HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-06-27, Page 1118 For Rent FLOOR SANDERS, electric. Beavers Hardware, phone 235- 1033, Exeter, 12:13tfnc 22 Notices TOWN OF EXETER COLLECTION OF TAXES I will be in the Town Hall on the dates and during the hours listed below for the col- lection of taxes for the Town of Exeter. Please arrange to make payment on or before these dates to avoid penalty. Friday, June 28 9 a.m. - 12:00 1:30 - 5 p.m. Saturday, June 29 9 a.m. - 12:00 1:30 - 5 p.m. ERIC CARSCADDEN, Tax Collector 20:27c DOG OWNERS Please take notice that all dogs must be confined to own- er's property. Dogs found run- ning at large may be iun- pounded. Fee for release will be Ten Dollars. C. V. Pickard, Town Clerk, Exeter. 20:27c Notice AUCTION SALE of Valuable Household Effects, Antiques and Misc. Items On the premises of George Lawson 100 JAMES ST" EXETER on FRIDAY EVENING, JULY 5 at 6:30 p.m. Please Note—Due to Prel4" ous successful sales and serv- ice to the public anyone wish- ing to have articles sold in next sale please contact, either of the undersigned no later than Tuesday noon, July 2 So they, can he advertised iii the weekly taut, GARNET tfICKS, derk AIM/ VVALPER, Atictioneer g/e 24 Tenders Wanted DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF CANADA TENDERS SEALED TENDERS address- ed to Secretary, Department of Public Works of Canada, Room B 322, Sir Charles Tup- per Building, Riverside Drive, Ottawa 8, and end or s e d "TENDER FOR THE SUPPLY OF COAL, FUEL OIL AND PROPANE ,GAS FOR THE FEDERAL BUILDINGS THROUGHOUT THE PROV- INCE OF ONTARIO, 1963 - 64." will be received until 3.00 p.m. (E. D. S. T.), THURSDAY, JULY 4, 1963. Tender documents can be ob- tained through: Chief of Purchasing of Stores, Room C-459, Sir Charles Tup- per Building, Riverside Drive, Ottawa; Office Managers at: 225 Jarvis Street, Toronto; 457 Richmond Street, London; Post Office Building, Fort William, Ont. To be considered each tender Must be submitted on the forms supplied by the Depart- ment. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ROBERT FORTIER, Secretary 27c 25 Auction Sales Times-Advocate, June 27, 1963 Peg* /1 Corn storage —Continued from page 7 had many pamphlets and book- lets which explained the work of the Federation, what it has done and is doing for the farmer and these we gave out to a number of both urban and rural folk. I was surprised at the number of inquiries that we had from urban people for these pamphlets. "We had a great demand by the children for our paper hats, supplied by CIA Insurance and some 1600 of these hats were given out to the children. "The dairy princess contest was held at the fair and attract- ed a large crowd. The hog pro- ducers also had a booth at the fair and this booth was also visited by a great many inter- ested people, The promoters of the fair were desirous of promoting good relations and a better un- derstanding between rural and urban people and of course this is also the aim and wish of the Federation, One objective of the Federa- tion is to find ways to improve the income of the farmer and we hope to accomplish this through orderly marketing. Farmers have the lowest income of any other group of society. Hensall winners — Continued from page 7 Belton; Norman McKnight, Ayl- mer; Jack Innis. Best saddle horse, F r e dJo- nes; Mrs. Harold Wallis, Gran- ton; shetland pony on line, Nor- man McKnight, Fred Jones; Pe- ter Caldwell, Shedden; shetland pony saddle, Peter Caldwell; pony team, 44 inches and under: Harold Clark, Woodham; Peter Caldwell, Fred Jones. 'Road Team, Earl Graven, Ailsa Craig; Wallace Munro, Donald Besley, Stratford; single pony under 44 inches, Harold Clark, Peter Caldwell, Norman McKnight; single carriage pony, 15 and under, Wallace Munro, Leonard Bok, Wingham; single carriage, 15-2 and under: Mrs. Harold Wallis; Earl Craven, Malcolm Galbraith, Wingham. Oat crops 25 Auction Sales. AUCTION SALE. of- Real Estate, 1-19,knR, hold Effects, Antiques and Mist. Ite*. On: the. premises Lot 22 Main. St.. West in the VILLAGE: OF PA7,51-1WOOE The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell. by Public auction on SATURPAY, JULY 13 at. 1.00 p..m. REAL ESTATE consists of Plan 9 Lot 8g---one,fifth acre of land on which is situated a well .constructed 2.storey dwel- ling, Main floor — Large living and dining. room, kitchen, bed- room and utility room. Second floor 5 bedrooms, clothes closets. Full size basement. Also small barn. Spacious lawn and shade trees. Full line of household ef- fects to be listed in next week's issue, Erwin Schade, Executor for the estate of the late Henry Sender. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 27c 4 BEAVER LUMBER COMPANY LIMITED . LIGHT IN WEIGHT . CORROSION PROOF . EASILY AND QUICKLY LAID ▪ LONG LASTING The 2-Step Atlas "Tt/thalq " Coupling lubricate pipe ends . press in by hand , . and your connection IS complete See us for ingollotion 235-1582 Exeter EQUIPMENT Woodham 17 Nopetiy for iten1 AP ARTMEN T, fnrnislied, heated, •centrally locate d, Beavers. Hardware, Phone 435- 1034 Exeter, 25tfne APARTMENT, one - bedroom, heavy duty rangette, water on tap. W. C. Pearce, 86 Anne St., phone 2354402. 5:2tfne APARTMENT — Immediate Possession, 3 rooms and nicely arranged small kitchen, Three piece bath. Rental $50.00 per month heated. C, V, Pickard, Realtor, 336 Main St., Exeter, 30tfnc II'PERWASH Modern 3-bed- room cottage, all modern con- veniences; by week or month. Doug Harness, L49 Huron St. W., Exeter. 13:20:27* By MRS..ROBERT' ft!..#)14. Mr. and Mra.Narry Sparling Frank Levy Rachel,, Relett.and of London visited Sunday with, till04 of 'Transvaal, Mr. and Au.. and 1\arp. Walter Levy, Mrs. Don volson,. Warren and. Margaret and David. Miss ,Sharon Squire.of 10th Sandra 17;1 with Mr. Lakeside Mrs. 4e"Sun.. anal visited Jack lbw was a guest YOth Minn 44r, garet Levy over the weekend. Mr. .and Mrn, Edgar •FaxISOn Mr. and Mrs. Fred Payne and and Mr. and Mrs. Wm, ROO. of David Wray of London were Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thursday evening guests with se* of Farquhar, Mr, and Mr. and .Mrs, Robert Rundle, Mrs, Gerald Brintnell and Ter- Jim and ,Jack, ri of Toronto were guests with. Mr, and Mrs. John Witteveen motored to Teronto Saturday to meet Mr. Mrs, F. H. Witte- veen, John's mother and father,. who arrived P.M Holland Sat -iirdaY and visited with Mr. and M. Gordon Witteveen and fa- mily and Sunday journeyed onto Mr. and Mrs. Harry Witteveen's Of St. George attending the Horse ShOW at the Ontario. Park. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith and Mr, and Mrs. Bill McLean of Exeter attended the Horse Show at Ontario Park, St. George, Sunday. Mrs. Lloyd Smith is attending a hair styling course in De- troit ..this week and visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brock, The Young People motored to the Pinery Wednesday and en- joyed a wiener roast. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mills and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mills of Oakridge Acres, London, visited with Miss Ada Hopkins Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Chatters spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Kettle of Midland. Mr. and mrn. Wray Sweitzer and Barbara of Shipka,. Mr. The annual Sunday school pic- nic of the EUB church was held Friday evening, June 21. Following a share-a-dish sup- per in the church basement recreation followed on the lawn with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Eagle- son and Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Wolfe in charge. Winners were: beginners, Martha Neeb; primary, John Mason; junior girls, Bonnie Ma- son; boys, Jim Guenther; inter- mediate, Eleanor Wolfe; youth class, Ron Snell; married men, Stuart Wolfe; married ladies, Mrs. George Tiernan; three- legged, boys, Jim Weigand and Harold Bender; girls, Janice Tie m an and Darlene Webb; wheel barrow race, boys, Jim Weigand and Harold Bender; girls, Eleanor Wolfe and Beth Snell; lifesaver race, John Ja- mes; balloon race, Janice Tie- man; throw ball, Eleanor Wolfe; measuring 50 yards, Harold Kellerman; throw pie plate, Mrs. Ray Guenther; rooster crowing Jack Gaiser; several relays were also enjoyed. Special prizes were awarded to oldest person, Mrs. Dan Weber; nearest birthday, Ralph Weber; weight of watermelon, Eben Weigand; strawberries in box, Mrs. Ray Guenther. ri 59 FORD SEDAN, radio, two-tone, low mileage, one owner 58 FORD COACH, 6-cyl., one owner 56 BUICK 4-DOOR HARDTOP, radio, two-tone 56 DODGE REGENT SEDAN, radio 56 FORD COACH, radio 54 METEOR SEDAN, radio 53 FORD SEDAN 52 CHEV SEDAN thal and family of Copetown and Mr. and. Mrs. Seigfried Miller and Jeffery of Kitchener were visitors last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Merner and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hayter and family and Miss Frieda Haberer of Zurich were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rader. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Rader and Darlene and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Restemayer and Glen spent Sunday at Waterloo with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Weiberg and family. The Youth Fellowship of Dashwood and Milverton EUB churches played their first soft- ball game of the season at Dashwood last Tuesday evening with a score of 26-11 in favor of Dashwood. The Boys and Girls Fellow- ship of the EUB church held a closing picnic for the season at the cottage of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Klumpp at St. Joseph Wednesday evening. Mrs. Ray Guenther and Mrs. Hugh Boyle were in charge of the lunch. Chester Gaiser was taken by Hoffman ambulance Friday eve- ning to Westminster Hospital, London, following a heart at- tack. Mrs. Sid Baker, Mrs. Chas. Snell, Mrs. V.L. Becker, Mrs. Ervin Devine, Mrs. Rudolph Miller, Mrs. Leonard Schenk, and Mrs. Ervin Rader were among the over 3,000 women to visit the Federated Colleges at Guelph and hear Mrs. Geerda Van Beekhoff of The Nether- lands, president of the Asso- ciated Country Women of the World, speak. Miss Nancy Wilds has retur- ned from a two-week vacation at Bixsby, Nova Scotia. Rev. Wm. Gatz, Iris Becker, and Keith Miller attended the District Walther League Con- vention at Huron College, Lon- don, last weekend. Rev, Gatz was re-elected pastoral advi- sor. Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Tieman attended the wedding of their niece, Miss Suzanne Cook to Reginald Gilchrist Jr. at Christ United church, Clarkson, Satur- day. EXETER BRODERICK BROS. 0CW AT THE BIG HOLIDAY SPECIALS LUCAN 1-bedroom apart- ment, heated, available im- mediately. $50.00 Per month. Utilities paid. Phone Lucan 227-4254. 5:16-7:ethic SENIOR CITIZEN APART- MENT, available soon. Wash- er, dryer and heat supplied. Landscaped lawn. Phone Art Whilsmith 235-2473, 20tfne APARTMENT — 1-bedroom, furnished, heated, central lo- cation, Parker's Apartments, Phone 235-0915. 20tfnc COTTAGE —Schade View, 4 miles north of Grand Bend from June 29-July 13 and Aug. 17-31, $50.00 per week. 2 bed- rooms plus studio and 2-piece bath, Mrs. Keith Horner, Dashwood, or phone 238-2621 Grand Bend, 27c LUCAN — Five-room (2 bed- room) apartment ever Coch- rane's Barber Shop. Available July 1. Apply at Shop or phone 227-4480 Lucan. 27e Dashwood church stages SS picnic CE airmen receive promotions Two airmen at RCAF Station Centralia have been Promoted to corporal, it was announced this week. They are Cpl. M. C. "Moe" Desjardins, a firefighter, and Cpl. T. R. "Tom" Eaton, a member of the clerk statistics branch employed in the servicing section of the aeronautical engineering wing. Cpl. Desjardins, a native of Windsor, transferred to Centralia from Aylrner. He and his wife live at 173 Columbia DriVe. Cpl. Eaton, also a native of Windsor, recently returned from a tour overseas. He and his wife have one son, Thomas Charles, --RCAF photos Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rundle and Larry;Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Lambert, Marilynne and Dennis of Davi- son, Michigan, were weekend guests with Mrs. M. Jaques, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jaques and family. Rev. J. Slade of Fort Erie visited Monday with Rev. and Mrs. J. Wareham. Saturday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Don Brine were Mr. and Mrs. Jack McEwin, Mrs. McEwin Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brine, Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Garrett, Billy and Dianne, Edgewood, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Robinson and Lynn, Kirkton and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Brine. Mrs. Lorne Thornicroft and Norma of Appin visited on Thursday with Rev, and Mrs. J. Wareham and family. Derek Wareham visited with Jack Rundle on Friday even- ing and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Pringle, Brenda, Wayne and Terry Pringle of London, Mrs. M. Copeland and Jean visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Oapeland, Cynthia and Ellen. Rose Bushes in Pots Colours TEA AND CLIMBERS BLOOMING NOW White swan plant- ers, large and small; round and square urns. Planted for you for only $1.00 extra. Henry Bender dies at age 74 Henry Bender, retired labou- rer, 74, died at Huronview, Clinton, where he had been for three weeks. He is survived by a number of nieces and nephews. The funeral was held Friday, June 21 from the Hoffmanfune- ral home with Rev. M.J. James officiating with interment in the Dashwood EUB cemetery. Pall bearers were Gordon Bender, Art Haugh, William Miller, Art Willert, William Miller, and Alvin Wainer. ATTEND GRADUATION Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Rader and Brian have returned home from a two-week motor vaca- tion to Edmonton, Alberta, where they attended the gradua- tion of their son, Arthur, from Concordia College. They also visited with rela- tives at Grenfell, Saskatchewan on the way. They returned home by way of United States. Their son, Arthur, accompa- nied them home for the summer. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Walter Beisen- of Chatham, Mr. and Mrs. Jim McCurdy of Blenheim, Mr. and Mrs. Ira McCurdy of Woodham visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Miller McCurdy and Mr. and Mrs. Harold. Davis. Mrs. Clayton Smith visited last week with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Cutting and family of Langton. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Switzer spent the weekend at Guelph and Streetsville. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith attended the Gray Reunion at Sanalac County Park, Sunday. REDER'S FLOWERS '62 MERCEDES 190 DIESEL, grey sedan, up to 45 miles per gallon. '62 PONTIAC V-8 COACH, automatic, 2-door, black, above average. '61 GALAXIE V-8 SEDAN, automatic, r a d i o, power brakes, a lovely bronze gold. '61 DODGE 6 SEDAN, automatic, radio, washers, back-up lights. '60 PONTIAC 4-DOOR PARISIENNE HARDTOP, power brakes and steer- ing, radio, automatic, everything except indoor plumbing. '60 DODGE V-8 SURBURBAN, 4-door, radio, stick shift. '59 FORD 4-DOOR COUNTRY SEDAN, 2-tone, automatic, radio, power steering. Choice of 2. '60 FALCON SEDAN, automatic, washers, whitewalls, tinted glass. '58 EDSEL 4-00OR HARDTOP, automatic, r a di o, whitewalls, power steering. '58 DODGE 2-DOOR HARDTOP, V-8 automatic, 2-tone. '57 DODGE 2-DOOR HARDTOP, V-8 automatic. Phone 235-2603 Please use our William St. entrance Lots of free parking in the yard. Asbestos - Cement Building Sewer Pipe — Continued from page 7 Field crop scientists with the Ontario Department of Agricul- ture estimate that losses may be slight or up to 50% in average stands. In thin or non-vigorous stands up to 100% of the crop may be lost. Crops which are well fertilized with nitrogen seem to recover better after an attack. What can be done to control it? Field crop scientists say that there is no practical con- trol. It does not pay to use insecticides to kill the trans- mitting aphids. No resistant varieties are available. One can only let the disease take its course. The disease is not present every year but only becomes epidemic once every few years, Every time you lose your temper at the wheel, or anger another driver, you have In- creased the danger on the roads, says the Ontario Safety League. TRUCKS '59 GMC PLATFORM,, 2-speed axle. '59 CHEV 2-TON, chassis and cab, dual rears, an ideal farm truck. '60 VOLKS VAN, big motor, it's good, I think! '58 INTERNATIONAL PICK-UP, 7' box. '55 FORD PICK-UP, driven by a quiet cigar-smoking drover. '50 FORD 2-TON, chassis and cab, long wheelbase, needs a valve job, good tires, ideal for following the combine. BARN CLEANER SILO UNLOADER & BUNK FEEDER YOU'LL GET BETTER PER- FORMANCE AND LONGER WEAR FROM A BADGER SALES - SERVICE - INSTALLATION TRACTORS '52 SUPER DEXTA, live PTO, differential lock, diesel. '51 MASSEY-HARRIS 44, gas, a tough old buzzard. '49 OLIVER 77, gas, live PTO, just the thing for your forage harvester (if you can't afford anything better.) JOHN DEERE 'B' with hydraulics. '52 FORD TRACTOR, above average, and if you're tired of shovelling the manure, you can buy a Sedore loader for it. '50 FORD TRACTOR 9N FORD MASSEY-HARRIS PONY CUB with a mower—get rid of your horses, get a pony. JOHN DEERE SPREADER to go with the Sedore loader—even some town people should have this. John Beane JR, BRUCEFIELD Phone HU 2.9250 Collect Ree, yl eati* PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT P.O. Box 478 PHONE JACKSON 4-9521 CODERICH, ONTARIO By•MRS. HAROLD DAVIS St. Paul's Anglican Church Guild and WA met Thursday evening at the 'Mine of Mr. and Mrs. Miller McCurdy. Mrs. Alex Irvine, vice presi- dent, presided for the WA meet- ing in the absence of the presi- dent. Mrs. Garth Blackler read the scripture passage: A letter from the prayer partner, Rev. and Mrs. Phillips of England was read. A chapter of the study laabk was given by Miss Marten Creery. Mrs. William 'Waghorn pre- sided for the Guild meeting. Following a business discus- Sion Mrs. IL Davis conducted a contest. Lund,'was served by Mrs. Wm. Blackier, Mrs': Win. Waghorn and Mrs. Knox. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hazelwood bf Detroit'visited Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. George Mr. and Mrs, Victor McCurdy SEE LARRY OR TED Davies Grant Denning Benn CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Municipal Auditors S DEVON BUILDING PH 235-0120 EXETER • Office Hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Larry Snider Motors. DIAL 215,1640 LIMITED Ford, Pairlane, Falcon and Ford Trucks EXETER Mt: tv. • • ...,••••.t. • 14, *4. •••••••; ••••••X •