HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-12-08, Page 1Is hinge( 4?WOW NMI Tikatifar
• ,esses NAM °z•
glishoismaimps* arrow..
..sle;;; stria
ets101 frf
411 has e.,
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&t.1 !;,..
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1110110 Posey
Jos Tai foll,reeptled. the mat
reweave terms, am vim pi.coe, despatch
thee beestellint, es eseeseet et! Mitre wfth whet,
be sal lin trend ; SI Peeks. Pa mpi,
sank mac •. tiaaatalts,ofiryery siee, tucu-
Wm CY* 010/1•0111111.111. OM Heals, Check
Boos. Bile ef Loam, °flier Boas thv-
n Carl Ithilista MI every other description
id Later Poem Presdal."know to
S HriterLilit °WS ilairk.86:11111..filli PladirmaiZTEtlyNis
admic,, or 'tredve god Six Peace with
the aspiration of Use year.
No paper deseoetintted until arrears are
paid up, velem the publisher thinks it kis.
advalalge " "'
Aty iadivual this coustry becoming
respousilik for siz subscribers, shall re-
ceive a seventh copy gratis.
er All letters addressed to the Editor
must be poet -paid, or they will not be taken
out of the post office.
Terms eY Ativertist rig .--Sit lines and
under, first taserhoe, LO 2 6
Lech sebeeepiest iesertion, 0 o7i
Tee lime sad soder, first Meer., 0 3 41
Each sableorest insertioa, 0 0 10
Over tee fiats, firat to. r1'•'e, 0 0 4
Faith estoseriest insertion, 0 0 1
els A liberal theeereet made to those who
adrertese by the roar.
Adrerinameats withold wntlea instrue-
tioai will be inserted until (mind, sad
charged accordingly ; and no adver:isement
spud for at the time of with-
drawal, maks by the costliest of the pith-
' ata •3311
turbo .
Ila. P. A. McH01.7GYILL,
gra eansulled at all hem'', at
IL.' ,,sideseir tel merle rocapsed
Rd- .itaere feet steeet,.va,
4,1 .v3.7,1•e
PT3C1`. April eoth. 1011. e '
3 I
•T Tan aa• *a ram TEA'.
.11V1 Sam,
Tely,at the Maitland Brewery.
LIE Subscriber will pay 8a. 3d eorrency
Per bushel fur goad chats Barley, 1110 de-
l. F. BRITT11112.
Goderich, Rept. ftith, 1863. rtZlif
.Balralo, Brantford and Goderich
e.• pianism to a Resolution of the Board
ef DIrretorn, payment of the NEW ISSUE
OF SHARES ot the 'semisolid Capital
Stock ot Me Buffalo, Brestford aad
Mb Rail "ay Cutups, la required to be made
to the Treasurer ot the Company, at be
Bank of Britoil NOIII3 AlbfrICM, Braallarde
n ni e renal Inatalmt sis, as follura:
20 per rest, on or before the lit day of
May next.
20 per cent cm or before the 111 day of
July next.
20 per cent on or before the 1st day elf
Bepteuiber neat,
i 20 per cent re or tefore the Int day of
November text,
If per cent on or bofcre the Lit day ef
J•ruary, In54.
. Office 0( 0. U. k G. Railway Co.,
Brantford. March 15, 113i3. .649
- - _
• IRA LEW1s,
" epee,. Goderich.
_ 2eo25
e sArd NET MAKER, Three rioi re Fart
CARS41 C...opsay'• office, West -
Ertel, Grulench.
August rel. 1319. Rvehto '
A 7701INEY AT LAW, mid Cuaveyse-
i eller Baleen to Chaacery, h&c. has his
office as feemerly is Stsatford.
Streik...a, Pad Jae. 1350. 21m-49
Ang. 2.Stb, 1662. ,6a31
NOTARY PUBLIC, Commissioner Q. B.,.:
• I and Coavayaaerar, /Met/ord.
- -
Barrister Gad dimemile. at Law,
tionsarnit C. W.
!OHM STISAGHAN Barnsley mid Atter-
"me; st Law, Notary Public aad Cob's?.
&norm, at Law, Bolted., in Cbsa..
cary, Coareyaticer.
Guderich, 17M November, 1661 .
AuctiiTec r & t
(NALL at the NEW Boor vs*
mu. ..isek./ boo. Store, Market Apart,.
Gederich, where you will dad every
deseription of Ladies'. Gehtlesiens' aad Chii
diem' ROOTS & &HORS. Latta Xubbers•
i.e., all which will be sold cheap kr
1---..",•csiercd her, leave to inform the
4MA:etas ut Guderieti. and surrounding
country. that he has purchased from Mr. R.
NIL!. no sue so"' 13,,,iness; and al.° leafed
!•,...!•'• • 2 i••ripi- ii.hy It._ ,Il with ia-
1414!:.313 3'4,11111141,tilig me Boot and Shoe
P000tie... in al: branches. Ile bas • on hand
A, tepee, a veva largp lascrtment Girrole-
in,to. 12. and Shoes of differ.% sizes sod
• ••oemerous to meation.
Ile hh, .-!•rt large assortabeat of Course
ti.• s6. --masually cheap.
CAst rens' BOOM ants Shoes:
plain aud fancy. Ladies' Ware of every de,
seriptimi. Bronze of different shades, Stir end
Satin. Fem.-Lie. Nem. NIii Rice.. Seal -
skis of various sizes and Myles, imported from
New Volk. Tne siock was selecie.1 by
the ruhfcriber lent experience be
has hart in the btoinees enabted him seleet a
superior artit le, and by paying :be eaA. bite
pan -hated ,heap; -which will enable him to sell
beap. Small •profit sand quick returns is bin
way uldoiug Plea.se call and see the
sto."M before Luting elsewhere.
B. --D. M.bas brought trom the Eames
atoortment superior Leather. French and
Enelieh enamelled Lather:, Patent
Leather, Spar.ish Sule Leather, dm., ere.
He is prepared to make to order every de
eeription of Work in bi.. line of- bail/sew; .11
voters wattle. ; anciently attended to, and by
.1 11 anention to teoines-,,he hopes to Merit a,.
share of public patronage. Terms ressoaabk
aad *0suit the times.
Ooderich, Sept. Pith, 1116.1. n32-30
A LL parties indelded Me Estate of the late
blr /AS1E8 GENTLER, caber by Nem
Of Rook account, are reque.ied to call abd set-
tle 'he acme and dins, hosing claims
o rmlost the sod Estate are desire* to presto'
them for adpiaiment
13r A- referot to the above, parties in.
deNed te to the ,'rare will please take to..
ice immediately and prevent lumber !manic
and tests.
At 'be Office of
- Market Square.
Vaderleh, Aar 112ad, 1353. o29if
Oleg 27, Minden, &reed,
LoxDox, C. W. I
degm96th. Atha. 'Pen
( prier the Pest Cake &Mists,
lune 7th, I 853.11 stSAH,
IstMoritol•mmare, 'thparieki
GENT for the Preeincial Mutual and
ei Gaiters! Insurance Oaks, Toroida-
l\ Arset lot tits 81. Iffirivermses °unity ,
Ogesselruggi Mee York. Local
t ,f;ir Samuel Moolsoe's Old Rochester
July 1361. 29
I ION A BLit TAILOR, one door
',et .1 W. It: Omen them Wesi
/a pp, IBM. 4;44
Aim for Ontario Morose 4. Pare
Nemec* Ce.
I‘O'tigy pgrbefe., ACCOUNTANT
04IMISSIONER till Q. B. da0-
P961ddie *Owed ea limmeem, 811*
rapee„ Ge4s4
a,LI Ida of Deeds erwreelly draws, end
"""LIIIIkewerete *quo we.
wohaeg TeesserroGeherish,
hti 41151.
14-untiptligit MARLTON
eel etteserteicre Wee.
likomdearee ILeiver.• yasevel
ttbeisaltsAit Lead* Chsansd
•-• 7rterti sea Preface
yaw itit.
4 leettinor. rink theillkeeer-
Militarr, isLi ,s
lfrem Sired, Geeleriek,
IA8 just received a Large Assortment
s of Ladies' Pasty there and Walking
Beata sad dimes, emperor to airy of the
bad ever offered for sale is Goderteii.-
Also, • large assortmeet of Loma Boot
Trees, Compete Fake. Lining Skin*, kr.
ke., the shyest article* won Ike sold as
cheap as !bey can be purchased this Lon-
don merkei.
Godench, Sept. 6t6, 1363. shit(
Buffalo, Brantford and Coderich
Me an urban le food Ceeasera.
N"' Meshy gives, Mat a evaded
copy of die ,idsp_ee Pia* of the Fl0E-
PALO, BRANTFORD and acroimicEi
IMLWAY. Meeerit the Convey of Hume,
sea ot the lases Mewled to be passed over,
sad taken therefor. aed also a Book of Re-
lisiesce, containing a gerund deeeription of the
sod beads, the mimes of die owners end or
=lheriat an Oar 01 tory is be wear.
Matey Mize necessary tor Ihe ristM
e aderiamsark map or Irian, has ibta
day ken deemed te the Mee of the Clerk
stile PtIter We &amid Camay, pursuant to
Me mates, ill where misdeed provided.
Oldn of Of TOM, 1100111dofd
and Gueerielt Itellwae Ct.taeall• I
hearefont, Bike flept IRAS *33d
To the Settlers tlf the
DIE terArresigeed IL.pra tear. to give no-
tima mr Mt twee ao mat Ire Na
"AnnfaigrOg • 111180/0180101,1111rwat ends the Camida Com -
%Ma Imistailee
•t WM* the emweesi ef Mom Ake
bele thie area, kr Otheeraised to epee
cas Vevey Mice Mee taw she hiessesa et
tiessembe may em wee ta wet te To.
mete m trowel dee bermes, la pergola
thersach leerliselase sd the CMS
Oado ol Ol00010•11
se Nag eespeeyW te teen-
mellidat ties he etas ad
sidleteetilee sU50.
dorm arbor?
et dale
WHILE retureityg. bis semen thanks
• •
to: It • ea timely lateral 'pepper' ex
temiatil to Min by the tabgbit•nts .4 Cinch.
Weal , as an AtlENT Tuft TIIE c
rilP DEETS- h I
-Off• _ears
teepee% fnliy ro inform thi in n
still eontlautes to pursue Om some line o
Boot milks .
Jodgeamete, Notes sad Book A etametts
*blamed sad coaireeted is to Cane
Iowa. of Canada, collected ill trey par 1 o
Mut Prey:see West 1.1 Coburg. Al
directions resettling th• co,lec;.to o
T. Ina, fulf.Ased Lost with energy 414 .
Letters in all Case. must lie addreseed
Gall, May IL 1563.
Celt Pegs Oiler,
- -
nR Y Goods, Grower 14 are,
m-•• Crockery, Stationery, 1.";., Ste ..
Corn sr of Hamilton Street, Usibet biptere,
June OM, 1853.
CHO: ..74. TRU EMAN,
Varket Square. GoiteeiAt.
• Begetter kept of Torre laws, WILD
Lams, CLLAIIILD Fatima, Ike., fur sale.
Blahmier dal BMW Seames Maher.
BEON kave inform bet friend. and cue-
.") tomer. *at she has removed to West
Street. lira dimes raw oftibt Canada Contrany',.
sere. ahem she will contested), here on hand
a good a..ortment or Tuerta busty aad fancy
Burro!, t.i.0 it sea -on,. Also ribbons caps,
and (aver trimmings dke.. Are.
Straw and Taman Bonnets chafed and al-
Goderich, fah October, 1953- rd -a36
. ---
Corrasimaiois Agent, Ilfrarcardine,
'DOR the Sale of Wild Loads. dIce.. a Ree-
l: tory kept ot 'rown Lout, ionise); cleaned"
Farms. Ite., free of etiarze. All cemmunica-
time pot paid. ammo -rest immediately.
De.et. and Traasters grams; Books mid Ae.
mama adjusted.
Agent for Alowlsoo's Old Rochester Nursery.
Cocaina stoves of first rate quality and supe-
rior ilium and smote Piping Far Ilak on easy
terms. 016ce No. 2, North Derbant strew,
etangore, Township of Kimeardrae.
toner 19tb, lo53. •'• vin37
• • •
11 nriu.un.
Is he noble -is he gifted I
Is he one aiming the sise 1
Dues he toilwith spun radiant
Dues he artsh all arson to fine 1
Does he work iitt In ottani tervuur 1
Dues kw me a brighter day 1
Has Ms soul a beam ,..)1 beauty,
Like the arta rich beam of May)
Darn he see a gulled glimmer
Of a nobler.purtr age -
In hts feelings tike a poet,
lo his morals like a 'eget
Thrall% lax his proud enwpanioa,
Over land and over sea!
.And united in our.missiton,
Litre united, heart and hand!
And hehold the rouf of heaven.
Like a ifs/riled azure sea.
Lovely. sonless, and eternat.
Type of what this hl inight be !
And to teach the world Brea les01131
Of delight, should be our aim;
.5,4 we'd wake it. deepest feelings.
l'u embrace tine faith and name !
And the chords °fall true sympathies
lihuuki tremble like III, litlaffa;
A ud the heart grew ripe with .o -suras
friendship'. hatiowed pea -ere
And we'd spread •iveet creed-. aliglorioUs,
Make the iteautifut more known,
A od the Christian clasp the pagan,
As the fader clasps his oval
But we'd enrb the palaced tyrant_
I u kis thirst for kazoo a... -
Mame his deeds of raptor fewer,
Apd hit lieu i4 kindness more'.
And the world should see that giury
That Mentes the prophet's pen
144 its ,les and beauteuus kingdoms
Boast a happir race of men !
IT PECCr B. 8T. 101111.
'11M annals of moderate Freuch domes-
, tit hittory are full of Examples of doe,
tilos'. Nearly all of those who have car-
ried off the Moutoon prize --the prise. of
eirtne-deserves a page in history, but
1 fen more than Mathieu Boisdoix, the
young boatman of Montereau.upou whose
piography having happened, we have
thought it worthy of the widest pubti-
NOTICg. Mathieu Boisdoix was boru in a town
crilE uodersigried has disposed of hie in -1
1 wrest in the late firm of Story& Co. Iona-
detw. Goderich. to WC liam Story, vbo will
nettle •I1 ha telex s aad collect all debts belong-
ing la the mut tura.
Gaderich, Trd °rioter, 11463. rfs n36
A LUCA:SHAER IlleINTIRE. -do scree
a to make user my right. 1i:&• 'tad .ehlows
of Notes and Book accoonts. to JAMES
DONALDSON. belonging 10 Via 1111II of
Alexander McIntire and t60lIali1ena• ;
Witemse--Drrte CANTatiON.
Guslorsels. March fed,- some s8rta
called Montereau. and got his living as
' a boatmen ou the rivers „Seine and Yonne
ISober, indastrous and uuwearied in Lis
!aesiduity for labor he suprorted with his
grzRoceits, W se Misnames*. Fruiterers
*ad Oilmen, No. 17 Donde. Street,
London, C. W.
Ftwonsior ESA. 1833
T HEREBY forbid all persons harbouring or
hiring my Wit.- MARY BARON, as
shall pay no Debi. of her contracting eller this
date, IS u.be ban left coy Bed and Board 'Ath-
os any cause or provication.
Guderich, Nor. 2nd. 1%3. 149-3s;
' NOTICP.. .r
r fIE Seaseriher lost (or mi.- ta id ) a Noes ot
A Eland, some time ism March. erred hv
Mr. Pat. Plartaffla 01 N1e01111vray. Inn -keep-
er, for 6. urn 0* Ala 0 0 cy , la my farrier. I
made payable cm or about the IMO 01 18, pre. ,
sent ims4t1, dined Semeniber. l(2, one per -
so* finding the said Note will be attestor re- I
warded by nuuri.wg he saute to me
1 hereby caution 61,. Pat Flanagan not to
pay the tate of the said Note to aoy person
hut myself.
Lot W. 3 Concession.
BIddelph. 2ral Nov, 1863. 840-4t.
I" AeT 8 . Goes wen.
8 mortared to tarnish Ht:tzltiNS WWI
',LANs, no the most r his mem.
tiodernb, Nee. 1846. 1666. viall
TE sett theism. Cpwrte for t4. Gaited
C toes of heron and Drees, ell be held.
the dews sled Owes f41tow.Ig:
man falValtall 1
Colborne leo, (R. Elim,1
4my 19th Deeember. St -orbit minima Ciera
krises Hoer, flaveurh•e, Shone 50.4, Testi-
cle, 9716 Ludwig Meyer,. Leg.,
sfler'e itai
svens, of Ifeeiletreeens,
VIty PIT11111011.
Teemed, Elemedir. Whiaeolad, Oft roo-
mer,. IVA C. It. Brom aerl.
fissausesteases, MeGhtlieras.Therweay.211.1
December, O. Carer. Chok
gorea'• Teems, . Wellerellsy
We, Deember. Psr.' 494. apth.
11=No Timms, Istebasto reel beers A oh-
Iffresewaish. therst*Ialtstmamt. 34
.3.55. Soma, Eat. Chet
Heed ea-. tee.
Ilbs dembtudist dm Mumma Cs.54U
4sties• ht.
1 C. C
mot babel
laming. his aged mother and the orphan
children of his brother At an early
age he devoted himself specially to saving
;be lives of those iu -endileu ,langer
Ile bad, at eighteen the good LortUron to
drag from the flames an old man and a
young girl. and the sentiments thus
awakened io his bosom were. he has
since declared, so esquieite, that he de-
termined never to lose an opportunity
of serving a fellow creature in the same
way. In the course of the following five
years he was preaeut on so many occa-
sions at fires, upsetting of boats. and had
saved ma many lives that men ceased to
mint them; when -an accident occurred
that raised his reputation to the very
highest point.
An inundation took place which �' -
.red the plain around the towo, while
several quarters of Moutareau were in-
undated. The inhabitants flying to the
neighboring beighta, communicated only
by boats. Three mes had gone to ex-
amine had gone to examine what rava-
ges had happeeed to their property from
the flood, and weary and sick at what
they bad seen. re-eatered the boat and
pushed off with their feet. They in-
stantly saw they were without oars or
pole, but 0 was too late to remedy tho
isle Mak&
The stream carried them away towards
the bridge, which was nearly submerged
is the water, and against which their
frail vessel was Pare to be ert.Fhed -
They 11th -redone cry of despair and an-
guish. which, afsr off was hca:d by 31atli-
iest Boiedoix, mite was no timelier°lie
stood one moment irresolute Should
se fetch his beat?
No, he exclaimed, I should be too late
Par manful, I will swim asid tram to Pro-
Ple 'slanged into the water, despite its
!aging (ores and sharp cold, strtk leg est
far the boat, abieh he *mild hardly see,
Wag guided °oily by the tries of the
eeforttreste wr relies They were far
ahead Of his•liut bet made superhuman
eaertione mid preseetly the hoot was all
bat within his meek. Bat what .6.11 6.
de *wet fl.5031..esUasIy et he
hadowiltable erareee. Viltb nee alit
thatest fetch like a bar of ine,Ite cheek
est the bolt sad theist, it resod, tissia.
smakiag DM riser, in Ms meth
be threarde bitto twist, this rise
fog 011 Noes. e wait +As 111 brat
AO pispage4 imams&
OM rib *di le *ale" *Me aid et
Rem .
op. %MOO
was a per(ectl-all7Zne to dela with kis Elate you sot a respectable Mat.
Are you uot decorated with teen medal,
aud looked on witls rearmed 1 VtIoniel
not any man bo proud to call you a
6 Mud_
jlotisieut', would any be proail to cull
us • soli !
Hem t That depends Vont are but
poor worketati. Perlrips • burgeous
IVould you, Bertraud. 1.1 loge
)our elAugitter, I halo looked forward
for six mouths with earnest hope for the
hour adieu I might aspire to ask her
Lana -'
IV hat ie the wold some to, exciatiared
the old men, saresetioelly. Why Ma
'Lieu 3 ou must he mad. 1 have sit thou-
, mind francs t year to leave my 'Janette r,
mid do you think I would let her marry
a workman, however good, however much
I thougbt. as much, said the young 1
man sadly ; mod yet having Eu- :
phrasia's leave, I could tkit but try 1
I thought as you were a wink -
w50 origlitally, you u..ight _hue.. that
mosith. But presestly:a loud' shout of
triumph and joy prvelaineed his victory,
aa be mak iasensible iu IJi argue of the
Maim of this tows, who, embraced him
before the whole crowd, and; proclaimed
Lim now &gala:the savour.of three 1115114
The reputation of Mathieu Boisdoix
wigs set at bia height He h Id to me
dais Ind a small annual;peosion from the
muuiciogll-mti of lin native city And yet
he San set happy, so imperfect ia human
nature. Fug wometissehes was noticed to
be sombre aud sad. His character and
conduct deuoted that his mind was vie% at -
ea shove his station.
This poor boatman bad a heart- and a
rout that would have done honor to any
poaition in the social scale. One part of .
his duty was to take paaseugers from the
shore for the ,olar, or7passage-boat
Auxerre Thia aged vessel, the very
emveyance that first took to Paris
that stunent of Brienne, destined,
os Napoleod, to have such iiillueuce
on the f irtunes,of the world, still peri-
odically performed thejouruey from Aux-
erre to Paris by the Yonne and Settle
It was a queer old boat, with a long
cabin aud little side windows, cspab!e, at
a piuch, of conveying thirty passeu-
'1'he chetahs nis owned, and had been
from time item:moral by ono Bertrand !
a matt ofsubstanee ant prop,•rty, Who
still however, himself, directed the 4per41
tions the boat, and in fact altuo-4 lived
on Worth It was one of thoseidvid u-
als who work all their lives to Icaee a for-
tune for others.
Now, M. Bertrand had a daughter,
Euphraise, who sal in a little bureau at
the storm, and their took all 'mduica for
passengers and parcels. Mathieu, in the
exercise of his heftiness was much thrown
in contact with Euphraise. He died
brought paseengers, parcels, fetters, and
even once or twice went to PerTs in the
host Being on intimate terms with
old Bertrand, he soon became intimate
with the thinghter. and then loved her
11 fine h
Might save you fifty years of bard
work .54ecosiony by marrying a girt
with • good foetus.. Marthien. you are
a very cicrer fellow, but I am not to 1,.caught Let us be good friends' as ever,
but my daughter, c.4 kir fort.
11.ieduzmade so roply. wet
chuking. so 6. rose quietly amid weal
away, and the old man lacier maw him
It wax late. or the 1st of November,
1840. and a dark stormy and terrible
night 3luch rain had fallen and the
river had swollen ; there was scarcely
enough apace 10 .11,. any boat to gd
under the arches of tho bridge of Monte -
And yet the lights tram river ado
windows flashed pleasautly, aud fell here
aud there on the tosaed waters, along
which glided now and then a boat that
soon gamed moorings. And them a rat-
tle of chains, a bustle of oasn
rs, procla'oil
the eageruesa of those who maimed them
to depart; and thea all was silent -
The crew rapidly dinippe red into some
of the streets of the town, again as de.
serted as ever
There was one man. however, who
braved the pitile•P storm, let the northern
waseabia. Ifs eawly as lash fib
that help bed geese Ness medletel
Aerie by lie Oise et
•p 44 WS budrie(
Irwin i.w ss*tiqp.s the
the eye et eke pram men wea All, t
aiphie , woe. life he bad mereir.i..
lottowtheiTHoeugl:;:r"lig:obadh:iftelidPt iheeeirriikeltlitimmeistbRoangee. odurt40404:141.ilisaaadseywy
saved thre•-hts hatred fwd.*
and 'Lists/.
This time all reap,. epplitadati Vag
heroism ;-tlie press *vs culuuto. to
hie'valor--even the kill leo taintorhilethu.:
cros Cs°ato Legion �f
*tore worthily earned. IhW #9,,,Min
pie.: was awArded him ;- Jo!
parts sent lotto's .tt
and bditi 4;4,1; after hie ,y
elapsed b.upraelelyare her ,lian
'boatman rebel front ordiiiktril
but with the couitZtaitt of hie .101
ideeetesitie Oats aiia ‘ fo ilia wade
hisk,he bad allotted unto 1isli.u1. and lit
, ever she ft-ehl dread or Stand, Ai; seudd
lhim foie% materty when, 61 a row aitil
!malted feted be breathers thd sidle
Ike snobs of IA trzirre.
The above narratide is fimIlla/ Co all
who dwell on the :4eitte pr the Youelt
Perhaps the trusted,- tOrified voice of
history never reateded deed, or Tilde
genre Worthy ' tU
II is nit thee ted `cetriiplel Mild • Ott -
hie Ind noble purpose.
Itilte !SLR ds'll'aillOrH 1,4
A horrible eithastroptie (says the l'at rod)
hat just °owned in this neighborhood of
the Champs Elysees. •A Madame
and ber little girt, eve yettrs of age,
siding in the hue d'Angeuleme, hpid
Wien iu the habit of receivitig vieite freed
s prof asor named II-. For two se
three days poet neither the lady nor tile
f 1 be Pe°
of the Louse getting alarmed at bodiolf
as unpleasant odour comiug • from the
apartment: sent for the commissary' of
pole. No answer having Veen giken
to his demand fur admission, he had the
door broken open, and at that otomeoe
the professor, with blood streaming frown
• sound in the throat, opened a window,
jumped oat into the emart, aitiwas killed
n,n the spot The body of the land
tly a
the child were hiund tho liedroona
an advanced &tate of d( campcsitioo. aol
Ms the room were the remains of burnt
charcoal, with which ahoy had evidently
been suffocated '1 he titres bodies were
further details of this tragic afftir, which
we take from HO -A paper, writ
ten by the man, and found on his table,
stated that he had bee. a schoolmaster'
at Sh.arrebruth: that be Lad becoute:
violently attacked to a yoong rearriecl
womao ; that he had seduced her, and
ad persuaded her to quit her husband
e was a handsome fellow, and then i extremity of the bridge. Ile wort a tar- 1.1
his decorations made hint somebody = ___ paulin coat and cap, am! elood leauiug a
But then there was the father, who was
rich, avaricious, and who judged
a man only by what ha had iu his
pocket •
Still, Mathieu and Eupliraire avoided
for a while all thotigh about difficulties
They [tit the first influence of a passion
which 0 seeond only to ambition, because
that is generally wore lasting For the
world they would not have troubled their
first delicious dream But they had
continued opportunities of tneetiug. and
at last, naturally enough, these opportu
nities ended in an explanation. Msthiei
declared himself, the girl's siutor
and she agreed that if he could
win her -father's' conic:it she would be
It was on the first of Norember, 1940,
and the ceche from Aux.oro was tato.
Night had come on and still the boat had
not arrived. Boisdoix was on the ;rater
steps, on the look -oat He know that
I the cele would put up fot, the night,
and !tad intimatad u mueh to
Ale's ; -s zrgers 53 were about to
ventf.! 1'.1ria. Pr,rantly a flark
muss v.as sc,..a moving slang the water,
mad tho old bolt came slowly up to the
Two Lours behind time. Maitre De -
trend 1 exclaimed Boisdoix. How is
Pardieu 7 my frieed. said the old mao.
the wool is coutrary. and 1 never knew
the c!,.1 co, he I, hurry itself. fV..n for Lis
niii>ry the emperor. when I had the ho
nor of bringing 'Dim upon his fir -t voyage
n tor! 6, been rough and isouldin.
deed, bet still the old melte is not often
.0 15.7
Lazy or not. rni hungry, said the 44
an. awl so 34 Eephrasie, so let's Imre
the corhe n charge. of Jerento, and some
es elm re
Doe soir, Mathieu, oriel the fresh
voice of the girl; and the 111111, Minute
she Lad held of Lis arm, arid they were
aganitit an iron pillar. He was listening r
fur the first cry of alarm, which ahould
denote that ou that sight there was dart- bt
ger, and some fellow -creature to be saved. ,
One or two who pecied out at the via se
does and doors,aud saw 3 s dark sheathe t
by the light ef the lamp above los head, 6
would shlxider, and rJ•coter the infuse ,,
say iig -
1 t s 110i -dots 1;0.1 seed his courage °
be not nee.ic 3 to -night A
It was indeed him at his seen -veered 11
poet. It was Ins habit. to peas the Milo& si
near the river ou ouch nights, whop Los
intr• pidity and skill Mglit be called for 1
Rarely hod he been out: in such a storm w
'Cite WIWI blew itt terrible gusts aad Bois el
dui: almost wote!ered that uo wailing icy fi
eauunined hint to Ins dut..
Suddenly- he started. The coche
id family to follow Lim to Paris Ar•
ived at Paris, he had hoped to find thn
cans of living by his inildstry, but had
•en bitterly disappointed. He had con-
vect:1y Le..en realueed te misery. Ute
heti lealtell that the outraged liu4band
ad discovered traisee, and had resolved
his guilty wife to be ptoseeafed-
n this day they both resolved todie.=
ceordiugly, on Saturday last they both
glited a Pan of:charcual by their -bed-
.1e, aud 11 *Weep. But the next
orniug he awoke and fused that Mut
4.04011*041 liver shild were d md. Ort
tis he attempted to hart; hitnaelf hue
;led. Do thea wrote the pieeetliu4
cried', and afterwards oo1 his thro16
id' a aim But the wutral, wee not
eeponangh to 06008 death; and ho re -
mine./ setMelese till he heard the coal-
talary of police knock at hie door. -g-
els restored LIS conseiocesseas,„ and by
real exertion be crawled kr the "MARI/
lid threw himself out.
was rn sight. 04 it came at a rapid
pace, evidautlysitsif araatored by she
storm. It wa-s iu the tuiddle of tin river In
and he saw that it gas about to tarn for
shore. But just as the bow began 10r
swerve round; the did passage boat quiv-
ered and plunged head.ong \tweeds the
bridge, samurai which it struck with ter- a
rifle viuleuee. A cryl-(Lae terror-struek
despatch% coy of twenty -those perislitug Inforntation hes been received that the'
rusewi.tlty to the {Naivete Bois- work of slaughtering hal been eowininewf
(11712 SSW that roe coehe wee upset, aud at Weston, on the Mfesoteri river. 200.1
that its twoirols were /ironed 6', the or 3000 hogs Were been cot, chiefly for
force of the strennt ageism, the two sides
of thu arelt. The man acted calmly.
(lo flung off all Lis clothed bat hMtrow-
so trand skirt -f as he odd iu,ha subse-
rittetit, elantistatiou. 1 knew there would
uo woek for we times aight,-and thou
vaulted over the bridge tato the streams,
A moutent tared by the tall, the neat
ittst.sut _lie was clam erinz ins the. eashe.
!In found that the whodi hero eas
under miter, mid the camases only
just above the Sorra. 11 was so dark
that lieledoix weld 6ar.II 6011 bow to
tl'e wee all Idea 1 eried • wailittg goius,
ale will sage se ?
• I Betedimx, quickly replied the heroics
A fsiut cry of ratistastion cedes from
the calm, window Ilo rushed to k-
it as 10 • narrow Bo him to pare. Still
\reeking it with his handhe tried to
Awes LuomeoW in. foe this way 'IV .mild
lie IAN tioesre of Liao wearers's...-
Uhl% his great 5tre4oh with all hie
*dated emeriti% he et lost tore arty is
narrow or plank' Imid pit:Inger, WM
t he cabin; egettrit way fa his heart ler he
heard eaceilv a 11. felt sear
en Owe way bis stip at the ono hop -
k 1 "
house. still known as Lilo Cashew* d'Ae-ani. y„r,..,176:
t en* wsedew, followed. lehl her is, • sate plasm.
Illniani,x as he *re of ten Irmo& Pupped awl re onter•J Ileekkbi. Rhuitlser ere
with them- l'suafty 1. am irowerry led 04i" 01Wlr'114 Iuts .fferla, laud thee *
half fmitered the eel*ull .4 mita'
an A four% t ale Ite
tsarina emnpan Millet this sight Ise was el
dull Both autism& il, lisseraset rtai *trek aft! • tu, •a7 away here
lied him oe meitierstitv. 11. &mote 1 me aid he seal is a half
henrever. ammie no reply sesta ttik ae.„.agol toile theakiag of Mu -
• •
la P."`"
had &Tailed, sad tlecinshe a
szp....k m the wow it 0114 hit 1 au
mem bia.•42 ep to so sat a reeragetaiwk,,,,s
Wry, as, if them be hrsJ 7.4 l'eabtshl" pet tut rfillY AM eel
ath 1r0 h
7*weeder tlif I model, lid 04 Not w4rect
tibuive.4 soa,
LSJ01%131Iis. 1.151.
yes, pwrookkihm 1 4o *Ng Z=11411.4
ibpseiboas_ 4•111 adah frro fok biawrig
yee iteek, 1116..k1WIPLIIMOW0108116? keel Wipe ma die deer moan IF
reolertog into lard, custinx from $2 50
to $3 pi r 100Itre. net ; and arrengenteoto
eon hemade for 4000 5000 more de4e,
erabli• after the 14th, an $2, 50. The in-
crease m numbers on the upper Missouri iw
estimated at 20 to 25 per cent over CO
last year.
fIlF. calcsTAL PALloilli AT SYD•r
All fbe minor miseries hatted by wind
awl rain rio the wlsole pep lation of Lootket
arc a r: one to thong whiek Ma the lave*,
per., veranr e, and liatifsboald Het
Ilinroimbly.EIntish hand dines ars en,lute
ed at the highest ptiat of the hurray MAN
ia rearing the greeds...la edifire of its kis I
--or, we had alinom said, of say kted--c
eempreheading great fitielnrIt eerface
1:.•:11j forinei! awl fashioned, tesi
reabsnked, terraced, walkd, stepped an I
bAtustrated, into a paradise of Rankers.,
far sorra...in' the erehitecterel greedier et
Verssille., aril emihrailes with them the
peculiar features En4hati Isuailecape suss
ben it is alt ikrie. a Ltty alt
he able to traverse '6 wholeof the faity
regim aloes furlonp of te:race, miles of.
gravid walk thousands of pie" 144 wader s frositatine mad caseadeef
ng*.lie salts shoe to eon .h
she has left the rain 0116e
Cy -
.1.1 police lint4 --Qui. is to be, hot twit
a present ie a matter of 14i0,. *1.,t.,.
the wbohs hiry creation, like the monatera
mid to be eitzender4,1 the aim cm law
Mink. of Om Nile, is sir., i4orsi.;1.. ott i.
*45 tialla•Mal MI6 1. Ertrrgarre it se oaaj •
e.rad, eateeadal Wheel a eveletest _ed"
gresirte les Mew* be% 010#4, a trtIltefel
slope ellessebypewsitriZr; Zurincessice
ef 'eviasselmc el the
=Ids licadm•