HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-12-08, Page 3too, - &on I t " I �� . ., I I " 14 .� � Q " I I' ; I : . I 4 ., . I , ; 1 I, , % I I I . I .1 I I � I 1. .1 - I 1. I � ) " 0 Apr' I I � I malmommussoL.AMA�� mler-IMM - - - ___ - - __ _ - - ___ . 1. __1T'Tb`_ I I � doom — __ � --Mesa - ____ — __ - H_ "k-1 — ___ __ __ — ==r�__ - — 07 - �- . � - - r, - G w. �__ � le�X�10 I 1,01, 11 - ------- - — __ 110 — . — — — , �_�_ ­�_­__=_ � — JL xt. 11AL —0sk inu&AATWWNBMY--�— _____ =-�-`--z--`--- —900"t-MOOKGvt I "PANKORITE " . I d q�," . 'Wau- A lWam - ' � r a 1.1 Sli ad or rxislool Asma— I, -41eir OVOW8-�l' VAIS liffar - � I ** W7 *AID 11L 0 ;,. _Jlk , Msoneiwa - " -rA,Pnvv&w.vnir-. , PP� - 7 � ,b. 2" .1hilli , 2U.9 a as d ialit__ "it a" sion Mrajtv�& , _' I . a ' .) We lll� W I 11011TVIIIIIII, I.XTRACTOL , ` tationery ancy GOVids EWPOrl""" i a In's, M It "A. Coast&& W We" om"l'm ) Z;.,Ni.,' clossitiukked was ilk* a, Of " slandillenti-escitions a @If WO 'Ail"M part Hof" Ills sea a 111112: 0 Ireland, =5 is S and F ,,, tainit, when ated go ever burst oris. a eirilized o�- P mon: oiz "46* art".=.,.. I Mongol. F -46;A -_ is the 900" bessew ildingarb of Tookliala bearesit _ I kw4 Is, Lart if* C to". Wall Kilig-tol. Strmt,,,&. .1,. If evido dis I one A "di"l-Ts'"On"ll'od lernew".111-ul 114nolt itht.w. 'y Mar4aret loliallooks%, widow, 984 �� FM be ill" (a"' by a 1%1;� to file James tbftdsftbl Hu,,I It large laud tigrefuily Injected UW- Mark Illeandoeshods, Cook.,. �N-vgang K-wr v S & C 0. li fo . I '11r," qlfljl�r — ongnt of -filter, on -i as a P- J,R. B. REYNOLP I agesq, *0 OR,% OER-11 One of the GrocP-py Inin-.0keelpWaicir4l. "Tinia WAMpt -1 It is With the deepen be%nv 0( we - Iseeks an& stot&ee-ry, Voluilel. andGentrat lipt, . ;- ebrout ovei4 *0 got&**, (at is 60 1 . I - ~ Usable, GE&Wacitig the shunitjolasusiaLbubuPono Woriva. rifi-r -4 ,lose tal-ed"sur rq­11evi. .&"z'd 01-41 rwap,,ofally soommence fLot thor 0 W."reat of iowusimadAbo.owe -9,Wor- wasibet stlow woman 00! I. smb so 9 Y .Toowg knife =Demme the ficasisho sells a 07, To The c.-oviers-I that it it I be most Tll!,-�. so&W.Arbi -%-it 'be goollonal ---,'-,* sold *sr'4 *" T. Tollm- town of Warwick, in and %evittiod'ifer, brutality on bar OWN I ibo, the edaer or this Journal diVe lea es- ii'ludi"K Ili~ 'If blvello catistrorr, lifiltan, By- , fidEpIcINLIJI. ITHruil-LA in a resident 011' �60 ruh,ltiloorr, -Burns. Seeks. Macaulcy &C &e. 9 lusible owdiciote of Ilis, -law. Tun have --ftly F)KUUd. t*HE341VAUC rAT*341 -a gilollibbout 12 or 13 years.- - - abliahment in ION. He died oil Aoeuriseve-, ­ i J If.* ivotins..nes, .if i-poillefirow. A- a CLASS-VOtAtir- DYE "I'llu"llf. Cableads 00 the London road, aboat 25! daughter o4te, a painful sickness i -f less works, deletes, Wools, put -'rive Life of Welling ' les to tea . I,J,,-I- (.UOI)S I -Alm ra, BRVRIIF'4, I, JArANEU & Huron At the time After beaiit.g asel bargaining the child, "sch time he wee fur else an g ,art co.fined didly illus,tra", the lives of Nalx,,'�"I; ,5=; Va..,, Islividee... I. ad i"Praluat'le. ' 19 111T.-Aillblit-Ri CABINET. rAPIEIL SIACHE. JILATED gis miles fr'om Per . 'm y . ' . Ing%. he was in the employ of a until hair strabo, grow weary, the fiend He was aired 49 we an. and has phasic, Fisoislin, Jacksgize., Ac.. U. Also a a beef& so popromm ob-clef b3 a I'"I. WARII.. AMliliolllol- As, - 011e , he' -Jeriieks d1pollylvilinto ad t". D-s Of getting . water,J rt414'b'e'O'liod'hins a gradover and a fatbtik� little Spent varivise of TEWMAWICAL Weeks, �Uirh Alool lake it, Ck ltofq lily .,Aed a ralpill.liam. Vt*= their tonn$ ralarribei se the CONW-0"164 " Usnufac for is its 6 _ My stiboo of Port U Usion, 4 III sassir drugged ohs poor child to& tub of rtrl. lie died at lie. residence in Ann street Faintly said Pocket Hostile, in elegant hforoc- 1 sibefteandtlPrts-I I yr. with ,,�,ufii,oec. miser, day, r.bl,c that PbOful"eot,cel &*it 0,11-1i'llol *Pill "a ill * Ill her m%er its e,urface "it " a be assain, likellog-IS of we I ielydoli-mi ly, I'll 4 1 evelf6c's . . ,it,;, SlocN. 1,&.. bore awliccied we h 4 fc,lk, and amullicred Sundriv in,wessing twit. &I half -past 8 of the cu, Vel'" I c mr ' % left b"a *110 I N."'ll. I okwy logo it It'll TOO42 a It god Eail­d l4ndinx, (*,Amoco. I has ever done in I it X"Auses this s1ore .ea,,o - hock, -f ciihm JAI ) larie., Biblical Luc), lofmotiao�, da"' ' ' ligno. Two L)*Uti.4.t'ilt'.'M"I"C"A't.-�l"*..d.Ll.11--bC"'WM&g 'cl, io.oiably with olof ar-Ort sabodtW'D'y 'TO W I ,.L ­* f, I All extetiIive ison,,riurnto( licks" Buelop.1 Care froopaskorkelogni �&tcrs,vodlos,F warollY apd ,.,,pA.L.&CAO, fall; 0�Wl ,,,,I Iter % ictim, on the door, ills rum d liecate went to tied. A boy ____ ___ -_ _ . %I,llnr to ,Joe n1jr;oNo pif #.sT,i"pI place __ Mont,- and Dngwin.- Rosalks, Slate*, &I --re-oll-ohl. I -41. I.J is &kill faveliesentlesh-1. Q",k ve 1, . y after. discover- WANTZD great ,v&Z of L,d,-em Day Roulk,. III Cm,i. phrogrivin.. apt to Th. fill.b.".1­0 ...old direct -01, -1--13 r. at Ii.­twd.,Pk id ga 'U'J"I olt&mfn4doy --i,09 40 a sea I a legrother I shuttle I h, 11 .,, it ft AM Ill -10 all"evies, I- 'I ,;I . .1,01 ;; Firrialli'taly and re : viven 'I.; V.,I.c&p P0.1, plaill slid Far randu _ . _ i Pd I,- Vu,irt SC -1114 & ON I's ter ...... limits. ! :,'A.WXITWX.-.,ZT:2212L"oiw'rel.d if 16 _,,*, pap4hor .�d .1 visit ills C -P of abseighboriltg 000 my ed I he body, and placed it on S bed Be- T .this OFFICE. an intelligent BOY, ev Note Paper*, Itievoloteft Prow J-enril� 'Me h,ck 11-aid,rhoo. Ill t)t#t-r.-I 0 ...,N,,,.,,�. ,.­I.PI­1. u( isiobwls* about mm and Is half miles fore the Corooer's jury, the boy testified - ahmast 15 or Ili yearo, of agr� 0 I ,-,I I .. Of I - parob"4 - 11 0 .r* B."' . it.. is holy "WAh. eo", r1l,wo". A Columbia Ink., assay Ist"Ifilid & Iff'"'a"g. I ja-y; g� whicit vitiate Or - b" to the fact, &lad, a younger female Aill (Joderi,b. Dec. i.e. 1116& PC holdri%. India god Ink , Cti coo, ,, , : ."I.I,L-0011%rCft"FUNM46*8'#' "I"i"' distant, slid 00 ,returning Stopl,4d to pick vkSrsd-,BlouP,N,Wafeksi fleaseliag Wax, &c., 't.,�l",b.tooei.so.,If�"I'D.Pmj.da~,M..%.I ll()Rk�f- ..,.CAVILIK hiti,114i'llettioz, was beeeb nuts, wben he lost his Than the murdered Ore, told so much that __ revoedy. I Or out of hearing 'COUNCIL -ac All of which he I, dl4ef=4Wtl I. ,wil 01 TbIo C,oLvr an'l Nurmiss R. -fp U-sivall'! 4 VIP .b. -y".111 *vu,myo p,,p%r,d (low tho Por"I iond a spot 9, mebolli""A"011 in "-I'&" sells --sove would fret leave liked to be of MEETING OF GOU.%:r'v . the very lt,west advance upon cP,PL and fully 6 fiefor'll". Toil't G. -ii.. J,.Icv F.4loo. f'..r.Ce.. ("'If'r­ and course and w3u4er 411 � � . - lui.p a, PGA (-.I[. 6. purcha--d at any 'a aluillef. u, C -Pocr, 1.&%c WON dpewil.% c,.r - I J,Pir oil, elk .( I 1: h I I. 3.1 I v. T. ," I,& losses I 411 111,41 a oil &* it i told. as Of va, ad IT I a) " en " ce" 4- " -_ I.mdm&f willets. sit I sitsirler.,lif we .� Us was but tLibly ,be itiqueaL .4t joaDoof lbe�e4aztlb&41 h'I.Munkipal Council for the ITnil", authicirr%ial,li4ment t7frAuita-pettionoai Pd. I .." ,,f Ili$ C wrade . with no veat, and low othalles - are rightfully denominated terrible I A F..r .ale. bv I-% i"'I'vidials I u1cIlm,1F:P;P@vgJ will, reafidrop, dA, plasis, of STATI( I(Flity. el I %ill"I'41 uf ' dressed, T'"otiel, of Hu "'" & Bruce will select at !S,�Jk ill Ili% i�vd �&I - TI. -or to. av " ser"is, -, ,.he ,)elf day if cournmessebod anows' modwr whilwilling her own daughter illie the ""win Holel, Goderich. on Toesday tile LVWIS ALLIV. VIOPIOIJAMIN FAII)ONF. 11far!i-t. Le I It'nijoills; Ili Ord 18'ev E"Torivilboo in P"k.l. anti It ,e I . Foloo-ho-C.p. 11.4 *mi K -Or I'-Vfs- 61 obs"d sod it seffill berentembered thattlike Vial lifelessfacn-lben imerfasitig her brealh- 1 'A If g1hy of Dec.. in,t. Goderich, Sopot. �Xh, IN53 n3i Whalroble se.J kvi.il A-!,-nt felt G ... !­ef. il!at.k Ace.,"gai Ifa-ks,-1 ,very Aldc'IPIOW,,. wish 0 waripill of Ardeles, I% Policy Ub':hq, Its I . week ensuing Was T,cry inclement and receiving organs into a life deprivin g ele- I D. If. RITCHIE: Coonly ClerlF. - --- - -- --- - - - --- -- -- and vlcol.li To &%I epi.cri I deals? to D-g, ..j j.plarood. Ili w1_14 Ill'y ._ 4--iffopiar4 to diopeof of clistraly 10, ellopla- ravelled for five or liz meall -a mother muderiliF her own daugh- � (Ionvoir ('.fork'-, Office I Air ,$l (if dw Age. 11ad Moul"'In"P. 1'&iu'*. ell"Is. fig'i - I'Le. Ivilig.0ines pol-Awor,to .4 Dollies Will fiviell'thes, wintrv. 110 t it I 121 . "o AIPPIO; low Niel) To 1.1 k 11"'... 114. selih-T, MR @[w " -Aw IF I W .1 -,ill Dec'r 953 18 ONWARD AND INIPROVIIN . ,- 10]D w 4C-- A& 11F- J Dr- 11cD.Wilaill) enilirei'larisillY,gend'"I"ll, ""rY900d 001IIa9e, ter. Tile woman is in )ail, SMil tlwf;is - - - - ___ __ - - - __ I — I PATI -I MvKCI.lf!Ck. K-nea-11111. .I.G.sod ,I.P;r I-t matespi no a sa,vidwer at ,ile, ATWI& q,.*!Ifitd playtic,ars and 81111111"Ou ( looking beech note and drialking Copious no bail allowed. Tbieu invisible trirst of N 0 T LC E. enerally I nor. 113affleld: It. Thwalleg. V,Ifttou. . but load become it' I %MINimparooftlif this, the Pablic g "Al 6rces;I.-sally in voltoodavarA. ,,an Is (of water 1 4 its runs, paill a diatimiguished Inia. yer to us, is to,issibid any per -on or rwerson- istrand to call at tba Fh,.Iv Pull' , I'd glipAdrea. X ego 68. It. R RE.YNOLPS I&' Ceo- 'Paak�h his belf- I go for - Cek",g o lia-italz a Note of Ila not given hv me I . Hoirrwm, New judge for Isolevaile A.-ruL I-wCange-14, -"lob. ..a feet wargliffillessike and the Maine Law I . f HoitAcv i W lausubcd ()n the chortling of the eighth c,,,,,ra,,:. K��cot Edward Honest I.-, lbelParnnuni of ltjegkk�elvt�. . . ty Prowliplimp ef-irip.mum ,wilb, &"%MCI &NJ d ers-row ' . J. C. BRIGGS. Godealeis. Joly ta.h. 1661 1 day' be had b --)-c - weak. &tea Ili$ ____ Five Pistindacurrenry. comingtiulf, file Ini-ii.-v The Stallavoci iber having kepi pecewith the I falywrior of CI,rovne Briti-f- still Au-pelcal i Pe could lioniiiiii.r MUJLLOOROF A SLAVF-A IKU-- I have not preeived Value file ill, -aiol u arks and PoWbers ot HP, tillulervus, 111pporters -fill , -�-11100 --'------' feet were to such a coudition. Is . C; 1,;.,. Medicitair, K ail Sircti,vil I THE SUBSCIDERS falling fiend in human shape, named Thomas Note. . .1. Uu,l,ri,11 and th, % i .uiiv fur ill-- la -I five I W. � flifirli , . . I .1 ,elk will, the greatest difficulty, jonN BrI.T. )lar�l I, now faliv prelvarc-1 from practical ex- ef �'. � ON T-1 R1 0 1 .4,VE on ban.- and one now reeeivfpg CK �, fe� to the ground Several times in going two Motley, Ila& been zouTicLed at Walter- Wayrootai-les, Dec. 3rd, IFW. nit 31 1-Jil lace AL't inctes.rd iacili-ics. I,- supply 1 - ----- ---- - - - - - - -- - - MARINE . AND i'IRV. INSIJRANC�F H bl,hoolner A*" Hlaf�ofo. a qnspillily .X - borough, S. C; for the murder of a -- -- - —I ..---- Farwer*. professional men. everrhants Iltaire I . . . WCUPWas.-Ited PINJ9 LUNIIJER, Which they - or I I,ree r(lds-- lie was fuulld '111 this cog contractors atal keepers Vt' livery I SA 'D * COMPANY, - , beilig scarce to listj & run& y slave It was proW oil � pri lilt ii-Im %, DDLE, AN H ARNES"oo, I;0ackw will dippose, (4 Che in Lilt* tomill POWebmers is e I L A N D"41 A ('a E N C Y. . Acke,piral.dby.ecittf Prori-i'l rar 14%. SEYMOUR. & 00. , ,,a. lio'y ilia ed -f SOUL. 1853. 93W I di.ioli ,tat. he first shut Lit , W014.11 - I ,t;.k,l,,. &c., Willi M 3K W 493D ]ILI a I ami.., so forsaaki'tidly cared for trial Cole.11b, "Is. &ad Baggy ma,�o% I 111'est S!rect, Gotici i, At. -- capital-LIOO,000. Goderielk. I 1� I kid brought into Vessafor sear the middle is g him feverely, and then whipped him � THE Stiteeriber beri I,) inform thr PuMi, cith,r Plain. Brall,sor Silver .Ntounw�t. Ilel.a., IIEADOFFICK AT HAMILTON. — , ...— .� 11 . that he ba,; opened an Office in G� let it -1, I ving k-iud after which he put him in a -vice and al,opm rectived a laigewt)rtmtntt I LNO ", terra, I OjIS! OUR ! of last week, wbete Le is Tecei I . where a Re, " rile-. . 'cit'no 'a, I Ilugh C &I-ker Esq. . for the %ale i,f Town and Farm Prorw IIE, Subperiber haAmi - Plan its: = ods. attentions front T111'. a t his subjected Lieu to the most excruciating ' adslifol.11 to allow of his own it , , .%VThand —_ M. literriti. &q. BOILED and keep Lierescold 01) to � Watermelon, gis:er will be kept fl -r entry ofany � ...... �" " I a .--"I A­rLZ&* Ilia, feet, eslilleis,11 torture. Iletlien sethimloose, started Lot, that parties maw be wi,hinr ­ Ili I. tg,turr. a6dround and flat Essigliple, Bmiie,an,; I I. f . I - y ,.tx.e to NI.ktkin'_-rI,-, Bor.aIu_.kjgk,, Ilursel,lLiAtet,_ ment4naddle,ii. liarne- &c. AW,. a ill. W. �roweko' J. F. Men e, I Five Wba!e Oil! frozen as to have turtle bloodhounds after hins. who rats him i CltARLE.14 WIDDER. Quaritiev of L,-atller To UlPk�, Vair,c%nnd Car- P, ler (%&real' is Ople.1 It Machinery and 01 .41 Inn in that place , l .1 J41110.1 no", I two Oi I: . his toes. 211., so d ff­. Welligirrin St el.Iki*l I vGn 1% W iii 1- W k. Btu.Asc:, Curry Cuml�. .NJ aro, Bap� vaith a lhoive .--i"iwi. ,.I �,ra,lvl, 1). C. fitivia, 44 Chato A. Soldiery, 1, entireiv billck, and will probably leave to down. mangling him horribly. and finall 0 ell, ii,- 'rimWebaln aLd every ihiu.c too PA culli'lestrabled, Cotter Oil; ' J mad I . _ I*bomiia, 61 . �eu ill, I - Whil. Tidle` still Mariin.,alrs. lo- lZolleg ificlUjItra, 4# F� (I P,Plik 9"1 fill: - - I him up and fed the dogs with Ili% 112 Godo rich: ,,,,. ,r' — - . elected With a freserld San"IfIcell Ww-A-msf. ' " undergo a surgical olacral ion ' - ___ _____ __ Ifortilift has no hesitation in %rating I gether will, the %nme Article.% its 1.i% awl, Mien- Varnish kTurpmtirg, _. cen tile I ANOIIIER COML-17 --A Mr. Robert I W A N -if Z D I ' . I . it is said ice was formed better I 111-f�111IF-W­ are as uniformly low a. Ihoose of ofneivre, al-,- Spur-. Blu-lw%. Coml­ and all j4mes UNtid"Por" " jobs Wilson' led Sale by . I - tinic %'ail Arsdale, of Newark. id said to have I �& TEACINA Wanted for a Cnigirri-in &tjv loou.e is Canatis Wett that en�pl.P% a Also otheratkiPl­ ilia, areg,-ii,tally kept !,IV Sod. 11,111F. Sull,w-rilloor having been oppose is For red, of big shoe and his foot at tb, I dle and HarrI­P Matiera- Ascot ,at G ,oder-ch. for the show I IIV.XJAMIN PARI90`49- lie Was di�covercd. Being annoyed by! di.�eovere d renottliter Comeell on Friday School. st'Sch-4 Section No 4. Stephen. cl�s% worknoter; arul tuannfaciures nothing but Pr . ; the a:."Illion lot tile IT, resporlaid" Company. as prepefea 101 J)rWKgiP,t, N'talf 81 P4 G6&,W . . a i;h � qualified Certificate. Schield to rom It I .m.elt. I lie r"pecilliliv in% it" reposing Ili evening., 25th November. in tile cou I ' "It "' ' ifillabiLant' (-I Goderiuls aili ,irroun,ling tffect loolutbronce at The oo"t 9088,11'allools. _____, w,,I%e., he rested but little, . M"cr after the Fimt day ol, Jagiblaw,ar. 145C M. a todirgor in anv nikhoer ill T11114o. ^ Atilent ill - -11 .... pro. 4 15 T 0 K A 4A 6. For lurther ppir � - -.-I. it or _t-` 11"I Pl..k ,in ;� I .. branches of steilation of Vallosiopwia, which is nearIv r i is, such is the rr-ull of ill#! ! eOQnlfv so S.'rese hollow log or in the ' .ictllarlo orroply to ' :J] j','F.'.r,',',,,'k .41g, aj�ns .4iskipplialf, sod el-pite-dis. I - its approzimate declinati, ra , XDFRS I, I 'r ,If baing. as b I he isaisle to furm-le, them wi:lt ahatever thev . % Agien& tome recumbent trie. - Ile saw some in The zenills � . , T-1110MAN NICIRILU - - ' ! - A - . "'. ' irly elk three wolves, offers, &-c., in and right ancension at fi, o'clock, 50 min ' G FO. WA LR E �'- 6. Tiu�te". The P,kab-clitocir would particularly call tile mar rrquire in he- ;,tie 4 Bali-- better a G,olderich. t3th view$.. 1862. . vpl,34 N Tog wo4mr. b.,Ds*Kx. -2 hours , Us; SlIAPT.O.q. � . at:,"liers of intellso"ll., pur,lbg�er% to his &P",rat chesper than shy other Eftalklitio,hill-1111L W-4 ,�O,-!� I - — - _. � I I ( ) to,. 111.4ififil BAILAILM &ad "I I " - It 03aie to' " . Rr; ,,� ravels. lie will be provided for,' Right useere. ) min. Steplorn, Dec.2ad, 1853. ItII-3 mi-vot .of I.?Ai"* *ad p-intlernever-'-Addles WhIciI I lismilitm. Saddleoa rr,ln 85 10 610 . GV.t puselp La or Gatiop. slite. ar!,, -,.fit to 1,ort liffelon at the trelt tile meridian :!t 9 o'clooksk IS min, iticel. . , . - Iver %lounted Harness from" �-­JD lo 2II00. . — __ - -----,— I, larger no,telvelsoper than any th3t even leachable' & `31 . FALL & wwrFm (*i()ODS. A,,p!y sea T. NwHOLLS. . I wlev. wilro,rTe. . I . Connegrestaketo Aoserr. I to rturit% - -� � 4nor L'adri- CO deg. I'Light &wen. *21 hours 7 men,, brU,te#4r" for &ale . I Ori.�iie M. Caurt,soo-'- SkWe. I . — willis -1. W . . 1 Lis of a small, round, bright appearance I HIATS" CAPS! I *Sa,,&t!%fofCU'Iff,,,US5tA),'05. I . B­A�­ a few clei linflaiv Itabcs anJ III? fillibbleftivr no-prell"01 motuvarti-ev that Aug, 24, ISU .").ze i luoti HORACE UOnT0N. 1 HN' I hicistakew rerrivito.. Ili, Fall awl Winter 11 L.— - with -, e%cesIdirgly rapid- oil, in A ,p:cu.IiJ as-oilmer-t tit 111als end Cap- I Marliet-Silontyle. I . ' Of"L-,Dlankri-. - T � 140 . mi dir. stiwn al.par,ittly opposite to that -4 -Gralt Oderable levall ion of which 'is &I N.; 1. At IF. -- 1: .. tariff rate I Aar creat variety of Allakers-II alfti.SX) Jr. I G4lderich, Oct. It'll. -IF&I 1 15, n't Guallerielk, Lal -I. 2.11s, IV - � % .4 , Stock, a oft 300TO & CIE,Okmaq. - :.. .til -, A NJ, sit I ,( the sun. After a short obgervati-)n it jusit rcceived &nil for �ale I-V ! - , - - -_ —_ - .--- - 4.ready 1. head; c-vr­I-I'n* u(Clavalb,". SAtiueft, 1.�, Ji"I .%.I:,!:-) will 14wa by a) "V a chiling.�..1 itg place very perceptibly, It i ,11,L)IMANDUlt NAHM'll"I"ll. . S. Sheriff's. Kile -of lAnds. ,,Twerd-. CarvadialkGrevoo. olke., Jkc. Ladies, MA15E BY B. GREE,N, . S.6olorman.all.1 the; .(,114110: I,olr-�s tclalt . t,%Itf JO OONTRACTOR . fla:,�A;oo,l- in great T;Iii'-Iv; Wittier Shawls. ' I . I arnb."-I','.�,, .;,. .:, th'. I­C�V. ,ovIlich It 14 LOt al,pargotilt.- 4,11se. nakcd eye - I G,octerieh " 131h, lKJ- � , I Illf-icery. Insistarl Blanks", ('OEIOU WRIT, -w . - all the Signs It v I I - - _ . - - ­ _-_ ygiftW, Itirreakerf, Godirrievs. " It w1,; a, matrik ir.3,fr - G'.I. I. --1 I I I I 'r 111171Z Stillopereivir mill sontsvise Temlem cc I U4oikof C.. ali, Y Virginia Of a Wait culano'Hwting, Wadding, &,.. &-:. I ofillif secormselsir Hill$- 11 7: rode 6 lhc _­,il,,1 FOR S.1% L!-"�. - I !ocI1a1r,,f ihL IturtWpail C,Orlii -ftbt� .,.. IS., �Vi,�, � B of Vissitlean i It Al -v oil bond a orh.,il-e asolonvocive of Tow of lisp aromys .. . , ­_ . Or r. r A DIES and ne"tlrmrn liot*O 10 title sewye . - If � er"t. , , I � �(- I't iev;hkaossev 'Aim" � - HIP -B )VILDi-.'G.-L­,tt - I I il,l�il,-fi c.urakm .or Hon-soll-and Brow, for, To Will n3s. i,olled ,out I I c, � oil kinallIdy. avid4 Lilieu. lat .�tocko. Grco,e- Ji__,JG *"If movalkeregues, first raw 1111-to'sis ,111,01holover . I Nt.self.1"DISCIPLIti JX 5 I I nil Get mis " ricZ, ... 'Iu`� ljai.:w�re,Crockery, - %I en . . k1i,; United Q. Li also pli,abl..- better I'o.;Pk,lc !. tere ,� ` * 'I'lovit.-virll--fe-ni-Opf aoh?�.buildo.-_. recrusly-1 Hurries Road. 10). I I Ant'ars Xely're gooliel, .fly oth,Puld wip draw meb. I a-. a 64, It - I � A 2ARNI (to the vil, -, l,I,j1.�j;,:z a Wire $o -r -,yo -i -m Bairtge eirer the' Maj, %Lv'� County Coal it fillf -V. sod t 8&4GIamww. NIT -, wtr,!.w 618m; Inulty. dcvi­.� I v, Mi. J;­�­ K. 11- - I anot flow, Ckolerich. Mont 14 b- 1110 -1114,11114-4- I winter ..%Iaitiod as Goderl.-Ii., P [;" tit Nvellippon. walleariews 31 so Slow fog ilia obaka-borribb, Clever of lmk ! cral lat�;';!, On lien thc -r,)u..d was c leare4 astail , , . ing rillag'! of Clinton. 4­wailliaa� ,ISJ ac:., A get,&'- linantitv ef ukaw4ul* mt f to djarocill ft-gshiwl lisp 14,01- AMATeme. . a -- IT lit 1") kw :1.11'Gincrtl Ili tl.� Itiercassitile � id The 11rol girulleaso-we %i-urrtd Up asid, blown to '"Imaji, I li,tnrlib"An the i up-tr,ictiou in( Z11"Bir ge, McZLI ,of HENRY PEINNAMEAKKK Mt fill* VV. 3dAt:KAY. Ili. notols ke " - to 1 44 excellent lat.-I. �H of . hich are 0--otr--d. . loop off feet fron ivi 814 (IFOM C.". Agoini Justify, ;'Inj its I, .; i',""J. V�.!C.e I�ui . I iroh,.j�lin,- of Sioric. Titublef. Wire and iron I suit of AL ",ANDEtt HAILVEY, I have I epeadirrisels, Sob, Oct., 1933. � "as thelessivolvea, as an ,rbe Var 4:om" . IS a He and 1-!%vcliir.g HouPe Store -h -Use.. velle"et by we:r,ng the allione y,o -111 Ii- to be "I'l; i,isa beirowli staged his white Isseek!Iiiierrhiti''a laill,ctl- 31 jil,t. I* deffievelting attention, aad I nb1p. caol"ite uivej. slid a," convenience for are on itte filing, whicles'llat cmtractor call bore seizcd and taken to Exceirtion Lilt numberf . . . lkiod, they loot falls. .by should yv- ilia- I-cle. --- - ' .'e9;'2"vre!I asi.Fartn.- Mt a valuation. . I I nine in the fir,t conce,sion (ERA DiViiii0n) 'If * - - - ' A '_ R V, ' _�.-_ _A.L E. So now filler Isia Sboll-huirah, clear the track' isto his bouncing, axed jauinwd his hat UPOD; bas beep ccinifi, io!ed bi -fret if Of Our 1 CA, it-.' iug ON a 6';z� iinz'bT ad- L; 1. K % 5 * his --ingue I Alyo, all tarciijitill it. full I'aring on the J;reIu4- Plan., and 13fartiacaiwo,, of the work Call, he - %be town -hip 4 culbirop. cumllit � . ' I most experienced ,hipping murcla � rv,,vol,s ()&-e, Gkie- I rnca*nre~ut one. hundred acre,.,. be tile same — lie has livrd I,, this Town th-or Iwo Y"I'll . luss "I -A ith a Pic unfidgeonit laugh, and among I . , w., i. an A.hrr, fL;t,41 up with every conare- Peen at the County Sit log � aureZ)rle,,P,. Which Land* wit'h- Tetaeuarjxl� I i lTIzENIr%DOVS- REDUCTIO.N' On PRIC91. - early C(?Uslruc fewsk isny jL!tainueatioa concern ; I . 611 --le. I The 14,6f, tbert was scarce :it bet- gen live Of 'About Coole=Pl&lc's 'be : nirace, shot a sirver lailinX -fillepty (4 Pope soft ri.-h, from ver � . heir coolow, it increases &rare ,,.:Otcbman. kabo borrowed a %towl! ti.)o of a fidl siz,-d sailing a,Lip, in -which' ma:er. F,Ir further. rarticula.'s and terms the an like a Ili I.- inct,gired . I i thereon I ,,I�all o&r fi,r paie W' tile Court' 11F whole sto-Ali -it G"ls, belonging to the T6 its hi f infidel _ I . I � (he principle usay be fl I Tore-'erill, 'to be delir,re.1 at Go�erich 02 On t Boom. in the Town tit Guderi-lb, on -�Rtufdi"Y, on .. . illy � applied. The 1 apply to he "k, day of Der,taber the&,. JpJ& the i Ibe thica oav of Decvorsa�oer next, at the but,ruli Tiat.- Arab ,of Marvirsou,l acid Kcay�, ulu%t why phri We draw hock. whiji, fuld r de bi-, bony. animal anions - -1L 711WATTES. be] , I . . I 6, disfeat,wil of hellowr Ile, fir -t ol Jarl ,3I v nest T!,, jork. b,in it a-P,od, tile Ila" '2 Sclasou" Edipse ashicis lus ju-t been in! . ore sob, clear the wil'th a lea, d rein a' 4 116 fi-el set I dry dock for i"Picticia, is I be fiest vessel of! Clinton, ,Nov,. 15th, IW. L41 if Council di " bind ithcnl�l ve� *,n �ac.:�Iyt the ; twelve of th, clork notedi. . 11 1,11 V�,,­au.,, theictore, de-frou. off purrhasin So itoor for Green'. StAlip-ho . 'P.JeDON ' ,rifl, 9 _� lowest ce-Teri ror any uni,­ suitable ours are 301IN . ."AL11, *,.I -all at ,-face. track: firmly in the stirrups. The Freachmake . . I I vJ4. mod elecup, -b,mJ14 I . i ___ ___ ` Hh-ork aiiJ Bruce. gaud efoo him every advantage, ,8111Y size yet Wit on this plimi and bet me- BOARI)ING KO"F- received. . I Their old comaorna,ern are par,itcularly Invited to Tw�inompytres wooled. tzrrou,ly gave . I . ,P. It. RITCHit County Offli; Sheriff"s 01111e., - an I&lll,w will, lite Inside of the ring. Tbe CC" 12 conealielered as a satisfactory demom- 1 1833.1 rI42-2t tiny Re Carl)' visit. inovice,pecialli" as tile on- (loadirlicia. Ivally 29fles. 18A. . . in stration of it,q value. 'JU inrecation pre- Y Was. T. B. Woum.irr. Wht U04 -C cormerry 06ram's 0 'r " . it i'aoakriell, VNIa Nov.. . his., ia.t returned after bay ills made — - - -- -- -- bell ptruck and the -Scotchiman drove Ilk I B �­ oedericb, I jills, Nor., l' -fall."' I oft . dervi;.00 Sire 1. a pOs1,1,(),NMEN'r. rill all.i Winter purcha�es, to complete the - - N 0 IV I C F. vur% iulo bi horsel's flanki and Ftar(ebl seals, many features altogether novel, slid I G'Alcriell, �Nov. '21!h, I ,011' � T4"42.ly . ___ ­ — _ , p-stiaeaved until the 211ollsaboige ,.Jock, ,ortaich Ttill tleojwnt'duPnelt OTICF. i- h-r,-b,r given that application ' I is Postarding an iontivaLion on the prevent 1 --- _c - ____ _____-�_ fli DS of Gill -act 'I'hrl*d on I , Title I'm f4irttwt ll I i'lature at its away, lat ing, on the orbital most industriously. 1 1 1)2ee ... her In-valret. I I week. - Nwill be ina,le to 111' L`-, ll�, vcry grace- I system kerlslkip-lfuildigbg� as to excite a. great W I L L I A N1 31ALU-6-.4 1300 ',hand, and tile .ale W * I W. J. KEAYS. . Act to foicurpoyale & Com- , . , . "I, J. MCDONALD. Next oemplivis for an � Pont to . . I %iVin't for the yip,,,e --I ­­lru,iint, a Ill* op , . . BENJAMIN PARSON- Rurt Partner ef Gee. L Maywood. Ra0. a West-litreet, "Petrick. , solekla, Ilurcas IlL Banco. . 4.1 . I paty - t foll')"'ell" Ildl ' . . . . . i i fullar. b5l. apparrivilv, quite sure be c ould ' diversity of opinion respecting its userits.- Vws to intimate to bill, friend% onaii the . , Golerich, )6,1. U, IK�1. I vG&X mar rein the was ,if Go-Apat I- Owe" &-UDd overtalie lous it one, moluent, and content 'The late Jacob IWI, however, TOP known AJ public generally, that he 6 now recelaring 'November 230, FPW. I " I Fig-jureal Orr cv. . . 'the Geomilln %jv at ,or tl,4r the Town I . .�3. Wanted 2.0tio buQi&4. of TiaboAq Seed, for on L � ,vn� - — - -_ -_ - ____ — I %111�04 w III Will lie fir -is. sofes! a Brawls nf. the "lot fnr the, fir -t roured: with Inetely &bowiag. am the oldest of tile -Negar Yr,rk .-hill- 111114 . th'ifediselitiolk. We. fillity I t hich she failth"t ProA Jack ofSydenbani inel himself OA to the boo adgestaig�. - I,,Vww,t '-mi.' s' ptomotmte.1 d"'Jill,.its hilifir -si I ,3rA&ji# ,it-hille %VIN*ri;R:4 6TO(JL, W A fill T E D I , . - __ __ -------- _____ __ ______ Railway fir,lin .me -nitable po,int on the line . . eono-i.4ft- of Dry Govades, Up-ceries sed NtMEDIATELT ii "led Class "llitaclabef ­_ ______ thereof to oume ,,iii;Able poigat 4.11 file ,(Griller- I ahead. whip- It- The mo,t prominent feature iN lipeap- rariety of for schOul Section No. 3 in tile Tow"hip . als,jej-Pig"'o; Silt: ol'Lands : 1174y Ixt fir to ScIl. part of ,he gaq pn Pharr 4 Lsako Huron, came ' ,sawney, twenty leaps to the F,dijisce %o I Crockylty; torethri with a lar-ge I I I I - I ly pm4, unmercifully. sod the blood of his hirtill � PlicatiOn Of th" curve re_,-_-C_;vrly. goo May . Realy MadcCluthinc. consiming.f.0ver ail,; ,,of WSWOLO-11. for which liborial wag" witt , . � . — up"tivie.cle line 31MI li!-" hack completely up. and himself &4 red in 1 c f au of tlic el, by OwWch an 1`99- i uud,rCoeat�, V.,:, & Pant-, inToveed,m"llai'. tic giril�n. appli(alians, to be made to the Truvo- C.,NA1;,s`ftf * ,*'I if Writ DISTi LLEII Y. I Or little I W-1 11,1valit"Fopus lur ales, "rpL�M veil . 'rim MAITI.AND The face SO, an ;1derefulks. '22111 'A ith IN4 'Iloyi l like 1= . is imported, and the, I Doitc,kin and Satin. In every rard-ty of style tee. of" W Section. . , W� ..",.(B"..rN,',wi-r';Ci.al.tmm� - two allies frina tile Town -11 Givallearich. Gibelpik, 26,11i 0,:t., 10IO3. !Go* filed only (m the rostilt. The Jmg tailtd c,nlre of grafrily made to in% I and manufacture. and whil a le� can recessive- I J WhI. XLNAII AN - . . 1, To's War: ,,I out or Her M!y-lJP*P . I ariably fail, goollid a- jeing ,uiwri,,r in cliesplacyls, and I IORERT MURRAY. . QvIlant"f QN^11'� Reach. . i. ,iCd ther, so pe, niher llidtillery %,Ill,'" I -Pall? ­-1-- bay, (If the Frenchman caivic after Ili free 1prec,sclvani�id-blkips. AV Tru-tft- I- I as"I ail few.; Floor poseli-A.1,119 dilsily ApIdicatim to 11anialimpilef. � e.-sel thus Send"- =Iiiv to aliv hitherto offered in this localitv. I obno al'4d of -l" "b"Tw- . ­ -6. ­ ­.­­ __ ----- "Mml"awvmw. , , S AX.DKEW Q11'riflur- - ill I 1 owdAeft and '1'0-10 4`1b K ,� Is a Sign.11 0,5C.,,,,r to, tile Sob I . ,AJ.IC ,ittial cO:n,eliWI4.4gr�4.aaA�.led..cu,us,qu-I "ols"Polik's- covem,bareassegibe W. Wsvrsga�eoolb. NorAN, 1163. Jit3 It* Armi-trona of til� Still Of J')IIN L)()E I'D lit A' ; c JeJef"m front The ceatre fomprill as from P. G Ayre*vo,vIr- _. ­_ ,-- i U!1`111.4' Of FIN that Ih,I lblu tic'- - - - r,t kime'C3I,2Cit)r led i'mother ____ . F.Ey Mtiiigg, I "- sovized vall"T fit by letter Dept Jr-od.) o ricit is berclar car. a, �; ir�t J braked Ca,t--teel Aik)reTsi, which L3ve alreasiv In Far,casi'm Ili, Leav of Lfri , in g1fl;nn�1"stai T�i% r`ein� for the ' . nil taken N ,-rth-T.-Wom,bipol'Sin'lity, '0 pr�scerkleekoit � ofirater, TEACHER WANTKD. A. 'r. iflo,�Pii N;Om Elty. psi Comes it. f 'Mottillitaxpolitil . Orb.61i,11.�t1jecestreaft:116 &I bk.kes fir, shouch approved of wherry" used. and 2 lPlurllar liatlese'rouls- . n -Ar will to Parlijimerli� at its � to plot !Jf. lbl) � . .%('HER se1j'antird f6r a C--MtwD .Va assurit Oxr. (.44 t-1:11 G. ill r*ch, 4eils A,.th,:1833. prr.ent a Jacillion Ifuld, Arbigi—Al jeace. 'k,be..I'ceor.l,mm bad' ibibe ame wci&is lite same at list large a­ortment aftf0arp"ters' Axes, A4ze,, TE I S I at School Scheid Sec1ou No. 11 Tocker- Abi ofriddiiI,)h, wh is I- A I, 6 ver Pan le - � --- large, meeting, praving tic a charter to c4m- `V' 2 I ­ , the m,)Qtik ( . and ,virivilevist wbiih be will 6 -P -c of A at catch. ____ ______ 'll'L of �Jgk 'labsCer 'Ic Im. at I . ('.net R. � in live ogra of Goof' L SITE rigrom a peir,;..t h3ri o ir, at car sea JWl"Wake a whop but lie dr ,�Peih; keek am at the w04%see. Thiiie qualities jib with a Second L -i" - . are regarde(f as ensucifIg tile ie-,wl against HRmift" i"i twilren. I estri, for faikher ,so Wedn 2),Ih,e vwvrgly-oa�t day ,of De'_ � A M Or the River Hayfield; had fur power to levio I m,diiale application is requ xt ( -SISTI Ying be- PI ,., oichargr011 � Net 6 late Joe borsel- side inon after - ", , . if G,.tcrich. Nor. 3111h, 1950. , w6n43 . � ceomher iov , a th hour of *rwelic (It' the C 0,.% NC, of atvut 11) ae, . rn. 1% ,allies ," ­.!,, 6- Phip.ed or ill, I ". . lea" (orward quite in cars- 106`l,qf19 or straining. We neight Spec y _ _ �_.W�r__ � - - iattirmaLli a fill I's . I movirt Hutton. Ru'satkil, Irince" and then -at; satiffoli-I to vu,b r -,iri.-tims and Ii aiLL. , . : 'X:.BRqADFOOT, clock boon. i . d'vibed - %be p&4, and full 114 - GREAT L*3111 SALE IN THE ALL' *, joll,N McDON Ln. I if, Wellintelon Streets, pi-incia"ect,w. Upilort price Ifem. 2,, III, lhjI augt.ot, bvd�, may tie I - - . Ol't. The itteirsp- &ill remarkably weril, butti ,r particulaags of Jim .14vatebisges clakin TrCU4 ROB r. I 1. "; ARNOCHAN She r . ' I . "!a" a" Leact. 1*0 Fluou.1,4 wr are,. epfivab:e lot. C.14. ,'be pustitic. ' -rs arld thoome ' allies gre, Isn"its;, fault more. bottom than was OL- cd by its ifiblagestors, but buil(k Nof BAYFIELD WX ALEXANDER. .7 i (17 " 0:fore, I opt NJ I I %I I we W. CONNOR, �,� . to lislervil TOW . n43if McKillup. P. O. Sles. ltllrrha�vr Its, I rect a (is %fac- WILLIAM ilw"L,p Ciiii I � I ! Isere imattlislely lisfavicsted waril fmd �N-.T. b. I'll, t U311.1d I Iccted Off they came, the latter g i lot I.Aept. IS53. 1 nottalli% of The time of -at-,. Plead give hatie * a"ang � fully get forth is the adverliIestreent of The ON LARIS HURON. ------- itim& Nor. 7.11114 w(ion W- tr - * a little nil working very hard. -'Iawg)eY I `P �___ -_ - ______ � - laws, security for I'llifillneat of cuntij I I ad lost ",, hat, Sod " red kair ytreerned proprietors -- �V 1'. Jour. of Cuinmcrre- I I STRA Y 11 D The (.'IV, lament having placed the #above The Canada G izarke flies" COPY The above, I . ills beautiful Town. formerly belonging Hherilrd SAC of Lands. T the Afteniell- I - _____ ingraeuMilisiteintlele. breads to( , MILVATCH Or FVGLISM bi, five Hall. Male il laht.,jour Calves ( , I -, _D* T to Rams DapTuyle, and loosely parcha" ROM the Sairctiber in the th 0, I Godri'll, Is. 2 -it '17 ,, Wk from his ptili redder face; but, flog- PROM, i'lin Canicion. lies, 1w,Ive FAp: . then year ul&) � — ,%,I (', boter,il,kay, tile tjLjsf ,,% ro-hip" in The ,NorrICI; is I11Lr.F.BY GIV", Or " &list am .ter motite'Ll I!glifasvef Corsfilim &f Y Vlrtu� Of a 11".11114voill,ure. Ant%lr§kl,I�lpfVrlQ1IilyPOl1 purinfoi gainth bit teeth %lent and � Goops PABSIKG TIfItOV­H 110STON.-Ille hail" below the Town of ( - ivildcrielf, near life brill(:1,-d Steer, (one 11citer. yellow �B , I iniepti- 9 Cal i6i'l j,. noy, ,-tleiedw the patilic. 1`1111AT applicafke, saill be in%& to the slearritiest St. Lexicrence from Boston, - -ell wish is Jesse, cue light -red Heiefer, % jibe a buser 11gron, ned 11,*4 W?I, 4 F -ell Va- L,clAtivire of thio Pr-wivelool at its Sezll� ,, ' " . .t her lace, one daik-brown licif,ur. with a , riap, 1p,lov.,I .... 1 el Aprol,ca Parliliae Cat k has eyes fisted, steadily on the Live of the Begatov Blitutiord -11114 (40del tionP, nanlil-9 ft, aioriiir� role perkww, " I if the richrs liest ,ullivil'ed To W IT. S once ,,((�*nftdIIi,d,, Thav 6r .-t,!Jr.,Aed.E%m Sm -i.." frar on Act UP I'— 114c a % "PSI V, ' the via" of his ground and rrol2e' a .:.'f -'! 11 broul�ht a quantity of Railr ,ad or,' i , in I I ­ turday event it .1, 4lip Ck IV., 01file. Ki[Kardine, Tilvely passed me a hor-evs length apart, and . a 1_ is ends fee Mus. I , and " valflable POrtim of the Huron Track. ,trip al.ovin ber back. Attyperm,ugi%ingswh Iler MxjeAI)*m eo.11aty C .... to for the IJn1 . (.%rni Wilk &UJJl,,IJ ' V W Culapv�itlkl a ItAiiiii-li (e1hJI 1 - , while, king ON is I it in vvirroubmied, by wontallay farmers. sod cors- � information a� m3v lead 10 their rcco% cry will 'Ale I rule still Unwit."girld I., I !.�oid. to - - -w or­lur Poilit .of Filets ion the Great . the is�otc bond, a to tile last Iron and other Packet lain. ro-vir over therare hdu#vclt inababitants with I ,,d roll. - .of I J_kyUN1y of BF"C", .111 -til, the I s.h 44) a Do Tua,,nt . � be wahatIly rewaided. Trunk RAilorty of rate& a, UP 01yes ifessal V,-.'rR,1UK PATTON. m.-dirvirled. alr0olvall Illy, 1,P" ' taft-I 'a"' I cember law. ' treal, just banded at Boston fi van the V I iffitmilI storc�. Me- I on I ; paid I glaxpileared beyoull me. lie few line race ,hip Daniel Wirbaer, and forwarded by earien-ilre Ori -t ifti S&lr h. ,ament- or JOIIN W-A7AK-L I ,'a "' , Ki"reillial. * slaud'Now.. l6w. 04049 IshIl the rivIor .48offell4l, Of 03� PtOW at rvift" . by a couple of good leaps at leeks,. ,rhe I I sbivpp, Haerip. &I% illoc. The Muni(i- -,;b c.oreares. TowarbipofGoderic on tAke Himes. . 'Niesses. 11. & S. Jonet SL Co I Cement chgoi, ., ' (4,11 IkIsTollil rit CRAIIIIII we setz.! -_ --- -_ _ _ - - —_ velligaUAlloo, , king was very much sumcd, and rode off 5 I C uncif ,,(deple, Uniffied 0,;4*nlicm of Hur,-� a Noveintocif With- lt'W- a43-10 - Toronto, Der. 1. 183j. , parltrosed to Polak - . --- ____ Pd land 'tailliken in egecullo.st I I re.iriefter I ion Merchants $nil Forwarding Agents of' I .---- ill . FIROcLANIA,rioN. - ____ ,J lauggiviat illportilf, 964 'flasio discoliffhled I 1Tr.,C'-t their late sillinfrP, ri 'ciedo" Or -_ � Twenty-bia. is did sexpol'aftit, Cone: .1 Bottleall, who have also an offire in INS city, I a Kiltrativel Road (calm Grade ch to I in I& I s FI) 71' re' n I - THE FARMSRS' INN- Ftenchman come back Ik his party witb� at No. 2012 Fieffe slieet- This ih the first i payfich!. arci allcai:v a latgt, -am of onry ()% .AYED of ("ll""'.%; C' at '. I I else reer, I.- . ,*lea luer the cornphomi,ai kit i,. of the suboveariber abo-11 I ofthe I'OWAP"lft I I"! , .4 1* I be., been rapplevistio' iijan -fired I.% ajawastif�nical e- "IT 047'- 60 11-4 - ' Tery ill cop4sibled "ilistection.- W. P. I F 1: bi- fi-A J A -'ribri,t lost, a colt X , lot of Blackied Goads bent froce Hoston to which when e"Impleled WN reu- ,cars Pilot, and " -@-. w%lel,l olh,"Il Pill' r else gain A, I 4�v�%�" A,, R. 11'PSARS. A.uIrevar and Alreralwaso D,oft� I WaViles ammm cnom .in tile Ns&er- Trunk Road; I its Jlartwr. t of [be Cl 4 sunwinhat dark,,r more tit k -1 V. '. . 6 , 1% Z, , the 4'..vall R...".. :0 ill* Town ,of 1; .let I .. having rec-tallir p..1V A"d the a" , mogetreal over the Grand I der it 4% isafOlk Port fur the 'rausl"l�mell I c, owred ,in the -houlderN than Oil It" ral`� i - :;;;�, )I raimm. reduce or the Great West, zk� any Port on I . It iI,, kiwier, but the beginning of a large , If aplaut the IM. (,I X,ly - WN - on kJONDAV vive, twt..viry riRsT Ila, Inn, and B.Iod It OP Is a Style to bftooAIW. L" I Clab Huron I w jib '-Its R information for -her Ore- I I I Ill:/. I .,.,,. .oil/; ...... to liorsor b,,e- to ffftwaL . je, galt Any, ;"I" el'iair" 0( N-0, .MBF . , we eareadiagook;Jand the JU(nofiagar, - Vr ,K owsi. at file tooder u,, U,,.fs ,14tealTy,"11--ov. god Ilk- Pabitc I —, - _--P1`.Ir__ Ira b"C"'We""' b:'s , -n I f"'i'd To V,f flier ].,at, re eii1ift-for I, -ell's gragel,vi fog loan p,miresswe PSI -tie le 'at' I P a record of Al. *1,%% 1;1.%,p. C( ,hp cl­ it is ,%"d I . *0 sac 0 I "IV ' " Canal!a. . i .,- .110c'. _nod.j .Iww&,ag Ite..wo 14, years #also lays, CoLits BLooDge Mullisim �_We arr in Sa,hessoll, and Star of Empire, an la, hitherto akll-�t DONALD Mc DONALD J0lJ.N ItcDONALI), iiii-e- ff. - I forwarlij, by an officer of the Steamer Kate goods, c onsigne al it the Shelve firin for this The E,vb. bercinafter Tri,niii,eird will be _poll lion '. — its,- Fir- " ' ee:'v I fission -1 -1 11111C now o-+CIt a rewfln-klnc* Of fbO Sam@- Il'be goods freemed abore mreie� up.sepstplely at Pul,lic Aaction,or, ' ' "Z,riP`,b."X 1. bilit. lt63. ______ "'. (;. .,�:,%. 811.111"J. I _ next, tin,] sold — *4 -.4 Liep,rato an hsnd. Good Ray, . that about dusk last evening, a roleate. with- ------------- Fa&AiW. lorincK, I . lie m- , R. -O I jecotb day of Decemtx" ,mo,ce sau, I nomple, 11811% last 4isibies, savol, 44 & 0­11val? -,-'I'f- � Sitsicion, same maknown, rode this to ,be promptly luterselled o'er to, the Agent at the I tout re-erv,. The elearreell, of Payment and "Im"'t LARGE AND CHEAP STOCK OF G,4erlL* A"Fa.1 '.141th, 1,8,53. J %6-29, I 1 1:41 1-1 *"no A ovem-no-ling resselegice of Dr. Membeell, an $an Asel"Isic), A. & St. I_ Itailroad on Nfroviday shortages-, price W be m3de known on the day of' Sale. 1. ,�&Llie�akv,, W "Welich of AXIJ-!X%V vicitsiton", - and afteer dulmousatiag. atakilad for a driliall of and ifluseedestately -fortivardegil to Morit-SI'l NUMBER OF IAlTI4- . FALL AmD WINTER GOODS 1 1 . P64TP0`i1F)IKN 1'. kv I Ilk , .oI tire.% are how is lU;1 operation is A0114011411111 DO,4tir-11- I, water. 'rhia being gives to Inion he LsrnOd reaching (her* uses ft-Pardwestil Arg" T1.0 abowylval. to I"Ostp-sed nil a. dwir Godairtch, 134h Jet'. 1,6311. VMS � I 21 `V% 16 'r, SIR 29 V) 31 W M 31ii. 77. 314. , fiber graleful for the eacco Ir3,'e- � ! w I 1111-K TANN314Y. _ I_— essig. ___ _ I L,� 10. 4 I, 4`3. 4 i ;W. H 1, 4. 4 ik % PC W L"I ,��rl 'Uppol & whi, it !Ia, beell "MCH I- 111red alloy .14 . Jon"arl R,,X'- I NE AW Ja,-,-Ij so,ermiiler's 00 - 10 like Docittir, oW w6le 1 J. U'litilvil,1.1). SI.e.4. 'rw,) .I. so - it, on n - .1 V FA IV 91. ir?, 93. 94 95 '11;, #17 90, "­ 100 cot to total 0,�r the lio*t two %("t" he has topers in! 111wer.'" 80.1 U!Wti, I wal'.11o., ��I.vrt % ,­F� thicV to-piII by .161 at- ' a- plate vt-marts about The illeratber, lit., I I;i, 1(13 11)4, 105 1 0;, ' 07, 145, 146, 147. 1 I .nvc re,pecifially I lion I , kv.l.lgrew. & poll's"!11111 to PnIretv � -_ . MARKETS. . I �..in,, "I ilia- pla,c� beg. 1, e.,no,kor# 1, . woollpistis- FARMERS STORF. .� wr a long k04 (too 1pa*uot &oil 86610- 1 f9' 15o 151, 1 ,51, 190, 151. tit, WA It, solicit a consirt"Itnee (If P"l-l"' Sholill`*. Oaurp � , 1,.",-T1 Tle dre — 1 f4 . I I lZe.-I ;, .1,1;.: ps 1 had ,'I'm deareo imme. 110.4b" me resew to Goarmiticti Dec. 8, 18�1, � 267� 3801: VW,. ";. -�,C7. 1144, *", 9". Imilavour. My 11101110is " bi""' "Furies also' � fr;pdo,reb, Noill loth. 1933. t CIS t t.1.10% Pall aIIcwv.,I: ". livets -1-t-%JM stock #A tk basis of Oft 11diume, *bore be &gas* met 22s 6d poer bM.- - � i wi-J. Ill;, M 7. 319. *;Iq. 1;XI :1--n. 3W. 'Attack %ales.- 4 ,I..; A.xv L;rmjol LEATHER, ew Goods !! Floor from 2 IS to nil pgq 3.341 -Ul 332 -Mi Having 11"it rri-rived a Large and Pill"Ell - HOTE�,-7tllv so , — the IMcfer,learbe bad obtained a ppW.-%- Fall Wheat, to 46 to Pla 4 4d per b*A.-- 321 I", 3r., 3r, : , . I ,I SO Arlo I , _F -1 8 _HL E-1 0__H_ "'$_ - — *),i,hii..,v,wi:l(",C,M.tAnllr,,nb.1:140,wt =I. TtS. 337, !3314, 3w, 240, 509, 5�3111- 01 � ,elected Allsortinent or Fars"Y an , ' 16 iuftatiy fired at thle Hasican, shad Spraffig, 36 04 to Os per be". .J", WA, 5".. me, (Nelge Cyi,v, ,11fifeAdif ) 1 vkhtch .10 be Plood..".-A-Pu'r CAnIf -W 1`111OKS. PFIF 4-iloolorrols-P, on "I- fly lo"-�Ivf Pvt ' S.", STI, 144, bui, 535, Dky (:L)()Ilq, GROCFRlJ`;8,- I .1 owing had. It-- X.*vbPrJQA4_- 'If ispilrevialls Schooner Ar,ro,ox4l''as ,,r 'lip I.-r—t than istagiteneg a few Steps, fell and expir- (), I.. I , ,4d to I a Sell., iploor 84 lbies. I , $" 543" 345 Me; 647 two, [14 pi'llLrIGII haviliz Ilia. '. cronooll. cla 11 Anne. t , 7 r I log travew sit. The wife of the Own do. ed in&@ we 011k.1ti- KIT'H, A*",. (-,,k,ry and llardlylk!", Books Sol' ""I 1. III I be pricullimilis lfflel� I bi., ( Ili,- h&4 t�r�rab, was," end 4_1 best ao._,,,,,.%, .of s-ro.sIP1.9 AN .. t BWWY, so alm per b"W. .1 J.jurn Too:,, ai-irk Po I im-1,11 - 'In ' oode?ieh, lilmer."Inst, 1053. IV-" With an 2~-'m missi.old b) an L V noblest con-Pino , " - red tit give , ,il"n cdr.a.ef, 9.,_-.I" WK 64 FANCY 041011)0�`- ---' ses""'Is' to's blevard part onbe foolit'gety, And belelf4d IlOper. sa to Q pe Ill. �T -4�t , J,`,-,,'.n.Par­.-v ,,,,, is api-1,7, - & Old I he I I h,,,elc!t emost rAOP of life U I -UW 8449c' will"" ,4 *hock lip . It ..If few t, the r _____ , will be fooled anit to he ,kill ,lopprIt'r ..C,.fny woe of all govivrL �-: 4, - either li, vmfwl, ,or cheap- .4" ,.I.-uk;.r ti. vll if al- I,i,Y have procutgold si-I w -4-11"A The .111titc,ler herew sod mom -sway. ~_ 1.1 179 8d to 20L � liptine in five 'rest. � Slogavoilio, publie .1-1r,14%. "Tod.o.p. eloovoe'.yor bass TWRN - , 0 1 NOTICE. It V,W IT.Polt"I'llf 1,( plail! to . � " way. Ill JU1.11,13111ce. oue olo,c Wir�t -4 K . U. : eh�. late iw&MW*41?,Aent 1*'PAO 'made 'lot curry' -,"", 166 =---, werwh, th bovlivl�, I funprely.,,fary, call s,jasim, following Toronto- PKK CLNT- then 11-4 o"if" N"`g` relid 'a -I Libi0irr was Matui Meet a I I , itacceiiii or 1"d toy Cot.. pal. and RPPOA 411 Oil I— " ar?"14. T idesic a 10 2�1!1* - , . LL�oroms having Via R'18,1. jUmay _Ade Glo,h. Iiiij-, �It..r.-. ion its an) 4;-abliggroch IS for*. Co-, Pro -Old lbs' *O- 6' sed'its, Row gws#i0g , �qrk, �11) per r wombs DeToyie or lomy Wholesale bond No we,saverl."th. twill. vGt 41-11y" i humbeglinglier,anorkoutog, In- -J .I.Joillout mb*t I I AA*&eiuent* from I yfietd E -tate, log I" egront lifirs,.1y. � -.=� _- nIt"-,Iae,ll,e,l ;-%01, t"12 .1,10 of M.,.I.S. R.T.4rols, It'd .=- of *I. 4266111.' (4f4Aet=t'pre- , -,1140"7 PC er Px4L cellaiiAgentoollefLot"in The Bra Soggy.. TP4U­Prvv 1. .... �_.­ - - - --= - ... IIDFN I lros­� Sumawt shalmlo, R'Sawto,' bble. Tod, fit thit W" � , Askesteares d logs per . I r a" Frritle.ted to present ,hem 10 MrL Was. tilefociiiialwilel - Tea , i'Amill"AID-oar OIY 411"'I'di'"Pf 1 � , I , ) .- I . . US to cArrs CiNg", (jr_n, Roo,olood I. end Gr­mj G-440. - � 4) r I it, V - droiletper Ill) Ilsol. do.twe of 1.1.111tv. % ,,,,,,,O r.6 III*. I ; .1, : '77%h (�*me", vil" . 1K I , . -, - It( or $$W# Kpi�h. who will -60 Aft - ,%,m@a,ws,i4yr.p, ow vissegaroll tb,lbt�Lq"l- CA% ,, too , f !!­ 4 PlAviTbegir =V. .1 117 pake, signally a.do C LOTH Mg it 1-0 1411" 7t;,,� a � , t;, into lh� e,, 17 1 . A. stillrif i( J�gdo�,Pml,v'A &4embelfba. _1014 I A:. ont .o.es, kelIrComilint Ith bet A Of Mt' I W. 3 PIL .1 Yr 1011 be, appo"r-0; ­�- &G.- I a ho, has ,rasened the position Psi the Sikr.,n tit ;i". OWN l,to WX 1. 11, V%M,,P�i. 'f%.vJ,. hill I VG am 1 Toilets! V. - 2NNWL, vol" _.1e:q";1kP ­ . .-POItsilip �.' 'wMiliewelvas 4,4mv iffsollaw'' -4w 1W..d illillilli we' 'f - in to it 'alle".1-blarbsubil.. $$:I-,. - A larr....­ tin, at -I LooN—'ead 1111.4-4 --I r Y .1 4i]# 0 oil I I., ­ ,be W 1greenevits Will be &tie is, ,;,44 A, I 9 -go. and 141100.,.. 1 so. obbeft .ad a" 1"9 I. t .1 . ,W.4w , NO CloirylA. Red *4 Is - T frioll., (Wire 04 hfiM. 11 Charter ,-avc.orlysol 6brP r abod, I I -1,11i'te. � _-.1_ -V.,;w preperatedl Within twela"r LA U = I so veer iii The ,,wort 1% 1wv1II`PwgA 10 % .,�h.l . Ir bw (kik4wAsses ,h avall Ter rely. p%.if ," hypory loo,d-o,rov. � � ,,%�om � * ,1; �.� I'l I, W-- I , . Doiniplis ed =111'r Oil vared i -mw I a" I p:ly CA(WROW &*'I late *am -0 It I C IL 4*40P&I-11=7, Of ILOW ­ . Donald, I py"op.tais May, , . lw_t pnoplon I . . OLT aw rogift.. vriiif� While. Itroo-garick, (*M*- � away. — I"A I *4 rs. of L'A. f1mety, Plestv. Th-oo If I Tea, I*$ r r it IL, ff",of"ate. and ,,," ,ispek sted. ClIvessed. Still I I jAMW GILAUAM. I N baser 11141sesse Ow. 8!-.6. Pervisill C~. Wkgmik? ly) dA&= -==n one. twinfis Klinif *%&:Iwo to ( swl� ,J'.ih if. vil!m'g C '00 I it* "Mi -W Sills-! AAASPLI. X. -To 1414%."111 nil", I .. Or . mt is - (I opolvaiii r, Allill "AIR 14* ,its 1."Ithn"' 1. Keith, Agent at Goderi,h ,1 lh� A' &1& t':bWa- I W 0- -1.1iff- "'" rile" I so.ge, r'. 0 I be stim. Is. Of e-fi�00. Sit At fleor #%bvOh Owt V —_ —_ - _____ - .- 0 . see to lift fildw, A til"mlg*--** PwAk a -V � Jay .j..g.. n( S.odlif Psi. IlIt'-ft *I 4 bi Tor Jr. . "AIIII d1loviel few" I " ' 1, a 4ftNft MALCOLM C A M lr6RO "'r r, MR008 or a ..""odium", NOTICF. � If ,..,lfd I.. C.,11 A4111-1 'love lithip" a %I' " .* 'It 4^ tied Wf*K th "i'll be Zras' w CI Wo. W 4 4 , lw�. . In . M i*"it of rest rely wpm gr"W4'0 I both o1b lw'l 'awe" WIN 60 well I an . I 0 Jq! too L !P'L 11 A Gooderlell, IfOl. SO"', I piek' _­ - ----- opom row. lailarveliblic Pill —7 4" of ,lw' a .t.-Pralle else firms al 1,P.Ir in at. a If dif gibe sonov'.1% all. . I . . 11 I _____.., - I at, it I.k,4 - An -two. y to, a OPTIAR Potentially . bUW'T- to re" and essigalsou wf*". Toof WAMMWANNC .km pan" low" 19 The 11110 I t . ... I., thI, a ."Pop, O'BO&i-ii,A "4*% wp 40 * the =me, at dw nei- A .4 I[ ,,, 1, .1 N 0 T I U K . ..,J.,,Ad prisie. An khr I -, 1, �a.. . ."W ". I" or Alle'viessell a 9 KKT".rP #w mob I . .1 "'t , , * I , � , , - - I � I � , n I , I ! � , � a " ' _; , — 4 � .�� I I i I I I I -1 I I - I I I I , I - I I � I I - � , - - 11 I I I I � "' I -.w ,,,�. a ag ", 1-110 r * J;. I ka"'goiseepit it' "CA prewng� it 6 Me I ":" Wo'l MOMOAM34 - WIC", itakill the above law" Ao'-w =f * � lt�I me" 1 .i-144 =&*-is A" kft" all pume- I!neor Id - lialf bigbot caeolle ,I ­ , Iiiiij, reopit larell"11-01 14)? APR for oft - . .,� Argetiffies in" 0 glaft of it," gjws is Proof am wkvo is ... beflir at I I hip,rhey vintilled tit 11 wpic, ithpit, r4r*" 2*1 AP` few line' 4-1 olls"641) 'Woo III .v 0.11 legir ,%^a— - it, ,an It liesself-I of ltlzk 6" so she Allin Or Ills . m n,,* si-d lbe$OL,'Nih ,I ale, -*WO- I tvial'sit, 'Othv � I . W. $me Or .1wrlww— swamoodor - prire 1'.4 las.-forcir -I.11 � I A -, ,_ . _,PPIL- fill A~ A LIKIIIIII. tonst f to&* D[ - %`aA -hot W " ­ I Glow Off — 9-W 4606* , a" me" A Or pL?,,-d .1 W.,1 Pao I hip flowers, opt tit* Clark 0 it ,.% aw"ll barcoho m . a Is. mar "If Isileter, ang, loo� '111"o 1`1 - n1w IV -0+0 W I -1 -it vttw onvitterisdal. Nov tub, IIW S,OT4,foif Ialkiii a took ber-I lefte __ — alim %A A *gem or I, the bessig, she ttwir lat'i,eff,ear, f -P I *Wkj$lw ,,.I,.. I "'Uref I., C-1 I% no. -Tab som " - I'l 411101I IIIIIIIIIIIII, WVL All 19 96 -AH ?Iua Off 11"4 *o4 - .rmbL WII.0 iiii.iLVATRI. ansvil o -C. so gbs..,:nw�� do 61 49 110, 041%..t nn ev,I . W. I KRITS an 414, I mm .- __ � . go - beirim to"" ore le-roiler "Ill 0 1 6,41soloystrill I",,%,vA"r- I . AR - . we It ft, *9 of, Moslem" bK. . fisroys, I , .tomb. YOW 0% Ad" I do J I" 00-!Z I 'y I ., POO row- for"Or isof or,- I - % of till, raw i 3 I" Va , - . . AP Ill MI" ,it It. OW 33 I ifillif, 4wAr-0.1,611111I.. �. I -IM �. . Id CAU111" %00"'. (AMC .. I ,.a&. � I ,- I . w- ­ 040 '. *��t - is , .. w I lqmmw LTwadwa6m.hoh-mia .. .., . T� I I . ___1_`1 I1 I . *, . . � 'Of %pols, . I *4010.% I .. � I I I . It N � , � . .. � , . , , L , -did 11 I L : "Adisity, .- , _C.11 �_o .- z,_.,. L I- .1 4_1 ­ � " �__._.Allilk ,��