HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-07-11, Page 14h NO IMIe asia um mel ee.
nay NEW WORLD OF 4*,
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All the merchants are going wild, mad,
nuts, crazy, Your nose for news will
lead you straight to bargains that will
Make you think we need Out heads
examined. But don't worry just
burry , and get in on the craziest
collection of cash savings EVERT BET-
TER IltJARYi before they drop
the net. WS tibeeletelyitidiehletie. Read
all the ads in next Week`e paper Of the
enerehehte that are takitig pert in this
crazy sale.
5% CASH and
w99 ONLY
9.99 '
not more than
two.thIrds worn
Add $1.30 for Tubeless
Saintsbury Promote five
CE officers
Dashwood company
gets 'Osborne award
Area pupils
pass .Clinton
Bible school pictures
feature show tonight
tena.nce of approaches only. The
request for assistance toward
Peintieg came from E x et e r
A tile drainage loan of $000
was approved. Compensation
liability policies were renewed
throegh W.ii, Hodgson Ltd. et a
PreiniuM of $46,28 to general
account and $236.25 to roads
and bridges' =mint.
Ree va eorge Frayne presi-
ded and all councillors were
present for the session. A spe-
cial meeting will be held July
16 to consider the Hunter and
Hicks municipal drain reports.
Next regular meeting will be
August e at 8 pm.
$184.5 °
Kitchener, a rescue Mission
operated by Jerry VandeWeriii
a former teacher at the scheol,
The grade 7 and 8 Plass of
Mrs. M. Fletcher undertook a
special project MondaY by pro-
viding treats for a shut-in at
The school, under the direc-
tion of Stanley Saucier of Thames
RoadMennonite Church, is op-
erating in two churchee, as well
as the basement and double gar-
age of Mr. Sauder's home. A
high school bus, taxi and van are
transporting the children to
their classes.
• Twenty-one teachers are
conducting the classes.
Twenty-three South Heron
district *dents hew complet-
ed qualifications for their inter-
mediate pertificetes at the Cen-
tral Huron Secondary $chpol,
The Clinton principal
this week listed the following
who eomplethd grade 10 studies:
Walter Becker, Larry,Jones,
Clyde Phillips, Gloria Adams,
Jeanne Deiohee Martha Fisher,
Joanne Mertip, Sharon Wase-
man, Gwen Lawsen, June More
enz, Dianne Reid;
Patsy Schwalm, Douglas Al-
len, Ruth clatieius, Micha el
Cushman, Caroline Gackstet-
ter, Shirley Jaques, Roy Mc-
Adams, Robert Reynolds, Ro-
bert Wareham, Martin Mont-
morency, Larry Preszcator,
Ivan Willert.
Five officers at RCAF Sta-
tion Centralia were promoted,
one received a permanent Wine
mission end epee offered three-
year extensions in the July list
from air force headquartere.
Promoted to squadron leader
is V.V. Keller, director of ace
counts training at central offi-
cers' schools.
Named flight lieutenants are
D,D, Sanwa, instructor at Pri-
mary flying school; W. G.
Weese, radio navigator; J.11.
Baxter and D.G. Killen, tele-
com instructors, (X)S.
FO A.F. Johnson, COS aca-
demic instructor andpublic re-
lations officers, has been gran-
ted his permanent commission.
Offered three year exten-
sions in their respective bran-
ches were F/I, A.F. Sanderson,
navigator; Ms R.A. Last and
Kee Chatfield, pilots, and FO
J.B. Liberty, food services of-
anci r. boys, allc.1 aMil(7'MEra...r11.eqeruP cr
yielted .withIveroshrpther, Hem
at the home of Mr, and Mes.
Arnold Zirk, !Dvietocic, and
called on Me. and Mrs. Allen
Bal. pe$untlay,
Mr. Wayne Carroll received
word that he peeped. his erecie
eleven examinations with sec-
ond- plass honors. at Medway
High school,
Mr. and mrs,„Allen
Wiarton, were. recent guests
with Mr, and Mrs. C. Davis
Mr. and Mre..glenn Dickine,
Roddy and Timmy and los.
Ethel Dickins of London who.
are holidaying at Grand Bend
called on Mr. and Mrs. Heber
Davis Monday evening,
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Carroll
were Sunday evening guests with
mr, and Mrs. George Simp-
son, Clandeboye.
Mrs. Myrtle Isaac and Mare'
Automatic Oven Timer; Minute Minder; Rotary 7-Heat
Surface Element Switches; Surface Elements Signal Lights;
Surface Light and Switch; Appliance Outlet; Oven Window;
Oven Light and Switch; Full-Width Storage Drawer; plus
the 16 additional features you will findon every Kelvinator
Electric Range. (Not Exactly as Illustrated)
Contract for the construction
of the Whalen hridge has been
let by .Beberne township to Mc-
Cann Bros. Construction, :RR
McCann, at $0,1.37, was the
lowest of four biddere for the
contract, which was awarded at
council's meeting .July 2.
Council adopted the 1962 au
Otter's report, which ehows.
deficit „of$1,40037 ertheYeeee
operation, reducing the yeer-
epd surplus to $38,e31.20. Total
expenditures for the yeer :am-
otintedto $169,671.69, publice-
tion of essential sections of the
report was authorized.
Council discussed the Wright
drain work with the contractor
in the light of threatened damage
claims by one ratepayer if his
paved driveway is broken up.
Council instructed the contrac-
tor to use all due care and to
proceed with the work according
to the engineer's specifications.
Road Supt William Routly
reported some broken tile pear
the headwall on the Cann-Mit-
chell drain and council authori-
zed him to oversee proper re-
The road sup't also reported
there is enough fillingbelow the
tile outlet in the Stewart drain
to prevent good operation.
Council agreed the problem
should be looked after when the
Mayer drain is repaired.
Council declined to accept
any responsibility for painting
costs on the Morrison Dam for
the reason that the township had
agreed to look after the main-
jorie, London, visited with Mr,
Gote Wennistrum recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Carroll spent several
days at Liops' Head and visited
with Mr. and Mrs, Allen Tin-
dall, VViarton.
treas, Alan Elston; program
committee, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
H. Essery and Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Wilson.
Neil gathering
The 1963 Neil picnic was held
at the Exeter Park on June 9
with a splendid attendance.
Relatives came from Detroit,
Corinth, London, Lucan, Cen-
tralia and surrounding country.
The executive for 1964 are:
President, Thos. Kooey; sec'y- Exeter 444 Main St.
The public progrelp which
Plimaxee the Vacation B
echool here will be held to-
night (Thursday night) in the
Christian Reformed Church,
Director Stanley Saucier said
A feature of the program will
be a presentation of slides of the
Bible school children in action.
The pictures were taken last
week by Mrs. Donald Wileon.
Juniorgrades of the school
will sing songs and the senior
classes will preseet special
Enrolment neared the 300
mark this week, with the help
of "Operation Andrew", a fea-
ture conducted by Rev. A. J.
Stienstra. Using the theme of
the song, "Fishers of Men",
the children who bring a new
child to the school each day are
entitled to catch "fish" from a
paper pond. The competition is
between boys and girls.
Funds collected in the mis-
sionary project this year will
go to the House of Friendship,
Correction, please
In the HSDHS promotion re-
sults, published June 2'7, the
name of Wayne Ratz was in-
advertently omitted. He re-
ceived credit standing in grade
The name of Valerie Sweet
should have been included in the
list of pupils in Grade 1, Room
2, of Exeter Public School.
The UCW meeting was held
in the church last Wednesday
evening with Mrs. WillisSteep-
er and Mrs. Earl Steeper in
charge of the worship service.
Mrs. Willis Steeper and Mrs.
Earl Steeper gave readings.
Patriotic hymns were sung.
Piano instrumentals were play-
ed by Nancy Woodburn and Irene
A gratifying financial report
of the recent strawberry and
ham supper was given.
There will be no August meet-
Mr. John Guenther has retur-
ned to Toronto after a week's
holidays at his home here.
Mrs, Lamport and Tom spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, J.O.
Lampert and family of Pick-
Miss Donna Leadley and Miss
Karen Angor of Welland are
holidaying with Mr. and Mrs.
Stuart Sweitzer and family.
Mr. James Snider is holiday-
ing with Mr. Douglas Desjar-
dine of Grand Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Vincent of
Winnipeg are visiting friends
and relatives in this district.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Maier
and Dennis, Mrs. Emily Maier,
Bob and Kathy Boerner of Mio,
Mich. visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh Morenz. Bob is staying
for holidays with Bill Morenz.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Arnold
and family have moved here
from Parkhill recently.
Holiday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. O.C. Russell were Mr.
and Mrs. Bruce MacGregor and
family of Oshawa, Miss Nancy
Russell, Essex, and Mr. David
Russell, Windsor.
More than 400 people sat down
to enjoy the annual ham supper
last Wednesday evening in the
Parish Hall and enjoy a few
games of bingo.
Winners of the cash draw
were: $30 to Mrs. Pat Fleming;
$20 to Mrs. Jack Pearson, Lon-
don; $10 to Miss Vera Die-
trich, London.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Whit-
ing and family of Detroit spent
the weekend with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Whiting.
Mrs. John McCallum of Lon-
don spent the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. Harold McDonald.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brophey,
Mrs. Harold Brophey, Mrs. Al-
bert Pollock and Mrs. Carman
Woodburn attended the 40th
wedding anniversary for Rev.
and Mrs. W. J. Maines inGran-
ton United Church last Thurs-
day evening.
Miss Lillian Ulens of Wind-
sor spent a few days last week
at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dettloff
of Detroit are visiting this week
with Mrs. Albert Pollock.
Mr. Donald MacPherson and
Ricky of Hamilton spent the
weekend with his father, Mr.
Walter MacPherson.
Mr. and Mrs. Selbourne Eng-
lish spent the weekend with re-
latives in Northern Ontario.
Canada's farmers received
a record $2,199.5 million in
cash income from farming op-
erations in the first nine months
of 1962.
Ill Health?
See your doctor first.
Bring your prescription to
Mr. Gerry Sheehan of Sudbury
is spending the summer with
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mc-
Mr. and Mrs. George Fresard
and family of Vera Beach, Flo-
rida, are holidaying with Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Regier and
Miss Helen Sullivan RN of
Sarnia spent the weekend with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pat
Sullivan Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Regier
left London by train Sunday
evening for Weyburn, Saskat-
chewan, to visit Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Regier and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lane and
family of Detroit are spending
some of their vacation with
Mrs. Laura McCann and other
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Glavin and
girls motored to New Brunswick
last week to visit the latter's
parents for a week.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hogan of
Merlin are vacationing part
time at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Wilfred Hogan while Joe
is taking a special summer
course at Universityof Western
Miss Nancy Berdinski of De-
troit is spending her holidays
with her grandmother, Mrs. Pat
Miss Joy Thacker is spend-
ing this week at Bimini Camp.
Misses Sharon Thomson and
Helen Harlton are attending
camp at Goderich this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thack-
er and family spent Saturday
evening with Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Pattison of St. Marys.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Grasby and Debbie of London
spent Saturday with Mr. and
Mrs. Claire Sisson.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Petch of
Strathroy spent Sunday and
Monday with Mr. and Mrs.
Claire Sisson and spent a day
at Goderich and visited the mu-
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Jones
and family were Sunday even-
ing guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Glen Dawson of Thorndale, Don-
na remaining for a couple of
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Jones
attended the Dawson reunion
at Springbank Park on Satur-
day evening.
Mr. Cliff Freer of Kerwood
spent Sunday with his son, Mr.
Bill Freer and Mrs. Freer.
Mrs. J. Woodall
area reporter
Mrs. Joseph Woodall, 80, a
Times-Advocate correspondent
for Crediton for 15 years, died
in South Huron Hospital, Sat-
urday, July 6, having been a
patient for four days.
She was the former Eliza-
beth Lawson, daughter of the
late Mr. and Mrs. George Law-
son, Stephen Township. She and
her husband have always lived
in the area and observed their
58th wedding anniversary in
Mrs. Woodall was an active
member of the United Church
serving as Sunday School teach-
er for many years and 30 years
in the choir, the most of that
time as leader. Other UC wo-
men's groups also claimed her
interest as well as the Wo-
men's Institute.
She was T-A correspondent
for her community for 15 years
and retired four years ago due
to ill-health.
She is survived by her hus-
band, two daughters, Mrs. John
B. (Hazel) Pryde, Exeter and
Mrs. William (Laura) Gilmar-
tin, Wichita,Kansas; two sons,
Elgin Woo all, Royal Oak,
Mich., William Woodall, Wind-
sor; and one sister, Mrs. Thom-
as Wilson, London.
Funeral services were con-
ducted by Rev. S. E. Lewis as-
sisted by Rev. Wm. Parrott,
London, a former pastor, at the
Hopper-Hockey funeral home,
Exeter, with burial in Exeter
Pall bearers were William
Lawson, Listowel, Sanford, Sam
and Gerald Lawson, Ted Cham-
bers and Jack Reeder. cti le lestr
ea So
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