HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-11-14, Page 11tee WI relief tram menstrAl pais you tao taunt on lialp Inn the 4 Wee iogrsdienie OIL ellitSlEt PARADOL isessieSeseekeeie :•:44.:::*:•:,;;;(4, • i. 22 Notices Centralia fetes twins to be wed .Saturday WILL OPNN .for •cider. 1Y People who .ere able to be up and ,Areelled a enough tpresto. Room, board, waeh- Mg. and ironing _done; living, dining area with TV; reason- able rates. Interested persons phone 245.0720, 14c AT THE ScHPO4 blr :Elizabeth. QpAr Prepare for program Collection of Taxes eisse The activity periods have started again at the school. In- stead of nine 40-minute periods a day, we now have ten 37- minute periods. Sellout now starts at nine o'clock and ends at five after four. During this activity period the students are able topartici- pate in the glee club, the bad- mihton club, the bible club, the orchestra, tile librarians club, verse speaking, chess club, ma- jorettes, cheerleading, paper staff, athletic society, student council and drama club, All these activities are not open all the students. The drama club is only for grade 12 students and cheerleading and kind to their senses and to end all wars yet this loss may be repeated. 22 .Notices. ont le.Ohnn, PRO; Joe APIP ler, Poll Clerk, Poll No, S--eC o M m te.n i, t Y. Hall, Desliwood; Otto DRO; Melvin Stade, Poll Clerk, Poll No. 7--weitzgr's Kitch- en, Lot 10, Con, 17; Art Fink- beiner, DRO; Mrs, Wilfred Peejardioe, Poll. _Clerk. Poll No. Macleonald'a Store, Lot 40, Con. _$,B.; WA- Ream Hicks, IRO; Maitrice Murray, Poll Clerk, poll No, 9 - William Des. jordine, Lot 4, Con, A; Ezra Webb, DR(); Mrs. Glenn Des- jardine, Poll Clerk. It should be noted that when a proposed candidate is not present at the nomination meeting, his nomination paper will not be valid unless there is evidence satisfactory to the Teturning officer 'that the pro• posed candidate consents to be so nominated, And all electors are hereby requested to govern them- selves accordingly. Crediton, Ont. November 12, 1963, ROSS HAUGH, Returning Officer 14:21e I will be in the Town on the dates ond during the hoere listed below for the col- Iection of taxes for the Town of Exeter. Please 'Arrange to make payment on or before these dates to avoid penalty, FRIDAY, NOV, 29 7 9 pen, SATURDAY, NOV, 30 9 - 12 1:30 - 5 pen, Eric Carseadden, Tax Collector 14:e1 ; 28c 23 regal Notices CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Meta Frances Salter, deceased, All persons having claims against the estate of Meta Frances Salter, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Saleslady, who died on or about the 16th day of October 1963, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Naughton, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario by the 23rd day of November 1963 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which no- tice has been received, Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executors, Exeter, Ont, Silhouette HAIR FASHIONS PHONE 235-2951 EXETER TOWNSHIP OF HAY COUNTY OF HURON Notice is hereby given that I have complied with section 9 of the Voters' Lists Act, and that I have posted up at my office in the Village of Zurich on the 5th day of No- vember 1963 a list of persons entitled to vote in the same municipality at municipal elections anIcl that such list remains there for inspection, And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate pro- ceedings to have any errors or omission's corrected ac- cording to law, the last day for appeal being the 19th day of November 1963, Dated this 5th day of No- vember 1963. H. W, BROKENSHIRE, Clerk Township of Hay. 14c 14:21c Voters' List of Flint, Michigan, called on friends in the village on Wed- nesday of lest week. Mr. Chas. McKeever arid Mrs. Fulford of Clinton were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, John Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Abbott visited for a few days in Ni- agara Falls with their son Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Abbott and fa- mily. Another son, Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Abbott and Linda left Buffalo on Monday by plane, for California where they will take up residence. Cecil Winger of Lambeth was a Monday visitor with his sister' and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson, War may only be ended le we are taught God's way, which is to love thy neighbour as ourself. We can only solve our problems by the presence of God in our lives, Once we learn to love, hate will be overcome and there will be no more wars. This message was .a different approach to Remembrance Day and it is one which Iliad thought of but really never long enough to get the real meaning. the glee club do not include grade 9 students. The extra period at the end of the day gives everyone an op- portunity to prepare tor com- mencement which is held in December and also gives the students an opportunity to do some homework. REMEMBRANCE DAY Remembrance Day was ob- served at our school Thursday, Student council was in charge of the program and all. embers of executive took Part. Guest speaker was Rev. John Boyne of Coven Presbyterian Church and his message was certainly inspirational. He said that war was outmoded and that it is only a way of hate and death. Men of both the great wars had fought to bring man- SALE OF BOOKS If you remember last week I mentioned that the PaperStaff's aim was to sell 450 yearbooks. However sales were excellent and 500 yearbooks were sold. By MRS, FRED B9WDEN CENTRALIA Misses Jean and Joan Essery, twin brides-elect of this week, were guests of honor at a mis- cellaneous shower in the church Friday evening, Mrs. Kenneth Greb presided over a program in which the CCeT took a prominent part. A reading composed by Mrs. Guest was given by Elaine Powe, Mrs, Earl Mist gave a reading. Ann Shoebottorn favored with a piano solo. The address was given by Mrs. Lorne Hicks, Marilyn Morgan and S h gran Lightfoot assisted the girls in displaying the gifts. Jean and Joan expressed thaeks for the lovely gifts. Marilyn Jory was hostess at a miscellaneous shower, at her home in Exeter, for Jean last week. Before leaving the London Life, Joan was guest of honor at a dinner at the Glenn Allen Restaurant and was showered with gifts, Mrs. Jack Essery entertain- ed at her home, honoring her daughters, on Monday evening when the gifts were displayed. NEW OFFICERS Remembrance was the theme for the worship service at the UCW meeting Thursday even- ing. Mrs. Ross McFalls and Mrs. R, Blair conducted the service and were assisted by Mrs. A, Mclealls, and by Mrs. Kenneth Greb who gave a Re- membrance Day reading. Rural work in India was the topic for study. Mrs. Ross McFalls presided for the business part of the meeting, Rev, D. M. Guest pre- seated the slate of new officers as set up by the nominating committee. Mrs, Kenneth Greb 24 Tenders Wanted HENSALL UNITED CHURCH FOR THE POSITION OF CARETAKER Nomination will be held in the TOWN HALL, WEST McGILLIVRAY TOWNSHIP of McGILLIVRAY Written tenders are to be forwarded to the undersigned by Nov. 30, 1963 stating quali- fications and salary expected. A list of the duties may be obtained from the undersign- ed, Lowest tender not neces- sarily accepted, E, G. MANSFIELD, Secretary, Board of Stewards, Hensall United Church. on FRIDAY, NOV. 22, 1963 from 1:00 o'clock to 2:00 p.m. for the purpose of Nominating Candidates for Reeve, Four Councillors and' Two School Trustees for 1964. W, J. AMOS, Township Clerk and Returning Officer, 14:21c FURNACE OIL The Hensall Public School Board invites tenders for fur- nace oil, 'approximately 7,000 gallons annually, for the Hen- salt Public School. Please send tenders clearly marked on or before Nov. 20, 1963, to 'Mr, Howard Scone, Henson, Ontario, 14c 7-14n COURT OF REVISION A sitting of the Court of Re- vision of the Town of Exeter to hear appeals for addust. ments in Assessment Roll will be held in the Council Cham- bers of the Town Hall at 7 pm, on Monday, November 18, 1963. (Signed) C, V. Pickard, Town Clerk, 25 Auction Sales 14c TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN Nomination AUCTION SALE of Real Estate & Chattels Under instructions from H, Wolfe we will sell by public auction in CR ED ITON on WEDNESDAY, NOV, 20 at 1;30 o'clock the following: REAL ESTATE in •the Vil- lage of Crediton, Main St, W„ lb storey frame house, 8 rooms, lots of shade trees, Nice location to build a new home, Ideal place to live, Never flailing well. Sold sub- ject to a moderate reserve CHATTELS; Chesterfield, 2 burner oil stoves, like new floor lamp; 3 rocking chairs end tables; flower stand small round table; clocks; wooden beds, springs and mattresses; mats; pictures; kitchen dishes; utensils; sew- ing machine; dressers; mir- rors; dining room table with 7 chairs; 2-buener electric stove; small 'sideboard; card table; •antique bureau; china cabinet; lawn chairs; gerden tools; daybed; oil tank; Sun- beam frying pan, radio, cur- tains ,and drapes; phonogeaph and 75 old,itime records and many other items. TERMS: Chattels, c a s Terms of real estate made kineWn on day of sale, The estate of the late Ilosina Wolfe 1/AltOLD WO/411'4, Executor WM, U. SMITH, Auct , Dial 234-6282 Crediton 140 ..uvr-sm.myrn LUXURY CREVROLET- For luxury-loving people, Here's the jet-smoothest, most luxurious Chevrolet ever built! Rich new styling, finer appoint- ments in all four series and 15 models. Including those dazzling new Super Sports! Entities tip to 42$ hp*, manual or POWeiglide* transinissions to Match your tastes! NEW CIEVELLE- For pace-setting people, A totally new kind of car with small, oar handling, big-car comfort! All wrapped tip in styling that makes expensive cars jealous. Chevelle serves every purpose with three series and -11 models, and a full choke of engine laid transmission teams! h1VY II - For practical people. Chevy II with now VS power" tops all thrifty cars for furt-on-a-shoestring. Stretches the shoestring further rl General Matora Value with 4- and 8-cylinder engines. Chevy II's six models in two series all like pretending they're bigger, more expensive ears and they act like it! CORVAIR For fun-loving people. More fun than ever from Corvair's new bigger engine! Same Corvair 'handling and riding ease with a dressed-up '84 look in 9 models- including the 150-hp Turbocharged Spyders, Club Coupe and Convertible! CORVETTE • For sports-minded people. More sport than this you won't find on wheels! Corvette now rides softer, smoother-but loses none of its gusto because its big VS offers versions from 250 to 376 hp'! Want to get together with other car-loving people? Co see your Chevrolet dealer ... he likes all kinds! ooptiona1 at extra Boat AND ELECTION Public notice is hereby giv- en that a meeting of the elec- tors of the Township of Steph- en will be held in the Town- ship Hall, Orediton, on MONDAY, NOV, 25, 1063 between the hours of 1;00 o'clock end 2;00 o'clock in the aftereoen, for the purpose of making end receiving domi- nations fee Reeve, Deputy- Reeve, Couneilmen, and also for Trustees of the Township School, Area comprising Sec- tions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12, 14 end Union 8 and 16, two to be elected, And further notice is hereby given that ri event, of more candidates being proposed Arid qualifying for any particular Offlee than required to be elected, the Proceedings will be adjourned to MONDAY, DEC, 2, 1968 when polls shall be opened from 0 o'oloeli 0,m, Until 6 o'eleelt P,m,, At the following plates with the undermention- ed officer's to Pherge as fiNed by township by-law '0'41 Poll No. 1-44ibrary Itootnat Centralia; Gordon Wilson, DRO; Miner P o W e, Poll Cie*, Pali Nee Devey s Weller', Lot 17, Con. 3; Pres- (On Dearing, DRO; Mrs. Arehie Wiebber, Poll Clerk. P011 4--AeYle f a Porber Shop, PrePiteill Ocet' richer P110; Nalson Sc henk, Foil dieri;.. PA No, 4-4DownsIVIP Cre-elten; Il rlss obi Einkbeinee, DIRO; garden Morlook i Pell Clerk, Poll No, 0-0'10400's Xit chen, Lot 10, Con, 12; Clem. See five entirely different lines of cars at your Chevrolet Showroom CHEVROLET, CHEVELLE, CHEVY CORVAIR & CORVETTE 13e sure to see Bonanza on the 013(1 1'V network each Sunday. Check your local listing' for channel and time. CX46.4C" SNELL BROS. LIMITED PHONE 235,0660. Chet/ . Olds - Corvair Envey = Cho/ Trucks EXEtER, ONT, • 16 Properly for Sale PROPERTIES FOR SAE -Ncegmbor 14 PApp 11 By MISS MURIEL H E RN Mr, and Mrs, Norman Ja- ques and Shirley visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs, Dan Traquair and family In Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hera visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dixon and family of Brinsley. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Bernand family were Sunday visitors with Mr. and. Mrs„ Wm. Morley of Whalen. Mr. Ross item spent the weekend in Detroit. Mr, and Mrs. Ephriarn Hern were Monday guests with Mr. -and Mrs, Warren Brook of Ex- eter, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ballan- tyne and family of Kirkton, Mrs. Edna Langford, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bern and family of Lon- don were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Berriand family, will succeed Mrs. Ross McFalls as president for the coming year. The December meeting will be held on December 12, (one week later than the Usual date.) PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. StephenMolnar of Agincourt were visitors over the week end with the farmer's parents, Mr, and Mrs. 5, Mol- nar. Mrs. A, Hariton of Lobo mid her daughter Mrs, P. yercoe By MRS. NORMAN LONG Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ilux- table and Bill of Centralia visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones and boys. Sunday guests were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ashworth and Carol Ann of Denfield, Mr, and Mrs. Ellison Whiting and Lloyd of Parkhill, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Kyle twaegree mhoeesttinagndofh oKsitpepsesn tooan gcroet ..- gation with 15 in attendance on Sunday evening. Mrs. Hank leinnendyk is a patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, being admitted for sur- gery. The annual bazaar will be held Sat, Nov. 16 at 3 pm in St. An- drew's United Church. Messrs. Ed Morton, Dave Triebner, Allen Tremeer, Wil- mer Dalrymple, Ted Roberts, Harold Parker, Wm, Bell, Jack Bell, Grant McGregor, Jim Mc- Allister, Ross Richardson, Campbell Eyre, and Emerson Kyle returned home Sunday from a hunting trip in the Parry Sound district, 25 Auction Sales ROAN AVCIPN. SALE pf Household ..Effects In the TOWN OF SEA,FORTi/ Ooderleh St. W.,. on SATURDAY, NOV. 23 At '1;00 Sectional 3-piece chester- field; step-up corner table; 2 walnut end tables; 2 oc- casional :chairs; 2 _coffee tables; radio; fireplace irons; Niagara massage lounge; ta- ble lamps; .trilight lamps; small walnut tables; TV oc- casional •chair; chesterfield; foot stool; mantel clock; 7- piece walnut dining room Suite; buffet; mirror; 2 mod- ern bedroom suites; 10 pair drapes, I peer for large plc. ture window; 9:0.7 broadloom rug with pad; 8x12 broadloom rug with pad; scatter mats; McClarys steble top electric stove, hotpoint; 9-ft Frigid- aire; kitchen set, table and 4 chairs; 15-ft. Frigidaire deep freeze (1 yr. old); Easy spin dryer washing machine (new); Westinghouse dryer (new); ping-pang table; studio couch; dishes; smoker; croki- nolo, board; lawn chairs; met- al porch swing; lawn table and - umbrella; - cedar picnic table; step ladder; storm windows and screens; com- bination door; electric hedge clippers; garden hose; Max- well rotary mower 24, h.P.; garden tools; quantity apple wood and. other articles too numerous to mention, TERMS: Cash, ESTATE OF THE LATE MRS. LETHA MILLER HAROLD JACKSON. Auct. GEORGE POWELL, Clerk 14:21c Want-Ads Get Results eeseieeeeleieifessse. •'" '64 C~1VIf(3LEr IMPALA COD ..4 EXETER - John Street; 13 blocks from ,Main Street, 2 storey, 3 bedroom, full bese. menu, oil heal, sun parch, hy- ing room, dining room, kitchen and garage, Terms can be ar- ranged, EXETER Modern 2 bed- room .home i cel herd, dinette, kitchen. living reel% and at- tached garage, Terms $2,000 down. EXETER New; 3 bedroom, east Side of town, living room, dining _area, kitchen, 3-piece teeth C.111,1e.C, mortgage, EXETER - 3 bedroom, new brick home, East side of town, Well located. Torras can be arranged, $18,500,00. ZURICH - Nerth _side of high- way 84, small frame house, 2. bedroom, Low Own payment, BEACH '0 PINES - Execu- tive Class Summer home; 4 beerooms,. tcbe n, living room, dining area. Fully in- euleted year around dwelling, Lot 220x130, 300 feet to the beach, FARMS FOR SALE KIPPEN AREA - 100 acres, brick modern house, insulated, coal furnace, garage, Large barn and implement shed, hog pen, spring well, Possession this fall, This farm is reason- ably priced, AILSA CRAIG - 100 acres, Con, 9 McGillivray. Modern house, good barn, clay loam, Terms can , be arranged, Your farm may be worth more than you think. See us, we have buyers. LOTS FOR SALE Dow Subdivision . $850 up Thomas Street $750 up W. H. HODGSON LTD. Real Estate & Insurance Phone 235-2420 Salesman: Gib Dow Penne 2e5.2764 10tfnc 11 Property For Rent A aleric kept a artiall cafe in bogie, One cleY the coin- hinetton got out of Orders $0 he lleaVed the safe onto hie Seetilder and Set, Off forfork )00, With% On tile WPM he AMOY ktioded down a beeinessmeni f!Fee goodness sake," snap- POO the Olen, owes, owe you keep Your money in Wallet like everybody Me?" YOUR BEAUTY PROBLEMS WECAI/Bin WHEN HOME BEAUTY AIDS WONt PERFORM me PEA SMALL HOUSE - Phone 235- 2425 Exeter, 14c 2-BEDROOM furnished house, oil furnace, in Southcott Pines Grand Bend; also 2 apart- ments, furnished. Apply Irene Gill, phone 238-2102. 14" SPACIOUS 2-bedroom house, bath, large living room, oil heated in Green Acres, Grand Bend. Apply to Mr. Earl Wei- berg, Lucan or phone BA 74254 14:21c 1-BEDROOM furnished apart- ment, central location, Apply Parker Apts. Phone 235.0915, 11:14tfnc 2 - BEDROOM house, modern conveniences; available now. Apply Lloyd Lovell, Kippen. Phone Hensall 265W1, 14:21e HIGHWAY 4, Clandeboye; up- per, 4 rooms, separate bath, entrance; utilities paid; stove, refrigerator; business or re- tired people; weekly or monthly rates, 227-4683 Lucan. 14:21c TWO BEDROOM lower apart- ment, private bathroom, heat and 'hot Water supplied, avail- able now, Apply 70 John St, East, 7tfnc 4 - ROOM UPSTAIRS apart. ment, 1 bedroom, oil heated, private entrance, modern con- veniences, a callable now, Phone 235-1207. 7:14c 2-BEDROOM HOUSE, 3-piece bath, kitchen, living room, dining room, oil furnace, Ap- ply t 71 Siencoe St„ Exeter, 14 UPSTAIRS APARTMENT 1 bedroom, kitchen, living room, bath, separate en- trance, no pets, 'available Nov, 1, Phone 235-1$43 313 Carling St, 31tfric SPACIOUS 2ibedroom apart. meat, heated, furnished, see. orate entranc e, No pets please, Apply 169 William St. evenings or phone 2350736, 31tfne CENTRALIA --- Near Stores, P.0„ bus, school; unfurnish- ed apartments; separate en- trance; bath, kitchen; im- mediate possession,e W, C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter, 235- 1402, eiltfnc 3-ROOM APARTMENT - Fur- nished, heated, no children. Phone 235-0300 or apply 68 Sanders St, E, 10tfile ONE - BEDROOM apertment, private b a t h , unfurnished, heated, utilities paid. AVell- able Nov, 1, Phone 235-038e or apply 10 John St, Wee 18 for Rent ROOM AVAILABLE, With meals if required, Phone 200- 0320. 14e VLOOR SANDERS, electric, ReeVera hardware, phone 1.029, Exeter, 12:1etene