HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-12-08, Page 4w
o detained:. the Mers1Salmi C'oarrsed tg
the udigind (.es 4 Maud med
Bo wee to borrow the as of Two thud-
amerd Rondo ow the ands* of tke COO-
saidated Mu nicipal Loan Enid, for
the palpate it bepilde Jr 4 Cit
House rued Courtly Oik s fof 114 ase
ef the United CUUMlia oftsreatirl.
VEREAS by an Act of Gee PrO101
6111 P1111411111101p ibtla V etorta,
asp. IR eneru'osd " An An: • establoh a
oenvoireasted r toad, foe Up-
per Csaada," .t .s 4...keeled •• 'ft ill it *ball be
4,00 fur the co/wallet; of any County,
no. tiowp.riolid Tose, Toosehip ur
Benne, lir 0,-lsw to 'wheeze ane gum of
mosey to bet raised on %hie credit of tbe mood
Coreeolidated Inuoicepal Loam Food, eridto
sepropriatesocb SIM or sat to us a thereof as
may bo found l‘r avir•y dm es -
prose of t•ueldieg ur oog sty gstol ur
✓ ote( house for the trier ci such bluctopel•
A os w for the aeirommoslatIon bf
ths Cuore.., euenecied with the atheonietie-
iic• of Justice, it to Decease, that • Come
ilouto and the sereessary County Office.
belonging 'to the game should be beolts JOr
the use of the Uuited Counties aforeseielf:
.ad whereas *be inhabit ants 1111410 the ..d
Utitted Count ler, are desirous of hat ing the
said Coen Hooke built, and are willieg thot
• oyeeml *um of on, ney be 1 urrowed upon
Om credit of the Consolidated Mimic:pal
Lan Fund afoot said, ler the purpose of
build:of and tiniettng the same, and that
all the ratea He, rest bed pereonal pru, erty
within the said Uoited Counties nhou'd be
taxed for the period of thirty yearn fret.,
the first day of January next fur the pur-
rose ot redeem,eg the totereit and princi-
pal of 'he said Loin.
:Ind whereas it will require the sum of
Two Thousand Pounda to biii'd and cone-
eete the said Court House and Otfiets., and The:Queen,
it will require Ilio rum one hundred •rni
sixty retied& to be raised annually upon all Joho:Cratz,
the ratrable real and is osonal p opeify
*Wein the said United Conittioo to pay the
sem ot night peer cent -to redeem the in-
terest, and form • .unsung !mei tor iht
redemption ut the peineipal-.n NM.:toe to
any further e ton or sums that maw be res
/leered from time to nine by the Itrceivcr
General if the Poovioce ea lentos of the
shove cited Municipal Loan Food Act.
. Be it theeeforo touted by the hluneemal
Cottrell of the United Couetics of lioron
.se,1 Bruce, sr d it is hereby enacted by the
ato horny tt.e time, That the Warden of John Lowortb
the sill United Counties ander and by
ioe of the before mentioned act shallraise -James Tewslcy,
the sum of Two Thotisand Puunel- on the
erecht of the Consolidat, d hiunteot.,1 Lean
Fund ACL to be expended to blittenet and
finishing the Coon Home and offrees shoo-
' paid, who h paid sem of Two Thotiband
P. undo shall he repaid with Inters -let at the
expoltinn if thirty years tome the date
of the fort payment, on sccoont of Ole Paul
!.car, nee:tett from the Beeches Genervi,
tett the authority of Ili. By• law.
S. Ai.J be it coached that ler affording
o ccultly tar Abe doe, paysimet of the in-
terest ard principal of ibe said -Loon there
shell be raised annually npall the rate.
ahlo real and personal ptopertfieti.hin the
I!11 United Coenties during the ens:diem..
o nce of Om said Loan, in addition to al:
. other rates r taxes imposed, or to be im-
posed npoo the rateable property of the
said United Cowie*, the stem of one
hundred. and slaty pounds, WtYCS Fa d
mon Ideall be paid 0%1 r to the Itccetver
Cenerad by the County Treasurer on tbe
tirst day of January lit each year,
teget:;er with much other rum or Otillis
11.11t may he required from lone to time by
the et d Receiver General in terms of the
.Lute mentioned Act.'
Schedule of Convictions by Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace within the United Counties of Huron and BrUce,
From the July te ibe Noveseis Sesame IN&
N. of tho Psoossottf.
The Quinn
Thomas, Little,,•
Rupert McDonald,
PliA6P Breese'',
John Saw et,
lobed Cosks,
3.111.5 (Jordon,
George Sloir,
thigh Mclu'oelt,
Francis Ilumobrey,
Altvinde. M lehe 11,Jur
ilerthul ,, Lsym,
George Thonq seri,
Mrs. Jane !Atilt
Lew tenet...Dory,
ACan Al. i.aht,
Christupher Crabb,
Richard StaebelY,
Edward Sh•reean,
John Alellons'ol,
!sow Archer,
Harvey Brace,
Dun dd McLellan,
Alcaanefr SIcEwen,
Samuel Arthurton,
Richard Stanbury,
Norm al the
10-7-1-F-J-1.••••fv:;"----7-eres; V Coarsest's'
------ I
r.,t• n Cooper.
Lett is Rotien.
*char' ()Tonne!,
(limits Forrest,
dtirtech Met hesoa,
W,1111,0 iliar/ore,
Robert Philip.,
foreph Upthcgross,
tlestonder Moir,
%%outrider Doak,
lohn Johnoun, Juor.,
R. Glendennenz,
Peaneis Neill,'
Bartholomew LaTIO, her
rheumy I. -mobile),
heard Baker,
6egita McDonald,
R-esald Sisebtry,
711resiopher Crablo
nthonv Hawking,
I;chard Finn,
;corgis Hobson,
lobo Morrison,
llugh IfeMenemy,
•hristopher Crehh,
ierirge Parsons,
Jane Sheppard,
Thomas Kyld,
Jane Elliott,
Frederick Wilson,
Court of General Qua
to Sessions, Noemobe
Do •
The above is a true copy of a By •1.air 1-13
be tarn 'ole consideration by the Munici-
hal Council of the United Counties of itis -
t4 ard Bruce, at the Huron Hotel, Gode-
orb, on Tuesday, the 0tI uI dry of Decem-
ber, 1153, (the da:e of the &et eutil,eation
sof ,the mod By haw in tbe Flit, -on Signal
New,raper, being the 17th day of Novem-
ber. 1853) and that on Mondry,thn 12;h day
of December. le53, at the hour of cleten
o'cicc,k forenoon, a general meeting itt ite
Monic,pai elt cline will be tielf
the purpose ot coneidei tog the sa:d
and snare% un g or disspeocnry of the same
--for the Township of dish)fold, Si the
berme it Ro-hard Finlay, Begone, 5th eon
ety,ston-far the Towrship. Biddidpi, Al
the tait rn ed Patrick Mt Ill:army. London
RONe-for tke Too narLip ,of Co/looeue, at
the School House, 816 corcessiutio-for the;
Toon of Cedecich, at the Huron Hotel -
for the Towr•hip of Gude, icA, at Mr. .1t
chtsuo're, 99, Maitland corcession-for 'feel
'Fewest tp of Hay, at Mr. Wilf13/11 %VII-
rob's., London Road -for the Townshis s o:
Mild and Alorris, at the Schoot House,
VOlacol cf Clintoo-for the Toe nstops nf
c kiaop and Crey, school homer, No. 2
McKitlop--for int Township of Mr:Gillis
Croy, Flanagan'. Tare, r, Londe n Road -
for the Township of Shalt ley, al (100per'e
Tavcre, Bay field Koad-for ibe Township
di Sfrphra, at the school house, No 1,
not con. -for the Township of Titekrismitti
•t Mr. John Walker's, Mill Road-fer th.•
Township of Ustoree, at Mr. Taylor's
School Ilona°. Losdon Hoed -for the
Ton nit ip of Waseamosk at lot 12 in the
6th roues-sr:on-end for ilie Too nth p of
Rutrardine, urit 1 to all the nnianing
T ps of e 'aunty ni 11 uce. at the
Tavern of Mr. resorts Walker, Kincar-
D. II. RITC111E,
Openly ("leek.
Dated the 15th day of Nuv. 1853. na0
13 topneeit Balkwill's Hotel.) Corner - - -
Maeda' Talboi-soeets, Londsm, C. W
OP% eel Geallino• •111 Cloasiosi Ilook•
boats, esileollite of every deseripiastsetn-
- ard en the Premier*.
(sane for Ascot, t Bookies -Qom th• lead.
!maw, finereltsnt•, perielosify sttended
e d'ar0.111 • 114.11.04•
Jardedea, 4114
Jobe,' 1Yoong, Sen.
1.. here Vont g. Jun.
Vezander Ketkpat•ick,
Alexander Nasmyth,
Christropher Crabb,
James Good,
Lucius Carry,
%lex T Montgomery,
Frederick Bluet,
:cargo Sheppard,
nouns Gentles,
kiine Elliott,
lames Forden,
r Michael Rowers,
r. Petit Juror,
IfIsorge Sees)! eller,
tumult iind threstei
Michael Rainruington.
11..rdoch McLeod, .
Donald Urquhart,
101.0 McK curie,
John Sherri It,
Patrick Godfrey: '
A.ngus McDonald,
trehibald Todd.
.faS E., Brackenridge,
11ex. Forbes,
;Aug. 10.
July 19,
July 21,
August 9
June 1
Malicious injury to pro•Auguel
lenity to property, August 27,
October 24,
sletreouner 29,
August la
August 211.
%egos'. 31,
August 29,
Augost 31,
%fermis' Cattle It threats Sootember 5,
Amon and Battery, Oetober 13,
1ssault, • Auguet
Desert log Service. September 1,
%met, Septeinber 6,
Asioault, , October 4,
Inj•tryto property, November I 2,
%ourself, September 3,
Misdeenesoor, September 22,
Dogging flags,
Assault and ninety,
October 17,
October 98,
130y 98,
September 22,
do do
do dn
Assault, - 'October 13.
Drunkenness and disof July 25,
derly conduct,
Threatened breach of lOctober 22,
Robbing Garden.
'Breach of Service,
August 25,
August 30;
October 20,
'August 11
;Drunkenness exhibited November I
in open Court,
Contempt of Court anddo do
indecent beliarour,
Petit Juror, not appear-
ing when called "during
the Sessions,
do do
'do do
'do do
do do
do do
do do
do do
do do
!Robert wt. ,
'tiaras WI:los, &go%
William Chalk, Esq.,
Ifrasor, Bay .,
William Erasers, F.tq.,
Wei. Fraser,
Jones Gordon, El L.
Joe.. G beiges E -q.
Pelee Grant, Ecq.
'hoses Goode., &sq. 6
Pier Grew, Esq.
lobo Mcluto.h. E.q
chase Murray, Esq.
Jobs Whit. sh, E q.
looter Grant, E.q.
'David ltd Ritchie. E.q.
!David tia d Ritchie, Fol.
:Dan el Shelf, E.q.
Dante ri'vott E.q.
Daum' Shoff, E (4.
Dame! Shod; Fey.
C. L. V•nEgoionel, Esq.
Robert Gibbons le:sq.
Robert Cdobone,
!Robeet G.hoons, Keg.
Robert Gibbons, Erg.
Robert Gibbons, Esq.
Harvey Brace, E.q. t
Robert Gibbm Esq.
Proems' Lamb, Esq.
Robert Gibbons, Esq.
Robert Litteboas, Esq •
James Wets's, Esq.
Sobel Gibbone, Esq.
James Wwson, Esq•
Robert Gabon', Eeq.
James Watson, Esq, ?
J.cob Being Miller, thq
Robert Gibbons, Eeq.
limey Brace, Esq.
'Robert Bell, Esq.
Hobert Gibbons, Esq
John Longworth, Esq
Harvey Brace, Esq.
Robert Gibbons, Esq.
James Watson, Esti.
John Lotogworth, Esq.
John Loogwortb, Esq.
(on view)
Benjamin Parsons, Esq.
James Watson, Esq.
David Mark, Esq.
James Wstsow, E.q
Jacob SeehMiller, Esq
James Watson, Esq.
James Watson, Esq.
James Gordon, Esq.
Magistrates in Quarter Sessions
do t
do do
do do
do do
do do
do do
do do
do do
do do
da do
Not proves
Mame Geste.
Dental/re--Costa Ies.
ISe Cost. -No doe,
LI bad costa,
15s and eoste,
1. 3d and costs,
5.1 and cults,
15. and cost,
1. 34.
including cotta,
f'.2 les,
53. and COMO,
of the 58 and coats,
Ss. and theta,
LI. 54,
L. I Ti,
11. 5s,
LI. Ss,
LI. 5s,
LI . 5a,
kb • 59,
I 5e,
f l• 5s,
Cl 5e,
et ir
or mit Jamsess.
129tb Saptitabe-,
Ose mouth,
,Oos Wed'.
I 2 day..
10 dap,'
Loom, Treasurer,
liCouaty Tremont?,
Coast, Treasurer,
C000ty Treasurer,
Comet, Tr
'Ccesaty Toreastresr
(real Treasurer.
Did bet obey the sontomes, coseictill
Ms shared by full proof. of 5 witnemots.
Cam os the Complaisant.
Thu goinosellost porported t. Felosy
peeved to be Misderinsamor.
Cast'', sot prosmo--timemosse stilt emote.
Dismissed with eosts---ettargss not proves.
Committed, neglected to Rad Sureties.
Buu.d to keep the Nowt ono fest.
Recognized for Gm year.
Committed to Quarter Seesione.
iCoo. milted to Quarter Sessions.
Committed to Quarter Sessions.
Committed for •.• flno
Recognized for one year
do -
Dimes sed
Recognised for one year
Defendant retort'sj to the Pr secu'ora
mid '7 '
Certified tab!" a True Copy of the Returns of Convictions made by Lite Justices within the United l'ounties of Huron arid Bruce, from the July to the November Sessions,
Court of General Quarter Sessions of the Yeare, November, 1&58.
Office of tlit:Cle..rk of the Peaec....4;oderieli, 30th November, 1863.
and before
DAN. LIZARS, Clerk of the Peace.
HttrAl anti Bruce.
FALL TRADE c Inc uLAR. testae eninmenito people of:deli...ma emit-Ott:lion
• and sensitive minds. Low sfiitits.ieuctancholY,
irighttel dreatns, mid fearful auticipatioris et
'". et 11 from the ',lightest caw pnerallv arecm-
.1 hope by the toot • o th.• oymth loo-, •
pany nervous distodees, The Ftoc;t Wine
opened out and display to the on le. their usu.:
Polls are Mt thergeliC li.10edi in these
Extensive Pall tropartationis of simple ,
0.0M. •
in die purthasikg ohi.", the reeateet pain)Eztoact of a Itlho to -In J. 1'. Pauling. dated
Sep. 7th, telS.
here been taken. and every possib'e adventagei
bats leen availed 01 that ina:se the as,urt. ilassetr than t onr: Feri -4 Wine
ment attest -five or yi Id a rat ung in the rrwr alni Lave enrol ihy wife of a dreadful
- Nenreetitsdisurdcr with -he has been elected for :
theri-,1,-71htmporGmeeries omni alora.fenany year,. body was "Mir wasted
WiVP jure 10,0, Lein, eice.ern .0 ewer a. away. She 11-3-- en her •
liamilou as 'ell ao sent din -to by their Moo -otter by I:eighties:reams. im Aker irg /niece -s-
irs -al and .tew York Finns. to thoee curt:niers llatt•''d 11 Pc"P"•
Labouring moder the de:usion :bat scout, -
It who use ...her oo the Lakes.
1110.4 be Fyffe...ideal Mee this Pea+ itopor-Oltitic clteadlirl was about to happen. to
talons, att tytsosl upon Me prospects of tbs. HY ll'!Ime four ef the sine. and a'
'Trade weer, eiir great article 9( 11 tarn W heaniful 1'1 Pills. Fbe rwer in peitect bealih. She
e than it now le will moltlAir regained her nrsii and colur, and enjoys •
W11 re .
prove seas -sea: t for Oar demand which hoe tecal-t cleiY a` 'al II a` crt r•
created by the litc(C3.1.1l cireillili00 of Mel ,J.
Pn311ine.: .0 that she" Lel" seemed • Iiin' Da. Distr. Minos. a- celebrated practitioner
s hen rallb. PLI1,43.. w'''r more an uhr_ci. "' i New York, dui -fared puldiely. that foie Fettle
u nen loll gooks •••,e111.‘1, c"lai" 1,) be '-a 1,- .11111-ey'r- For, -i Win, contained more einem.;
e•-pecial'r .e Ing that Prie" "t ""'" 'e'11. lian tiny et the large bottles of KSarooprilia.-
lions ut t.,, els comieuuce e to adrain ilio m,i,...
,. . N. umirmen 4 co., ot. the
EuropeaaSlarkets. 1.etstst and mu-: rt-Tectable Diallroi,IS in Ity-
BUCHANAN. YOU '6 4 CO. 1, arose. in a 1(4 e sey• ° Frost a hat they have
ilainikos, 2114 Sept., 163. i.14 'h.' -yeti and heard oi Halsey'. li'.4c,4 Wine, it is
____ ___-__ .___ _ inye.zrellent •nd gie.1 niedi,ine. mod will UM
i loni,tedly bec.iIt
t.e the adipg medicine of the
. , o
..ccutitact and Ger e
nal Avert. Iktoite tool secoor, la ad I
j trod, and an kends to illoe,la drew n. -
Seen ',waded in any pail sf the coustry.i
better" addreered to Moo -boll ur Harpers
hey, will be atteosh,i to.
April 511,, 1853. '.17 1(1-17'
Mill andl.S'Ilingk Muchint.
ANTED imenedistely,for M•, era J.1
Wandosiorrie lc Co'. Maw Mill, a
Sawyer, a low underseas's* talon
of a Miele, Nev.-Mee two se -
dun owe to spoilt a ,be.', onaehtse,
arotoil -tb Imo ht er ilt he r...
role ,n,4 net,/ alio omortet tor
le.tim staraster. Ats
TI1011 Fitt:NCI!.
woe. Aug. 16. 1653.
'501I* it•Aten,
$rii, newt doer
feria flute', West' ts.ricets
toeust an '11 n hand. • those.
were, Conito.4 end Due sieve.%
bs.syll sell at ceiseirlitialily
liklte trade for old
tot, cai .04
British Amcrua 'Assurance
The Forest Wine, 1. put up in large equare
houlen. with Dr. lialmy'e name Mown in the
oleo-, 51 p r bottle. or six lambs mr ti:f GUM
-.mot Pill-. 23 rents per box. Ascents are an-
t borized to retail as Yell as wholetale loon la.
IvoraMe r, Loin' r.' a. the preeriemr, No 161 DenneSt ruins of Fludeon, N. Yore. Ap-
pointed Aeent in Goderieh.
Wbotomele and retail.
October, 12:11.1r433. v3, -n36
More ctleetive.
Its high concentration renders it one or 11:.,
must efikient•medieines now in me. Suate.
times le* than a still*. bottle restores the tio-
grring patient from wi.okneso • (1, hility
*Antos, to strong and niteyes 1.,Ctb. Et
dme shows its good c III co. e,n -nstittoi
and improves the shoe o: ;he h' eilth. The
/Sir's/ thee is recommended, in the soot -•
teems. for all complaints ot the Ur Sumo.:
Liver. Kidneys, Nervous Pismo:es. 'Bilious
Adections. Dropse. Dyspepsia. Loos if Apr -
lite, Ifundiee Eemate et myla into Scorfula.
and all plunders arising torsi bad blood and
impute:habit of the system.
CAT1T.1L X100,000.
(One door East of C. Cs.obrs
11E whole of which ior taken up earl
Irmo poi hon [mid in asJ intestt rt. WOULD moon tIisiali.bilaaI. o ;ode,
rich sad reeighborhond that he es l•fe
Tiro rellrerre.r corelintira lo grant
Anatertutaria• at the eternal 11110 of Nem,. pored to make to order or othorortion, any
um, se.onst ,kind of 1.-41.c.• and Ililent;ettreit's rine or
Esrey wood, in the room! mid most
01 Fisretiorei unseat. P10/10011-, faphionabIe idyls. And will oleo furnish
sail other deeeriptieete of propeity, alto Ipaly Boots and Shoes, to suit the pr
ortraiiies of thoart that may favor him with
*pewit 14.05 or damage Ws the
DA?f0ERN Of BAVIOATION i heir cosi rim. Hie Weer! will los moderate.
On Cargoes ur VeseMo, ell DA (Joiliwiels, Jell Mb, MIL *4149
1.ed ,Walitte this entities,* as beyeed;
soa 10 and Piste ef Goes' Mem*.
F.ire• it Aonhealwam with all •tqoureti
eo(unnat MP. (orals! rd_ by
W. 111LOPIEW fell, Arai.
Diderieli. Jess Seib, lie • 1118-1) pears sell: die other is s Dsi k Red, vritn
•••••••-•-• 41C1fl whim met se moo Most*, mid a with.
we the ospponte Ilsolk, with me hors a tit •
OTICE. *net 6 reenlia..t ,1/11,7 1.6”0”`",
such inferinetioe se will head teo th• no-4ml
42TRAYitir boa*. the filobwerther. IAA Alcs ;et as woe. will be satiably rownieded.
of ich. st.mt ibe Ads Line lost a Giodetwit, Aug** 1553*" o
I-7 Al. Maitland ovemmine. Torrsehig of
Vote ol °left -0010 year okl lame Block mie
It rem elk Ilsof soms ?AIM 1110TICIG. shoo rho illshossi.
Whim with mbe ert. NM& ono re is she* boy 1.05 .5 bead Goo epos of MARC
cores MO hal so. any preens ineek; Cates, woofs, 11 yours old, sestr.::
Sofonentelw tilb 401 mod *Asti: recovery writ werchee, wyfall sw50.so sro
' ft'. IN RANO rir. "III.M11.8.111401111:
saiteliy rewarded.
Aug ta, IOW
Strayed or Stolen
r Owirrieh, vw• /1
COD 8,-ose •11 Red, al.1114
anima,I.i 1411101.4
soLsosir --
' SAVED FROM DEATH ! I-T•stimony ot
Mr. Nathan Mathews. a highly respectable and
wealthy citizen of Newark, N. J.
Ila. ft W. flimsy v--1 believe your roma(
V.',nu' and Pills have been the means of -at-in
my lite. When 1 commenced taking them 1
1 laid al the point of death. with Drum. Piles,
and Asthema. My physician. Mal given me
The above sale hap heed further penitents,
eel to the. 31st December Pest.
1. McDON ALA Sherill.
somr,r,. °ince.
Huron 104 Bruce.
G deficit, Noir. 5, 1853.
- - _
/TINE( minds Company. let be remembered,
:I base provided the best possible facility t.
the *aid 9rol1/m*1,o the transaction .1 Boneless
won the • office in Teroato through the Ages',
ei the Pack of Upper ,nada, both at Goderich
and Strsoford, 'Wheel charges ro the said en
G0.1•11.-11, Frlf, Gilt, 1E1,52seat(
over as past cnre. aml COT ramify had Mar all B •
hopes so my recovery. While in this dreadful 1. READ OF AO R IC U LTU R N.°
situatiou. your Forest Winr abd Pills were -
procured tor toe, read beti're I had notehsd the Clketer,23n1 September, 1859.
rust Lourie of V ine nod boa ni Pins. 1 expo'. Q VALFI) Tenders will be received until the
enecd areat relict, my ttoly and limbo. which1...7 FIRST of DECEMBER next, at theedllee
were greatly swollen, be -am, sensibly reduced. of I. • Minister id' Agriculture, from persons
Hers oi my recovery began now to revive. and w' 'mg to beceme the purchasers ot the Mill
after cautinuing the ore 01 your medicines fur Re (ovation in the Township of Normasloy, hi
atom a month, the Piles and A-il, ina Arere 1 • Cooney vf Grey, consi•iing of lots numbers
completely , tired. The Dropsy, web a bleb my Morteen. Aft,-rn and siattoo. in the ninth and
life to as placcd in all u h goat daccerwaalso tenth concessions, einvaining together six bun -
nearly gone. 1 nave continued th., use ot yuur , died and ten aeres. on the conditions (*build.
• medicines unlit thepresett time. eed 1 sow ea. ing a SAW Mill and a Grist Mill on the said
toy as perfect beal* as ever 1 did in my lite, Mill Reservation, the ow. vote competitor to
alai, uoli I am more than sixty years of age. take in a Portable Min and keep the same in
Yours respeettully, emotion wadi the Chiu 14101*MP br finisbed.
. N. BIATTEWS. The saw 114 in to be cossetted within one
Newark, N. J., Dee, 19, 047. year and the Gent Mill within two years frog"
(be First day digitalin, mat, nudes. the Gov-
ecu or Livid CorroL•MT or Tiro 'luso elliar in Council shall (frorn the portable Mill
Olariallro. aosweriag the wants of the kettle,..) Kotula'
Nee Yin k Jan. 9tb.1864, • F the Mae. The Saw Mill and Me Grist Mill
D. tr.L.,t, Las, ..4,.._11.,,,,it lakeu yusr tist..kepi in Isil and elleiont operation be tem
Sheriff's Sale of Lands.
Waited Comities of fly Virtue of a
'Heron mid Brom > Writ ef Viso
To WIT: Facies *seed out of
Her Majesty's Court of Qnoises Beech, and
to me directed agatnet the hinds add lege-
ments ni Jasper Kemball Gooding et the
son of William Holmes, 1 balm mused sod
taken in execution the (alerting provvitt
Lotto running uunebers frown -ren., ninety
six. sod *May green, in the Town of Gode
rich, containing one !mirth of as etre, be the
mime more or less, which laid. sod teas -
meats 1 shell offer tor sale at the Ceurt
Room, in the Town of Oodeiich on Wed
needey the second day ef November nett.
at the lawn of twelve of the elo-ek ww.
Huron and Brace.
Sheriff 's Office,
God/nide, 204Aug., 1831. t St
The alms. eels has bee* powtponed
tie filet December mat.
Dares sad Bruce.
Sheriff's Office, t
Godiericb, Nov 5, issa. s %essay
Sheriff Sale of Lands
Fiero Wow end r411101,e a disease ut year. from 'he Pelle& of their e0•014•4100 re-
am Liver, trout which I soli, rt! severely for spretively. TM Saw Mill le be moat* of
opt -aids Fi
ef ten rats; era havino adhered 11 1'14 11804_,.reel of 001:5.fl tormosoo Is
,ireelv the dimetions which atennipany the ir":?hlY-lout hoofs Ilbe 43e5. 14111
Margo 14 Deems W et' er
Veered flosurkee ef ly Vire., ef
To Wrr: se's.. wool mit o
Fier Mars's'. Cons: ot garetta4 Beach
lie ari ali.• fit Fier! ratios !Note
out . , the said Court, sad to mit directed
' gonna the !made sod term., Pot of 34*"
katiosabore. et thw of SEN1AMilll
BREWSTER. I bow seised sod es
•i1,0415 alisSeikeeriser preperty, roc
medicines. I have recovered my healchnotento. rune* moms end be eapable of menufactsriag 0,114wo .11•1481 •felnsvallt.--g."4141"ia ibraild.elliTosts'104114114114ti:
in.urebte• Previous fa talking the Wine and in a merr hat -cable manner. at least five boohoo! rteh, melt emelt shag Imo Werth of as asm,
rtonSIO2.. III who koew me 111,001 ntv tem
P11., 1 had moors, to the hese inedirat ;rms. tinny wi i le seqnireil 10 the emount of 11116 pertly of the sant Jasper X..18l1 aoslii•S'
nem. mit eotensom to grow worse man aims. n improved Reel Rotate, mid the pentenlomalf Ala., Lot rumen earniret 11111-4•900.
my. trieedsepoke di
indegree. 1,01,4 los. but that Amur ant boodreds who me collisions" inse-foorth of es w". be Ike
g Moore 01 my. web Estate Muni arro•Pear Mob Tellitive•
diyisemerl nom tat tog yogrel,itr,wdidea.,- GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. rt..ormereortimargere 1Cy. is elm sevessesTowee telfm.eilodeeiallsaeres
emus awes or Woo: soil lof I..805di.
tasty of my case, and tried to permeates me Irom
meting tom army advertised remedies: and, 1 - _ ___-____ _
is noconseevice of the decepion atsd 'solicit - sod lbw's get mown, be dm alms we" "
priseepied mon is easing odverUommeds.
' The
of maty adwordoed ramodhei gni inern by oe.. most ra/waide rod med armilllar isee, w,., Ilse row" of No MOO IIIIelle
(si bete. shoe& bethe ineM•al. &wedding waray . - Itaisiesinry: e5.,b loads sod toofsloWlh
Res wMw. s pity ft iii dim theleceptios med by 114,440m lei sida I 1
Winne( Miler disease. from mattes trial and Lk- .111RbleY'l F"" WI"? sir so mime* of Ms moo ow ray Ito *eV,-
hring coned 1, Tour eterelleni remedire. Va,
wiry to sal wry "poi* Sive. 1 11)111 paw
1 ,...,,esied “sekiag ..4 a Ikea, saa la p ATROPOZP.D by Ore achility mod 'poetical of AlY01/11T beaft, iii Ph; .4
their mond sews. la lets das t.ree da7P; sid •Or••••'"srir "1"6.100 in Oili ••••11.. allopONALER
id .da Irororolroallike rind l purchased tr..,:: M••••'°e* e"" "di """Als dd"11""Ires - iillodif.111 el It.
I '.50.11404V cared, iad lied increased Ahem; kine. in Pn's1"" 'to la Illimmeir itialem ' 0
di,- Imo, act doe great sup** of all my like i he hemeted flp
Fills Ind two bottles of the WM. Wold to II • leerrevaskomme is
of arms" r hour fot each not of stories Re- Mt aint some dors er Ore prle-
AL. ler 1133' lirrur_rlatuiaara
riniE outnorr:b.r will keep coosiestly oa
thur Street, near the Market Square, and
adjotoing Mr. See:Nukes Tannery, •
lhoek of substantial, ivr•iceshle gad ter)
"opener articles of the above desctiption,
which he will ell cheap for cash, merchant•
able Predate. or oit approved credit. Ds
wishes those parties Is marsh of geed
article at a reasoosble pries, tie give him a
call, and ho flatters himself that hie lose
ezelerraisesocoeuteofihsenbputatircioehase..• reen.11 somas See
Ooderiett, March 15th, 11155.1EN.RYI*)•°800.11
- itor moo la she Is.olooll
- - - efenoferici. tr,tuwi,
musty imellitiag, Mei have saved isti We; whim
wreteheit eemlitiee, but began to eiperialee faculty of &mimed, ond setemaed the ors of de sleek isen
lids lit weight Aerie, talwe pee bee Thy POWS 1.~ RP
sirroltoot floPole
Ord Mee reel, poor sedirer email avail haw
wild*, mom remedies yIke . orflortWe bows lbw
• 300111 !Leek. essersell. BIM
stlatie ake eleesseirdde ,sen
the aged itDf001111111111
omehce bybamComo,
miheroannito non
Sheriff's Sale of Lands.
Writ 01
Morm mut erste, Pi! Fi
1-11 erdes, "weed
reireTdoC;Trir,:es of -ti)ut Fiervirtuemajoeof ar
of Queen's Remit, and to me directed alr•••"`
tbe Land. and Tenements of Arcbibald Ce•
mei on, at the set of ham Gilmour. Gerrie
F. Coulsom M. Cosiest, Robert GO-
amndourtaaknend Dtau ourecan ubktionDontheelibl, 111o:into. uad.,seise•
Nordt of she Toera plot. iod
Lake Shore, (.0,14, io the Ten* Coetred,
rt.in the 1118 Cemnet. the r
Weirdos ot die Trmaithip Addeld, sows'
Ruosann7nbat 71/es
7as the""Plel":"Fr of'''Fterrevelit'"ardLamisefilliley 1.rotoeishai"Toop :".71.
3. afri °rut°.
nntrif 0.4 FL
sherirs Giles. $ow. 211A55
Hurrah for Godenc.
Can fb--iitACK! f4
1490 of loshRiei steessollstot co.
windy %immoral be 'old= radio foot' .41'•
H sea --K4,111.1.,"ba. vaned
Lydian& loOleaild 0110111
it1010117 Oftb."111111/8"e*al eihnitirtiPpli""4""11/dea
of I
r1 6•
•••• o