HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-11-24, Page 1r. fa Noted * Z01,461 fteff �SY GGBO. COX. lilt ie" MOO 141 !.. 1s.14 Lag suet) Ott .d1 mese* atrpc hemayleb"ut"s'i B, , aeeh a. l +qj ,,b,e, ea 01 Cher l• itaed6tli,�.f���e�► ,1►ttna endo Seim srN6tda Big )ioNgtlk►, 'sect !Souks, Bill. of Ladle',evertOtelesother ddsts ]bbl ` i. s C •tt eK mom free" 789tMMg• AIM+J+si• tog it ii 1 U1114444- ..Wt»a sur aimed 641 w4on i eta a/' y =w` r • TIN 0 ili eat .s+a•d ►d't ►- i■ .s•s • lla kaa LUME I. , t�e"t• ,'6DFAICH, COUNTY OA HURON, (C. W) 'THURSDAY NOV'4:MIII:it 21, I �3. .. f �►. .. J !! pp&I $$T Ile e• 01- . POWWOW BOOB TO bill : t6tatal�T POhaTh.11 CMBER EAa: V;a,i. �4i CAP11 FOR DAILIFY. :441a'aa4 • RICHARD Mt)ORE, •Tfrfi V ywtag, ala sincere thank" THE 8ebacnher will pap 1a. 3d curreah for the r,t► Ip lamina aupcuct az- teiaN to hist by Ile inhabitant. of Camels West as sa AGENT Jf(�� �'UE ti Ile rt Buak Pt Butt pt W4'1 ter gs•ui *eft i1•e1•y, en de 111Rr rA172. C,ytr►s _ lr.. ,.,; y 6adrflc►, Sep. Nth, Its u:elP y, m the Maiden.; Bev Tiata t 4e Ohms .ti1y -e t - I Buffalo, H q' LLINGC per annum til pat s Uy is Brantford >i> d Go�4eTfdt ads e�,,00r�'twelve and Sit P&ei bit4 i toe r>tPaR"" of tie year. No Mot diao.atined atrial grreasa are lyric, mime the publi her thinks it his !RAILWAY. adsmood sdoso. Amy vides' to the country, incoming NeT:CE IR IllaREST MITA, ihet responsible fur stz subscribers, sls'l re- punnanu to a Revolution el the ErhrA P°a"! of Birretm. pap meat of leo NEW IfSaUR caves wreath copy gratis. O} a 4AMP$ of Ohs Isereaeed Capital Atl lettere .ddre..ed to the Ensu, Uteri of tea Begrio. Westford sad Geiger" roust be peat -paid, or they will' loot be taken eh Rules, Compsy to tgutred to b. mule out of the poet office. to the Treu.ry of the Company,at the Trrrea i -f" Advertising. --Sit linea and BAJA of Brinab lotto Amer.u. Biasuord, modes, first ia.ertioa, LO 2 6 to fit' I qua' lostaarrate, se folios.: lassttios, 0 0 74 • :0 per ren?, on or bororesth, 1st ray of };se►ss�Myo.at • Mat nes•. Teo lases and under, foot ismer., 0 3 4 r, 2p per (uet is a be fare the tet day of Each atthoegaeat insertion, 0 0 10 July nest. Oyer ten lints, first to. per line, 0 0 4 Se per rent on or before the let dada Each subsequent insertion, 0 0 1 6rptitaber neat: tr} A liberal discomfit made to these who 90 per cent ea or before the 1st Jay of adverts by the year. Adeertssso.eta wallas* written Saslow - boas will be Speeded until forbid, sad rbargoil artmedioirly; and no ads er.iseroest discentiased *pod for at the time of witb- drawd, aolrs by the consent of the pub - November meat, 10 per reit on or before Ilse let day of Ja.uart,1834. By order, ARCIi'f) GI LEI NSW%, !•ler. (albs . ;►B. P. A. MCDOUGALL. r,1 N be cossetted at alt lawn. at tl a 'widener formerly ete*pird iy Rosters Medrritefl, $.q., Post '8trrtf,)►lor• k,t Isar*. G.derir.S. •rich, Aped t9tb. 1862. v5 1RA LEWIS. BA�R18'►P,R, !SOLICITOR, etc. West. s1��rs.0od.neh. Jtisssget8. 1vn2a DANISI. GORDON. gsAllI\BTMAKI.R.Tbr.edor.rs•Fa.In site Canada Compaoy'o office, West - 'beet, Oreleriehr Airiest bleb, 1849. 2%1180 DANIEL HOME t.IZARN, - TTORN6Y AT LAW, and G.nvevaa- oar. Sit .asst i. Cbaseery, ke. b.s Ms o8-• as iornoerly in Stratford. Stretford, 2nd lea. 1$$0: lrnt9 J..DENISON, t' 1'v 1 L. 4� 0114 E E Ili, he. BODERJCH, C. W. Asg. 96tb, Ittft. t6e31 bee y. Office of B. B. k G. P..deay Co., lkaatford, March IS, 18.3. .6 19 THE B4Y TO SAVE MONEY'I CALL at the New Boor eye besot Stare, Market Square' tl► Gsalerieh, where Jou will sod every deem -ire.. nr Ladies'. OentIMeos' and Cb/I dyes.' HOQTSI ilk CBQi3, belie Rubber, &.e., Sr , all of which sift be sold cheap kr cash. • The underai¢ece try leave w infero tie country. that be hasps reeaeed from Mr. R. HILL. tis shock and B•rsinear !Ed also leaned the bailing occupied by R ei, wi:b the to - maim et commencing the Dost sad !tier I Boehm". ,n all its branches. Ht bas on band at prevent a very large soarsiert of Gewalt- mess' B,tousod .Shoes of different stars and quality,too someone to mestion. He has alt* a large emee1 .-.. Of Coarse Boots, of did -rest tires.•-ssaaai4y .beep. Also 'variety of Chi:yens' 0wts and Shoes, plain and fancy Ladies' Ware d even de- letippsus, Bronze t.f liferent shades, Oa and Battu, Ebamefted, Patent, ?forret-co, Seal- skin d various ekes and .tyke, imported from New York The above stock was selected by the auh.criber himself, the long experience he has had in the buena,. "rabbi War toerteet a superior article, and by paying sir cask, be has purchaved cheap, width .144 ramble him to e0 cheap. Small profs sand ,leaks returns is his ,way nfdoing business Please call and sec the stock before Duping elsewhere. N. B: -D. M. bas brought from ll:c Fi,t an ast•ortmettt Of superior Leather, French and Foolish Calf -seise enamelled Leather, Patent • Leather, Spanish Sole Leather, &c., &c. JOIIN J. C. LINTON, Heiaprepareo to mike to order every de• NOTARY I'UBIAC,Commissioner Q.B., tcriptiun of Wortc la h11lioeof besinaer all 1 *os' Cwnytaasy litre Herd. orders will b punctually a'teeded to, and by attic, attestkon to Webers, be hopes to merit a inbaWusb. o Gudench, and surrounding IITRACIIAN AND BROTHER. Barrister aril fIforait, of Law, 4-c,. 13esslarcf C. W. JOHN STIIACILAN atrrusersad Attor- std at Lim, Notary Public sad Cuoscy- a.ter. 4 isiXAJlI) R M00I) STRACHAN, A•torsey at 1*a, Solicitor to Chan. en. Coovevaaceg� AJ.rich,r7tb November, 1881. WILLIA LQDMS, tR1 H1'rECT CVILENGIN1 Vfiiu r 14'1'Betudt Mb, 1 04 Chert, Olt ON, c. tr. rsrso share of public patronage, Term r.aao.able and to suit the time.. DAVID MORROW. Goderich, Sept. Nth, 1863. u3i]A IT 1.11' E E. ALL Pentre isdeb?ed is she Estate rail t hr lste Mr. JAhISa GENTLER. came Nose se Bank Dermal. sre rrgorr,ed to eall sad.er- tfe esu acme fenbwiib's.d Maw having elaiam *poet the aa.d Estate me devised se resew then for adjsatmeot v f ' With rf etcrre toile a$w re, paries deev,d tete the mkt •"nate wiII please take os Elt tier ir.mnliatelr and prevent tuttber muitble 4. •BARRIS OFFICE in t Godetieb. Jana 76141863 IfORA (1I'arkef" AGENT fir t #'a Qeaeral in Also Agent for t 1Wtus1, Ogdeed &oat far Sawn& Nursery, J. -- - .A N pABtnoItAaLe West of W. E. Street ad.sie►. Fels. 19, 1069. THOMAS JOKER AND alkst -Oa , AND ARY F COMM 18Q10 Plugmes • tied Omit hal'ttsd A !'"'idl4lr ORE, ity9 T-L.9Ir, Ogee Bulldogs, vts19 TON, Qoderiei, J sal Mutual Mkt ()gee; Toronto,. - Lawrence Co.sty Tett. Local les'. Did Q.eb..ter 21 A14Olt, etas oboe Ettore, West ve-s4 LAO N't. ¢ F e Is- OCOUNTANT INCEP aB Noaow .044- di'I e, ata a estiNets. At the Office of GEO. M. TRUEMAN, Martel Senate. Geda:eh.Asa- Mod, ansa .2ltf JAMES CAMPBELL, I!OOT AND SHOE t►'1AKTR, r West Street, Ca rick, I1AS ''mei recei•ed a TAM, Assortment a ei Laden Fancy Dress sad Walking Boss. sad Sb•.., supsrror to soy of the kind ever offered for sale in Codeneh,. Akio, s large ...otimeat of Lasts, Boot Ti,.., Gtmpsg Leeks, Limes Blase, ke. kv:., the shave articles will be told sa chap as they en be patebssed in bks Las - des swket. Odotith, Selt. 6th, 1863. a311f 4. ('SP1 QF t)B4TQ. hates Joss, Dee4 ► *July ` !p Miura' Ibsen !bat be ettjl'ertatieues to plastic Ire anme Loc of Suanini. Jutlgetner, ',, Note. acd Book Arc uore, obtained and contracted !. the Lilo led Stares or Canada enllsctwl to any par t el this Provence Veal of Cuburg. All directions re ardini the colleen., .4 ,M►., fotloiec4 mut with eoergy and des- patch. Letters ib all cuts a.ust be a.:Jreaaeet, Position, to RICHARD MOORE, Mitt l'oet CUIcr, O . 0". Gilts May IS; 1'57_ 114 -ii to Bufalo, Brantford and Goderich 'tee se totem M mop MMere. OTTE. is hereby (firm, Inst . eettt6yJ espy of the Mop r Psis es Mt �Ii ALO, BRANTFORD sad GODERICH aArLW$T, Womb Moe Onanty tofwHar.eDt. sod tram therefor also i Bool of int. AMA the Mods tamoded to be teases, container • 1 'std Ola+ said Lends. i r ..mao the owners and oc- cupiers thews!, w Ar me they oma cin b e war- japsilkd i theOMrh ILe Clerk -i inin e4rwllbsss et the cool Basa y,-pumsames to Mt OW* 01 Med. and° eik►t'� i t TtheractVOX , t e [1tio� Vide�� "a"'t" tare* s- lay is ail t4..e wsm� �e tt✓y ktasinap N us/Pst with ossa C.tiah C • the hole IIMOBiali lAs iesdribRIAgb "00 ALEXANDER LEYS, GENERAL AFALER IN DRY dgpde, 0racerie., Ilsrdwarr, C,ockt' y Statlonbry, lie., lyse., /'-.- Corner of HsmNtoe Street, Market iq••.re, C3ederleh, • Jana hath, 1833. 0^2 G1:0. M. TRUEMAN, AUCTIONEER 4- COMMI3SfDN MERCHANT. Vurket Spore. Galrrick. A Register kept of Tows Lora, Won I ..., Ceeiaa. Faris, !a, fur sale. t8s16 MRS. POLLOCK, stoleswe a 4 eea.w, Beaaet Seeker. DOGS kerelo inform her 6iend'and re. LIP tomer* Mat .-in Joss rrtinned to Wen Street, two dm" ensu of the Canada Company's office, where she will continually keep os hand a good avurtment or Tuscan, Straw and Paley Bonnets tomtit the reasons. Also 'ribbons carps and fancy trimmings, &e., Alec. Straw and Tuscan Boonets cleaned and al- tered. Goderich,GM October, 1961 vf,413, C. -IL BARKER, Cu,'roiasien Agee, £acardiac, FOR the Bale of Wild Lands, doe.. a Reg Wry kept of Town Lou., partially clearest Pane, &e., free of charge. All cemrnunica- tines, poet paid, answered immediately. Deeds and Transfers drawn; Basks and Ac - cousin adjusted. ' Agent fur Moulsoa's Old Rochester Nursery. Cooking Stores of first rate quality and supe- rior fxismg; and suite Piping for sale on easy terms. p8:ce No. 2. North Dorha,a Street, Penetang.re Township of Kincardine. Oetobet I�Ih, t 3. v6n17 LY""�l L IMIL SALE 4 EXCIIANGE .STABLES, Easy Ei*r,r Congaree, C. W. BYGARRATT& HOBSON. AL respectfully nos Donnell to the triable& that 1.11% *SW fOrelleh :Caper' astrehip -above imbiber.. tied pro. ourodertively wore Car. rages, with drib -rote Mites, careful drivers. and artesuve hcst Iwo, they es prepared trt meal the wants of the cornmeal., to emit, wst.emicieletn- ins to thew boomers. Extra .Car tares for journe's furnished on the Wiermioat astute. They hum establinbed s refill/sr Where Horses, Carriages, thirteens, Wag ed at all time.; and atly pereon baying arts. clef for eicherge or sato wit! cruet %fib gond bargains itt this eetabliebtocto. The charges tor Livery biro will be me (17•Appliettion for Hemet, Catrleajet, ke., to be made at the Office, in the Ste. hie. er at the Huron fhl,role;83. triitf Goderieb. Amy. 10t NOTICE. 11F. fie tweedier lost (or mis-laid)a Note tiaD__,d some time last ALsrett, signed by Mr. Bat. neonate of McGillivray, fan -keep- er, for the sum of Jr10• ey.,,Itt my Art -our, made payable on or about the lith ce. the pre- sent mouth, dated September, any pus ono findhtg the told Rob will he *nimbly re: - girded try Mumbler tie mine m me. hereby caution Mr. Paii. !Meagan not te. pay the face of the said Nine to any person bui JOHN (MULE, Lot St, 3 Coecession. FOR SALA' • ea • thaw tad half sere lot la tbe Tews of Goderieh : it has one ot the most beautiful prospects •n th• neer Maitland, s tarmi BIRO Ting rens ,brough the lot. Apply 40 ROBERT PARKE. Jody V* 868. vb.mt8 IIIVIBION COURTS. THE aeat Divieres Comte for the Veiled 114 dein Sea pesos Alltmeitig wore wenereist c;or bear Irak 1* .1114%) Godetitsli. We gy et Tesestssww. Taw Weiowdry, 13M FM - Ado var ottaithamestowiLw14 A: meditenlIneelb stemolem The Empire IsIsnit t4 the imam, The hinh One rite tree, T tie Lard or. ibusur. weak/rand fame, Of lore aad emu meter tus,- From Nee to Waterloo. The soli ol ancient worth, N1' here teaming bee fate maign esaMl• Asa metemelaadelebinhc And away a hero more - The Ilmd of Wen tradition, Mad of muses class at rure. Hurrah Harrah, for IRELAND i The land uf oaf Fong, Where ger.ius elm a levee hand Film light amen ibe laid whom 0146.1.1ti •ariests Firal creek the death! eta srata, That made the ihnieni-h valley inns With ususteb pelotas mike. liu.rrah' Hurrah. CA CAN AUI The fairest brightest gem That gracee-happe, prowl, tad fere- Pronp-rity expand her line, The eery of the world THE PATENT RAG (.111El‘'Eti.. La A ‘,..1gc nut many Locdresi ea Rom ibis plate, theta is cedati:•abed a paper milt which el tract. o emelt IA/at itiesoon all are of entir.1 ant ow to seethe process admirer., uf eoltam aro 'el their nun.li-r Fetae Of those real iiha,ler tact of Litm e, rest Lite to ;mow ecioething of cao.,,, .44 541a a. tffimits may be diusitared or the IMientimr iise• TW ET."t AND six; r FN cs •T tell asp o/ TK Taal. NUMBER 42. rade sow be b,W slat they were hood to NMIof M{iaary ►ag�.go bit rl'bi. of tttss-sd v.4 .... sus.1 fi.... to thrum losielidloodt ie a red take Mitre a 'abd'Mmer�d pest* toe ramyir` AI?e 1 Joey Wos .1 ia s verde tog $300. -the &Wet klebr. tt- Sent ill. W*b't fi•• *TA. _ t WssD,Alr rue a C"a.siko s•If. Tl% It,,. 31r. Claatipi of this Methodist �t- estael CL4Wd.. ms the Utsiostotjs IP.). 1 Nieseer$it, who is away .!{sats- a spited _ _ the 'wild lose', ,a a of Li. ec- us a,u.ag k• Appaeratwp.a.kiaa .n .nt„et Vow, noir ":sanest a teRa� ss 4�r e Soother b:•s. doom he 'OMNI tact: hi. duan � Iii 'hit ? dabo.J t•�l�sf "i apse an. woe ter), r.oew, and .haw bad to i struthl- i14. far "tab a ;sig. and, dapen dant (send, 'l as estate coo f to Imp ny liras Inde, and the i■ayl a* n eo tomplete'.y waded '•p ibis he eau draw ir. *Mut' lhr.vl�b Banker► ri.lot at :der-'t0i$ Pr PbiLdtlpria. Ile is trarelhog through a e}resit :..:r C !at kabinet, re k1'eiteria .o tuekedry pap.rr .1,t est eel tags'- was Nolan. His e'Ilpirryer only knew at -- r Comae nor' y......e/( u6 a r.u.y• his name was Lewis, tont he Leos a Rood_ .1,1� 1! i XT%ale'!' ONOif Cli�lA• The •wu.a 4l a w a aur .sero, a ia.i ' wet :man, sod he believed be heed m Wr- ort•a, b.1 ,suet .Qia all epee l f.,r fe.r to ; 44'46-a4. �fu os.e oewlJ t.M wkaew• bu r ... ,. - . the h. mooed and bloody ossa" •1�1 /sofa t� ,il;.rie/aigiti �h pf CV�a 1s lbw f+,h- yoll dwell pit me tip miltde 'anal Mee% skew SOL doesid 1.4.1 wirer tom. hond erre trultoosnity, .r• *h.( a.) yea's, got viewed .rpt Arid *et, (..0 thoodet, Gel out of tht..-yoa wilt ' errs io for Owe busii.ess la lite %wit! 1..r you've wal every ns mot i• Jib y haw the poor teen falliag Weed al 'Where tides lie heel- tette *be royal Ines but not seswerra. bet, folly 4tle-shiscl bet wafter to stook to ▪ fat beraneara, sod fel piper mil. - 10811. away le the Sirloin, Howie by As Pasol4 frieuds to 1•0105 aiitt elfin. bun (Jim! lour that poor »ire ai!I %alit sad wait foe that husband this right ! e can "Vold Taos y %moo. It Vnti iutirAitle got tip, the players at Washing tea, t'vlik, .1141.nove 1454 843 us, Om I...sive 04 le sots sessrmaly thihe r,t• the wyper will be sonic cold traders liegkee g° °° with ['abet It Me Wee ere geed f ottuce soul plcanoic 1„."." poor umoLiii. .1 won he taw 16, ari 'nil° "'Ito"; ale, It Irm mem rear. past, tas tipe-el arra eou..ose quite cold hefare your borjrnsal telt 1_ • erru,n coil The stirbsan rooting *crave -tray welt merober . f the bre, an t ;4 ve thew little ones their supper. lime% -71 . n .47,' *led patriarch and counsellor, o bur.e Penile ',ten*, and now hoe,' 4- el. proclaim ley lengthened year.,--nne h has etre end so !wig as we reeelee,, bete treated with the otino,i respect and {amines. by every -member the pritlimitofil end hY those w Leo. be chums a. acomuntabeen.- Aworg the many toughie.", socident• and them ofr ally Inert 'Veit a kat ' e're• till lather comks." (Sive thine their sap - oomph( oft Itte Spattic/f per, eat thine own in sorrow, get to bed , , perchaece to alter, and (From. arid Mot , the brow, oast; (tit), are der krIotn rim ih011.-"Pit eipidsiend re a fright at tee uawooted Omer, of thy , the Ilea sal the gu.ornmeat ot coo, ti in the mottling will erre to 1.1ble IT114.51.4 the vientily th• early (hays t• one that hope. Nuw conies rumor of A Dila kilk wohweefira heerd him reate, murh r„ ed..' Nowslre roams wildly about to re- quire who? what I where, At ievoltb the tho amerce -met of his hearere, anJ with eel - taunting paper amen's, aid theta ts mem. dast pleasure to ied .itt.rougli las hoe related ilia sten lute --cry-tied away ILO Itill-lbetrest 1.'01mA Sea. 'r be Africa* isiiii0.0(4441 -rriArt) of. pal aridly when lies old geollemas np- nary know eithseg. bid the kited N'Ibefil 14" thla.....a 14°40 1PiNgiirteell• ks nem thin end. ell rt Waehitigtoo 114 toolsdo hint of this startlidt;,piolect • comF. quo soy NM of out diklorsialic fientt etrOee el these (44teintal, It o.rist have traneoired fifty C4111 pg..; r,„. ge,„„1„y hedeme„„„_,,,,,„ „aims*. the •"orclit mtittinhird• , nurse who heard tell tile .ter. fri q " I will AuJ bits gr"ing maitters Irb,itirs31 14. gkr- when h• eencluded, los it h. le frsme net!y occasioned by tauriter. 110::,;:esFerc..zi.,,n,pen pm, uz!,:foedii,m3:_., neriTliatIlakbiecir.it:!......6rere.w_hekoer..:54t:.‘eitaagress,1 .1sett:aenr It,„ „ o„,niuley to eh" Soon oiler 1 was adulated I 0 the bar, 1 • rep;,, d I be p ap" aa,„ seemliest, hat 'wood to be in the cqui re'do .T0 „,t,,,t to c4oi. 444 dodo' the ttial mime cririonals• After befog tFere envy orrieg ray r a Wort elk-alio& Ike plead' not guilty., sod the, Came, futtag that he bed Oh Dosafer •No, I Dever dui, and w like to home .v4at *tat of wages yell via, Yawn* gel a HUM the. Leal bet ul teeth aver idd soh' said the veep tie. gcsaine, comae. int. at the astne tone, in th. of es- hibitern, with • fury that mule lee j...t. me but nit' Ccr:ht permitted me to with - tern upon hinted( i• the. fcrui ut a notional ▪ tlmt he ow toe pocr toles eire.dimeted am to oelood bass. A lief was Moat la be mosnooted. robes sated to the Coact Owl I ItOew owing oft be cam trod deemed anistortiew *VA wyefiest. The arsine( only greeted • &se tiros the moor It my cheat, aosl rt reefed me to golf trial thu bait legs! ad - 'mutates be gnawers, "* lle. body win talent lo the 1)esil I loose." "I lien away she Oita and there--luces ea he a revolni- knit! Let us draw the ealato.. - Cornwall Frest;wilder, relates me folloo tag There arc some cur ir-us things flirt barivra in the ordinary :ricrac of lit : •- As two hmiters wece hauling n• the 51.11s, thew Joys pressed claw cm a deer, winch took to tee river, *Isere 'beholders eaum the surplus hands indik1 6* blIkeNfor Ihr *upr-groaing IF.. 19 4".11 The work ga!hen.4 tir.Prrtitfi, iv a labor dist from li!e -flote of ifs ,tetw- hmeittug 'al. '11.e 41‘ e is wonted ?woody nature will endure H. The troth fal incessands forward, by the al•the elare-chtier's Mat, willing. ottehodssiosir sad by outset of laborer*, WA Onlbecitklero ad, los doable set, moilert Welfirdel, het aPsinurru:rgiuseglid,julil:m1y0eeit-0.ecapereullue.ripir.istib,cdd:otr pc: reteiew:eytvellw17111,,,i7.:::mt,pailttcidiamilnazzli,trol7a,iplareirnoisopetimiaer. otia.147;11"Iteat-4"yranHidar: and then Jerked suddenly udder water.- „ for 1,--shotg. oro• Thr errre• oad incredible toil, csedurgerteheestine pee. ie; forty !minas was toms, lirmly foment*, tomeespation in Cube at the end edirdifil rice 1 coeSJ. in the tad el the doer, olach would un t)f Own, the introtIMItoom 'I sae, I see; replied he of the paler mil:: .1.yred, sad oftrethe lameof SIDDIC doubled', heel, .1,0i-tly drowsed try its Ian- segetwe see o ore onsithrued st teeth for the bmincss. WW1. we gRc**- ,,,a say tev in 'heifer: T6,47°1111 gry lor upwar.J.t of two hour. af er the deer L. -0r t„ray „in) noun., it, coot, be die sads of a thowtedl shim wall Min at woe. For Ifortreceort of at to be the• bo ground for the pirates eta lieditillitilekt be p.whed away its tharessieisa, and kii•cfaat nt man Isis once It -mil, brit' rattily olf, amid suffer -tots oval nigaredertebill= to depict, to perish iristetolditelohrecallhilor the inexpressible horrors of Cuban flifteiry. la a Mlle word, the Alliout Ittlate Trade, 1, to be re-orowed wrier rho soothe, lard pot romp or two of the great 'pewere. of' ire iv or Id, hieb bare long armee deassalint and reeled, and timed set neediest/ gtmearte the term of piracy, oleo helm Cube thin involves the suptsositiee Met these two natinng are conapinnj tO introits anew the must violent *Wrap epee Afritil. Slavery bare bees We oserfing tOmas tvon dorm g the last *Henry semi to ceeceive of the &grow of tindidity MAN,' to lared my woe raked as acreAly em loot. utideserriser, .41111.1.4 TIO peeve rota. of the shy* trade oyesistit oor • Titan ryes about mArtneelle lbw to tits mperemitor arm% drill p114.1**4 h`ele1 94,5t) per eel.' se`j tried g II was read" I repitedtbar I beginners we girt, Itt,114, -do TOW was. think you wcald lo the booties., 'Cut et'o r• your crrntr ea.J the .1 re,1 e.l. Homo- Directed me to the 'deer, web delight. ;,! thin.' he Lest adt.ce I ..coolo, aud •Very sir, you may lilt to Iv .1k f mecerlaseing frets trios slut he was guilty, a Month, tied at the expo-et:on of that we sad ths,t the privet' • aP I allfiled no doubt will reit° your sage.. Ilere, y oe lute to rqn and give the Court hints,' • wide hiasluit to h.s much delighted applmant, rny adr:ce, he ta now out of your yule- *? le trick n. see sat dere to 4.114. k, with utimmh "mg fret,* m Mc.", •911141 @erne that roli.iitod mutt Live been • *ell marled piece of beef. a !a .glishlo oat; and our elite kat. sill itandiull of 14^1. 41 4"/ Vib7 annott rat slimed wrth f -ar; Sol mercer, coeht clew It sh smash up aod *sallow knew heie to proceed, or what to i wilt& itafole ?Om Celita tell *hat time the sun .4 The euutitellane. • 4,1 every member of mW ky Eltoe's 'beanie. Ho aid to wen It him a juvenile steam in. ghee, kis heavy teeth grittier es tidy Were etspatt, the dem gyms, hot & s- perstely• foetid, co mot tog gime living end a sown -worthy et a Fetter cause. the & Myr to the progress of scream eoetroued bill OWD Utlid, how many mt. of teeth it lea la do ebswiag of ilia. 'llarnalien big until. But It woe to sass that ills bra.' jaws merged •otl•he 'Iowa teeth crushed, the pile of chewed rare &it not perm to grow very fasj: sod to add to the hischiee's rioting facings of tooltin witm, a yr ,ed lo - lir hpectaClit of a Poulin oi.poslit.m till the nom onelber spirts' at. Whet dematiton ere yon eil at !Mt tutidaiMiel the rag chewer. throigh • meuthfol of regs ID II Wit. of mitalicanim. arautras Mom as may rag spoils maeloses Ilk* Owl up ensue, ail in is hitmehoom hy dee't fito to op end see theol! Me Bo% lin I every rpectator remit t, there was a a tulle of glee. Stich thoire rattly career Low a•da)s, Itur the abate's filer ally • true Minty. iodise. Met when dtoth in it. mmt issetro Iona cOnici. staring us in the feree, we start arms, about 5 o'rlsek. tire were eralitinj, dome Wait/troy, a little below Fidtoo 11, thipithier of hie and the busy throng of Mot of wluch ea COU.14.91 One, ahem a 4401 nett - !mg some jost (met our lwaJ caused u* to ful ut brick might be chilling ilosra tram din isere beddieg we tetra pessiez. There stone. U was dirk object. qmte doolit. writ 5.48 001Yrili it %trash the sees ot brewed iimh. Lbw moiety Irefore. be win he bin WOO: en the topmost s'ose of a hscr-vlswy wall, (he was a panne tett,- by trade.) fell of the fowl amerwasam of 411 Garlock sod elph,away ter has home. 111.,yeafiritaasse. wife esti elshisetywei *est week he wield ',111904.110 41,4' Te k** br es lis wag to IDS Own 14tiTe 140411046 10*4 s; 'Or 'wit Vlattela •110 "'le° of tireptlart.1„ tar biro the II" la IP aged 640 bestivi. lei' • Mlles, ears* father Avillt rho wait of hog elsesitt sen. o sssaikrietormitsweseissier swot toti pee, soil int% Wee of hit premerity is Olt the 1,1.4 week, a dry goods store in %Viols- togtret st. keel he a "num.. young man," the aluOT festooned weals clasp, as in eaaes tuoioed in this casabas so 'cog aa in east/ whee 1411111 of the creiliter• s' ()victor attrembied to compote antes, and maloug.foraible eater, dry toned she goode all mina.. Acute sca.mb being w ade, a portion of goorls were found in Elaehsteme ft, arllieb- Sheriff Bait.y al - lashed. Thr K.11,1'14401 PPM est tepee - tits -Bast nt National Drmor.ut. A I.awyer wrote 'raster Se *be bst m▪ itered • cenortetrit to ripen crews *gains( the trespasser, who be said, 61.1 hoe may taboo los hat, out had written Ile Own is shortly expecte-41u aerie.. fro the Clyde, to be breed os the root, bet tenon r.er- Several met. t.• laiely 10 !retiree lutenist la the public. mod to setsimb.41 orates isi purneelar. A was it at Poe hoes dectded to NIS 1. ark. se tallith ao ileum eras broia4tit to reenter nut value of • car - the steamer Fronris Ssr•-i. y, e hard by "toldNeelldw TI°61Lerk,hemird7hatqUiettbea risispleeelleirbher met"! "trAri,.' :hew I iiiiP°201:Itiallsb":::::17,:lsierefii.011" 1. hit Th. ohmic p.hvii ih.. ii. mop tamely,. '114 is des dm try ithil.::ivkitweraeatverelesmorn'olofbgbowielpireiro,"hehat egiv*einglire. andibonfil '..:ared'tmeituisar:":"111,61:14"PepersAretheshwis:4"2111rw'cr".1411604; toaleasiatimes.4.1111shlietatkily0•8 pratetm4,..04:6714.1 dwittabiemerhavigeat "11`14 ;rotors:111%1%41w lose es ler.404:rit of Or .itoonissi.tbsosilfseloadtbeemileiestfuesenceu ihownwros. re:pt. t " . ye yawed tio al thew hews le fermi& Elloiipserall"101P0411.14 :ow" IP" /6411"*. dor 7 op asp ovolla IA* Woe It sliitf4