HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-09-26, Page 3Quality At' Low Cost. . clean, low 1,599 '61 COMET 4 -DOOR, radio, very price . . . ••••Pf '58 REGENT V-8, radio, sharp low price $895 '56 DODGE 6-cyl., radio, e7ePtional low $599 price '55 DODGE ROYAL LANCER V-8 automatic Drive or Drag Specials At Wrecking Prices '56 DODGE V-8, radio $215 $59 '56 CHRYSLER V-8, automatic, power steer- $169 ing, power brakes, radio '54 CHEVROLET $69 '54 BUICK $69 See The New '64's On Display Exeter Motor Sales PHONE 235-1250 EXETER ounty looks again or homemaker help Huron county council, meet- dividuals in the home. Families of life membership in the mu-ing September 30, will take an- are assisted to remain together seum section, of the Ontario liro,n1-m,,lot a petty thiev-e other look at the proposal fop during a period of need or Historical Society. mr pin' on toWn." homemaker service, recently emergency. Elderly and handl- The executive of the, society, studied by a committe of the capped persons are enabled to meeting in London recently, Children's Aid Society, of which continue to live in their ()I'M approved this reeognition of Mrs, Kenneth Johns, RR 1, homes even though requiring Mr. Neill's exceptional service Woodham, was chairman, and specialized care. This is con- during 27 years. He is the first of which Miss V. Adair, of sidered a workable alternative honorary member of the sec, Huron health unit, was a mem- to hospitallPtion, foster horpes tion. ber. or institutional care, The Presentatien will be made It had been planned earlier The province shares with mu- by Andrew W. Taylor, president to have Miss Dorothy Moore, nicipalities 50% of the cost up of the section, county clerk- supervisor of homemaker ser- to $2.50 Per visit for , nursing treasurer Berry has been ad- vice in the Ontario depart- services and up to $8 per day wised. ment of public welfare, address or $1 an hour for a homemaker. Canada's council, but she was not avail- The committee looking into it private radio and able. She will explain the plan earlier this year suggested that television stations pr o v i d e at the coming session, a start might be made in God- more than 1,5 million hours of Under the Homemakers and erich and adjoining municipali- programming a year, Nurses Service Act, effective ties. in 1958, the province shares Also at the September ses- with municipalities the cost of sion, Curator J. H. Neill of providing essential home care Huron Pioneer Museum is to services to families and in- be presented with a certificate BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN Clinton Box Office Opens 7:30 Pm Show Starts at 8:00 Friday & Saturday September 27-28 -Double Feature- III Health? Se. your doctor first. Bring your prescription to MIDDLETON'S DRUGS `Gidget Goes To Rome' AT THE HIGH SCHOOL I by Elizabeth Gosar JAMES DARREN CINDY CAROL Color PLUS 'RING-A-DING RHYTHM' CHUBBY CHECKER DUKES OF DIXIELAND Cartoon Coming Next Weekend OCTOBER 4-5 -DOUBLE FEATURE- New food service 'Satan Never Sleeps' Dispersal Sale Thursday Oct. 3 1 pm AT THE FARM 3 MILES NORTH AND EAST OF ELGINFIELD ON HIGHWAY 4 and 7. CATTLE —15 Holstein cows, good milkers, 3 to 7 years old, some registered; Yearling Hol- stein Heifers open and Heifer calves all sired by Oxford unit bulls; Shorthorn and Hereford yearling steers and heifers; Shorthorn and Hereford steer calves and heifer calves; Hol- stein steer calves. NEW SURGE 2 UNIT MILK- ing machine with piping for 18 cows; 14-80 MILK CANS AND STRAINERS. TERMS CASH of these shifts three students help in the kitchen. These stu- dents set out trays, pile and scrape dishes, sort silverware and help with the preparation of desserts. In return for this work the students receive their meals free. At the present time it's not yet known whether this service will be satisfactory but it certainly appears to be more popular with the students who are happy with the variety of foods and the new tuck shop. START PRACTICES Football practise is now well under way and about 50 boys are trying out for the junior and senior teams. These boys are being coached by Ron Bogart and Glen Mickle. Along with football goes cheerleading and cheerleading practise has also started. The cheerleaders, who number ten, have had threepractises. So it seems everyone is getting ready for that first football game. Trivitt chimes help church celebrate special events Trivitt Memorial Anglican Church chimes have been particularly active in recent weeks, with the congregation marking its seventy -fifth anniversary and the induction of its new pastor, Rev. J. Philip Gandon. Above, Gary Middleton develops perspiration as he pumps the chime con- trols. Watching him is Joseph Wooden, rector's warden of the church. - -T-A photo Our cafeteria is operating under a new system this year in an attempt to eliminate the deficit it has had in previous years. It is now under the com- mercial management of Beaver Food Service Associates of London who also operate the Three Little Pigs Pentry there. Mrs. Frances Frith, Thed- ford, is in charge of the cafe- teria. Mrs. Ethel Reeder and Mrs. Audrey Schroeder assist her. While this is the first year for both Mrs. Frith and Mrs. Schroeder, Mrs. Reeder has been working in the cafe- teria since the school opened in 1950. At dinnertime, Mrs. Reeder operates the tuck shop which offers ice-Cream, choco- late bars and various drinks. The menu offers a variety of foods. Hamburgs, hot dogs and sandwiches may be purchased for 15e while the salad plate costs 25e and a main plate costs 35e. The dinner hour is divided into two shifts and during each James O'Shea & Sons Proprietors J. ELLIOTT, CLERK 81R4 GRANTON W.S. O'Neil & Son Auctioneers 88R7 GRANTON Business Director WILLIAM HOLDEN FRANCE NUYEN CLIFTON WEBB (Adult Entertainment) Color -PLUS- 'IT HAPPENED IN ATHENS' JAYNE MANSFIELD By MRS. J. H. PATON CHURCH NEWS At the United Church Rally Sunday was observed. Senior members of the Sun- day School were in the choir and the nursery class filled the front seat in the church. Mr. Jim Donaldson, superintendent presided. Miss Hazel Simpson read the Scripture lesson. Mrs. Gerald Millson read the record of attendance for six months. For 24 or more Sundays of attendance: 1st year, white en- graved Bibles for girls and black Bibles for boys, Debbie Millson, Rene Beck, Linda Har- dy, Paul Hodgins Brenda Scott, Jeffrey Hill, Janis Kestle, Ken Simpson and Wendy Philips. 2nd year, books,Cindy Donald- son, Karen Hogson, Pat Hod- gins and Laura Hodgins; 3rd year, hymnaries, June Donald- son, Joan Donaldson, Suzanne Bradley, Helen Simpson, Gary Donaldson, Betty Scott and Jane Hodgson; four year plaques, Hazel Simpson, Wayne Donald- son. For 22 or more Sundays, first year pin, Linda Hardy, Wendy Philips, Janis Kestle, Brenda Scott, Jeffrey Hill, Ken Simp- son; second year wreaths, Cindy Donaldson, Paul Hodgins, Rene Beck and Debbie Millson; third year, bar, June Donaldson, Karen Hodgson, Laura Hodgins, Pat Hodgins, Janet Hodgson; fourth year bar, Suzanne Brad- ley, Gary Donaldson, Wayne Donaldson, Joan Donaldson, Betty Scott, Hazel Simpson and Helen Simpson. For attending 20 or more Sundays, 31 received seals. Miss Judy Scott played for the service. ST. JAMES At St. James Church on Sun- day, September 29, the rector will preside for morning ser- vice at 11 am for the evening service at 7:30 the guest speak- er will be Lyall Crawford of Parkhill. Color Cartoon aMOMP,MBP MACKENZIE & RAYMOND BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS CHARLES L. MACKENZIE PETER L. RAYMOND Hensel! Office in the Town Hall open Wednesday 2 to 5 p.m. PHONE 235.2234 EXETER JACK HEYWOOD LICENSED AUCTIONEER All types of sales "For Top Prices" EXETER LONDON Phone 235-0720 451-8630 DR. J. W. CORBETT L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Devon Building Phone 235.1083 Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoons DR. H. H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON L.D.S., D.D.S. Main Street Exeter Closed All Day Saturdays PHONE 235.0233 BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL, Q.C. C. V. LAUGHTON, Q.C., LLB. Zurich Office Tuesday Afternoons PHONE 235.0440 EXETER HURON CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES Prepaid Health Plans at Cost thecoop. way •••*.X.:4.:44.; • 4: C. H. RODER, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC Strathroy, Ontario OFFICE HOURS Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 9 - 12, 2 - 5 Tues. and Fri. Evening, 7 - 9 By Appointment Please Office Phone 654 Horne 1498 Saintsbury couple mark anniversary ANin .72.2114a sAiiiirirme4mm‘ Quick RegUlar or Instant Bathroom White, Pink, Yellow, Lilac Facelle Tissue 2 ROLLS 27 JOHN WARD, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST 15 Wellington St., across from PUC ST. MARYS PHONE 1272 Earl Atkinson and the Atkin- sons and the Stelzers were Saturday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Latta and family attended service at Shirriff's Good Morning St. Patrick's Church on Sun- day and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Latta and family. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cole- man, Lucan, attended the ser- Libby's (60 off) 28-oz. vice and spent the day with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dobbs • Pumpkin and Mrs. Earl Atkinson. Jr. held a birthday dinner for Mrs. Fred Dobbs Sr. of Ex- eter. Attending were Mr. Fred Dobbs Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Ear- nest Hill, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. William Hill, Strathroy and Mr. H. S. McLean, Tees- water. Others who attended the spec- ial service at St. Patrick's and spent the day with friends were: Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Thomp- son and Earl, Lucan, with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Squire, Cheese Slices Mrs. Olivia Hodgins, Exeter, M 8-0Z. PKG. Grantor], Mrs. Rd. Dickins and M N Golden Glory Hawaiian an with Mr. d Mrs. Heber Da- Mrs. Garnet Isaac and Mar- p ineapple 48-0Z. TIN 33 v,s, jorie, London, with Mr. Gote Wennestraum: Juice Mr. and Mrs. Harry Noels and Donald, Forest with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice MacDonald. w Meat Specials Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Rol- 1 lings and Blanche, Clandeboye, and Mr. Dave Collins were Maple Leaf 2 to 3-lb. average guests on Sunday with Mr. and 0 Mrs. Tom Rees . Mr. Roland Boneless, Halves Rees, Ailsa Craig, was a Sun- gi Ready to Serve LB. 139t day evening guest with the Rees ti Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Harrill- o ogna Leaf (Sliced or Piece) 1•00 family. Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Maple Martin Korrevaar and girls and4B ton, Lucan, and Mr. and Mrs. oi 3 LBS. Art Ashworth, Ilderton, called t".• on Mr. and. Mrs. Clarence Da- . Schneider's Large Mr. and Mrs, Harry Carroll NI S CPoUtZ t rPy° Pork y I e 45 vis. entertained at an anniversary ausage LB. dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Clar- once Davis on September 14. < Sweet, Smoked, Rindiess The attendants of 25 years ago !fns, London and Mr. Murray Devon Bacon LB. 65 were present, Mrs. H. A. Mul- Hamilton, Ailsa Craig, also Mr. H. A. Mullins and Mrs. Hamil- ton, Mrs. Henry Hodgins, Lu can and Miss Sophia Richards, t Mr. and Mrs. Murray Abbott, Centralia; Mr. and Mrs. Cliff ord Abbott, Luean, MissSharon Davis and Cameron Davis, Mr. and MrS. Carroll and Mr, and Mrs. Davis both observed an- niVersaries on September 21. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dobbs Jr. spent 'several days Otani - inning Lodge, Manitoulin Is- k land lastweek, They reported warm Pleaaant weather and the . otmiemum,,.:*0.1-0„0,:„amo,;:mm.Amomov:MO.M.MM.VONWIMM:MORMatar......:Immumaninv Coloring on the trees veil good. %,iNiNi!iiiiMiniiiNWEM:420.:iiingning0M.'isaNVONNlaikaMiinhaNgigagaiimki:imni:ig:ii*ima:,,,. wo;M!:: Salada Orange Pekoe Quaker Oats 3-LB. BOX 43C 24-0Z. JAR 49c 37: 60's Marmalade „.. By MRS. HEBER DAVIS SAINTSBURY Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Davis celebrated their silver wedding anniversary on September 21 when their son, Cameron and daughter Sharon assisted by Mrs. Harry Carroll and Mrs. Clifford Abbott, entertained 80 cousins and neighbors in their honor. The table was tastefully de- corated with autumn flowers and candelabra and centred with the bride's cake. The bridesmaid of 25 years ago, Mrs. H. A. Mullins, Lon- don, formerly Doris Hodgins and Mr. Murray Hamilton, Ailsa Craig, best man, were present, also the groom's only living aunt, Mrs. Henry Hodgins of Lucan and also his only living uncle, Mr. Clarence Fletoher of Woodham. Mrs. Garnet Isaac, London, one of the former re- sidents of Con. 4 and a neigh- bor was also present. Mr. Gerald Godbolt, Exeter was chairman. Mrs. Melvin Gardiner, Exeter, gave an ap- propriate reading. The honored guests were presented with a coffee table from the cousins, a step table from the neigh- bors, Cameron and Sharon gave them a pole light, Mrs. Henry Hodgins, Lucan and family a table lamp, Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis and family, an oval mir- ror. Thanksgiving service was held in St. Patrick's Church, Saintsbury, Sunday morning. The rector Rev. Lyle Ben- nett, was in charge with Arch- deacon F. G. Hardy BTh, DD one of the staff of Seeger Hall and rector of St. Luke's Church, Crumlin, as guest and preacher. Mrs. Tom Kooy was at the or- gan, Mr. and Mrs. Vic Drought, Centralia, sang a duet during the anthem. The church was attractively decorated with fruit, vegetables, corn and fall flowers. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. David Brown, Edmonton, (grandson of the late W. J. Hodgins of Viking, Al- berta and formerly of this com- munity) visited relatives in this community Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnson were guests at the BoWers-, Pfaff wedding at the EUB Church, Crecliton, on Saturday and at the reception follewing at the ZUrich hotel. The John., sons had Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Abbott and family, Whalen and Mrs„ and Mrs. Cleve 'Pullman and boys Sunday as their guests'. mr. and Mrs. James Stelzer, Jackson, Michigan:, were week- end guests with Mr. and Mrs. 2 PKGS. 2-tin banded deal Tea Bags Kraft Dinners ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times. "Service That Satisfies" DASHWOOD EXETER Phone 119 Phone 235-0991 25C N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Weekday Except Wednesday For Appointment Ph 235.2433 Maple Leaf (30 off) King Size Cheer E. D. Smith's 300 OFF 29C $1.23 39C 20-0Z. TIN Cherry Pie Fill Maple Leaf Cheese 2-LB. BOX W. S. O'NEIL & SON Denfield, Ontario LICENSED AUCTIONEERS 'General Farm Sales Furniture and Real Estate For Sale Dates Phone 88 R 7 Granton "The Farmer's Auctioneer" G. A. WEBB, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC CLOSED WEDNESDAY For Appointment Ph 235-1680 USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office — Exeter, Ont. Directors Timothy B. Toohey RR 3 President Lucan Robert G. Gardiner RR 1 Vice-President Cromarty William H. Ohaffe RR 4 Mitchell E. Clayton Colquhoun RR 1 Science Hill Martin Feeney BR 2 Dublin Milton McCurdy RR 1 Kirkton Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Sunkist 180's Oranges 3 Doz. $1.00 Fresh Crisp Celery Hearts BUNCH Pepper Squash or Buttercup 2 FOR 2% Clarke gathering The Clarke reunion was held in RivervieW Park with 110 in attendance. President elected was Jim Clarke; secretary, Harold Har- dy; sports committee, Bill and Jean Burr, George and Ruth Burr, Margaret Burr, Mary and Harold McMicking; table com- mittee, Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Hodgins. Winners in races were: four and under, Kathy Dinney, Wayne Clarke; 5-8, Ronnie Clarke, Ricky Clarke; 9-12, Brenda Clarke, Kenneth Clarke; 13 and over, Donald Clarke, Patsy Clarke; wheelbarrow race, Brtice Clarke, Barry Clarke; shoe se ram bl e; boYs, Ken Clarke; girls, Bonnie Clarke; Kick the slipper, Women; Marie Pinney; girls, Linda Clarke; boys, Jim BUrr; men Jack Clarke; men dressing up, Bill Burr and Don Dinney; bowl- ing the potato, Jack Clarke; guessing beans, Don Dinney; Mar r led lOngeSt, Mr, and Mrs. William Burr; coming far- thest, Mary Palmer, NeW York; largest family, Mrs. Clair Sutherland; largest lady, MrSi William Burr. BOARD OF DIRECTORS President, Fordyce Clark, RR 5, Goderich; Vice-Pres., Gor- don Kirkland, RR 3, Luck- new; Mrs. 0. G. Anderson, RR 5, Wingham; Mrs. Lloyd Taylor, E x et e r; Hugh B. Smith, RR 2, Listowel; Lorne Rodges, RR 1, Goderieh; Roy Strong, Gorrie; Russell T. Bolton, RR 1, Seaforth; Bert Irwin, RR 2, Seaforth; Bert Klapp, Zurich; Gordon Rich- ardson, RR 1, Brucefield; Kenneth JohnS, RR 1, Wood- ham. C. H. Magee Secretary-Manager Miss . C. E. Plumtree Assistant Secretary For information, call yOur nearest director or our, office in the Credit Union Bldg., 70 Ontario Street, Clinton, Tale. Owe HUiitor 247ST. EXETER 'Phone. .235-0212 Agents Hugh Benninger Dublin Harry Coates RR 1 Centralia Clayton Harris Mitchell Solicitors 'Mackenzie & Raymond Exeter Secretary-Treasurer Arthur Fraser Exeter BC4ANQUET AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY SCHOOL AND FALL FAIR AT THEDFORD TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1 & 2 PARADE-,.1-leaded by Thedigrd Silver Band . Leaves. SohOol at 12;30 sharp TUESDAY OCT, .1st. :8 P.M. -r AMATEUA CONTEST SPECIALS ON WED. —Freckles and Ballooe Contest, Baby Show, Pie Eating, 441 Achievement Day calf Club, Chain Sawing, Variety Concert In the Areria at 8 P.m. on Oct. 2, PIP McClory Show, Dance after to their orchestra. Tulip Margarine 3-LB. ECONOMY PAK With Free Official Size Hockey Puck *FOOD MARKET*