HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-09-19, Page 11's Time (after 20 years) . . to get rid of half measures — over- crowded schools — equivication on pension schemes — medical care plans to help only a third of our people — population fall-off because of lack of opportunity — thin pay envelopes that result from dwindling employment — costly school book duplication — winking at farm-ruining vertical integration. for a change . . to immediate action on pensions that pay $10.00 extra now and $175 in 10 years, rather than less in 40 years — to a medicare plan that provides everybody complete coverage and preserves the dignity and co-operation of the doctors — to bring new industry into Huron encouraged by cheap Hydro and cheap water and tax concessions to equalize the cost differences between establishing here and in big centres — to equalize school taxation so that the whole load doesn't fall on the property owner. WORK AND VOTE FOR TRANG 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1.113E11Jkl, (PUBLISHED 13V HURON LIBERAL) ASSOCIATION) 25 Auction Sales 25 Auction Sales Quantity of household effects including Heintzman piano, beds; dressers; dishes, etc. No reserve as the Om is sold. TERMS: Cash. CHARLES GLANVILLE, Prop. GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 19:26c Conduct graduation for Woodharn CGIT Clearing AUCTION SALE stein heifer calf 2 months old. Cattle all choice nualliy. T13, test negative, POULTRY--,50. New I-IMP- shire pullets 0 'months old, IlAY cG •q13,41N.---309.. bushel Rodney oats; quantity loeSe hay, HOUSEHOLD .FTIMOTS. -- 0 kitchen chairs; 'kitchen •to, ble; cook stove with. oil burner attachment; quebec coal and, wood heater; wash stand; large dresser; Coleman gas. iron; eopp.er ,.boiler; • 6-041„ ereekl. sealers; churn; 5141' gas eon; 2 !litepples, No reserve as the sold. TgRayfs; cash. DEWAR, MEIDINGER, Proprietor P.AROLD STADE, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 19;26c brio is By MRS, RopERT. RUNp4E. WOODHAM The CGIT graduation service was held In.thechurch basement on September .4, Several UCW roemhers also attended. The worship service was con- ducted by Elizabeth Thacker, Linda Thacker read a story and Sharon Themson sang .g ,sole, KaY Lawson read a poem- after which Doris Mills led the group in prayer. Mrs, John Rodd, one of the leaders, conducted the gradua- tion service and presented the two graduating membersEliza- beth Thacker and Margaret Levy with CGIT pins. Elizabeth and Linda Thacker sang a duet, Mrs. John' Rodd also pre- sented lanyards to Susan Tom- linson, Linda Thacker, Doris Mills, Kay Lawson, s h a ro n Thomson and Veryl Hooper. Veryl Hooper favored with an instrumental. Mrs. Glenn Copeland the other leader spoke on the work completed by the girls through- out the year. Lunch consisting of graduation cake was served by the girls and a social time spent, Extensive COMMUNITY SALE to be held in EXETER ARENA on SATURDAY, SEPT, 28 'g 1:00 p.m. sharp Sale includes—Electric ap- pliances; TV sets; bousehold furniture; ,assoitauent of glass- ware; 'antique items; power tools, etc. Please Note —' list of sale in next week's issue, Kindly contact either of the undersigned so item's can be 'advertised no later than Tues- day, Sept. 24. GARNET HICK'S, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 19c reasonable reserve bid. Im- mediate possession if desired. MRS. OLIVE WEBB, Proprietress ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 19;26:3c AUCTION SALE Numerous Cottages and Cabins in the Village of GRAND BEND for the Dept. of Highways on MONDAY, OCTOBER 7 at 1:30 p.m. Watch for full particulars in following issue. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 19c Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable 75-acre Farm On the premises West 3/4 of Lot 20, Con. 15, STEPHEN TOWNSHIP li miles west of Dashwood, 11 miles south thence second farm west on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5 at 2:00 p.m. REAL ESTATE consists of 75 acres, west 3A of Lot 20, Con. 15, Stephen Twp. on which is situated a frame dwelling covered with red as- phalt shingles. 6-room dwelling in good state of repair. Recently built bank barn, good stabling, hydra through- out, ample water supply. Land of choice clay loam, well fenced and drained. In- spection 'invited. TERMS of REAL ESTATE: 10% on day of sale, balance in 60 days. Sold subject to a UCW ST ART NEW STUDY The UCW meeting was held in the basement of the church on Tuesday September 10 with 21 members present. Mrs, W. Levy and. Mrs. W. Wilson had charge of the wor- ship service assisted by Mrs. F. Parkinson. Mrs. W. Spence favored with a solo. Mrs. 0. Wilson introduced the new study book on “South and East Asia". She used a map to point out places of in- terest also showed slides which she had taken a 'few years ago while visiting these places which made it more interesting. Miss J. Copeland had charge of the business. PERSONALS Mrs. Wm. Stephens, Douglas and Sheila of Alberta are visit- ing for sometime with the for- mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank R.odd, Misses Rhea and. Blanche Mills and Mrs. M. Copeland visited on Tuesday with Mrs. R. Kirk at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Skinner and family of Munro. Mrs. Olive Payne and Jim, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Payne and Randy Gordon of London visited Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Rundle, Jim and Jack. Miss Joanne Webb, nurse-in- training at Victoria Hospital, London spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nor- ris Webb and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ira McCurdy were guests Saturday at the Mc - Curdy-Stokoe wedding in York Minster United Church, Willow- dale, Toronto. Jim Rundle was among the 4-H club boys judging that took place Tuesday at London Fair. Mr. Ross McCurdy of Dun- barton spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira McCurdy, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rodd, Mrs. Wm. Stephens, Douglas and Sheila of Calgary were guests Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Rodd. Holstein DISPERSAL SALE 35 Choice Holstein Heifers due in October and November on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 9 at 1:30 p.m. JOE VAN DONGEN, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 19c Z5 Auction Sales ,Extensive AUCTION SALE of Dairy and. Beef Cattle, GMC Truck, Chev Pick-up Truck, Tractors, Thresher, Farm IMplernentSf House. held Effects, M*, Items On the Pre'TORS LOT 13, CON. 4, STEPHEN Township 1 'mile east of Crediton, 1/2 mile north or ?i ,miles west of No. 4 highway, Crediton Rd. The undersigned auctioneer received Ins'xtictions to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 at 1:00 pm, CATTLE—Part Hereford & Durham cow, milking, due in March; part Hereford & Dur- ham cow, milking, due in April; red Holstein cow, milk- ing, due in March; Holstein cow, milking, due in Feb,; Holstein cow, milking, due in March; Holstein heifer, milk- ing, due in April; Holstein heifer, milking, due in Feb.;. Holstein cow, milking, due in April; Holstein heifer, milk- Mg, •due in March; reg, Ayr- shire cow, milking, due in March; Holstein cow, milking, due in April; Ayrshire cow, milking, due in April; Holstein cow carrying second calf due in Nov.; 2 Holstein heifers rising 2 years old; 9 Hereford and Dural= spring calves. Cows are all good type and quality. TB test negative. TRUCKS, TRACTORS and THRESHER—GMC 4-ton stake truck in good condition.; 1955 Chev 1/2 ton pick-up truck; W.D,6 Int. tractor in guaran- teed condition; Int, Super "A" tractor; Geo. White thresher 28x46 on rubber completely equipped including cutter and extension blower, in A-1 condi- tion. FARM IMPLEMENTS—Int. 2-furrow hydraulic plow for Farman "A"; 'MH 3-furrow plow on rubber; MH power lift spring tooth cultivator; Case 3-furrow plow; Int. power takeoff 7 ft. mower; buck rake for Farmall "A"; Smal- ley hammer mill; 2-row scuf- lier for Farmall "A"; 3 sets diamond harrows; Int. trac• tor spreader; Wisconsin 4 cyl- inder V4 air cool motor; Int. binder, 8 ft. nut; 2-wheel all- steel trailer; Int. rubber tire wagon; hay rack; garden tractor; 2-drum steel roller; buzz saw; walking plow; 4 hot water 'heaters; quantity of belting; lumber and piping; colony house; quantity of as- bestos; 2 I-beams 18 ft. long; 50 cord dry stove wood; galv. pails; chains; forks; shovels; milk 'cans and 'many miscel- laneous items. of Tractor, Thresher, Farm. Machinery, Cattle, Grain, Poultry, Household Effects and Misc. Items. On the premises Lot 19 and 20 Con. 15 HAY TOWNSHIP 24 miles west of Zurich on Highway 84 thence first farm south. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2 at 1:00 p,m. TRACTOR & THRESHER— Int. Farman "H" tractor in guaranteed •condition; Dion thresher 22 x 38 completely equipped including shredder, grain blower and bean har- vester. FARM MACHINERY — Int. 15-run disc grain and fertilizer drill completely equipped, used two seasons; Int, 9 ft. field cultivator; Int. 3-furrow plow; Int. 4-bar side rake, like new; Int. No. 6 hammer mill; 75- ft, endless hammer mill belt; McDeering 7-ft. binder; 110- ft. endless thresher belt; rub- ber tire wagon; 16-ft. hay rack; 4-section Diamond bar- rows; Int. hay loader; horse cultivator; walking plow; 16- ft. grain elevator; fanning mill; bean pulleys and sieve for Dion thresher; 3 'h.p. Clin- ton gas engine with speed jack; tarpaulin; colony house, 8x10; 2x8--14 ft planks; 2 elec- tric fencers; Renfrew cream separator; milk cans; wheel- barrow; cow 'chains; quantity steel posts; 100 ft. snow fence; chicken shelters and feeders; pig troughs; 160 gal. truck compartment suitable for gas or oil; two 45-,gal. gas barrels; 40 ft. 3/4 inch rubber hose; harness; pails; chains; shov- els etc. CATTLE—Black cow fresh 2 weeks with calf at foot; red Durham cow due in Dec.; red Durham cow due in Feb.; black heifer bred 2 months; 2 Durham heifers 13/4 yrs. old; 2 Durham yearling steers; Durham yearling heifer; 3 Durham spring calves; Hol- After 20 Long Tory Years It's Time For LIBERAL REFORM GOVERNMENT Vote and Elect RON CALDWELL MIDDLESEX NORTH Mar ,41,00.0,4111.16, ••••• A