HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-10-10, Page 5Gar A DUCTALLOY EXETER DISTRICT Phone 235-2081 Beside CNR Station MONEY-SAVING PLOWSHARES Guaranteed — more acres per dollar! AVAILABLE NOW FROM UR•GAIN ...pace setter in bulk spreading services Vsq \21 qtetheinber when X couldn't live without hfni V' Times-Advocate, PctOpr -1.94 1941 Osborne contracts for .snow. plowing McKELLAR KEN Farm. eta s f . $'01/M I-WON and NORM 41/0pLESEX... r r P Local banker wins title at county plowing match Finlayson and Karen, Mrs. Sadie Scott, Mr. and Mrs. J, Scott, Jerry and Ronald, Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Scott, Jimmie and Bobby, Mr. and Mrs, Car. lyle Meikie, Barbara and Doug- la Mr. and Mrs, Reg Finlay,. son and Michael, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Scott, Dorothy, Anna, Messrs. Hugh Scott, student at OAC Guelph and David, who L. IL Turnbull and Son, Grand Bend, as contractor to .execute- the open work on the :Ricks drain and repair work on the Mayer and Stewart drains, Received approval from the dep't of education of the bylaw altering, school boundaries at WoodliaM and .Kiritton. Instructed the Bianshard mu- nicipal telephone system, in answer to their enquiry, that Usborne has fire protection agreements with Exeter and Hensall brigades only, Road Sup't W. J, Routly re- ported the bridge construction program has been virtually completed. Road accounts of nearly $10,000 were approved. Reeve George FraYne pre- sided and all members were present. Next meeting will be held Nov, 5. The WMS meeting with mem, hers of the Marian Ritchie Auxi- liary as guests, was held In the church with Mrs, M. Lamond presiding. Mrs. Calder Mcicaig and Mrs. W. harper assisted with scripture readings, The study was presented by Mrs. E. Moore on a Bible woman ((Abigail". Mrs. Jeffry Ballantyne of Avonton was the guest speaker, her subject being "Thanksgi- ving", MARKS 80 YEARS Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott entertained members of the Coiquhoun families at their home on Sunday in honor of Mrs. Scott's mother, Mrs. Eva Col- quhoun's 80th birthday. Several four gene ration groups were among those pre- sent and many pictures were taken. Those in attendance included Mrs. Eva Colquhoun and daugh- ter Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Col quhoun, Mr. and Mrs. Gar y BARN CLEANER SILO UNLOADER & BUNK FEEDER YOU'LL GET BETTER PER- FORMANCE AND LONGER WEAR FROM A BADGER SALES - SERVICE • INSTALLATION P0,90„ of London spent a few Wallace .days 4 weeke nd, aannd Mrs family, : ht ,Otto ho eW4i144.1:11nR4,erricl'.1: is attending Pril7,, rsity To,. the Grand ,Rend United Church. ronto, spent the va ,okent.1 at the on Saturday, mbornis!.i,o! Lth,esii(opttaprent s, Mr.. and Mr. and Mrs., ,Zack 'M.0011-0. the miss Margaret Ann her home here, and Mrs. Re)" ivIcChee, wasM r.a7iurie)Pst" ayt OrnOtt .agnf nil3vieYtr-t1 , mr.,enti. Mrs. Elmer Lee and. sary 1-3•°r"Ilurft UCW fvlsmiti ol3rSqf wAitt rIooMd r"erneciS4M4rdr Saturday and also. visited with - • •-• - George Wallace, mr, and Mrs,. Russell, her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Alen Ramsay and Billy visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. James Ramsey grid family of Listowel. Mrs, John Wallace is visiting this week with her daughter, Mrs, Harry Elliott and family of Essex. Mr, and Mrs, Charles Rhode and sons of Mitchell spent the weekend with Mrs, Rhode's pa- rents, Mr. and mrs. Roy me- Ghee Mis s Florence Russell of Scarborough visited Saturday at the el Russell, Mr, of Mr, and.Mrs, Wes- ley Mr, and Mrs. Sam McCurdy Mr, William McCurdy and Miss Nettie McCurdy were guests at the Webber-Wilson wedding at John Beane JR. BRUCE FIELD Phone HU 2.9250 Collect Walton, also best crown; Wayne Durnin, RR 3, Auburn, Special utility class, Donald Perrie, RR 3, Brussels, also best finish; Arnold Young, RR 5, Goderich, also best crown; Barry Milean, RR 5, Goderich. The Leeming Brothers who won the boys and girls 15 and under class come from a long line of expert plowmen. Their father, W. S, Leeming was a Huron County champion, and their grandfather, Thomas Leeming, was coach to Gordon McGavin, Canadian champion in 1926. and under--Graeme Craig, RR 1, Walton, also best finish; Ro- bert Becker, Dashwood; Char- les Becker, Dashwood, also best crown; Exeter High School won the team award in this event, Junior high school pupils 16 and under, Robert Hickey, RR 3 Auburn, aso best finish; Jack McCall, RR 4, Walton, also best crown; Kenneth Brindley, RR 6, Goderich; Clinton High School won the team award for this event. Mounted plows only, Paul Turnbull, RR 1, Dashwood, also best finish; John Baan, RR 3 Contracts for snow plowing work were let by Usborne town- ship council last week. Two plow operators retained for the season will be Ken 13 rO out, Exeter, and. Gerald Reid, Bonsai. ThefOrtner's bid was $7,00 per hour with no standing time rate and the tat- ter's was $6.50 per hour plus standing time of $5.00 per day. There were two other tenders for the work. Council approved grants of $100 each to the Exeter and Kirkton agricultural societies and $25 to the Kirkton Library Ass"n. Council also: Was advised that the dep't of highways has approved the balance of the supplementary road appropriation bylaw to the full amount of $12,000. Learned that Engineer J. A, Howes has specified a 60-inch culvert for drain "D" of the Kerslake drain crossing county road No. 6 at eon, 5 in place of the 30-inch culvert installed by the county road department. Learned that no progress has been made in securing a con- tractor to install the 16-inch tile on the Hicks drain. Received from CecilSkinner, on behalf of the former Eden Cemetery trustees, a $50 Do- minion of Canada bond which was the sole remaining asset of the cemetery board, Approved the engagement of week. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Johnson of London were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Shoe- bottom and family, School children had a holi- day on Friday while their teach- er, Mrs. Lorne Hicks attended the teacher's convention which took the form of a trip to De- troit. Mrs. Norman Tripp, who teaches in Crediton, attended also. By MRS. WM. WALTERS Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gilfillan and family of Exeter visited Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Colin Gilfillan, Messrs. Bill Walters, RaY Cottle and Phil Hern spent the weekend at Restoule on a fish- ing trip. Miss Kay Horne of London spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne and Ray- mond, Mrs, Wm. Walters and Mrs. Ray Cottle visited on Sunday evening with Mrs. Nelson Clarke of Farquhar. Dennis and Dianne Ilutton of Elimville spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne. Mrs. Colin Gilfillan and Bar- bara Ann visited in London on Friday with Mrs. Jack Mahar and family. "NEM YOURSELF TO FAST RELIEF FROM ArgrAwir filfleig WITH DR. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD "I feel free as the breeze—at last I've found quick e relief from tension ridden days and restless wakeful nights!" More and more people are discovering Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. They've found relief from such feelings as "restless", "irritable", "lumpy", "tense". You too can help your nerves fast. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food starts right in to help settle your nerves and help build up your general health. Get Dr. Chase's Nerve Food—help yourself to fast relief from Nerve Fatigue. CilliSktlente Food—FIGHTS Nerve Fatigue PAUL TURNBULL ROBERT BECKER By MRS. FRANK SQUIRE NERVE FOOD By MRS, FRED BOWDEN. Miss Ada Mitchell RN of Montpelier, Ohio visited for several days with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs. William Hep- burn of Melville Sask, who are vacationing in Ontario were vis- itors with the former's brother, Mr. and Mrs. George Hepburn and Jack and with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Westcott and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pollen in Exeter before going to London to visit with Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Rey- nolds and Mrs. Mary Brown. The latter two ladies are sis- ters of Mr. Hepburn. Mr. and Mrs, Ray Shoebot- torn and family attended a fa- mily party at Ballymote onSat- urday evening. A number of ladies attended the Huron Presbyterial UCW regional meeting in the Hensall United Church on Monday, Rev, and Mrs. D. M. Guest and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Greb were In Wyoming on Sunday evening where Rev. Guest was guest speaker at the UCW an- niversary. Following the ser- vice Rev. and Mrs. Guest re- newed former acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haddock visited with Mrs. W. Mawson in Parkhill on Tuesday of last A bank employee in Exeter has been declared Huron coun- ty's champion plowman. Paul Turnbull, RR 1 Dash- wood, who's on the staff of the Bank of Montreal here, won the Esso championship special for the best plowed land at the county match in McKillop Satur- day. His win justified his selection earlier last week as a member of Huron's inter-county team in the international match at Cale- don Thursday. Turnbull won the mounted plow class and the prize for best finish, His partner on the county team is Robert Becker, Dash- Wood, a grade 13 student at HSDHS. Becker placed second in the senior high school pupils' class Saturday. The Huron match, held on the William Dennis farm, drew a record number of entries, almost half of them under 20. The weather was perfect for the competition. Judge Alf Brunton, Tara, praised the enthusiasm of the young people. He advised them after the match to pay particu- lar attention to their measuring to make the final furrow come out even. Tractor class for boys and girls under 19--Larry Young, RR 5, Goderich, also best crown and finish; David Brock, RR 1 Cromarty; David Wildfong, RR 2, Walton. Tractors drawing as many plows as desired, Kenneth Car- diff, RR 2, Brussels, also best crown and finish; John Clark, RR 5, Goderich. Tractors drawing wide bot- tom plows, Alan Turnbull, RR 1 Dashwood, also best finish; Cy- ril Ryan, RR 1, Walton; Kenneth Coleman, RR 4 Seaforth, also best crown. Boys and girls 15 and under, Thomas Leeming, 14, of RR 2 Walton, also best crown and finish; John Leeming, 9; Gordon Ryan, RR 1, Walton. Senior high school pupils, 19 MARK ANNIVERSARY List corn winners A number of friends and re- latives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hodgins, Granton, Friday evening for a surprise party for Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hodgins on the occasion of their silver wedding anniver- sary. An evening of progressive euchre was enjoyed. Prizes for ladies high went to Mrs. Mervin Baker; gents high, Mr. Mervin Baker; ladies low, Mrs. Nor- man Hodgins; gents low, Mr. Jos. Bryan. The bride and groom of 25 years were presented with a lovely set of stainless cutlery. The address was read by Mrs. Clare Bryan and the presen- tation made by Mr. Jos. Bryan. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Melville Gun- ning and Muriel were Thursday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. F. Squire, Granton, Mrs. Alex Baillie visited on Tuesday with Mrs. Ethel Squire, Granton. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bieber and family, Clandeboye, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and By MRS. HAROLD DAVIS PERTH DEANERY WA. Members of the Perth Dean- ery Woman's Auxiliary met at St. Thomas Anglican Church, Granton, on Wednesday after- noon. Mrs. D. Doerr, Stratford presided and Miss EileenRosa- mond, Stratford was secretary. Hymns were chosen by St. Paul's Church, Kirkton, and Christ Church, Milverton. During the business, mem- bers were advised that the Quiet Day will be held at St. Paul's Church, Stratford in March and the semi-annual diocesan meet- ing at Sarnia, Oct. 23. Fifty dollars was voted for Bishop Cook's work in the diocese of the Arctic. The speaker was Mrs. Neil Dowding, Windsor, convenor of Deaneries. Mrs. Dowding later divided the gathering into groups and dealt with the dis- cussion of "The True Func- tion of the Christian Church. Supper was served by the St. Thomas' Woman's Auxiliary following the meeting. TELLS OF MINK FARM St. Paul's Anglican Church Fellowship Club met Sunday evening in the church base- ment. Mr. Bill Hanley of the Mit- chell Road gave an interesting talk on mink ranching. Mr. Jas. Bearss of Science Hill showed a film taken on the farm of Mr. Hanley during the pelting season. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robert- son and Sherry Anne of Blue- vale were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Paynter and David. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Walker and family of Belmont, Miss Glenna Sawyer of London visited Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Scott. Mrs. Hiram Bieber. Mrs. Helen Hart, Detroit, and Mrs. Ethel S quire, Granton, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hodgins. Mr. Allen Hodgins attended Edgewood Jr. Farmers meet- ing, Monday evening at the home of Doug and Don Hughes, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Baillie spent a few days in London dur- ing last week with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cooper, Elimville, were Wednesday vis- itors with Mr, and Mrs. Mel- ville Gunning. Mr. and Mrs. Broeze and fa- mily, Varna, were Wednesday callers with Mrs. Cora Morley. Mrs. Milne Pullen, Mrs. Bert Duffield, Mrs. Melville Gun- ning, Mrs. Cecil Squire and Mrs. Wm. Morley attended the regional meeting of Huron Presbyterial UCW at Hensall United Church Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Gun- ning and Muriel, Mr. F r ank Parkinson and Glenn and Mr. Wilfred Herbert were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Parkinson, London. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Baillie spent Sunday at Mitchell and IVIN MI IN NM VIM OM V RV NM 11111 NM Ell MI NM Winners in Exeter Agricul- tural Society's grain and en- silage corn field crop compe- titions have been announced by Secretary Garnet Hicks. Lloyd Ferguson won f i r st prize in the grain corn division, followed by Tom Hern and Ro- bert Down. Other prizewinners we r e Harold Bern, Tom Triebner, Bruce Shapton, Harry Jeffery, Russell Ferguson, Elmer Powe and. Winston Shapton, in that order. Winner in the ensilage corn competition was Gordon Stone, with Gerald Dearing and Donald Dearing in runner-up positions. Others who placed were Ro- bert Down, Edwin Miller, Earl Shapton, Jack Galloway, Pres- ton Dearing, Archie Etherington and Howard Johns. fertilizer service Stan Whiting heads lodge TIP ON HOW TO TURN YOUR GRAIN INTO MORE BEEF! Purina Steer Fatena that provides the protein and minerals that your cattle need if they're going to give the beef profits that you could be making: Prove to yourself that Purina feeding can cost less, Ross Nickol,DDGM, and his team from Brussels installed Stanley Whiting as noble grand of Exeter IOOF lodge Other officers of the local lodge are: Allen Fletcher, ju- nior past grand; Glenn Fisher, vice grand; Percy McFalls, re- cording secretary; Otto Brown, financial secretary; William Ford, warden; Lloyd Hodgins, conductor; Delmer Skinner, chaplain. Harold Rowe, RSNG: R ay Jones, LSNG; William Parsons, RSVG; Benny Fisher, LSVG; William McFalls, inner guard; Charles Atthill, outer guard; Donald Fisher, RSS; Alex Meik- le, LSS; Bob Blair, color bear- er. Mr. Nickol congratulated the officers and Urged that the Im- portant work of the order be given publicity. Allen Fletcher, retiring noble grand, thanked the visitors. Rev. Harry Jen- nings, who accompanied the brethren to Exeter, spoke brief- ly. A fourth degree was served at the close. tough enough to travel the bumpiest fields. They spread a 40' swath with metered accuracy, and can cover up to 60 acres an hour. Now, no more need for time-consuming care of your own fertilizer spreading equipment, Let SHUR-GAIN give you the best in fertilizer and the best in bulk spreading service. Save time, labour and money. Make your fall applications the SHUR-GAIN way. Remember—slim-GAIN Sets the pace in giving you the best in quality fertilizer and quality service. For fast efficient service call Now, SHUR-GAIN fertilizer service gives you new bulk hauling and spreading facilities. Big 4-ton capacity trailer spreaders let you spread the analysis of your choice—quickly, easily, economically. Phone your local SHUR-CAIN agent, or SHUR-GAIN service plant, Tell them what analysis you need—then have it waiting for you when you arrive with your tractor. These new spreaders can be towed at highway speeds and are Cann s Mill Ltd. Call your SIJUE-GATh/ agent or SIIMGAIN Service Plant, ask about our new Spreading Service EXeter phone 235-1782 Whalen Corners Phone 35r15 Ktrktou There's only one reason you feed beef cattle—to make a profit. One way to bigger profits is through big, fast, daily gains . , the kind of gains you can have when you switch to Purina Steer Fatena. Regardless of the quality of your own grain or roughage, I can help you work out a hard-working, beef- building ration by balancing your grain with Purina research-backed Steer Patena. This profit-building Purina Chow can give you the exact nutritional balance your cattle need to promote big, low-cost weight gains, Turn your own grain into more beef by supplementing it with SHUR•GAIN FERTILIZER SERVICE EXETER Phone 235-1921 Canadians who want bigger profits feed PURINA CHOWS !