HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-07-25, Page 112S Auction Sales set; 46-piece dinner set; 15 piece Dutch tea set; 3"4; piece William Rogers silverware, Assorted pieces of China; hand painted, cups, saucers; Bavarian ivory porcelain; all types of dishes, cups and saucers; electric clock; radio; ealiniater set with 'bread box; Pets and pans; Dutch wind- mill, Delft blue; 'antique per- fume bottle; antic:pie Frisian vase; Dutch tea warmer; cream and sugar set; eleetric heater; 2 Duo Therm space heaters, 85,000 BTU; 2 high chairs; child's tricycle; 2 bicycles; toys; 12-piece cbild- ren's library of "My Book House"; 8-piece library of "The Book of Life"; Canadian books and Dutch books; power mower, Clinton; lawn chairs; 100 ft, garden hose; garden tools; automatic poultry foun- tain; poultry feeders; 180 ft. poultry netting; 2 tires, 6,70 x 15; wash tubs; garbage cans; 'brooms; dust mops; 14 stair runner holders, copper- Plated, and many other ar- ticles too numerous to men- tion. Terms of 'Sale: Cash. WILLIAM KOELE, Prop. JACK HEYWOOD, Auct. 18:25e AUCTION SALE of Fairfield School Building Former SS No. 1 Stephen Beside RCAF Station Centralia The undersigned has re- ceived instructions to sell the above building by auction on TUESDAY, AUGUST 6 at 8:00 p.m. On 'the Premises The school is a 28x45 brick building in good condition with a large lot, measuring 191 feet deep, 193 feet at the front, sloping to 154 feet at the' back. Building includes forced-air oil furnace and toilets. All to be sold as one unit. WILMAR D. WEIN, Clerk Sec.-Treas., Stephen Township School Area Board, ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 119 Dashwood 25c By MRS. C. WOOLYI3URIV Mrs. W. Thompson of Bramp- ton is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Pollock. The Curts families attended the Lempke reunion in Michigan Saturday. Mr. Lisle Woodburn spent a few days last week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pollock and family of London s, ant the weekend at the home of his father, Mr. Milton Pollock. Joey Thompson of East Wil- liams spent a few days with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Horner. Mr. Donald MacPherson and Ricky, Joe Van Beek, Donald Manners and Brian Cooper of Hamilton spent the weekend with Mr. Walter MacPherson. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Fallis and family of Mount Forest and Miss Muriel Fallis of Sarnia spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brophey. Rev. and Mrs. A. E. Holley of Kitchener visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Carman Wood- burn. Rev. Holley, a former minister at the United Church, was guest speakerSunday even- ing at the Starlit° Drive-In Gospel Service, Shipka. Mr. Claude Dettloff of De- W. C. PEARCE, REALTOR R Anne St —PliOne 235-1402 VAOATIONLAND We have a wide •choice of wooded lake front lots on beautiftil Bruce Peninsula. Rare wild flowers abound in this region overlooking the Huron.. 19h4 watera a Lake Huron. There is excellent bass and trout fishing and deer, grouse and snowshoe rabbits are plentiful, This is 'a new registered de- velopment and there is a great range of frontage types and lot sizes. Frontages run from 90 ft. to over 1,000 ft, Prices from $240 down, with pay- ments to suit the individual. Call 235-1376 for more in- formation and literature. We also have a number of houses and farms in. Exeter and district. Salesman; Bill Armstrong Phone 235-1376 25c APARTMENT Unfurnished, hot and cold water, 3-piece bath, heated, thermostat con- trolled; up-to-date kitchen, bedroom and living-room; sep- arate entrance. Apply at The Times-Advocate. 18tfn' HOUSE, 3 bedroom, modern, oil heated, 11 miles west of Exeter. Available for August. Phone 35R5 Dashwood. 18:25* APARTMENT — Air condi- tioned, one bedroom, large living room, kitchen, 3-piece bath, heated, central Main St. Occupancy Aug. 1 For par- ticulars phone 235-2234. 18:25c 4-BEDROOM HOUSE — Two and one-half miles east of Cen- tralia. 4-piece bath, oil heat; possession immediately. Lon- don 451-7107. A. Carroll, 1369 Wilton Ave. 25c 3-BEDROOM HOUSE 4 miles east of Centralia. Available around Aug. 5. Howard Pym, Kirkton 90R22. 25c FURNISHED, heated one-bed- room 'apartment with con- veniences 'supplied. W. C. Pearce, 86 Anne St. 25tfnc 2 - BEDROOM APARTMENT, available soon, in Exeter. Harry Mathers, phone 235-1525 or 235-2295. 25c MODERN COUNTRY HOME on highway 83. Apply James Gardiner, phone 211110 Kirk- ton.. 25c APARTMENT — 2 - bedroom, unfurnished. Living room, 3- piece bath, kitchen, heated. Available Aug. 1. 88 Sanders (West) Exeter. Phone Kirkton 39113. 25c 18 For Rent FLOOR SANDERS, electric. Beavers Hardware, phone 235- 1033, Exeter. 12:13tfnc Quality Cars Cost Less At Dobbs For Dodge Jim Newby 16 Properly For Sale 22 Notices 25 Auction Sales CORRECTION In 140 week's news it shoacl have read that Mr. and Mrs,. Chas. Jeffery and mr, and Mrs. 'Victor Jeffell' were guests at the Coates-Kerslake wedding in James St. UC, Exeter. Also in the Sunday School picnic it should have read the youngest person present, Joyce Cunningtoo and the oldest per- son present William ,Elford, ••- ' •-• ••• „.. Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate, Auto, Household Furnish, ings and Misc. Items, on the premises as described. The „undersigned auctioneer received MstrUetion,a. to sell by public auction, on SATURDAY, JULY 27 PARCEL NO. Lot 14, Concession 14, Steph- en Township.. 100-acre farm, 1 mile north of 'Crediton. Road. 35 acres cleared. Remainder in good mixed bush; majority hard maple Apd white ash. Newly dug water pond with never failing water supply. Inspection invited. Farm will be offered as described on the premises at 2 p.m. Sharp on the day of the sale. TERMS of Real Estate — 10% on day of sale. Balance in 60 days, when possession will be given. Sold subject to a reasonable reserve bid. PARCEL NO. 2— Lot, west 1/4 of 15, Conces- sion 20, Stephen Township, 13/4 miles east of Grand Bend on Highway 81. 25 acres of land on which is situated a 14 storey cement block dwel- ling. Wain floor, newly built sun porch and kitchen with modern cupboards, large liv- ing room end dining room, 2- piece bathroom, 2 bedrooms with clothes closets. Second floor: suitable for 2 bedrooms, full size basement, soft water cistern, coal and wood fur- nace. Also small barn and garage. Property nicely situated, spacious lawn a n d Shade trees, never failing water sup- ply. Land all tillable and of choice clay loam. Convince yourself by inspecting this fine property. Immediate posses- sion if 'desired, with the ex- ception of beans and 'grain un- til harvested, TERMS of Real Estate — 10% on clay of sale. Balance in 60 days. Sold subject to a reasonable reserve bid. This farm will be offered as de- scribed at 3:30 p.m. on the day of 'the sale. AUTO: Vauxhall 61 Super Model 4-cylinder, red 4-door sedan with regular gear shift. 13,000 actual miles. This car is in excellent condition. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS : 3-piece chesterfield; 9-piece modern dining room suite, like new; GE 21-inch television with aerial; Frigidaire refrig- erator, 9 cu. ft.; McClary heavy duty 4-burner electric stove, recently purchased; chrome table and chairs; end tables; odd chairs; daybed; adjustable fibre glass pulley lamp; kitchen cabinet; wal- nut bedstead; steel baby crib; floor lamps; electric washing machine; Westinghouse elec- tric radio; 2 sewing machines; toilet set; kitchen utensils; galvanized tubs, etc., etc. 2 colony houses, 10x12 and 8x10. No reserve. Everything will be sold to settle estate, TERMS: Gash. MRS. NOLA McCALLUM, STUART SWEITZER, Executors for the estate of the late Matthew C. Sweitzer GLENN WEBB, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 119, Dashwood 18:25c RQH.PP TOWNSHIP OF HAY RE: ROAD CLOSING The 094401 of the cerper4., Lion of the frow4abil, of Hay Intends to .close the east 30 rods of the ,sideroad between Lots 10 and 11, Concession Hay in order to avoid the con- struction of an expensive cul- vert that would have to be built on this pertion of the road, Anyone having any reason why this roadway should not he closed pleaae lodge your complaints with, the clerk at once, By MRS. WILLIAM H. W. 13ROKENSIIIRE Clerk of Hay Township Zurich, Ont. 25:8c Wayne, Rowe were guests at the Thompson-Strang wedding Sat- urday at Caven Presbyterian church. Bosley Sr„ Mr. and Mrs. Herb Bosley, Mary and Alex- ander of London visited Qa„Still. day evening with Mr, and. Mrs. Glenn Jeffery. Mr. and Mrs. Ross liodgert and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Webber spent the Weekend at Fenelon Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Harris and Ernie attended the Harris reunion at Bayfield Saturday, Mrs, Minnetta Couch of Dundas returned home with them for two weeks holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Trues- dale and Billy of Wallaceburg spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. H. Carroll. PERSONALS Mrs. Warren I3ro4 of gx- eter, Mrs. Edwin Miller attend- ed the trousseau tea of Miss Ruth Dickenson at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dickenson of Wesley. Mrs.. Allan Wanner and Shir, ley of Sarnia visited on Thurs- day with Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Pym. Mr. and Mrs. William Lam- port spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. John Critz of Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jeffery, Alan and Connie visited Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. John Rodd of Woodham, Mrs. Lorne passmore and family are holidaying at Nor- man Heights, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pym, Mr. and Mrs. John Pym, Mr, AUCTION NEWS Now at your service for all types of auction sales, Also watch for notice of com- munity sale starting soon on premises of Eldon Heywood south of pillars on Main St., South. • rem " f "My mother wants me to' act more like a girl. Can you dye my catcher's mitt pink?" BUILDING LOTS in Exeter, well located, 70' frontage, very close to new separate school, 3'blocks from Main St., good drain. These lots are sur- veyed. Reasonably priced. Phone 235-0086. 7:25-8:29c 30-year-old plant still thrives A 20-year-old Mexican Yucca plant, given to Sid Sanders over 30 years ago, still produces a profusion of blooms, as this picture proves. The ardent Huron St. gardener recalls he was given the plant by the late Ernest Elliot, who lived in the home at the corner of Main and Waterloo St., now owned by Mrs. J.G. Dunlop. T-A photo. For Top Prices JACK HEYWOOD Auctioneer Information Phone Exeter London 235-0720 451-8630 18:25tfnc 17 Property For Rent APARTMENT -- Immediate possession, 3 rooms and nicely arranged smell kitchen. Three piece bath. Rental $50.00 per month heated. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, 396 Main St., Exeter. 30tfnc 24 Tenders Wanted Stephen Township School Area FUEL OIL TENDERS Tenders will be received by the undersigned up until 6 p.m., Tues., Aug. 6, 1963, for the supplying of fuel oil to all schools in Stephen Township School Area, namely NOs. 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 14, for the school year 1963-64. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Wilmar D. Wein, Sec'y-Treas. Crediton, Ont. 25c SPECIALS 5-Piece Chrome Suites By MRS. ROBERT RUNDLE LUCAN — 1-bedroom apart- ment, heated, available im- mediately. $50.00 per month. Utilities paid. Phone Lucan 227-4254. 5:16-7:4*tfnc APARTMENT-3 rooms, fur- nished, heat and hot water supplied. Apply 70 John St. East, 4tfnc UCW MEETS IN CHURCH Seventeen members attended the UCW meeting held in the basement of the church on July 9. The worship service was con- ducted by Mrs. N. Webb assisted by Mrs. J. Rodd. A story written by Rev. W. Pike was read by Mrs. N. Hazlewood. Mrs. G. Copeland favored with an in- strumental. A reading was given by Mrs. I. McCurdy. Miss J. Copeland had charge of the business. The roll call was answered by naming a job for a rainy day. INTENDED FOR LAST WEEK Jim Rundle and Robert Ware- ham visited on the weekend with Rev. and Mrs. J Wareham and Derek of Atwood. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Green- field of Embro, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Payne of London visited on Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rundle and family. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brock of Detroit are holidaying with their DESIRABLE APARTMEN. Unfurnishetl, heated, hot soft water and laundry facilities supplied. Garage available. Not suitable for children. Phone 235-0186. 25c TOWNSHIP OF HAY TRANSPORTATION TENDERS The Township of Hay Pub- lic School Area Board of Trustees hereby call for ten- ders for transportation of Public School Children from Sept. 1, 1963 to June 30, 1964 as follows: No. 1—All the children from what originally was SS No. 11 Hay, Highway No. 21 to USS No. 15 on Highway No. 83. No. 2—All the children from what originally was SS No. 6 Hay, some from closed school U No. 13 on Highway 83 and pupils on Goshen Line that attended No. 8. daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith, Dianne and Douglas. Mrs. Gordon Jones of St. Marys visited with Miss Ada Hopkins on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McCurdy, Brenda and Jamie of Kirkton visited on Sunday and Mr. Ross McCurdy of Dunbarton was a weekend guest with Mr. and Mrs. Ira McCurdy. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Sample of Detroit and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hurst of Windsor spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. George ,Wheeler and also were guests with Mrs. John Butters on Friday. • Mr. Arnold Hern is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don, after undergoing surgery on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. Norris Webb, Julie, Lorrie and Michael spent the weekend with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Crago of Pembroke. A service of introduction was held on Wednesday evening for Rev. Nelson Ernst, who is acting as Presbytery supply on the Woodham pastoral charge for the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rundle visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Fletcher, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Fletcher of Lam- beth and Mrs. Olive Payne and Jim of London. Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Copeland andfamily were Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Sam- ple of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hurst of Windsor, Mrs. John Butters, Mr. and Mrs. George Wheeler and David, Mr. and Mrs. John Rodd andfamily. Mrs. Elgin Webb of Grand Bend spent the weekend with her grandsons Douglas and Dennis Webb. toommaavonmoatomen•exca. gem • APARTMENT, unfurnished, 1- bedroom, living room, dining room, kitchen, built-in cup- boards, hardwood floors throughout, 3-piece bath, oil heated. Phone 235-1010. 18:25c APARTMENT — 1 - bedroom, ground floor, private entrance, stove, refrigerator, oil heat, utilities paid. Available Aug. 1. Phone 235-1995, before 1:00 p.m. 18tfnc Come In and Bid On Our DUTCH AUCTIONS children from 12 school on and •from No. Bronson Line at St. Joseph) 7. No. 3—All the former No. Concession 15 4 school on (three pupils to Zurich No. 2-Pe. CHESTERFIELD SUITE $159 Reg. $239. No, 4—All the children from No. 8 school living on Bron- son Line and Con. 14 to USS no. 15 on Highway 83. For further details concern- ing pupils and route contact the secretary, In all tenders the insurance coverage must be adequate and satisfactory to board and paid by person tendering. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. All ten- ders to be in the nands of the Secretary by Saturday, July 27 at 6:00 p.m. AND MANY MORE REAL BARGAINS WE DO PICTURE FRAMING troit is visiting his aunt, Mrs. Albert Pollock. Mrs. Joe Agrest and Mrs. Carmen Huegson of Devil s Lake, Mirth Dakota spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Curts and are visit- ing with other relatives here and at Exeter. Susan Pickering of Shipka and Joey Woodburn of Galt are visit- ing with Johnny S m i t h er s. Johnny entertained several of his friends at his sixth birth- day party, Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gardner and family of Newmarket spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. J. Gardner. Anne stayed with her grandmother for some holidays. Miss Grace Eagleson of Sar- nia spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eagleson. CHORD ORGAN $193 Reg. $249. AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects, Automobile & Antiques 21/2 miles south of Elimville, Lot 1, Concession 6, USBORNE TOWNSHIP SATURDAY, AUG. 3, 1963 at 1:30 p.m. 1956 Chevrolet sedan; West- inghouse refrigerator; West- inghouse electric range; West- inghouse clothes dryer; Beat- ty wringer washer; 1963 Spar- ton 23" TV, like new; Filter Queen vacuum cleaner; 5- piece kitchenette; Dutch side board, hand carved; large Dutch table; round Dutch table; half round Dutch table; Dutch tea furniture; 2 large Dutch chairs; 4 Dutch chairs; Dutch standing chair; rattan chair; 2 chairs; antique Fris- ian chair; double bed and mattress; 4 single beds com- plete with mattresses; ward- robe; chest of drawers; large storage box; vanity table; baby crib and mattress; baby bassinette; grandfather clock, antique; 12-piece antique cake set; 13-piece modern cake INNEY FU IMRE HI Health? F. W. BROKENSHIRE Secretary Hay T. S. Area 18:25c Stephen Township School Area STOKER COAL TENDERS Tenders will be received by the undersigned up until 6 p.m., Tues., Aug. 6, 1063, for the supply of stoker coal for No. 16 School (Dashwood) for the school year 1963-64. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Wilmar D. Wein, Sec'y-Treas. Crediton, Ont. 25c Exeter's Oldest Established Furniture Store Phone 235-0173 467 Main St. ' See your doctor first. Bring your prescription to MIDDLETON'S DRUGS Exeter sa:.,ata..aaata.-aaaa:aaaaaaaaasaaaaas:a...aasaaaaaaaaaa.tasiaaaaaaxaaasaaaaas::ataaaaaasasataaax;xaxaasaxaaataa::::sssataxaa:::N:taaaaaaaaaataaasax,:aasaoaaaaasssaaiasaaaaaaa.aasaaaaataaaiaaaaasaaiaaasaal Meet T e wn- r New 411 y Tire & Battery Service (Temporary Location Exeter. Farm Equipment) Main St. N. Day or Night Phone 235-0330 From 1951 to 1961 the cost rt of operating the CBC rose from $9.5 million to $107 million. 22 .Cu, FL ONLY $289 Your Local 160011VVEAR Dealer COMPLETE AUTO, TRUCK AND FARM TIRE SERVICE rY Tom Darling St Son Leonard Home Appliances Phone 235-1913 134 Main Street, Exeter tatiftr . Your Best Value! *"1_11M1111M. '62 VALIANT SEDAN BROWN, RADIO $1895 '61 COMET SEDAN GREEN, RADIO $1695 '59 VOLKSWAGEN COACH BLUE $905 '58 REGENT SEDAN BLACK, V-8 $1095 '57 CHRYSLER AUTOMATIC 2 DOOR HARDTOP, V-8, RADIO $705 '56 REGENT SEDAN AUTOMATIC, V43 $695 EXETER MOTOR MOTOR SALES Exeter Phone 2351250 A complete line of Refrigerators, preezerat flanges etc. CHECK O' PRICES coados oldest appliance Ittahlrfaclurers , • • • a 0.42.1k.,..41.1M:?..11g0.•itaLk•• aaa'a.aawat •„„ a rr