HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-12-05, Page 13Pepe December 4 cs:in and district news Phom 1,11-4753 ,corrslopod,,nt; Miss Lino Abbott Rudy Engel Photo - Studio Portrpits Weddings Child Studies Family Groups Passport Photos Lucon Phone 227-4756 I contact the other teachers. They are enthusiastic. I contact the p r i nc i pal, Re is not, but -'lens it with the school board. The teachers ask the grade elevens bow many would Nice to see "My Fair Lady," the musical based on the play"Py- grealion," Which they are study- ing, About half the hands go up. When it is announced that we'll be attending a matinee and will miss half a day'S school, the rest of the hands go up. Then, with the speed and skill of a spavined water buffalo, Mr. Smiley, the old impresario, lumbers into action. Phone the theatre. Yes, they can give us 142 tickets for that date. Call the bus company. Yes, they can shoe-horn us into four buses on that date, Fire off a confirmation let- ter to the theatre, accompanied by the down payment, a cheque issued on Mr. Smiley's per- sonal overdrawn account. Everything is running like oil. And just about here, gravel begins to get into the gears. Six kids who didn't want to go have decided they'd like to. They are added to the list and a phone call produces tickets for them. lr.Mintanit4IM esenleatMeef=9)=Meleeeeee77 CHURCH NE First Anniversary SALE! Our thanks to everyone who helped make our first year in business such a success, SAVE 20% ON PAINT/ We now have a n ew machine for blending paint. All the old standard colors must go. If you need paint soon, come in and save 20% on these standard colors. FREE DRAW ON A 3-LIGHT POLE LAMP A ticket with every $3.00 purchase We stock a complete line of CIL paints, light fixtures of all kinds, floor covering, wallpaper. Come in, help us celebrate! From ceiling lights to floor rugs. Sale starts December 6 Save on Everything in Our Store! SEE OUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS & LIGHTED DECORATIONS NAME ....,.. ADDRESS.,''''' . , , PHONE...•...•.....•-•.•.." Bring in this coupon for a draw on a gal- lon of paint (your choice) Mert and Muriel Culbert's DECORATING CENTRE Rubbermaid boot-tray or laundry basket, a flash light, a Gibson teapot, a set of 8 glasses, an electric tea kettle or a toy. Someone will win — it could be you. REEVE RETURNED Ivan Hearn No change in officials In the village nomination held in the Legion Hall all went in by acclamation so there will be no election this year. Reeve is Ivan Hearn; council, H. B, Langford, R. M. Bowman, Jack Lankin, Gladys Reilly; Hy- dro Commission, Allan Scott; PS Board, Les, Kennedy, Art Bell, David Park, Albert Bro- mwich. Mrs. M. Pattison dies in hospital Mrs, Margaret Elizabeth Pattison, 80, wife of the late Alfred T. Pattison, of Conces- sion 16 London Township, died suddenly in St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London on Friday, Nov. 29. The body rested in the C. Haskett ana Son Funeral Home until 2 pm Monday, Dec. 2, when the Rev. W. J. Maines of Wesley United Church, Granton, con- ducted funeral services. Inter- ment was in Birr United Ceme- tery. Pallbearers included Messrs Cliff McRoberts, Gordon Mard- lin, W. W. Garrett,Gordonlelit- chell, Omar Burnett and Allen Walden. Mrs. Pattison is survived by one son and one daughter, Doug- las of Byron (a former Lucan Public School principal) and Loreen at home, also four bro- thers and one sister, Allen of Lucan, Victor, Melville, Harold and Wilda, all of Biddulph Town- ship, five grandchildren and one great grandchild. Mrs. Pattison, the former Margaret Elizabeth Westman, was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Douglas West- man, of Biddulph Township. She spent all her married life in London Township. CHOSE SAME DAY Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Hodg- son of Alice St,, their son, Arthur, and Mrs. Hodgson's parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Richard Culbert all chose De- cember 16 as their wedding day. Mr. andMrs. Hodgson will be 50 years married this year. They are planning a family dinner on December 15 and open house to their many friends on Monday, Dec. 160 CHRISTMAS TREES Mr. Dave Ashworth has again received his Christmas trees. As in previous years, Mr. Ash- worth will turn over the net proceeds from the sale of these trees to the church. It is hoped all those who need a tree will purchase it from Mr. Ash- worth. COMMUNION SERVICE The usual communion ser- vice held the first Sunday in the month was postponed until next Sunday to enable those being confirmed to participate. There will be no other com- munion services until the Christmas communions. CONFIRMATION At the 7:30 pm service, the Rt. Rev. Harold F. Appleyard MC, BA, DD, Bishop of Geor- gian Bay confirmed the fol- lowing 17 candidates the last three being from St. James Church, Clandeboye: Norma Jean Davis, Dianne Isobel Ship- way, Patricia Marguerite El- son, Lynne Frances Rummell, Joyce Enid Rummell, Doris Irene Elaine Culbert; Linda Darlene bison, Mrs. Carol Diane Hardy, Mrs. Mar- garet Jeannette Gilmour, Philip Wayne Lewis, Kenneth Wayne Hardy, William George Haskett, Jerold Wayne Free- man, Harold William Herbert, Nancy Diane Hill, Allan John Wright, Robert Glyn Wright. The bishop gave a talk to the candidates on the three words, Advent, Bible and Prayer-book. "As Advent was the beginning of the Christian year," he said "so the confirmation service Should be the beginning of a new life for you." He urged all the class to have, and to use their own Bible and Prayer- book. Pentecostal Holiness As the YP president Peel Graham was in Chatham assist- ing Mrs. ,Tack Eizenga, (his sister), Linda Currie was in charge of the Friday meeting. Mr. Paine Eizenga was the guest speaker, speaking on the book eif Esther. Pete Butler conducted a Bible drill. At the Sunday evening church service best wishes were erey tended to Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Sirtch, who were scheduled to leave for California Wednesday Dec, 4. "Managing the news is much like trying to manage a women. It can't be done for any great length of tithe," The Graig, COld, Empire-Courier. If You're TIRED 'ALL THE TIME Now'anti then everybody geit a "tired-Out" feeling, and may he bothered by backaches. Perhaps nab, Inf seriously wrong, lust a temporary condition cant ed by urinary irritation or Madder distondort, That's the time to take 1)oild's Kieney Pills. Dodd' $ help Stimulate the kidneys to relieve this Condition which may often cause back- ache and tired feeling. Then you feel !leiter, rest better, work 'better. G et Dodd's Kidney Pills now. Look for the blue box with I ke ted hand at all ding counters. You can depend on so ssisissisoss s tleteCeittratirI o • ti of action to take to keep insured ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE if you change jobs, follow carefully the instructions on the back of the Certifi- cate of Payment, Form 104, which your group is required to give you. • When you reach your 19th birthday' you arc no lodger covered by your parents' certificate. Register separately within thirty clays to keep insured, Poems are available at hospitals, banks and Com- mission .hies, ti When you marry, the Family premium must be paid to cover husband, wife and eligible dependants. Tell your group OR, if yeti pay direct, tell the Commission, li t Id l1 I d I1 11 1 11 II I I LU U Hl l ll d Il l l l l d 1 d~ il u t t 4.1SIN 1..11 4.111% *MO 2195 Wilke Se Toronto I. Ontario ONTAmO Ildattri'AL doItithentsSletzsi How flameless electric heating makes all other heating systems out of date! • It's the world's safest heating system—does not use flammable fuel. O It's cleaner than any other heating system—cannot create dust, smoke, soot or dirt of any kind. 0 You get custom-comfort in every room-electric heating offers you a separate thermostat in each room. Easy to install—no furnace or fuel tank. • No annual maintenance costs—nothing to clean, no filters to replace, electric heating is truly a carefree system. Reduced operating costs — in many municipalities the rate for electric hating has been reduced as much as 30% during the last 2 years. Call your qualified electric heating tootractor or: your hydro LIVE EirttER kLECtRICALLY By MRS, L. WHITE GIFTS White Gift Sunday was ob- served in the Crediton UC this Sunday. It was decided to send the money to the UNICEF Milk Fired, Dr. H. 14. Cowen was present to show and talk on his elidee. BAPTISMS Baptismal service Was ob- Served in the BUS Church Sun- day, Those baptized WereTani- Mt Lee, daughter Of Mr. and Mre. Carl Witherspoon and Pa- Mete Marie, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs, otiald Hendrick of Owen SOMA. The Yotifig People of the Credithe eltiited Church met in the Sunday Setteesl rooms on Monday, Dee, 2 With a good attendance; Jim I4eil Wee in charge of the evening Worship period and was assisted by Brenda Stills. it WAS deticiad to entertain the. young POW- of the Credie ton Et.10 dhlittit at the next Meeting eh bee. 16. PERSONALS Mr. Donald Keetle and family Of Ilderton Called oh friends at PRESZCATOR Sharon last week. Mrs. Allen Pfaff returned home this past week after having been a patient at South Huron Hospital Since h e r acciderit. MiSS Agnes Laniport and Mies Gertrude Beaver called in town this week. IVIre. W.1). Mack attended the annual Meeting I., WIO held in Toronto last week. The group were banqueted by the Departs meat of Agriculture at which their host was the lion, eerie, Stewart. Mrs. Mack Was also Melted to a. reception for Mies Ethel Chap/eat Whose book "Fran 6 Roadside WinclOW" has just been published. and Mrs. detcloir Mor- lock, Mr, and Mrs. IrViee Firr- Winer visited Sunday With Mr. Sperling Of Walkerton who iS still in the hospital,. Me, Oscar Pfaff, who had been a patient at St. JoSepli'S Hospital, returned home a Week ego, Gertrude: A bacheler Is just a rolling sthne, Elizabeth; Yes, e sped i any one that has gathered no boss. SPAR AND .SPICE P.iwo.w4 by rniloy Personal notes three er them have changed their minds .and won't go, :arid four are. t home, sick. Mr. Smiley., the „peer old civil, flies About like a dart in a wintistortn, =trying to make tickets, bus seats. and bodies come out even. Hut, somehow, the cavalcade is sailing down the highway On Wednesday afternoon, the ,etue dents singinginerrily. Mr. Snit- ley, ashen and muttering to himself, Slumped in one erf the buses, Only two kids have for , gotten, their tickets. Only one is ,bus sick. Only three have tried to sneak a smoke, Eight hours, 200 miles and one cultural experience later, Mr. Smiley is delivering to her home, 14 miles out of town, the girl who forgot to tell her parents to meet the bes on re, turn, Ecstatic and bright eyed, sire h hubbies effervescently, "Thanks very - much Mr. Smiley I - really - enjoyed it-and-I- had -a - wunnerful - time - do -we -hefta. -have our homework -done -tomor- row?" Culture is great! For three weeks before the big day, tee:bees, accost Mr. Smiley in the halls and hand. him amounts :like $29,.133. This is for "nine tickets for the show and three bus fares ex- cept -George Jones lost a Oiler So I leaned it to hier but I had only .6.3. cents and Mary Smith's mother won't let her g0 and sire wants her money pack but I haven't ber name ticked off so I don't know if she gave it to me and what should I. do?" In the „ensuing three weeks, Mr. Smiley, who gets a very small allowance at home, spends miscellaneous bits of ticket and bus meney.On lunches, cigarettes and raffle tickets, And quails inwardly as he con- templates the coming show- down. with his wife, who looks after their joint account. Two days before we're to go, the bus company informs that only three buses will be available, Mr. Smiley raises bell and another bus. The day before we leave, eight of the kids haven't produced a nickel, • • ' " ees' • •• seetelieMettelleiee • • • Culture? It's wunnerfule And it gets wunnerfuller all the time. This was myonlypossible reaction after another shot at enriching the lives of some of our students. Every year, when it's over, I sign an oath in blood, sweat and tears that I'll never eo it again, And a year later, there I am, up to my thick head in the swamp of cultural enrichment. It all begins innocently enough, I learn that there is going to be a production, in a city theatre, of one of the plays the kids are studying in school. The date is a month away. "Wouldn't It be grancl,"I coo to myself, "if the youngsters could see the real thing? It would be an experience they'd never forget, It would kindle a real interest in the drama. It would show them that Shake- speare (or Shaw) is exciting, sad, funny, romantic, net just a whole lot of stuff like rising and falling action, m e rn o r y work, suspense, pathos and dra- matic irony," * "Right!" I say to myself, firmly. "We'll do it. These kids are going to have their chance," Policeman talks safety bast week 24 members ef the Ieryeneton UCW held their meetine at the borne of Mre, Wes Reeieg.tee, who at One time lived at Dryer:sten. Mrs. Wes Atkinson is prob- ably one of the most thankful people in Lucan, for her only son, Gerald AthinsonofLondon, an employee of theSommerville Box Co., eame very nearly being On the Ill-fated Montreal plane, Which crashed Friday. He had olaneed to return on it, but found he would have to stop over at Toronto so decided to wait for the next through-plane to Lon- don. Mr. Gordon Cassidy of Ker- robert, Sask., and iris brother Lloyd Cassidy, of St. Cathar- ines were Friday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Corbett. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Abbott and family of /etagere., Mr. and Mrs. Don Abbott and family, Mr. and Mrs. James Mueford and family and Mr. and Mrs. ClarenceDa- vis and family of RR 1 Lucan were Saturday eveningguests of Mr, and Mrs. Murray Abbott. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gibson of T e cif o rd were Tuesday guests of Mr. and Mrs.Charles Windsor. Mr. Alonzo Philips has moved into the house purchased from Don Downs on Water St. Mrs. Nellie Wirelihan visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Whelihan at Prospect Hill and while there called on some old friends. Mrs. Murray Hodgins spent last weekend with her sister, Miss Merle Law, of London. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Morrison and family were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. Valentine of Thamesford, and attended the United Church, where Mr. Mor- rison sang a solo. Theresa Blonde], small daughter of Sgt and Mrs. A. F. Blondel, had her tonsils re- moved at St. Joseph's Hospital last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Avery were Sunday guests of the lat- ter's mother, Mrs. Velma El- lery of Ingersoll, Constable Robert Ridsdale, who recently joined the Lucan Constable Herbert Elson of London was guest speaker at the meeting of the Home and School Association held in the kindergarten room last Wed- nesdey evening. He showed a film on safe driving after which he distri- buted two pamphlets on "Free- way Safety" and "Could You Pass Ontario Driver Tests?'' He enlarged on tips of safety • on, the freeway. This was fol- lowed by a question and an- swer period of which many took advantage. He was introduced by Mrs, Keith Kraul and thanked by Mrs. Rudy Engel, Mrs. J, W. Lockyer gave a report on the conference held at Woodstock, October 26. President Mrs. James Free- man was in the chair. It was voted that the sum of five dol- lars could be spent by the executive without bringing it before the meeting. The attendance cup was won by Mrs. Cobleigh's room. A good collection of used cloth- ing was brought in, which will be sent to the Rescue Mission. There will be no meetings in December and January. Hostesses were Mrs. Engel, Mrs, Keith Dickson, Mrs. Har- old Butler, Mrs. J. W. Smith and Mrs. James Burt. ST:0 • P AN the D SHOP , at HARDWARE LUCAN Don't miss our "Alarm Clock" Specials, each Satur- day from Nov, 30 to Christ- mas. The customer payinghis or her bill, when the alarm goes off will be eligible for one of the following prizes; se detachment, has moved into. the home of Mrs. Kay Eisen Of Water St. Mr, and Mrs. „Hebert letlyea Of London called on a number of Lucan friends last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Dwight Hen- derson and family spent last Sunday in Bothwell guests of Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Austin and Mr. and Mrs. James Hen- derson. Bishop Harold F, Appleyard was a Sunday guest at the rec- tory, Prior to the confirmation. Service at 7:30 pm in Holy Trinity Church. Mr, Austin Chisholm has mo- ved to London into one of his daughter's apartments (Mr s. Robert Coltman). Col. Duncan Ross and Miss Eileen Cranston of London and Mr. Percy Cranston of Winni - peg called on a number of Lu- can friends last Tuesday, Miss Angela Arreitt of Lon- don was a Sunday guest of her sister, Mrs. Clarence Haskett, and family and attended the con- firmation service in the Ang- lican Church, where her nephew Billy Haskett was confirmed. mr. Harold Corbett of Lucan was again among the m aple syrup prize winners at the Royal Winter Fair. Lucan's fire engine was call- ed out last Saturday morning to a chimney fire on tire home of the Park Bros. who were afraid the strong wind might carry sparks to near by build- ings. Mr. and Mrs. J, W. Smith were among those who attended the HMCS Prevost dance in Lon- don Friday. Mr. andeMrs, Cecil Robb have received word of the death of a very close friend, Mr. Edwin Adams of North Hollywood, Cal. A number of Liman children have had the chickenpox re- cently. Mrs. Wes Revington and son Ronnie, have returned home after spending a few days with the former's sister, Mrs. R. J. Wise of London, who was on the sick list, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Coyle (nee McLean) and son Roger of Ryckman's Corners, were Saturday guests of Calvin Has- kett and family. Among those who attended the 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Maguire of Scotland, last Wednesday, were Mr. and Mrs. Murray Abbott, Mr. and Mrs. Don Abbott and Mr. and Mrs. William Abbott. Mrs. Bert Jackson. now of Blenheim, is holidaying with some of her Lucan friends. liefeettnerieersierod., • -i.e.:re . . Three share $1,000 prize A large crowd attended, the $100 0 draw, sponsored by the arena board and held at the Community Memorial Centre last Wednesdey evening. The following were the win- ners of the $25: Howard Klumpp, Dashwood; Lorne Barker, Lu- can; Harold Kraft, London; Frank Van Bessell, Lucan; Gloria Uebshott, Ilderton; Kevin Gilmour and Michael Scott (small boys) Lucan; Don Heigh- Way and Vern Ross, London; George Phillips, Arise Craig; Barney Tye and Bill Sargent, Thamesford; George Simpson and Dave Kestle, Clandeboye; Jack Moir, London Township; Charles Glenn and Eric Slater, Lucan and Ailsa Criag; D. Ste- vens, St. Marys; U. F. Stanley, Lucan. When it got down to the three last tickets the following owners decided to split the $1000: Bill Amos, Parkhill; Bob Evans and John Flys, London; Jack Black- well, London. The arena ladies catered a turkey smorgasboard, to the large crowd present. "ALARM CLOCK" WINNERS Those who read the Davis Hardware "Stop and Shop" ad, last week will know that, be- ginning Saturday and continuing each Saturday until Christmas, the person paying his or her bill when the alarm clock goes off, will receive a valuable prize. Saturday the alarm went off at 2:25 pm and 4:30 pm, Mr. E. Armstrong of RR 1 Clandeboye was the first lucky winner, winning a Rubbermaid boot tray and Constable Robert Ridsdale, a new-comer to Lucan, was the second winner, winning a flash- light. MEET AFTER 40 YEARS While Mr. and Mrs. George Hodgins we re visiting their daughter, Mrs. Ralph Smith and family of Wallaceburg, for a few days last week, Mr. Hod- gins visited an old friend Mr. William Johnston whom he had not seen for over 40 years. Even though Mr. Johnston is now blind, the two friends had a happy day, talking over events of two score years ago, Arrived in Time for Christmas PERSONALS Mr, and Mrs. James Davis and family attended the 25th wedding celebration, of Mr. and Mrs, Mervin Pipe of RR 4 Brussels, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Crozier and family Saturday attended the Esler-Heynes wedding in the Sacred Heart Church, Guelph. Mrs. T. A. Hodgins held a family gathering Sunday after which all twelve attended con- firmation at Holy Trinity Church where her granddaugh- ter Peggy Elson was among those confirmed. Her sister Miss Holly Martin of London remained over for a few days. Lucan's Christmas light s have been turned on and once again the huge tree on the Rad- cliffe lawn is a blaze of glory and can be seen for miles, Mrs. Lorena McConnell and four children of Munice, Indi- ana, and Mrs. eleabelle Under- wood of Strathmere Lodge Strathroy were weekend guests of Mrs. Guy Ryan. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Currie have returned home after a 10- day visit with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Currie of Nova Scotia. Treasure Chest Lucan's Gift Shop Mrs. J. S. Radcliffe 22'7-4.792 Lucan _ \\\., Canadian-made hand bags in black or brown calf. $4.95 to $11.95 Mrs. M. Demas dies in London Mrs. Matthew Demas, 68, died suddenly at her late re- sidence London on Tuesday, Nov. 26. The Murdy Funeral Home, Lucan, had charge of the fu- neral, held in the George E, Logan & Sons Funeral Home, London, Thursday, Nov. 28, with the Rev. E. A. Currey of the Wellington St. UC officiating. Interment was in St. James Cemetery, Clandeboye. Pallbearers included Mes- srs. Bert Mann, Bill Charles- worth, Morgan McDonald, Cecil Nadalin, Albert Armstrong and Elwood Plewis. Mrs. Demas was the former Alma Burnett, daughter of the late Mr and Mrs. James Bur- nett. She was raised in Lucan and lived in several houses, in- cluding the house now owned by Mrs. Elson of Water St. Her father worked for the Gibson brothers. Besides her husband she is survived by one daughter Helen (Mrs. Kenneth McDonald) and one son Jack, both of Hamilton. Her other daughter, Madeline, predeceased her. The three eh il d r en spent many of their holidays with their grandparents here and are remembered by many, Rec news ARENA NE WS By Jim Burt Boy? How time flies! Another week has gone by! The Lucan IldertonCombines tied Elmira 4-4 Friday night here, and Elmira walloped the Combines 10-3 back in Elmira Saturday night, This coming Thursday night Dec. 5 the South Middlesex are here again for their three games. This is good hockey and I feel that more support should be given to this league. The Combines host the Cen- tralia RCAF here Friday night, Dec. 6 with game time 8:30. The Regis Club from London held a skating party and dance in the center Sunday night. That is the news until next week, NEWS FROM THE SOUTH Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Abbott and Linda, who recently moved to California report they are enjoying the 80 degree tem- perature, the flowers and the trees. They recently visited the Glass Church. But that's all changed now The last few days, Lucan has been enjoying a second Indian Summer. On Wednesday, Nov. 27, Mrs. T. A. Watson and her daughter Nancy, went out to their garden and picked three ripe tomatoes (protected by the vines) which they ate on the 28th. Another gardener has lettuce still green in her garden. It Just doesn't seem possible Christmas is so close but the weekend cold spell, with strong winds and snow flurries, makes us realize it is closer than we thought. United Wednesday evening Rev. G. W. Sach, members of the CE committee, chairman Cliff Cul- bert, Alden Walker and Mrs. Murray Hodgins attended the new curriculum conference held in the Dundee St. Centre, United Church, London. UNIT MEETINGS At the meeting of the UCW north unit last Tuesday evening the study of Taiwan was jointly presented by Mrs. Erie Young and Mrs. A. E. Reilly. The worship service was led by Mrs. 0. Seward and Mrs. N. McLarty. During the business period conducted by the leader, Mrs. C. F. Sovereign the unit was reminded of the joint meeting with the other units on Dec. 1.2 in the form of a pot luck supper. The birthday calendars will be distributed to the mem- bers for sale in the nearfuture. After the close of the meeting a social period was enjoyecl with hostesses, Mrs. Young, Mrs. Reilly, Mrs. McLarty and Mrs. Seward. SOUTH UNIT The south unit held their meeting in the schoolroom Wed- nesday evening with the pre- sident Mrs. J. Andersen in the chair. Mrs. Ivan Hearn led in the worship service assisted by Mrs. Dave Park and Mrs. Geo- rge Paul gave a talk on, "Our Use of Time." AFTERNOON UNIT The afternoon unit members held their meeting in the school- room at 2 pm Thursday. Mrs. George Paul, program convener, was the speaker, tak- ing as her theme, ((What then must WE do?" from the chap- ter "Salvation" in the book, "The Word and the Way". As Mrs. Peel is finishing her term of office, words of appreciation for her work were voiced by thd president, Mrs. J. W. Lock- yer, who presided. Herald report on a "Diary front India" was given by Mrs. William Aylestock. Each mem- ber' was asked to bring an unwrapped gift for the Mental Health Association in London, to the general meeting, Mrs. 'I'. A. Watson was no- reinated to be co-convener with Mrs. Lockyer for programming for 1964. Tea hostesses were Mrs, Wm. Melsalle and Mrs. J. R. Murray. YPU Sunday evening, 10 members Of the Lucati-Clandeboye YPU met at the home Of Torn Kestle, Clandeboye. The secret ar y, Loitiee Cochrane had charge of the worship service. During the business session plans were discussed for a trance to be held at the COM., munity Memorial Centre, Dee. go. A ngliCart The achievement medals for attendande, attention and c o- operation for the month of NO- Vernher for the junior choir Were presented by the teeter at the 11 o'clock servic e,. to Peggy Mon and Mike Culbert. ALWAYS YOUR ti05PI AC INSOSiaitt ttillinetot 'RANDY