HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-10-17, Page 11DON ROOTH ELECTRIC MOTOR CONTROLS LIGHTING 235-028240 HURON W CUSTOM 1 CLOTHES DUCTALLOY EXETER DISTRICT Phone 1354081 Beside CNR Station MONEY-SAVING PLOWSHARES Guaranteed — more acres per dollar! AVAILABLE NOW FROM 21 Properly Wooled October 17, Page 11 25 Auction Sales Lear' will highlight 64 Festival season. Qentilhonng." Mr, Langtiain will also direct "The .country Wife" fog the regular .season, FARM 100. acres or more. Willing to pay .$15,000 to 000. Also wishing to rent land. For fgrther infOrniatietl gall ]6588 Das}iwood after 6 p.m,. 9;1,0.10:34c 25 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE of Household Effects 23rd Annual Sale of Registered_ HEREFORDS The nndersigned will sell for STUTT BROS- Forest? Ontario WEDNESPAY, OCTOBER 23 at 2 p.m, D.S.T. 30 Head-15 Heifers, 15 Bulls The 15 Bulls are Performance Tested. Eligible for Grant of 20% Catalogue on Request W. S. O'Neil, Auctioneer 10:17* AUCTION SALE new production of "Le Pour , geois Gentilhomme" in which Douglas Rain will play the role of Monsieur Parciain, The Festival's 12th season will be extended by .one week ,— tc? 10 weeks —opening June 16 and closing. Oct. 3. The extra., week will be clevoted. to school matinees, making a total of three weeks for student per- fermances, Michael Langham will direct „ "Timon of Athens" and "Love's Labour's Lost," for the Chi- chester productions, with Jean Gascon, who staged this sea- 92!4:41,74::14.4L"' 4'.4.14, 44 514 son's "The Comedy of Errors," "Wait till you hear the latest responsible for "Le Bourgeois stunt he's pulled, Mother Ontario Hydro's new Otter Rapids Generating Station, located on the Abitibi River 93 miles north of Cochrane, was officially openedSept 11. The plant, which will have a capacity of 174,800 kilowatts by Oct. 1, will be the first of four new plants to be completed in the James Bay watershed which will provide an additional 560,000 kilowatts for the province by 1966. The concrete and earth power dam stretches for 1,800 feet between the steep banks of the Abitibi. Ontario Hydro Photo Open major power plant at Otter Rapids in north The long-awaited production of "King Lear" will be one of, four plays to be presented in 1964 during the 12th season of the S t ratf or d Shakespearean Festival, The second Shakespeare play, "Richard II" will form the basis of a new five-year plan for the presentation of the full cycle of Shakespearean his- tories. The other two plays will be Moliere's "Le Bourgeois Gen- tilhomme" and William Wych- erley's Restoration comedy, 0 'The Country Wife." The 1964 presentations —which will mark the 4 0 th anniversary of Shakespeare's birthday — were announced at the end of this year's season, the second most successful in the festival's history. Plans for next year include a visit by the Festival company to Chichester theatre in Eng- land. The Chichester engagement will begin April 6 and conclude April 25 -- with the date of Shakespeare's birth April 23, being celebrated by a produc- tion of "Love's Labour's Lost." This is the comedy which was produced during the 1961 season, The Canadian Festival company will also pr e s en t Michael Longhorn's m oder n- dress version of "Timon of Athens," one of the four plays in the 1963 repertoire, and the .and On the premises in the VILLAGE OF ZURICH Goshen St., North, The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to ,sell by public auction on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18 at 1:30 p.m, GE refrigerator, like new; Enterprise cook stove; com- plete dining room suite; 4 Chairs And buffet; chesterfield suite; occasional chairs; kitch- en table and chairs; 3 oak bedsteads com p l et e with springs and, mattress; dress- ers; commodes; chest of drawers; rockers; bureau; Raymond sewing machine; centre and end tables; trunk; electric lamp; kitchen clock; toilet set; baby buggy; assort- ment of quilts; mats; dishes; sealers; pictures and frames; china cabinet; hat rack; mir- ror; Quebec heater; D u o Therm space heater, like new; electric washing machine; quantity of coal and wood. No reserve—everything Will be sold to settle estate. TERMS: Cash. Milton Deitz, executor for the estate of the late Samuel Deitz, ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 17c come tremendous obstacles to assure everyone of ample elec- tricity to meet the province's ever-expanding requirements. Corporation of the Township of Hay NOTICE OF STREET CLOSING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to the Municipal Act and other powers thereunto enabling The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Hayproposes to pass a By- law to stop up and close a. portion of street more particular- ly described as follows: The southerly 100 feet of William St. in the Sharrow sub-division, Registered Plan #17 of the Township of Hay, and being part of farm lot #32, Lake Road West, And further take notice that the Council of the said Cor- poration of the Township of Hay will hear in person, or by Counsel, Solicitor, or agent, any person who claims that his land will be predjudicially affected by the said By- law, and who applies to be heard at a meeting to be held at the Hay Township Council Chambers, Zurich, Ontario, on Monday, November 4th. 1963, at the hour of 2:30 o'clock in the afternoon. Dated at Zurich, Ontario this 7th day of October 1963. H , W. Brokenshire Clerk 25 Auellon Sales power lift seed drill; 7-ft. Allis ChalMers power mower; Fairbanks Morse hemmer mill; 2-unit Universal hanging milking machine, pipe line for 30 cows; Wilson 6-can milk cooler, new unit; electric cream separator; I-II 3 - Mbar side delivery rake; set of I-II double discs; 5 sections. I-11-1 spring tooth harrows; 5 sec- tions Diamond harrows; M-II 6-ft, binder; 2 manure spread- ers; stock scales; pig scales; 250-gal gas tank and pump; 3-drum land roller; 12-ft. Cock- sbutt swather; John Deere PTO corn binder and loader; root Pulper; hay loader; cut- ter; buggy; steel. roofing; 2 trailers; jack-all; 2 sets of tractor chains; 4 milk cans; 2 milk strainers; cutting box; sap pans• and heater; 200 buckets and spiles; oil drums; bolt clippers; cattle dehorners; cattle clippers; 1/2 -inch elec- tric drill and stand; anvil; forge; vise; 32-ft, extension ladder; quantity of lumber; 4 water troughs; rain shelters; snow fence; milk cart; elec- tric fencer; quantity of cedar posts; 2 chop boxes; pig crate; bag truck; quantity of new bolts and nuts; straw cart and other articles too numerous to mention. POULTRY: 75 Leghorn pul- lets; 150 Hy-line hens; hen nests and other poultry equip- ment. HAY, STRAW & GRAIN SILAGE: Large quantity of forage hay; large quantity of loose straw; large quantity of oats and mixed grain; 20 ft. of good corn silage. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Woods 17-ft. deep freeze and numerous household effects. TERMS: Chattels, cash. On property, 10% on day of sale, 'balance in 30 days. MRS. BERT RILEY, Prop. BERT PEPPER, Auct 17: 24c 1.1.E.P.C.'s other generating stations, Otter Rapids is small, but when it is considered every- thing had to be taken by rail into Ontario's north, where there are only two summer months when snow does not fly, and where temperatures are subzero many months, con- struction of the plant was• a remarkable achievement. Since work started in 1958 over a third of a million cubic yards of rock and a quarter of a million cubic yards of earth were excavated. A quarter of a million cubic yards of con- crete went into the dam and plant which is the equivalent to the cement used in paving 50 miles of four lanes of 401 highway. Just taking expansion and contraction into consideration was a real challenge for the en- gineers who drew up the plans for the 1,800-foot long concrete and earth dam. But these and other challen- ges were successfully met and when the button was pushed to set three of the plant's four generators in motion, the faces of the engineers were all smiles because they had over- /N WITH THE NEW, HEAVY DUTY WIRING THAT.' SURE TO pyeag YOU" Abitibi Canyon, was chosen be- cause it offered a good fall and sufficient water for eight gen- erators, four of which have been installed. Provision was made in construction for four more generators which will be installed when required. Ontario Hydro also found three other good power sites on the neighbouring Mattagami River. These are what is known today as the Little Long, the Harmon and Kipling sites, 42, 55 and 58 miles north of Ka- puskasing, respectively. Little Long construction commenced in the spring of 1960 and will be producingpow- er October 1st with one of its two units. The Harmon station was started last fall and will be producing in August, 1965. Con- struction on the Kipling plant will commence this fall and will be put in operation August 1st, 1966. All four plants will be opera- ted by remote control from a transformer station further south called Pinard, where transmission lines will con- verge. From there power will be sent south on lines carrying a half million volts. While the line is currently being built to Sudbury, it will be extended to Toronto by 1966 —a total distance of 450 miles. Until now Ontario Hydro has been transmitting power over relatively short distances at 230,000 volts. Because of the great distance between the Ja- mes Bay area and Toronto, power of the four generating stations will be boosted to 500,- 000 volts so a minimum of power will be lost in trans- mission. By comparison with some of BY LYNN LASHBROOK President, Ontario Weeklies In Hometown, Ontario, or the back concessions, the only link with Ontario Hydro is the re- pairman who braves electrical, wind and ice storms to restore power and keep the system in repair generally. To the newsmen who attended the opening of Ontario Hydro's new Otter Rapids generating plant, 93 miles north of Coch- rane and about the same dis- tance south of James Bay, there was the realization many more are involved in the complex or- ganization that is H.E.P.C. First glimpse at the new Extra High Voltage plant and dam proved years of planning by many engineers in Hydro's Toronto head office went into the plant before its gene rators could be started. Too, it was obvious the labor of hundreds of men for many months were involved intaming the rapids, blasting and exca- vating the rock, building the dam, powerhouse and transmis- sion line, before any electricity could be turned on to feed into the province's system. But why did Ontario Hydro select such a location so far north from centres of popula- tion and industry? The reason is that Ontario Hydro has searched the pro- vince over for good sources of water power as close as pos- sible to hydro consumers. With all other such sites in the pro- vince developed, the Commis- sion's engineers had to look "further afield. The Otter Rapids site, 23 miles downstream from the of Estate Property and Furniture For the estate Of the late Mrs. Nettie Jane Whittaker, VILLAGE OF HENSALL, Lot 285, north side of Richmond St., on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23 at 1:30 p.m. PROPERTY: Offered at 3 Pin. Full 2-storey white brick home with driveway on spa- cious lot; 4 rooms and bath downstairs, 3 bedrooms and large hall •upstairs; ample clothes closet spate; forced air oil furnace; new roof on house July 1963. Property of- fered with moderate reserve bid. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — GE refrigerator; 24" Findlay gas stove; drop leaf kitchen table; kitchen chairs; wringer washer; sideboard; kitchen stool; sani boy; dining room tables with leaves & 6 chairs; sofa bed; chesterfield; 2 pc. chesterfield; end tables; Ma- son & Rtisch piano and stool; drop head Singer sewing ma- chine and attachments; bed- room suite; steel bed, springs and mattress; steel bed and springs; 2 dressers; Spartan 17" console TV; Philco radio, console; 2 platform rockers; occasional chairs; leather up- holstered rocker; bookcase with glass door; hall tree; writing desk; 2 wash stands; fern stands; 2 square top ta- bles; 2 trilights; TV lamp; table lamps; portable record player; steel utility cupboard; stenographer's chair; GE floor polisher; 2 vacuum cleaners; 9-d a y ( chime) clock; step stool; mirrors; pictures; liv- ing room rug; curtains, drapes, pots and pans, dishes; kitchen clock; electric kettle and fry pan; sump pump; h.p. motor and emery stone; power mower; scales, crocks, tubs; 15 h.p. Evin- rude motor and many more articles too numerous to men- tion. TERMS: Chattels, cash. Executor of Estate: HUBERT WALKER, 11 Mt, Pleasant Ave., London. Auctioneer: JACK HEYWOOD, Phone London 451-8630 Collect. 17c COMMUNITY SALE to be held in EXETER ARENA on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26 at 1:00 p.m. sharp Please contact the under- signed for listings in this sale. GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 17c AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate, Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises MAIN STREET, HENSALL The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public 'auction on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19 at 1:30 p.m. REAL ESTATE—Consists of Lot 231, Village of Hensall, 2- storey frame dwelling cover- ed with asphalt shingles. Fully modernized home large liv- ing and dining room, bed- room, modern kitchen, 3-pc. bathroom and utility room. Second floor — 3 bedrooms with clothes closets. Dwelling nicely sitated and in first class state of repair. Inspection invited. TERMS of Real Estate — 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reasonable reserve bid. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — Sparton 21" television recent- ly purchased;dining room ta- ble, chairg and buffet; New Williams piano and bench in good condition; Seamstress Rotary electric sewing ma- chine; writing desk; coffee tables; occasional chairs; 3 baby cribs; electric radio; 2 mantle clocks; child's desk; drop loaf table; end tables; 365-day clock; brass bed, ,springs and mattress; spool bed, springs 'and mattress; couch; oak bedsteads; dress- ers; commodes; GE washing machine; electric lamps; as- sortment dishes; Coleman stove; glassware; silverware; kitchen utensils; lawn um- brellas; boy's bicycle; car- penter and garden tools and many other mist. items. No reserve—everything will be sold. TERMS: Cash. ROSS JAQUES, Prop. GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 17c Corporation of the Township of Hay NOTICE OF ROAD CLOSING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to the Municipal Act and other powers thereunto enabling The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Hay proposes to pass a By- law to stop up and close a portion of road more particularly described as follows: The easterly thirty rods of sideroad between lots 10 and 11 Concession 7 Hay. And further take notice that the Council of the said Corporation of the Township of Hay will hear in person, or by Counsel, Solicitor or agent, any person who claims that his land will be predjudicially affected by the said By-law, and who applies to be heard at a meeting to be held at the Hay Township Council Chambers, Zurich, Ontario, on Mon- day, November 4th 1963 at the hour of 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon, Dated at Zurich, Ontario this 7th day of October, 1963. H. W. Brokenshire Clerk Pick of the crop: new tobacco brown hand cut and tailored ONE PRICE ONLY: $75 Clearing AUCTION SALE of Farms, Stock and Imple- ments at LOT 20, CON. 12, H1BBERT TOWNSHIP 7 miles east of Hensel', 8 miles south-west of Dublin, on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29 at 12:00 p.m. PROPERTY: Consists of 100 acres at Lot 20, Con. 12, 95 acres workable; •buildings in- clude large 9-room frame house, running water, hard and •soft throughout; 3-piece bath; new furnace, Barn: Large bank barn 40' x 70', with litter carrier and water bowls; straw shed 34' x 50'; implement shed 28' x 52'; hen house; 2 ga- rages. 50 ACRES—West half of Lot 21, Con. 13, Hibbert Twp. 42 acres workable, rest in good hardwood bush, Property to be sold at 3 p.m. unless previously sold. Sold subject to reserve bid. CATTLE: Cows all to calve before April. 17 Holstein cows; 4 Jersey cows; 2 cross-bred cows; 16 head cross-bred yearlings; 9 heifer calves; 6 steer calves. HORSE: 1 saddle horse, gelding, 3 years old. IMPLEMENTS: C A Allis Chalmers tractor; 2-row scuf- fler; W D Allis Chalmers trac- tor; 3-fUrrow Oliver narrow bottom plow; 2-furrow Oliver plow; 3-furrow Massey-Harris plow; 2 rubber tired wagons; 2 hay racks; 16-ft. forage box; 7k-ft. stiff tooth I-H cul- tivator; Goodison 2840 thresh- er with cutter and thrower; 150-ft. drive belt; 15-run I-II '63 AUSTIN, A-60. Check our special price. '60 PONTIAC TUDOR, 6 CA., radio. Clearing AUCTION SALE of Tractors, Combines, Farm Implements, Autos, House- hold Effects and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 18, CON. S.W. BOUNDARY FULLARTON TWP, 8 miles east of Exeter north or 2 miles west of Russeldale on Highway 83 thence 1/a mile south. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by ptiblic auction on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30 at 1:00 p.m. Watch for complete list of sale in next week's issue, LESLIE DESJARDINE, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 17c Outstanding in our selection of newly imported fabrics is a group of distinctive materials in a rich, warm tone we've christened Tobacco Brown. It's available in Glen. Checks, Sharkskins, Verticals and Glen. Check Twists ... fabrics spe- cially woven for us by Bruck & Engelsm an and many more of the world's most famous mills. IN See our shades of blacks, driftwood greys and constellation blue. There's enough variety to satisfy every masculine taste. Your choice will be hand cut and tailored to your individual measurement under our exclusive Fleet Street label. You can't buy a better custom suit anywhere for $'75.00 Extensive AUCTION SALE of Livestock, Tractor, Farm Implements, Hay, Grain, Poultry, Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 20, CON. 15 HAY TWP. 3 miles west of Zurich or 1 mile east of St. Joseph on Highway 84. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public •auction on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23 at 1:30 p.m. HORSES; Matched Perche- ron team, mare and gelding, guaranteed true and reliable. CATTLE: Holstein cow milk- ing,•carrying second calf, due in. Jan.; Holstein cow, milk- ing, carrying third calf, due in Feb.; Holstein cow, milk- ing, bred three months; Hol- stein heifer due in March; Ayrshire cow, milking, fresh three months; Brindle cow due in Dec.; Durham cow, milking, due in Feb.; Dur- ham cow, carrying fourth calf due before sale date; Durham cow, carrying second calf, due in Jan.; Hereford cow fresh one month, calf at foot; part Hereford and Holstein cow fresh two months, with calf at foot; baby beef ready for market; Holstein heifer seven months old; 10 Here- ford spring calves, steers and heifers. 'Cattle are all choice qual- ity. TB test negative. TRACTOR AND FARM IM- PLEMENTS: Int. Super "A" tractor fully equipped, in A-1 condition including 54t, Int. power mower like new; bean scuffler and puller; M.E. horse drawn manure spread- er; 2-drum steel roller; 3- sec- tion diamond harrows; 3-sec- tion spring tooth harrows; dump rake; 'horse cultivator; steel tire wagon; rubber tire wagon; 16-ft. hay rack; 2- wheel trailer with stock rack; 2,000-lb, platform scales; sin- gle seuffler; electric brooder stove; 200-gal. oil drum; 60 rods electric fence wire; steel drums; logging chains; cross- cut saw; cedar and steel posts; quantity of lumber; 2 steel water 'troughs; block and 'tackle; chime bells; quan- tity scrap iron; forks, shovels, milk pails, strainer, 4 milk cans and many either misc. items, HAY & GRAIN: 400 bales choice quality mixed hay; 300 bushelS mixed grain. POULTRY: 100 New Hamp- shire pullets 6 months old laying 75%. Good Collie deg. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS • & MISC. ITEMS: 2 bedroom suites complete with springs, mattresses, dressers end com- modes, centre 'and end tables, electric lampS, Oak rocker kitchen •chairs, couch, Duo- Therm space heater, Singer teWing machine, 2 baby beds, couch, assortment of qUilts, blatiketa, electric heater, an- tique Churn, fancy dialog, kitchen Utensil s, sausage grinder, etc,, etc, Nb reserVe AS the farin is Sold, TERMS: Cash. ALEX MtiDINGER, Prop. HAROLD STADE, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Attctioneer • '60 RENAULT SEDAN, Excel- lent 2nd car.$595 Now$525 '59 METEOR RIDEAU SEDAN, automatic, V-8. Reg. $1550 NOw$1435 '57 PLYMOUTH SEDAN '57 METEOR, V=8, straight stick. '56 .PLYMOUTH SEDAN, auto.. matic, 6-cyl. Reg. $595 Now $450 '56 METEOR SEDAN, automa- tic, radio, '54 CHEVROLET SEDAN, automatic. Reg. al05 Now $160 ALL ONE PWCE---$75, TIP TOP TAILOR'S Walper's Men's Wear PHONE 235-099I EXETER Russ and "Chuck Snell PHONE 235-2222 EXETER, South End Service. "L sten, dear, they're playing our song 'The tattle Hymn of the Republic',"