HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-09-19, Page 5PEAMEALED Back ac on In A Piece Minced Ham Sliced LB. 69C LB. 49 Personal items and Mrs, Norman Long, with Mr. and Mrs,..0,c,13,, Lit • mr.„ and Mrs, George gratnk fleton and family .and attended, of Hamilton spent the weekend the Littleton,Menard Avettdin;» September 19, 1.903 Page 5 Hensa ll and district news CORRESPONDENTS Mrs. Maude Hedden, Phone 5 Mrs. Archie MacGregor, Phone 56 flUDITZa',Va:•!. By MRS. SHOWER FOR BRIDE Mrs. Bert Faber and Dianne held a miscellaneous shower for Carol Menard, bride-elect of Saturday Sept, 14. The evening was Spent in a mock wedding and contest. Carol received some very nice gifts, RALLY DAY Rally Day Service was held Sunday in St. Andrew's United Church with a good attendance represented. The junior choir under the direction of Miss J. Ivison sang. Rev. Plant, in charge of the service, addressed the children and the scripture was read by Gwenneth Hendrick. UCW MEETING President, Mrs. Harold Jones presided for the fall meeting of St, Andrews UCW on Tuesday evening September 10 held in the sunday school rooms. Roll call was answered by twenty- five ladies. NORMAN I-ONG Mrs. H. Binnandylt tOOlt the worship and Mrs. R. McGregor was in charge of the topic "Taiwan", Mrs. G. Moffatt fa- Vored with a piano selection. Plans were discussed for the annual bazaar to be held in the church on November 16th. The ladies acting as hostesses for the meeting were Mrs, H. Hen- drick and Mrs, C. Hay. PERSONALS Miss Margaret Elgie, Miss Sharon McBride and David Cooper are attending University of Western Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love of Caro, Mich. spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Mc- Bride and visited Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Baird also Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dalrymple of Brucefield and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love, Kippen. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wrerr visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Erwin Bestarcl of Parkhill, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hood accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. N. Long visited Sunday after- noon with Rev, D, A. and Mrs. MacMillan of near Ilderton. Mr, and Mrs. Ed Scheffer of Dryden, Mich. and Mr. arid Mrs. James Burnett of Toronto visi- ted Friday afternoon with Mr. o O', PHONE HENSALL 27 6o r„ / O'0 * Dr. W. T. Joynt, and his Mother, Mrs. Alice Joynt, at- tended the.golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs, Wesley JOynt at Luck- now Tuesday, September 10. Weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Sam gesch were Mr. Ol- iver Bedard and son Howard, Sarnia; Mr, and Mrs. Mervyn Stelck and grandson Peter of Brantford; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stelck, Huronview, Clinton. Rally Day will be held in the United Church thisSunclay,Sep- tember 22 at 11 am with a joint service of the regular congre- gation and Sunday School. Mrs. Ross MacMillan and David, who are holidaying at Grand Bend, spent last Thurs- day with the former's parents, , Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle, Bob and Ann. Mr. Orville Witmer, Zurich, was a lucky winner of $25.00 in one of the nightly draws at Western Fair. LAC and Mrs. Earl Tittering- ton of New Westminster, B.C. took up residence in the Fink Apartments on Monday of this week. Their pet cat Perry, three years old, weighing 201bs, was flown by plane from Comox B.C. leaving there at 6:30 pm Monday evening, a r r iving in London 9:40 amTuesday morn- ing, a distance of 3,000 miles. LAC Titterington will be sta- tioned at RCAF Station Centra- lia. Mrs. Agnes Williams of Bar- stow, California, is visiting with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Neeb and Ricky, of New Lowell, N.O. Mrs. Ellen Adams, Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Neeb and family, Dashwood, were week- end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn McKenzie and family. Mr. and Mrs. Don Rigby, Mr. Bill Knights and Mr. L. C. Rum- ble of Blenheim, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell, Mrs. Bill Knights, Ste- wart and Jane returned home with them. Mr. Clendon Christie under- went surgery in Clinton Public Hospital Monday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bell and Mervyn and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Mason of London were guests with Mr, and Mrs. Gilbert Johns and family at Elimville re- cently. Mrs. Lorne McNaughton spent a few days this week with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bell, Mrs. M. B. MacGibbon of Ot- tawa is visiting with her son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. 0. G. Williams and fa- mily. Mr. Malcolm MacCrae and Mrs. Neil MacLeod of Ot- tawa accompanied Mrs. Mac- Gibbon and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Williams, Monday. Mrs. Ella Harding and son Bruce of London visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Corbett and Wayne Sunday. Mrs. Edna Cor- bett returned home after a week's vacation with the Hard- ing's in London. HENSALL M TO SALES ROY CAMPBELL PROP. YOUR MERCURY DEALER PHONE 31 elms ARNOLD CIRCLE MEETS President Mrs. Gordon. Sch- walm took the chair for the first fall meeting of Carmel Presbyterian Church heldMon- day evening. Mrs. Ross MacDonald gave a report written by Miss Hannah Murray on the Presbyterial held in Clinton recently. The program and worship was in charge of Mrs. Stewart Bell and Mrs. R. A. Orr using as the theme "Fort he World". Mrs. Harry Hoy read a missionary letter from British Guiana and Formosa. The Circle are planning a joint meeting in November with the WMS of the church and will have Mrs. Knox, missionary from India as speaker. They will also invite the other pres- byterials and the WMS societies of the United Church and St. Paul's Anglican. Mrs. William Hopkins was appointed new Explorer leader and will be assisted by her husband. Members are asked to save used magazines for the residents at Huronview. Mrs. Orr conducted a contest. Mrs. William Brown and Miss Carol of Seaforth were wel- comed as g u ests and Mrs. Brown, a former member, was presented with a gift. Mrs. John •Skea and Mrs. Al Hogarth convened a pot luck lunch. PERSONALS Jerry Drysdale left on Wed- nesday by TCA from London to attend the University of New Brunswick at Fredericton, N.B. where he will take a four-year course in forestry. He spent the summer months at Sibley Pro- vincial Park near Port Arthur with the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests. Allan Winlaw, six-year-old son of Rev. and Mrs. Currie Winlaw, of Stratford, formerly of Hensall, is ill in War Me- morial Sick Children's Hos- pital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cormier and son Albert Jr. of Espanola, in Northern Ontario, left for home on Monday after a week's vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Webster and family, Mrs. Cormier is a niece of Mrs. Webster. Mrs. Tom Wyers (formerly Ruby Horsley) of North Surrey, B.C., Miss Anna Moser and Mrs. Mamie Sutcliffe of God- erich visited with Mrs. Mark Drysdale, Mr. Lorne McN aught° nun- derwent surgery in St. Joseph's Hospital, London this week. WI donates to UNESCO Hensall WI convened for the first meeting of the fall season Wednesday evening, September 11 in the Legion Hall when 30 members gathered for a pot luck supper followed by the meeting. During the business meeting conducted by M rs. Beverly Bea- ton $10 was voted to Northern Canada Special. Projects UNESCO plan. An invitation to Kippen East WI meeting October 2 was accepted. Roll call was answered with an exchange of recipes. Duets were sung by Miss Marlene Fleischauer and Miss Ruth Ra- der of Zurich who were intro- duced by Mrs. Harry Horton, who presided for the program. Hurondale WI will be guests at the October meeting. Pro- gram conveners were Mrs. Pearl Koehler and Mrs. Harry Horton and hostesses were Mrs. James Bengough, Mrs. Grace Harpole, Mrs. Archie Noakes and Mrs. Wilbert Wiling. FOUR GENERATIONS The home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Erb, Parr Line, was the setting for a family gather- ing in honor of Mrs. Erb's mother, Mrs. Nancy Koehler of Zurich, who observed her '75th birthday, on Sunday. Members of the family at- tending were Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Koehler and family of Huntsville, Mr. and Mrs. Allan (Shirley) Craig and fa- mily, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Koehler and family, all of Tor- onto, Mrs. Pearl Koehler and family of Hensall. The grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren were pre- sent. Four generations were re- presented; Mrs. Nancy Koeh- ler and daughter Mrs. Leonard Erh, and daughter Mrs. Doug- las Dick and daughter Terri Dick of Hensall. A cafeteria lunch was served on the lawn from tables centered with the birthday cake and light- ed candles. OBSERVES 85th BIRTHDAY Mr. C. L. Jinks quietly ob- served his 85th birthday Tues- day, September 10 in South Huron Hospital, Exeter where he is a patient. NERIES'11SEMERSZWAREMBEFEMBE est Miss Elvera Churchill of Toronto visited this week with her sister, Mrs. Pearl Shad- dick. Miss Jarvis Peacock of Ot- tawa is visiting with her grand- mother, Mrs. Grace Harpole. ere's You" CAR BACKACHE PERSONALS Mr. Douglas Wein of the RC- MP Ottawa and Misses Ger- aldine and Dorothy Parker were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker and Patsy. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lindsay and family of London visited over the weekend at Mrs. Lind- say's home with Mr. John Hen- derson and family and with Mrs. Henderson, who is a patient in South Huron Hospital, Exeter. SWEET PICKLED 49c Cottage Rolls Cry 0•Vac Vzs LB. Frying Chickens DEAL LB. When kidneys fall to remove excess acids and wastes, backache—tired feeling— disturbed rest often may follow. Dodd's Kidney Pills stimulate kidneys to normal duty. You feel better, sleep better, work hotter. 00 .41PAlifil ffMla SUPREME PEAS BIRDSEYE Dinners 2-lb. Economy Bag (Compare 650) Beef, Chicken, Turkey 444 PKG 59C Zip (Compare 3 for 31) DOG FOOD 15-oz. tins (Compare 570 tin) KETA S MON 1-LB. TIN Weston's Angelfood Cakes EACH Jack's Blanched PEANUTS (Compare 490 Bag) 14-oz. McCormick's (Compare 370 lb.) SODAS Salted, Plain or Saltines 5/45 2/ 1 LB. 294 3-LB. TIN $L Tins (Compare $1.15) CRISCO 35 394 494 Clark's 10-oz tins Chase & Sanborn COFFEE (Compare 790) 1-LB. BAG 65 '63 MERCURY DEMONSTRATOR '63 COMET 2-DOOR V-8 '62 VAUXIIALL 4-DOOR '61 STUDEBAKER 2-DOOR '58 NASH RAMBLER STATION WAGON '56 RAMBLER 4-DOOR TOMATO SOUP 5 FOR Save-All (Compare 31g) WAXPAPER 100-ft. roll 274 f SPECIALS For Sept19,20-21 STORE HOURS closed all day every Monday, open all day WethieSdar, open Priday evenings until 9 pm; open Saturday evertingauntil ri) pm, • • it'S'W.M.I.::XS ••.,•,•PiSI. VITA 0' mr Mr, Robert Mickle left Fri- day for London where tie will stay at Sydenhani, Hall, the new men's residence at UWO„ i3ob is planning to take the Honor Mathematics and Physics course. Miss Suane Haugh of Bruce- field is attendingStratford. Tea- chers'. college, Mr, and Mrs, Robert Love of Stanford, Cal, spent Tuesday With Mr. and Mrs. J, E, Mc- E wen. Mrs. J. E. McEwen and Allan. Reid, attended Western Fair last week. Mrs. Baker visited with Mr, and Mrs. Roland Neil and Gerald of Ailsa Craig last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs, Cecil Smithers and Johnny and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pickering and family vi- sited with Mr. and Mrs. Ross. Pickering and family and at- tended the christening of their infant daughter, Jane Katharine Pickering, in the Shipka United Church Sunday. Miss Loreene Mellin met with an accident with the power lawn mower. She is in St. Joseph's Hospital, London. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Harlton have moved to the village this week. Mrs. Minnie Robertson of Wheatley is spending a few days with them. Mrs. Clyde Nickolson of Brigden and Miss Dorothy Harl- ton spent a few days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Harlton. Mm-/ore that milk Mom! Children enjoy our good- tasting milk at meals, for snacks and poured a- plenty on cereals. Our customers are happy kpowing they are getting the best . in rich vita- mins and minerals for body-building, energy, Try it with chocolate syrup or strawberry juice, too! HURONDALE DAIRY 1111111MMINIMINEMS Hensall Motor Sales INVITE YOU TO SEE THE 1964 METEOR ON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4 The 1964 Meteor is significantly larger in every way than its predecessor. It is almost 12 inches longer, seven inches wider and slightly higher and rides on a wheelbase of 120 inches compared with the 116.5 inches of the 1963 Meteor, It has the distinctive Mercury reverse slant rear window and provides big car ride and interior comfort at a price that keeps it in the low priced class. In the two new series the Meteor and Meteor Custom it will offer a full range of standard cars including two and four-door sedans, hardtops, convertible and wagon models. By MRS. C. WOODBURN Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pollock are on a trip to United States, Yellow Stone Park and other Western centres. Mr. Joe Horner, Mr. Earl Steeper, Mrs. Jack Hutchin- son and Mrs. Stanley Mollard of Centenary are on jury duty in London. Mrs. Albert Pollock and Mrs. Carman Woodburn visited on Friday with relatives at Clinton. Mr. John Luther of Calgary, Alberta, who is attending Veter- inary College at Guelph visited with his uncle, Mr. Irwin Luth- er, Mrs. Luther and family over the weekend. Mrs. Harold McDonald at- tended the Granger-Brand re- ception at Glen Allan on Satur- day and the service of dedica- tion at First United Church Westminster on Sunday. Mrs. Ed. Bullock is visiting with relatives in Toronto. By MRS. W. MOTZ Mrs. Harry Lewis and son Eber spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alec Hamilton at Grand Bend. Quite a number from here attended London Fair last week. Mrs. Beth Hatherle y and daughter Mrs. Harold Gilliesof London spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Motz. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Collett of Galt spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jesney. Murray Glanville r e to rned home from South Huron Hospital last Tuesday after spending a few days in hospital as result of an accident which he received at school causing injury to his shoulder. Mr. Alec Wojoski of London spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Nedza. Products Of Genera' Motors • Frigidaire Sales:bwith Seklice Drysdale Crest Hardware 'PHONE'` •11 H E NSAL L Kin to stage elders' night At the joint installation of Hensall Kinsmen and Kinettes held Thursday evening, Elthan Durrant of Simcoe, deputy gov- ernor of Zone D was in charge. Ross Jinks, new president, took the chair for the business Portion of the meeting when it was decided to plan a Senior Citizens Night in the near future for all senior citizens of Hen- sail. Deputy Governor Du r r a nt spoke on "Kinsmen Education and Administration". DISCUSS WOMEN'S WORK At the UCW general meeting held in the church rooms Mrs. George Armstrong gave a talk on "Our Church in Our Com- munity." A panel discussion followed on "Women Outside the Church" with Mrs. E. McAl- lister as moderator. Mrs. E. Chipchase represented organi- zations outside the church, Mrs. D. Cook was recreational re- presentative; Mrs. Dave Kyle took the part of women's work in the senior groups and Mrs. J. Taylor represented the ju- nior groups. Mrs. Walter Spencer and Mrs. James McAllister gave reports of the leaders school at Alma College, St. Thomas, which they attended. Mrs. Wil- liam Fuss sang a solo accom- panied by Mrs. Robert Pryde. CHISELHURST PICNIC The annual picnic of Chisel- hurst. United Church Sunday School was held the latter part of August but owing to inclement weather the sports were rained out and were held last Wednes- day evening on the lawn of Hugh Norris, under the direction of Miss Patricia Harris. Winners were: pre-school, Dwight Kinsman; girls 6 to 8, Dianne Sararas; boys, John Kin- sman; girls 8 to 11, Patsy Par- ker; boys, Allan Sararas; young ladies race, Karen Sararas; kick the slipper, girls, Patsy Parker; boys, Allan Sararas; guessing contest, Brian Drum- mond; wheelbarrow race, Karen and Gerry Sararas; shoe scramble, Karen Sararas. SELL 1,740 DOUGHNUTS In their canvass of the vil- lage on Friday for Doughnut Day, the CGIT girls of Carmel Church received orders for 145 dozen.doughnuts, made by Bea- ton's Bakery. Funds will be used for the girls to attend camp, September 20-22 for Huron and Bruce Presbyterials CGIT retreat - weekend. ........... . FINANCING FOR CANADIAN BUSINESS The Industrial Development Bank helps finance most types of small and medium- size Canadian businesses for a variety of purposes. If you are engaged in a business, or plan to start one, and required financing is not available elsewhere on reasonable terms and conditions, you are invited to visit an I.D.B. office or write to one for a booklet. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK 23 BRANCH OFFICES ACROSS CANADA KITCHENER WATERLOO Waterloo, Square 80444 telephone 744-4186 '57 PONTIAC 6-CYL. STANDARD SHIFT '56 DODGE '56 FORD 2-DOOR HARD- TOP 6-CYL. STAND- ARD SHIFT '59 GMC 1/2 TON TRUCK ONE OWNER, NEW PAINT JOB '64 MERCURY 1/2 TON HENSALL Hensall Motor StlieS. PHONE 31 ROY CAMPBELL PROP. Your Mercury Dealer I:, ••• •tree•-•X• ---.“•'•••:• ▪ •• •••,••.4.••• • ••• • • V4%.*.$>: '" it • 0 40 Produce Special Golden Ripe No. 1 1.01110,0.111M1111•1010111.614,01111011 Ban nas