HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-10-31, Page 6EMHA HOCKEY
Re gistrations
There., Friday, Oct. 31, Nov, 1, 4 to 6 p.m.
Saturday, Nov, 2 -9 to 12 p.m.
All tegietratiOne will take place in the
Pa90 6 Times-Advgcate, gctOber 3) )963
supplying ,the Strathroy club
opposition.. Combines' ,early workouts
draw over 25, .aspirants
entralia ice' ,cot: iOR GQ9p. appRT4,
By Ross ,1710Y011
meeting Buy a beautiful. OrCe1 Plarnonce
Insured free for one year
Pleasing you.pleases us,
.George Beer and Bob Mc-
Klnley, ea $ r d $ .of the
Heneell„-Zurich Combines of the
shamrock junior hockey loop
will eave OtteY Week QV .59-eel:t-
in out the many aspirants for
this yp.a.r'$ club,
Mere than 25 have been ..ate
tending the first cempleoepreee
tices held at tee Lucan Arena,
Ice is expected to. be ready
for action in the Hemstell rink
Starry centre Mike Cushman,
another graduate of E xe ter
Midget ranks, hae been Impeese
sive in early scrimmages,
others working opt are pot
Hoffman of reehwepd, Dennis
Morrissey from Creditein and
Exeter's Rick Boyle and. Frank
The new season for the Com-
bines gets underway a week
from tonight, November 7, when
they travel to Strathroy to do
battle with the junior Rockets.,
The first home encounter will
be At the Hensall arena Friday,
November 15 with the same List openers
in Shamrock
No community is rushing the winter sports season more enthusiastically than RCAF Station Cen-
tralia, whose new $200,000 "Randall Arena" was christened Saturday night by a large crowd of
skaters from the station and surrounding area, Group Captain L. H. Randall, CD, commanding of-
ficer, opened the building with obvious satisfaction in a brief ceremony. He said he had sparked the
campaign for the arena because it was "unthinkable" for a Canadian community not to have facili-
ties for the national sport. Above, he receives ceremonial trowel from W/C W. ,L Bracken, program
chairman. Below, picture shows a part of the crowd which tested their skating skills on the new ice.
--RCAF photos
Want Hockey
This Winter?
The first seven games of the
Shamrock Minor Hockey Asso-
ciation schedule involving Ex-
eter clubs has beep released.
Triple heAders bringing to-
gether pee wees, bantams and
midgets will be played each
scheduled night.
The three local clubs will
open their season travelling to
Belmont Friday, November 5,
and returning to home ice, Wed-
nesday, November 13, to enter-
tain Stoneybrook,
Other dates are as follows:
18 - Exeter at Lucan
2'1- Kensal Park at Exeter
3 - Exeter vs. Kensal Park
(at Strathroy)
11 -- Lucan at Exeter
18 - Exeter vs Stoneybrook
(at Strathroy)
Int. B and Junior Fans and Players
should attend this meeting!
by next week,
MeKtnley, formr 'Zurich
Flyer star handling the coach-
ing reins in, work-outs to date,
Is expected to carry on through:-
Out .the year while Beer will
lopk After the munugeri41
Seven of last season's re-
guiars have been lost by way
of the age limit. Defencemen
Larry Bedard and Jelin variey
Will be among thegli8singulong
With ferwards Wayne Willert,
Johnston,Bob Paul Draper, Ron
Livermore and Gerard Over-
Dennis Mock, rietminder of
a year ago, now lives in Lon-
don and may be available for
some games.
Three newcomers are yieing
for Mock's position. From Zur-
ich's minor ranks come Dennis
Amacher and Richard Stade to
compete with Tommy Glavin, a
stalwart member of the Exeter
Kinsmen midgets, Ontario fi,
The defensive corps will be
headed by a pair of experienced
rearguards in Bill Murney and
Brtlee Horton. New arrivals by
way of the Zurich midgets are
Bob Bannister and Bill Dinnin,
Two-thirds of last year's high
scoring forward line, Bill Seed-
dice and Steve Kyle, are back
along with Earl Wagner and
Craig Chapman.
Two members of the Clinton
juvenile club of a year ago,
Bruce Cooper and Bob Liver-
more are available for up front
FRI., NOV.1 8.p.m.
Exeter Town Hall
Let's Revive Hockey!!!
Who wants an intermediate or junior
hockey club in Exeter for the coming winter?
Lots of hands will probably go up in an-
swer to this query.
Everyone bas an opportunity to do what
they can since a final effort is being made this
week to keep hockey, other than minor, alive in
A meeting has been called Friday evening
at the town hall Ito attempt to organize an inter-
mediate and junior club.
perry Boyle, in calling the get-to-gether,
is hoping that fans as well as prospective players
and coaches will show up in an attempt to re-
vive interest that was dormant to say the least
last season,
Five ingredients are necessary to begin
and maintain successful hockey clubs and it
seems that at least three of these are available
A suitable ice surface is the first require-
ment and this is taken care of quite nicely by the
local arena.
Also quite important is competition and
this is available from the OHA intermediate loop
last year known as the Big Eight and the Sham-
rock' junior league. At the moment nine clubs
have signified their intentions of icing intermedi-
ate teams which could force a change in the title
of the grouping.
A half dozen of last year's entrants are
ready to go along with three newcomers. Lucan,
Forest, Seaforth, 1VIilverton and the Air Force
bases from Centralia and Clinton will be repre-
sented along with additions from Elmira, St.
Clements and Goderich.
The Shamrock junior section will again
be in operation with six teams ready to go. New
blood has been added from Port Huron, Point
Edward and Glencoe, joining three returnees
from a year ago, in Strathroy, Watford and the
Hensall-Zurich Combines,
Next in line are the personnel necessary
to fill the club rosters and according to Boyle
there are sufficient players in the area to ice
both intermediate and junior clubs. Possibly the
only quality that may be a bit lacking would be
the desire and enthusiasm needed by the players
to get started.
Coaches and managers are an essential
need and there should be enough men in Exeter
and district who have hockey experience and
capabilities to direct these teams.
If these needs are filled, it still leaves one
of the most important factors to contend with.
Paying customers, in numbers, are absolutely
necessary to a successful operation of any kind.
eeee ..Kmagemaz
Bet the loser!
Want a proven clue to the
winner of the Grey Cup classic
this year?
Then see Centralia's "Gay
Cup" this Saturday.
Now an annual event at Cen-
tralia, the "Gay Cup" football
game staged by public school
students has always been in-
dicative of the actual result
of the real east-west classic.
Whichever side wins the "Gay
Cup" always loses the Grey
Pre-game activities for the
Centralia event take the form
of a parade starting at 12:30,
with the game starting at ap-
proximately 2 p,m.
Active new curling club
ready to launch season
Members of Exeter Men's
Curling Club learned from their
executive Friday night that
plans for the current season are
well ahead of schedule, thanks to
a re-organization of the opera-
tion of the rink,
The club held its first general
meeting following election of
officers last fall, when the or-
ganization was revamped to
streamline operations.
Both men's and women's
clubs now operate individual
activities independently of the
board of directors of the corn-
pany which owns the club. Pre-
viously, the board of directors
eoperated the men's activities,
President Bill Lamport and
his executive reported on the
work accomplished during the
summer. Committees appointed
8 Committees air eady have
0 planned open bonspiels for the
10 season, scheduled local events
9 including a mixed bonspielNov.
8 6 which will launch this year's
10 activities, completed a number
of repairs and improvements to
10 the building and are working on
draw schedules,
Senior girls
tie for final
HP (B. Luxton 41'7) 2 18
HO (D. Dobson 580) 5 81
111-1 (A. Romaniuk 495) '7 32
CG (S. Filistrault 592) 0 0
BD (A. Schroeder 505) 5 33
TS (M. Bridges 514) 2 12
HB (V. Bowman 494) 4 7
TR (L. Blake 533) 1 13
Fl (E. Hodgins 498) 4 14
HO (A. HaYter 478) 1 16
The expensive Medalist look. Price
of admission only $59.50 On Madison Avenue,
. . . Ernie Ross
1959 Chevrolet
custom radio, whitewall tires,
two-tone finish, low mileage
1958 Chevrolet
automatic transmission, cus-
tom radio, washers, two-tone
MEN'S "A" LEAGUE CR (W. Gilfillan 137) 0
LS (B. Osgood '728) 4 19 LI (D. Fairbairn 211) 5
RI (D. Wright 695) 0 15 GI (G, Shipman 165) 0
PE (B. Jones 633) 3 9 SR BOYS & GIRLS
UN (S. Frayne 726) 1 15 Kle (H. Campbell 509) 5
RO (J. Fuller 866) 3 18 CO (B. Baynham 385) 0
AH (G. Webb 658) 1 5 ST (B. Wright 436) 3
RB (P. McFalls 858) 3 19 CC (B. Farquhar 471) 2
CA (W. Beattie 752) 1 16 AT (B. Sanders 393) 3
PI (B. Farquhar 704) 4 8 DY (J. prest 423) 2
SP (.I. Fairbairn 616) 0 20 JR BOYS & GIRLS
KT (A. Finlayson 693) 4 20 JE (G. Shipman 325) 5
HE (M. Baker 583) 0 4 KI (J. Gifford 317) 0
MEN'S ' B" LEAGUE PB (D. Campbell 390) 5
BA (H. Keiswetter 661) 0 16 BO (J. Loader 25'7) 0
LA (R. Heywood 683) 4 23 DO (D, Burke 380) 5
FA (C. Wein 769) 4 19 TB (D. Beaver 311) 0
OD (V. Smith 650) 0 10 BANTAM BOYS
MI (S, Stire 642) 3 17 TI (R. Lindenfield 242) 5
NO (A, Meikle 595) 1 10 SD (L. Haugh 237) 0
BD (R. Mathers '703) 4 13 WC (M. Bower 281) 5
SF (G. Burrows 684) 0 12 RO (R. Brintnell 203) 0
DS (R. Dobson • '736) 3 12 NH (T, Prewer 194) 3
WM (J. Snell 612) 1 17 BJ (I, Orenchuck 235) 2
CT (H. Patterson 668) 2 10
WC (T. Van Steeg 535) 2 9
IG (A. Pooley 833) '7 32
BB (W. Brintnell 496) 0 14
TR (O. Essery 69'7) '7 31
HG (N. Coleman 619) 0 23
WH (C. Sweitzer 621) 7 31
PI (M. Edwards 524) 0 21
MM (G. Farquhar 584) 4 23
PP (A. Fairbairn 646) 3 30
NH (D. Bonthron 543) 4 28
HD (R. Durand 594) 3 25
RO (A. Prout 632) 7 28
LS (G. Elsie 534) 0 11
JJ (J. Isaac 606) '7 35
SP (A. Clarke 545) 0 14
LO (L. Brock 686) 7 33
JS (0. Skinner 629) 0 8
AC (M. Prewer 596) 4 32
BL (A, Ford 549) 3 22
HE (E, Bogart 518) 4 80
MM (E. MOrley 484) 3 29
DR (M. Bender 719) 5 28
HA (M. Hache 644) 2 28
BB (M. Keller 509) 2 21
WC (B. Reid 602) 5 14
CR (E. Caldwell 619)
SE (S. Zachar
A, Stratton 458)
BL (R. Loader 586)
,CC (A, Flynn 588)
SB (J. Coughlin '757)
WR (D, Wells 859)
New York, you'd pay much more for a suit that looks,
fits and feels like the Medalist. Our price is only 55950 Medalist
ready-to-wear suits come in a fabulous variety of the latest
cloths, patterns and shades ... and choice of styles, including
2 and 3 button natural shoulder executive models. Come ,
join the well-dressed Medalist set. The price of admission
is as low as $59.50
1958 Chevrolet
by the executive outlined their
Draw schedule is expected to
start Monday, November 11,
following the mixed bonspiel.
Men's draws will be held Mon-
day, Tuesday and Thursday
nights, as in previous years,
and about 20 more curlers can
be accommodated. Contrary to
some unofficial reports, shares
in the club are readily available
to any wishing to join.
Membership fee for men will
remain at $35 for the year, with
a $2.00 surcharge for the "rock
On the draw committee this
year are Dick Weber, Morley
Sanders and Bob Middleton.
House and ice committee,
under Harold Elder, has hired
Ernest Ross, town, for main-
tenance and ice-making for the
season. He's now in the process
of installing the curling surface,
The executive has ruled that
the maintenance man will be
responsible only to the house
and ice chairman, a move de-
signed to avoid confusion over
responsibilities or interference
from unauthorised persons.
Drains beneath the rink have
been dug up and checked for
blockage and the ground base
has been levelled, The com-
mittee reported the level has
been off as much as two inches
Some painting, interior and
exterior repairs have been
completed during the summer.
Other improvements include
the installation of trophy racks,
a curb outside the building, and
the purchase of red and blue
covers for the rocks. Gerald
Prout serves with Elder on the
Dates of bonspiels were re-
ported by Lee Webber, whose
committee includes Bev Morgan
and Roylance Westcott.
Other committees include
Membership (Pete Coates . and
Bob Mayer) and Bar (DougPar-
sons and Gord McTavish).
The club budget for 1963-64,
presented by treasurer Claude
Farrow, was adopted.
automatic transmission,
two-tone finish
1957 Pontiac
custom radio, a western car
Bonnie Turvey 12, Carolynne
Simmons 9, Linda Hunter-
Dover 7, Sheila Fahner 6, Karen
Finkbeiner 6, Nancy Phillips 2,
Carol McLeod 1, Kathy Buxton.
Linesmen were Marion Wal-
ker, Marilyn Galloway, Sandra
Jory; timer, Sericite Prout;
scorer, Ann Shoebottom; mana-
ger, Pat McCoy.
Final standing In the bourne-
meat: Stratford C 8, Clinton 6,
South Buren 6, Seaforth 6, Strat-
ford NW 4, St. Marys 4, Listo-
wel 2, Mitchell 2, Winghatn 2,
Goderich 0.
Walper's Men's Wear
LLICAr",4 LA 0.'5
RA (D Hodgins 196) 30
DA (B. Ankers 250) 27
SB (E. Burt 270) 24
CC (F. Ivlillson 208) 24
DI (M. Carling 244) 19
FS (H. Blain 199) 19
SP (E. Steady 212) 11
CL (R, Black 192) 12
AC (L. Liscornbe 200) 10
HE (B. Allen 180) 10
LE (D. Crudge 189) 10
HO (L. Insert 183) 8
LK (J. Nurse 66'7) 3 12
2 5 LL (J. Donaldson 564) 0 8
5 21 DA (H. Morgan 113) 3 10
2 15 HS (C. Sovereign 545) 0 5
5 30 DU (K, Nekton '760) 1 6
e 21 RE (R. Gledhill 653) 2 8
SD (C. Glenn 660) 3 10
HO (l. Nagle 160) 3 18
TW (D. Lippert 196) 2 15
111 (H. Dixon 139) 0 9
PI (I, Theander 191) 5 13
JI (K. Ready 235) 5 SO
AC (S. Kennedy 127) 0 5
401 Main St. Exeter Phcbne 235-0991
7 35
0 18
5 22
7 25
0 20
3 8
2 7
5 10
9 8
CH (M. Feed 602)
HE (C. Browning 569)
GL (R. Ferguson 523)
AM Me Elensohink 534)
TW (R. Durand 592)
GU (M. PreWee 628)
CA (L. Farquhar 224)
OW (L. Lowrey 226)
120 (.1", Burke 227)
CH (P. Schroeder 160)
LA (B. McDonald 210)
EP (8, Veird 293)
EL (3. Brintnell 196)
ZE (1), La Frehiere 209)
BC (B, Et-m.0 299)
3 13
a 5
The Stratford girls rejoiced
loudly when the referee announ-
ced that they had defeatedClin-
ton 13-10 in the 3rd game of the
match and that they had won the
Huron Perthex senior girls
volleyball tournament. This
tournament was held in the new
Stratford Northwestern Secon-
dary School Thursday.
The Stratford Central girls
had won the previous four games
against W i righ a rn, Seaforth,
Listowel and Mitchell with ease.
This final game with Clinton
however earl proved more of a
challenge since Clinton put on a
great performance.
The Clinton team was tied for
first place in the other division
with South Huron but was al-
lowed to compete in the final
since they had five less points
scored against them. Others in
this division were Stratford NW,
Goderich and St. Marys.
In the first game against
Clinton, South Huron won in
overtime 14-12. In the second
game South Huron were Wal-
loped 15-0 and le the third
game they lOst 14-11. In an
exhibition game about te) weeks
befc)re, South Huron had defeat-
ed Clinton.
South Huron had little dif-
ficulty defeating Goderich 15-9
and 13-11. Elaine Miller ac-
-emitted for 11 points ih the
second game.
Pauline Aquiline led South
Huron to a 15.3 Win over St.
Marys by scoring 18 points.
South Huron was defeated in the
second genie 15-12 but came
back strong to win the third
genie 12-8,
In the final match against
Stratford 14W, South Huron was
defeated ih the fleet. geme, 16-8,
but won the second game 124
and also the third game 13e6,
South Heron Scorers Were
Melee Miller 27, Pauline Aqui ,
Una. 27, Gina Van &t, Lean 13,
1.18 (P. Serroedet 549) 5 12
HO (IL Kneale 504) 2 16
PC (N. Trott 609) 5 14
AT (S. Teeeins 505) 2 13
LE (P Raven° 550) 5 21
GR (H, Zavitski 589) 2 19
UN (E, Ford 630 5 5
lett (D. rinkbelnet 518) 2 12