HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-09-05, Page 4 VISIERESSISIV.
Where Dining A Pleasure
e Colonial Hotel GRAND BEND
The Colonial Hotel does not close . We remain open all year as we have for the past
20 years , We would like to take thit opportunity to thank you for your continued
Anytime or Party Time Pick Up a Barrel of Broasted Quick Chick or Ribs.
Make Your Reservations Now For Thanksgiving Dinner Oct., 13-14
Meet Your Friends In The ROD And GUN ROOM
Aie Conditioned Pop. YOLte
,t7t 0. aft tet4trws
s HOTEL tr.,1*/401.
son of Stratford were Suhday
visitors with ReY, and Mrs. P.
m. quest.
Mr. WO Mrs. EliPore Pinin
of Teronto spent the weekend
with the former's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. George Dunn.
Mr. anti Mrs. T.,loyd Morgan,
Marilyn and Mr. Earl Miller
were Sunday visitors with mr,
and Mrs. Robert Wilson and
family at Highgate.
Paul and Hrtan Morgan spent
a dew days last week at the
home of their grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Morgan'.
4 dub Ktppen
,chooses .executive
Mrs, Fred CilinlinSt011,
Mrs, Rusaell Schroeder Is a
patient in Victoria alospital,
Mr, S. 4, Young returned tO
his keine in Hamilton en Wed-
nesday ef last week after spend-
ing a month with his daughter
and aen-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
W. R, Lamb,
Mr, Frank Osborne accom-
panied Ills daughter and son-
in-law to Campheliford on Sun-
day and remained for a couple
of days visit.
Mr, and Mrs. Sidney Thomp-
The first meeting of tbe club
"The Milky Way" was held at
the home of the assistant lead-
er, Mrs. Robert Gelninell, at
2 o'clock on Monday, Septem-
ber 2, The leader is Mrs.
Stewart Pepper.
The election of offinera took
Place. President is Grace Ri-
ley; Vice-president, Dianne
Stoll; secretary, Marion Ro-
bprts; treasurer, Ruth Cole-
man' telephone girls, Donna
Whit'ehouae Donna Stoll; press
reporter, E'K.)ris Riley,
They decided to retain the
former name "Thrifty Kippen-
ettes". The leader discussed
the material for first meet-
ing and everyone participated
in making junket, The ne st
meeting will be held at the
home of the leader Mrs. Stew-
art Pepper on September '7,
at 2;30 p.m.
Mrs. Theodore Hauwert of
RR 2 Kippen was called to
Holland a few weeks ago,owing
to the sudden death of her mo-
Mr. and Mrs. RoY Little,
David and Beth of Stratford
visited Sunday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Thomson and
An eye for
good taste!
Mr. and M.r. Robert Stokes
arid Larry cif lagndon. vialted
during the week with the. 1at-
ter's father, Mr, .Robeat Thom,
lgra, Elate.n. Dow.aon, who ia
Patient .111 Sarnia General lioa-
OW, la reported to be ;IOW
Mr, and Mrs, Inn Wren and
Laurie pt Hanover visitea re-
cently W. and WS. Gera
On Wren.
Mr. and mrs, Edgar McHride
40. Sharon visited Spnday with
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Beattie
of Winghain.
Mr, and Mrs, Nerman Dickert
and Mr, and Mra. Robert Mc,
Gregor spent a few daya
Northern Ontario,
Mr. and Mrs, Bert Thomson
and family visitedSunday after-
aeon with Mr, and. Mra, Sainuel
Storey of near Seaforth.
Visitors during the week with
Mr. and Mrs. N. Long included
Mr. and Mrs, John Q. Doig
of Grand Rapids, Mich, Miss Ja-
net Dots, Clinton, Mr, Charlie
Taylor of Stoney Creek and Mr.
and Mrs. James Armstrong of
Mr. and Mra. S. Molnar rea
turned home last week following
a Vacation with their son, Mr.
and Mrs. Stephen Molnar in
Agincourt and with Mr. and
Mrs. K. Hegedus in Burlington.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Lorne Hicks were Mr. andMrs.
A. Copeland of Windsor for a
couple of days during the week,
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Penwarden
and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Pen-
Warden of Sarnia on Sunday.
Mr. J. Richardson of Camp-
bellford Was a weekend visitor
with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Os-
borne. Mrs. Richardson and
daughters returned home with
him following a week' s yacation
with her parents.
Mrs. Fred Cunnington, Mrs.
Lloyd Vogan,Sharon, Heather
and Donna Doig were visitors
on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs.
Keith McBride and family In
Mrs. Lloyd Morgan visited
last week with her sister, Miss
Dorcas Sallliains in Sarala,
Mr. and Mrs.. Geerge Duna
Visited last week with Mr, and
Mrs. Roy McDonald in London.
The ladlea are aisters,
Mr, and alre.Chester Winger
ef Strathroy, Mr. and Mrs. Don
Hearnan, Karen and Douglas of
London were Sunday visitors
witn Mr, and alra, John Thome-,
Mr, Ralph Osborne et Tor-
onto was a Saturday vlsiter with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Osborne. Hie brother Robin re-
turned home with him following
a two week's vacation at Caliap
Glenwood in Bellwood.
Mrs. Lloyd Vogan,Sharen and
Heather have returned to their
home in Listowel after spending
the past few weeks with Mr. and
My, Junior sure goes for
a t-a-I-1 glassful of our
better-tasting milk which
gives him plenty of pep
and keeps him mentally
alert( Grown-ups, as well
as youngsters, appreciate
the nourishing goodness
. . flavorful vitality —
that makes our milk , .
Tues, Wed. & Sat, 9 to 6
Thurs. & Fri., 9 to 9
Tour covers
10,000 miles
Mrs. Mary Haugh and daugh-
ter Suane of Brucefielsi have
returned from a two months
tour of Canada and the United.
States, leaving July 1 and re-
turning August 24, covering 10,-
000 miles by bus.
There were three bus loads
of 110 people mostly teachers
from Canada and other count-
ries of the world taking the
trip with sleeping accommo-
dation and meals served on the
busses. They travelled through
five provinces, 15 states, three
Canadian National Parks, and
five American Parks.
During their Itinerary they
visited Winnipeg, Regina, Cal-
gary, Edmonton, Jasper Nation-
al Park, Columbia Ice Fields,
Lake Louise, Banff, Vancouver,
Victoria, Crater Lake National
Park, Prairie Creek Redwood
Park, San Francisco,SantaMo-
nica, Disneyland, Mexico,
Hollywood, Zion National Park,
Grand Canyon, Bryce Canyon,
Salt Lake City, Yellowstone Na-
tional Park and Chicago.
Henson resident
dies in Windsor
Mrs. Nettie Whittaker of Hen-
sall, died suddenly at Grace
Hospital Windsor, Sunday, Sep-
tember 1.
Born in Westminster Town-
ship she was in her 72nd year.
She was the widow of Cecil
Walker and Henry Whittaker.
Surviving are four sons, Hu-
bert and Howard Walker, Lon-
don, Carl Walker, Wind s or,
Clarence Walker, St. Thomas;
two sisters and three brothers.
Funeral services were held
Wednesday from the Needham
Memorial. Chapel with burial
in Pond Mills Cemetery.
Union services concluded
Sunday last. This coming Sun-
day, September 8, Rev. Ross
MacDonald will occupy his own
pulpit in Carmel Presbyterian
Church, and Rev. Harold Currie
in Hensall United Church.
At the concluding union ser-
vice in Hensall United Church
Sunday morning Rev. Currie de-
livered the message, Mrs.
Pearl Passmore and Miss Mary
Goodwin sang two vocal duets
and Mrs. Robt. Pryde accom-
panied at the organ.
Mrs. C. Richardson, Mrs.
N. E. Cook, Mrs. Walter Spen-
cer, Mrs. James McAllister,
Mrs. Earle T. Rowe attended
a tea at Westminster College,
London, sponsored by the. UCW
Furnishings Fund of the College
Thursday afternoon last.
School Girl Perms -- $6,00
Regular $8.50
Mrs. Cecil Kaiser of Picker-
ing Beach and Daytona Beach,
Fla. spent a week holidaying
with Mrs. Earle Sproat who
accompanied her home for a
short visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Kennedy
have returned from a 10-day
vac ation spent at Kiwartha
Lakes, Fenelon Falls, with Mrs.
Kennedy's sister-in-law, Mrs.
Oliver Geiger, Hamilton.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lindsy,
Pamela and Sheila, L ond on,
were weekend holiday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. John Hen-
derson and family.
Mr. Vernon Hedden, Mr, Rus-
sell Hedden, Earl Hedden and
Leslie HaMe, of St. Catharines
spent the holiday weekend with
Mr. Herb Hedden.
Mr. David Shirray, who has
been a patient in South Huron
Hospital, Exeter, for the past
three years has been moved to
Huronview. He was visited by
his niece Mrs. Win. MacRae and
her son from Ottawa. They were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert
visited Sunday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Carey and
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hogan
returned to Merlin after spend-
ing the summer among rela-
tives. Joe will be on the High
School staff again this year in
Mrs. John Hall, Mrs. Hubert
McKeever and Mrs. Arnold Mc-
Cann have returned to the teach-
ing staff with the Ursuline Sis-
ters at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel
Mrs. Mary Regan of London
is visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Gerald Regan and family for
a week.
Phone 236 Hensall
Mrs. Pearl Shaddick returned
home after spending sever al
days visiting with relatives in
London, Toronto and Montreal.
Miss Debbie Gooding of Park-
hill visited reeently with her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Edgar Munn.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon alums
Were recent visitors with Mr.
and Mra. Gordon T, Munn and
family at their cottage at Bruce
Miss Catharine Parker visit-
ed last week with her grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Parker and Patsy.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rennie
and Joanne of Toronto were
recent visitors with the for-
races parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Sam Rannie.
Mrs. Ed. Corbett of the local
staff of the Bank of Montreal
is enjoying a three week's va-
Mr. Jim Robinson PhD of
Miami and Mr. Ronald Sproat,
BA, MA, BPA of New York
City were recent guests of Mrs.
Earle Sproat.
Miss Joy Tamblyn of Ade-
laide, Australia, who is on a
tour of several countries, is a
house guest this week with Mr.
and Mrs. John Henderson and
Mr. and Mrs. Murdock Stew-
art and son of Chicago with
the former's father, Mr. Dun-
can Stewart.
Mr. and Mrs. Don MacLaren
of Toronto with Mr. and Mrs.
Archie MacGregor and Mr. and
Mrs. Lorne Chapman.
OSRSS Larry Jones of Ot-
tawa at his home here, and
was accompanied to Ottawa by
Mr. and Mrs. James Sangster
and Bradley who spent a few
days there.
Mr. Earl Bell and friend Miss
Sharen Stewart returned to Tor-
onto after vacationing with the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Glenn E. Bell.
Miss Olive Petty of London
with her brother and sister-
in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William
Petty and Ruth.
Mrs. Edna Corbett with her
son-in-law and daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Parker and
P at sy.
Mrs. Minnie Sangster was
Visited recently by members
of her family from Forest,
London and Lucan.
The Misses Shirley John-
ston, and M er tar e Turner,
visited their grandmother, Mrs.
Robert McAllister, last week.
Sunday September 8 Rev. K
N. Hick of Ailsa Craig will be
guest minister at Hensall United
Church Sunday morning. Rev.
Harold Currie will be gqest
preacher at Brinsley United
Church anniversary.
Unit 4 of the UCW will re-
sume meetings this Thursday
September 5 starting at 6:15
with a pot luck supper, Mrs.
James McAllister is unit lead-
er. The UCW general. meeting
will be on Monday evening Sep-
tember 9.
Mrs. Jean Manson, Mr. and
Mrs. Hilton Laing and Danny
of Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. Stew-
art McQueen, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Snell, were in Blenheim
for the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Don Rigby, and Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Knights and family.
They attended the christening
of Jane. Elizabeth -Knights at
Ridge United Church on Sun-
day. Mr. and Mrs. McQueen
remained for this week.
Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Parke
have taken up residence on
Queen Street.
Mr. Charles Mickle lent Mon-
day for Hamilton where he will
resume his position as high
school teacher at the Westdale
Secondary School.
Mrs. Charles Wilson has re-
turned home after undergoing
surgery in St. Joseph's Hos-
pital, London.
Hensall WI meetings will re-
sume Wednesday, September 11
in the Legion Hall with a pot
luck supper served at 7 pm.
Dr. W. R. Sproat of Windsor,
Janet, Jim, Dru and Beth Anne
visited his mother, Mrs. E.
Sproat, the past week, also his
cousin, Mrs. Henry Buechler
and family, at Kingsmere.
Sgt. Ross Kennedy of Uplands
Air Base, Ottawa, accompanied
by his son, Ronald and daughter
Dianne, have returned home
after vacationing for a week
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Eric Kennedy.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hall of
Minitonas, Man., have returned
home after a holiday spent with
Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mat-
tson and sons have taken up
residence in the Passmore
home on RichmondStreetSouth,
which they recently purchased
from Mr. Passmore.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn McKenzie
have sold their property on
Brock Street to Mr. and Mrs.
Wayne Turvey who get possess-
ion September 21. Mr. and Mrs.
McKenzie and family are taking
up residence on Richmond
Street North.
Your LP Gas system and appliances need skillful
handling. Don't trust your household "services"
to untrained "fix-it" men. We have trained tech-
nicians to serve your needs.
Hotson Propane Ltd.
Phone 238-2005 GRAND BEND
Sills Hardware, Seaforth -- Davis Hardware, Lucan
Agents also in Sarnia, Forest and London
A comprehensive, life-insured plan for financing a college education for boys and girls now in high school
See the people at your neighbour-
hood B of M branch, You will re-
ceive a warm welcome from a staff
who will be pleased to
give you further details
and to help you select a
plan suited to your
needs. Ask for your copy
of the Bank of Montreal
University Education
Programme folder.
Several optional plans are available
under the programme, and these vary
as to the nuMber of years in which
the parent wishes to make monthly
payments, as well as to the amount
required .annually for university ex-
penses. Plana are based on objectives
ranging froM $1,000 to $8,000 pay-
able to the parent in four annual
Here is an example of how one of
the basic plans can be varied to suit
your needs:
OBjECTIVE: $4,000
To be paid id the parent in for annual arnounts of 000 each
P.S. If yOu need help in financing a.
student already in University — or
planning to register this .year—talk
to your B of M Manager, Chances are
he ean arrange a tuition loan with
extended payments adapted to your
circumstances, •
Plan A
— ----'
Plan Bi
, $49,55 7 years 2 years
before university
42,78 8 years 3 years ham univertilY
Plan C 37.56 9 years 4 years
Were unrversuY
I f you are like most parents with
children in high school, you are
probably wondering how you are
going to meet the costs of financ-
ing your youngster's college edu-
eation. To help parents solve this
problem, the Bank of Montreal has
introduced its University Educa-
tion Programme—the first life-
insured plan of its kind in Canada.
Under this comprehensive pro-
gramme, parents, guardians and
sponsors of high-school students
can spread the cost of a university
education over periods of up to
nine years, thus keeping monthly
payments to amounts they can af-
ford without hardship, And the
Cost to the parent is only a fraction
of the interest paid on a straight
loan programme,
Under the basic plan, the parent
agrees to make monthly payments to
the Bank starting, say, two years be-
fore the student enters university,
and terminating one year after grad-
uation. In return, the parent l`Qcelve8
alnual sum from the Bank at the
start of each of the four university
If the parent concerned
should die after the start
of the programme, the
funds for education speci-
6ed in the agreement will
be advanced by the Bank
each year without any fur- .
ther payments being made s
by the family or the estate,
••• •
exptea4,1 9(,zde ea.04
,By. powppt.4
Page 4 September 5, 1903
HII ensa
and district news
Mrs. Maude Hedden, Phone 5
Mrs. Archie MacGregor, Phone 56
Mr. Thomas O'Rourke is a
patient in St. Joseph's Hospital
for the past week.
Dennis McCann, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. McCann iand Vin-
cent Ryan, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Torn Ryan, left for Assumption
High School in Windsor for the
coming year.
Miss Arlene Desjardine, dau-
ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert
Desjardine, has registered at
the "Pines" High School in
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Regier and
family have returned home after
an enjoyable trip to the eastern
Rev. Father James Kelly and
several of the senior boys of
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel school
enjoyed an outing toDetroitlast
Monday and attended the base-
ball game there.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack McCann
and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
McCann motored to Manitoulin
Island over the long weekend and
enjoyed a good holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. James Carey
and Valerie Anne and Mr. and
Mrs. Clare Rock both of London
not me!
For relief from
backache or that
tired.out feeling
I depend on-
special message
to all parents
of boys and girls
now in high school
You can guarantee
your youngster's
College Education
in partnership
with 11141