HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1854-01-12, Page 2OW'
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, _H_U_RON_SIGN_AL. __ '
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•111111 --Ncw_—JK3
•sem,. .1IAIIfG, fue Cabinet, of eluate Lord P.Iw�en of is ear la. Yi r �Pntiwoa swraU ( o►irNk� lM rieteaaJ of their 'diaaitwhawltK w oinked bof xa locomol it ^ Ofswarsla the asay Asset a~aae increa11 �se (� expeditious better �i as � .,)
fit b` ,tle g6t g I kgni•ties, g 1
loo J■II, sad teledrag down questws, 1 I y Je reit takes Intoe its regard w !ellen �f
eAeA to Is. venni- was a.&t ; sed, a W, oppoeiTiw q sabemss It h cre4t.bly usrruJ that the Ilnaisj,l power. If it ware a question of lee. ergine of 450 borne power, 28j sic► ,'kite• A iwa P owio to acme defect' the Great W win °Penin[ d
1� 11let Asses A," a undlortrstiw- of Parlasaeaiar Reform was Coe secret, he Frcocb and Turkish Ikr1a nfrrcd Ike der, ad sa bis, of wskrrg 55 revolrtwas P"POM g t thought, would London, we
t coexists , aft stagiyaat water Il wan plate) or (iter eommit,e ile order (katal,arizalsoas or poo aecu'an:atwn, or p•
aratrata the Black Sea oa ills Will Dec.Uee. Their sup- I a prepoaal to lesidak on other goes- per inI""-
Alltug► a screw does not sis the internal arr•ngemeale, o ten do g �e •�rtd s
*uw from b es eatb kis .Ili. bare ample op",ailies roe can• s not reach this city within 24 hours of transit of out lett gaaeker
h rttows t►s waist to proeolr,fe x straits ►ideriug eke pn,.issons ••f rise bill rod stat- pose) cesluatiu• being Scliaztapol. Three ►,ons, w the exclusion of ibis, there stoke w ss bei•[ exactly eke heir mode "A exoban
theowgb the sal sirmead ul ru&rasat over it. tag lite objec►iobs l0 14eu. Lord I'd- fourth of the sywdron wan left to guard could be no Other the° to buckle oa of propelling ferry boats especially where elle time by ought to urive )n rant the whole of the gee and
the tris are short• unless Tkry cap be ro the American Ezpreas, that wonderful 1 Godoricb e■rtainl,w� PWulation of j s,
y i/ Cartoon, lbw ulruUre ekasenU of rase merefon, leo doubt, ate to that eommitlts. Conslarbuople; elle Czar Iws frequently eke armour wJ baffle in the legislature any P for Ilse rapid transmissive of all I k•d shoe '
! F declared that fits rotrat.ee into lbs Black out of ,t, dupuuu; errry isrh. But it rs arranged as'o propel the boat seeress the agency P lions of the adv g expecte g,
water sale for aesl (Or lbs use of 14&ais. -- the able and ugoroa, assistance and a(twn-
Sea would ba considered by hna equivalent only a oroioa of the best practical mran„ stream and return without turns ruuod; we rnues out o sten beats lbs mol aW tb{es M be derived
J It ewsew frisk air to circulate yhroujb IW son whpc4 Le is accustomed to devote to ! . 9 ! 9 $ times out often This eanaus be • Coe 'from rite sew run,
vo( null. It meket Ikw sod swaelrr, !ennui, puW,c affairs, but ,l neem,, Gum the result to a dee r ntir,n of war. to attain flu cad; wbrtlwr we ►bell poroceles bops Ihi+ will soccer) aecorJmg w Ilse ta- �►t Y,yct lite iv-
eciations of the Compactor
om act ibis is, bow. Coasts! fur the American Faprea provemebt is not +�
mere friable, men easily works), wore tlwt bis oil euiu&+ to fbe principle de of the The withdrawal ni fhe Rusvan Uinislen oofGsaort and dsasrwanw because all Irgir p P !- s a q enrrall uses the ontivary means of thio the uaile p�~t' and if soy
�, y 1 P f Lam Pau, auJ London was imuedialelT latiow i• postponed, although we es^ legis rune, o(ier, an s�wLiah rt stakra atter �onaiJerablr to transit by which the mails are nrudeeted• ran •meats an indR 46 Presser u
' , prodrss,ivc. lT bawe&e tM matwh of meaaun writ not to be J,mirsislsed or oyer- looked for. lase wi;b a ern, wed pa, tismcul taithiirt g rand
,s trop, In is equal to a chance of sale or ,orae. lie slated them to Lis colli■ ueb wind s bwt-Cor frequently as lora as to There iea across loose wmew4ore u 1 , )than osasl
to '' Iwo degrees of tLsaah. 'Che remota! of io • marl► nod ►era LrforwarJ manner,) llae Ji loa,atic am s co0tiaucd as ism dhsior m a (rw months will increased 1 9 y I g i 1be.mails from 1,
P P ! Jonathan's mail machinery ^,t,¢ said
$ as eye-. atrenglh. Uu-hc 1 to int(kr, Lt ml ad- ,ride lea miles on a railway. The Inter- to Goderich, sow yle llawiltoa (
3 t , stagaaat water remotes the cold. It ea- but it a;,peared that no measure of list- ' '1 I Parisjournsls publisls what purports , tier site hazard of purtanit the slats in list national is IG7 feel Ions on deck, has 30 T __ _ -- -- I three or four days 1
ablea IM (sassier Iv see) two or Ifwee hamenlar Reform, nisch as wool) ■•ei I (rel Bram and 10 frcT lura The iia ra eossesled to and sometimes aye J
'� weeks euhet u Ike its ll u sal to y !to Gr a letter n( m•U action from the four I band. of our a ,oaenls, mitre) of lens its i rnn¢t for rite alw
t Mir g W Ibis expectali,.ns of she county, was like- !, r r rl r B $ ga ICi'Agent or As tt bits I we cannot ac
!, I'owtn of the Am assaJors al Constaali- u m our own. IadraJ of such course, it a , at !slack Kock, a seldom ,tote) by ice Col act a Agent for elle �W In the Coria- t .M this dela c.
a k- a deepessag of the soil all over Ike field. ly to obtain Lcod 1'alinenlon's support.- iso Ir callin os Turkey to ac uicsre w a t ro rd Io bare a ►ho, l uasiuo to recede' +ullicieol strength to im tdc the a>so a of sltribulio • re !, witheat
1• '• it esa yes flu farrwer to are manures to K q proposed r B P P $ ty of Bruce. 8 f3 sMrtioa of it to ter r
It may be necessary here to state distiuefl r ' I a oowtrful boat, owing to the slreng,h and
a wu:b neer aJsawta ON wet nab, ! !• peaceful settlement, with ,hr. a»araiue tadisoluuon. 8 e --- - long and unos�ry ale J
k greater gs for tis isformaftonof that clasiof demo- P ) Woodatoek or St stoppages '
� `•'• '.;ft Loses, wool a.bn, and oTber artificial ma- t tlmf Russia intended no infringement of , The Coe» raw will hr mrn'ly subservient ra idnfr of its Furt,nf, and el it is so far � p es at
t corse politicians who have Grquentl! lite '1'wki,u neriine of 11 proposes Tbal to our ,nese duliobal inform, to an act for' above the Falls -_0 aides -as to f reludc °�, Or rhes at
lures are almost thrown away. Etre has , both laces, but h M P
y 1 claimed Lord 1 rlmtrsion as fie repress°- neguctalions shall like place in a neutral bringing into early upera-,on ihw• present the possiblity of dap fer from them in casts p think the inure it sell!
rxsrls but one half of its fertilize[ virtues I ( not oaleulatod to !
. native of their own opmtous, tl.al 1,u .•b- country, and that lite opening of fht eta- alrcuyr GancLi,e law, aaJ fo perfcet the of accidents. '1'be act that the Interssa- acinic tits
when water n allowed to stagnate on tits ectron to lite measure now in con rm la- , , .�_�- utmost ex. 1
sod. '!Jar of eke failures of es,eriueots } I fereucr .ball be Ie :,gnalfor au armtshee. Llactise Legialriisr C'um.eil uuJer !lie ex- lu,nal ha►been constructed and furnished ,�.___ - pedition, and we'kink that the Eastern i ,
1 r lion is not that The pro♦i,iuus of file bill 'I'be letter guarantees the bans of lite ,ected unpetial ail founded on lite throughout, --bull. furniture and TT ((l� T *T ` Mails for Goder ¢
to derive benefit (rots the ass of artificial are loo restricted, or the anioatt of ri•fan) g i I g J HURON SIGN a-L."'Alto
rmkish ,osrreigafy. resolutions of last sessi"n. All other devcratioss,-by Buffalo mechanics, speaks line of Lite Gres W 8 keep the
r ' ` tievtilizrn war beat Irilwfed to lite presenia irs+uffic4at. On ti.e contrary; Lord P.,1- The `ultsu'ireply was expected t° reach important nsea-ures will be I ostponed, ' highly fo that point As a place of manufac- _.-- --^ - Wern
,;„ of water its Iter soil Il dials, rhe soil of and not leave it al 1Y t0 London, i
mersion like Air Canoingaud other beak•$ Vienna on rhe 16th Dec for if any measure more than ancfber i tures-Awur. Ji. it• Juu,nal.--Leder. 'TLIURSDAY, JA'yil.'ARY 12, INU. oodstoek v at 7e l
a field hke siw ►oil of a girdao. 'l Lis men of lite school of 11r. fill, to uLich ....... seat. Now, lee we P
` give* it a W tis orlss0t power to at- rural slirmiahrs oil [be Danube IwJ JrmauJ+ or Je♦cures nnmedia,e action, ___ behcte the •til - one
?"; r g highly P be belong" by flw tradition,. Liawhole poli- taken lana if is this. The nsercaenl will intro- r J q b
tract manturr (mess else aunosl•Irere, ■must treat lift is ¢rat a Pmrliamrnmr Itrfotmrr, 1 f n H:�T AiAY BF: !IAD FOA HQPi. M. CAMERON AND HIS that oil K Hires be made k¢owu to .r.,
talwLlc ro mit hirer tit soy w re- y ll,e Russians attacked Kalcfat on the duce ILe Gill for the secuLrizahon of lite IIRtE DOLLARS BLANDERBRS• be remedied, we ►ould sn
r i ! $ any, allbough be bore a part in LordGrr}'s 4fh Dec_ but were re ulsed with great car- Clergy Reserves, further rnr,Jm a Aiust - . ggest (hat the
�^ etira else air freely a cur important asset- real reform of ]r31, °o statesman of for 1 g d! providing $ - mails from the Eaal desliued
g R nage on both sides. Ilse imposauon of any i crosbrances on the Arran Arrangements Lave been made b whish We bare sweet ,bought it necessary rich, which are now meds for Gode-
•nee to the iatroJuaion of outncsous mat- resent da Las shown less die po,iuoo to g y I J w
ter. 'fbe more eatcwiyel tbe air find- p ! a Or the 13ib two Russian steamers with ClergyReserve Im,d• this weasure to be the 11unz J01.R%AL (which is 9.2 tyear) g the morning isd leave uP early in ;y
to entice elle aumcrous absurd charges
I niter that settlement of lbs question, 1n es- un Loans made a° unsuccessful attack on relies attire, and lake effect from Ilse r sad
" acres the gore finally dassdcd to act as a lend tilt frauchiae, to disfs+nthisr sinal! g P' M the V. ). 31taICAL 11'or.Lu Anti !;unit
Lakakchem• sinof Ibis imperial rial statute• all which will far lately brought against the HononG(e M. I the mails from that cit t0q+with 0`
more delicole -leve, the mon thorougly, I boroughs, or to inske' lite" conae,aiouy K f ' + I u (wb ell is d3 a Tear), will both be Cameron, rod perba some of our ; J at 2 o'el
$ There i, nothing really later from Asia. place 'he question in -the sawn position as it (uruiaLed for 'THREE DOLLARS, to W 3L, per Railway, °�+ P
The aeon profitably is online empinyrd to I which elle liberal party have never ceased 'fhe iI ural tenor of advices indicate would be in, had been passed b us last sus- erased
wort for man. '1 he net of ploughin end 6 I ! all who subscribe or renew their sell friends may have constr¢rd our silence IAruu A to Londe¢ sho6 ahbs
Ling to demand. It is lite more neeesssiy to ,hat jilt operations during November were s ion. Upon this bill the gocernaxnt will I seriptions before the first day of January into indifference; such is not the case, B at • Plass the
lanowis and ►tinning elle ea Ih in the erfectl es hest ole1Ls poinT, hrcau.e j wculd arrive at about 6 o,cloe 7
tune of �rou bt is an act of a t h in r y P I unfavorable to the 'Turk's. appeal as a government, to the people, for 1834. These papers are leading journals $$
3 3•- rl is commonly suppo>e4, both is Ihis coup- ]i is said fhat file Persia declaiatina their support. If a Governor Genesi or of their kind The lloiiE JOCa9AL ie so f°r, tlt6ougL we have been contented evening, and by cha¢ in k to (ha
]a elm driest weather the air is IoaJeJ with I try en I abroad ILat the aclise sympathy avaiust the Turks was caused by a direct the Crown refewd to allow secularization I well known that an description of it with merely giving that gentleman's t t (lee rims
moisture. This mature is carried by the I professed by Loris Palmerston for extreme promise from she Czar to rrmit 16e debt and acted toward, us ria that p•lic or pro- I would be sis erfiocus. It is enough to to own refutations to the malicious aceusa our London Stages w that they should
he ke1. air in pt of he admit orsof plants, ifibe soil lbs roots liberal opinions its some foreign countries due to I:u•tsca. p F ,t questions P � r e J I tion" brought against him, without com-' run in the nigh iN tead of the day as at J'
r II is combined with an a nal zeal for liberal posed Ic i ate on ofner uesliosa to the that in addition to The articles of its g g resent, -the lana I'
q' €,rrrrr weather was experienced on the r xc:u,ion o(tlu. 1 would be for collision, editors )Ion. cis & WILLIS), u is enriched I I P 7 Id leave
of the plants in the toil are Leifer supl licit' measures at );nine. No greater fallae ' s' lmestisg at Lige aeon the falsity and a London at T
K I I lrnb coat, ■aa seyerai siups ars reported thorough collision at once; because in the by the contributions of many of the or o'clock the risme ciente[ and would
with nourishment, it being nearer 10 1lpeta can be entertaineJ as to any public roan, to hate been wrist ked. - latter case collision would be the: necessary, most brilliant peas now .at work on- malice they contained, it was because arrive at Goderieb (when the roads are
Ln all aides within reach, ILas it can be and his ret-rernent from office o° the pre- The shit Nie arts with 130 passengers unavoidable menus to attain ,he cud; in the either side of the Atlantic It is, in their very frivolity boil absurdity were
where The boil is less Goe, a in common sent occasion, rather than accrdr to Lord 1 g P g 1 at all good as they now are), is time for 1
on boar), •stat ashore at Millport. Car- fonucr case, or the eras before u+ collision briefs superior FAMILY iii EWS- in most instances their own refutation. deliver earl the following morning ;7 tillage. J. Rasnel's scheme of ,eform, is a conclu- o sand. ' a ! )' g -
full sail -"To demonstrate that dews sive demonstration on that °mt. g u not drsi;ned or accerJrd t° obtain the I APER The 3leziretl 1Ymld and 'sad that othen of •graver nature were : Thus osc day would, without any great '
moisten rite laud when fine, Ji • hole its p p t R , the ludo uTim trurs willrsoounco tainvident saalnot� es Lto of seculaat nixaUonre of llLut isle o�ta! cali to culated-to tocaGr of le Times
'lPce new music, two baaaoualladred �es fully and triumphantly answered by Air• i than a am Iv suffice for the performance r
K Rte re eat, it is a on this rmand a=• a
J t ►he dry, hard ground, in the dryest "either, pressly and alone, that Lord Palmerston choice, ' I' Cameron himself, The tactics of the g r Pe
the rffeef that !lie entrance Of 16e fleets mrnLrr the government any the arty, on whish would cwt at elle Stores wine of work that now vires three or four.
a, deep as fb plough ought to go, beat lite has retired from site Cabinet, and not into the Black Sea is not with a hostile in- the mere u tion of the coastit tioaal dr- thin dollars : and the editor Richard resent opposition baro been rendered ; 11.
L^. t lei tit fine, and fill Ilan whole tkerewilh ; I upon any question of foreign tic q J ( p p� his is a matter of the greatest impor- `
re J 9 8 Policy -- I tendon but to inxistain the armistice which I lay of legislative action on our general af- Scorn Willis) furnishes the bra: p°aa�Dls' remarkable for their eery low order -
olid after a few sight's dew, you will find I Wit do not affect to disguise the regret rt is hoped will be enforced between Ihis, fairs. Again I Pay ,f we legislate on any musical instruction and criticisms on I 1 tapee, and we have no doubt the de- S
Iles earth become mriet, at the bottom, with which we have learnt his determi'n- sia andTurkey.I The vilest slanders and must scurrilous
while Ilie Lard rcued around pill be Jr ation, or to undervalue the loss which the J' ' I uestion, beyond d ,ubt le islate on Ibis• but music &ad musi(:iaue.. It also ices a sired changes will be effected as epee•
t g y' I The 31m ntng C/ironi le's correspon- f Ic uhuaon oil all great mail. rs with the vast amount of useful and interesting ma•''abnx batt totistuuicd the pone pal and I dif as possible. l i11 a field is lands ;male one Geld err} ovcn,mcut sustains. On the ,earner g e I J Pws
K J , diol writes That France and Erie and are prevent Parliament is unju,litiablr and ems- i i+icaf information, furnished by L. Mason.! the sole resources made available _ _ ___
Ger with a rcuc b deep plougbcie ;any Int althouentertains
the opinion Lord YaLaeretoa full! agree) on takirig the moat effectual neat) harzardous as 1 a rehcnd it to be Thes. Hastin s Boo Bradbury and, to damage the rt- utation, and destroy �i�
another be you b from ia.�ufficitut tillage enterroina on the eccrine of Yartiamen- ' ' I ( PP , I Hastings, R J IS p J ELECTIO`r or SCHOOL TaC$'TEEa.-TLQ
rheaua►rly, then plough the whole aid ! tar Beform is at valiance with our ossa measures ( coerce Russia. even for Ilse question itself) lee must of se- Iothers just what teachers, scholars, I the power of she miuietry I election ssUchool Trustees took place yes- ,
J The its lnictioos given to tie admirals cea+ity postpone this great Treasure withitalergpinen,-choristers, or;auists and'
cr°-swiss is the driest weather, which [Jos and with that of a rtSajnritT of the iutelli• I I It is not strange wbem other memGe'ra terday and we are sorry :o say, as usu.),
continued long, any you will pe:eeiro, (roto, gent classes of Euglishmeti, we. do not I are to $'top all Russian ship" found cruising all others. Wbe¢ 1 passed last summer t singeri need; while FaneT Fera eontr- t ,
" ►fir inuedcoloiof the earth, you will
hat ver fine lands! hesitate se avow that there never was a in the Black .:ea, and force them In return through the cavalry, it was so immediately I butesone of her best original articled of the ministry are unscrupulously I they created very little interest indeed
wdl be lotned up moW, but try rou,;b i time at whieh Ler llajesty's government 1I to :abastapol, which port they will not be after The close of lite session (only a few I every week. Both papers , containing , attacked by hese cite engines of considering elle great pecuniary and
Ian) will be dry as I owder from trip to lot- I cou1J less afford to loose the advaotago f allowed to (rave - until the conclusion of days) that there bad arisen neither opportu- I •Ir this literature, music, amore• weakness and cowardice. that the Hom. j other even more important interests in.
tons. In the driest weather. good hoeing of Lis great abilities and experience, nor' �� treaty of peace. That Prate, of pity ser occasion for the ministry to sees-� mettasd instruction', are furnished for l Malcolm Cameron should entirely a f volved. Ilowrrer the selection opo¢ the
Procures moisture to roots ; though lhr was them ever a lime when it was more I fhnrsday, says the combined Beets cider the enoslitutronal position of lbe I the small sum of Tbree Dollars- Ad- !-
ignorant and incurious fancy it lea in w seithertial to the interests aid dignity of had not catered the Black Sea on the 12th Clero Reserve and other �re�t questions,dress either Morris & Wilh%. Publishers cape. and consequently we fad that be whole is good The geotlemea elected
t Die: with rcs set to the increase of te repre- f the 11owe ,Ioninel ; or Dyer & Willis, I has been aeeaxd of rasing his isfioelsa were Robert Gibbons Benjamin Psrwos
druu,hf and are, hrrrforr afraid to hoe the nation that the ministry should pis• P P
Ihr'ir 1 lasts ler such hrovs."� I serve a firm end united attitude. 1n I News from St. Petersburg to the 9^h, xntation, the extensiop of the Iranch,se, Publishers of The Vasieal, 'Tl'orld sad u a .Minister of the Crown, to effect John Longworth, Esqn , and Mr G
In one of his arguments to his brother' that Gover mewl Lord Palmerston has tw I lamburg, mention that on August 27, and the introductie,p of an Elective Legis- I Trio,, -New•York. land speculAtio-ii, but unfortunately for A. Desire.
a Russian squadron of 4 ships anchored lative Council. It was only after the re- the propagators of he viUapy, their at
j farwcn to deepen their soil by resit poor i not only proved himself, u home Sears. ch Na¢Raaki Ja ler. and acre hospitably tura of the ministry, i¢ the autumn, That the SALVEa SrsAtc:- There is one fact, T01QN$i11P SLECTIOSS
11;ealle means, to let air iulo tfie roots of I tart', a most eMeieat administrator, but f , p -
I reeeii•ed. above consideration necessarily I xrliors were tooeasilr refuted, and ?►1r
Ilieir crops, sad to girt scent (aeilnt) poor I has giver its a liberal epi: it elle benefit o1 y arose; and which :Las recently come to my know -1 Cameron had no difficulty to rouse to
I mible to lite growth of tLe roots of plants, be' his advice and judgement in the diseas- SPAIN. the pretest views of the Government there- led_re in connection with t -Li, subject, 1 J proving �pawasfms--Xeasn. Chante Girvis ,
! expressly assures thew that hereby plantai cion of allAhe important questions of for Mr. Soule, the U: S. Alinister, had on, soon afierwards found their way into which may be given to the farming public the world. that he was perfectly clean
de.ive brmeL•it which exclealvely belong to ! sign policy which the twelvemonth has- frrg6t a duel with the Mar uis Tour ole, r papers. p pet 1 Jame 8emerrille, AVi1Gsa Flakes, John
1 be Public a ,urs. Bur when 1 afterwards With wine ra t of benefit : ss many boded in these a bins. He Las also
' 9 visited some art, of the nt•sr, in autuinn,, airy use it so as to tore La when it Smyth and Ilezekish Helps.
Rise vegetable world. I broughtunder �Lc consideration of 31i• I the French 3libister, owing fo cirrus re• P J be .r accused of Sabbath breaking. He
l)f Ibe subsoil plough, Prof. Johnston: niaters of the Crown That Lord Valm• i marks of the latter, on Airs. Soule s dross: Vhhoug6 not in a position to justify my an I scarce k neighbor of mine lead some I g Goszatcn Toa vamr.-lleeert. John
•N s, it is as inmrt mmi unequalled at re-' Craton was known to be art to iC was ' Lord llowden acted as second for the bouncing at that moment, lbc eo ected 'wheat which Le was obis eJ to et -in. soot I went, aye bis wonderfully pion elands
I 9 P party I P 1 8 8 Iidmest, 8 H. Moauwstk, - Seeep,
$'rut, l believe, for Rising areal practicable unquestionably an additional pledge to French Minister. A duel also been fought policy of the 'Government; yet I freely dis- aftei being cut, and while the straw was } ter to: see the Genoa, to ocean steamer
money value to stiff clayey subsoil. Yet I the country that the policy cif. the Gov- between the Duke Of Alba & young Soule, cussed with the people; as 1 went along-,- bather green, to prevent iojury tram a, on a Sunday! But Mr Cameron took the • and J. Calloway.
. ever lie, strong advocate as be a for deep emmsrst is the East wa to be Arm and (growing out of the came affair- In neither The obvious' constitutional difficulties, any threatening rain -storm. In order to'pains to refute tilt,huge and gave it ler SrasrLev.-Ness, hoods, Snowdon,
plongLiog and the wr of the anbsoil Idnagh,I honorable. To impugn &till mi►rAppre• case was there any harm done, the embarrassments they might ii- I prevent, the mow from.hating atoaldirg I em baric sod iacontrovrrtable denial. 31e1Cinlay, 1; Atideraa Joha Ne Ken -
admits that oflrbtimr" it m of but,little' u..c I •enr that policy the enemies of the Gov I The ore nand mail was telegisphed from I fret as zealous as you for the consumation , or otherwise taking har»:. he sprinkled I P
( unless preceded by drumng. 'Bat though, erament resorted long ago 12 the 'fiction Trieste0a the 23rd Dec. of this great measure. I bare been and `os the several loads salt in vert liberal I The public were also ]ately'mueh edi- i sis•
+ N open up,' says he,'1Le soil for a Iiine to of supposed divisions in the Ministry; I The acccust$ from Bu-inah. were atis• $'till am determined to stand or fall by it, gaanties. After this mow was tbrerhed, Sed and advanced iti their opinions of tbo I (ocnoa.E.-1lessre. D• -'lwk• Win. 11
a greater depth, the subsoil plough will, i° those r irisrons bave unhappily, at length factory. with the people. But s• long as I find ibe and the straw stack made meeessible, to tlrligdtenrd .press of Canada, by seeing a I Young, RoGt. Young. IT -r Bissett and
:,. most cases, afford no permanent earn for I occurred, brat not, u was erroneously r°- j 'fhe insurgents keep po"es,ion of Shang- proposed policy for the postporment sof all the stock on the farm, it was noticed r a letter of b1c Cameroi'a which that F, Martin.
The deficiencies of the itubsoil,V wnai&d presented, on the'dour"a to be pursued hai, but had been de. -fried by the ]m- legislation, fairly and honorably carried but that the animals were almost constantly i.
by dn.ist.g . I towards Turkey and Russia. but on the perialista at Amoy. , I see so reason to justify alt changing "iT picking at it and that it dna• gentleman, who we presume, other Bel. 3f Johnson, '
rpttued' S lx }lav -Messrs R
When a soil, espeeially a retentive one, measure of reform to applicJ to be the coarse vales$ The Paul who ly renounce a quite rapidly. The straw was also swam employments to occupy his attention be- _ 3lellicb Q. Wilson, 'A W. Cast,
electoral franchise and to the ,luno I
ICew Yostt, Jan. 6. t, is underdrsined, the water as it percolatesdissdiilios and postponementsandwould pre- up eleana.thas usual. This wan all sidesattending to the little anetilios , J, Andersoup '
thrnugh it, !nares innumerable small pores I boroughs. FLOVa-3larket (sir State and Western I fer either the breaking up of the mini,try, Ibwi: g; doubtless, as it was asrribcd, to whish his slanderers world dictate, -in UtaoR�r --J. Strom.Nd D Kerr.
,Y -it be;tAcomes like nge-a r aicutaled It would,.. Lowerer, be a greatan d mist � is lower and Leary ; moderate demand ; , or my withdrawal from it, or an injurious the salt having made the straw more t J. Richards, Jw. tlu�"
wase of Gue tube". Not only does under- chevious error if it were be'icred that ; Canadian dull at 7,63 ,,ales, �Vesterm diswlutiot under any aotagoosstic, course palatable. At all events, the fact far- the burr) of business, neglected to dot
lite voluntary retirement of Lord P•Im Canal 4,5003 brls , 7,36 a 7,62 for tom- his is and to mate some other little CLS&Gr Rtaca-11 -Ia our ;last we
draiuin; remove all excess of water, any J m Yaninftieml or abroad. Ile d F.fgim it suhn • hint worth dolLts-worth
r'sf supply st witen deGeiemt. but it equalizes tin soros from o.Ticic on another question I mon to slrart Dta;e ; 7,63 a 7,73 for mixed is reported will resume hu po.,i:wa 'as the more than Ibis wbeeriptia --prko of Asiahes, which uroi a critical examine- published a from rite t'a 1. Hi°eke and
Irrr. senators of lbe ,.oil. BceiJt+ lhC would in any degree lower the tone or re- n affairs of ill; 110 fancy 3]ichIgnn, and comms° to good representative of her Majemy; and although either or both of your peers -to maty, tion these wiseacres considered necessary his week a letter fra tbe g@a. John
yp benefice,! mechanical effect on The soil, un- C' bioelax thetto which heon rhag till now belong Ohio - fins well tested cow u di forbid
integrity sad Who May bay@ as Our neiahbora d d.Tothat it. and
I production, Ralph apors the polic4tb"�sment
Jerd:aiumg Ina, great chemical action I B meet itamima would forbid m m coo- to constitute it a finished reduction, 11
( y �e „1f endeavor
*.. lite rcinotal of stagnant
water and the rd. It does unfortunately to im• r: vKli o) the least hope of bn sauctioe for wa straw bat apo so-sliek."-Comstrr co¢xgiently, this letter, the scrawl of u on thin gneetioo• kw nes upon
41 free admission or air rat its steaJ, acceler- pair the influence which this country may CLERGY RE.T:RVES POi.ICY. full a final kgialation with Ibis Perlia- Gentleman, moment, although a fair specimen of a sezt week to offer ,
►res Ilse di.intearatioo of minerals, ns well exercise to Europe that a Ministry a ei- , - meat, yet I am equally eoniineed orhis ie- — — b¢sine•.s letter, was used to bread Mr the subject;
as Ili`• rkenm seine of or snit matter sa Posed to a sucee,scon of this kind at the QcEat:C, Dec. 20th, 1853. flexible purpose to carr out the views of A TErrCaAMCE NA..- -
r"s g ter • moment when it would be most es- I Private. r r ! Ilene is a Cameron with ignorance, and was pard' ittatoe from R. II.
v_ � Ike toil, readeris r them both •%ailble a$ } ( ) the country when fairly, fully, and coastils- story of a man to whom boson n "due, 1 Received '.
•r tonal far plait+. 1'he wLn{c of ILe increase xntial for us t° be actinq a one loss to AiT D[Aa Birt: -I hate scot my views, tionnll ea reseed. which we 5nd in Tb G- I ed Lc fore lbe public eye in a m¢lilsted Dom' ,h; J. Goble, South-
avert or to prosecute a war; and such as britfi on file subject of (he Cler lite- ! r Arles c/ flu, state, far that purpose. There is a re- Cereals", ;:, is crops obtained Gem draining must be P ! I gJ '1'bc party cannot wen object to the pool- 1T esti Cincinnati monthly p pose. .ABriealtare; Qae•
coasadereJc1e ar p,ofu. We believe one• occurrence is the more strange when it is serves, to wwe of our friend-, and send icy chile they avow that the Gorernmesf Age¢ lemon cocpernlled upon a tit- 7 p los, Vfinsetst
attributable to a cause distinct! foresees them to on and •loll be clad to t your t tsarkabl close traits! between the is •tP
lksrd its. r, tt to be a Ion estimate ; and J I + e f possesses any deserves their confidence. gro, who owns •fine farm in Ohio, and (elligence of thole depositories of the bjQ
<. " as this one-thirJ of the entire produce of •t elle formation of a Cabinet. But, be- eonfidentwl views in return with rempect l0 1 am, ikar ler, welted to purchaeesnme !rave timber wisdom of Canada and that 1 �RTITCTf:
A the farm ,a clear refit it will a ■ Li_b Jond this, we are 9 ,tidied that the course the subject and my position and du -.r. Yours trul Our colored friend inquired, r, P°"s°~ THS CANA
,� r ' P J wlsicL Ilea liovern melt are prepared to U on mature rrAaction it ism confirm- y' 9 r what ed b some individuals who have
, ioierelt on St30 investeJ in uuderdraiaios• P P P ! JOIIN ROLPiI. purpose he wsnted it ifs received J s meeting of the
Any farm which, from its location is worth adopt to the East will wi no change ed Op uses (i rain which it n my duly to net Wm- Mr DOl'GALL, LSQ for an answer, '• I bare a contract for w come under our notice, who having bad The annal as held on Bator-
(rom $40 to $100 per acre, if it nerd,! or aLatement from the wi•Ldrawal of under my responsibility toIbepartyincarry- Toronto. ' many whiskey barrels." the advantage of some three months Canadian Ins' best. Board Room
Lord I ulmer..t n in+ out their views that you na la it , Well sir," was the prom i.Me"of dayevening 1 tt+e
P t reply, I schooling talked wondrously thold Gore !tonne, when
Jrairio cannot fad to a a Landsane rate. a ) t ) r wast the who bed en• it was read, and es•
, A of infectsts for money ,Judiciously laid out The news of Lord Palmcrttou'a ices[- down as a aerated point that no Governor - - . ,__ have the timber for sale, and
nation will be received with different General, re„arding hi, I,iph rclati.ws tai all money, but no man sball their education than those Report of the state of the Issti-
u uuaerd airing. emotions in ma•i diff-arent quarters -in entire in this cnuatr', as will a. To tie single stave or hon - O ed a for tar larger ebur of scholastic �° tl
BL'FFALOAND B13.fN'iFORD purchase •
t;-0 _ _ _ J 9 P ) B ole, or j 3 g hibited elle benches, It now w,yd
some wish a,tomshmrnt--in sone woh m_ t RAILROAD. PP particle of talion to its members, and Crown, would ercr consent bs any prnpo- grain from roe for chs, Purpose " drilling. o[ 30(1
ULSIGNA'f10:1 OF LO[lU PAL• eredulilr--in some with etnaauom--in uu•,n for lesialalann upon alt the great in -I Doffilo with elle Of Doane 1]r Cooper was not alitOle And yet alts falsss¢d frivolous numbers in The following
many more with regret. The mcetin3 0l terr,ta of the cnuntrr, by a 1'arlumcn by This RoaJ connectins sup in the back" to meet with s J P J,
11 AI EstS l (J V . 4 T charges as these are brought forward to i" steadib i ecced oRoe bearers for
V'iuvn°t Palmerston has tendered los Parl anent - an slate terminate Ihis peri ou:scice+comJemoeJ in two of ih branches � Southern pr:unsula of Canada, and b reproach. and rat reit stern grslesen wet
P F g mad and called him a
c of excitement and uncertmim bat we have as defective us it. in es•ewial con,tifu- which the trade of that woe( fertile portion ani er —.6-LI.,ensai v'�
!• g detract from the wgll ><..�
resignationttere the c De ar -sil, and of - I oft he Province will be opened to that city, '[!that is ver t „ etralas_egard sad ■w,aeessful career of 317 Nor. ,bief Jusfsos Robin-
` Talc for site ]Dome Ueparlment, and heti no dcubt that rt wi!I fully confirm the tinea! elements, Je(rctitr in oornhcr, in ,beJ Coe, mildlT replied Preei
I 1.
was ut en o,rnh ns oa the 20th iost. At it is
'` tnrelore ,case), williin elle last turfy -eight ststeinenfa ire love midi. 7.nrd Palmer• eleetirr fr. nchise, and elecfice principle. P the other;' my misfortune to be • se- Cameron. This cam of them my serve sus. president -prof croft
• I sten will then ciudieate hu conduct any es- in l raglan) such conshttoual irinerples and I Pari,, near Iirr,Iford; Can3da 1\'ert, this gro I can't het, ,list but I can het to show the tsJkiont intent on the rt
bun, to form • part of her illajrsty $'I 1 r P• !gaga �%s Fr-Ialpl t -Poo Hied
plain his motives but we con conceive no u,uaoe are (-i;Idly or wrongly is nnI Ise roe I will intersect Ilse (neat Western selling a y timher tnlmxke whisks barrels 8ess•d�t1- w le Crayford. .
11 Government, y if else! re$'ignnpon has Lrrn P . Knlwa which is now neat) finished to J of their &¢titers but cannot fail b pro- Da1rI
of cos short of the most imperiousdre►ares gne,t•on, hell, a, in the rrGrrm of 1 I !• ! Is Imre+toile u ,,, Rev. Ptsf. Irving, "
accepted by else Crown. Upon the rete, t e � , ' Defriot hirer, ib- giving liuffnlo a very ___ dues ole the public mind amore -exalted . tisers�agW Allan.
of a comtnu kation frim Lord 1'almerstnn, ^f consen orae •ria of da y which womld jus- l,ananasrealir; and we sbou.d be involved in, with UetnotanJ rate nbwrre thato opponents Seeralt!r7 rd Allen.
announcing the rewlitwim he Ila] bees IeJ� ofy a ALniater of the Crown in retiring enZrras� sols were we 1° a -sante I direct loaf coommunicNs°° ppppoossaion bas sprang opinion of the mso whose o Dents an S•ak g
Central 1liehi jan. The Buffalo and Brant- op between the Mnz.py,ra and the rowpelled to lase their sok rolures apo- Librwy :� Cherrims, Alfred
to ford, Ilse Yrime Alivnter IrG town for impar rte cervace al s saoment of leo much IL3t rise Crown would be less scruplrw lend road.boweter will he euewded from Priarrrs Royal to 1Vellington S ¢err P CouweyL-PFrancis
Otborse-hoax yesterday (or the purfox imlrortance to the interesb of the nnfion Imre, on a que-tion myolyina Ile° late iia- 1 Bnael, 7�O 66 T ^ '
oeriag the re,iawatioeof the Home :seen- and of Ilw wo.1 L iasrs. penal action, and frith ts,soa i►, as well a Brsntford Northwest to Goderieb, nn the the Naze to 2a os ouch weak ►ad eootemptible sccsasn- s' PrJ WlLaon. Bhaa� a.11
ppa list reduced her fare
Ea,taa sbnce of Lake Ileren, by a route 6d. cibin, and Is. 3d deck.-I,e�r tions a the•' todemage his reputation. MJ, PreL Hod - .i
u�y bcfo.e tfse llueeo. 11'kaaver rosy the intense feelin js of all pac,ies a tie ear ►at slightly [rom a dinner line. lt' ----- The vet little symp•tky w►ick Mr. a I ,
k Ute wrpnse which thin anmouaetnacnt - - country. �n i► r The Remittee Jouranl a,rd T;rprrrs y J. OO)I(MSA
».i, , ttwwf fleet the work on Ibis portion Brow° reeeivtsd in this scant and f OF 19EW YORK.
ably escdr its the public miaJ, that sur•I AF RIVAL OF TIIE "CANADA." 'fhe proposeJ Olicy affeetin; this awd;d litw r sow to be pr•eased forward semiweekly, has become a dailyPt -
ywy,e wi!l be coti,iderbly s° nfeJ 'Witco other great quesn ria, has been cordufly ler cstitled the Dail w paper
who spored no ' ins to damage the
Iyr,rnaa Jor.ael P• New Yost daring the
Pt ' etMb dl praetieable speed, sad when ,sail --- y B P• � g°
eke cruse which has induced 11 , J Palmer- I 9 he .team+kip Canada from Liverpool eepled; the o one wou.d hire been, io reputetiOa of Mr. Cameron when At eke p►`
4 stnu to withdraw from the pre*enl admin,- on rhe 24th off, orrireJ Ihis foreaoce ex of opinion, unloubtediy refu,cd. rue red thin hoe will drone° elle tneveon _��.__ _ arrived froom festa
! �tanee to Lake superior about one ken. ENGLISH MAILS AND MAIL ben was • N) good index of the full year 1653, is, comprising 1 steam
Vanua is accurately ki.ows. That Cause, route for Bostor. Mitsmiry can bring into lite House nader d•ed lend misty miles, sad the Irene sbnut CONDUCTORS. ' PCo b alar ion inEE
4'10 of war, 213 st"mabips, '
we est sorb Ienl!v ala+e, n rnco.,nectcdl The slea,rsski 1]rs/tu arrived oal'llte. our eonstitahen, leo meas,src withn tlbe eo¢Adenoe ropo•d J P°P ^° tai 1 ' 61S
I P sit" twenty Irorn. 'CAse will be o' math tin- - tress, 1,419 ktiga; +
Mab lose forciAs pol-y of the Gurrramrnt, 22. Governor General'a consent. Yn bttA Mr Cat moron a she wether for Huron. biys alto and I sloop. The I poveawee to the [real side of loud which The great advsntaAee derived from sbnndant indications eoheoue" ta q 1, '
M k u • pt a seen out of the Jslfi; dtir, of Iby1 I'ha political ale) general vws b Hieb aJcice, uaJer Ili peening se 1 Is wilt set in, lowerd ►lee item anA eepner rt. the tppointment of inti! rondaoton Io •ud we hate moHe•d enean ♦evsrrls teas rS9
l:s,t+rn gwesri,w, nor is is true that dif.' the Cern" poaxss ns kateree of im- abroad in favor of this naru,'nlar. are. „r,s npea the cemplotlon of IiP Canal convey the Rnglish mail from New York late! wbicb •vire• • still greater in- eawb"r ` and of all tstbsA 571. ,;,,♦
;;t ilmmueem of o,•iei m o i f►at subject lure I portae,, but the details will be i stare•t- been tewdersri and dedowd yjd1trl, r!i•rnmd tlae Falls at Sault Ste Mane, and m•y he sere in the gnat rapidity with crease, of the se.Yetee en bestowed and of Britia in t6+ W""Is so cum}•"& i;.>
tetswdtstrl fbrws.elt es wick wait force as ioT,T could not bare retro wl. M t have ►t- which will be about the soma period wbileb eke Raglish nucha broaalit tseder set Ibat srbald Mr. Tb*' 275. TM peeMtlgev •tt 4 p
ee !rad a, the retirement of any mam!aer of I '1 ha rramiarat Jtager of an E'sr�ssas wtr signed; a tory coo wo°ld h (era- w.tb the eornpletren of lit, abwrr road. rhes• este reach this city as One we testate fA with 110 p52 rare 310,355, •sig
t r Ibtir P• another visit to t ss t dnsr•••e
lee sdmwn The grosnd on winch r in no response leu time a was the date ed. And if, oehgrd e� with theme bre be b the Bnwabe tempted to pay I rived
tinea, tkp \1'e are glad In vis, as we do h) the •R J strait!► hsvt dif°al- 1 'S53j abaw g that st
y� }+a,w«ntm+ n sail to neat sia ina►il- of our teat adtieee. Corn Ike eta&•hlWrwnAl urs and left to take their cheese from H^too that ►e wools gnat unn the ra"1 y�
lee should venni ell IM� Batfiles CswaawoW Adawfisr,, ib1►t the IOQIQ g �y
t-i1srM rM^ewkdi►y M prebeet bAr t,maA R^ selmsferiaey t. aLe1 tC~elesr•b lead mAseoceP�xal to slw , Company 0•K arrival h Ifori higher is the ease of lee l f is Anding a solitary isaivieaal b take r;.als 1Antcmg• P �~ t#MM `b;
coda C love reed lee w is ob- Oflsol d,,"u
"•!P bewg. ► Coe atramev it simeM hnntT7wd •A
n,' rs»t er..ioa, is still f"rfker dn,Lsrd. fhe tnMtiriinM bei to bear wt veaesst weld tains&[ the right sad of a Ferri Bat to invsrishlr him basal.sheirt
r ' she statism K eesireel tM reale wdb lbs Citi rat' Boble Mist we receive news by - �.._____ ----'! ,y4 t Ptt bile tire, visa re +' „'
ibmis6, bess,twepar. 4,Ws air W their ,Jed o,sp .alt stem saw. q�KAsr,+w, nesinwl n Stock* rre rery T'aa s•lnsn(ee! of she~ party it in I be p^ upeg,vy i i"Pr• lk►gaglt ' fa•nrsa e, ma b often ►s � ie ter•
rs colt Te trainee elle N Miser. A new heat TRB 1[AILII gsadrwpl•d
p y BnRlirrh } arrive, mad •Rea r
-A Jgb, leas tea for The rest were 45,00) bales me N seem. r m `ve w tihena- egs$1 it eeeR restrict t. the Now York meek & adverse On we think, y eat --'Kiss #Ulm
-.,isbety,� Bab a ntrrrry -- Nsrket erseeel se Nva, time ..f •dyne, whit i ferry beats, bra ►yea eMsrrseted is Baia- '^"t it* Avedas1&A iee/�m*ut v Pswrva+rt'
les Ar arra-e of rhe A n�ea, b wk$Try sT aaa/ cheese b enpreaelp for Ibis Pr1'rt'e. Osis cern- Mb.r h , De R+b mails bras"_ try 000, ebel.d is this tines- o f � Ialiaas+mrias �• !M
r+"a a+ it t f ( I tfsrtw,r u rM hlwssttM.eal, a ells w craw bJJ tits racer rrstu, frail )few Mty eJ eve , iia settee ea}egoo
..., . t, w . `,4 arigMlr sdr,see . ("oft,
to r'al.1e) As ars &Avenue mum- i Pact I- f1'.e r"det eessrt of swrivad sad e.p•rlan• bah prp•dd
. '.1,00 g sv If, 1i'!isat 4A try, w ra fi f pr+gao•1 aptmss aM led, n (kat of !e1•i 10e1�� ill • eerlw ", sad (4 W4e is Hier sit) 1eM) mk a alsm ie the ab&ttias d a 1 INWIB
--... 10 1 � .u..
arse:' � ---.",-'
I i� �,e ,, �y�t ,._fir.
:r.'a� ear at sang^. ""•rte �,. Imo. a .. r ., � ttn•sssw,.. t1- _ ` e