HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-10-31, Page 4Boys „gild Olds A carload of calves will be arriving in llensall soon. .Any boy or girl under 2l. wishing to feed ..calves for the South Htiron• Agricultural Society which will Ala° include a.limited number of gretipa of four, contact any of the directors or „secretaries, For Jo:emotion Call P. L, Mc- Naughton, Phone 55 Hensall. RECEIVES AWARD Mrs. E. A. Davis, accom- panied by her brother and sister-in-law, Mr, and Mrs, Drew Fowler of London, left Sunday for Quebec, where Mr. fowler is being honored with the Hatfield award at the Hotel frornenne. The award is for efficient operation of the noridation Disposal plants of which ne is superintendent of the City of London. One man in Canada receives this award.every year. They expect to return Pit Tnpraday, Net will be held at the home of Mrs, Vern Alderdice November 11. Page 4 October 31, 1963. Hensa and district news. CORREPONUNTS Mrs. Maude Redden, Phono 5 Mrs. Archie MacGregor, Phone 56 Smoked Rindless Side Bacon LB. 554 We can act as your executor and thus provide your family with full protection. Established in Sarnia in 1$89, we have grown with, this comuttiflity: YOUR business in, OUR hands it made secure try neigitboUrty, persOnd service. Consider this carefully: what would happen if your executors should die before those who are to benefit from your will? . In many such eases, the family con- cerned is immediately faced with com- plications --- perhaps even hardship. Unlike individuals, who as executors are riot permanent, the services of The Industrial Mortgage and Trust COM- pany are always available. Produce Specials Flame Tokay Grapes No.1 2 L.s. 25 No. 1 Ontario Cauliflower 2 ...29c No. 1 South African Oranges Size 288sDOI. _ 2 69t 10-oz: tin Compare at 2 for 270 Tomato Soup York Pork lit Beans 20-oz. tin Compare at 2 for 390 Aylmer 11 -or. bottle Compare at 220 Catsup Super-Save Peanut-Butter 16-oz jar Compare at 370 Compare at 3 for 350 Each Jello-O Brand Jelly Powders Weston's Anglefood Cokes Corporation of the Township of Hay NOTICE OF STREET CLOSING NOTICE. 18 HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to the Municipal Act add other powers thereunto enabling The Connell of the Corporation Of the Township of Hayproposestopass a By- law to Stop up and chase a portion of street more particular- ly described as follows: The southerly 100 feet Of William St. in the SharroW sub-division, Registered Plan #1'7 of the Township of Hay, and being part of farm lot #22, Lake Road West, And further take netlee that the Cou nail of the said CO- Oration Of the ToWnship of Ray will hear in person, or by COunsel, 8olieltor, Or agent, any person *he claims that Ms land will be predjudiciallY affected by the said BY- law, and who'applies to be heard at a meeting to be held at the flay ToviriShiP COUrreil Chambers, Zurich, Ontario, en Monday, NoVember 4th, 1385; at the hour Of 2t 20 O'clock in the 411tertitiati. Rated at Zurich, Ontario this 7th day of October 1962. H . W. BroicenShire Clerk :Personal items PROJECT IS,OESSERTS: Fifteen, ladies attended the project "On .Desserts", from the Extension branch of the- Home Economic Service of the Dent, of AKricplinrn, held at the home: of Mrs, Wm, ...Caldwell,. HR 3. Kippen, Monday-.evening, Oct 28, under the leadership of Mrs. .CaldWell and Mrs. yern Alderdice. Members pamphlets contain., ing much useful. information were .distritaiteci.. The leaders. demonstrated the m akin g of cheese ,cakes: and the members did mono. planrAing according to the Canada F900 Rule, A cup Of tea and several desserts were enjoyed, The next meeting of the prO, UC youth .9rPlop. chooses officers A Union Youth Fellowship of Chiselhurst and liensallcon- gregations met Stinclay enin Oct, 20 in Hensall pc Hall pre- sided over by president Miss Cathy Searle. A special film strip, "The Beloved Surgeon" covering the work of Dr. Pahl W, Brand at the Christian Me - dical College at Vellore, India, was shown. Projectionist was Doug Currie, narrator, Nancy Kyle. The 1963-64 election of of- ficers was held, President is Ted Mock; vice president, Eric Ross, secretary, Nancy Kyle; treasurer, Douglas Curry; con veuers, Patricia Harris, Robert McNaughton, David Pyette, Bill Chipcha.se, Mrs, John Corbett Of RR 1. Exeter, has an Easter lily in bloom very Ainpaual for this. time of the year, :and is :also- plain ripe raspberries twice A week front the berry patch in her garden, Mrs. Earle Sproat was Windsor: the past week, the guest of pr. and .Mrs.. Sproat and fa- mily. Mrs,. Jessie MnTaggurt of Pilot moo, Man, left recently by plane for the West after spending almost a month visit, ing relatives .and friends in and around. Hensall and other rela- tives in London, Exeter and Zurich. Mrs, IL J. Paterson: left Tuesday of this week by train for the West where she will spend several months with re, wives in Moose Jaw, Sask,, Calgary and Edmonton. Sloe pects to return in the spring. The WI members of South Huron will appear on W.Lacly program on CKNX-TV Wing- ham, Friday, November 8 at 2 pm. Mr, Glen Nixon has purchased the property of the late Mrs. Henry Whittaker on Richmond Street and gets immediate pos- session. Messrs. Gordon ScbVialni, Charles Schwalm, Michael Hoy and John Skea Jr., enjoyed a fishing trip over the weekend at Chesley Lake, Mrs. Pearl Shaddick is holi- daying with her sister, Miss Elvera Churchill in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ford of London were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Chap- man. Mr. and Mrs. Don MacLaren of Torbrito visited over the weekend with the latter's par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Chap- man. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corbett and Al visited recently with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert chaff° and Joey at Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Mc- Naughton returned to their home after spending two week's with members of their family in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Don MacLaren of Toronto and Mrs. Edna Cor- bett were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Archie MacGre- gor. Mr. Earl Bell and friend of Toronto visited over the week- end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bell and Mervyn,. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Reid attended the Huron County Em- ployees Banquet at Auburn Thursday night. Paige"' • • l it _ • GIVE THANKS IS THEME Arnold Circle of Car m el Presbyterian Church met last Monday evening. program and worship were in charge of Mrs. Harry Snell and Mrs. Ross Mac- Donald, with the theme "Give Thanks", A trio composed of Mrs. Harry Hoy, Mrs. Beverly Bea- ton and Mrs. Alf Scholl, sang accompanied by Mrs. Malcolm Dougall. A joint meeting of the Arnold Circle and WMS is scheduled for November 25 with Mrs. F. C. Knox, missionary from India as guest speaker. A motion was passed that the selling of the church calendars be given to the CGIT girls. President Mrs. Gordon Schwalm was in the chair. Hostesses were Mrs. H. Bon- thron, Mrs. Ed. Fink and Mrs. Trevor Wilson, at Conklin Lumber Mr. and Alf Johnston of Trenton, fOrraerly of Hensall, Visited fora few _days with Mr. and Mrs, Harry Smith, and Mr, and igrs,.1-larvey Keys,. mr, and Mrs. Robt. MacLean visited recently with :relatives' in Detroit. Mrs, Pearl Shaddick is en- loying a two weeks vacation in Toronto AN Pori .Huron, Mich. Hensall Kinsmen are .spon, sOritig a party for the children of Hensall anddis- trict Thursday, Oct, 31. A coa- tnrne parade headed by the local _Citizens Band will. march to the .arena where costumes will be judged. Films will be shown and treats handed out. LAC and Mrs.. Earl Titter- ingtea are taking up residence n- III: 41e . a . the r1L td ii,PCf A this t a tr? oonn month e in mr, and Mrs. Ellis Stewart and family have taken up rest- deuce in Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Tinney and Bill, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Web- ster, Varna spent the past week- end at Eckford Camp, Restoule, Ontario visiting with mr. and Mrs. Campbell Eyre and Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Eyre and Sheila. Chief of Police E, R. Davis went to .Detroit last Thursday where he and other police of- ficers in the district were guests of the Naturalization and .Immigration Bureau and the FBI. Mr. Jim McAllister attended the United Churn]) Layman's Conference in Sarnia, October 26. The Legion Bingo jackpot this Saturday night, November 2, will be worth $58.00 in 58 calls, Mrs. George Beer and infant son, Bryan Frederick, have re- turned home from Clinton Pub- lic .Hospital. Mrs. Orville Jones has re- turned from Clinton Public Hos- pital where she was a patient for eight days, having undergone surgery on her foot. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker and Patsy and Misses Geraldine and Dorothy Parker of London visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Keyes at Mitchell. . photo by Doerr MANAGER WILLIAM C. SMITH, FRED BROADLEY PRESENT PRIZE TO MISS WILLIE BERENDS General fetes employees A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY ARTICLE ATTEND BALL Mr. and Mrs. Alf Scholl, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Drysdale, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fink, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoy, Hensall, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fink, Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hillgartner, London, sister and brother-in-law of Mr. Fink, attended the Poten- tate's Ball Friday night in. the Crystal Ballroom of Hotel Lon- don, in honor of John S. Parker, illustrious potentate of Mocha Temple Shrine, London. Head table was decorated with a centre piece in replica of a "Fez" made of red carnations, Shriner's crest in antique gold. baby 'mums with a whisp of broom for the tassel. Individual tables covered in red and gold cloths, were enhanced with candlelight. More than 400 guests from Western Ontario and the United States attended. Entertainment was provided by singer Juliette while Lionel Thornton and the Royal Casa Loma orchestra provided after dinner dancing music. Don't Forget To Buy A Poppy On Nov. 9 General Coach Works of Can- ada, Hensall, were host to a company party marking its tenth anniversary in C anad a with a banquet at Elm Haven Motel, Clinton, Thursday evening with more than 200 present. William C, Smith, v i c e-pre- sident and general manager of the firm, paid special tribute to the eleven employees who have been with the company since it took over from the Clipper Coach Company in 1952; James Taylor, sales manager; Rodger Venner, pur chasing agent; George Parker, main- tenance; Ernie Chipchase, plant superintendent, Hensall; Teunis Berends, Exeter, cabinet fore- man; Klaas Van Wieren, Man- ley Jinks, Bruce Moir, Gar- field Broderick, Hensall; Ger- ald Moir and Ed Bennewles, S eaforth. The party was much enjoyed with a turkey dinner served, and each lady was presented a corsage at the door, Fred Broadley was MC for the gim— mick gifts, and Desjardine's Orchestra furnished music for the dance followed with re- freshments. Prize winner s during the evening were; Door prizes, Miss Berends, Exeter; Mrs. Gordon Schwalm, Mrs. Betty Sangster, Hensall; spot dances — Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Tay- lor, Varna; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bennewies, Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sararas, RR 1 Cro- marty. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Be- dard of Zurich, who were ob- serving their fifth wedding an- niversary, were presented with a gift. Store Hours Monday to Friday 8 to 5:30 Saturday 8 to noon NO DOWN PAYMENT ON CONKLIN CUSTOM CREDIT EXETER 131 Thames Road, W., Phone 235.1422 The fall meeting of Huron Presbytery VC Ministers' Wi- ves' Association was held on Friday afternoon in Seaforth at the home of Mrs. J. Ure Stewart with Mrs. Harold Cur- rie of Hensall presiding. • Mrs. Hugh Wilson of Thames Road led the groups in worship. A duet was sung by Mrs. Evan McLagan of Blyth and Mrs. A. G. Pease of Hayfield accom- panied at the piano by Mrs. Clifford Park of Clinton. Experiences of life and work on the western mission field as a lay minister was recounted by Mrs. Arthur Jackson of Bel- grave who was stationed for six years at Gypsomville, Manitoba under the WMS before her mar- riage. Mrs. Jackson is a gradu- ate of the United Church Train- ing School in Toronto now known as Covenant College and has completed studies at Emmanuel Theological College, Toronto Use MECCA for SCRAPES BRUISES INFECTIONS Mecca, a favourite family ointment for over 60 years quickly heals minor wounds. tion•irritating, soothing antisep- tic, Said at all drug counters. Buy Mecca In tin or tube Kinette members to visit shut-ins Mrs. Bob Caldwell was host- ess for the Kinette meeting Wednesday evening, Oct. 23 with a 100% attendance. President Mrs. John Deitz presided and welcomed a guest aprospective member, Mrs. Doug Johnston. The club will canvass the town with Christmas cake tick- ets November 13 and the draw will be made Saturday, Dec- ember 7. A Christmas gift was sent to their adopted Italian child, and a donation was made to the CNIB. Kinettes will visit sick and shut-ins Sunday, No- vember 24. Mrs. Ross Jinks won the raf- fle. A. social hour followed with the playing of several Hallow- e'en games. Eight couples travelled to Chatham October 26-2'7 to at- tend the Kinsmen Fall Council meeting. They were: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fuss, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Jinks, Mr. and Mrs. John Baker, Mr. and Mrs. John Deitz, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Drysdale, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Caldwell, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mickle and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hyde. Bologna See what you buy before you buy by shopping the ad- vertising columns of your hometown newspapers. GRAND BEND Corner of Highway 21 and 83 Phone 238-2374 Wives hear lay minister Kippen WI visits CBC Thirty seven ladies, including members of Kippen East Wo- men's Institute and guests, en- joyed a bus trip to Toronto on Wednesday, Oct 23. They took a tour of the CBC f ollo w e d with dinner at the Towne and Country, Westons Bakery, where they were served doughnuts and coke, and also presented with a loaf of bread and Don Valley Paper Co. They enjoyed a two hour shopping spree and supper, and in the evening took a tour of the Globe and Mail, arriving home at mid- night. DEDICATE BOOKS An interesting service took place in St. Pauls Anglican Church on Sunday morning, Oct- ober 2'7 when the Rev. J. Philip Gandon dedic at e d ten hymn books and ten prayer books. They were given to the church by Mrs. Marion Thompson of Toronto and Professor Louis McKay of Berkley, California, in remembrance of their mother Mrs. Martha Sinallacombe Mc- Kay, who was a member of this church when they resided in Hensall. Mrs. William Shepherd was present to represent the family. in preparation toward Ordina- tion in the United Church of Canada, however Mrs. Jackson chose to be a minister's wife ra- ther than a minister and so had to forego the privilege of or- dination. During the election of officers for 1964 Mrs. Grant Mills of Clinton becomes president with Mrs. A. G. Pease of Bayfield as first vice president and Mrs. J. Ure Stewart of Seaforth as secretary-treasurer. Conveners for the luncheon which concluded the meeting were Mrs. J. C. Britton of Seaforth and Mrs. Robert Hilts of Exeter. The spring meeting of the Association will be held inBlyth at the home of Mrs. Evan Mc- Lagan. SPARE RIBS LB 494 BY THE PIECE 4 LBS. $1.0O SLICED LB. 294 Grocery Specials Heinz Highhner Cod Fillets Lb. Pkg. 334 Corporation of the Township of Hay NOTICE OF ROAD CLOSING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to the Municipal Act and other powers thereunto enabling The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Hayproposesto pass a By- law to stop up and close aportion of road more particularly described as follows; The easterly thirty rods of sideroad between lots 10 and 11 Concession 7 Hay. And further take notice that the Council of the said Corporation of the Township of Hay will hear in person, or by Counsel, Solicitor or agent, any person who claims that his land will be predjudicially affected by the said By-law, and who applies to be heard at a meeting to be held at the Ray Township Council Chambers, Zurich, Ontario, onMon- day, November 4th 1963 at the hour of 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon. Dated at Zurich, Ontario this 7th dayof October, 1963. H. W. Brokenshire Clerk Super-Save Qt. Bottles Ginger-Ale Pitts Deposit 6/$1. 1116.4W:irlift itittl&TILIAt MORT&Agt & TRUST COMPANY Heed 6ffito's tciiihtdf Agent Dreided', 51thitioyoif attitoar 0akcist, Potrolia HENSALL 8TOItt.._.110011$ closed all: day :otos/ Monday on 'all day WedfieSdayi Open Vriday Mier:Ling-a Until 9 pni, open '8atiirday"OVeningS Until. WEEKEND SPECIALS OCT. 31, NOV, 1, 2 roulimmaimior