HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-09-26, Page 7September 20‘ Page and Poug rles of Grand Bend; ef.$tephea.T. 1);. 940 4401. ter, Mrs, Keith ,(Eloise) Charl- ton, 1;,ondom two sisters, gr§,. p.n4.(Mahle). Pollock GreenWeY1 and Mrs-. M 311 t o 'Thompson Brampton; 15.. grand , children great-grand- children also .survive. The body will rest at the Harry Hoffman funeral home until Thursday at 2.030. pm. when. services will be conducted by Rev.. C. prittain; followl4g interment in Grand Bend eenles tery a memorial service will be held in Grand Bend United Church. Mrs, LllyJarte.pili, .v..vidoW of the late .John Gill who OW In. 1951, died at her residence Gr.4.4 .Bend, Monday, .PePPM-her 23 following a heart attack., She was the former Lily Jane Foster a native of McGillivray Tp. She and her husband farmed on the Mollard Line until their retirement to Grand Bend, She was a member of Grand Bend United Church, life mem- ber of United church Women and a member of the Grand ppm] Women's Institute. She is survived by Russell of Brampton; four sons, Wellwood By MISS MURIEL HERN Mr, and Mrs. Robert Hern, Linda and Fred visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Glen Rei- cheld and Mr. and Mrs. Andy Doughty of Jarvis. Miss Gerta Hunter of London spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hern and attended the cairn dedication service at Eden cemetery. Mr, and Mrs. Norman Brock, Mrs. Milton Brock and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hern were Sunday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs, Milne Pullen of Whalen. Mr, and Mrs. John Selves, Thames Road wereSunday visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Hern. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Earl visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Archie Jeffery at Dublin. Mrs, Harry Hern and child- ren were Sunday visitors with Mr. Lloyd Lynn of Clandeboye. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brock and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hern attended the 100th anniversary services in Zion East United Church on Sunday. COUNTRY CLUBS Elimville Country Club I held its third meeting on September 16 at the home of Mrs. Norman Jaques with 13 members pre- sent. The meeting was conduct- ed by the president Sharon Fletcher. The leaders gave notes on "Hidden Treasures—cream, ice cream, sherbet ice milk, butter and cheese." Gouda, brick, limburger, colby and blue cheese, whey butter, French toast and cheese cake pie was sampled by all. The fourth meeting of Elim- ville I was held at the home of Mrs. Jaques on September 23 with 12 members present. Mrs. Jaques gave notes on "Milk for everybody" and cus- tards. Shirley Jaques demon- strated how to make a baked custard, Menu planning was dis- cussed, and the baked custard tasted by all. The Ontario Safety League reports that a survey was made to ascertain how many doctors used seat belts. One doctor commented: "Of course, one must remember that the use of safety belts contributes to the population explosion. What a dilemma!" Studebaker Different By Design Brightest idea in new cars! Motoring satisfaction American style gets a big, beautiful new shape in Studebaker. Step up --move around the car for the total picture, Your eye moves easily along the crisp line design to classic rear roof extension. Elegant sculpturing of side panels and neatly crafted rear surfaces are handsome, additional design elements that enhance the entire car as one graceful unit. Tasteful highlights accent this strong, clean shape from every angle. Like to drive it? Studebaker engineering and design integrity provide a special reward behind the wheel. And that is, after all, the most logical place to judge any new car. Now On Display At Graham Arthur Motors Phone 235-1373 Exeter COMMANDER 4-DOOR SEDAN in Laguna Blue 25 Auction Sales ing iterae, curtains, new cedar pOSts, roil ,steel gate Posts Amt ether miscellaneous items. Please Note—This sple will take place after 0.1e. 'selling of cottages and cabins for the Dept. cif VilobwayP, T.PRISTS: 0441t.. :$1/41113,01,V,, Prop. ALVIN -WALPER, Auctioneer 26c „ ONTARIO AUCTION SALE of Buildings for Removal or Demolition Property Sales 'Nos.: L-0912, L-0913, L-0914, L-0923, L-0924, L-0927, L-0928, L-0929, L-0973, L-0974, L-0975, L-0976, L-0977, L-0979, L-0980, L-0981. Sixteen frame cabins, to be sold separately. TERMS: Cash or Certified Cheque at time of sale plus $25.00 Performance Bond to guarantee that work will be -completed 'according to D.H. 0. regulations. (Cheques to be made payable to the Treasur- er of Ontario). Property Sales L-0936 and L-0965. L-0936: A one and 'a half storey frame house resting on a concrete foundation. L-0965: A one storey frame house with basement under the rear part of dwelling. TERMS: Cash or Certified Cheque at time of sale plus $200,00 Performance Bond to 'guarantee that work will be completed according to D.H. 0. regulations. (Cheques to be made payable to the Treasur- er of Ontario). All of the buildings are lo- cated just East of the inter- section of Highways 21 and 81 on the North side of Highway 81 in the Village of Grand Bend. All buildings are to be re- moved from the premises by October 31st, 1963. Sales to he held on the property commencing at: 1:30 p.m. Local Time MONDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1963. NOTICE: A permit is re- quired to move a building along ;across or over a Pro- vincial Highway and/or a Mu- nicipal Road or Street. Per- sons who may be interested in purchasing these buildings for 'the purpose of moving them intact or in sections to another location must obtain information regarding per- mits from the District Office noted below PRIOR TO THE SALE. For further information, please contact: The Auctioneer, 'Mr. Alvin Walper, Dashwood, Ontario. OR Department of Highways, Right of Way Division, 335 Saskatoon Street, London, Ontario. Teletphone; 451-3450. OR Department of Highways, District Office, 591 Adelaide Street, South, Chatham, Ontario. Telephone: EL 4-1400. DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS, ONTARIO. 26:3c Clearing AUCTION SALE of Farm, Farm Stock and Machinery at Lot 3, Con, 10, Stanley Twp, 3 MILES NORTH OF ZURICH on ,Goshen Line WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9 at 1300 p.m. 100 W ACRE FARM offered Tor sale. Goodeay loam land, all workable; bank barn; hen- house and garage; A storey brick hedge with all modern conveniences, Ini Mediate poi- Stocker & Feeder AUCTION SALE 700 Stockers and Feeders SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5 at 1:00 p.m. HENSALL SALES BARNS, Hensel', Ont. 2 load Western cows. 2 •load Western calves. Yearlings from 500 - 800 lbs. HAROLD JACKSON and HECTOR McNEIL, Auctioneers 26:3c Holstein DISPERSAL SALE 35 Choice Holstein Heifers due in October and NOvember on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9 at 1:30 p.m. JOE VAN DONGEN, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 26c 15 Auction Sales. .„. . lot. No, :0 hammer mill; 70- ft, endless hammer mill belt; Mc err 7- ft.. 'Wader.; 1.19, ft. endless. thresher. belt; rtil), ber -tire wagon; 16-ft. hey rack; 4-section Diamond her- rows; let. hey loeder; agree celtivetpr; walkiag plow; ft, graiii elevator;' fanning mill; bean pulleys and sieve for Dioa thresher; 3 11.p, Clip, ton gas engine with speed jack;tarpaulie; colony .house, 8x10; 20--14 ft PlaokS; 2 elee;„ tric -Pacers; Renfrew cream separator; milk cans; wheel- barrew; cow cheine; quantity eteel pests; 100 ft. snow fence; chicken shelters and feeders; pig troughs; 160 gal, truck tOmpartinent suitable for gas or oil; two 45,ga1, gas barrels; 40 ft. '3/4 inch rubber hose:. harness; pails; chains; shov- els etc. CATTLE—Black cow fresh 2 weeks with calf at foot; red Durham cow due in Dec.; red Durham cow due in Feb.; black heifer bred 2 months; 2 Durham heifers 13 ,yra, old; 2 Durham yearling steers; Durham yearling heifer; 3 Durham spring calves; Hol- stein heifer 'calf 2 months old, Cattle all choice quality. TB test negative, POULTRY-50 New Hamp- shire pullets 4h months old. HAY & GRAIN-300 bushel Rodney oats; quantity loose hay. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS 6 kitchen chairs; kitchen ta- ble; cook stove with oil burner attachment; Quebec coal and wood heater; wash stand; large dresser; Coleman 'gas iron; copper boiler; 6-gal, crock; sealers; churn; 5-gal. gas can; 2 bicycles'. No reserve as the farm is sold. TERMS; Cash. DELMAR MEIDINGER, Proprietor HAROLD STARE, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 19:26c AUCTION SALE of Household Effects and Misc. Items On premises of Wm, Sharrow in the VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND on MONDAY, OCTOBER 7 at 2:30 'p.m. SALE INCLUDES--10 com- plete bedstea/dp, springs and mattresses, studio couch, china cabinet, complete solid oak dining room suite, chairs, table .and buffet; numerous odd their% lamps, kitchen tables, cupboard, Singer sew- ing machine, refrigerator, 2- burner electric stove, hot plates, ice box, 'assortment of dishes, Ottawa, child's reek, Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable 75-acre Farm On the premises West 3/1 of Lot 20, Con. 15, STEPHEN TOWNSHIP 1/ miles west of Dashwood, 1/ miles south thence second farm west on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5 at 2:00 p.m. REAL ESTATE consists of 75 acres, west 3/1 of Lot 20, Con. 15, Stephen Twp. on which is situated a frame dwelling covered with red as- phalt shingles. 6-room dwelling in good state of repair, Recently 'built bank barn, good stabling, hydro through- out, ample water supply. Land of 'choice clay loam, well fenced and drained. In- spection invited. TERMS of REAL ESTATE: 10% on day of sale, balance in 60 days. Sold subject to a reasonable reserve bid. Im- mediate possession if desired. MRS. OLIVE WEBS, Proprietress ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 19:26;3c AUCTION SALE 3 Biddulph Public Schools SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5 1:00 p.m. sharp 1:00 p.m. — No. 9, Brick School, Lot 5, Con. 3, 1/ miles east of No. 4 Highway, 6 miles north of Lucan, known as the MeFalls School, Hydro, new oil furnace, hardwood floors, storm windows, good well, pump, one acre of land. Surrounded by beautiful maple trees. Wood shed 14x16. Mod- ern green chalk boards, desks, cupboards, p i a n o, benches, etc. 2:30 p.m — At the Village of Granton, No. 7 White Brick School, 2 rooms, basement, drilled well, deep well pres- sure systm. Hydro, oil fur- nace, bell, 4 flush toilets, sep- tic tanks, blackboards, desks, piano, benches etc. One acre of land, Surrounded by beau- tiful 'maple trees. On paved road 2 miles north of No. 7. 4:00 p.m. — No. 5, Revere Brick School, 1 mile north of No. 7 Highway, or 2 miles west of Prospect -Hill on No. 7. Wood 'shed, hydro, inside toilets, w ell, pump, bell, blackboards, desk s, cup- boards, piano, benches, lum- ber, etc. One 'acre of land, surrounded by beautiful maple trees. TERMS: Cash. School Area No. 1 Biddulph Trustees, C. A, Abbott, Secretary, phone Liman 227.4340, W. S. O'NEIL & SONS, Aucts. Phone Granton 88R7 26c Thank You We wish to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued patronage for the past 35 years, and feu' making our 35th anniversary sale such a great success. Winner Of The Sauble Queen Mattress: MR. ALBERT SCOTT, RR 1 KIRKTON HOPPER-HOCKEY no FURNITURE M5-I011 EXETER OCTOBER, 13 AND 14 individual Stuffed Turkey With All The Trimmings For Small Families To Parties of 20 NN, For Reservations Phone 238-2371 Regular Dinner Menu In Effect Also ;e:Merrio„, Miss Gill 25 Auction Sales. Dashwood members • Grand Bend „J, 15 Auction Sales active in gro.vp$ capture 4-H prizes By MRS. WELLWOOD GILL Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pask were Mr, and. Mrs, Reiter of Mt. Clemens, Mich,, Mr. and Mrs, H. Maz- gar°, Mrs, NI, Viviano of Grosse Point Woods, Michigan. Weekend Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jelin Stocker were Mr. and Mrs, Frank Webb of Picker- ing, Mr, and. Mrs, Ken Webb of Islington, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Deathe of barite Park and Mrs. M. Heviland of Crediton. Misses Karen Taylor and Onalee Gill are students at Tea- chers College in London. eheher is sP2nding a week with Marty Becker. miss Marilyn Pfaff is p. pa- tient in South Huron hospital, Exeter, where She underwent surgery for appendicitis, session. TERMS; 10%Own, balance ill 00 days.. Soldsubject to re- serve bid. CATTLE; -- 7 Durham .and Hereford cows with calves 6 months OW land re-bred; 10 purebred Hereford cows with calves at foot; 3 Perehred Hereford :heifers due to fresh- en in Nov.-Dec.; purebred Hereford bull 3 years old. .DIGS--11 York pigs hi weeks old, MACIIINERY— Internation- al I3 tractor; McCormick manure loader, complete; 2- row -scuffler to fit tractor; tractor chains; International 2-furrow plow; International tractor disc; Massey-Harris 8-ft. -spring tooth cultivator; 7-ft, stiff tooth Cockshutt cul- tivator; 15-disc fertilizer drill, like new, Cocksbutt on rubber; 5 section diamond harrows; 2 rubber tired wagons with 16-ft. hay rack; oil brooder stove; 2 grain augers; 2 sets of scales, 2,000 lbs.; 2 motors, I/2 and Vs lep.; forks, chains, shovels. HAY — 2,300 bales of good mixed hay, Other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS: Chattels, cash. CLARENCE PARKE, Prop. HAROLD JACKSON, Auct, 26:3c ••• Cg ludpel ne w celebrate we Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hey cele- brated their 50th wedding anni- versary quietly Monday, Sep- tember 23, with a few friends and neighbors as guests. cards and reminiscing were enjoyed. The former Theo G. Hartleib was born Feb. 9, 1888 in Dash- wood. She taught school in several local schools as well as Collingwood,partmentai judgeShe wa'sfor alsesvoedreai- years at fall fairs. Mr. Hey was born on the B aby Ion Line November 24, 1884. He was a horse judge at the fairs. They farmed on the Babylon Line for many years before coming to Dashwood on their wedding anniversary in 1944. They were married at the Evangelical parsonage by Rev. John Grenzenbach. Attendants were her sister, Eldo Pearl Hartleib and his brother Sam Hey, both deceased. They are members of Zion Lutheran church. Mr. and Mrs. Hey received many lovely cards, flowers, and gifts. Here's an arithmeticalwarn- ing from the Ontario Safety League for the happy-go-lucky driver. If you swing out to pass on a two-lane road at 60 mph, and an oncoming driver aquar- ter of a mile away does the same thing, you will meet in 7 1/2 seconds. This is the season to plant evergreens and rose bushes WE STILL HAVE A LARGE VARIETY OF EVERBLOOM ROSE BUSHES IN BUD. We would be glad to go to your home and talk about planting evergreens for you. REDER'S FLOWERS Phone 235-2603 or 235-1673 By MRS, ERVIN RADER DA-S4WOOD Bob Hoffman was champion 4-H showman and best beef showman with Bill Hoffmae and Bill Schade runner-up at Zurich Fair, Jellies Snyder had the best junior jersey while Suzanne Snyder had the best senior ler- say, Bob Hoffman won the prize for the best junior 'defer and Jim Weigand for the best senior heifer. Other 4-H showmen from Dashwood were Chas Becker and Don Weigand. Bob Hoffman won the Cham- ber of Commerce trophy; this is the third time in five years of 4-H work. INJURED BY BAT Larry Fleet, grade eight pupil at Dashwood Public school, met with a very painful accident Friday when he was struck in the face by a bat which had slipped out of another child's hands while they were playing ball. He was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital, London, by Hoffman's ambulance where he underwent an operation for a broken nose. He was able to return to school on Monday with a well-decked nose. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Everett Haist and Stanley spent last Sunday with relatives at Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Merton Golley of Paul River, B.C. and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Passmore of Exeter spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Heist andStanley. Mr. and Mrs. David Baird of London were visitors with Mrs. Matilda Piefer Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Elmer Rader and family spent S u n d ay at Waterloo with Mr, and Mrs. Garnet Weiberg and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Taylor and family of Waterloo spentSunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hayter and family. Mrs. Wellwood Gill spent Monday afternoon with Mrs. Ervin Rader. An organization meeting for forming a junior band in Dash- wood will be held at the com- munity centre October 3 at 7:30 p.m. All children must be ac- companied by a parent or res- ponsible adult. Five members' of Zion Lu- theran church LWML attended the Fall Rally at Logan Monday evening. Rev. M. J. James spent last Tuesday and Wednesday in Kit- chener for the fall conference board meeting. Rev. Gordon Hammond from Waterloo spent the weekend with Rev, and Mrs. M. J. James, Mrs. Sam Elsie is apatient in South Huron Hospital. The Youth Fellowship of the EUB church meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays; the boys and girls Fellowship meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday. Ladies from Dashwood, Cre- diton, and Zurich attended by bus the district rally at Rodney, Tuesday, where Miss Jean Kel- lerman, a missionary from Ja- pan, was guest speaker. Miss Krista Bucholz of Kit- Exterwive. AUCTION SALE of Dairy Beef cAffle, GMC Truck, Chev pick-,up Truck., Tractors, Thresher, Farm implements, HPYSq- bgicl Effects, Misc. Items On the premi-se$ LOT 13, ,CON, 4, $TgP.HEN 'Township 1 mileeast of Crediton, ;Az mile north or 2 miles 'west of No, 4 Highway, croditon The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by ligie auction on FRIDAY', SEPTEMBER 27 at 1:00 p.m. CATTLE—Part 'Hereford & Durhem cow, milking, due in March; part Hereford & ham cow, milking, due in April; red Holstein cow, milk- trig, due in March; Holstein cow, milking, due in Feb.; Holstein eow, milking, due in March; Holstein heifer, milk- Mg, due in April; Holstein heifer, milking, due in Feb.; Holstein cow, milking, due in April; Holstein heifer, milk- ing, due in March; reg. Ayr- shire cow, milking, clue in March; Holstein cow, milking, due in April; Ayrshire cow, milking, due in April; Holstein cow carrying second calf due in Nov.; 2 Holstein heifers rising 2 years old; 9 Hereford and Duratne spring calves. Cows are all -good type and quality. T13 test negatiVe. TRUCKS, TRACTORS and THRESHER—GMC 4-ton stake truck in good condition.; 1955 Chev 1/2 ton pick-up truck; W.D.6 Int. tractor in guaran- teed condition; Int. Super "A" tractor; Geo. White thresher 28,06 on rubber completely equipped including cutter and extension blower, in A-1 condi- tion. FARM IMPLEMENTS—Int. 2-furrow hydraulic plow for Farmall "A"; !MH 3-furrow plow on rubber; -MI1 power lift spring 'tooth cultivator; Case 3-furrow plow; Int. power takeoff 7 ft. mower; buck rake for Farniall "A"; Smal- ley hammer mill; 2-row stuf- fier for Farmall "A"; 3 sets diamond harrows;, Int, trac- tor spreader; Wisconsin 4 cyl- inder V4 air cool motor; Int. binder, 8 ft. cut; 2-wheel all- steel trailer; Int. rubber tire wagon; hay rack; garden. tractor; 2-drum steel roller; buzz sew; walking plow; 4 hot water heaters; quantity of belting; lumber and piping; colony house; quantity of as- bestos; 2 I-beams 18 ft. long; 50 corddry stove wood; galv. pails; chains; forks; Shovels; milk 'cans and many miscel- laneous items. Quantity of household effects -including Heintzman piano. beds; dressers; dishes, etc. No reserve as the farm is sold. TERMS: Cash. CHARLES GLANVILLE, Prop. GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 19:26c Sri Extensive COMMUNITY SALE to be held in EXETER ARENA on SATURDAY, SEPT. 28 at 1:00 p.m. sharp SALE INCLUDES — Extra large selection of electric ap- pliances, television sets, re- frigerators, stoves', living and dining room furniture, chester- fields, mirrors, radios, antique furniture, dry sink, complete bedroom suits, white enamel kitchen cabinet, settee sets, organ, 3 Wilton rugs with pads, clocks, coal oil lamps, chest of drawers and match- ing dresser, pictures a n d frames, oval 'antique table, floor lamps, cedar chest, cherry; glass cupboard, large assortment fancy dishes, sil- verware, glassware, curtains, drapes, mats, 'electric wash- ing machine, power tools, car- penter and garden tools etc. Please Note — Majority of items from two large estates including large selection of an- tique items. Plan to attend this outstand- ing sale, TERMS: Cash. GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 26c Join Us For Use MECCA for SCRAPES BRUISES INFECTIONS Mecca, a favourite family ointment for over 60 years quickl heals, mitng nor wounds. I4on•irrit, soothing antisep- tic. Sold at all drug counters, Buy Mecca In tin or tube KONG s„:•-t4:-.'sgAe‘e,WsWesetots„."ekketgaiNee.--se ,eeeee,:tee,.,,eeeeeeeeoX,.ef.eneeieeesteVSeeut.,e this Sunday, Wednesday afternoon and during the evening throughout the week, at the COLONIAL HOTEL Grand Bend r Larry Snider Motors tetteaesSeUes,......,‘„,, eeeekeeettmeke,teeteft-eks eeekt;eseeltMefteeee eue Clearing AUCTION SALE of Tractor, Thresher, Farm Machinery, Cattle, Grain, Poultry, Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises Lot 19 and 20 Con, 15 HAY TOWNSHIP 2i •miles west of &with on Highway 84 thence first farm south. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on 'WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2 at 1:00 p.m. TRACTOR. & THRESHER — Int, Fermat' "H" tractor in guaranteed condition; Dion thresher 22 x 38 completely equipped including shredder, grain blower and bean har- vester. FARM MACHINERY -- Int, 15-ran disc grain And fertilizer drill ediripletely eclull)Rea f used twO seasons; Int. 9 ft. field etiltiVator; Int. 3,fiirrOW plow; The 4-bar tide rake r like new;