HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-10-31, Page 11By MRS. KEN McKELLAR ...TO THE COOL PROFITS OF FARM ROOFING MADE FROM ALCAN ALUMINUM Get expert information, free estimate, during Middlesex County's ALUMINUM MONTH (OCT. 1— OCT. 31) at BEAVER LUMBER, EXETER CONKLIN, GRAND BEND Ilderton Farmers' Co-op; Beaver Lumber, St. Mary's; Gooding Lumber, Park Hill; Bryant Lumber, Strathroy. This is your opportunity to talk to aluminum specialists, here for this special event. Find out the dollars-and-cents facts on how aluminum roofing on your barns can increase hot-weather yield, cut winter feed costs—save on painting and other main- tenance—reduce application time, deadweight on barn supports. ALUMINUM MONTH SPECIAL You get a top-quality aluminum chair FREE with every 30 squares of aluminum roofing or siding you buy. Diamond embossed. Stucco embossed. Plain. Coloured too— roofing and siding now in white and 5 practical colours, in per- manent baked-on enamel finish. Look for the ALCAN mark on every sheet—your assurance of lasting quality. Enquire about other useful aluminum products for the farm... fencing—residential siding—storm doors---ladders---furniture— nails—many more. FARMING WITH ALCAN t.••`;„'"••••• ••• „ "•• • ••• •-•-•• • •••' ' s•Itt.t.-XAM:s5:••••••:••••.,•••••••• ••• •• By MRS. W. MOTZ Mr. and Mrs. Earl Heist and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Ethel Kerr in Exeter. Mrs, Sam Baynham was taken to South Huron Hospital Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hamilton of Grand Bend visited Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Harry Lewis and Eber. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sims of Manitoba arrived Saturday for an extended visit with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Metz spent Sunday in Exeter with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Homey. Canada's steel p'roduction now exceeds 6.5 million tons an- nually; steel production capac- ity of the communist countries is 116 million tons a year, compared to 265 million tons in the free countries. IT'S SKATE TRADE TIME Famous Bauer SKATES for the whole family SKATE SHARPENING OUR SPECIALTY See Wiiertlee before you buy) we save you money Winter's right around the cor- ner. We have a full line of RUBBER FOOTWEAR Men 's Dress Shoes Pollees, Loafers, Buckles and Ties at rock bottom prices. Wuerth's Phone 235-0611 Exeter By MRS. WILLIAM ROHDE In last week's news the names of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Webber and Mr. and Mrs. William Rowcliffe were omitted from being at the dinner at Listowel put on by the Roe Feed Farms. Mr. and Mrs. George Luther of Sarnia were Wednesday guests with Mr, and Mrs. Chas, Jeffery . Mr. and Mrs. Milton Luther were Sunday evening guests. Mrs. Lloyd Ballantyne had a brush demonstration at her home on Monday evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Almer Pass- more, Darlene and Dale visited with Mr. John Passmore at the Desjardine Nursing Home, Ex- eter, Sunday evening also with Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Sch- roeder of Detroit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Haist of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jeffrey, Alan and Connie were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ray- mond Heard of Kirkton. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cann spent the weekend with the latter's sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. James Loree of Guelph. Quite a number from this community attended James St. UC anniversary on Sunday and spent the day with friends or relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Strapp, Laurie and Michael of London, Mr. and Mrs. John Bray and Agnes were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bray. Mrs. Robert Swim and Robert of London visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. William Snow and Mrs. Jennie Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nickels, Sharon and Alan, London were S u nd ay guests. Mr. and Mrs. William Thom- son of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde visited with re- latives in Londesboro Sunday. Mrs. Alvin Passmore and Be- verley spent the weekend with Mrs. Pearl Baynham and Col- leen of London. They all at- tended Elmwood Presbyterian Church anniversary service Sunday. Mr. Alvin Passmore and Mrs. Clifford Moir of Hen- sel]. were Sunday guests with Mrs. Baynham. Mr. and Mrs. William Passmore of Exeter visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Morrison Caswell of Lon- don. Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Vogan of Listowel, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cunnington, Janet, David and Joyce were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cunnington of Centralia. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Fisher and family of Centralia were Sunday evening guests with Mr, and Mrs. Harold Rowe. ATTENTION RESIDENTS OF THE VILLAGE OF LUCAN AND USBORNE, HIBBERT, BIDDULPH TOWNSHIPS YOur Fuller Brush AGENT IS JIM MILLER PHONE LUCAN 227-4730 inchelsea PY. MRS. WM, WAI,TE R4. Harold Clarke has been a patient In Smith Buren Hospital for the past two weeks suffering from pneumonia, Mr. Flew. Lynn and Larry, Mr, 13111 Weltere and Danny and Gary peril, attended the 4 H Swine ChM meeting on Thursday eight at Lerideeleoro ommitnety Hall. Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Church of Winthrop visited on Monday efternoon with Mr. and: Mrs. Colin Bruce and Fred Delbreige, Larry Lynn and Danny Walters attended the Young People's Rally ..on Tuesday evening at Wingham United Church, Mr, and Mrs, Wm Walters visited at et. Thomas on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Harry Wel- ters and leiouglas. Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Smith and Penny of Creditors visited on Senclay with Mr. and Mrs. Colin Gilfillan and family. Miss Kathy Hera visited on Sunday with Miss Sharon Flet- cher of Sunshine Line. Mrs. Isabel Sugden and mr. Tennyson Johns attended Gran- ton 'QC anniversary Sunday and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Langford. Mrs. pill Spry of London spent Wednesday with Mr.. and ears. Freeman Horne, PHONE 235-1582 22'7 MAIN STREET EXETER Conklin Lumber Co. Ltd. EXETER - Phone 2e5-14e2 GRAND PEND Phone e38.4374 Middlesex Farmers Co-Op med.. PHONE 201 Crow n Trust CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF Voters' List TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN COUNTY OF HURON Notice is hereby given that I 'rave complied with section 9 of The Voters' Lists Act, and that I have posted up at my office at Main Street, Crediton, Ontario, on the 29th day of October, 1963, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the municipality at muni- cipal elections end that such list remains there for inspec- tion. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate pro- ceedings to have any omis- sions or errors corrected ac- cording to law, the last day for appeal being the 15th day of November, 1963, Dated this 29th day of Oc- tober, 1963. ROSS HAUGH, Clerk Crediton, Ontario. 31e 23 legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Edith Creech deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Edith Creech, late of the Town of Exeter, in 'the County of Hur- on, Widow, who died on or about the 17th day of Oc- tober 1963, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Exe- ter, Ontario, by the 9th day of November 1963, after which date the estate will be distrib- uted 'having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executor, Exeter, Ont, 24:31;7c I have been instructed by F 0. KIME, Trustee of the JOHN MILLS ESTATE (In Bankruptcy) to sell the 'assets of this es, tete 'subject to certain reserve 'bide sufficient to exiy the Se, cured claim against the assets coVetecl, An auction Will be held, on Lot 11 and 18 COIL 11, W 1/2 19, Blaeshard Township, Perth County, oh Teesdity, NeVerre 'ber 5, at 1 pen, of the Retire'. TII FAItIVI Consisting of 250 acres, iii One block, on e Main road, tette' mail, hydro and near school; 200 aeres tillable, balante in hay and graes, On the premises, large deity been With retnent ROOM ) steel eteelhelliene, 25 Auction Sales Clearing AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Implements, Hay, Grain and Some Furniture W. E. Nairn & Son will sell by public 'auction at LOT 18, 'CON. 8, USBORNE Township 5 miles east of Exeter, half mile south off 83 Highway on THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14 'at 12:30 p.m. Cattle, hay, straw, 5 tons good mixed grain, full line of farm implements, quantity of furniture, Farm is sold. Full list will appear in next week's issue. TERMS; Cash, RAY COTTLE, Prep, W. E. NAIRN & SON, Aucts. 31c 25 Auction Sales HEREFORD AUCTION for HIRTZEL BROS. of Creditor', Ontario WEDNESDAY, NOV. 6 30 head of registered and vaccinated Hereford cattle. 12 Bulls—All 12 bulls have been performance tested and are eligible for the provincial grant of 20% of the purchase price. 18 Bred Females§ --These heifers are mostly sired by a son of Blue Jay Donald Dom- ino 20 H or J H R Paladin Domino 40 P and sell careying the service of Jaybee Silver Britieher 3 S or J H R Paladin Domino 40 P. Some of these heifers will have calves by side by sale date. W. S. O'NEIL & SON Aucts. HIRTZEL BROS. Props, 310 DUE TO HEALTH reasons, we have for sale the machine shop which is now operated by Marshall & Murray in Exeter. This is a well equip- ped shop with as steady busi- ness that could be increased by an experienced man. Please call for further partic- ulars. TWO-BEDROOM home on Wil- liam Street. Full basement, oil heat, garage. In very good repair and requires only paint. Reduced to $7,300.00 to close an estate. FIRST TIME OFFERED-3- bedroom ranch with large car port. Fireplace in living room and fireplace in large, com- pletely finished recreation room, A beautiful home priced to sell. BRAND NEW 3 bedroom home with huge living room and stone fireplace. There is a two-car garage, and also a separate two-bedroom apart- ment which is rented. Terms can be 'arranged. BEAUTIFULLY landscaped new home in North End. Tastefully decorated and ex- pensive wall-to-wall carpet in dining and living room. A concrete driveway from the street to a large attached ga- rage. This home could not now be built for the asking price. WANT AN INCOME—A com- pletely modernized older home located one block from Main Street, A separate self con- tained apartment provides in- come enough to pay expenses. The lot is large and well land- scaped. MODERN 2-BEDROOM ranch type in east end of town, A reasonable down payment makes you the owner and only $56,00 per month carries, A new house couldn't be built with terms as easy as this one, ON CARLING STREET, we have for pie a tidy 3-bed- room insul-brick home with full basement and oil heat. Aluminum eiornie, ecitene and dew's, Asking price only $7,100,00 "it was the WAITER'S eye Wee trying to' catch."" Group at Dashwood chooses executive 10 Properly For Sale 22 Notices 25 Auction Sales 16 Property For Sale TimosAcIvpcotof ,PctOpr 11,, 1901 Pope. 11 Mr. sad Mrs, Lloyd liewle and girl* of London spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ervin naor and Mrs. Robert Annan and Chile drew, Larry and Nancy leeedee, returned to Piceering after spending two Weeks With tier parents, Mr, and Mrs. F. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gibpori returned recently from a trip to Nashville,Tennessee where they attende The Gram! Qle Opry. Mr. end Mrs. Carl Heppler of Waterloo and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Clemas of London spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Harry Hoffman and family, HOUSE bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen and sun Perch; full basement, oil furnace. Excellent loci. tion for schools and shopping.. Apply A. Vehilsinith, phone 235-2473. 22ting A LOVELY RED RUG brick home located on a corner lot, Attached garage and oil heat, Mortgaging pan be erranged, LARGE a-REDROO1V1 home with wood panel family room with natural fireplace, full basement, oil heat, attached garage, close to schools. Terms can be arranged, THREE-BEDROOM brick lo- cated one block from town, large living rope with fire- place, full basement, oil heat, $600.00 for a 76' building lot. We can even let you have it for $50.00 down payment. FIRST MORTGAGES QUICKLY ARRANGED Evans, and Mr, and Mrs, PPM' Geary and son Brece of Mend Rill, Mr, and Mrs, 40). Eckstein of 1.4)141), Mr. ,and Mrs. Robert Stprreee and David of ,St, Ti194144. Mr, and Mrs. Tom Finales and son of London spent Sunday with Me, and Mrs, Wes Enge- larie, Mr. .and .Mrs.. Pe 'Stelk of Heronview, Clinton, visited with Mr. and leirs. Ervin Eckstein. Mrs, M, ,To JAWS, Diarie Weber, pob Hoffman, Larry Wein, Eric Wolfe, leogglaeleene PROPERTIES FOR SALE. TOWNSHIP OF McOILLIVRAY COURT OF REVISION on the Assessment Roll for taxation purposes in 1964 will be 'held in the Tewrighip flail MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4 9;00 Pen. William Amos, Clerk 31c ,der, Gary elagiesoe, Tom Wolfe, and Rigel' Geiser from the BUD church recently attended the Youth Convocation at Zion EU/3. church, Kitchener, Mrs. M, J. James laet week attended a workshop and train- ing conference fpr youth leaders of the EUB denomination at Camp Miami, Germantown, Ohio. Rev, M. J, James attended an bistOrlaree conference at Kit- Owner eeturday in preparation for the centennial observetion of the EUB church in 1064, Rev, and Mrs. Paul Liebau and two daughters were weekend guests with Rev, and Mrs. M, J, James and family, com m °dation for 30 cows, water pressure system, also a running streem, milk house, drive shed, large hen twuse for 1,500 hens; brick house, built-in cupboards, 'water in house. CATTLE: 17 Holstein cows, milking •and rebree; 3 Holstein heifers, bred; 5 11 Oletein heifer calves, 0 months old; 3 Holstein +steers, 5 months old, FOWL: 800 year-old Hyline hens, water fountains end feeders. HOGS: e Yorkshire brood sows, bred; 13 shoats 10 weeks old. FEED; 35 tons loose hay; quantity of straw; 8 acres of corn in stack. IMPLEMENTS; M.11, self propelled combine, 6 yrs, old; Int. M. tractor in good condi- tion, with manure loader; Ford equipment—Ford Major tractor; eleferrow plow; large Wheel disc harrow on rubber; 7-ft. power mower; hay crimper; storm front for tree- tor; 150 bu, 'tractor manure spreader. The above Ford machinery, nearly new. 5 sec- tion spring tooth cultivator; 3 section iron harrows; 3 fur- row Int. plow; 4 row beet drill; 2 row corn drill; Gehl corn blower; New Holland harvester; forage wagon and box; 13-run seed drill; Woods electric grinder, 3 h.p. motor; grain grinder; 25-ft. grain auger; milking machine; 10 milk 'cans; 2-ton stake body truck; half-ton truck; 11-hoe seed drill; land roller etc. No reserve, Terms on chat- tels, cash. Terms on property made known on day of sale. W. E. NAIRN & SON; Auctioneers, Fred 0. Dime, C,A. Trustee—John Mills Estate' 31e JOHN BURKE EXETER John Street; le„ blocks from Main Street, 2 storey, 3 bedroom, full base- ment, oil .beet, sun porch, liv- ing room, dining room, kitchen and garage. Terms can he ar- ranged. EXETER — Modern 2 bed- room home,oil heat, dinette, kitchen, living room, and at- tached garage. Terms $2,000 down. EXETER — New; 3 bedroom, east side of town, living room, dining area, kitchen, 3-piece bath. 0.M.H.O. mortgage. EXETER — 3 bedroom, new brick home. East side of town, well located, Terms can be arranged, $13,500.00. ZURICH — North side of high- way 84, small frame house, 2 bedroom, Low down payment, BEACH '0 PINES — Execu- tive Class Summer home; 4 bedrooms, kitehe n, living room, dining area, Fully in- sulated year around dwelling, Lot 220x130. 300 feet to the. teach. FARMS FOR SALE KIPPEN AREA — 100 acres, brick modern house, insulated, coal furnace, garage. Large barn and implement shed, hog pen, spring well. Possession this fall. This farm, is reason- ably priced. AILSA CRAIG — 100 acres, Con. 9 McGillivray. Modern house, good barn, clay loam, Terms can be arranged. Your farm may be worth more than you think, See us, we have buyers. LOTS FOR SALE Dow Subdivision . ...... $850 up Thomas Street $750 up W. H. HODGSON LTD. Real Estate & Insurance Phone 235-2420 Salesman: Gib Dow Phone 235-2764 Define CENTRALIA — Near stores, P.O., bus, school; unfurnish- ed apartments; separate en- trance; bath, kitchen; im- mediate possession: W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter, 235- 1402. 24tfnc ONE, TWO OR THREE bed- room furnished apartment, W. C. Pearce, 86 Anne St. 24tfnc 3 - BEDROOM HOUSE, mod- ern, oil 'heated, 11 miles west of Exeter. Available Nov. 1. Phone 35R5 Dashwood. 24:31e 34100M APARTMENT — Fur- nished, heated, no children. Phone 235-0300 or apply 68 Sanders St, E. 10tfne LOWER APARTMENT, fur- nished, heated, hot water sup- plied, four rooms, 3-pc. bath with shower. Available now. Private entrance and parking. Apply 59 John St. E., Exeter. 10:3tfnc Call JB At 1863 APARTMENT with frig and stove; heat supplied; private entrance 'and bath. 73 Huron St. West. 31c 4-ROOM UPPER 'apartment, heated, hot water. Phone 235- 0746, 31* 2-BEDROOM HOUSE, modern conveniences. Available Nov. 1. Apply Lloyd Lovell, Kippen. Phone 'Hensel]. 265W1. 31c FARM HOME 3 miles north of Kirkton, modern conveni- ences. Available Dec. 1. Ap- ply Wilfred Paton 40113 Kirk- ton. 31c COUNTRY HOME on Hwy 83, with bath, hot and cold water, oil f u r n e c e, 4 bedrooms. James Gardiner, phone 21R10 Kirkton. 31* SPACIOUS 2-bedroom apart- ment, heated, furnished, sep- orate entrance. No pets please. Apply 169 William St. evenings or phone 235-0736. 31tfne UPSTAIRS APARTMENT — 1 bedroom, kitchen, living room, b a t h, separate en- trance, no pets, 'available Nov. 1. Phone 235-1543 313 Carling St. 31tfric 3-BEDROOM HOUSE, oil fur- nace, in Grand Bend on High- way 21. Apply Wellwood Gill, Grand Bend. Phone 238-2068. 3lne 17 Properly For Rent Limited DEVON BUILDING Phone 235-1863 26tfne Be MRS, ERVIN RADER PAERWOOD AAL ELECTS OFFICERS Friday, October 25 the Aid Aeeociatipn for Lutheran mem, bers held, a social evening in the basement pf Z ion Lutheran church for members and their families. Art Saar of London was guest speaker, talking on insurance and he also urged them to show the film, "Nancy", Officers were re-elected as follows; aim Hayter, president; Charles Tiernan, vice-pres.; Albert Miller, sec r etary- treasurer. Crokinole was played with John Hayter winner and Art Saar consolation winner, LA SUPPER The annual Ladies Aid fowl supper of Zion Lutheran church was held Wednesday, October 23 with Mrs. Robert Hayter, convener of group in charge. A gift was presented to Mrs. Harold. Kraft who with her family is moving to London. Bunco was played with Mrs. Ed Naeliger and Fred Weiberg winners and Mrs. Garnet Wil- lert and Alvin Rader, consola- tion winners. LEAGUE RALLY Sunday, October 27, the Wal- ther League of Zion Lutheran church was host to the fail Blue Water Zone Rally. Keith Miller conducted opening devotions. Pastor Wm. Getz gave the topic which was based on the rally theme, ' We Praise Thee O God". The Ladies Aid served lunch to the 71 young people attending. ANNIVERSARY SERVICES The 111th anniversary of Dashwood EUB church was ob- served Sunday, October 27 at both morning and evening ser- vices with a large attendance. Crediton and Zurich EUB churches joined in the evening service. Rev. Paul Liebau, as- sociate minister of Zion HUB church, Kitchener, was the guest speaker. The "Crusades" male quartette from Calvary EUB church Kitchener were guest singers. Dashwood choir also sang under the direction of Mrs. Kenneth McCrae. PERSONALS Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Ford were Mrs. Verne Hyslop and Mrs. Jean Gilbert of Windsor. Mrs. E. Hughes returned home with them after spending some time here. Sunday visitors were, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lucas and Miss Edith Lucas of Atwood, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gusso and family of Lambeth and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Forrester and boys of Zurich. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Tieman and Lynda were, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mrs. Robert Dodds has re- turned home after staying afew weeks at the home of her son, Mr. Harold Dodds, Walton. Mrs. A. Douglas of Embro visited recently with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Douglas and family. Mrs. Will Miller Is a patient in Scott Memorial hospital, Sea- forth. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Watcher, Bradley and Richard of Strath- roy visited Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs., Roy McGhee. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wallace of Carlingford, visited Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. K, McKellar were Mr. and Mrs. Alan Somers and son Richard, St. Marys, and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hogg of Thorndale. Mr. Robert Gardiner has re- turned home after spending two 'weeks in the western provinces. Mr. and Mrs. Nigh and family of Seaforth were Sunday visitors with their daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Laurie Mc- Kellar. Mrs. F. Smith of Brussels was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker last week. The CGIT members with their leader Mrs, M. Lamond spon- sored a crokinole party in the basement of the church on Sa- turday evening. Miss Lily McArthur of Go- derich was a guest with Mrs. E. Moore during the weekend. Mrs. Grace Scott returned home on Sunday after visiting at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Scott and family, Go- derich. All members of the family of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker ga- thered at the home of their parents Sunday to celebrate se- veral anniversaries in the family. WMS SERVICE The WMS Thankoffering ser- vice Sunday was conducted by the minister, Rev. J. C. Boyne. Miss Lily McArthur of Goderich was guest speaker And the choir, composed of the members of the CGIT and ladies of the missionary societies,led the singing and contributed a special number. Beaver Lumber Co. Ltd. 4-BEDROOM HOUSE—To 'buy $1,000 down, to rent $75 per month, Only these interested need apply. 502 Carling St,, evenings. Phone 235-0413. 31c FLOOR SANDERS, electric. Beavers Hardware, phone 235- 1033, Exeter. 12:13tfnc ONE - BEDROOM apartment, private b a t h, unfurnished, heated, utilities paid. Avail- able Nov. 1. Phone 235-0382 or 'apply 16 John St. 3tfnc NICELY FURNISHED lower 'apartment, 4 rooms, 3 - piece bath, heat and hot water sup- plied. Private entrance and parking. Available now. Apply 59 John St. E., Exeter. 10:3tfnc APARTMENT — Unfurnished, heated, 4 rooms with large closet, 3-piece 'bath, newly in- sulated and redecorated, pri- vate entrance, rent reason- able, 'Main St., Dashwood. Phone 81 Dashwood. 10tfnc A STORE in vicinity of Main St. or rent oh Ring lease. Phone 235-0284, 31c 21 Properly Wanted 22 Notices 18 For Rent 19 For Sale or Rent Be prepared With safe first aid that brings fast relief - . keep your medicine cabinet stocked with DRAIMASIES. AllftiVik OINTMENT Product, 09 General Motors 1 Fl4U1 Frigidaire Sales with Service Drysdale Crest Hardware PHONE 11 HENSALL trust Ihreitment Certificates 5 1/4 % TERM 4 TO 5 YEARS 200 Queent Menu* LONDON The Neverribet Session of Huron County Council will eonernenee on Tuesday, No- vember 12, 1963 at 10:00 eel'. Any dectinients or notice of deputotiene lutist be in the hande of the Clerk no later than 1e:00 noon, Thursday, November IT 1963, JOHN C. ogrtitv, Clerlt,Tree sueer, County of Huron, Court 'Ouse, GOderiele. Ontario, Mt