HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-10-03, Page 16With over seventy years' experience in the first mortgage field We offer a personal, neighbourly service. r irst Mortgage loans may be arranged on homes, farms and business properties. We invite your enquiries, gstablished, inSarnia in 1889, toe have grown with this cononunity. Your business in our hands is made secure by neighbourly; personal service. astir 1HE IN,4011,S;tplAisth:IlittGASL&);119T,,,,C6V PANY Aciont.$-Wailacetroto, o-reititrr, Strotirav IM;361 Tieles-Mvocate, October s 1963 Page. .10- dors Celebrates 50 years since stagecoach days — By NIBB, ERV,1N BAPBB. With all .PreSellt, They' Made SePteinpheAr$3441-:1111 ; cottage cheese in three marked ilie final taking .of the Guenther .Stage by the now 78- "Faroro,4.1fiAYe rth YVerWalirel:t.t'Ook the Stage daily from PealiWeed to Parkhill calling at ichiva, Mt. cottage cheeae On Celery, ca l Angus Meivor Of St, Marys spent Thursday night With Don- vie Langford. mr. and Mrs, Jack Thomson and familY, Mr. Wan. Thomson attended Zion West ,anniversary Sunday and were gnestS of Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Baker and fa- mily. Mr. and Mrs. Claire Sisson were Sunday Pests of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Petch of Strathroy. Mrs, Gidley of Lunen, Mrs. C, Hartwick And Diane of Bry- anston were Sunday afternoon Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jones., Mrs. Lottle Jones of $t, Marys spent tile weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Jones, Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Facet', Morley, Eddie and Paul of Bel- ton, Miss Edna Facey of Picton Were Sunday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper. Carmel, Liatiry, Moray, and Parkhill post offices, lie laughingly said, "There were no helidays in those days". His experiences weuld make a geed. book. DASHWOOD MERRY MAID The second meeting of the girls 4-H deb was held with 12 girls and the leaders, Mrs. Eben Weigand and Mrs. Rudolph Miller present. Notes were on milk in many forms and the pasteurization of milk. The girls made checolate milk shakes. In connection with this meet- ing the girls visited the butter factory at Mitchell where they saw milk pasteurized, the ma- king of butter, and powdered milk. The third meeting was held Marks anniversary It was 59 years ago this week that Art Willert, Dashwood, gave up driving the stage to take up farming, after doingthe job daily for a number of years. This picture was taken at the time of his retirement in 1913. Teen Town officers plan activities for the coming season New executive of Exeter Teen Town met Tuesday afternoon to prepare activities for the fall and winter season. John Snell, seated centre, is the president. Seated from left, the other members include Joanne Tennant, decorating chairman; Don Wright, treasurer; John Snell; Jane Dettmer, corresponding secretary; Karen Heywood, executive member, Standing are Rec Director Don Gra- vett and Advisor Carolynne Simmons. --T-A photo inir,I,V=SIMMENWZNOMMLMIIM. ',INCEIMIEMECISNOMMISMINTIMMINSESUM.106 ANNOUNCEMENTS ..MaZi=„la:VIMIRIESIMINNOXZWINIZEFfMakaMMEME.a..."%1IMIONAMMIKW1141M,Saiag,==. ENGAGEMENTS — Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Var- ley wish to announce the en- gagement of their eldest daugh- ter Margaret Anne to Mr. Don- ald William Wright only son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wright, London, Ont, Marriage will take place Oct. 26th,1963 at the Evangelical. U nite d Brethren Church, Crediton at 2:30 P.M.3c Prevention Is Everybody's Business Fire Prevention is everybody's job Check Your Home TODAY For Fire Hazards CARDS OF THANKS — I would like to thank those who sent me cards, flowers and treats while I was in South Huron Hospital and since re- turning home. Special thank you to Dr. Read, Dr. Waldron, Miss Claypole and her staff. —Mar- tha Amos, 3* The sisters of the late Mr. Percy Duncan wish to express their sincere thanks to all re- latives, friends and neighbors for floral tributes and acts of kindness during their recent sad bereavement. Special thanks to Dr. Fletcher, Miss Claypole and nursing staff of South Huron Hospital, Also la- dies of Thames Road Church. Pearl Duncan, Gladys Hog- garth. 3* The family of the late Mrs. Robert McBride wish to ex- press their heartfelt thanks to relatives, friends and neighbors for messages of sympathy, floral tributes and numerous acts of kindness during their recent bereavement of a dear mother and grandmother. Spe- cial thanks to QueenswayNurs- ing Home, Rev. H. Plant and Bonthron's Funeral Home. 3c I wish to thank my friends and relatives who remembered me with cards, gifts and visits while a patient in South Huron Hospital. Special thanks to the nursing staff. Also to 12 A for their interesting letters. —Ronald Motz, 3* Published As A Public Service By Firemen can stop fires but only you can stop them before they start. Do your part . . . check your home and business for fire haz- ards . . . check your fire saf ety habits. And to be doubly sure, check your fire insurance coverage here. tage cheese on pineaPPle, and stuffed tomato with cottage cheese. Toasted cheese sand- wiches were made. And the girls tasted different, kinds of cheese, such as Nova, Kraft, and blue cheese. BIBLE WEEK Dashwood EUB church joined in the denominational Bible Week observance on Sunday evening, The congregation was divided into six study groups. They Met in the following homes: Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eagleson, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gaiser, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Eckstein, Mr. and Mrs. George Link, Mr. and Mrs, Mervyn Tiernan, and Mr. And Mrs. Stuart Wolfe. HONOR BRIDE-ELECT A miscellaneous shower for Miss Ruth Restemayer, bride- elect of this Saturday, was held at the borne of Mrs. Elgin Rader Thursday, September 26, with about 30 relatives, friends, and neighbors in attendance. Bunco was played with Mrs. Harold Hendrick winner and Mrs. Jack Gaiser consolation winner. Ruth was recipient of many lovely gifts for which she gra- ciously thanked everyone and invited them to visit her in her home. PERSONALS At the band meeting this thursday evening BootsKliimpp will be present to interview prospective band members and parents, Boots has agreed to start a new class this year, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Klein- stiver of Chicago visited with Mrs. Lucinda Mclsaac during the past week and also with the former's mother, Mrs. Effie Kleinstiver, who is a patient in South Huron hospital, Exeter. Ronald McIsaac and Miss Pa- mela Spears of Detroit visited with Mrs. Lucinda Mclsaac Sun- day taking her home with them to attend the wedding of her grandson, Donald Mclsaac next Saturday. Mrs. Amelia Willert, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Penhale, Miss Nancy Willert, Mrs. R. J. Newton and family attended the Heywood- Willert wedding atJamesStreet United Church, Exeter, on Sa- turday and the reception at Crediton. The bride is Mrs. Willert' s granddaughter. Mr. Carl Maier has returned home after spending three weeks in Victoria hospital C. V. PICKARD M. J. Gaiser W. H. Hodgson J. A. Kneale General. Insurance & Real Estate PHONE 235-0310 EXETER IN MEMORIAM — EARL — In loving memory of a dear mother, who passed away one year ago October 3, in England. This day we do remember, A loving thought we give, To one no longer with us, But in our heart still lives. — Always remembered by her son and daughter-in-law Har- ry and Annie Horton, 3c LEE —In loving memory of a father and grandfather Thomas R. Lee who passed away October 3, 1062. your last parting wish We would like to have heard; And breathed in your ear, Our last parting word. Only those who have lost, Are able to tell; The pain in the heart, At not saying farewell, — Ever remembered by son George, daughter-in-law Marilyn and grandchildren George and Brenda. 3c LEE —In loving memory of a dear father and grandfather Thomas R. Lee who passed away Oct. 3, 1962. He bade no one his last farewell, He said goodbye to none; The heavenly gates were opened A loving voice said come; Though out of sight you're ever Still missed, still loved, still ours, You will live with us in memory Until the end of time. — Ever remembered by son Harold, Maurine, and family. ENGAGEMENTS — Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brenner, Grand Bend are pleased to an- nounce the engagement of their only daughter Brenda Marie to James Robert Hennessey son of Mrs. Viola Hennessey and the late Leo Hennessey of Exeter. Wedding to take place at Grand Bend, October 18th, 1963. X PREVENTION WEEK October 6 to 12 ;aaaatiataitaKt;giatzaaffaatniaaaxgmaaaavaaixitai$a,igaian.raikaaaraimaarsaapataaasisaataaw The mineral-rich Precam- brian Shield, shaped like an in- verted horseshoe with Hudson Bay as its center, covers nearly half of Canada. BIRTHS — EWEN — Mr. and Mrs. John Ewen, London, announce the birth of a daughter, Dawn Michelle, at St. Joseph's Hos- pital, September 26 — a sis- ter for Wendy and Pamela and granddaughter for Mr. and Mrs. Doug Ewen, Lucan, HODGSON—Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hodgson, Clande- boye, announce the birth of a daughter, Mary Heather, at Victoria Hospital, September 27 a sister for Karen and Jane. HOHMANN — Mr. and Mrs. Jo- seph Hohmann, Crediton, an- nounce the birth of adaughter Brenda Rose, at South Huron Hospital, September 30 a sister for Linda Marie. lvicFALLS — Mr. and Mrs. Ri- chard McFalls, Exeter, an- nounce the birth of a son, Richard Mark, at South Hur- on Hospital, September 28 — a brother for David. SCOTT Mr. and Mrs. Bob Scott, Exeter, announce the birth of a daughter, Sandra Dee, at South Huron Hospital, September 27 a sister for Randy. SWARTZ—Ron and Helen Swartz, Clandeboye, an- nounce the birth of a daugh- ter, at South Huron Hospital September 26— a sister for Nancy, Barbara and Brenda. CARDS OF THANKS— I would like to thank every- one who visited tee, sent cards and treats while a patient in the hospital. Thanks to nurses and staff of South Huron Hos- pital.— Miss Marilyn Pfaff 3c The family of the late Mary Jane Whitehouse wish to thank their friends and neighbors, Exeter Ladies Legion Auxi- liary, Pride of Huron Rebekah Lodge for the lovely flowers and expressions of sympathy in their recent bereavement. 3* I wish to take this oppor- tunity to thank my many friends, relatives and neighbors for flowers, cards, treats and visits and the many kindnesses shown to me, while I was a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. Special thanks to Drs. M. Ca-, ninck, Wyatt and Sales, also to special nurses and nursing staff of eighth floor west. —Mrs. Gordon Slaght, Crediton. 3c We would like to thank our friends and relatives for flow- ers, cards, and visits received by Cliff while he was a patient in Victoria Hospital. Also for many other acts of kindness, which were very much appre- ciated,— Cliff and Jean White. 3* Many thanks to my friends for the kindness shown to me during my stay in South Huron Hospital. Thanks also to the doctors and nurses who were so kind arid understanding. The cards, gifts and visits were much appreciated and certainly brightened my days. A sincere thanks to all,— Frances Skin- ner. 3* New Mutual Aid Fire Truck Serving The Surrounding District Here's Your Best CAR DEAL Take This Pledge For Fire Safety '63 MERCURY DEMONSTRATOR '62 VAUXHALL 4-DOOR '61 STUDEBAKER 2-DOOR '58 NASH RAMBLER STATION WAGON '58 MASH RAMBLERSTA,- TION WAGON '51 PONTIAC 4-DOOR STANDARD SHIFT '56 PLYMOUTH, Belve- dere, V-8 automatic '5'7 METEOR 4-DOOR SEDAN, V-8 automatic TRUCKS '5'7 FORD 1 /2 TON '56 FORD 1 TON '56 VAUXWAGEN PANEL '52 INTERNATIONAL STAKE '51 CHEVROLET 1/2 'PON PICK-UP '40 FORD 1/2 TON I pledge to remove fire haZards from my home daily. I Will not kill by smoking in bed or being careless when I do smoke, I will not clean clothes or start fires with gasoline or other flammable liquids. I will not throw away matches without firstbeing sure they are out. I will check my heating 'appliances and chimneys at regular intervals. I will not place hot ashes and coals in anything but a metal container and will not leave these containers sitting on a wooden floor. I will protect all woodwork close to smoke pipes with asbestos and Metal, leaving an air space of at least two inches between this protection and the pipe. I will not do electrical repairs unless I am a qualified electrician. I will not use pennies, hairpins, foil and such as elec- tric fuses. I pledge to make Fire 'Prevention a year-round obli- gation by participating actively in the fight to re, dune Canada's annual waste of property and life by fire. Several older models to choose from ('55 doWn), Come in and Make US an offer. Henson Motor Sales NICNE al ROY CAM14381A, PitOP. Your Meredfy Deder This Appeal Sponsored By The EXETER TOWN COUNCIL oil Behalf Of Me Fire Brigade of Exeter SF'4444 4.6 ige&MMINCWOVON1