS' WAREHOUSING COMPANY LIMITED OPERATING BREWERS' RETAIL STORES - STEVENS PUMP SHOTGUN * COOEY REPEATERS AND SINGLE SHOTS * SAVAGE & MOSSBERG AUTOMATIC 22's * Gun Cases * Hats * Knives etc. GIFTS FOR THE FISHERMAN Ina earning power that counts! THE BEST IN REEL BUYS! * Bronson * Mitchell Cup * Pflucger * Shakespeare SPIN CASTING RODS from $5.95 up Earning power depends on the ability of your truck to do the job at the lowest possible cost. That's where Chevrolet Trucks shine. They've been earning top money for owners on every kind of job, in every part of the country for many years. Your local Chevrolet Truck dealer has the right Chevrolet Truck (5,000 to 43,000 lbs GVW) with the right Chevrolet engine (90 to 252 hp) for your kind of hauling. No matter which one you need, you can be sure of this: it'll have plenty of power-earning power. That's the kind that counts! * LANDING NETS, CREELS, KNIVES etc. A General Motors Value •••t.11 • ••1•••0 • %DO, /. La. 04111/.. •,..4. • • ••,..,L 01/.1 4110 V"- Please hini October 22, 1963 for Christmas General Motors Products of Canada, Limited, Oshawa, Ontario., HAND AND POWER TOOLS • Disston Hand Saws * Stanley Nail Hammers * Stanley Surform Files • Swedish Wood Chisels Dear Sirs: We have been using Chevrolet Trucks since 1929 and at present 32 of the 39 units in our fleet are CheVrolets. Over the years we have found Chevrolet six cylinder engines to be the most practical for our fleet. The new 292 Cu, in. Six is the best performer yet. It has ample poWer, is easy to maintain and economical to operate', We rely on our Chevrolets for the dependability necessary in our year-round operation. Our drivers find CheVrolet TtUcks completely suitable for every type of job we handle, and I Cannot speak toe highly of the success we have had With Our Chevroleta, Yours very..truly. DOWELL'S CARTAGE & STORAdE, LTD', Fulton, Ant Manager. / 4-7 e BLUEBIRD DIAMOND RINGS BULOVA WATCHES MEN'S & LADIES' EL- ECTRIC SHAVERS TIMEX WATCHES, MEWS AND LADIES ALASKA DIAMOND FOR MEN AND LADIES CORO JEWELLERY STERLING PINS AND CUFF LINKS . ..... ..... The 292 Six- one of eleven job-proven 1964 Truck engines. * BLACK AND DECKER DRILLS $12.95 and up * BLACK AND DECKER SANDER $21.95 * BLACK AND DECKER JIG SAW $17.95 Lindenfields LTD. Don't Forget to Visit Our Big Toytown. Shop Early our Mock Is Going Easel PHONE 235-2361 EXETER MOZCONIACORCOMOVaiMig0:0Mg C. L. HARRIS FEED a SUPPLIES LTD. 5414.0141N ••4 NAM* 'Ian. LIES CHOWS 04104 DitYNO • WO COAM/NG Doyle,. In C•nrom, Sok Coal. Pouthr SoPphoi, Fir. COPETOWN, ow, OS Ontario, neral HAWA, Ge Motors Produots of Canada, Limited September 26, 1963 bear Sirs: We would like to eXpresa our SatistaOtion With our Chevrolet TrUcks. We haU2 between Toronto and Coeown and to farmers within 2 fiVe Miles s poth our plant. This IS a year-round operation on highwaya, cencestion and farm roada. Out 2962 truek has a stake body With hetet and hulk bloWer and is poWered bY a 348 V8 engine, The truck has coVered just oVer 30,000 miles and in addition the engine works about 10 hears Weekly oh built Unloading. We have had no engine trouble Of any kind, ell thet hae bees dons is regUlar routine tune-up hnd oil changes, There's Oenty or power Mileage IS very good, available even tor out heaviest loads. and gas We era well eatiafied With the all.,round perfermance of the truck and eapooially I to the engine. We haVe fouhd our operating Coats er than on pi,eoleueis, owned trucks and expeet Chevrolet Trtielt aehleve the Same resUlts with Our HEN, 'Yours truly, -.-•.-•-*4., /4-**, President t Sn d a ' emitnn CNEYBOIfI 1111 S. B. TAYLOR JEWELLER MORE TRUCK-MORE TRUCKS foe Be sure to watch Benanza each Sunday on the 650-TV network. Cheek your local listing for channel arid time, T-364e PHONE 235.0660 SHELL BROS. LIMITED ExeTER, oNT. 1.1•11•111•1••••• •••••• The store with the greeif and black front A good place toChriatrilaN shop. Att7.0.V!irar, ,T.X:ffW:2417123SIIPAO DON ROOTH IELECTMC :Oka" 235-0282.70 HURON W