HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-08-29, Page 9Base Line fetes bride By MRS. ARCHIE PEWAR BASRLTNE On Fridny evening Atigiist 23 Mrs. Wilfred Wilson was host- ess to a kitchen shower in honor of Miss Margaret Rid- dell of Clandeboye,.daughter of Mrs. James Riddell and the late Jarnee Riddell prior to her coming marriage. The house was gaily decorated with strea- mers gladioli and other flow- ers. The evening was spent by the 20 pests in games, contests and singsongs. Margaret received many lovely and useful gifts for her kitchen. PERSONALS Bill Carr of St. Marys is spending a week's holidays with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Wilson. Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Baker and Elton and Miss Elizabeth Esson spent Sunday with Mr. Herb Beer and Anna of Munro. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Wilson were Karen Dunnell, Donna and Linda Stra- han of the 8th Line. Mrs. George Wilson was a guest of Mrs. James Hagarty at the Northern Committee WI, meeting held in Stratford after which they dined at Victorian Inn. Ross Scriven who has spent his holidays with his aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Ba- ker, returned to his home in Rochester, New York. Miss Donna Baker of Toronto spent Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Baker. Mr. and Mrs. D. Pert of Tor- onto visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Baker. William Esson and Ralph Baker returned with them to spend a day at the Toronto CNE. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Baker and family visited with friends in Petrolia on Sunday accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. Pert, of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Bagshaw of Pefferlaw and daughter s Sharon, Gail and Diana visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elston and family, Ill Health ? See your doctor first. Bring your prescription to MIDDLETON'S DRUGS Brinsley By GORDON MORLEY Robert Robinson has been a holiday visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Robinson and fa- mily. Sunday visitors with Mrs. Walter Morley and family were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hodgins, Mrs. Bill Maguire and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Morley and Gary of Lieury. Miss Sharon Fenton is a wait- ress at the House of Fine Foods Newby Tire & Battery Service (TEMPORARY LOCATION EXETER FARM EQUIPMENT) MAIN ST. N. DAY or NIGHT PHONE 235-0330 Complete Auto, Truck and On The Spot Farm TIRE SERVICE TABLE RITE MIX OR MATCH 6-oz. pkgs. 2 BOLOGNA DUTCH LOAF CHICKEN LOAF PICKLE & PIMENTO MAC & CHEESE FOR 414 Top Valu New Pack Strawberry Jam 2/98 Tap Valu Waxed Paper 4/98c Gold Seal Royal Guest Sweet 16-0z. Mixed Pickles 4/98 Aylmer Choice 15'oz. Peas Aylmer Choice 15-ox, 6i98c Cream Corn Aylmer 15-oz Fruit Cocktail 4/98C Royal Guest 24-oz. loaf Sliced Bread 5/913c Sockeye Salmon 554 Ycirk Peanut Butter 2/89 Times-Adv9Patp, August :29, 1963 fpgq, Ay MRS. FRANK .$OVIRE -Or. and Mrs. Ray Marrkt London, were Sunday visitors with Mr, .and Airs. Alton Neil, Mr. and Mrs, Hiram Pieher and .Barbara were in Port Huron on Sunday, Sue Ann Squire holidayed .in St. Marys last week with Barr. Darn Fuloher and Mrs, Mac. Baron. Mr, and Mrs, Wm. .Smith, Belmont, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Smith and granddaughter, Val- erie ,carter, London, Mr, Frank Parkinson and Glenn also Mr, Wilfred Herbert were Sunday pests with mr, and Mrs. Mel., villa Gprinang and Muriel. Several-from the community attended Zion Decoration ser- vice on Sunday afternoon. Mrs, Alex Haillie spent Tues- day with Mrs. Ethel Squire, Granton. Mr. Cleve Pullman, Roy and Ronnie attended the Elimville line picnic on Sunday at Ipper- wash. Allen Hodgins attended a 4-H Swine Club meeting at the home of Mr. LincolaWhite, St, Marys, on "Tueaday. evening. Carol Johnson is holidaying in London with her grandparents, Mr, and mrs. B. Johnson. David Johnson, London, is also holi- daying with Mary Johnsen, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Simpson and .Tote jr. and Mrs, Win..Mca Naughton, London were Sunday visitors with Mr, and mrs. Alex 13aillie, Mr. Jim Foster, Kitchener, spent the weekend at his home here. Mrs. Laverne Morley visited on Monday with Mr. and .Mrs. Jim Larsen, near %Oranten. Miss Janice Morley is spend- ing this. week with pr. and Mrs. R. N. Sherwill and family at Amberley. Mr. Howard Morley of Hazel Park, Michigan attended Zion decoration service on Sunday, Mrs. Cora Morley returned home with him to spend the week. Mr. and Mrs. McCleod Mills and family spent several days during last week with Mr. and Mrs. Don Davies, Ipperwash. By MRS, J, H. PATON daying in Watford with'itifr.W. AIM Paul Mr, and Mrs. Laverne.MPra ley attended a preeentatiell•and picnic honoring Air, and Mrs. Am Larsen of the .Oranten line on Sunday at the Riddell picnic • grounds, Prospect Hill, Mr. and, Mrs. LarsenhaVe sold their farm and are. going to reside in London. At St. James churchyard the annual memorial services and decoratien of graves will he held On Sunday September 1 at 3:00 O'clOck DST, The Pest Preach,- er will be the Rev, Kenneth flick of Ailsa Craig for the service in the church. On Sunday, September 1 the Service at the United Church has been withdrawn in favor of the memorial decoration ser- vices at St. James Anglican church at 3 pm, Mr. and Mrs. Ken McKernan, Mr. Donal d MOKernan and friend and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Budall of Detroit were guests over the weekend following the Brownlee-Carter wedding with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Carter. Mr. and Mrs. Clare Paton entertained on Thursday even- ing, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Cobleigh of Lucan, Miss Myrna Logan of Thorndale, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Paton and William Allwright, the occasion Jim- my's first birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Banks of Sarnia visited with the lat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice. Simpson. Returning with them were Stephen and Kevin, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Carter. Mr. Ralph Simpson has taken a position at the Carter's Gen- eral store in the village. Visitors who called on Mrs. Jim Sigsworth and family last week were: on Sunday after- noon, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Briggs, Jeff, Lindsay and Doug- las of Detroit, Mrs. Ada Mc- Donald, RR 3 Ailsa Craig, Mrs. Larry Ditty and Mrs. Charlie Elson of Lucan; in the evening Mr. and Mrs. Cooper McCurdy, Centralia, and Mrs. and Mrs. Bruce Abbott, London; last . .• photo by Jack Doerr MR. AND MRS. WAYNE DONALD CLAUSIUS Zurich ceremony Wednesday evening, Mr, and mrs. Earl Fordes, of Harris- top; on Thursday evening, Miss Helen and her brother Billy entertained some friends to a wiener roast. Billy wept home with Cary Lee his cousin to LendOn to visit this Week. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Lo- gan of Thorndale visited the Paton family Saturday night. Myrna returned home with them after spending a few days with her grandparents and fa- mily. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lee and daughter Heather of Listowel Visited with his aunt, Mrs.0m- ar Cunningham Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Rea.Neil enter- tained last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Raithby and John of Auburn, Mrs. Reg. Schultz, Blyth, Mrs. Norman Vincent, Jack, Mary Lou of Londeslaoro. Mrs. David Kestle is a pa- tient in Victoria Hospital. She had an operation on Tuesday. Mr. William C. Simpson un- derwent surgery at St. Joseph's Hospital on Wednesday. Mrs. Maurice Simpson re- turned home last week from spending some time with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Banks in Sar- nia. Miss Nancy Kestle, returned home with Miss Pat Stratp of Hyde Park after she had spent a few days at the Kestle resi- dence here. Miss Beth McRann left on Wednesday with her aunt, Mrs. Karl O'Neil of Lucan and Miss Anne Donaldson, RR 2 Ailsa Craig, to visit Mrs. Clarence O'Neil and family, Montgomery, Penn. Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Carter, Jimmy and Steven and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Carter and Karen of London, visited Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Carter and Ian on Sun- day. Mr. Rea Neil, Mr. Jim Sigs- worth and Mr. Jack McEwen finished their oat threshinglast week. Mr. and Mrs. George Simp- son, Hazel, Helen and Kevin, have taken up residence in their home, the former Horatio Simp- son farm, two miles north of the village. And Airs, Milne Pullen Were on motor trip fora few days going as far as the- E,awreace Seaway, K i xi t Ottawa and Other points. Or, and Mrs. Laverne Mor", Miss Eileen McKenna ,and Or, Ross Duffield attended the ONg. on Saturday. M.tsa. Carole Foster 'Is 'holt- Wallper's Men's Wear FINAL SUMMER LEARANCE Hurry, Hurry for the bargains are .great, Ail Boys' Wear PRICE 30 Long Sleeved SPORT SHIRTS 'A PRICE Short Sleeved SPORT SHIRTS 25% OFF NEW FALL SUIT SAMPLES HAVE JUST ARRIVED 3 Day Speciai With all ready made suits you will receive FREE 2 PAIR OF SOCKS AND A TIE (VALUE $5.00). WAVER'S Men's Wear Phone 235-0991 Exeter London, ushered. For travelling in Northern Ontario the bride changed to a blue flowered dress with white accessories and corsage of white roses. The couple will make their home in Zurich. Judith Irene Moore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Moore, and Wayne Donald Clau- sius, son of Mr. and Mrs. Har- vey Clausius, all of Zurich, ex- changed marriage vows in St. Peter's Lutheran Church, Zur- ich, on Saturday, August 17 at 3 pm with the Rev. William Paul Fischer officiating. Given In marriage by her father the bride wore a gown of nylon organza styled with scoop neckline, long lily point sleeves and rose point lace motifs on bodice and on front panel of the controlled skirt. A large fabric rose sprinkled with tiny seed pearls held her veil of silk il- lusion. A cascade of yellow roses completed her costume. Miss Barbara Clausius was maid of honor and Miss Mary Ellen Thiel and Miss Sibyll3ow- ra were bridesmaids while Guy Moore, Stratford, brother of the bride, was best man. Allan Thiel, Zurich and Jim Lindsay, Restaurant, Ailsa Craig. Gordon Morley, Gerald and Doh Morgan visited with friends in Strathroy on Sunday. Gayle Thompson of Lieury was a recent visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lewis and family, Miss Ruth Trevithick spent two week's holidays at Mus- koka. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cuthburt from Nova Scotia, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Trevithick, Paul and Ter- ry, Mrs. Keith Watson from Exeter and Miss Pearl Haist from Lansing, Mich. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tre- vithick. The number of families in Canada increased by 860,060 from 1951 to 1961, while the number of housing units built in that period totalled 1,269,335. he Trend Today is To • "••••"'"'N'''.V rAtraZ:4***r.NWP ftaKVX:MraZgM.r4g, :;F;NCV • • TABLE RITE FARM. FRESH HEN TURKEYS GRADE A OVEN READY LB. SWIFT'S PREMIUM MILD SMOKED PICNICS KINDLESS SIDE BACON S KINLESS WEINERS LB. SPECIALS 35 69 49 BAKERY FEATURES Weston's Cinnamon Butter Hxrrus 41 NO. 1 CALIFORNIA Sunkist Oranges 163's 2 .75t NO. 1 CALIFORNIA MALAGA RED GRAPES 2 .494 NO. 1 SUNKIST LEMONS 140's 6 FOR 29t LB. LB. BLUEBER PIE 4 NO. 1 ONTARIO IGA Sugared or Plain COOKING ONIONS 3 LBs 25t NEW CABBAGE 2 HEADS 294 Donuts 254 Aylmer 10-oz, Tomato Soup Kellogg's Sugar Pops Kellogg's Sugar Frosted Flakes Kellogg's Sugar Smacks for 8/98c 3 984 ACyalmetrsu; 5/98t Sno Crop FRENCH FRIES 6 FOR 98C Brook Park Pot PIES Beef, Chicken, Turkey 5 FOR 984 ARLIN 300 OFF Cheer King Size $1.19 HAMBURG & HOT.DOG BUNS 4/984, Solo Margarine 5:980 Exeter tucan Open Priday.Ni: Nig hts aavaaaaaaa a,allaWaXa. ;:,,;:tifA.S..c „ •