HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-10-03, Page 10CHAMPION KIRKTON COOK SHOWS HER ENTRIES
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The beautiful new Fairlane for 1964 will
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Test drive the total performance of the '64 Fairlane — at your Ford Dealer!
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Page Q Pledge. vows at Kipper), tiC ws.,,,A0.7t,, Mistakes in shopping
shown, to kfuronciate
Keep dazzle
in diamond
A film depicting errors in
shopping and in preparing Meal g
in the home resulting in the less
Of valuable vitamins was shown
at the hate economics and
health meeting of
held in SS 5 Usborne last Wed-,
neSciay evening. Mrs. S. E.
Lewis was the projeetionist.
The motto. "Don't find fault;
The couple will resicle in
Guests were present Irein
London, 'Seaforth, Grand Rend l
Auburn, Zurich:. tiensall,.)3rUP,
;015, Walkerton, Windsor and.
704qt to/do
Takes lots of practice'
says Kirkton champion
periodically remove the ac-
etimulated film of grease, soap,
perspiratien and dust from the
Precious diamond in your ring
if it is to be kept bright and
There are two simple pre,
cautions to take: Don't use a pin
tp remove dirt aPecks; the dia-
mond won't scratCb but it maybe
lecisened from its setting, and
never expose a diamond to
a sudden change in temperature
by plunging it first into hot
Water, then into cold. Tiny flaws
that were previously invisible
may bp enlarged and come to
One good way to clean a dia-
mond is to soak it for a few
minutes in a solution of 2 cups
of hot water, a tablespoonful of
household ammonia and a few
soap flakes. With a eyebrow
brush, tap and brush the ring
gently on front and back. Don't
scrub; it may loosen the stone.
Rinse in het water, dip in alco-
hol and drain on tissue paper.
Once a year, have a jeweler
give the ring a professional
cleaning and check it for loose
find a remedy" Was Prepared by
Mrs. Carman Cann and givenl)),
Mrs. Lerne Oke, Current events
were dismissed by Mrs. Garnet:
Hicks. A piano selection was
given by Miss Margaret Hyde
and a reading by Mrs. Lee
Webber, Roll call was answered
by naming a patent drug. Mrs.
James Kirkland presided for the
In, the business conducted by
president Mrs. Gerald McFalls
it was announced that an invita-
tion had been received from
Kippen East WI to be their
guests October 2 in Hensall
Community Hall and from Hen-
sail WI to meet with them
October 9. The Huron County
Rally is being held in Northside
UC on Monday,October 7 com-
mencing at 9:30 am. Mrs. Gar-
net Hicks and Mrs. Hugh Love
were appointed delegates to the
A Weal short course on "Des-
serts" is being held with the
training school on October 8 and
9 with Mrs. Almer Passmore
and Mrs. Hugh Love as leaders.
A donation of $10 was voted to
assist in WI work in Northern
Hostesses were Mrs. Arthur
Rundle, Mrs. Wilfred Shapton,
Mrs. Nelson Squire, Mrs. Ross
Oke and Mrs. Bruce Tuckey.
Ballet -- Tap
Local painters
Graded ballet and tap lessons
every Wednesday
Exeter Public Library
Errington Studios, London;
Liliane Marleau Graham, LFA.
Mrs. Robert Elston accom-
panied Mr. and Mrs. H. Arthur
and Don on a trip to St. Law-
rence Seaway, Thousand Is-
lands, Ottawa and places of
interest and visiting with
friends returning by Orillia.
Mrs, Haugh and children and
Mrs. Tolton of Stratford visited
with Mr. and. Mrs. George Wil-
son last week. Mrs. Haugh has
recently returned from the West
Little Caroline We st m an,
London, has returned home to
welceme her little baby brother
E Ow ar d, after spending six
weeks with her grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. David Holland.
Miss Donna Baker, Toronto,
spent the weekend with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nelston
Miss Elizabeth Esson has
entered the Kitchener-water-
loo General Hospital as nurse-
in- trai ning.
Mr. Herb Beer and Anna and
Mr. and Mrs,. Butson and Susan
of Munro, were Sunday guests
with Mr. Oliver and Elton Ba-
attend seminar
Several local artists spent the
weekend or some part of it in
Goderich at an art seminar
sponsored by the Goderich Art
John B. Watson, Toronto, who
specializes in portrait and land-
scape painting, was the instruc-
tor and sessions were heldboth
outdoors and indoors.
Attending the weekend from
Exeter were Mr. and Mrs. Gor-
don Koch and part time, Mrs.
Art Whilsmith, Miss Mary Van
Camp, Mrs. R. Broderick, Mrs.
Ted Jones, Mrs. Herman Dett-
mer and Mrs. Jack Doerr.
The local group are formula-
ting their plans for the winter
including an art exhibit this
month in the library.
St. Andrew's United church,
Kippen, was the setting on. Sa-
tertigy, $eptember 25 at
PM, when Ruth Ann McNichol,
Kippen, hecame the bride, of
Donald George Sreate of Hen-
sell. Rev, llowertl Plant eftc/P-
pen and 8 r u c e f i e l d charges
efficiated at the .ceremony,.
The bride is the daughter -.0
Mr. and Mrs, Ross Mehliehol
RR 3 Kippers And the groom Is
the son of Mr, andlYlrs; WIMP)
Smale, Hensall.
The bride chose a Hoer,
lentil gown of •French rose
point lace over bridal taffeta
with bodice fashioned with lily
peint sleeves and a .pahrina
neckline trimmed with sequins.
The bouffant skirt was styled.
with bustle back and unpressed
pleats at waistline. She carried
a white Bible and bouquet of
gardenias and pink roses with
ivy streamers,
Barbara Elizabeth McNichol,
was her .sister's maid of honor
wearing a sea aqua silk chiffon
gown, The bridesmaids, Susan
Lostell and a sister, Janice Fay
McNichol, wore spun .gald iden-
teal to the maid of honor and
pink nylon lace over taffetta.
Miss Jean Ivison played the
wedding music and Mr. Robert
Norris of Staffa, uncle of the
bride, as soloist sang "Oh Per-
fect Love" and "The Lord's
Eric Smale, Zurich was his
brother's be$t man and guests
were ushered by Jack Burleigh,
Seaforth, an uncle of the bride
and Mervyn Stephen, London,
cousin of the groom.
A reception was held in the
church parlors.
For travelling to N i a ga r a
Falls the bride Changed to a
blue suit, with corsage of white
carnations and bronze mums.
clear. Drain off water
1 red sweet pepper
1 green sweet pepper
1 red hot pepper. Put peppers
through the chopper.
5 or 6 apples
3/4 cup whole mixed pickling
spice tied in a bag
3 cups white sugar
1-1/2 cups white vinegar
4 tblsp salt
1/2 tsp catsup flavoring
Cook until thick,
Thursday, Oct.3
Middleton's Drugs
If You Wish To Have Your Hearing Tested
Phone for Free Home Appointment
Service to All Makes of Hearing Aids
88 Queen St. S., Kitchener
. . ,photo by Jack Doerr
Honeymoon in the north FOR DINNER THEATRE
Mr. and Mrs. William Hey-
wood will take up residence in
Exeter following a honeymoon
spent in Northern Ontario. They
were married in James Street
United Church on Saturday, Sep-
tember 28 at 2:30 pm.
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Willert and
the groom is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Eldon Heywood, all of
Red and white gladioli and
ferns formed the setting for the
ceremony performed by Rev.
S. E. Lewis. OrganistLawrence
Wein furnished the wedding mu-
sic and accompanied the soloist,
Miss. Marion Bentley, Exeter,
who sang The Wedding Prayer
and 0 Promise Me.
Given in marriage by her
father the bride wore a floor-
length gown of white French
peau de sole in sheath style with
detachable overskirt of the
same material extending to a
chapel train. Appliques of lace
medallions centred with seed
pearls trimmed the front skirt
panel and a lace jacket com-
pleted her gown. A crown of
seed pearls and sequins held her
finger-tip veil of French il-
lusion. She carried a white
Bible crested with white gar-
denias and red Sweetheart roses
with trailing ivy.
Miss Judy Snelgrove, Hamil-
ton, was maid of honor in a royal
blue street-length dress of peau
de soie with jacket similar to
One teaspoon of fresh lemon
juice to each filled jar of home
canned applesauce before it is
sealed and processed will pre-
vent the sauce from darkening
at the top of the jar during long
storage periods.
"practice makes perfect" is
a proverb that rings true for
Mrs. Charles Baillie, Kirkton,
who won the baking champion-
ship at Kirkton Fair last week.
"I bake tea biscuits every
other day and lots of pies be-
cause I have to satisfy my family
of five" she says. She had 31
exhibits at the fair and won 14
firsts, five seconds and six
thirds. She had plenty of com-
petition too.
This is the second time she
was top prize winner. She won
the same honors in 1961.
She has given us some of her
favorite recipes;
1-3/4 cups oatmeal
1-1/2 cups flour
1 cup brown sugar
3/4 cup butter
1 tp soda
1/2 tp salt
Mix the above ingredients
together and put two-thirds of
mixture in a 9 x 12" pan.
Spread with filling:
3/4 lb dates
1/2 cup white sugar
1 cup water
Cook until smooth and thick.
Add rest of crumbed mixture
on top and press down. Bake for
25 minutes at 325 degrees. Cut
in squares.
Nearly every cook has a fa-
vorite salad dressing- and here
is Mrs. Baillie's:
1 cup white sugar
1 tp mustard
2 tp flour
pinch salt
2 eggs
3/4 cup vinegar
small piece of butter
Mix in order given. Cook in
double boiler until thick. Add 1
cup cream or carnation milk
and cook a few minutes longer
before removing from heat. Stir
in butter in small bits after
removing from heat.
We hope it is not too late for
making chili sauce; if so, file
for another time.
40 tomatoes cut up fine
12 onions, put through food
chopper; put in fry pan, co-
ver with water and cook till
* * *
A miscellaneous shower was
held last Tuesday evening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Bieber, Huron St., honoring
Miss Marion Glenn, bride-elect
of Saturday.
Games were played and lunch
Are the terms evaporated
milk and condensed milk con-
fusing? These types of canned
milk have one thing in common:
they both have half the water
removed before they are can-
ned. The difference is that con-
densed milk has sugar added.
It is used in many candies and
desserts. Evaporated milk when
reconstituted with an equal
amount of water can be usedfor
whole milk. It is especially good
at the cottage for baking because
it will keep in the unopened can
at room temperature. Once the
can is opened treat it as fresh
Miss Helen Sweet, Torontp,
Spent the weekend with her
mother, Mrs. Muriel Sweet.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parsons
and family of Montreal holi-
dayed recently with Mr, Roy
Parsons and Miss Olive Par-
Mrs. Lloyd Morris of Hes-
peler accompanied by her
mother, Mrs. Hannah Squire of
Galt, and Mrs. Fred Foster,St.
Marys, visited Saturday with
Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Squire and
Mr, and Mrs. J. G. Davis,St.
Marys, and Mr. and Mrs. Amos
Warwick, Port Huron, visited
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Clark
Lt. CDR, R. F. Passmore of
Halifax, N.S. spent the weekend
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Passmore, Sanders St.
while on course at Montreal.
Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Puls and
daughter Trudy of Toronto spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
C. V. Pickard.
Mrs. Delight Gordon, Toron-
to, has been spending a few days
With Mrs. William May. She is
at present visiting with Mr. T.
0. and Miss Stella Southcott,
Grand Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller
and Randy and Mr. and Mrs.
William Wright spent the week-
end in Chatham.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Klein-
feldt, Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs.
Ivan Carter and family, Sea-
forth, visited Sunday with Mrs.
Vera Rejesky and family, Wa-
terloo, and Mr. and Mrs. Ches-
ter Finley and family Kitchener.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Reeves
of Exeter North left onSeptem-
ber 19 for Sherbrooke, Quebec
to attend the Fifth Canadian
Mounted Riflemen's Reunion,
They also visited the Thousand
Islands on the Canadian side,
and one of the locks on the St.
Lawrence Seaway at Le Prairie,
Que. Returning by New York
State they visited Eisenhaerer
Rocks, Adriandack Mountain to
Niagara and returned on the
USA side arriving home Thurs-
bride's. She carried a muff to
match her dress' crested with
white mums. Mrs. Cyril Blom-
maert, Exeter, sister of the
groom, was bridesmaid and
Miss Sheila Willert, sister of
the bride, was junior brides-
maid. They were gowned simi-
larly to the maid of honor in
mid blue and baby blue res-
pectively. Flower girl, Laurie
Rowe, was gowned similarly to
the other attendants in white and
carried a Testament crested
with a gardenia and Sweetheart
roses. Steven Willert, brother
of the bride, was ringbearer.
Lester Heywood, Exeter, was
best man for his brother and
Cyril Blommaert and Larry
Willert ushered.
A reception was held in the
Crediton Community Hall where
the bride's mother received
guests in a taupe crepe sheath
with beige and brown acces-
sories and pale pink corsage.
The groom's mother chose a
turquoise brocade sheath with
jacket, white accessories and
white mum corsage.
For travelling the bride don-
ned a beige tweed suit with
brown accessories and yellow
rose and mum corsage.
In the write-up of the bride's
showers in last week's issue
Mrs. Gerald McFallS was listed
as one of the hostesses. It
should have read Mrs. Gerald
McBride. Sorry!
Beauty Lounge
. .photo by Peake
244 MAIN ST. PHONE 235-1533
Perms - Cuts - Sets Tints
Monday to Friday, 9-6
Thursday Evening Only
Closed Saturday
CATHY ROBBINS, Prop. Ceremony at Greenway
469 William St.
RCAF officer marries Wishes to announce that her
Beauty Shop will be
October due to illness.
Pickering and James Gillies
A reception was held in the
parish hall where the bride's
Mother received guests iri a
white and gold lame sheath with
gold accessories and corsage
of blue tinted carnations. The
groom's mother wore peacock
blue Chantilly lace dress with
matching jacket and gold acces-
sories and corsage of white
For travelling in the United
States the bride donned a moss
green three-piece double knit
suit with beige accessories,
white fox stole (gift of the
groom) and pink carnation cer-
The couple Will reside in
Hamilton. The bride is a gra-
duate of the School of Radio-
graphy at Sarnia General
The best woy to
store fr,ozen foods is
in our locker plant.
Fiernernbel)r when
you rent S locker
from us yeti Witt
no Worriet a b O Ut.t
electric power bills ai -6oulpinent up-
50 Main St,
Phone 35.0406
White and fuschia gladioli and
ferns formed the setting in
Grace Church, Greenway, fOr
the marriage of Shirley Hazel
Scott, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrence Scott, RR 8 Parkhill,
and William Ross Griffeth,
Hamilton, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Griffeth, Parkhill, on Sa-
turday, September 21, at 2 pm.
Rev. Lyall Crawford perfor-
med the ceremony and Miss
Judy Hodgins, London, furni-
shed the music and accompanied
the soloist, Miss Linda Hayter,
Sarnia, who sang 0 Perfect Love
and The Wedding Prayer.
Given in marriage by her
father the bride wore a gown Of
Pr ench peen de faille with
square neckline and waist-
length lily point sleeves. A
spray of sequins accented the
bodice and Skirt. The controlled
fullnees of the Skirt fell to a
Slight train from a bow at the
back. A pearl-edged Crown held
her shoulder-length veil of tulle
and illusion. She carried a Cas-
cade of fuschia roses.
Mrs. Harvey Steeper, West
McGillivray, was matron of ho-
nor, le a dress of Aterican
Beauty taffeta with scoop neck-
line, and stall rose headpiece
With eyebrow veil: She carried a
nosegay Of treat colored spas-
to"mums and gladioli. Mrs.
Gary Reck as brideemaid, was
gowned similarly to the Matron
Of honor and Miss Mary Ellen
Griffeth as junior bridesmaid
Wore White *let and lace With
American Beauty aileetSorles,
.lames Hetiebergero Vineland,
Was beet man and L et) h ar d
in ivory peau de faille. She wore
a Circlet Of flowers in her hair,
and carried a basket of white
and golden mums.
The bridegroom was attended
by Flight Lieutenant Donald F.
Elliot, of RCAF Centralia, and
the ushers were the bride's twin
brothers, Jelin A. Milne, of
Montreal, and Jellies D. Milne
of Toronto.
Mrs. Bernard Nelce was the
soloist for the occasion, and
sang "Whither Thou Gbeet" and
"The Wedding Prayer".
Following the reception in the
Essex County Golf and Country
Club, P/C) and Mrs. Dodd left on
a honeymoto trip to Alberta,
where the groent will be sta-
tioned at RCAF-Ste:6On Penhold.
For travelling the bride changed
to a pale blue imperted Wool
Stilt, green and bile feathered
chapeau, and navy accessories,
With a white orchid "corsage,
The young couple reside
le Red Deer, Alberta.,
F/0 Dodd it a graduate of the
University Of Manitoba, and his
bride graduated frOin the Winn!.
peg General HOSPital 'School of
A Fall wedding was solem-
nized in Essex United Church
Essex, when marriage vows
Were exchanged In a double ring
ceremony by Carolyn Ann Milne
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Milne, of Essex, and Flying
Officer Ronald Arthur Dodd, son
of Flight Lieutenant and Mrs.
Arthur Y. Dodd, RCAF Station
Centralis, on Saturday Septem-
ber 14 at 2 pm. The Rev. Gordon
Geiger Officiated,
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride wore a floor-
length gown Of ivory peau de
faille. Her full length heirloom
Veil, which had been worn by her
grandmother, was held by a
lovely petalled lieadPiece. She
carried a shower botiquet of
white fugi inUnie and heather.
The Maid of hence', Miss
Donnie Logan, ofYdrkten,Sask,
and bridesmaid Miss Pamela
Cheswick, Of EsSex, Were
ed alike in bittersweet peau de
sole, with matehingOillboXhatS
and thoes. They carried cas-
cade boUqUetS Of golden and
white fugi retires, The little
flower girl t Mias Brenda. Elliot,
Of RCAF Centralia, Was dresSed
Open 'rues" Wed,: Thurs.,
l to '6
Friday i td
We Spettalite id
.Por appointment phone
2354452 Exeter