HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-07-11, Page 11.rrrr--mr!!..“ rrr!f._-7•1-rrr-rrr,-rr!r, 25 Auction Sales Tent Of earPenter and garden tools; 2 shotguns; galvanized tubs; bird 'houses and novel- ties, etc.,. etc. No Reserve,everything will be sold to settle estate, TERMS: Cash. ERWIN SOHADE, Executor for the Estate of the late Henry Bender GLENN WEBB, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 119, Daehwood 4:11c Estate AUCTION SALE of Valuable Household Effects and Misc. items On the premises in the VILLAGE OF LUCAN The undersigned auctioneer received iostriietions to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, EVENING, JULY 12 at ZOO p.m. 3-piece chesterfield suite; 25 Auction. Sales quantitY of bedding; linens; quilts; comforters; PilleWS;* drapes; kitchen utensils; seal- ers; altiminumware; crocks; lawn chairs; garden tools; stop ladder, etc. No reserve. Everything will he sold to settle ?stoke-. TERMS: Cash. WS. JAMES AVERY, Bxec- llter for the estate of the late Charles Nelson, Ashhury GARNET HICKS„ Clerk ALVIN WAPEA, Auctioneer 4:I1e 25 Agelleri Sales coffee and end tables; occo, sional chair; Pbilco console television including aerial and rotor recently purchased and to be sold separately; aire refrigerator.; Viking heavy duty electric stove, like new; Hoover vacuum cleaner, like new; RCA Victor radio; electric lamps; various mir- rors; smoker's stand; kitchen table and ehairs; oak single bed, springs and mattress; dresser; commode; chest of drawers; drop-leaf table; ce- dar chest; wicker chair; sil- verware; glassware; dishes; 'Times Advocate, .July 11, 1904 ?Apo 11 A complete line of Refrigerators, Freezers, Ranges etc. CHECK OUR PRICES 17 Property for Rent SENIOR CITIZEN APART- MENT, soon. Wash, er, dryer and heat 4upplie0,. Landscaped dawn. Pho#0 Art 'Whilsmith 20.tfnc APARTMENT, ftiroiSbetl? heated, centrally IP gate Beavers lierOWOre, phOne .335- 193.8, Exeter. gging APARTMENT — Immediate. possession, 3 rooms and nicely arranged small kitchen, Three PieCe bath, Rental $59,04 per Month heated. C. V. Piekerti, Realtor, 396 Main St., Exeter. 30t,fne LUCAN 1-bedroern apert- heoted, available im- mediately. $e0.0.0 per month. Utilities paid. Phone Lucan 227-4254, .4 41the .„ . 18 For Rent .. „ FLOOR SANDERS, electric, Beavers Dardware, phone 45-- 1033, Exeter, • 13.:13tfnc 20 Wanted To Rent HOUSE OR DOWNSTAIR apartment, 2 or 3 bedroom, unfurnished, Pessession a s soon as possible. Phone 235- 1734, BOAT TRAILER for the last week of July. Apply Jack Coulter at The T-A, line Estate AUCTION SALE of Real Estate, House- hold Effects, Antiques and Misc. Items On the premises Lot 22 Main St. West in the VILLAGE OF DASHWOOD The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public 'auction on SATURDAY, JULY 13 at 1.00 p.m. REAL ESTATE: Consists of Plan 9, Lot 22, one-fifth acre of land on which is situated a well constructed 2 - storey frame dwelling. Main floor — large living and dining room, 24 Tenders Wanted FOR SALE BY SEALED TENDER—The former No. 12 Union School Usborne Town- ship School Area. Tenders close on July 19 at 6 p.m. Highest or 'any tender not necessarily 'accepted. For fur- ther anformation contact A. Garnet Hicks, See'y - Tree s. , Usborne Township School Area RR 3 Exeter. 11:18c TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY TENDER FOR TRUCK Sealed tenders will he re- ceived by the undersigned un- til 6 p.m. July 16, for one 1963 5-ton truck 'equipped with dump box, hoist, V plough and wing. Trade in 1956-1900 Chevro- let with dump box, V plough and wing. Tender forms and specifica- tion's may be obtained from the road .superintendent. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. (Signed) William Taylor, Road Superintendent Varna, Ont. lie 25 Auction Sales Revenue Fund Balance Sheet ASSETS Cash on Hand Cash in Bank 2.05 8,110.72 8,112.77 Accounts Receivable Sundry . 1,653.96 Agreements Drains . 2,653.20 Total 4,307.16 4,307.16 Due from Province of Ontario 15,004.35 Taxes Receivable 16,308.54 Less Allowance for uncollectible taxes 16,308.54 Other Assets -- Inventories 1,032.57 TOTALASSETS ......... . . . • . 44,765.39 LIABILITIES Accounts Payable 3,904.50 Due to Other Local Boards and Commissions Ausable River Conservation Authority . . . . 1,903.63 Upper Thames Valley River Authority . . 117.07 Other Liabilities 2,020.70 Deferred Revenue 608.83 608.83 Surplus 38,231.36 Total Liabilities and Surplus 44,765.39 CATCH MORE "A" PREMIUMS SHUR-GAIN puts the with these new Shur-Gain Swine Feeds New Shur-Gale Salebarn Starter has been developed by Sher-Gal n Nutritionist s to get those newly purchased wearier pigs on to full feed Sooner—with ne digestive upset. New Sher-Gain Super Pig Starters-a highly palatable, high energy feed to be used f011oWingShur-dain Creep Feed through to 10 weeks of age. Call es fdr full details on these new feede, and the complete ShareGain SIX Step Bog Feeding Program. Do your best to catch. MORE "A" PREMIUMS with your MARKET HOGS. Shur Gain puts the Gain in Hog Feeding GAIN in Hog Feeding SHUR-GAIN woo yeas EXETER 235,1.782 WHALEN CORNERS Ph. kirktoil 35r15 Limited DEVON BUILDING Phone 235-1863 6:13tflic HOUSE IN LUOAN-2 bed- room instil brick; garage and garden space; attractive and comfortable; low down pay- ment; easy Monthly terme, Phone 227-4573, 11e 17 Properly for Rent TWO . BEDROOM HOUSE — Living remit, kitchen and bath. Phone 235-1475 Exeter. 11* APARTMENT — 1-bedroom, furnished, heated, central lo- cation. Parker's Apartments. Phone 235-0915. 20tfric MODERN APARTMENT — 5 rooms, moulding 3 pc, bath and shower. Available Aug, 1, Ellroart Apartments, main St. Phone 235-1505 days Art Gei- ser 235.2754 after 6 p,M, 4tfne APARTMENT-4 repine, fur- nished, heat and hot water semplied. Apply 70 John St. East. 4ffne APARTMENT — 2-bedroom, furnished, air conditioned, con- anal Ikation. Parker Atits„ Malts St, phone 235-6915 4tfq 15P.STRAttlig APARTMENT—, IMftirnished, heated With hot, soft Water, leetidey fileilitlet. Not suitable for -children. Phone 235,0186, evenings, 11* 15 Wanted OAR LEAVING Or Western Provinces on or ,before July 10, Room for two, Drivers_ helpful. PItette 293-3280 Ira Craig or apply to The Exeter TirneS-Advocate 11* BABY'S OMB, jolly jumper, play pen M good condition. Apply Box C g P Times- Ad- Vacate. rte COUNTRY HOME for gentle 3-year-old spayed female dog, rabies shots complete, Ideal active dog for pereon on farm. Free for good home, Photle Centralia 228.6324. lie 25 Autilop Sale$ kitchen, bedroom and utility room, 'Second floor— 5 bed- rooms, clethes closets, Foil size beseMeet, Also small barn- Spacious lawn and shade trees. Terms of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale. Balance in 30 days, Sold sebjeet to a rea - sonable reserve bid, HOUSEHOLD VEEE CTS; Admiral table model tele- vision and 'aerial; dining room table and chairs; occasional chairs; leather and oak rock- ers; medium size refrigerat- or; 2 electric radios; 2-burner electric stove; Duo Therm space 'heater; 150 gallon oil tank; Enterprise coal and wood range; kitchen table and chairs; kitchen cabinet; kit- chen clock; Pine wood an- tique writing desk; 2 dry sinks; antique rocker; phone- graph and records; numerous coal-oil lamps; cuckoo clock; couch; chest of drawers; 2 oak bedsteads, complete with springs and mattresses; dres- sers; commodes; hall tree; assortment of glassware; sil- verware, linens, quilts, coin forters; electric washing ma- chine; 'hot plate; lawn chairs; bicycle chrome lights; buggy lanterns; set of single har- ness, in good condition; string single harness chrome bells; set Swiss bells; cutter; single horse fly net; large assort- 6Q0 BALES OF HAY — Apply Fred Darling, Exeter. lie SEALED TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY Clinton .District Collegiate Institute I3odrd For Provision of Bunker Feel 5A or 6C for CENTRAL HURON SECONDARY SCHOOL, CLINPON, commencing 1 Sept. 1963, Storage capacity 10,000 gals. Maximum esti- mated daily consemption 500-00 gals. Tenders so marked to be in the hands of the Business Adminstrator, Mr. L. R. Maloney, by 31 July 1963. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Grand Bend tw Area specialSum- mer Service Telephone Rates avail- able to Sum- mer Residents --Enquire Hay Municipal Telephone system Dial 236 and askfor 102 TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE Auditor's Report and Financial Statements FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1962 The things that come to the man who waits are seldom the things he waited for. -- Robert C. (Bob) Edwards CALL JB AT 1863 BUSINESS BLOCK, LOTS, etc. ALL LINES OF INSURANCE C. V. PICKARD, REALTOR 394 Main St., Exeter Phones 235.0310 and 235-0414 5 : 16tinc CHOICE BUILDING LOT, Hill St., directly south of and overlooking Riverview Park. Apply Box 1111, Times-Advo- cate, 8:23tfne REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE 3 - BEDROOM BRICK. This home is in fine condition, Has dining room and plenty of liv- ing space, including large sun room, two bathrooms, oil heat, moderate price; terms. 4 - BEDROOM BRICK. Com- fortable family home, close to school; full bath ep--2-piece down; new oil furnace; mod- ern kitchen. Reasonable price, terms. 16 Property For Sale C. V. PICKARD NOTICE TO DESTROY NOXIOUS WEEDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to property owners In urban and sub- divided areas to destroy all Noxious Weeds as often as necessary In each Season, to prevent their going to seed. Statement of Revenue and Expenditure REVENUE Also, after July 20, 1963, pro- ceedings will be taken to destroy Noxious Weeds in accordance with the Weed Control Act. ALEX CHESNEY Huron County Weed Inspector 2-BEDROOM COTTAGE — To be moved. Modern and reason- ably priced. GRAND BEND — Beautiful log cabin siding cottage on river with boat house. $5,000 down. CENTRALIA — Nice 2-bed- room cottage. Oil heat. Nice lot. Immediate possession. MODERN HOUSE, barn and 10 acres of land. Good well. $9,500 with terms. COMMERCIAL BLOCK on Main Street of Exeter. 2-BEDROOM wartime house with oil beat, 3-BEDROOM insul brick. New oil furnace. LARGE BRICK HOUSE com- pletely modernized. Rent from separate apartment will pay heat and taxes. NEW 3-BEDROOM, living room, dining room, basement, garage, oil heat. LARGE OLDER HOME which could be renovated into a showplace. Terms. 3-UNIT APARTMENT house. $2,500 down. 1 ACRE OF LAND south of Exeter on No. 4 Highway. 100-ACRE FARM in Stephen, $19,000. 2-BEDROOM HOUSE on 5 acres, $6,000. NICE 50-ACRE FARM includ- ing tractor, cultivator, 2-fur- row plow, disc, $8,600. $50.00 DOWN will buy a 76' building lot. GRAND BEND — Large mod- ern 3-bedroom house on 1 acre of land, oil heat, 2-car garage. Reasonable down pay- ment. LUCAN-3-bedroom red brick; living room, dining room, kitchen; oil heat. LUCAN-3-bedroom bungalow, large garage, oil heat, central- ly located. Auditor's Report The Reeve, Councillors and Ratepayers The Corporation of the Township of Usborne Elimville, Ontario Dear Sirs: We have audited the accounts and records of the Township of Us- borne for the year ended December 31, 1962 and have prepared therefrom the Statements listed in the Index accompanying this report. With respect to these statements the following comments are pre- sented, All bank balances have been reconciled with amounts confirmed di- rectly to us from the Township's Bankers. REVENUE FUND BALANCE SHEET Sundry Accounts Receivable $1,653.96 The sundry accounts receivable are Made up of unpaid services of the Roads Department, hall rental, and share of magistrate's fines. Drains $2,653.20 The entries to the drain ledger from the receipts and disburse- ments were checked at the time of our audit. The above figure represents the outstanding balance as shown by the drains ledger. Due from Province of Ontario Highways Improvement subsidy 14,304.35 Tile drain debentures 700.00 $15,004.35 Taxes Receivable $16,308.54 Negative tax verifications were mailed to all taxpayers in arrears as at January 2, 1963. OPERATIONS The operations for the year resulted in a deficit of $1,403.37 after taking into revenue the 1961 surplus of $4,161.97. The operations of the School Boards were as follows: Usborne Township School Area surplus $2,990.71 School Section No. 2 surplus 1,055.69 No surety bond was examined for the Secretary Treasurer of School Section No, 2. AUDITOR'S OPINION Subject to the foregoing qualifications, we hereby report (1) The financial transactions which have come under our notice have been within the powers of the municipality. (2) The audit has been conducted in accordance withthe instructions of the Department of Municipal Affairs. (3) The financial statements present fairly the financial position of the Municipality as at December 31, 1962 and the results of its operations for the year ended on that date. Signature A. M. Harper & Co. Date of filing May 25, 1963 License number 2386 JOHN BURKE Total Revenue from Taxation Actual Budget (Schedule 3).0...0 116,438.53 116,979,00 Contributions, Grants and Subsidies Governments: Ontario Children's Protection 772.48 Direct Relief 729.74 Highway Improvement . . 29,367.23 Payments in lieu of municipal taxes 578.07 Unconditional Per Capita Grants 4,656.00 Warble fly 498.03 36,601.55 41,333.00 Other Municipalities 81.84 81.84 Licenses and Permits (including dog tax) 520.00 590.00 Interest, Tax Penalties, etc. 1,578.20 2,000.00 Other Revenues — Rents, Concessions and Franchises 92.00 Fines 31.81 Service Charges 8,401.67 Recreation and Community Ser- vices 8,525.48 11,110.00 Miscellaneous Discount County rates 360,73 360.73 361.00 Gross Total Revenue 164,106.33 172,373.00 Surplus from Prior Years used to reduce levy 4,161.97 4,162.00 168,268.30 176,535.00 Deficit for the Year 1,403.37 Total Revenue Section . ... „ 169,671.67 116,535.00 EXPENDITURE Actual Budget General Government Executive and Legislative • . 1,100.00 Administrative 5,819.70 Other . . ... .. . .. 1,081.81 8,001.51 7,450.00 Protection to Persons and Property Fire 635.00 Law Enforcement . . 18.00 Street Lighting (Net) ... .. 3,07 Protective Inspection , . . 302.09 Warble Ply . . • . 2,355.17 3,313.33 2,977,00 Public Works -- Roads, Highways and Streets, etc. 00,588,20 67,000.00 Sanitation and Waste Removal 328.60 250.00 Social Welfare Relief Assistance 1.,038.39 1,038.39 1,075.00 Education, including debt chargee 52,692.67 52,578.00 Recreation and Community Services 520.00 600.00 Debt Charges Long-term debt charges ... 16,368.83 Less own share of school debt charges . . . . . . 12,2e1.61 1,101 16 Short tent interest and other Capital & Loan Fund Balance Sheet ASSETS General Fixed . . .. . ... , 46,250.00 Due from Schools South Huron District High School . . . . . 84,819.20 84,819.20 Accounts Receivable baeo.• 25,483.69 156,562.89 LIABILITIES Debentere Debt Ieeited and Unmatured Drainage • .. . •a, • 1 4 • • 251 483.69 DUO to Other Municipalities (SHDHS) 84,819.20 Investment In Capital Assets . • 46,260.60 156,552.89 .061,53 9,068,60 4,196.00 TOMS written off 411 100.00 Capital Expenditures out Of Revenue .Joint or 'Special EXperictittitee County Rates • 4V*4*416*4iV 38,451.91 MieeellatietitiS ex, tirevteten for de- ferred revenue • * , 4 .. Revenue Fund Surplus Account 469.18 Debit Credit Balance at beginning of year . 46 48,00.96 Surplus included in Current Budget 4,161'0'7 Adinstinents affecting operations of previous years.: Adhistment. of County Share Grant in lien. of taxes 1061 41144444a . 031,26 13elatide Aer aboVe adjuatMenta 44 30 639 78 Defieit forthe year • . . 4 1,403.31 Totals of Debit and Credit coltimils 5,748,66 48,919,96 Balance of Surplus at year end 38,231.8 18,451.91 38,452.00 Balance !4.0)014P 390.55 300.55 Provision for Allowances, Reserves and Reserve Funds Gross Total teeeeditere 160,671.61 114,578.06 Surplus for the Year # ***" 411 1,057.06 Total Expenditure Seetibn 169,67146'7 176005.00