HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-12-29, Page 3W, Ales . . - __ _1_T_ I--,.,--- - - -a Ii A III a 0, _ -7 -1 - I f SW%*A#6 Z C,01,8 at so "and whon woom I MAN 111 M- 8 OK91 130OK91 I ' "PiA , U ; RITE -ev - - - yg)jW1[CA16 11ALLy, * alsft bebw V 164 Wallow ,-, " , - " , - 4 , le daft/ to Montilli" I lk I M ftt k AkFO4,WA#T " I ti I I ­ - - .- . ltemoe*oqlil Tives, es, A nv" 01(ts I 11 a" ►tee SO m a ....... 00mv ON- "&* - -,--.- jilmor fr 4. ,J& -1 I" as, .j aft=t ioner, o"Bm" Goods E VFW Will % beat, to 4* So 60 40 parses a" -low "a . znn m for 01111 amoft. .-am".; ce III Twftwwo".T.NrLemow""-r"n Apin.w. a, 04 to ft Par hourbe - - I Wr sad istrorolly , ON"04 M. I' :_14-.. , assaoi.VkWO16 0-0080 •as WOW $to be ** .dwj K Genstliage Onto, IS V tub IN -, par 34 16. 04 I= mw sb.. a it. 11L it a y Nl 0 LDS & CO. *. . I _: Afkat '7 *-who -W @"men. -T. Alletilk. IT, ANA 40 4, I,%-- ., ., " "" I , 1, Wife, adds .d . at ,.Z at 8.1y. so,"Pec, blow. - ,* Met.. I'll an-* " , I rijvr-f1%6W ,* , - llr - --- _ - - .&- --..A Al r.ed, luq,.4( Ib# oba a 'a" S44-00 .. ma Deft. 3d to " - IL "ewer•Inume Works, Ste S Muslim yin! it ". , am ban Istrand soo - . - TO 4106 Is a"" 10 40. 'i"A ..-b whisk doei, r--- F.t - -IT* ' - of '*" ME u.b.i A am --V,--, AS - -96" 'Or'.... .... 1".... , •I .. t.64. The "I. tlft OtU Wk ,, Nihm, by- agoopumos of . . I . hEr7a.e-amilry. &a.. ths, Tabs.- " _*s`6A*1*U71sg I-SLA:7100int NnIff 11111111111C V4%- Irs- N 44 Li 6 of &him Nettds , I &Coo vai"bso nowfiltio y'ritabillimisol? : r7wotwo;rl I .. -41 *01b. (Ili A . Tow, ;t I., arz target! the toottainal attitiodwilet. As* PAVGII. I SLUINARIL DfIC 011791"M jb.vp we k.bris tkaff awe is a f '"Ging h . I ailles, rAINT9. 111AL-111114191111. GILA I , If%* .Paw 1w, 46,460 argoinis of As so luk, Per porm . sho ►lives al"T" - LtT 0001VII, •. X ze,%I., A really utdailas it is twelemboo ON a" is - far. XrAIJ014 FRY- VAIMPE'r- PAMM AAChS.M&"W&V-UPAMSO '11,,bliet' k, TIP& Ike now bee ,fir. Arr ft,,,:. . hi, philse. Foostalia: , . wheel. aa forrooe sheadil be laillbsoll, * '&a 11,10,19 , . ,*a" bolas PO , 4rW7 Of TOOM-GOOC.L WOeffol,mort, WAILS. JLWLLAX 04 &* wwo all do Goof 14116.6.04'...l Is ill will Placket jkbj To , adl kt ,," The It ck R1. h blood 6 Po-imoa4l&*. Id 4 mosefiw-as do"- , ,( 64" IWA, The ellopt I. thee" 696 amorwaine is 40 I-- :: .rl;., (...I dw­serf .a Va yes and Em buisited - - 7%&. lacy can we i ft 11%; rwwm--w Tied Cbso6w issivass, 0 1 1104, • *1601", Ti, tt;A; = , 10 hoose % LINO" Wio&W osta . ?I:ii Illov., . r-14 , ill" *=&A~ am . 11 I . Coo... Is seeld,li on . i.a.11 .ad FS I, ollay bskq a vdftb vw* 94614 It - I taries, Biblical lan't. I c me has c woo,dose fill I be seeftewe lea IT OW be d..P-.-d wi•b aggrarse""d ow4iol"- " -1 . , . Racyciopsoji., * 00 oollogivielof I" 940A. have bagets 6.1mood with Caltsoc %I.dc.,.#. Offisfaners by ow 3l(IOAI om . At. extensive &WItucla cut a( School soob.. I'vep. Ih. Lifillutits, G" S31WAL111. 0", effort am, .. .,^ I be 9111147 lr1,Vfv.;1Zt Irt! -,jt-a It . _ •,,Ibpqj, and so" NP*Nfom"wkeonbiy web eq*. %T`,".,ee,V%r,.j,fc,aVftlk.,iTk, , , . slogisill, OMW we doom '' 6.0-Loamseum , um, arto Drawielt Book*, 818fte, &a. A Accoetholy so $be ofisinse of aftleent .... hisaLilis 101 I . ,in eftfd,sc* b-6,00ll lintel 4gT$-,,. - load bodwo Several am" 1: $real variety of LAdIvint, Der4loolkic. Memo. PbWokiess. I%* Itself Ron Pi"t in 111041"11110411 GM44 is lb"W= .00.1 ome, vatmewl wowise ill "it Its"It of iso-vog. "fie we ogle .j.. lettla's i, -, " - c ­. I go, a 1"Ishk 4"L- good renvels. Sake ad randung jllouhv; rociagrop, rook Plea, nodpoe. *4 IT, Closing, rcrook • in fee "Tivisims liens " .be agges Is,% %law sea sip -.4 listless NO&O46-9 0 A ro-s- a 4-ing Ik­,- ,..1 -01 #- d J,Taw *SPj WX9bMj cam 11to -411,10.11111, T160"WO o 'a " 'ObLe a 6.1.0tonw.,%. 1 1 A . novel *..1 .1 J.-aff6tolow . &I in mattlow Oak A" 60 go base I an in at 3 Is a Ste 6d for Ne.11 ! Cie "440,11garra, savelolift Pose, pilagette, The 6:. h me, ..,..., Va . . When I.Tce.j Is j.Tgk_TFAgwvt The OffeA qoperb "&-for Spring Wheat, sad S& Pebblaideve lades and Console, take, tak. " a is@ the dot, Slid ~ *I"" 9"1 " plobb"- 'alleglerbi-re. "-iotlil-"M,-flloffmM..•." . st-de, 3' Wake*. Retailing Wax, As,.. Cloreats Dallas. lady loorsdod rarme,of aws.-Irm I., - 1.6 t=o,*-WkAnfta@A, now 9d,for 4 ro,.v4v. .. " bpa" III 6"Wilate. .I I0RfV&ggACATTI.ZNEDXI"I§ &,,*..I, YC,Ota ,'--ion a&b.bee,­ kc. Allormblalsbals.11- wiowqoseHm sliam-ju.t al"p-j:".W`. as wee it ons""Towmawhi-I *1 . mapfift dew elm thoo of ba- "Aul'-UTI'll'all As'" 'a say And"W_ The virry kmeam&awo " So@L sad fully The Contain ,a" Maloof sess, maolbt . 6 Islas . 0 a 1 641.0?. -I; Or . oil I j. doll.cit ingobf, 011111 _ , .. , . . , I I I nalcitums egovel, have base ep"ll nor. FZX.5 ths- ", C. 1.11" '10 -i -as 0 Pod Li er. 1. ,,, a, A 0 if &.=' Wkt"Vj7H"1T,T. Ff - We- Tee Ge"ch" F-7 theigg" L" &IT. plane weem algeask, oft. at Cheap m sub cam be P 'he" at as, '086 gis, a. it 0 an sollsagaill. al, IF will "PIT as 1.0fasse: a as Eff-c'.01 9130,0;; limit-* 00 way, 4; iond, to Its flifivilImp*_ firsubloq1tiess in D"f or other establishment. MrAsillospiretimalificie mL fAeomie, WagpIle, WSW valtqwiy welise'. few, by data use, ODA V the , I r , , _____ . Nine kned t -00 lie, ! ,ws be, I ,b y dome Pork to will. Black is tavlood"M Fur sale bw 11 611 'a .i,b ,Aa44es&. the), ghook a( 1ITATI( $EAT. so vistialf; -4 Pool. ,Ledjj and Inviegavollave,n if .,-. " lF, .", would reach LIK" ALLIN. BENJAMIN 0AWONF. 01664k 60. "A a =r, I'm qdo,4,W; revel... a to"? Row.-ftwe's' ts"thass God X'Son' Ike ud. a hall. as The t)ooft--Vmv vs, - I i ', _ stesaw 7111110 ris"01% 411"T'gio-es' &* fair duallead of '144 kr Golderich, Sao. 1111th. ion 11.311 Wkeleselle *W Ifterml Agent fee Godoinch, It -SIt, t I IF"S. 'G.A.,i4 boD 11.000" of, Titrostal, in 11 goo"d &016 of •*AiaoPVQ"d- I - __ - and willaily. sell fallen I dealer is Drugs Agree . 49 llwy clind.alligies. alitig a ever onir of Ardst,e to 1`904" Oaks. tireawd - - and Moliacwmpa; ranee., 04% &a-. Its. . 60 otiA 1.7 ST. ,isage-iff-A - dur- of cheap tow An. It. . _. DEAVI'll-TS -Urr 6 - I -11 ,-'I- A.. * two of three days. The trodet of the i .1111126 -rots era in demord at 20 64 4 REMOVAL. . . fd Dwells Wo fitat the Oil. LO -he ­­ -! 1-4 . .-,. ".. -t) , coming oviaboo wiffrertire s good serriet If9s. Pearls are noglectodaL 264 " Also' by MCD -MM U CO.. TFOIPOT%#Y: IF -4 WM JAZIL W , IF di!:, r- .. A. 11 ,.,A ) I . HORTON begs to Ilailmote to his r)avtd Mexesidir". Kinceirdime: J. "rell I" sm " X 4LM I L_ M;Lfwo Is!:,- - - t ­., * '. - got ku... )L .% ­ - . , &it 0joid.08 Sad all -see •a (IX , , * . . I run bif tsrtmu Iblis atA N't end TviccoTu, Nov. 21 ff ew of rise Aria e I 'y­Pl:crZI al ., ,,..,.I it's able teat to I . country estomwe sod friend I is Meet, not, 1161ROW: 1. Thigraltest, C"Ittes. tlg b beet agatheA as 8 Nor. , mid have to W u6tamod }'iota- Millors, Extra S4parlisis Par Me.cluct I a ►bag Removed his business to big Polowmettl jivatis. will be ema­sally is %I 1096-- vth. 6. T­:,st (-,( tftt,.If . nor, and ove Buildings, me dew we" OF A. leoly's R. B. REYNOLDS & COO S."I to . barrel, 92% 64. bererfivio. Ste- BITIP' SNIP. so the North Side of -,k Mark W lbeisn4 Amom Nr cameals. oar ear trumpets. be - front 40WO quarter Wo uisdcrstand " and dome" hoet"l.. lieve awe well .. , " . I Ifl. per Ilblbs 3i 4d a 3S 641- PGt~ IrbW* be is P"70-4 so offtlew all 0=6 J. C. RM1001, , AILF'reecripliess compeandeTl Wilk 8006"*Y villi-tift SHFUMAIJOST -(G;omw ( apt F a few Asye Iteliget-ii, offIeselao, 1111rillsto and AstiguIes" 'gio. Jely 28.1c. low -- ,Wt$ will be, burs in po buslail, 21a 6d a U Hay per test 42S bb flow. I onift. ._­____ --- - --- .. ..'160 w umb a 1W GoderAV"16"i 0119"It 86 palses Maidenaters, RISC Street, Hamilton %V 41TED VNIMErlAiklA. 160' "'s'i"le-l' so talk over the matter, and we trust the a 8os. B*uw_,rmb, per lit. SA P . , .- . - 4'. W. V6024 - Rhosoo4lon" Gre. A',­.q, e p,ol,o,dj, %-Ili migal. with hearty support Fresh, 104 14d. Pork, Pay 1001M, 2411te- 0 IV TA R I 0 STBADY Farm ItervAr-I p- late, berine j I,,.,Ie,,,. ,. - I . ••••P' 6d a 2% Sid. Beef, Par 100 159 6d a 2% 271C ,jibir f * Ar. __ ___ -48UILANCE A ar a smAl Farm in the i eIxi*,,urhiw,4 of I ortl . a.i-h .r; . , *P! 71 ,. '49 . ,he,rown -wage, . .. e. Ce i , I f 7, - Nazi hlosidgy, the 2nd 7d. Bacon, as. a 40per In Ov4wAAb A 0 nap CL SADDLE AN D HARNESS §4 A KI. AND IrIltit 01. , Z70 ler Dasa pav,,We I t'. . t . . I ' . . ,U 100 Ike. F"Irat - lAkVp COMPANY ,,,nojy 11 rvqU.r,d. taft'.1 isimid Doi Ilar)ONivIr. T k. ,,,j,: ",% .1. . .. . . ." A HOLIDAY.- _ snestIlly I im 41IM 31?0 loco* r watedby act of Pr,: t,'l rdriisawn e at Ube Crowd Land* 01ce, Huron 00 wt., ': t AT January, is to be served as's-getteral wood. for cord, 20 a 2 64. N Prof at Lials, 00 Public as t "Z Sarept. &d.wills. . , _Dr. 4 r . I* the 0( I . capital --410010W D" T00,11 it A C I I .I: ;_ Dr "It" j - holiday at The StQfO% &C, In Goderith. ",- - 4 GRACE HO YM. , rl ft4= = $Of lirAtrOlpma AT UPON - - I are Facetted al . (Ioderich,2194 Ore.. 11`63, 'it - . V 1`414. I Ur , w - 7 tvay.,i lite Tob tlsoliw ... L I is . I lbQL We sea 4-40dillot. which will consequently be closed 04 ill" theviwl J!" , IM Glils! OW No. 4. . XM Ith"fiemmte. Tbe'Sal;wribler having kept pace sea tb r, I Distairro"I vin Causes. ..Brost iselp day' I his is in order to give the clerks wants and criallies of 11ple numerous SUPPOnt Its steal of Saddles. flarriess. J- Also, a' 114'es C. Baker l4q. U. avivelit. I&IF, i LIC0 s -d How LID sued 01! - InnI, ritiefu c to. It Goderich Trod the vicioltj for The lam five Q Lity pf maks, Valises apd qar lit. W. Ilircivens, -1 J. F. Ado-*- 4 V-1 j'lrO Wile's 011 , . rT action vi Boldish CON19TOCT'll 'Iffit"I't aud other CNIPIQYO" & day Of ralit'st'on WOOD I WOOD! I years, Is a Ier fall , repared from practical er.' It's 1hsPw`- 4."c hatice .1 Peter Carroll:. - James 0.1.110r, " . "a jilothisgrT sea Oliva 011; Chlt Is. a." *Xlf%Qrd-,%ry irav* rat and l;LjOylltlerit, which a wholesome seed fics, to ",ppl, made W ph, Bridles and Mania aka. 0- -,P.D. a Vices A. ficulliver, " 1 C411.1'r 1 "a. it cost .grel periciece and increased facili .w it t NY a( one Bobsel irbers desirous or pay revellers, pmfmbiamw ore. merchants, Us getherwi sitteameArlielesofikicl ". D. C. C Pits ". a ,)I 1. : it a&@,-.' I ...J;.~.W as is Wood, am Informed Llg&t it Wall . facture. also Spats, Briphes, Cursist. &W All lls'll"'I ItICTOWO, " %941! L -slowed custom has airwillod"them at A . IV L I;. Thoss4a. ,* I Adak* Ch!,4,f- - It @4041,01' I be accemable now. liessinclowns sod keepers of krary =r articles that are gescrtillf kept by Sad- Jsdwv Illstlifift0s, '& Julia W'l*oTh` " i V*iai-k U Turpot delicate is/;Irl 4:4 Las"A Christmas sad Now Year's. wet are Sweet ollice, C= T , With die and lijarneso Masers. . rl,,IIE Subwe,ba, having kW App. isted I For "is by to ,enspopecally, to" as, go . evema, Of& "A nomy warms*% tie respectfully itiviles the avestiOn Oftlit - 11KNJAMIN PARV4,W81 Wrefte. Thoo"felm 040111-11" are glad that 8,11bionsh this year, bow (juderich Uec. 22, I%& I AX**A at Goderials, Far the above 6 1111 I e=rPl&iD-BnLsswSUTeTMOGOted. Rebels inhabitants Of Goderitch and sorrounding to • D,--xKi,j, Weer Sleet. G"Lle"'A U Sunday, the extra PTW- - I . . :iQo* t4 togark -f S'!. S(4 Mill dais fall UPC slvojuipt received& largesue,oveneritel Fires.sig country to his stock in Tra.le, CQUIldeat that - - 0"" Ili"% -it w 4mal "4 *Sam less boo not been entirely forgotten. GRiMMAR SCHOOL. S&DvLas in addition so those of lux own made- be is able to furnish them with whatever I :5 aikct 'lasoreace at the meet *#s"Trable - 0 N A G 19 - shms elAtchigis in =3 ,h Bridle% and '164". beacir a, si.end G*oJ% , " 'Ir .. Wallis -a IAA lor r1so a 0 nw Martingales, Buffal"kin b!Mwnt OMA I 'svlmo. so the facture; a6u roarial and fiat English :" all - .4;,quim in his line of rases upoo limww. SUIPPIO Ili other E .4 NICH .8, Agent -, Horse -blankets, ,,,,,,..an 0( TA . ,),q in& Wu,ltr. r"Pait"Iff, ftr lltqft sre d - HE Grammar School will be re-or-ened =ill,. f.' Godirrich. Ifth 8011I.. 16" W51,34 ( . . Whips, Belis. Brush", Curry Cumbs, Mane in $6 to 00. Brom Soule. I Fier J0.01141 SAAMILLIL ANJ I ­ , r -r Tbo Rev %I r. Graham ,will premb SHE the Christmas recess on Munitay 9tb Comber. Traee baimh and e thing cun. & Silver Mounted Harne-s. from WO to $100. 6%fillorgivoru or Goals. &gr ,, the J'..iied Presbyterian Church, FAst January next t - (Signed] A. ACLAND Deeicd with a oreaeritt SaddlerslAkrehmar. Whi. STOTTS a's (;O()DS. Arpdy'to T, Nll 11101-1.14. ,L-05 fb ,--Wb k, Mi , - . jT It Opposite W Cal 4 Bill-. FALL & WINTER cmwm:" .'*WT 0 if 6006*dW 4 Ch Board of Traders that is p',11orton has no hesitation Ja stativill N. B. -Al N Strect, on Sabbath first, it half Past 9" prices are as uniformly low, to that of .a a few I I- BoOkla Robes &DJ to burp" eftwill go law , Aug. 24. 1953 - in the evening, amd the Rev. Mr. Divine -- -- .. ------- any house in Canada Wed Ichat Mplioy.og files' I Hofec Blankets. itber waticelfull ann-acf% that __ to be takes. eat*- vs - class workmen and manufacture 'i but Goderich. Oct. 2-,Ih, Ift TGON ill E Sut"r = NOTICE. i T be jagew, VacivIng his fall sad liVinwr em, Z is 'appawd polar M;ly of a - -a on Sabbath the 8th at I I o'clock, fare- a superior anicl, 01'stuck. , SuielL. a clsomillittable portion of which is at 200=3 & ZZ"03 " a%$. Ilk att'V-W we- m r" W A ME into the cric-l'Au%of the SuI*cTiIAr Llorwoncy;i knd sin to draw in a POUND6 of Gill-- Thread TrOpyl,,icane. c.,risi,dog of rkxb-, Satillelts . 4b" ft sell Its, as be , at MeDots- GAME W-10 Uy,, .­,ch, ,; 1 300 hand. sell lor sale by a Grers, &c.. Ac. Ladir. MADE BY B. GRfMN. . noun, and oil in the evening, u. 1, god C.i,eV"I--U, Tugwautbipul Ujueem, work is his, such is the rel . below ilia I 0=6 a Ff cls lk on Friday, in the forenoon of Hay, about the eigh,n ,I Liccrentirr. instant, science Or acting. I BF_%JAMIN PARSONS Twee0i. Canadis . gall's Hills I Dr&4-Good% IR great Variety; Winter Sh;t*lq . feciao. end -W sqsec - , G W, a white strip on Ike black. And a red The subscriber would FlOrtiCIRIAlly C211 The West Surest, Goderich. tlier , , Irlartriel. Stan - . Warp, .94 jWW.sj Street, Ooderich, -1 the P911 . %3 ,. 3o elm a* It, the 151h. siZ .tie )cAr old post. The Owner is re- I astenliva of intencting purrbs,,ers to his a­o,rt- November 23rd. 1051 471 cuttua 0 I ., &C. - offile Swintrimor 0.44% ,.ias, ww opathap a to 6p. , I quftted to pmve prof,erly Pay czPmws And .ageet of Ladies' and geatkiruvw s`saddles which __ __ __ of we I'mrs ,a the sees I sin wt.* a Is~ tm I]*, end - - _____ A! F sit awe I Teas ADIES sad G.stlen' take them away is larger and cheaper than any tk` "cu lit has TO. CONTRACTORS. I . , I* -ral-tocko Mroe­ 1143 ­, still . ekes a, BID' I--- 11-"gs & Sb' -G I It as r d.air 0. a" task& five be I - The Annual ExamiAlticn Of the St, JOHN COLLINGWOOD. before o&r,d for gale I .l , rFir jnalltr a . a Gen . Qrockery I ' h,,,TwgmW. .ily sk-W We it,.- ists" , ! *­rn,sd It to Y-1-1 I"I'DIA., Mery tL41O I nay Mc.94,1853. nil-3tv Saddles for cash from S5 to S% r ,-e. inesand Liquors; klel-' , Am so - lei& oi..F-.hwm,i. CI -41 this alr-ck! George's CbUcCh Sonday School was bold glass; Putty ie'r,amfow-Wid. wh.wltlba .j ,-.,.wt .Nolls,Windo , . '. HORACE HORT0.14. E Sub,criber will receive Tesders, on 3rd Soto. for an Monday, the 26111 sit-, when the plea - T"t half of tap. Municipal Conseil of th= I Oils ,Tur;,cnEhse, Ike.. &c, mid sa.c life and 110111wrip; f,t 911i, Mark,t-Sq rt I liv. MACKAY. File B. -Is keep oaf left from w@4 tow flow QAA .. Pa7D Irill'i" may Ise Daej. wills W A XT 2 D, Goderich. Oct. I"llab 1 F62. 1 r5-01 Urvc',w cool.it" a( Huron and Bruce, tor, . - I.,. 1_ Elwood datiribated Prises (a The Inchool Teacher for School Section No,- __ i ht10,11ni, i Wire B.Ore 'over U;c! G ,!ericll, 51h Oct., 1953. 1,611351 FIT cei,sr., s lit, mow ins -ill I~ to be 91,1; ss,ji sttani.h the bith.1der. is I R"', ? , -Goderich. . 11,44" they hot Lasts,,shy sh..W W-drow tack, I I.Irrli 0, .1 . , eery, ,::: Choirs Alettlev. following Successful candidates. A M'Killi,p. out having a Secoad Class Mai land at he Irs'k, is 30 t**,Jf WO or Boys-.-Slephre Kneeshaw, Edward Certificate will be preferred, fur tuvber Patti- W A N T N D . A gr. atiluantwy (-I utaterial4sniiablefor l C 1, F A It I N G S A 1. H. S' see r- h" sh"-" 1-6, clear' and Merl -o% OW -14 .1114-41 .Yid.. , talus apply I- T " OFFICE, an intell,geal B.y, being used to the coo,t:tp-iion of the Bridge, 16 years T: i,tllkg of Sioswe, Tziubtf. Wire and ' - lie bag it -ed in t6.. 17 .. ,line two Y-610 11,4!i -C S.reo a" 1080 (I 11.4st, C 0 T-o - Elwood, Robert - hIcBrI418, William co 3 AM " CLL Fr Aabort 15 or of age. ro 1,, I TZLNILNUOUS RIDUCTION Vs PRIC91. m we, ;:,,. [Witan Allsoid. tionaloop". 144so". to - Catb- JAMF_SGRIEIVE Trustees. Goidirvicti, Dec. Irt, 1953 air on :he sp ,% which the contractor can have 6 he,ressiov., It Increases b,,u!-. ChiV.ins and 'reli, 0. ' S SCO rT, t a valuation. . Ill. I I -it or Goods, bel,wil .. 11hoset Faces , .A a 11 I "cu.. ii $to inetothe Thanks his (,Iegd.r r- Vs'% I - . 9-.4 8 * Clegg, James Dison, Alexander J AM E- ,ctz r. plans and Stir, r . .r D47tf t Tificiltiom uL Llse work ean be of MararLhall sod K--, mus Vdare;" it, Shasta we, P"Tobt . . cart, William Lainbert, William Kate McKiPlop, Dec. V I H53 4[iw AM jR1__ jW -AP "en at the Couaty Sarveior's Office, G­Je- I at fir The, wet* Wine r, ­,W, w kno, bank. M'sfes. Crosignt, 11facte. artate ` Ter* ___ ------------- I), disposed of betwe the fir -4. of Jan tore Sex& so sow fee Grown's sk-r-bon"I. otter It" Flesh. lliLve OF 11116-40, CA 11A k-9,40 1111 46 . sha w. jtF,DlU-CTI0`ii IN FURNITURE!!, rich rcom wh.,m any imictruistion cuncerairg A!, m,n,therefore ceirugn of fkllch& lng irselit I llld r militia It- pToI,lu;b#d.#-wj--a Iltilot ateso- I, the ui,der,iftmed Mercha--ts of I ____ .he,anje will be received. ,:,,.TC ­d;, and cheap, ,,houll call at once. d.fkl ,ff all n(C..­I. ell'i Me 1114.i.l.b.O, -,j W Town of GoAeficb. ­, here h,t- screet . r, to be deli,ev"l at Go,crich on ,-) Th,ir 1.1 co,waner, arv'parJ,uIa,lv il,viled to Twojoerwv 'o.id used for sniel"M pp twit. (;It,LS :-Fuel] Ricil, rhZilt N10"Ps, I .i I . W"104. 92* aje, too s, almon. 1.%ibe( Llwood, Mary Black, Mary Clegg, I .r gr&Lri-' for I 1"T r!e close our re%pective Sivr" on Nltmday the gn' !­:OweJ Unhim_ I.,re, the 2ft day of December arit, but the I ,R,,, sit early, vi%it, m,ree h. un- GA,tich. Ja.0 11111111t. &43& .1 Ike 23 coat Wills kill do ON" Itseals I 'rgl. V -1. I 44; as lat January, 1854. in lien of New Years - . .:1 Council do set bind themselves to accept llie I ch,jogneit ll;t,, lust return after 1, Ting made Ni 0 11, I C E. lb,.,,a&.j aukag-ri .soles to 04W Lliza Healy, Elizabelil Salkeld, EhImbeth day "."male to 0. ! 1,wes, offer, Dow ani uuje,A suitable ones are Fall and Wimer Irchaws, to complete L4e `egg Miller, Augusta Morgas, Emay WT. I", . i , .. .. , ,list he h3,1 received. .ia be opened upoeft NOTICE is here" #&"a that 4ppI,,s.i;,n Jlw-als 4 wof'14W articlesstMd . W J Kesys, W E Grare. r(n., v,d :I, it. i - , I., S -and wei I D. H. RITCHIE, C,unly Ckrk Above %tuck, l4h w,Ll be sta,le to The txsisl&lufO to it., I and sa.ga buy day teal Cons 1% . I ,tilorpa, E'ruily Miller, Eliza McBrias, James Wal -0, 11. B 0 COLner, borp, Lnudr a the Gode-rich Cabibe I Cut ayr CL..... OFIFICK, I k. W. 1. KCAYS. next Sast for on Act to Incur - - Twomey & Goo6ing, VarEvcry & Gvdi GO& I I'll No, I " ce 14 - - 'T G Rel,ecca ,, oagers, Clam Morgan. M. B. Seymour, W M,Kiy. I and ('heir Factory t" his N FW SHOP, two . I Ka. .41 U Surviving partner ,-f Geu, I ltlarw() I. pony. for the PUIP0%t ()( con rl !n z . ri Rail- I ,,,a d,-,rs Nortis ol'Mr Iferr's. Brick buildialt - 1 1853. TGRW . Si- from the Town of Glittrilt to Ow" Round I Ili I.I.,% EXTRACT. &,, %ti, can of R. B. Reynolds & Co. Bannerman & Frrg I - , God,rich. 0-1. 1%. - at or soar the Town I .riving from in"111 state Of dill I Parke & C -,k, Kiiiiisunt St :.. BOA RDIN G 11OUSE. -2 000 bu,hels of Tim,Aby Seed, fur (At the Georgian BIT, H. A.D. McRae, , Wanted "( Sydenham, Inctudirg a Breach of Ili* slikil Sarsaparilla rintlallis an lim" so MrcuAmical IssTmuTa. --John Galli, Will. Malcom, C Crabb, ' Tbo" o" ' P blic desiroace or parch&-' which the highest cash price will lie :0-11. . . - A L,Iv,, will and, it l, ,hv`i, at!vantaxe cut call and Y hiss. T. a. Wootturr, Light House Itailatter from sumo suitable point on the 4uC I Ilviodurve d,rsal.ao Its &A say 11'4011t - -_ - Ilas Northei. .Il whey Rdr.sparill.6 Ste liffocipallb F.q., will lecturto in the Hall -oil by Ales. Beckett, I amine Stock and Prices before Pur"lli.cmili I BSLree"t' 4 . McLaughlan Al Co. W M White. .1 th rouf to answer Suitable Out -a , %ew Goderich, Nov. 24th, I953. crtnil-2-IT To Ut or to Sell. ly pan of The E4,"em ,laors of Laker utirou" f •x met V,,in the W.-Ithlit" it - this Institute, this evening 84 the assist B Parsons. . - respec'iyell es ally --t burr IL# "rot .I Goderich, Dec. Wilt, IF63. n47 Ail Apprentwevralifed tothe above bu-inr­e. I ,I- upon such line and lines pil,fla, and d. a -0 boar, on " English History. I ISAAC MAIITI ., en I ,%4j(;rjg Ia; &tie of Lands rl,,IIF N1.1,11'LAN 1) DISTi LIXII V, to found in"*' advantageous for the Purim se P. ,Sao I." Insured perhaps c1% 'arvii 4K N. B-ca.h and all 6-isdoul'Produce K . lick. GG.IP4, 26th Oct., 18A V602 his system. 01, 2. c coallary, , - ___ in exchange for Furniture. I. M. . two ",j,(s frim the,r.,wn nf ii. -da in, ,4,r.pparjlla. (roan being cam N 0 T I C F - Ulded Ceuettles Y V;rtti, of a Writ these to 11-1 ,other Didt'E.-ry will'in 11141117 ----- p-aseracthred w Ili Va# U45 01 . 4gammunitations. .. Goderich, Dec. 15th, 1853. 11, " % .1 .4 B c 1 ) , f J61W" F .,U, JSRU- I f the lc ,,-wv. For ps,twulsts agly AllAticalion P) Pai*1iU17`1Vd- r'a*,',"('*•t.'-fov'dpoe*4 of the salpape-.114 - - HEREBY wave the public against PUT- ----------- I '1',, A* I T ct ,,[ ti, r Majesty's miler ` - .. - . bco h, alw to me di . /I on Nig pal Office. or to It- b I ,acted I. ,he Alcie"ell I Rected at 'h& " ,baggreg, a Now of Hand held to my name b t -%Ionic.- I.eire ft hl , M. A L C 0M, 1,11,rl I t er by 4,,er mt t pli&) o ricE is hereby given. th'At the ' seneinest" I . : ?Will TO Tug 9104"a of ?Ils IMAGE olexAs- of jrJC, by Donald McLellan of Bruce, as I W ILLIAM .-di.l., , T `; '., aud T."', c the sriucr (4 fir the Township n(SlanleY, isirnedi,irly and P, Ssr,_COOSWeriag That your joincistj hiltri received so cralualloti tow the Dome. Eigg 1. intimate t(, his friends and the A:r,j.tr-4 at the Suit of ,0,X ri ),,,, on c A. T. MONT(joll&RY. N pal Called,, And I fortberadvericte that Ann McLellan. Bilublic generally. that he is now receiving D,miae ui FINLEY Mcl,'Fk I have seized G &rcb, 4tb Auth, 18-53. ate Will na a P'tilloc, to Parliament. at iN Restrain. I'm% a Friffly Table 000 to puwi%b on matiess having a tea- my wife, having left my hos-- it I,! I,d. as I his . and taken in Lzmuli­ the Lcaw 01 L'O' _ _ .1.1 =ing, pro) Ing. for a ch2rter to call, pl,parril on tell"1111111 OIW*10% I ouib itionocary) to the To -o- - ---- struct a icer aliJ Barbour, at or neater urnallk 4,ma,jp*-~ri it 6 t,.Irak dere] to the publite weal of The United "All therefore p- Done 0. a T'l- C, l'( .hr may FA 1.1, AND WINTER44 ST/ICK. N4118KH UPIE (S' of the river 11sysel,ij and fur poorer lit levy b.(.c,r ike'riablit- cootmet on my account. JAMES FRASE . con,:,ung- tv Ury Go -,ds, Grocerimp- sad All f Hildulph, which I .hml offer for sale A MILL 88TH. falls (-a fite'll-is, &A'-, hipped or diechat d Lit? "A Lasses Tests -1-"dm .r Counties of Boras and Bruce, in order to It ilui;oeFt Wwts, in the Town of Godc'Fleb, ON SlsTIN0 of *built 19 89-C lying b- them,?; ,uj+. 0 .. ore Deflects 0 . I h ti 0 toy mile Ill" K incardine, Dec. let I KIP3. n47 -3t- Cr­erv; !,W lhel` With 8 large Variety 01 at S Wednesday &be Twesty-fir-A day of Dc- et to .U`h rIkri'dons and tire a. cautious As ack"wedeed wm(aIs*= st . U&a,iv ,%jad.- t *! rhtrac, conitistiv.g of Over and 01 , I C, iac.n Huron, Rowell, Prince" and it,," as, by UW august lady. 403y be deemed ,§ f.,rIr I., no twenties h. -w IF - s o Ilk ___ - __ ___ ___ ___ v.jcr"(;u@t. Vc.,t% & Pant,. in Tweed,M.1rair cen her next, all the ,our Of T""'ve of the U eow*Po wpm . Walini,t.b Stream reneft - may he. be ""t 4` I - Satin two r)urtd3 Per 11cm. 14 , P07 p"Z *ad r' -ft in the hands of your predecessor. atiiis ever; variety of clock Do`0- Mc" ALD. Shcrid; ..ril I" r putille 'V ILLIA31 W. CONNOR, If.selares Sal.014,014. . and manufac N 'a ill lWal r I beg to offer a few remarks relative to Buffalo, Brantford and"erich D -kin And 4u Fr. d whic be can recom. JOHN uruce. pure %or to emet a GTE: Mill 111111" twelve T'selikip L*rk. del igh,fal sod ,Sft -@I"?- - H urva A" le. and Ive sati.lac- 10151 . Rail wad. wend as being ,uperior in elaraoad inusill -at ,be ,two of Alt I N,w 7, *'%Wt" lea arloodesi,ts im",09*4 a correspoodomw whisch appeared in the qual,tv to ally hadwrilootered is this ty. Sherlid"s Offset. security forfu"UW"t ofe =I, On$. ban rowiv. Goderi4.21st Sept. tal I Q.0 LA t 't pligoad t& slacyc The Cana ls 0490110 rk*" OQPY the above. from Ph"pl.m. Ill.,leloW. Ovel d . I . last now oc the weethill C&Pmdwa, sign. A"o-mg liv M belisfurther lituaLthigathe L04h, ()6tv'runcrat basis Nuui,l- Itilrov'siloodlarbrievc ~ .. cd another cul;"guitisioll P.0 Ayra'scelle- Posl*POINMENT. pam"I ,%III] Site Ilk me bonds ef the "ItF GI & . btri-i llii,i lin"lle- we 10 ed 11 Banstictrit From that correspow- open grace RUN&'* Cobo&soids-- brated Gast -steel Auhreis. which home already (;,U.,Il for The United T.-VIWI-1p. in th. N(YrICF. 13 UL -By GI lion the ll fvd C.-I-In0ft or %I* SIXTY hITLYS. This Is f,irlher Pill pooed until the, as L excellent apperldolly Or VINRAT applicalinte Will be made if the dicirriart",# 6 tatf`" flir-of dews it is shown tladi the good peopils 0( 11 bern , "Joe i approvoi Of wherever weed and 1*1!. of BreqO. An 2 1 1 MI, g Capital 1. now , . 9, ncj to I he raw is lorglellalunic ul Ili* Frultilect at its DOM Ike Po- I loollitines Sol" an't and altar Ttl, ,.ay- Wth Deor.oth"t, • a ;urge asef.rinwot at Carpecaters' Aar, Adsus Degootber lostant. Wet'" IT 061 o laeorporate a conp"y. Pogue - , 'run 2 0,,, NALD. - cut'Llso for Wiwm 4 ... ban 1; " t ' London, C W., be" it . eaftenkidatislat 0,1e453, one I ram will :Sul.,"' - : sz.,1 C"weip. which he wilit eispeft of at ,J. McDO, I Al,plicaLiu0m"'Pi"g%+troA wor.I.Irse .8".me Of a ex calltrd, !, aving BuCa;,: ,it :0 o'cG-k, A. hi.. Ilart,iltuct Ketad priced. IS ff, flunin U Dives. I once a *Aalitivas, may be addressed, Powl l litalivair a its arst "" "hw. T ,?,A*) Oro~ 01 Or PLADI*Outht . 11 ad whish III lostalry Is 11114. at , ,wnjdp Clerk's Otfi,e. isissord Pfli ji"joll that Q P-W#04 ItotHwsa to Petition file TAgislature and ("Aic'I'mia at I , :Ioi.k. P. NI, G,i,!crich, ;li .r. 3M, I.M. ago" galtaired () at Dr- ads. So O Wea so build a 11silroad P-- xl.15 are rtqUes]c1l tu 1 21 CIL Paid - I" "' to", .am the t -,,k del- Trunk Railway ,* t;mb ad 'Sea "., 0, est . jol lit .; . - % a a" " sitting for a Charter I jocure ficires 1 ('r4anch. live. .1,_l IT 3,3. % 6-0146 County of 8 I LteOih ;e._Nv 12 Ex, L--4 tr,cl nearly --- - -_ i cumber. It - sad the Titer 9111119160. Of -mw Ime"t we it ., ,a I a, a. lead - 1". -we at from that Town to %,)in, Felft In [,-kP `u ICE. 1 _93. .20d. xiier.. 1111113- S411114t as. Lose Ho -un. Wiwi pl.,' ,, 16 ."Javot"L it ,U . "ll-iffalo,'and 41 N . OTIC& N(Yr1C - Kiccarcillywe '1,,,runia, Dec. 1, 196-L V6" 1.9n, ,;,toe.. 9-9 -.1 Ally Wiwi I -a, at 0. clear 1' ,,)_'-- L. in] 1% t - . r .- k, L o ff.,, Ca!, - ­­ ­ , . - LL persons havia t B09bils, Rece'las or' ----- ------------I*- UAGM1.0 rit"a-Ts. 10 NVILu,%,j WALLAC9,51 ' Ll. them jis"lod to noter • 11111114T A at$ from no" Delro)'Ic or Say - - - -_ 114-sid, ban r+...eves So fiells ! ,. been 14moura u r received by 21v Aft Co. oftlee Oudeecti 11"Ona X. sit bar OF Ill "e"'er" 7.' I. Ite jitly6geld k.... iP MEM ISTORE T14E FARMSRS' INN, ~J. fast ani"' -4004 most , Agent* Of if H. '%-now* so __ ___ led to pre" h .6'" eit C,"laick & . , o Csoads V est. Now, Mt by Note offland or 194uk account are r•- art 6 I them to MY wo FA .,. vslorlei-t ' : Wrs;"r. or call And have thaw seWed an or --it' I ..'if,, s­,A­A-­ . 4-cs" Justly observe-, such a had to NOTICE. K,,,r, catty I I . I I t --a." , - 7:1 : -111 gryouillcoacets W AS. A,,Jrow onli ASr.lien. D.-worl- - =11b`.0 Arei, lir Jena seal'. and ail other Oat such agreement on be' al o(Ur COBMVR, N411* - d7oi * I fo, mimbesvial recently le'^%6­11 the *sod , , mass bar , lap Ilia Boffalo, Bfics4ford and Goderieb who has assumed flit position 91F the M is .1 , I Af .,d-" =KRUS a Note Of ham Sir" by debts des, to tips same gwaw"went up so fewl. se .4 it a 91 V hie t.. *Won -me filpolhet. so 2, 91. 1111tragil'A Gk. add Hugh 111slkwAl O(tlw 10 GM wt JanoWryi SOW Invot brortilml -4. Claielgh ifloggife oir Ag"t-_Nft will be - If a *, ", "' .let House. !tow Railroad at Chotatai lbwe Nook W Ike matters *(that Ea"te- to mow is goopw Pew 40 he t­hlia In Floosict -C 0 link . , file the Patronage am INS 4,4 . A, We the sum of Twenty- I led welve Tllc 'Robee"11-1 ; A -,-y.,-.-'4.:, all t'r,ne, I&I pw, b-110. 4 - through the Crowe Lauds to own sould. 7 ,*&"IF or Us, A ,;D the itaxio day a, Demille, atTher mgma took 6" I foe It" will be ceceirilised If no preves WiwD I "Ilbodtarr Aorta 9109 Of 4110 Ila Moof AVJ , . a 'EV" poseds 4h a u pleged so I be loomits all the 0ork of the Do- asna.b. frool, this date. W. Donald Oaf" And Taa,d &"of," t I STOLA; At4f) trails usegaidta them is years 9 --of 11J- All .f ,he emive Quoted. saiielso oaf " - or eves houses&. WmAd lip a" of .4. A" If W m Dinah .1allobs or bearer at who u0s five say Inf.r- ' ;.L? stay brot-AbIl 10 sh,* Ilia w opolook a 4&0"uo luce r ,M• *.'so. h o'd-nah. C. IT . III, AnAw,t Note " la 6, is WOW, is panuess" Tolom Court Apr inveltow"", is That Lmal Ate t, - " 5 C,,,& Our 'Age year m: 44" 4 ' - - e Loww, "ill VM- j F. 1. Is .111 .., I -of C&,b N. 16,-d$04 11,41"d tv #ANIL (I"" "i di IL -01- ' C Crow 14- " the beat blocks of land it we dr usbcose. vft do W1lAAA21 NOT". -t- r"Pec"DIT she aorl rseb an Ike Is= literceattle or ow Jobs need I Ilpr trick lir. ff.eltill, Agent At 00114 as I, Y ' Feel by T %V AT Y glablift WQ am Altamonte rvapellor. jj,,,...h4. js C`W. III ; awe! . , -is-, fishery, hereby are bft an panow lives ve eationek, raised"', ... el.60 . agriculture and r,r , sun ;r 8" P" ,ad .0 Me do same. Iff,:K CL.\ 1% ,ban his cvvr bit -en a. ill 14 WOUNMIF, Acrest-rif by If L. jarr& is . I celvillillm an" as Payments- " sk, uflitliseell,;6. . go'h I t MALCOLM CAMZItOff- of tow "f'Aw"' VON JU I 1. 0owl VI 0 If C Gets . 0 'I "'" porevill%jol Well our jAki, and River sacti, hrbiflwaMIMWMOO&o Me mairk BMW . . __ Gea,cleh, Nov ella. ll,61 b" la."l.owt, "-I ­ (-,I- P M I" ,t J,51 I W_adae,jj I, T . Isvoill is . coo wo ow- fit, ,.I III" hr, it j.dere 1^1 ­h*l 01"Ifirtch, It $^, 4W sw K , l vvOGIA Seek =4 - 04 bit I IF . , . AF" taboo powedud weu 060 said now to any 6 00 i i•- eco =e(DavocWtIVA cmfmi A. *0 Q A -U T I 0 N . I., ll.ass1s, ke- , . %N SA emrV Top& Va", providing db a"a 9 The ON VW. ". k, Z.- I , - N 0 -I, I C V.- dreg -es. surcuti.e. Ishaw - -_ -_ -_ W.D,.w Ce ; Is . sald attle. I ntvg 0. T 00 OW" an - I- j.1sod a Notgr .9 Used gierso Is Aele- Age- at AZM I W a Co...4. Retell, A tube was conatrubsId. The proost is r*r' Is Its . "" OST CIA)TI11:3, is fire 5,;, I ris " "W -Ar OPOMWO . WAM, vs my . data all said will. I W` L -',.': -a- a~,-,-, by A~ a--%- tomi'll "'" Cellist. sad atiodbee - winclave 61 attention at the (-,Ofwunm* DINAH 111111001111- Decades stun test. = an 11 will held Oki- Mu. ait the T-wo-blp of Was mudmk ,0444- of. I Lurie: , and )iters 0 areass... &wmmw bill I )V" hatin __ ____ __ __ _ MUD ,h, amount at z3 IN, twairlogiiste Obb Aug" A large tsawt n We . I __ - " the pmo% **ill be cowgmq( H-014 resesels, lob Draft, me VS,041;.&* Does. 1 41W IM ,ed it" ill* Eta 4 J"Is4fr vust. All 1111. ,s sad *44pp" 1)u. (Iiat& " 111.)$. 0= Is, tall. - petrill, 111harp. amid a," ilwo to take 's I . - , 147 6%, " 8"4 !@*WT 4rdware. 1W 1111111111111111111111111it- pemaggs an be, by 00 6 km Miller mill . I . _ Ressis a halt Wo4b - 4 1014,11116411111VIOM IM . . so or befiling I be asid NOV& is A 1 *4 rlti, ,() ' I.:*, P.1 IV. Pi ;%. Te.. a- " 0 &R. . apologist lot~ in it. I . . I 10, V - WILLIAM CA ris T, Ili bs.bsy by the TI go 4 - 'I I'mi L , - "110111116 - I *WUIIA "" I Ir - P'42: .:W ITA 44 7 sto ." o coding OIMN 2*;4 `, I I 11 I , I I I I I i .41 1 1 A OLM CAMZao"* 0 "al 6" Cant. _ ' I ' I' - I (j A '1' I C , it . Unit I ! I Se. - ; All ' W IS is. alp j sch C .-I. . 7 'he T ew 0. . to ,.3 g is - wite ... I J ,. . .. fact - by . 1 _ - _T_ AMR 11111,111 that fttW-- at ab annouggher T . ."% 1110,;rko .,.a U -natal I bmacbm to Boylliew Seagram Ilk fiber sit- C about she Aft"ath Of Ocialkag- l"Itint 11""al HURM oudedelk. NM. Said. M& wo I _ Pay IMMA001146A 40URTY. --- - --- lobf. eir I false". gibb Posts an at in" wove adf Owes is e im r" r .~ from Chles. Pre a' 60 D•g_ !sk ad, coloold expectespe a" alba dona . I 1, , , . . FISHLEIGH'O 140'tELI TIAAA - I "'OV1,111110IFT. I Ins ,*A- - -- ­ ,&on seek #air. Ingif wbwb wase is sow %I pi,stes. I.. " " " a W am star some*& I lanatbw. W 0 1814, vs -se -I=!, , ­ ALM . BU419M owwi* M ristortaker. " on. , Z7 ,te.f it it! rhe- T. OIWI Mon") egroo-obsto all. il-dientilli" . BM . 0 1 , I , k1a'a""O FISH J." ti having a*& c ra- GLA&I - All'sis-8. J. __ rataii m It., lost, W #III ImInagetimputs am Ili* P"wA-w lasort) [0 4.1"Op ,goggs, .14 I MAWA---- . _ F . COW tu Dan. 1"t *0 RIM -4. so F. - to tVe 1.1.ff jvoli jLI;rTl-L% flow "s . t4 0 T I C E. seeiti , , f be ►Than to slan oveallplat by )lots& "P. go , a ,.mg , millions all Asks S AW*.g Tljhj,ld#i IIA" ­4160 ". . bag& ow Im Mr. Wittier by partition- an . .!L=412 he A,h a cse o @we" 0 mi. "weelf. k, Flamm, a.. * am P"Ooot" - I 0 . I I I I A URUNN- In OvIlAive con b .:aa 0 1. I. -p_ -1" toll-tse sq-( 110&.".. 1. .7-1- I -ea t,p,",er=f fdo o surstive uLwjhf If- sod .41seir plo "- . . . &" The holy. Al" . L" 4, - -6 Of too , P . - iI A, , A_.'j;j; 8,= -4V:67A7*fti1 barms _;ro ibooiimol aefst ek idm;;A;" L,..6mW.oa%tL&L 11 Floqu womb "Ili" -1 . 'I %:5 oww ad gain a fon.h lit facts I - I 106 r l- 0 %. r.. , In ammiI, (" bt"$*lpioo a" lial,04 saw. " - "iblart an obar" call CNA 111P . .. 40 Gomm R, - I - 11 9ru H I!S a. . - . - ; ial ,l= . a" of 11490 'a , thall I POW a 10 46 losee0cafere. !WA Ir adtAqbvwhvoqpwAmm, ; MID AwNbAer oovd&r, d cokle fWallicir goval 0 , ., % I- INJ, agreed , YMIR and som As the 3 lo"etatt spolentm Hills. 18113. - V"41.17- 0 !_ If .. to *0 -.0 few -0 ,.sass ` I link Ir %& , , , lob aits cit-#- .IN yeses on SM .,%I, JM R I I " ,k"A hme .f L ' a" -- " ,_ ii 6 )AM11111 . Rot ir I C 1117. - ' I -------- mam M.W lanip"ift:= %% r'. V , IT vtk~, . ! j- Itir RICO. . , .., A 11.410 Or - I , " O.. -t xm.*w W-0 P-rr_ whirr I., I . Os. MI 1.1i ,. bVinia. sod govolio-0 ,*W?Io,w I . do Coselm, T. DIWW I W44 The V, irr..ff ii,ollt. IkL lttwa-fta 0 a s... 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