HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-12-29, Page 1• • • 11, * 4 41 t •• r • 10. I 1 .• • • s ------.----me-....sa- wee - avereerweve-ws•ma -,ies • seamo...ow- that en 14: ___e= lois gr !i".....=tursor rt Ptinelp 3=itlrolrela.4.0= rep= ilea bissethem toemossiona sedum mill whisk be tosialag, oath as 11001.11 Bask elIMIs, a every sitli,tt Used, Nil Heeds, 'Qin; Iniontre Ladtag, Order BOOks DWI - n Coon Blasts awl every other desertpden of Lowe Press Priatimg! 44•-lbraakg de Cowin. Thome if the Mersa ilignal.-TEN SIIIIiLMAGA par amorif rid Mealy is oilstmere? •8 'ARAN NO Pse, with the egrrietime af,$1* row. NO partr disemediereid sad arrears are paid spobloss the pier dies it kis RAILWAY. .4 bide ea• Any umitirdsed me des essetry become', TIN SHILLINSISt so eateries. VOLUME VL werememmismemalIellsime, C ARAI • IPOR A RIMY. WHIR lishesdher wig pay Ie. 114. correttey J. per bushel for good ekes luny, os de- livery, at the M.MMsd 1Wello J F. saiITTAIN. Gederteh, le* 1861. m1:111 &A* Iklaigtord sad Gmlerich rootage respostelle Its .is selmerthers, shell re- eeive smooth My= • I er All letters d to (be Editor owe be rat.psid, or they will sot be *hem est of the pest Ace. TOMS ALifvereising.--Sizaca amd int ineertme, LO 2 6 - Pasch mibestriest Morelia', 0 0 7i Tea limes sad seder, int *cr., 0 3 4 Each eraboeq•eat imertide, 0 0 10 Over tem limes, Gest so. per lose, 0 0 4 Each subsemseat irisertioo, 0 0 IA 1::} A liberal discount made to those who advertise by the Year. Advertisements without entten inalroc- nom will be jeweled Datil forbid, and r barged atoosedlitgly ; and no adrertisemeat discoolineed emmid for at the time of with- drawel, sales by the COlattat of tbe poth- oler. _ De. P. A. McDOUGALL, •I•nr NOTTCIE 11 HERESY GIVEN, dui •L• prooluset to a ResolvOce of the Board of Diremets.psymest .1 1. NEW ISSUE OP SHARES*, Ibe Mercerised Capital Steck of the 1o8o1o, Smatford awl Geier - kb Railway Compey is remitted to boosts to the Treasurer a the Comperry, at the Sauk of British Notts Ameries, Broottord, is AV* equal lostslineste, se follo• • : 20 per rest, ea or before the lit day of May eerie. 90 per teat re or lit fete tbe Iiit day or 1 July neat. So per emit es or before the lat day of fOrpteseber meet. 10 per Best no or before the 1st day of November Next. 20 per feat es or lief' re the ist day of ' delivery. ltfre. 1 By order. i ARM!) GILKINS0h, Otemtroy. 01Bee all. B. k G. Railway Co., fleastford, Marcia 15, 1853. v649 • t. • sr - ‘1, wipi‘ tap us ler1ee.k .4 tit,. r sae Jeit P96011 4•••T W CIO Urn rjakCg44' SSP 01111°,1-14ID 1"r! t. " Trot go &Benin' rostrums GOOD TO TRIM OREATILEIT latetall2111M. roo:i ege . "A101:11i 1t1U4..41.1 - 00DititiOii, COUNTY OF alma, (c. W.) +111URSO AY 11SCROMas 29,018016 • • • 11for us .6. 14 "17.- ril:76441" 1"y4e: - " --104,•Ac.,„„4. garbs. , THE WAY TO SAVE MONEY!' Podtv. .... Verwere tieseasr Ms a meow llowlek. - CALL at the N•w BOOT I •416 V A N be consulted at all hoary. at Goderich, where you wilt tad every ‘-' rat eradicate fewaterly tervpirer lry! deserriptios of Ladies', Geodes:leas' Rad Chi!. Ra•ert Maderearil. Esq., Fora Sirrei,Mar- area.' BOOTS & SHOES, India Robbers; kd Square, Gaderiee. ilk, &c., all of which wol be sold cheap for Gorierieh, April With, 1852. v$ ciah. The midendgeed begs lame to Islam tbe iobablutats of Oederkii, sod sertmeadirag IRA LEWIS, cousery, that he has perverted from Mr. IL 11 %MUSTER, SOLICITOR, ke. West- HILL his Stock and Swims.% and also Leased am strew. Geolerica. the building occupied by R. _11 , with the in. Molasses in all its branches'. He has ova hand , 1 hares° objectioe, madame Big": said . er, "aud will have in future to beg our your %mire is stroa4er "Iwo tome -papa ! 7.ra* 180. 2•n25 teation of commencing the Boot aaid Shoe an a 0 iii b - 1 Swot Store, Market &pane ler coasou swine 'Tie wet! to ban • merry been, However shoo we way ; Thare's kilos le • merry heart, What're the world may my. Pillesophy may tilt ha bead, Arad lad ton missy a tow ; Bet give me tbe philosophy That's beery •iti a straw There's beauty is a merry laugh, A moral beauty too. ls Mows ths heart s an honest heart, That's paid each mat bis due; And lest ashes, deist's torture, Owyhee( wisdom's firers; dad Riede the cheek k's sorrow speak, The eye weep fewer tears. The IMO Inay shroud ioelf in cloud, The tempiret-wreili brim ; 11 find'. a &perk to cheer iIse dark - It'. sunlight is within! Tben laugh away. Irt others say Whale'er they will of mine; Who Meets0 theism.' may truly boast, Iles got tbe wealth ut eanb. LITERATURE. SISTER MARTHA . 'Enna*, eie f eselnonisil Martha, 'Hey are pew hungry people.. 'Yes, bot they are E. and the Emi- lia! we tke enemies of Franco: 'Sir, 1 weer thee& whetter May were atomise se mat wawa 1 osw them seller- I1.' The calmer took her little band. 'liars you sates y out owe breakfast, my child,' 'No, sir.' 'Theo you mast be very bengryl' 'fle, I dos% much mind; I'm toed to it. 'Does your mother allow you to treat fooJ 1' 'Oh, no, sir, my mother always glees us children atu meals before sbe tales a bit Iherself. %Then I am hungry, it is not .1, her feels, bet anew for go too my bread away.' At that moenent, an offwer approaered the captain to mk for orders, mil Mertba went away, retracing her step* homeward for, sot having anythieg to carry to her brothers and „sisters, it would have bees useless to visit them at school. 'What will my mother say !' she thought. will tell ber tbe exact troth, and thee 1 hope aim will not be angry.' When 31:tithe entered the usually oust ootiage, she was • urprised to see the rurti- lute in discuder, sod ber father, who dur- ing the last six months had tweet quitted his bed. seated, pale and faint, to an arm- chair. Iler mother was et:renting some mosey in her lap, pausing now and theta to brush easy the big tears that filled her •DArTITI •ND alleiTGED 111( M Tee rector H. ' Re/member that if the hundred crowns arrears of rest on your farm are nor paid op before tomorrow eresing, you must hal oat; I have a solvent tenant ready to take pesseesioii.'' So sayisg, a stern look- ing mae, dressed in Browse walked quickly mit of a cottage in the pretty village of Thereto:, Dear Besancon. Ob, sir!' said a woman, foRormag Wm se4 clasping ber bands," have pity on my eYe5• poor hubbasa, bas berm ill all summoi .0b, mamma, what is the matter ' "We •rre ruined, replied her moth- •fiVital sheE Ile vial. Mayahi. mradiegly. Jae" 'Is row hmelhlret stifirroilkile • a'7" Ohs WWI iao gel 1,4 In time Iwo chillies sowing teethrds es I Ire boutelf601 *het Ns AirIPAT 'They are My foater-ebildhest, the son mid obiorgifor of WS de yerease. Tle armee% thel return Croat tows, they c then:old awe. Perlitio el;e_ rest to se exelasmed, eateeding bar arms to rut terve s boy of tee sad a gio1 of ohms a year older. 'nave you meek a biel cake for us, Mose, &liked the link boy. Uwowing he are armor her web. 'Look at tile beautiful searf that paps has givea me: said the girl, spreadiog Mat un dares kates • silken scarf, embroidered with salvor and weed, pearls. '11 it oat lovely 1 Papa says it cost a hundred crowns.' Martha, bid bid herself beslafaMy kidded ourse's chair, gestured to glazers at tbe marl.' 'A hundred crowns!' thought she ; 'jest what my father owes.' And she nosed sa'lly how happy the sum wbkhtiat piece of toeless finety had rest woull terve made tor parents. . • '1,low melancholy that little girl looks!' slid the young lady, remorking Mathet presence for the first 'She wants very much to speak to your father. lnadessoiseRe Hama,' said bar nurse. 'lo papa 1 That woe% be difficult. - Ile is gone sear, for be walked lather with WOW VA/ eerliolrf 941- spat lit a• ;rams u, s.iso 11 164) la tin 'perm' *lief" Riot •jeg and soder 4.14 11.o ir . o L could, to brag ails* ib.e*teres. brDed L'skse I 'len"! -orb s crookeJ path,. • . , ; 'Otago, imbabiltet by a worm* stilltwo yr- 4folb. hoc. rime childyee of wirer she bood'hargr, ran et . • . „ oil '•• bunmd se rapidly. that devils Alertlia‘ &se ev '431. 1 .4,, .il) " leen meg eioresii.,..„ „„„,8 aor as .1 will .t!t pit': I era.] it She ottered everothieg• she to miter' . reerefieed as a bribe, but in 'fait: With; fonble ettallara she woe, 0* riple- hipmelf Ile haw% nee, soak "edit ate' desk by thisHisiee lesisemaseue, winch she raliet, receseolAfe restmeleig thrthree heldeva imitates. asothet qtcailos * 1807, while acorpiell is pairing meth - e Med bowie wilts hasit ef theriivesPouba, she heart a toed tplash NOM bey; It ems a child of awe 'years utd, Ihe son of a pacir shepherd, who had feller pyo the watet.- hildrilm, without ksoonsg bow to swim, romped is "deer him, asol.rseeceoltd is res- ettles the drowsing Add.' Prfooeser of war excited her steal active syropitloy.- There sru at Baumann a 'tort of sirpot of .i.& anti worsted mermen. belemsims te almost every esentry it Europe. hler:Ire worked for therm, begged rot diem, and uqrsed theni is their illness. Many a stout. fellow throuob her limel abate retiree - aim wept for bias co *goo the Oder, or tile 05. Papa! papa! Cyprien, do you call, for men. 11 L.., ant :-.",.., , 1 ‘iffriero. Oh, ar,l the steward; ' but tt does not rest with me. : bre2d••• sbe contieeed, addressing as officer, who DA 7411:1 GORDON, at pryseet a very !arge maiormcnt of lientle- I •ABINET MAKER Three don,. 1-:•.!o , , l'he rhild threw her arm aronerl the rat' adraneed, talking to so elderly' man, ikees- et tee Canada C-i-sn'ani's r.fli... tt, .i- qui:"';`,,,,. '' "'''' ' ' ' I 1 14-4 rd it bre, abaeot, but he wilt be here street, tioderich. ilirq, -1. •• • ot we,- -. tons ity c_esp. ••• '''' ' " . h ' ',. day or to-utarlowi utY accounts must br . woman's neck, and exclaimed, 'Otr, no, I ed in brnwn, •h•reri.' a little g rl who wants Autism 97th. 1849. lv re .% - voo.o.,,1 4 h .: t , ...' 11,04. sr,: s) . . all spared sad reedy for his isopection. I ; Ma MIMI, 1.11 work for you ! to teak to you.' A oil takin4 Martha kind - DA NIE1. BODE LIZARS, - • or i re , 1 dile:cot shades, Site sat am aot goiag to lose my situation for cos- ' ' l'oor child !' +aid madame Biget, tor-- Iy by the Land, Nieto preseeting her to her A rroRN EY AT LAW, sad C.ifiteyen- ,.., %'..,,,11:,;.1i,,P„Intednot. it.„Mutrinr°c71,;dleal- veyanee, madame Biget,!'n eon must man. i rowfally, looking at her daughters 'tight, tallier. office as formerly in Stsatford. ilmoulsciiber himself, the long esperier.ce he *Ire, the beatway you ean i delicate frame. Poor Niartha! she had arran;cd a little .‘. ear, Solicitor re Chancery, kc. liss his • Tic% york.°Tt,- e a'bore wiicir .08, jilleesed by . , Siratinrd, 2nd Jan. 1850. .2.t.r-4't e.,• 1.... in ..hc busiseas enabled hien to !select a ' Ali me !' exclaimed the poor woman, ; 'But, mamma, how has all this happen- speech in tier Iteaa, which was to have coin- • !eerier ankle, and by raring the ease, be has oioion ber itye, appealingly /*moo, 1,,,,_ ; ed 1' in need with, 'My lord have pity 1:10 ••• r hear. Small prodt •aed :pick returns is bis Tee; ' I have so here then left me from l "We owe my lord de Varehne one Wm- But whet the found berseir'rtandiog before J. 1)ENISON t purchased cheap, which "rill enable him to sell I 1 N I I. 1: N li 1 's 1: l• 1:, /se. way ofdoiod business. Pleasecall and see die .. , dred crowns for rent ; all that we poi- him, she blushed and trembled, and coedit N. 8.--D. hi. has t-tirt,sht frola ihe East an Ile-entenag the cottage, she opened a seas would not pay it, and his steward told not utter a sink word. co ij I.: Ric i:, (:. H•. i stork before buying elsewhere Aug. 15tb, .5031 I " . ILL •1 mato meta ov sap.i..-1 tither, Fresch sod topbearil est took out a piece of brows Ir es this morning that we must give uy the Mean:ime, lord do Varentie looked at her closely and exclaimed: .Tis the iittle Euelial Calf orin• . rarndli.d Lem er, aleat . Leath. r Sr'.' 4 c I.,ither, Ar .&c bread ' Martha,' she said, address*/ a ' farm.' ver.%Ro PUBLIC, Commissioner Q. B'' .P;,i1PC.;PaWreaorlt4iingubll:ii:orlbeurs:ery•d:11 child shoat ten years old, " there is your 1. •inateail of tailing to that child. Cathie damsel of -the clik.s. \Vbat do roe wish romIN J. E. LINTON, .... __ . _ - - Dor butter to give you to -day.' 1. l'aee neither 11,6k . line,' said her hosband, peevishly, 'you me to do for you, dear child 1' he asked -1 •ind Cuaveyanrer, boatload. I orders wilt be punctually aoraded to, end by liwealfast, my child; strict attention to bestame, he hopes to merit a STRACIIAN AND BROTIIER. 1 store of public patrosage, Term, reasoaable smiling l redly. 'Do you want some mnre ' and tomtit the times.oulit. to took the dinner.' Barriskr flail •dliferiuts at tow, +c,• 1 " (Al'IL"'"n61 that does aat milgii; bui 'The dinner is both corked and c3ten, cakes"' Sive 10 the Pnoom'el 1' er' to (be friends the trail of the T Volga. During the year was desolated by DAVID MORROW. Geniuses C. W . 1,324in why do you look so midi' Goderieb, Sept. 8111, 1853. my dear; said the wife, gently; 'JiJ riot I N STlii11;h1 Serriver sad Attor• ad litd is he Eames if the line sire you your soup Jost slow .1 ' Don't ask se, child, but make baste to at Law, Stormy Pub, c sod 12 over- I N 0 T I IR . C , ‘NDF.It wor.it *T11.‘clt.•%, • • Attorney at Law, tisibeitur Cams cary, Coaveyanoar. Genterieb, Ilth Nommber, lett . - - - WILLIAM HODGINS, ARCHITECT & CIVIL. ENGIN EBB Oce 27, Douslas Street, LalliDOX C. W . Aural 1604, 1669. %6.10 A. J. MOOKK, BAR RP3T EA -AT -LAW . (1FFICR ist the Pest Oates Ileildisso, Gederielo Joie 7th,I853. . veal9 - - - - - --- HORACE HORTON, (Allootamegeoret Genedeh.) AKN P *eel Maisel sad Gement soartmee Odes Toronto ,- Ake trios foo urrareeee Ceosty Motelie Offiaaabort, New York. Local Avert for Samoa M swimmer OW Liebman Nursery, July 1650. 111 1.1, gam.. e • 11. Pau JAMES tit:NILES, ether by Nem or Beek seeoeat. retie...tea to min madam- es she mew fenloriihr lame Mame slakes apart 1.. mid East. ass desired se prelate them for adminmeat 7 With retiontee tbe above, parties ha- debsed si to the wild relate will liaise take no- tice immediately and prevent ureter trouble andcost'. At iles Offeeis of GEO. H. TRUEMAN. ellsokei Semare. Goderiels, Asir read. 111e3. Waif JAMES CAMPBELL, - ROOT AND SHOE MAKER, Inst Street, Oaferfek 11 AS jest resolved a Large Asemiseesi a Al .1 1041..' Posey Dress asol Weals's Beets lied Shoes, esporior ta any o7 the Juni ever sieved fir sale im min, a hese essensiest of Lasts. 1... 1 Trees, Crimples Weeks, Lines Skim. &se. ien., the sieve article* will In *old or ebeap as rbey eau be purchased is the Lee des seeder. Geterieli, heft. OM, 1841. silt( A. NAIIIIYTII• 1PASHION ABLE TAILOR, 000 44141e '• Wait et W. IL Grimes Iltarai West Street Galeria*. Feb. 19,1861. 'Lee THOMAS NICHOLLS, BROKER AND GENERAL.AGENT. Agent far Ontario Matins t Fen ha - SWIM* CO. ; N OT A RY letalgelco A ligTA NT AND CHN Valf COBUR51116102tiN Ch IBbtp- ILL IltUstri eose.0014$4 OD alaral AR kit& of linelkesereielly law% aid 1.11CIV=Gbiallah' OM -7 414. R. a iaindrolg,, 1,-NaawAtanowili ormisimb mor- ;LiaieW•dftfit2 di Panama/ eat your bread. You sant at Besasicona "But your dinner and the children's?' has scat yea sad your brothera tied testers a nice cakes twee; I wish you to take theirs . • sister rest them; and as for .ae, my heart is ry to .bool.' too (.1 10 'Ob, thank you, taruntua; and if you will allow me I will go at once, and keep my cake and my bread to eat with them whets 'Ali, no, my lord ! It is something quite different Well, my child, speak, don't be afraid, 1 saw you llus aioruing; perform an as - 1313 and 181 t, France the horrors of •ar.-- CO3LMUNICATItiX (-Jr 151:a. Nti• CATTLE. ,OsOormoo 5.01 There is a 'corp. birallow Wet l'russian ranks( koowo tkis I • Oaf, crossed foe the firet time by mie log or Wave- years ago. *iv war the rallaeln paddled, lig a, mon sear the Whist; tiyoll ap hes the drat ries:eels toweepomple turn cattle MA oossimoo they soused wary ot te gambol • melt Grads in drew" . hat never •ppeated before WWI nerves mf Amy ant cm to emits wads the belly esewm et Ms most among die 'ration edike tells erect, therefore ripd down, tie* whole solote;ssma obeyed ever dykes sad &elm woad roaring harritsly. Every • issiessibejo the steamer, to the great my atilt' wood. a papie an4 a matiortrig mita, after a few dap, the asimals4. hernerkhardesust lot the sal look. 11 es a askew -is( cows*, tea Wei% pro berm to them Now, a the • leireet beset^ on 1410 aoutneou daring %kat Erse year your to the usua way placed there . to be,fatted.-In the folk:milt; spring • they ki gono the way of beef, red Sister Martha braved all the danger* of the their places was filed by s octr 01- eratien hltogetkor. So loon therefore, battle -field, to carry su-eour in the wound- as tht) fillr was clear of ice, and the edrwbetber ber f.iends or enemies: She steamers again began to ply daily apoa the rotote between gybing and Eonsihero Hie rulers wcro on tbo alert n to witness the old scene of uproar tor aster aide Rut they were disseponited: • Though there was the pasture [totted well stoeced ;with be, recreate fa, es. marker. who had route from • ' is our sister Alarthar town, though scarcely one of 1 Shortly after this period ahe received linY ana---ha4 theap . has bees seem to approach them voider the retry mouth of caution. and after the Mood- ie- t ao:ions were rotted, her plsee wo' in. the hospitals. Ou cue occasins., 1S14,. the dike ol Reggio met her. au.I " 1 have loth losuz lamthar nob your Raw, madame; fru "'believer our soliaers ire Inland farina or out of Mails w wouroled, their int cry always ' 1Vbere 11, they feed some nice eikes which tny ieb 1 would Bite the best farm in eession to have seen done by Nilerh. WILLIAM SHARMAN, 1111.10ELATER AND PLASTERER, 1W err Sessirr, Orteesuces IS retired to foram& DESIGNS sad PLANS, se Ohioan esseesablo tares. Ged•risli. Nor. i MIN 1115e. vikeaS 1 I...soked for you afterwards but you . ' Poor little 'Martha turned so pale, and gpfie. come bow op your brood And speak aestreinte grateitously to the poor, two be moan meter • what, to a disposition like here, was the sweetest reward: she succeeded in obtaiii• leg the pardon of a poor -conscript who hid deserted, aaJ who had been lesi mit to be shot. Sister !Martha, luovever, was nor left without worldly Wools. In 1S01, the Apiculture' Society et Besancon preerat- ed her with a silver awls', on witi..-11 was inseriaed, Homage to virtue." lo 1415, of a steamboat not a en', na members 0(o -the whole herd was • grazing. noplased iropertntioubfy,. plienoRteliati It was a neie thing an allooOt tor them Os see - but they hell already been told of it. Every eprieo the first positing tot %teenier* is this way rugnolerl by a fresh generstio:i no the comton with complete in tifferones The torprietteo ac retied by ite forefetbent the war mile•ter scot her Ore decoration ot len nr twelve years ag? seems a coos and the seme'year the empervr of amnia wet bee a gold medal. The loao of Prirsva caused one of las mativistero now tilled to the tateinedge 'eery , mit, born in say eerier of ear- presrisist7, And set, lit what tra1 “alette pollee lIardeuberto to write ber a leiter entree beet edualted or If Ws -blot thoets far tte' tare bite beitowedoe I been tart r'it to then at all, t elan the rick est wounded Prussian priscre•rs, nns etwy b,ey...-Dicteres 1 sod the truer was accompainvil by au oder- mig 0( 010 hundred pieces of geld. The Skier. Os t, Tug, emperor of Austria oad the at Seale ot acknowledged bi iryi, mut her decorate -me. (hi his reetorotiou him to be the Monet extroo to Ow throne, Louis 1..N111 desired to see I they Iwo „ei. io.m.,1 ay. ie her, told gave iier a most (rectors Rory- forwio.amt to rho Sipiihded Ca tion. 'the fareine of i8e7 elha tette nil the He otos bred, al,hy the op, trevoury of Forests whirls Martha bat end iiTta mrilrrt boyna from ?fir LI liter nrCtil" • r received See farad meals however, to ',over arc mtrs trembled so visibly, that htr father remark- freoy. If ,,,oat yoo want be in ray power then.amt poiMoss of Snap evert day.- ham ox, *boot W fler mother gnee her Irate, aod Ma. dm poo 1" 71, tire; her kelkialt IttaY t° "me he: wh* tho morning went waiout her the Elt • we are' all together.' with bet tittle basket on ber arm, was sane ,maarns_papa_aog't be angry; mit . , It was a flee mooing in October, 1757, ,olue poor prisoner, on t" ec,ed ; they Pa 1 the to bestow, promise now sot to refs*, rot When returu of abundance put an end to asioleat tbe want 1/01 1 id 'Pliseswer for it, sbe has ed toast sa , +Wearier of the people used war had century or than Ilia Amsfi A as, breakfast to feed the hongry priooers.4 given Oboe to peace. sister Martha retired some tow years duce ittrtaZ414.At At these kiad words Martha WI on ber to end her days in ',tactful otocority. aoil Ito Hands otioly .t8 bends died on the 29th of Alarch 1824 ao.et1 se- tureasurrs 6ft. trent lap to aliooi knee., and clasping her halide, exclaimed : y„ri, across the srti. 'Oh, my bleier and my mother ! yoe win flow sweet n it to conterrolate a career ; hind 'nit shoulder; 1.1 16Ifilo he meed! My lord: she contirruedi rioy of beneedennee in centred with a life of !tip ef %tenant; to the za�t is it to- depth from Olin- to Ariel* ' father owes you a hundred crown• -be can- ledoette'simweise'Isq• priertple, M the Suit of.lo-ts ro raror Christian not pay it, rea a.count of the bail, and lite rain, and by the greatSeareher or a...th. ani nonsense !' interrupted the man in brown. 'My Int.& if you woo to all that your metes etiOOSe to tell you, you will feel that the hail, or the reit, or the tun, will always prevent them royal their runt.' ,Silenee! M. Dubois,sial hit master, sternly .1f ibis ionic girl assures ow that her father earnest pay, I fully hollers her. The parents who have boated her tip, went be worthy poople. Stated up, my child; horse, sod fell row lather aed motor sot to he useasy. I willgo to nee them *0 .0(0100. Mesetime, bere et some - %Ling to replenish your trasert of eakirt.' And lore de Vareaoe pat ielo 11sraia'a, trembling hoods a ruse amity Mkt' with gayer. triPpieg gaily along the road. bild berstiag into tears; 'but I met aad u little Martha wean on in her way, seemed to be dying with bunger, and yon ale saw a vast cloud of dost adveacing.- know that Goal commands us to feed the Presently s large ten ty of dragoons appear- hunry, so I could not help gingthem all ed, followed by a number of men on foot ate rake„., dressed in uniform but %manned. Tbe child stepped mine road close to the kedge, arid, as the party passed by her, she head a low sigh, sod saw that dee of the prisooers of war. for neck they were Ind fallen on tbe grimed. He looked as pale as death aod 'Geol feeds 'Naughty child l' cried ber mo her, rin- sty at the thought of what her children might sneer; 'how dare iron gire sway all thet yuo bad r be little birds mother, and ' Ms lis eTtwe Imre 'd& ewMartha bens over lie will not let WI wool, mai Alaritia, Da midi *bat is tbe matter, poor tone of such oestie persoreort, that mad- ame Rigtt was quite softneed,& raid:, Well The Iskintin soldier dial not asswer, but well, I bare enough for ye all to -day: - a" DI la eamemies. Isles batter a Out, And giviag the child a bowl of vegetable boas she Mid W. 1 R. SIMPSON, Fr's* Melees He's dyies web Imager, seep, thicketed with (LATE HOP2, BISSELL Is Coo) /ea!" 1194,4 "1 81*.by equal portions for the others. A. Misr. OROC11118, wise merehossoo pihmtime uyires with iimegerr repeated she. Ila was eating bees, she remarked Mat we sad OsImea, No. 17 Desidielluises. 410r1 ilaitisrpiime wan so open r,,e, Ise-- her mother had kept none for herself, Reeser. MN --. 'sat ineepaga" its 011iellalltimitit lietuelliaire:ramoaber.L; eriestd..ascordiegly sani : 'Mamma you ti00% Loadoo,, C. W. filLPIRRAL LOAM* /IN horeak. far, ohs tI!,b leer ;',Marrat; raid Mutts, sfor a passe, Dim a....1644.04.bruesi irttiott4raot. how...Writ you permit me to go me for two Grookmos woo 0& ALE.X ANDER LEY13, T"" ea" &Lt.** b4e '1 rant illeirriih, . ' illa ._.1 ...... , ;10,,,,,, , ti Arse lie . Vt* lithe ihr jasi east fo go r sem rib, oft. - ' ssa r"m.0.1", Pm tioasts...14.412.. Aa ih. 'Please don't ask me nail 1 Mini.' • deressmireldrimmarehstlear premium WM "Let her go if he she wiss 1t,' 'lad ber lior40ulret sir ibill air doll's 41 IF! ILI . t . . • roLurrec0 cm dm* 11.111110 assa vegan. serres,J1•01". "SSW "ft %mem heihileda art Ms .oeremo. em 'Qat' 1110161041P 11114112.411441•10; 110161"2".103 err: zsaimeccit sof Iraq* aii1o41011101,41morpmer•iiee. "MUM illalthrnsholse IOWA WPM ,I14 A_Pit ffbalfedif:1111111Inte•e, 111101"w who.* 0.41110 • rpp. -- -----.-.0-----..- 1061".41116111411014.11111000 .0 father, dare say there es soma peer persons sho snots to evil. fins are Mar. Area tit plena t Is liar asolatr s •04 the ; yew are a tint Held astriged Ike etchers:ay tbis; lent will earf. Isiemelf to -morrow r--1.11 manly failMlit tOcrod esoralay. Joan isneeseit: will as the grated She soon, 1arerevii re- thinks, as •be. srproarieed a toffs. door eareved; mid to her 4 dia048 lot4 WOW WA ehtl woman ems olttiog. Messier feel* sweet r 64. herr 'Lod good monies to los *Ohs. Ph" evokes. • G in. He is exceedingly oft It:tier:1y= her 5 stee;.PrelbAi "tit 'I fiVIIIVC LOCK Al`NIGIIT 4istffig,101 thei AND ALL WELL. were roogeneraly out , • mint". Ro has loiat' ova False Plirephst ts-Stall and smote like flake, and core ; at rooter hill stands the wife. Th. clod, "'riots jedgio.- nith hes onset the %mat bones, yet her fernMen inttniitto f bt. )lv k pressed elowly romest the window fame Veroireifitetrao.;oe its ..a.4, vain frith ort.•••1fty 0!0.-ta pierce • apwirit 3441 ht.; he hi des otwitmem. :41se sees totrolerq, the hoses los mettrog hot she beating of her ewe &out, is vytty Ines and18 .. New she tate. her seat, opal% a asaateintieetlfiir. keret Mt MIs, NJ metre Irma 0 Mew comfort *he *spree, kis $trp tali say, Mile seers blbser the popes. 'lb o teal stead 184 • . pr she cis het larods, sod her hp* aro Iran-- •he ea a Itt . viols sale eireplioatios. 1 lae; Otero ltr10/64601tilt Ib is an unsteady step in the WI s 01/0 Wpm- -ilswriitle CIIt is ! Many • time. &Weft has trod hat dieert I aril ffreili et. '"' Tb children as if are were arearorao.- ' It rt ell msne-an Mewl' she sail .And her friene bevies tursenrd bee that it web the wirer!, wined to think th.1 item Ideo bet darted 46* homewards 11 full speed - Out a breath, she rushed tato tire cottage. string!. &OOP &Ohl doireartstky is meet she esedrfti. PiteNts ify s,ceinsi IMP and in Ape Junto toesesipmeres mew. hit his lemig *feet 'Iftpr "to hemmer" Uti ! altilbstarlees Wan of arnamworlieval. •• Prows* re epterrieleg t-ebsiE ensrpeeiretersal tee rei/lisjd 4��4 esar• erect to widedlintries hovel' • Withirinie veards of entreaty. Miele loo is re -...triers Alik: it aelialneof • anal la *1 0/186.10.‘411/1111tetallerMair 5161 VINC111**416 1011111 'flop.", • so re ,111.••• epe look tool tulle use. Ciao Sash Is oar of lir areedigli‘ ewe formal Yon yen eir gpei' wort los releted 116 way leie oW0 Sione.' ri Marais likes, seiner nebseireal Woof 1(.44 *wet to we ilievtillitires beerlielien eserindeningerith ries po- p i° 1444 ii0WrieM wow to osuiramab abowiabiraft • iliddeceek Idienolvirred r vaal 4- I 4, el 00. ,i11,1•06,a 411.511•010111 & ••• at* • two • set beighist• , to s levee eltildi *.pie 1,5 hafit' erlasl " 4•t•A • rites4tra porrertedis 10-1(4. ow* silerkedis km Yin • • inter • dummied Web Mee 11 lathe eillekevanuo• ot s vow, *1*04 lerweime sat patient Palmettos tee enterellia ea 11404threm Wed ms ; too holy siel-brevesti (0 eresetimbreced hy rimilienorieg • 7r 11011a. the erre/, wit bee the. 411 w IiirophetI iso imam. remierimiarlotkivemourir vv. ita tiro*. l* au by fair es • dream of EL*. Time woe leesele`l, emr memo Moab- cher nosiest's& essiortay• moo SOW* r ae0h504 aim • boiinhos.Wood 1.a1al1 * Oalfts .demi the 1'14ot 1 4- 1 tentlei=bAr IOW netledsMolMe** I alga4. trn.• Wet. Wake .olrosvel dna loft Y �a"* rA. ''m eh, flitaveova So *Welleila gesoliojkaatiwg,. ines• eta ge eielr et latioa -et *St pa.= - 4. 0,1111-0 titi deft 5. • 4.1 - " • '1 t 411 t '1 ' ' '