HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-10-03, Page 8DUCTALLOY EXETER DISTRICT Phone 235.2081 Beside CNR Station MONEY-SAVING PLOWSHARES Guaranteed — more acres per dollar! AVAILABLE NOW FROM OR A 1964 ZENITH CLOCK RADIO All you have to do is try a new Ford Tractor on your farm to be eligible to win this beautiful Zenith Radio. Nothing to buy! No obligation! Free ticket with every demonstration. Arrange a Demonstration Now Page g Times,Acivocetee October 3, 1903 4-H clubs and swin. skies .feature Kirkton fall fair ad grade p, DennaJellesM ? Zita Dykstra, Karen punnell M, Linda Strahan M; grade 4, 5111r - ley Switzer, Connie Van purl, Peuglas Penhale Wi, Sharon Batten Wi; grade 3, Gwen Mills, Norma Switzer, Anne Ilerdman Z, Karen Rodd Z; grade 6, Roe bert Ratcliffe A, Brenda Par- kinson B, Brenda Bibby, Rut. k grp.de 7, Margaretiviiir ler Z, Don Stephen A, Ruth Mills M, Dennis Duncan P; grade $, (no name), EllenSimp- son p, Gayle Stephen A, Cathy AMose ART SafetY Poster, Wayne Kirkby S, ROdne y Bragg $, Karen SPearin 5, Grant Elston. B; science cover, Diane Smith W, Brenda Parkinson Bo PhiliP Bladder 5, Rodney Bragg S; CB,raDdeon1n,Itosbweirtzt eDre, BNraabncaynd Jear-e clues; grade 2, Julie Webb Wo Wendy Heard 5, Joan lie11 0111c, Melody Tigard S; grade 3, De- shoWnianship nentest 4 highlight- ed the agricultural portion of the day. Bill French, RR V. Mitchell, won the 4,H shOWillanabiP corn -petition after winning dairy hon- ors. Sectional champloas Were Jim Rundle, Weodha.m., beef; SVanda DaVey, HA 0 Monkton, sheep; Keith Selves, RR 1 Science Hill, swine. Avis liodgins, pretty 10- year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hodgins, Granton, was a two-time winner in the Kirkton 4-H beef club. Her Take a large group of entliu, siastic school childr en, mix with them some keen. 4-11 chib competitors and b l e nd all ,of them with sunny skies and, yeti have the recipe which produced one of the most successful Kirk- ton, fairs in years. Friday. The BOW children opened the fair with a parade to the grounds and then proceeded to entertain alarge crowd of adults to a tug-of-war competition. The 4-H show, which includes two achievement day competi,- tions and a regional livestorIc steer Wen first prize. ,and she topped the showmanship corn- petition of the club. Major winners in. the Kirkton dairy club competition were Bill Haynes, Beth Crap and Celle Spence. St. Marys Collegiate Institute Band led the school children in their march to the fair, Kirkton school was awarded the ten prize is the parade, follOwecihY No. 10 Filanshard, Winchelsea, No. 3 and No. 7 Usborne. Judge, PS inspector 3, G. Burrows, Exeter, awarded ban- Roger, Newton Clarice and Mrs," Clarence Switzer, Mrs. R. ', Ratcliffe. CRAFTS AND HOBBIES— First Place winners included Mrs. Mar wood Willis, Mrs. Delmer Skinner, Mrs. Charles O'Shea, Mrs. Ratcliffe, Brian Bertrand, Mrs. Burns Black- ler Mrs. Larry Selves, Mrs. William Rohde, Mrs. Gordon Cover, David. Robinson. GRAIN AND SEEDS — Harry Logan, Belton, was the prin- cipal winner; others, Thomas Hemp, Newton Clarke, Clarence Switzer, Clarence Robson, W. R, Kirkby. VEGETABLES -- Harry Lo- gan, 10 firsts; Fred McCly- nnont, five; Charles Heinle, four; Thomas Crew, four. Saw- yer, three; Stock, two; others, Roger, Doupe, Niel, Clarice, Switzer, Webb. GRAIN SPECIALS Wheat, Newton Clarke,Har- old Clarke; oats, N. Carke H. Clarke, M. Pullen, Cecil Squire; barley, N. Clarke, H. Clarke, C. Switzer, T. Herm Field crop competitions — Oats, H. Clarke, N. Clarke, M. P ullen, Lorne Hern, C. Squire; corn, Allen Berry, Har- old Wallis, Murray Selves, M. Pullen, Clarence Robson, C. Switzer, T. Hern, Joe Robinson, SCHOOL WINNERS LEGEND—S, Salem; A, An- derson, B, Base Line; W, Wood- ham; Z, Zion; P, Plugtown; Wi, Winchelsea; M, Metropolitan; E, Eighth Line; Wh, Whalen; all others, Kirkton. WRITING Grade one, Dalton Jaques Z, Donna Switzer, Joan Van Duyn, Linda Marshall; grade 2, Julie Webb W, Andrew Van Muyen, Ricky Crandall, Brenda Blom- Avis Hodgins, pretty 18-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hodgins, RR 1 Granton, scored two victories in the Kirkton 4-H beef calf club competition Friday. Her calf was judged best in the club and Avis herself won the showmanship contest. Avis' Angus steer also won the Huron county championship at Seaforth recently. She'll be showing him in the Queen's Guineas class at the Royal Winter Fair. --T-A photo r. • V Per Prizes, tp Winchelsea 119.10 Blarishard. A group of Kirkton girls pro!, - ed the felpale is not the weaker sex by winning the tug-of-war competition.. However, there was some mix-up and the girls did not meet one of the boys' teams, making the result some What inconclusive. The girls who were declared winners in- eluded Madeline Crandall, Cathy Amos, Maryka Van Mu- yen, Linda Bibby, Ann Van Duyn and Judy Blommaert. The usual keen competitionin indoor exhibits prevailed again this year. Winner of the most ppints in domestic science was Mrs, Charles Baillie, Kirkton, who captured 25 prizes. Her principal rivals were Mrs. H. Caddick and Mrs. John Barnett. Other principal winners: flowers, Mrs, Robert Ratcliffe; home department, Mrs. Delmar Skinner; vegetables, Harry 1. o- Belmont. 4-H BEEF CLUB Steers—Avis Hodgins,Ja- mes Hodgins, Allan Hodgins, Michael O'Shea, Jim Rundle, Doug Ratcliffe, pale Ratcliffe, Clare Bickell. Heifers —Junior, Jack Rund- le, Marilyn Arthur; senior, Bill Arthur, Marvin Arthur, Wayne Sauer. Showmanship — Avis Hod- gins, Allan Hodgins, Michael O'Shea, James Hodgins, Jim Rundle, Wayne Sauer, Marvin Arthur, Jack Rundle, Bill Ar- thur. 4-H DAIRY CLUB Senior Holsteins — Bill Hay- nes, Linda Thacker, Graham Burrill, Roger Stephen, Jim Ross. Junior Holsteins — Beth Cra- go, Ross Stephen, Gene Spence, Gary Haynes, Helson Bilyea. Jerseys—Brian Bertrand, Richard Heard, Showmanship — Gene Spence, Doris Spence, Laird Ruston, Robert Ross. SHOWMANSHIP CONTEST Dairy—Bob French, Bill French, Iris Marshall, Jean Spence, Robert Ross, Sheila Davey. Beef — Jim Rundle, Michael O'Shea, Avis Hodgins, Marilyn Arthur, Jack Rundle. Sheep — Wanda Davey, Nel- son Bilyea, Jim Hodgins, Swine — Keith Selves, Allan Hodgins, Bill Arthur, Richard Heard. WIN A New1963KeIvinator Automatic who v. .s awarded eight firsts, three seconds and a third. Other major winners included Mrs. William Stock( three, six and four), Mrs. Marwood Wil- lis (four, three and five), Mrs. Almer Passm ore (three and one). Also Winners were Mrs. Gor- don Dow, Mrs. Wallace Selves, Mrs. Junior Doupe, Mrs. L. liccid, Mrs.. Joe Coddington, Mrs. C. Ross, Mrs. E. G. Ross, Mrs. William Rohde, Mrs. Clarence Switzer, Mrs. Cliff Scott, Mrs. Gordon Culver, Mrs. Delmar Skinner, Mrs. Harry Webber, Mrs. Earl Wat- son, and Mrs. Fred Rogers DIVIDE FLOWERS Members of the KirktonHor- ticultural Society shared most of the prizes in the flower classes. Mrs. Robert Ratcliffe won seven firsts, a second and a third, followed closely by Mrs. M. Gallop with six firsts and three seconds. Mrs. Junior Doupe captured four firsts, four seconds and two thirds. Winners of three firsts were Mrs. Marwood Willis, Mrs. William. Stock, Mr. N. Brock and Mrs. Charles Baillie. Other winners included Mrs. Cliff Scott, Mrs. T. Hern, Mrs. Roy McCurdy, Mrs. Gordon Johns, Mrs. Fred Roger, Mrs. Harvey Webber, Mrs. Ross Marshall, Mrs. Larry Selves, Mrs. Alex Crago and Mrs. Otis Sawyer. SKINNER LEADS AGAIN Mrs. Delmer Skinner, RR 1 Centralia, led the home depart- ment again, this year winning 14 firsts, nine seconds and two thirds. Her principal competition came from Mrs. E. Watson (0, 8 and 2) and Mrs. H. Cad- dick (6, 4 and 1). Other multiple winners were Mrs. William Stock (3,3,3), Mrs. Gordon Culver (4), Mrs. Tom Hern (3,3,3), Mrs. Mar- wood Willis (4,1,1). Also among the prizewinners were Mrs. Burns Blackler, Mrs. Robert Ratcliffe, Mrs. Larry Selves, Mrs. Tom Elliott, Mrs. G. Ross, Mrs. Robinson, Mrs. Joe C oddington, Mrs. Thomas Crew, Mrs. Fred Ro- ger and Mrs. William Rohde. FRUITS — Fred McClymont, Varna, won 30 firsts, followed by Harry Logan, Mrs. Fred Orantom Richard Doan, Thorp- dale. All beef breeds. Herd, Coates,, White, O'Neil, Hodgins, Hoffman; get of sire„ Coates,. Hoffman, Hodgins, O'Neil,, White. Baby beef -,13 1 an sh a r d, Hodgins, Wayne Saner, White Bros, Rundle Bros.; Usborne, Coates; open steer, Hodgins; open heifer, Sauer, Holsteins Herd, Ross Mar- Shall, Topa Herr!, Jr., W. Brock and son; get of sire, Marshall, Brock; best male, Hern; others, Burns Blackler, Jim Ross, HORSES Hackney ponies, Mac Arm,- strong, Cordon Johns, Walter Clarke, Jack Innes, Fred Jones; fine harness ponies, Jone s, Norman McKnight, J. limes; Shetland ponies, Harold Clarke, Jones, Innes, McKnight; road- ster, Jones, Clarke, E. G. Ross; open tandem, Armstrong; pato- min°, Mrs. A. Wallis; saddle foal, Mrs. Ross Le onhardt, Bornholme; western working c 1 as s, Wilmer Preszcator, Wallis, Frank Hicks, Larry Warren, Rundle Bros; open sad- dle, Wallis, Warren, Preszca- tor, Hicks, Jones. PETS Bantams, Randy Morrison; pigeons, Rick Scott; rabbit s, Gwen Mills, Nellie Van Duyn; Ponies, H. Clarke, Gordon Ro- binson, Brenda McCurdy; dogs, Sylvia Paton; small dogs, Donna Switzer, Danny Jaques, Brian Amos, Addy Atthill; cats, Linda Marshall, Joanne Scott, Joanne Paton, Brian Amos. Poultry—John Douglas, Stratford, all prizes except for Brahmas won by Mrs. Ray Mor- rison, St. Marys. HOGS—Berkshires, Ross Cottle; Tamworth, Hugh A. Hart; grade bacon sow, Cottle; hog producers' special, Hart, Selves, Hart; shoats, Cottle, C. Robson, St. Marys. SHEEP—Oxfords, Donald Dearing; Leicester s, Hugh Hart; wether lambs, Dearing. MANY COOKS COMPETE Mrs. Charles Baillie, Kirk- ton, won the domestic science division with 14 firsts, five seconds and six thirds.. Her closest rival was Mrs. H. Caddick with seven firsts, 11 seconds and 12 thirds. In third place came Mrs. John Barnett, RR 1 St. Marys, CATTLE Shorthorns — White Bros. RR 6, St. Marys, J. Arthur, Mari- lyn Arthur, Bill Arthur. Hereford — Whitney Coates, Centralia; W. S. O'Neil, Den- field; Hoffman Bros., Dash- wood. Angus—Hodgins Bros., 10.001101 OR FARM MACHINERY BARN CLEANER SILO UNLOADER & BUNK FEEDER YOU'LL GET BETTER PER. FORMANCE AND LONGER WEAR FROM A BADGER SALES - SERVICE - INSTALLAtION John Beane JR. HEREFORD SALE 30 HEAD OF REGISTERED POLLED & HORNED HEREFORDS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12 at 1:30 p,m. FAIR GROUNDS, STRATHROY SERVICE AGE BULLS, eligible for government pre- mium of 20% of purchase price up to $150. COWS WITH CALVES BRED AND OPEN HEIFERS 8th ANNUAL FALL SALE OF MIDDLESEX-ELGIN HEREFORD ASSOCIATION Plan to attend this sale (held under cover) and secure some of these good cattle of the leading bloodlines. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE TO W.G. BERE, SALE MGR., • RR 1. ARVA, ONT, W. S. O'NEIL & SON, AUCTIONEERS, DENFIELD, ONT. BRUCEFIELD Phone HU 2.9250 Collect The 4-H show is one of the main features at Kirkton Fair and this shot of the competitors in the dairy calf club indicates why. The Kirkton area boasts a large number of young dairy farmers. This lineup shows placement of animals by judge. Beth Crago, front, led the group. --T-A photo ELECTRIC HEATING offers the custom-comfort of room-by-room temperature control. FLAMELESS electric heat is gentle and quiet—clean as sunlight. No new home should , be without it. For complete information contact your qualified electric heating contractor or: your hydro Used Cars Tractors '62 FORD GALAXIE SEDAN, automatic, V-8, radio, one owner. '62 FALCON DELUXE SEDAN, 13,000 miles. '61 GALAXIE SEDAN, V-8, automatic, one owner. '60 FALCON SEDAN, loaded with extras. Low mileage. '60 CONSUL SEDAN, one owner. '59 METEOR SEDAN, 6 cylinder. '59 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN, V-8 auto- matic '59 RAMBLER SEDAN '59 PONTIAC COACH '58 FORD, 6 cylinder, 36,000 miles. '58 MERCEDES 180 D '56 FORD SEDAN '55 FORD 4.,DOOR '55 CHEVROLET SEDAN '63 FORD 41.205 DIESEL, very low hours $3,500 '60 MODEL 1841 FORD DIESEL with super duty loader and back hoe. A real go-getter ' $5,500 '59 MASSEY-HARRIS "65" with loader' $2,900 '51 MASSEY 44 GAS $ 800 JOHN DEERE '11' ROW CROP ..... $ 525 '44 CASE. Make us an offer! '41 MASSEY 101 SENIOR $ 450 JOHN DEERE SPREADER $ 100 ALLIS-CHALMERS 'B' with stuffier in above average shape $ 500 GEORGE WHITE THRESHER 24x35 with belt, Above aver- age condition ........ ... , .... $ 350 Used Trucks '59 INTERNATIONAL 200 TRACTOR, tri axle and 3-axle dump trailers $5,700 '55 FORD PICK-UP Larry Snider Motors DIAL 2354646 EXETER LIMITED EXETER PUBLIC UnaTIEt CdMNI1SSION Ford, Faii-lane, FaltOri and Ford Trucks ELECTRIC DRYER Free Ticket with every $500 worth of NEW OR USED TRACTORS 0:•"•:0, .