HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-09-19, Page 15ALEK TRICIAPC.P.vs WE ALWAYS TRY TO DE /WAND SPRY,WE NOW /TS OUR SPEED ND EMCIENCK ON WH/CH FOLKS RELY" TrIerr rAs TO RELI1B LE O ERVICE. 71419.0.;',MY.Ocgtp, $.:optern4.er '19, 79.63; Page. 15. sw.sts, with Mr. :and Mrs, Tom Rees,. Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Latta and family were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs, Hill Wright and family, Mt, Brydges and Saturday evening guests with mr, and Mrs. Bob Latta, Mr. and Mrs, Ken Wilson,. Whalen, were guests with the Latta's recently, Mr, and Mrs. Hon Carroll were guests Saturday at the. wedding and reception of Mrs, Carroll's :cousin, Miss Patricia Cann, .Exeter, and Mr, Gerald Kading held in James St, Church, photo by Jack Doerr MR. AND MRS. JAMES HODGERT CELEBRATE 40 YEARS Couple marks 40 years By MRS.':HAROLD DAVI S Mr., and Mrs. Wright Jarvis of London visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Jarvis. Mr. and Mrs, Burns Blaek- ler spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Jack Simmons of North Braila, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Art Julian of Utica, Michigan visited last week with Mr. and Mrs, Miller McCurdy. Mrs, David Hazelwood spent the past week withher , daughter ? Mrs. Vera Balfour of Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Davis attended the McCurdy-Stokoe wedding at yorkminster United. Church, Willowdale, on Satur- day. Mrs. Wm. Morphy of Tad- more, Sask. visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Scott. DOBSON REUNION A family reunion of the Dob- son connection was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schaefer on Sunday. The occas- ion was held in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dobson and Mrs. Doris Challand of Lin- colnshire, England. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Dobson, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blackler, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Waghorn, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Eveleigh and family, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Schaefer and family of Kirkton, Mr. and Mrs. George Blatchford, Mr. a n d Mrs. Roy Brock, Mr. and Mrs. Schroeder of Detroit, Mrs. Alma Dobson and Larry, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dobson and fa- mily, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dobson and family of Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Jaques and family of Zion, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Fairbairn and fa- mily, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Henry and family of London, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith and family of Woodham, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dobson and Mrs. Doris Challand of Lincolnshire England. Only one family was unable to be present, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Blatchford and family who recently moved to California. BEGIN ASIA STUDY Mrs. Clarence Switzer intro- duced the new study "Christian Issues in Southern Asia" at the Kirkton UCW meeting held at the home of Mrs. Alex Crago last Wednesday evening, September 11. Mrs. Fred Roger was in charge of the worship service assisted by Mrs. Delmar John- son and Mrs. T. Elliott, Follow- ing the business period Mrs. Ron Denham conducted the Bible study. The next meeting will be changed to October 16 and held in the church basement. Mr. and Mrs. .Jack Niagara, spent the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Raymond green, Mr, and. Mrs, Maurice Simp- son, Clandehoyel. were Sunday evening .goestq with Mr, and Mrs. Harry Mr. and. Mrs. Hugh Heather and Michael and Mr, and Mrs, Jack Dickins spent tinciay. at Niagara falls, Mr. and. Mrs. Earl Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Carroll and mr, and Mrs. Heber Davis at, tended Thanksgiving service at 0.ranton Anglican Church, Sun, day, WI studies citizenship By .M.R$, J. H. PATON OLAND E..HOYE Mrs, Donald' Pettigrew gave a paper on "Citizenship!' at the meeting of Clandeboye WI held at the, home of Mrs. Andy Car- ter, She concluded with a poem by pauline Johnson. The motto "Education means. developing the mind, not stuf- fing the memory" was discus- sed by Mrs, Karl The roll call was answered by each. member telling "What I Find. Most interesting in Institute work." Mrs. Pettigrew, OM- vener of the citizenship and. education committee, presided president Mrs. Alan Hill con- ducted the business. Mrs, Hill and Mrs. WilmerScott were ap.- pointed delegates to attend the London area convention Novem- ber 4 and 5. Mrs. Albert Ros- ser read the list of resolutions to be considered at the con- vention. A flower contest was won by Mrs. Scott and Mrs. James Donaldson won the hostess prize. Hostesses were Mrs. Arthur Simpson, Mrs. Arnold Blake and Mrs. Charles Coughlin. A Maintenance Service Dep't of Highways Ontario NOTICE TO SUPPLIERS OF PETROLEUM PRODUCTS SUPPLY CONTRACT NO. SA-63-2970 & SA-63-2971 Separate sealed Tenders marked 'Supply Contract SA-63- 2970 & SA-63-2971' will be received by the District Engineer, Department of Highways, 580 Huron Street, Box 8, Stratford Ontario, until 12;00 o'clock noon, E.S.T. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 271963 Specifications, Information to Bidders, Tender forms and envelopes may be obtained by calling at or by mail addressed to the District Engineer at the above mentioned address. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted, DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Stratford, Ontario. ONTARIO Of 60 Checks And Adjustments On Your Car's Engine, Chassis And Body For Safe And Mr. and Mrs. James Hodgert celebrated their 40th Wedding anniversary on Thursday, Sept. 5, with a family dinner at the Dominion Hotel, Zurich. On Friday evening, the couple were entertained at dinner by Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cottle of Thames Road. Friends and neighbors dropped in to chi- van them at the Cottle home, then took Mr. and Mrs. Hodgert to Russeldale Hall where about 90 friends and relatives ga- thered for a surprise party for them. Progressive euchre was en- joyed with prizes awarded for ladies high to Mrs. Jim Hocigert; ladies low, Mrs. Glen Stewart; gents high, Don Mayo; gents low, Frank Miller; lone hands, Roy Hodgert. Dancing followed, with music provided by Bill, Wayne and Ross Rowe assisted by Norman Ferguson. Lunch was served in the basement, with a wedding cake centering the bridal table. An address was given by Foster Bray and presentation made by Harold Rowe and Roy Cottle. Mr. and Mrs. Hodgert expressed their thanks to all. The register was signed by guests from Toronto, Coiling- wood, Owen Sound, London, Sea- forth, Russeldale, Staffa, Mo- therwell, Grand Bend, Exeter, Komoka, Henson, Centralia and the Thames Road community. James Ernest Hodgert, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. An- new Hodgert and Mary Laurine Miller, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John M. Miller of Staffa, were united in marriage at the Cromarty Presbyterian Economical Performance HAVE A FULL SERVICE INSPECTION DONE NOW $16.00 IPFLNUSE CPEASTARY A QUALITY GUARDIAN MAINTENANCE SERVICE FOR COMPLETE CONFIDENCE IN YOUR CAR SNELL BROS. LIMITED. CHEV-CORVAIR-OLDS-ENVOY Phone 235-0660 Exeter NIMMITAS.1M.SySilk`l.::""S Swift's Premium Smoked RTE Swift 's Premium Swift's Premium Sweet Pickled Tasty Tangy Cottage Skinless SHANK PORTION LB. 454 Rolls Weiners BUTT PORTION LB. 55C LB. 49c LB. 494 Hams 8/84 3/89 3/844 3/8% 19C 29c 694 2/41C 3/2R 11 r". r.r• 'Ma 7,Wk7s.vv'`I','"t"nr.71T,;,.:arnTatenii:SZASCOMMIL2111 SNP ARITERK ICERY' THE TS 6 o V.4 White Swan Assorted Colors Bathroom Tissue General Mills Cheerios General Mills Wheaties General Mills Frosty-C's Crispy -Flake 3g Off Shortening McCormick's 1 lb. Crackers (Double Points on Mil-Ko) Milo Ripe 'N Ragged 15-oz. Peaches Brunswick In Oil Sardines Values Weston's Hospitality COCONUT COOKIES BOX 39t 4, Q.. .. " t rek= Wain Exeter ANGEL CAKE 414 Open Friday Nights Shirley Gay CHERRY 494 C.. • ...... . • . .. . Rebuild pier at. Oaderich The federal government •has announced the award of a $152, 989 contract to the Herm ingliam Construction Limited of Hamil- ton, for the reconstruction of Part of the north pier in the harbour at „ooderich.. The firm submitted the lowest bid of 12. in response to adver- tising for public tenders which closed on August 2.1.0,15.0,. The highest bid was $208.500. The work is scheduled for comple- tion in 12 months,. -The work consists of recon- structing the easterly 600 foot section of the pier, A new steel pile wall about 748. feetiong be built along with a reinforced concrete wall and deck over and behind the new wall. The existing structure was constructed with a concrete superstructure on a timber crib foundation, At present the con- crete is disintegrating and the timber is falling away, resulting in the loss of fill. By MRS. FRED BOWDEN Mrs. Russell Schroeder re- turned home from Victoria Hos- pital on Friday of last week. Mr. Keith Hodgins has re- turned to Toronto to resume his studies at the Ryerson In- stitute of Technology. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hicks were Mr. and Mrs. S. Henry of Listowel and Mrs. Andrew Hicks of Montreal Sat- urday evening. Mrs. Hicks re- mained with her son and daugh- ter-in-law for a few days visit, Miss Marilyn Morgan is at- tending Teachers' College in London. Mr. and Mrs. George Hicks left by plane on Friday for Ed- monton to visit with their daugh- ter and son-in-law S/L J. L. and Mrs. Andrew and family. While there Mr. and Mrs. Hicks will be joined by friends and relatives in celebration of their fiftieth wedding anniversary. It was in 1849 that the first medical school for women was opened in the United States-- the Boston Female Medic al School. Total enrollment; 12. The first hospital for the men- tally ill in this country was started in Williamsburgh, Va. in 1773. Originally it was called "Public Hospital for Persons of Insane and Disordered Minds"; later, "Eastern Lu- natic Asylum"; and now, simply "Eastern State Hospital." Davies Grant Denning I Benn CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Municipal Auditors • DEVON BUILDING PH 235-0120 0 EXETER 0 • Office Hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ;!.t13000%rAtilitiTy.W.. sk. Af.•05 $.1.10•ZO. ;via v:(49 . . . v . . . y MRS. WILLIAM Rp).-IPE Mr, Lloyd Knight was a pa- tient in south Huron hospital Exeter for a few days last week. Messrs. Ed, Alexander, Ray Cottle, Mac 'Hodgert, Robert Mayer and Harold. Rowe left early Friday men-ling for Lake Nipissing to fish. Mr, and Mrs, Ken Brazier, Michele and Carol of Brantford Spent the weekend and Mrs. Gertie Moir of Iiensall was a guest Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Passmore. At time of writing-1\4r, Ernest Pym is a patient in Ingersoll Hospital having injured his hand at the home of his daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Shulman of Embro, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller of Exeter, Mrs. Foster Dougall of Winnipeg, Manitoba, were Saturday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Jeffery and Bill were Sunday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Coates of Exeter. Mrs. Ross Cottle is a patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Paul Bell of Hensall is stay- ing with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ballantyne. There will be a combined ser- vice on Sunday morning at 11:15 am when the annual rally day service will be held. Mr. Victor Jeffery, superintendent of the Sunday School, will be in charge assisted by Rev. Hugh Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde were treated to a charivari Thursday evening, the occasion being their fifteenth wedding anniversary which was Septem- ber 11. They were presented with a coffee carafe and a waste basket. DON ROOTH 01ELEC RIC MOTOR CONTROLS LIGHTING 135102,824011111lift "Where did you ever meet that clown .?" manse by Rev. David Ritchie. They farmed on the original Hodgert farm until moving froin Thames Road to Exeter six years ago. They have two sons, Reginald and ...Ross and one daughter, Mrs. Arnold Cann, all of Thames Rd., and five grandchildren. Dr. and Mrs. Jack Dewey of Florida entertained 14 of their Liman, London and Thorn- dale relatives to a dinner party at Zurich last Sunday. Brenda McFalls, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Larry McFalls, celebrated her fourth birthday at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold McFalls of Main St. Sunday. Brenda's great grand- mother, Mrs. W. J. McFalls and Miss Marlene Hotson were among the guests present. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon White- head and daughter Joan were guests at the Schukneckt-Hauf- man wedding at Elmwood, Ont,, where Joan was the bridesmaid. Stanley Whitehead and Mr. and Mrs. CharlesGlenn attended the reception, held at the Formosa Hall after the wedding. Mr. Norman Carter, Lucan's arena director, was one of the 104 recreational directors who attended the annual Institute at the Middlesex College, Univer- sity of Western Ontario, last week. Swanson's TV Dinners ' Beef, Chicken, Turkey Highiiner Cod Fish and Chips 11-oz. ti 24-oz, 39 544 air Roun Up o ' Swift's Brookfield Small Link Pure Pork Skinless Sausage 4,9, No Centres Removed SHANK HALF LB. 534 No Centres Removed BUTT HALF LB. 594 ••• • " ' '' ''' ' ' " "1, RU1Tand VEGETA 65; 6/294 174 494 No. 1 ORANGES LEMONS California Sunkist 140's HEAD LETTUCE No. 1 Ontario PEPPER SQUASH Ontario Sointsbury ,I4y• „MRS:, HE BE R DAMS WA .LADIES QITILT Tuesday of last week the la,. dies of St, patrick'S. WA. held their first fall meeting in the Parish Hall. Mrs, Harry :Car, rolland Mrs. Lorne Wegierg were hostesses, Mrs. Heber Davis conducted the worshiP and business..periods, The ladies quilted, Mrs,Carl weiberg donated a mystery prize which was won by Mrs, Hugh Davis, PERSONALS Mr, and Mrs. Carman Pick- ering, Brinsley, were Sunday 949 ....................................................... ' ..... . ....... . ... „ . .. if n. ....";14/1,Y711,9/1/1/4,1' •