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Prizes were awarded to six
children at the Hensall Public
School on Friday, September 6,
on the completion of the Cana-
dian Children's Safety Manual
colouring contest, for children
of grades one, two and three.
The winners were KathyCook
and Kevin Buchanan, Grade one,
Kay Davis and Jeff Reaburn,
grade 2, Sheila Sangster and
John Noakes, grade three.
Mrs. Robert Middleton of
Hensall was the judge' for the
contest. Chief Constable Davis
presented each winner with a
silver dollar on behalf of the
Hensall Branch of the Canadian
Legion, .sponsors of the prize
The competition was spon-
sored by Hensall businessmen
in co-operation with Chief Con-
stable Ernest R. Davis.
Mrs. John Henderson is a
patient at South Huron Hospital,
Page 5 $eptember 12, 1963. - Hensall Personals Mrs, Orville Jones and
daughter Louise, and Mrs, Nel,
lie Scott, Attended A shower
held at Lecloww Saturday.even,
fog., for Miss Marion Hoover,
bride-elect of Saturday, Sep-
tember 21,
Miss Jane Horton, who is
teaching at Hill Park SecOnd-
ary school, Hamilton, spent the
weekend with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs, Bert Borten and
Mrs. Nellie Scott, of Brus-
sels is vacationing for three
weeks with her piece and neph,
ew, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Jones,
at Queensway Nursing Home.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Flynn
and daughter have taken up re-
sidence on Oxford Street, In
the Pougall residence which
they recently purchased, Mr.
and Mrs, George E. Walker and
sons have moved back into their
own home on Queen Street,
si14Mric,sils:aneny-, 1 ,Writ
wevRena London.po4toflYflP.P.
Mr. and Mrs. Laird. Mickle
and Bob spent .Sunday at G rand
Bend visiting their leoghter
and •.mr, and Mrs,
Ross'MacMillan. and their son
P amy tIrwds,o. ihooObe
.1411:10171:11.5: there p e
nd fell last week freclerfpg her
left arm,
Messrs, .Jerry McOlinchey
and Bill Brown Jr. left for
London Sunday, Jerry to attend
Teachers College, and Bill,
Wells Academy, London.
Sunday, -September 22 Mrs.
Emma McBride, a patient at
Queensway Nursing Nome, will
quietly observe her 91st birth-
and district news
Mrs.Maude Hedden, Phone 5
Mrs. Archie MacGregor, Phone 56
Win prizes
for coloring
Goose Bay teacher
Miss Sheila Willert, formerly
on the staff at J, A. D. Mc-
Curdy School, RCAF ceatralia,
is now teaching at the air force
base at Goose Bay, Labrador.
Her parents, WO2 and Mrs.
Ivan j. Willert, who have been
at Centralia for the past four
years, have moved to the RCAF
station at Marville, France.
Mr. and Mrs, Sim Roobol,
and Mr. and Mrs. Don Dodds-
cif Seaforth, leave Friday of
this week for a 10-day vaca-
tion to Quebec and other points.
Mr. arid Mrs. William Simp-
Son of Birmingham, Mich., was
a weekend. visitor with Mrs,
Lou Simpson..
Mrs. R. J, Paterson AS a
patient in. Clinton Public Hos-
Mrs. Margaret Vair of
Brucefield is a patient in Clin-
ton Hospital.
Mr, and Mrs. Albert Keys,
Exeter, Mrs. Joanne Allan,
Toronto, Mrs, and Mrs. Ross
Love, Kippen, Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Keys, Ruth Ann, and Mar-
garet Ellen, Watford, wereSun-
day guests with Mr. and Mrs.
J. E. McEwen.
Ray McKenzie left Friday
for Toronto to return to work
with the IOOF as chauffeur
and grounds keeper.
Mrs. R. M. Peck is con-
fined to her home with a frac-
tured ankle.
Don Kyle, who has been on
the staff of the Bank of Mon-
treal at Hamilton, has been
transferred to the Oakridge Ac-
res Branch in London.
Carmel Presbyterian Church
CGIT are planning a Doughnut
Day to raise funds for the girls
to attend camp September 20-
22, for Huron and Bruce retreat
week end. The Doughnut Day is
this Fri day. The girls will
canvass the whole town to take
orders for the doughnuts which
will be delivered on Monday
Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Murdoch
of Dundas; Mrs. S. G. Rumble
and son Ted, and Mr. Lee
Baker of Toronto were week-
end guests of Mrs. J. R. Mur-
doch of Brucefield.
Rev. Kenneth N. Hick of Ailsa
Craig was guest minister at
Hensall United Church Sunday
last. Flowers in the church
were in memory of Mrs. Nettie
Whittaker placed by her family.
These cars have GOT TO GO to
make room for new 1964 models.
Chiselhurst UCW
begins new study
President Mrs. Percy Harris
presided for the fall meeting of
Chiselhurst UCW on Tuesday
Mrs. Robert Kinsman con-
ducted the worship, Mrs. Ro-
bert Boyce the Bible study and
Mrs. A. Ross introduced the
new study book. S ev ent e en
members answered the roll
Plans were laid for the an-
nual bazaar and the date set for
November '7 to be held in the
church. Mrs. Earl Kinsmanancl
Mrs. Clarence Coleman were
appointed a committee to de-
corate the church for anniver-
sary services September 29.
The October meeting will be
held Wednesday, October 9 in-
stead of Tuesday on account of
the Presbyterial being held
Tuesday, October 8 for which
the group are catering for the
Hostesses were Mrs. Ger-
ald Glenn and Mrs. T. Brint-
Pours milk
on truck fire
Robert Holmes used the only
means at his disposal — a can
of milk to try to douse a fire
which started when his milk
truck battery short-circuited
Sunday morning. He was pour-
ing on the milk when the Hen-
sall fire department arrived
about 9;30 am at Lot 10, Con-
cessions 2 and 3 in Tucker-
smith Township, four mil e s
northeast of Hensall.
Fire Chief Byran Kyle said
the cab of the truck was ex-
tensively damaged but the milk
— aside from that used as fire
extinguisher -- was not damag-
ed. Mr. Holmes of RR 3 Mit-
chell, said he was partly through
the milk run, picking up cans
at farm gates, when the fire
Owner of the truck is his
brother, William Holmes, RR 1
UCW unit 1 with leader Mrs.
Dave Kyle in charge met Mon-
day evening for the first meet-
ing of the fall season.
Mrs. Kyle reviewed a chap-
ter from the new study book on
India and Mrs. Walter Spencer
and Mrs. James McAllister
gave highlights of the leaders
conference at Alma College,
St, Thomas which they attended
as delegates. Mrs. Jean Cor-
neil conducted the worship,
Miss Jane Pyette favored with
a piano solo and Miss Greta
Lammie accompanied at the
Wed at Bayfield church
'63 Mercury
'63 Comet 6 Fordor
'63 Comet 8 Tudor
Trinity Anglican Church,
Bayfield, was the setting for an
autumn wedding on Saturday,
September 7. Baskets of white
piano for a musical contest.
Mrs. Jack Corbett was hos-
tess and Mrs. Walker Carlile,
program convener.
62 Vauxhall 4-door
61 Studebaker 2-door
58 Rambler 4-door Wagon
57 Pontiac 4-door
56 Plymouth 4-door V-8
56 Dodge 4-door 6-Cyl.
56 Meteor Convertible
56 Ford Tudor Hardtop
56 Chev 4-door
Couple exchange rings SEE US NOW
Hensall Motor Sales
Your Mercury Dealer Phone 31 Roy Campbell, Prop.
•••• tt:
1 ;$02`.:;;t :t `:%
top quality low prices
Seaforth, ushered guests.
The reception for 80 guests
was held in the church parlors,
The bride's mother chose a
powder blue lace over taffeta
with white accessories. The
groom's mother wore a blue
silver brocaded satin ensemble
with accessories in white. Both
wore pink carnation corsages.
For travelling the bride don-
ned apowder blue angora suit
with white accessories, with
which she wore a corsage of
pink carnations.
The young couple will re-
side in Hensall.
Guests were present from
Brantford, Seaforth, Stratford,
Teeswater, Belmore, Parkhill,
Kincardine, Glamis, Wingham,
Cold Lake, Alta. Mitchell and
Hensall. Cooked Rolled
POT ROASTS lb. 45' HAM lb. 89' Dependable
Service Guaranteed!
We know the gas business. Let us supply your gas
needs, and also your requirements in efficient,
economical gas appliances. For service AFTER
the sale, see us!
Hotson Propane Ltd.
Phone 238-2005 GRAND BEND
Sills Hardware, Seaforth -- Davis Hardware, Lucan
Agents also in Sarnia, Forest and London
Northside United Church,
Seaforth, was the scene of a
fall wedding Saturday, Septem-
ber 7, when LindaKathryn Butt,
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Roy
Butt, Seaforth, and John Wayne
Reid, son of Mr. and Mrs. John
Reid, Hensall, exchanged mar-
riage vows before the Rev. J. C.
Britton in a double ring cere-
Mrs. Edgar Butt, aunt of the
bride, sang "0 Perfect Love"
before the ceremony and
"When song was sweet" during
the signing of the register.
Given in marriage by her
father the bride wore a floor-
length gown of white tiered lace
over taffeta with matching bo-
dice made with boat neckline and
lily point sleeves. Her elbow
length .French illusion veil was
held in place by a white rose
tiara. She carried a bridal bou-
quet of American Beauty roses.
Bridal attendants, Miss
Brenda Butt, Seaforth, sister
of the bride, as maid of honor.
Miss Marlene Reid, Hensall,
sister of the groom, and Miss
Ellen Connell, Seaforth, brides-
maids, were gowned identically
in yellow nylon chiffon over
taffeta with matching headdres-
ses and carried nosegays of
mauve mums.
The Misses Sheila and Glenda
Butt of Seaforth, nieces of the
bride, were flower girls cos-
tumed alike in orchid nylon
chiffon over taffeta with mat-
ching headdresses and carried
nosegays of yellow mums.
Donald C olem an, Seaforth,
was groomsman, and Kenneth
Bedard and Michael Malone,
Week-End Specials
UCW unit 4 met Thursday
evening for the first fall meet-
ing with a pot luck supper with
35 members in attendance.
A sing-song of familiar
hymns opened the meeting. Mrs.
J. Flynn took charge of the wor-
ship period, and also introduced
the new study book, "Southern
Asia". Miss Ann Mickle favored
with a piano selection and also
accompanied soloist Miss Joyce
Unit leader Mrs. James Mc-
Allister conducted the business,
when arrangements were made
for looking after flowers for the
church, and looking after the
Mrs. Walter Spencer and
Mrs. McAllister gave a report
on the LeadersConference at
Alma College, St. Thomas.
OM ina la I lialeannt 111 I MI ilee MI WM le Mr
and pink gladioli and dahlias
decorated the church. Rev. E.
J. B. Harrison joined in holy
bonds of matrimony Sylvia
Elaine Fitzsimons, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. R. Roy Fitz-
simons of Hayfield, and Otto
John Harry Smale, Hensall, son
of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Smale,
Hensall, in a double ring cere-
Given in marriage by her
father the bride looked radiant
in a blue knit suit with white
piping, white accessories and a
winter white feather hat and a
corsage of pink roses.
Miss Ferne Steckle, Zurich,
as bridesmaid, chose a blue
sheath dress, white velvet pill
box hat, gloves and shoes, and
a corsage of yellow roses.
Mr. Carman Cable, Hensall
was groomsman.
Following the ceremony a
buffet luncheon was served at
the home of the bride's par-
On return from their honey-
moon the young people will
make their home in Clinton.
Lodge elects
new officers
The Amber Rebekah Lodge
meeting was held Wednesday
evening, September 4, in the
Lodge rooms with Noble Grand
Mrs. Hugh McEwen presiding.
Nominations for the coming
season were: Noble Grand, Mrs.
Clarence Volland; vice grand,
Mrs. John F. Ingram; recording
secretary, Mrs. Blighton Ferg;
financial secretary, Mrs. Ernie
Chipchase; treasurer, Mrs. Ed.
Corbett. Installation will take
place on October 1 when the new
District Deputy President and
her installing team from Goder-
ich will officiate.
The Legion Auxiliary resum-
ed their meeting Tuesday even-
ing with president Mrs. Wm.
Smale in charge. A Christmas
draw for a doll dressed in dol-
lar bills will be aproject of this
group with Mrs. Ernie Davis
convener. Tickets will be sold
on the doll.
Cigarettes will be forwarded
to two veterans at Westminster
Hospital. Two teams will go to
Wingham to participate in a
bowling tournament in October,
and the group will cater to a
Kinsman banquet September 12.
Mrs. Wm. Forrester, of Zur-
ich, won the mystery prize;
Mrs. Ted Roberts, the guess-
ing prize, and Mrs. Harold
Campbell, the door prize.
Bingo was played and a pot
luck lunch served.
Mr. Albert J . Koeslag who
has operated the IGA store here
since April 1, has purchased a
country store at Kemble, 16
miles north of Owen Sound, and
with Mrs. Koeslag, Jo-Anne,
Dinie, and Bert, left for Kem-
ble on Monday of this week.
Ontario No. 1
Miss Ellen Connell of Sea-
forth was hostess at her home
Wednesday evening for a shower
complimenting Miss Linda Butt,
a bride of Saturday, September
7. Thirty-five relatives and
friends attended. Games and
contests were enjoyed.
Miss Ellen Connell read a
presentation address and the
gifts were carried in by the
Misses Linda Reid, Sheila,
Glenda, Dianne and Patti Butt.
Linda was assisted in opening
her gifts by her girl friends who
made a bridal hat with gaily
colored bows and ribbons.
Mr. and Mrs. John Reid of
Hensall, entertained the Reid-
Butt bridal party at their home
following rehearsal Friday eve-
6 qt. basket
York Compare at 470
16-oz, ice-box jar
Alberto VO
(Free Shampoo Attached) 99 damn
994 1.111""ir. 6 qt. basket
Dragon Brand (Compare at 690)
Chinese Dinners
Frontenac (Compare at 930)
Ice Cream
Assorted Flavors
Shrimp or 'Chicken
10-oz. 554
1/2 GAL. 75t
All the thrills & excitement of the' Big Top!
Grocery Specials
Cheese Spread
j.ar 554 Compare at 63.0 16-oz.
el"' 6 to 14
Wethey's Jam 49;
Target Brand Fancy Red Cohoe Compare at 450
ADULTS $1.00 ..--;CHILDREN .560
$2.00 — $1.50 HENSALL almon. 35t _ .,.''. 8tOttk :flOtiPg closedall day every Mohday
'nil open g1 day Weiheaday; t506fi Pi,ido—e -vogfigg
until 9 t:ith 'open Saturday eveninge until i9 lift,
,<*. k.Ntt
Raspberry or Strawberry added pectin 24-oz jar