HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-09-19, Page 9A. family gathering marked the eightieth birthday celebra- tion of twin sisters, Mrs, Sara Arthur, Exeter, Mar- ,garet .1-hatige, RR I St, Marys at the home of Mr, and.. Mrs. Graham Arthur, Exeter, Mrs, Arthur and. Mrs, Hodge are daughters of the late Mr, APO Mrs, John Anderson, pion- eer residents of Blenshard. township, their home being the P-USteffice at Anderson,. The OES fetes. 25 years Exeter Chapter OES No. 222 marked its25thanniversary with a dinner in Trivitt Me- morial parish hall followed by a program Saturday evening. Guest speaker was Rev. J. Philip Gandon, rector of the church who was introduced by Mr. Stanley Love. Mrs. Albert Nichols, London, who was District Deputy Grand Matron when Exeter chapter was instituted, paid tribute to the chapter and presented 25- year membership pins to Mrs. George Lawson, Mrs. T. C. Coates, Mrs. William J. Smith, Mrs. James Smith and Mrs. W. E. Middleton. Another char- ter member, Mrs. W. D. Sand- ers, is on a trip in England. Mrs. Middleton expressed ap- preciation to Mrs. Nichols who had also installed Mrs. Middle- ton when she was Worthy Ma- tron. Miss Lorna Taylor showed slides and commented on her trip to Thailand, Ceylon, India, Egypt and the Holy Land, Miss Taylor was introduced by Mrs. William F. Bell. A toast to the visitors was proposed by Mrs. Garnet Pat- terson and Mrs. Graham Camp- bell, DDGM, responded. Other guests included Mrs. Angus Graham, DDGM-el ect, and Worthy Matrons and Patrons of Chapters from Seaforth, Park- hill, Strathroy, Blyth, Clinton and Bethlehem and Ruth chap- ters, London. A singsong was led by Ray Mills with Mrs. William Cann at the piano. Worthy Patron Stanley Love was master of ceremonies and Worthy Matron Mrs. Henry Bierling welcomed the guests. Over 90 attended the event. The tables were decora- Bob Harvey Recommends Barrymore Traffic Rated Carpets and Rugs We carry a large stock of 100% wool and 100% nylon rugs in all sizes as well as several rolls for wall to wall use. See our display at the Exeter Fall Fair.Barrymore quality carpets and Vinyl Sandran floor covering. SANDY ELLIOT "The store with the stock" PHONE 235-0585 EXETER twiRS UlOng with their two bro- thers and tour sisters attended school and were active mem- bers of Anderson church and Sunday School, Sara married William Arthur in 1908 and they resided on their farm on Con. .3 Blanshard until .they retired .to live with their son Graham in. Exeter in 1955, Other members of her faintly, are three sons and two daughters: Humphrey, John, Qrant and Mrs. Nelson (Marion) Sweetzir, all of Blanshard and Mrs. Fred(Edne)Simmons,Ex- eter, also 21 grandchildren in- cluding two sets of twins. Margaret married Wesley Hodge and resided on Con, 14 Fullerton, one and a half miles Women teachers choose executive The executive of the Exeter unit of FWTAO met at the home of the president, Mrs. R. D. Jermyn Monday evening, Sep- tember 16 and elected the slate of officers for 1963-64. All members of the executive were present. President is Mrs. R. D. Jer- myn, Exeter; vice-president, Miss I. Smith, Centralia; sec- retary-treasurer, Miss M.Sal- mon, Dashwood; Committee conveners: Mrs. F. Morlock, Dashwood, (super- annuation); Mrs. B. Batten, Ex- eter, (status); Mrs. A. Webb, Grand Bend, (legislation); Miss F. Walker, Exeter, (goodwill) Miss M. Marshall, Kirkton, (ed- ucational studies); Mrs. H. Coates, Exeter, (educational fi- nance); Miss M. MacLean and Mrs. D. Hughson, Exeter, (press and publicity) Miss A. O'Neil, Centralia (professional development). Plans were laid for the pro- gram for the year. The first meeting is to be held as a sup- per meeting at James Street Church, Exeter, October 17 at 6:30 pm. The guest speaker will be John D. Cox, educational liaison director of the Child- ren's Psychiatric Research In- stitute in London. He will speak on "Special Problems of the Average Child." Mrs. Jermyn asked that all teachers bring suggestions for changes in the children's ex- hibits at the Fall Fair to the October meeting. ted in silver and blue centred with a birthday cake. 1963 Austin Sedans A60 And Austin 850 Clearance On All New :41111,04, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Golden Ripe No. 1 Quality Bananas "Chiq uita" 2 LBS. 334 Local Grown Tomatoes LB. 10 Good Size Green Peppers 2/134 No, I Ontario Pototoes 25-LB. BAG 654 Galaxy: a glittering new imported fabric Fleet Street custom clothes presents twelve patterns in six warm tan tones inspired by the soft, lustrous look of Palomino. These soft Palomino Tans are highlighted by subdued checks, one colour tones, shadow plaids, over- plaids, reverse twists and subtle stripes. If you would like to see what a tan can do for you, come and browse through our newly imported Palomino Tan fabrics. They're correct anywhere. Hand cut and impeccably tailored to your individual measurements, Fleet Street clothes sell for only one price: $75.00, CUSTOM CLOTHES TimPs,Accv9;01e, September 19, 190 PAge,H.9 Twin sisters. celebrate 80 C~r1et new pastor, wife Mr, and. Mrs, RaY Mills re- oently returned from a Canada Life conference atfrench Lick, Indiana. Mrs, Susan Winer returned' home to Preston after .spending the summer visiting with re- latives and friends, in Hamilton,. Dorchester,Contralia, ton, Exeter and Mitchell,. eofteed, trip with the War Graves Pil- grimage to Rolland was. given at the Guild meeting heldin Trivitt Memorial parish hall for which Mrs. R, W, Middle- ton and ladies of St. paul,s Anglican Church, Densali, were hostesses, Mrs, Taylor visited the graves of her three sons, who made the supreme sacrifice in World War II. Mrs, William King was pre- sented with a gift prior to leav, ing to reside in Toronto, Mrs, T, Yickerman conduct- ed the business when the date for the annual bazaar was set for Thursday, November 28. The group will have a booth at the arena for Fair Day for the sale of home baking. Mrs. L. Gibson is the convener. Roland i Rumple, 11-year-old son. of Mr, And Mrs, Larry Rumple, Marlborough has. joined the .Royal Canadian Navy. He reported to. HMCS Corn- -warns last week, Trivia Memorial Woman's Auxiliary welcomed Rev, P. and Mrs, Gandon at the first fell meeting which was preceded by a pot luck supper. Mr, Landon addressed the group and outlined a pattern Of "Service for Christ" In the work of the organization, Articles for the Little Hel- pers' bale were on display ar- ranged by the convener, Mrs. John Stevenson, Communica- tions were received from Rey, Walsh, Matheson, and Rev. and Mrs. Henson of Osweken In- dian Parish in appreciation of shipments of used clothing sent by the WA. The devotional period and business was conducted by the president, Mrs. W, Middleton, GUILD A travelogue by Mrs. Mary Taylor, Hensall, on her recent north of AnderSOndater moving to Kirkton, where they lived. until .Mr. Ilodge's death in 1951, Since .then. Mrs, Hodge has made her home with her daughter, Mrs, Earl (Ethel) S teph.en, Blanshard.. She has six grand- sons including one set of twins, The gathering was attended by all members of .their families and also by their brother Anderson of St,. Marys, who 14 in his 90th year., Congratulatory messages were received front their sister and brother-In-law, Rev, and Mrs. E. F. Church of Victoria, 13,C„ who will be celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary In the near future. EotiCladies enjoy good health and keep themselves busy and young in heart with their family activities.. Centralia Guides start fall activity Last Monday evening at the RCAF Community Centre a gen- eral meeting for all Guides and Brownies was held. A total of 97 girls turned out, 31 Guides for two Guide com- panies and 66 Brownies for three packs, Miss Sandra Massie of 2nd Brownie Pack received h e r warrant as Brown Owl from Miss Mary McMillan, division commissioner. .. photo by Victor Asia MR. AND MRS, LEON A. DE POTIE sleeves. Mrs, Laverne clePotie as bridesmaid and Miss Doreen Lee, sister of the bride, as jun- ior bridesmaid were gowned similarly to the maid of honor, and Miss Debbie de Potie as flower girl wore a white dress with pink embroidery. She car- ried a basket of small white glads and dark pink carnations. Guy de Potie, London, was best man for his brother and another brother, Laverne de Potie, and Russell Lee, brother of the bride, ushered. A reception was held in the church rooms where the bride's mother received guests in a lace sheath over satin with matching jacket in dusty rose with cor- sage of blue feathered car- nations and white roses. The groom's mother was gowned in a flowered satin sheath with tur- quoise and black accessories and corsage of white feathered carnations and pink roses. Serviteurs were Misses Ruth Trevithick, Alma Lee, Annie Hamilton, Mrs. Ambrose Kurt- cina and Mrs. Donald Newey. The honeymoon was spent at Manitoulin Island and. Muskoka area. For travelling the bride travelled in a two-piece deep pink suit with pink and black accessories and corsage of white carnations. The couple will live in Lon- don. Honeymoon in Muskoka III Health ? See your doctor first. Bring your prescription to MIDDLETON'S DRUGS Helen Maurine Lee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lee, RR 2 Ailsa Craig, became the bride of Leon Algernon de Potie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hume de Potie, London, in a ceremony performed by Rev. Ken Hick in Brinsley United Church, de- corated with baskets of gladioli, ferns and candelabra. Mrs. Russell Lee and Miss Marlene Frayne, Exeter sang during the ceremony "Wedding Prayer" and "0 Perfect Love" accompanied by Douglas Lewis at the organ. Given in marriage by her father the bride c ho se a Pari- sian white peau de soie gown designed with square neckline ?claw tevtea Miss Laura Mott, Aylmer, is spending a few days with Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Fletcher this week. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Pass- more visited a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pearl of Guelph and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scott and family, Rockwood. Miss Wilma Coates, London, accompanied by Miss Jean Tay- lor of town left Saturday by car for California on their vacation. Visitors with Mrs. F. Brier- ley over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. R.W.B. Jackson and sons Michael and Peter of Thorndale and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ford and family of Bol- ton. Harold Blackler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Blackler, Mill St., Exeter recently graduated from Drouillard's School of Barbering, London, and passed his examination in Toronto. lie has taken a position at the Huron Heights shoppingplaza, London. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fritz were Miss Mary Louise Fritz, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Blake Pierce, Windsor. Mrs. Norman Ford, Detroit, and Mrs. Marshall Box, Park- hill visited last week with Mrs. Frank Taylor. and continental elbow-I ength sleeves. The controlled front skirt was generously appliqued with clusters of pearls forming small posies of flowers. Un- pressed pleats gave added full- ness to the back skirt forming a chapel train. A queen's crown of pearls and crystals held the elbow-length silk illusion veil. She carried a cascade arrange- ment of white roses, stephanotis and ivy. Miss Marion Lee, sister of the bride, was maid of honor wearing azalea pink silk or- ganza styled with hell-shaped skirt with pleated hipline em- phasis, scoop neckline, lace overjacket and three-quarter uAtiTY-1 FOR VAR/E7 gYf Puritan Nabob 15g. OFF instant Coffee Blue Bonnet 6¢ OFF Coffee Jar 3c Beef Stew 24-0Z TIN 39c 6-oz. 724 Christie Chips PKG OF 32 49c 3-LB. PKG. Duncan Hines DELUXE CAKE MIXES 2 FOR 794 NEW DEEP CHOCOLATE, WHITE, DEVIL'S FOOD, LEMON SUPREME ONE CARTON KING SIZE COKE AND ONE CARTON SPRITE Both For 734, Deposit Included REG. NOW $875.00 $525.00 $1425.00 Sultana Raisins Van Ca mp t Ail Pork 2/31 II 11 011 1 2-LB. POLY 59C $1.03 89C 41/4 LB. SOAP 894 $945.00 $850.00 Crisco 80 OFF Shortening Johnson's aid (House and Garden Bomb) 12-0Z. $1.19 69 Waldorf 3-LB. TIN COUPON) '62 AUSTIN 850, Less than 10,000 miles. $995.00 '60 RENAULT SEDAN, Ex- cellent 2nd car. $595.00 '59 METEOR RIDEAU SEDAN, automatic, V-8. $1550.00 '57 OLDSMOBILE SEDAN, automatic, radio, rear speaker, new paint, Clean interior. Crest (120OFF PLUS 80 Tooth Paste '56 STUDEBAKER, V-8, straight stick, like new. $795.00 '56 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, auto- matic, 6-cyl. $595.00 '54 CHEVROLET SEDAN, automatic, $195.00 '55 MERCURY TUDOR $675.00 $450.00 $150.00 $250.00 TIP TOP TAIL OR CHICKEN LOAF South End. Serike WAVER'S MEN'S WEAR *FOOD MARKET* EXETER Phone 235,0991. Russ and Chuck Snell PHONE 235-2322 EXETER 'St Quality Meats Sweet Pickled 1/2 's Cry-O-Vac Cottage Rolls 3-lb. Maple Leaf Maple Leaf Mac. & Cheese Weiners Fab (370 OFF) Detergent Lean Loin Pork Chops Tasty & Tender average 49c LB.45 LB.49 Tea Bags ioos PHONE 235,0212 EXETER • 4t.tfl*.i>*>.4.•ZO:.4:•4f4.`..Z47.1:11;•de...*:•.020.1.4ftt.e.Okiv•.•;" "