HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-11-07, Page 10Products Of General Motors 141411 F1 Frigidaire Sales with Service Drysdale Crest Hardware PHONE 11 HENSALL 16 Properly For Sale 13 For Sale 13 For Sale Page 10 November 7 Classified Rates 22 Words a8 5 Each Additional Word 30 (Minimum 850) 4 Female Help Wanted 9 Services 9 Services 15 Wanted FEED AND SlIELTER for the winter for 40 head of cattle Consisting of 20 rows and 20 Yeerlings. Must be good care- taker and prepared to look after sonic calves which will be born during the winter months. Write J. Morgan, 10 Ann St., Guelph, Onterio, or telephone Guelph TAylor 2-2434 collect after 5:00 p.m, 31:7e ,BARRYMORE .carpets and rugs; also carpet sweepers and vacuum cleaners, Shop and rsave at Sandy le 2-BEDROOM furnished house, oil furnaee in Southcott Pines Greed Bend; also 2 apart- ments, furnished. Apply Irene Gill, phone 2382102, 7 - - SPACIOUS 2-bedroom. house, bath, large living room, oil heated in .Green Acres, Grand or ro phone Alr Earl.714y2e514. 113) eerngd, Lucan Apply 7:14e PAINTING & HOME. mainte,, n.ance. Phone Centralia 228- 6687. 171fne . . .„., SEPTIC TANKS ..vacuum clean- ed, No mess, no fuss, speedy service. Phone Grand Bend 238.2031 or 238-2166, 8:3(fric. • JIM'S REPAIR SERVICE - TV and radio. Phone Ailsa Craig 293-3134. 10:17tInc HADCO WELL DIGGING -- Machine dug 1 ft, 'to ft. diameter up to 150 ft. deep; repairing and deepening. Highway 85, Elmira •MO 9- 3761, or Luean BA 7-4680. 2:21*tfric 20c Off ....„.....„.......... MOFFAT RANGES .are good electric ranges. Buy the best for less .pit. Sandy Elliot's. Also 3 good used ranges. * 7e . „. BROWN CLOTH COAT, fur collar, size 42. Can be seen at Brady Cleaners, 7c ANTIQUES, SOUVENIRS - Variety, greeting cards, Ye Olde Country Store in the Eisenbach Museum, Qrand Bend, Highway 21 north, 10:31-11:28* If paid by Saturday following last insertion. 13 For 'Sale PIGS - 20 re li o i c p rstarted Yorks; also. .some maple tops S1,00 each. Apply George Link phone- 34112 Dashwood. 7c WITH EVERY .PURCHASE from Sandy Elliot Furniture or Appliance you get a re- ceipt for the amount. If your ticket is 'draw in the 3 big draws Christmas ,Evp the full purchase price will be return- ed. to you in cash, 7c BOY'S BROWN SUIT, size 14, in perfect condition, just cleaned, second pair of pants never worn. co The Exeter Times-Advocate. 7c PAIR GOALIE hockey skates size 12, A-1 condition. Phone 56 Herisall. 7c 24" WESTINGHOUSE stove; 24" Moffat stove; Cold Spot refrigerator; 48" Hollywood bed. Apply Bill's Barber Shop, Exeter. 7c 16 Properly For Sale SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED- Immediate service, always available. Harold Butler, Lu- can, phone BA 7-4254 or BA 7-4312 collect, 10:4tfne Get Out from. Under NROEHLMI Hide-,A-;Bed, tur- quoise in color; two 34 size spring filled mattresses. These articles 'are fin excellent con- dition. Phone 83R4 Zurich or see Archie Mustard, RE 2 Zurich. 7:14c MICE--Protect your trees and shrubs from winter mice. Use Howard's Pliosbeit. Exeter District Co-op. 7c CHESTERFIELDS and bed- room suites; also some nice clean used ones. You'll like what you see at Sandy El- liot's, 7c ATTENTION WOMEN-- With- out .any experience you can earn money for your Christ, mee shopping by selling Avon cosmetics and toiletries in your vicinity, Write to Mrs. M, Wilson, 17 Haw. .kesbury Cres., London, or call collect 432-9019 between 7.8 p.m. 7e WOMAN WHO CAN DRIVE- If YOU would enjoy working 3. or 4 hours a day calling reg- ularly each month on a group. of Studio Girl cosmetic clients on a route to be established in. and around Exeter and are willing to make light deliver- ies., etc„. write Studio Girl Cos- metics, Dept, CW-3N, 840 La Fleur Ave., Montreal 32. Route will pay up to $5.00 per hour, 7:14:21c Second Insertion 2 1/2 PER WORD (Minimum 550) Six Insertions 2 PER WORD (Minimum 45) Dead Animal Removal 5 Help Wanted BUFFET, modern, medium size; Singer sewing machine, treadle, good working condi- tion. Mrs, Kurt Gebel, RR 1 Clandeboye. Phone Lucan 227- 4359. 31:7c MAYTAG AUTOMATIC wash- ers and dryers are top rated. Big Maytag sale now on at Sandy Elliot's, Several good used washers and dryers now in stock with your money re- funded if your ticket is drawn. 7c all those instalment pay- ments. Get an "ALL-IN-ONE" loan from Crescent Finance. Select the loan you need to pay all your debts, You Receive Months Payments $ 506.94 30 $ 22,00 $ 988.30 30 41.00 $1,523.08 30 66.00 $2,991.18 30 113,00 For dead or disabled animals, call HOUSE ON MAIN ST.-2 bed- rooms, comfortable, living room, dining room, kitchen, sun porch, oil heat; attached garage; close to sehoo7l,:l store,,i:21 church. Terms a v ilabl e. Phone 235-2284 or 'apply 99 Main St. 3-BEDROOM HOUSE, fire- place in living room, 3-piece bath, oil furnace, corner lot, Phone Hensall 263W3, 7:14e 2-STOREY, 3-bedroom, yellow brick in Centralia village op- posite Osborne's store; 3-piece bath, new 650-gal. septic tank and complete new field tile; new hot air oil furnace; new aluminum screens and storms, garage and many improve- ments. Phone 228-6925, 7c FARM HOUSE at Clandeboye. Good clean condition, modern conveniences; bus to McGil- livray school; reasonable rent, available immediately. Apply Arthur Hodgins, Clandeboye. Phone Lucan 227-4370. 7c Clerk DARK BROWN crepe dress, like new, size 15-16, reason- able, May be seen at Mid- Town Cleaners. 7" McSTEPHEN AUTO WRECKERS Semi-Display Classifieds (Restricted to One. Column) First Insertion-Per Inch $1.40 Second Insertion- Per Inch $1.25 ROGERS MAJESTIC 19 inch portable TV sets now $150. Best buys in radio, Hi Fi and television at Sandy Elliot's 7c Darling & Company Of Canada Limited. MALE or FEMALE 5-DAY WEEK PERMANENT POSITION IN EXETER OFFICE Must be capable of typing and have knowledge of bookkeeping, WRITE BOX 591 le THE TIMES-ADVOCATE Minimum one inch, accepted only in multiples of 1/2 inch. DUCKS - 250 per lb, live weight. Apply Lloyd Reynolds, phone 235-1917. 7c GO OD CHEER white enamel cook stove and small size Duo-Therm oil burner 18"x36". Both in good condition. Ap- ply Arnold Becker, Crediton 234-6205. 7c Crescent Finance Phone Collect Clinton Hunter 2-7269 Licence No. 262-C-63 9:20tfnc Classifications RR 1 Crediton Behind Centralia Airport Used Tires, Wheels & Tubes also Batteries, Seal Beams Guaranteed "YOU GET MORE THAN CASH AT CRESCENT" Call Right Away L 10 y 0 r CORPORATION LIMITED Manager - John R. Keep Phone 235-0633 Exeter PHONE 228.6214 '63 AUSTIN, A-60. Reg. $2,195 Now $1,875.00 '61 FIAT '60 PONTIAC TUDOR, 6 Cyl., radio. '60 RENAULT SEDAN, Excel- lent 2nd car. '59 METEOR RIDEAU SEDAN, automatic '57 METEOR, V-8, straight stick, '57 PLYMOUTH Hardtop, ra- dio, automatic. '56 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, auto- matic, 6-cyl. 10 Livestock For Sale WANT TO MAKE BEAUTIFUL MUSIC? 9 Services KEN'S KITCHEN KABINETS, custom wood working, furni- ture refinishing, aluminum doors and windows, general carpentering. Phone Ken Kel- ler 107 Dashwood. 9tfne ANYONE wishing whitewash- ing or disinfecting barns for brucellosis, contact Bill Wat- son, phone 37r19 Dashwood. 27tfnc BUY YOUR ill-fl NOW WITH A LOW•COST EILMINSURIED 1. Lost, Strayed 2, Found 3. Male Help Wanted 4. Female Help Wanted 5. Help Wanted 6. Business Opportunities 7. Teachers Wanted 8, Situations Wanted 9. Services 10. Livestock For Sale 11. Poultry For Sale 12. Cars, Trucks For Sale 13. For Sale 14, Wanted To Buy 15. Wanted 16, Property For Sale 17. Property For Rent 18. For Rent 19. For Sale or Rent 20. Wanted To Rent 21. Property Wanted 22. Notices 23. Legal Notices 24. Tenders Wanted 25. Auction Sales INVISIBLE RE-WEAVING' - Makes holes, cuts, tears and burns disappear from suits, clothing and fabrics. Save your damaged garments by having them invisibly re-wov- en. Free estimates, prompt pick-up and delivery. Phone Mr. C. Latour, 238-2666 after 5 p.m., Mondays to Friday; 9 to 9 weekends. 7e HOLSTEIN HEIFER, vacci- nated, bred Hereford, due soon. John Berendsen, miles east of Farquhar on Highway 83. Phone Kirkton 21R4. 10:17.11:21* CHESTNUT PONY, 2 years old, well broken to ride or drive; also 2 pony carts. Cecil Hartle, RR 3 Ailsa Craig. Phone 292-3024. e* C 0 W S - Holstein springing cows and heifers, clean test. Purebreds and grades. Phone Keith Mrarr, Lambeth 652-3200. 11:7.12:12* Don't Wait DRY SLAB and body wood. Also wanted to buy good standing timber. Apply Ro- bert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig, phone 232.4450 Nairn. 3:21tfnc EXCAVATING, BULLDOZING, TRENCHING - Sewer work, ponds etc. Compressor for sand blasting, air hammer. Gravel, topsoil. Sam Sweitzer, phone 235-0181. Mine ALUMINUM DOORS, win- dows, awnings, siding, Alumi- num and wrought iron porch railings. Top quality products at reasonable prices. Call us for free estimates. We do our own installing. Walker Alumi- num Sales. Phone 235-0722 (collect) Exeter. 4 tfnc USED REFRIGERATORS, $35 and up. Bruce Refrigeration, Grand Bend, phone 238-2385. 8:15tfne GIRL'S COAT size 12, Futur- arm brown fur collar and lin- ing. Clan be seen at Brady Cleaners. 7" GIRL'S NAVY blue double breasted Kenwood coat, size 14 teen. Can be seen at Brady Cleaners. 7c USED convertible Jet water pump; Universal hanging and floor milker units. Exeter Dis- trict Co-Operative. 7c SIMPLICITY WASHERS and dryers are guaranteed for 12 years and you get all the pur- chase price returned to you in cash if your ticket is drawn from 3 big draws at Sandy Elliot's on Christmas Eve. 7c BRING YOUR CAR IN TODAY TO BE WINTERIZED xx 1:3 xxixx xx I:"ixxx 1"1 txxl LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA South End Service raijegMeiereeeeer ,..eareieetkeletekketliftwee • "eiteeeeeeeKeeeketeetSseit USED COWHIDE club bag, in good condition. Apply 234 Sanders St. E., Exeter. 7" SHALLOW WELL pressure system complete with tank, switch and pipe. Apply Wm. L. Allen, Winchelsea. 7" Lost, Strayed KENWOOD COAT, cedar in color; size 12 to 14 years in good condition. Phone 235-2994 7c MACKENZIE & RAYMOND FLOOR OIL furnace with blower and thermostat. Good condition. Phone Lucan 227- 4892. 7C Business Director MILKING SHORTHORN cows and heifers, due to freshen, John A. Keys, Varna. 7* WEANER PIGS. Apply Alvin Rader, RR 1 Drashwood. 7c 23 YORK SOWS due 2 to 3 weeks. Apply after 5 p.m. or Saturdays to Wesley Mac- Gregor, RR 4 Parkhill. 7c 10 WEANER PIGS - Apply Glenn Jeffery, RR 3 Exeter, phone 235-1716. 7c HOLSTEIN COWS. Apply to Steve Base, RR 1 Clandeboye. Phone Centralia 228-6230 . 7* 7 GOOD WEANER pigs. Ap- ply Earl Ratz, 165R5 Dash- wood. 7c Russ and Chuck Snell PHONE 235-2322 EXETER WOULD THE PARTY who by mistake picked up a parcel containing a pair of ladies' brown oxford shoes from Ir- win's Ladies Wear, Hensall, please return them to the store, 7c 14 Wanted To Buy C. H. RODER, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC Strathroy, Ontario OFFICE HOURS Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 9 - 12, 2 - 5 Tues. and Fri. Evening, 7 - 9 By Appointment Please Office Phone 654 Home 1498 ROTARY WATER p u m p - could be driven by electric motor; also verandah railing and posts. Gerald Lewis, Lu- can 227-4493. 7c BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS CHARLES L. MACKENZIE PETER L. RAYMOND Hensall Office in the Town Hall open Wednesday 2 to 5 p.m. PHONE 235.2234 EXETER WHITE DURHAM heifer about 650 lbs. lost from con- cession 5, lot 21 Hay township. Phone Jerome Dietrich 82R23 Zurich. 7* MAN'S TOPCOAT, grey gab- ardine with zippered lining, size 44, May be seen at Brady Cleaners. 7:14* TWO QUARTERS of young beef. Frank Parsons, phone 276W2 Hensel'. 7* LADIES' BROWN coat size 16; medium blue velvet dress size 16. May be seen at Mid-Town Cleaners. 7c THE MEALS CERTAINLY HAVE IMPROVED SINCE WE GOT OUR OWN CHE.FI, 2 HEREFORD BULLS, pure- bred, 18 months old. Elmore McBride, phone 235-1207. 7:14c GOOD USED dinette table, chairs and china cabinet, Used chesterfield suite, real good; also recliner chair, chest of drawers, arm chair, electric range, refrigerator, washers and dryers, If it's for the home we have it. Sandy Elliot. 7c 15 Wanted HOLSTEIN STEER, 800 lbs., strayed from the farm of Nor- man Jacques, lot A, con. 7, Usborne, in August. Please phone 90R4 Kirkton. 7:14* STRAYED from Let 6, Con- cession 4, Stanley, about Oc- tober 22, a Hereford steer, 600 lbs., short blunt horns. Ivan Kipfer, phone Hensall 340J2 collect. 7c 11 Poultry For Sale JACK HEYWOOD LICENSED AUCTIONEER All types of sales "For Top Prices" EXETER LONDON Phone 235-0720 451-8630 JOHN WARD, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST 15 Wellington St., across from PUC ST. MARYS PHONE 1272 LEONARD REFRIGERATOR 15"x22"x30" capacity, $35.00; heavy duty rangette, in work- ing condition, $20.00. W. C. Pearce, 86 Anne St., Exeter, 235-1402. 24tfne USED ELECTRIC stove, 4- burner, 24", in good working order, $30,00. May be seen at Exeter Produce or phone 235- 0141 or 235-2203. 7:14c WHITE ESKIMO SPITZ pup. Write or call Mildred Mc- Clure, Warsaw, Ont. Phone 16R14. 10:31-12:5* HATCHING EGGS - You can make up to 410 per dozen more for your eggs than the price paid for Grade A Large at the grading station, We take some breeds every week in the year. For full details write Tweddle Chick Hatcher- ies Limited, Fergus, Ont, 7* ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times. "Service That Satisfies" DASHWOOD EXETER Phone 119 Phone 235-0991 MATERNITY CLOTHES, size 10. Phone 235-2203. • 7:14c LARGE QUANTITY of first class hay. Phone 163R12 Dash- wood. 7c DR. J. W. CORBETT L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Devon Building Phone 235-1083 Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoons. 3 Male Help Wanted GIRL'S size 8 red plaid win- . ter coat, good condition. Phone 235-1955. 300 GOOD PULLETS, Red & Sussex (Honnegger), laying, Murray Thompson, RR 1 Glen- deboye. Phone Lucan 227-4687. 7c SEWING WANTED - Dress- making and alterations, etc. Mrs. Charles Eckel, phone Hensall 155W or 159W. 7c CHRISTMAS TREE Retailers! Now is the time to place your order with Georgian Bay Tree Farms, Owen Sound. Phone FRanklin 6-6254. 7:14:21:28* WANTED - H o m e typing. Call 235-2406 Exeter. 7* AMBITIOUS YOUNG MAN for position in sales office. Apply in writing stating former ex- perience and education. Box COL The Exeter Times-Advo- cate. 31:7c Want-Ads Get Results CAPONS weighing around 8 lbs. Milfred Ayotte, RR 3 Dashwood. 7* 12 Cars, Trucks For Sale 1957 ZODIAC sedan ingood condition. From the estate of Percy E. Duncan. Apply to executors Miss Pearl Duncan, Woodham, phone Kirk ton 37R10 o r John Hoggarth, Cromarty. Phone 42R3 7c N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Weekday Except Wednesday For Appointment Ph 235-2433 DR. H. H. CO WEN DENTAL SURGEON L.D.S., D.D.S. Main Street Exeter Closed All Day Saturdays PHONE 235-0233 STOP WORRYING about debts. Pay them by giving Rawleigh Service in estab- lished routes, Easy to start. No money required. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. K-202-815, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. Ten ONE FARM TRUCK and a separate truck box suitable for plumber or electrician. Apply S. Deelstra, RR 1 Cen- tralia. Salesman Canadian General Electric ULTRA VISION With New Improved DAYLIGHT BLUE Picture -Tube 1962 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe. Apply Don Geiser, 313 Carling St, Phone 235-1543. 7e W. S. O'NEIL & SON Denfield, Ontario LICENSED AUCTIONEERS General Farm Sales Furniture and Real Estate For Sale Dates Phone 88 R 7 Granton "The Farmer's Auctioneer" BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL, QC, C. V. LAUGHTON, Q.C., LLB. Zurich Office Tuesday Afternoons PHONE 235.0440 EXETER Combine your home-grown grains We have an immediate open- ing in Huron County to serv- ice existing business, as well as look after new business, 1956 FORD ranch wagon $325. Phone 235-1643. 7* 1954 CHEV SEDAN, $150.00. Must be seen to be appreciat- ed. Apply 408 William St., Exeter. 7c with OUR BUSINESS IS:- • Insurance Memberships • Farm Products • Farm Equipment Leasing WE OFFER YOU:- 1. Salary plus commissions 2. Complete sales training 3. Yearly renewal business For the selected •person the position off er s immediate earnings, and an excellent fu- ture. Please write, giving a full review Of Past sales history, tor- The Allied Farm Services of Canada, Box 159, Terminal B., Londen, Ontario. 7c G. A. WEBB, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC CLOSED WEDNESDAY For Appointment Ph 235-1680 1959 NASH Metropolitan, me- chanically sound, $500.00 or best offer, Phone 30815 Kirk- ton. 7* 32T41 "TRENT" 23" CONSOL- ETTE This stylishly simple conso- lette is a perfect choice if you de- sire a large screen but a compact cabinet. It also offers satisfying viewing pleasure with the new im- proved Daylight Blue aluminized picture tube. Chassis includes CGE'e new Compactron tubes which reduce heat within the set. Front-mount speaker provides fine sound realism. Up-front controls are an extra convenience. Choose from walnut Or mahogany grain finishes. The legs have self-level- ling ferrules which adjust them- selves to your rug or floor. the 1962 ACADIAN 4-door station wagon, 6 cyl., automatic, ra- dio, washers, 23,000 miles; 1959 Chevrolet Belair 2 door, 6 cyl., automatic, Washers; 1958 Chevrolet 2 door, 6 cyl., automatic; 1957 Dodge 4 door station wagon, 8 eyl., auto- matic, radio.- 244 Main St., Exeter. 7* COOP way USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office Exeter, Ont. Directors Timothy B. Toohey President Robert G. Gardiner Vice-President William H. Chaffe HURON CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES Prepaid Health Plans at Cost NATIONAL* BEEFBILDER CONCENTRATE the fresh-mix with the balanced protein base! Want to produce prime beef in the briefest time? Then feed your cattle your own honie-grown grains fresh-mixed with National Beef bilder! Feed made from National Beef bilder 32% Concentrate puts on pounds at the lowest cost-it's the fresh-mix with the balanced protein base, that produces top quality beef! Whether you have your own grains or we supply them, We can custom blend the finest fresh-mix you can buy right here at the mill - . using National Concen- trate, of course. 13 For Sale BOARD OF DIRECTORS President, Fordyce Clark, RR 5, Goderich; Vice-Pres., Gor- don Kirkland, RR 3, Luck- now; Mrs. 0. G. Anderson, RR 5, 'Wingliain; Mrs. Lloyd Taylor, Ex et e r; Hugh B. Smith, RR 2, Listowel; Lorne Rodger, RR 1, Coderich; Roy Strong, Gorrie; Russell T. Bolton, RR 1, Seaforth; Bert Irwin, RR 2, Seaforth; Bert Klopp, Zurich; Gordon Rich- ardson, RR 1, 13rucefield; Kenneth Johns, RR 1, Wood- ham. Now $23900 Only 4 Female Help Wanted txtitraticicEn. WAI'T'RESS, full titne; salso part time. Geed wages for dependable Woman. tall hi person at }tether's Restaurant, le ,.„ JUST PUSH A BUTTON to unload your silo with the New Holland - Farmway Silo Un- loa de r. Exclusive non-sus- pended design makes instal, lation easy. Tested, proven in subzero weather, One unit fits large Or small silos, move it front one to another easily, quickly. Exeter Farm Equip- ment, phone 2354380 Exeter. 10:31.11:13c Stenographer Russell Electric RR 3 Lucan RR 1 Cromarty RR 4 Mitchell E, Clayton COlquhoun AR 1 Science Hill Martin Feeney RR 2 Dublin Milton McCurdy RR I Kirkton Agents Hugh Benninger Dublin Harry Coates RR 1 Centralia Clayton Harris Mitchell Solicitors Mackenzie & Raymond Exeter PR ODUCT OF CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LIMITED da,- HAROLD:KELLERMAN; DASHWOOO HARVEY RATZ AUTO & FARM SUPPLY, SHIPKA SCOTTS. ELEVATORS LTD...t 'LUCAN Phone 23.5,0505 C. H. Magee Secretary-Manager Miss C. E. Plumtree Assistant Secretary 'POI' information, call your nearest director or our office hi the Credit Union Bldg'., 70 Ontario Street, Clinton, Tele- phone HUnter 2.9751. Secretary.TreaStiret' Arthur Fraser Exeter SIMMONS MATTRESSES are good Mattresses. Buy the best for leas at Sandy Elliot's end the full purchase peke will be refunded in cash Christmas Eve if your ticket is drawn. Sf Wee 5-1)AV WEEK For permanent position in Exeter 6ffiee, good. StilarY, Apply BUM NAS, Exeter TiMes-Aditeate. 3:8tflie