HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-11-17, Page 2HUR
---- a _ - -. •-z- - - . __ _
Sao er emeabed in B.rrew's Strike, sad ; at temps to "gates die aMr►4tlll br lei skaeldere, owe.Illerived from t►. MMI '
we semis left. if each elraeii be the ' of cauls were made NilesWein d {ba semi et swiped unimproved a4grbora
setae --abet•, bwseer, 1 urea Let ashei- -fee., torsos thew seme. axil Med u - beast, ell the diQereet collies the
pea -4 yid then lee smite t sertsewry t U
mate wee of the'SNee adsliita glw• meet fselioadvie - u for it cseareed be
pseeVst. Graber tie the westward lot our toted to wirers asybreed of ea , and esteemed as eesntial quality -le .111119.1.04
relief, as by the period that asy feriae' so doubt cosdueed is so small degree, se which ie alae that Welt cowmos.
ceeld reach that port we must, er from the success of the .aperlseeMs iamb were Tho great ehrsetsriaties of the dart.
want of peovid°me, an hate pirated; se mads hy wfuwrY lererge hood into the born breed are -early maturity aid
bush a caste 1 would whew that the otter vets of tlr old stock. Oat of the first tulle to fattes. On these poiaay Mr.
be directedto !retain, ant by se masatat- allompls to Improve that stock is *Impose i Mdbulo, of Tbiraktersky and trey re-
cur the dagger of lostiselt AOC Grp le to bare beau by c'ossing le with the native marts, that eltbougb tbe short -hors cow
place of thane who will thea be so tarot,. sad wild wlrte breed of Br item ; and W e steeds atmetag war young, sad nourubiag
EITRACT iRol1 C*JTaaS MCCAW'''. ibis may prebuble he attributed the whits diet, she is • cow when another is a call
Jot:aces. or 1!ftiii. 241Y, 1858• -At colour ae prevalent is meas of lbs abort. acrd tial the as is fat wbes Mars of a dif-
deyhg►1, (sheav % Barrow's strait frill of borer of la presets day. This most sue- leftist breed are oats, brglssieg to grow,
ice, tied large masses setting roto this ay, cess, however, was that obtained by put- and that either will purchase a hone before
determined upon making tau our winter i tung a %hurt -horn bull to • polled Galloway I a Devon will buy a saddle." Another
gwrters, and finding a well sheltered .pot of s led colour. 'The produce was a bull- states that the be doubt
upon the south side of the .tenet upou 1 calf, which, in due link being tut to a pure
wheat we last eight rouodtd, rat in cud became the tiro of another boll calf, w lochs,
e.cbored in four fathoms, lat. 74 6N., in Is, turn, btu,g also I ut to a sh.oel-
Itlttlot 117 64W. 'Ibis night was tornrow, produced a bebkr calf,
Irene ni, sod hate trot since moved. The , %Leh otterwerJs b.:.aine the celebrated
Baia is r•ast.ettcelkot, bring well pro- cow " Lady," frees which has sprung the
used Bess the heavy ice by to projecuou i ate racy of •• J,n,.rureJ ` M,rtLoret, ' so
of l s reef, which throws it ckar of Mau mach prized• for their gaily rsaturity and
"ills 000 yards- :mach
propeu.tty to fatten.
the curresis akrsg the coast of the Po- I The short -bar cow c 1 this improved
tar Sea appear to be iafueaccd is their es- head u eserytbusg that could be desired
rectums, more or kw, by the winds; but ',M rerbnls women y sad aptitude to fat.rn,
eevtaiely upon the west side of Baring is- r but it is eq rally ti ue that her willing pre -
laud there is a permanent set to the cast-' pestes are nut egad D. tie 'are from which
ward. At one trent we found it as much sbe sprung by the male rile. Sas is not a
55 two hoot* du, lag ■ perfect calm; and dairy cow in the strict mule of that teen,
that the keel tide sets limo the westward and, under the ordinary urctwe.tances of
welfare ascertained beycud a duuot, es the food and climate, she is not equal to mall
s afforded during our detention Iother breeds far iattier iu every other
tam lttasa�gsatllwy
,fit tirW ides P.M.+ rz M the
aH , siege flea
ears.( 'furbish dealarattus of wet has
MAI ae "slime( impression." The
cbwmmsttfr d the Garr, it is said. a Wo
shatters to yiehl, now that the gauntlet
has bees thrown down by his adversary. -
War seams ioevi atte, sada nastiest°,
the sacred war tar Ilse Doable Clews ie lit
be preelaiaed against the crescent, which
'sewn Te do justice to the orthodox dis-
ciples of Ib Loral. to St l'rteisburg, many and Russia. ike price of dour and
the anoy and the circ srrrue err tvr war; wheat was fsllwig in tlae proviaeea, bet was
but ala. es••a lrOul 1110 wuLti 51055 IYat maiataio,d w •tae capitsi.
'1. be Freoch govertamaot has bees com-
pelled, by obs pressure oa the money mar-
ket; to adopt • si1.alar step, to that of the
E.glieh Cbaseellor le increasing the rate
of wtrreat. Accordingly, a decree of the
Minister of Ftaauce, published in the Mowt-
tear of the 22nd ult., fish the interest o0
Boos de Treanor (Treasury Bonds) at SI
per cent for bonds of three to five months;
4 per ceet for bonds of rte to five nootbt,
and 41 per cent ter those at twelve months.
A further rise m the rate of discount by
the Bauk of France was shortly aspected
to take place.
Assasr. a GPM
itt� Kai m'
d�ijprer. 'lite lest ream gap
siend abowela farther flkeg'
(Pf fe the ea, of X447,615, at d ie the
reserve adecrease of £1,304,48.1.
it was reported that, at the desire of the
Empress..me.sly would be grated oa the
occasas of her fete. '1' be uufatorobfe se-
eouete of the rootage were coeirmed, sad
ie eta tuatara de uses•& the crops were
all but aseibilated. In the trade of Paris
there was* trtetag laprevemret, sad se-
veral orders had been received from Gee-
uf 1",11''''t the potability of raising s treat of milk- mbwvntic w te cr'se s Howie agoras•
Mg eboet•boru which way Lerhaps wrpa.s rtwka '1 be muvrweats of large , Iii i
every variety Iu the kingdom ; and te this of troo;ut have exhausted the resources of
remark Al r. Mowll adds his upu red l That the agriculturists, and the merchants is the
•• we have this breed already, and that it towns sulier from the stagnation uta trade. -
iu emoting,
a little crn in 'the selection, (bare as nu eutlrusiawu for sew, in spite of
anp iu ce slsuni- to perpetuate e it. The all nidal poetry and other meaty taken to
unproved short -hero a grea cow, Ger off of .oma she sluggish ferliu;sof the masers. -
tar(; size, e s great eor wba of foie, From 3luseow southward, Done but
end this has serf hero a drawback ri her soldiers and contractors are io layout- uta
as • mere dairy cow : and so
doubt, if she u to he retained long for war. Military preparations are, woae-
dairy purposes, the otIeenen is well forded wbile,esscula, uu a most eetcnsive seal,
as to bur profitableness; but to the Lon- "Tie corps net apart for the Caucasus has
duo dairymen who buy Icao cows and milks not been reinforced by regular troops, but
and litmus at the same lune, she is seldom boa received stroug reinforcements ut use
unprofitable, as she puts on her carcase levies of Cosascks. It a said that Dara
what abe refuses to the pail, and who) kept
anter two or three years uIJ, she Is ready
mestere sbore of ibis isla,Rl gave ;respect; but, uu the ether band, when 10 be sold fat, with little or no extra feed-
; well fed, well-bouaru, and kept coufut t- ing -' Huta to al dr v e a gcod Milch
The peeeaiMng woods along the Aineri. able, she is not waited Ler merits as a Cow,' by J. 1l. Magna.
csa, ase is the I'riece ot Wake strait, milker. Curler these circumstances, she
we louod to be N, E., but upou this coast ' is always iu a teff tat coeiLtion ; aud wheu
tri$W. to N. \t'. : a coatwgeuey occurs which readers it oe-
A ship wade 00 chance of gol10g to ' cessary to tura her off, elle is sooner ready
the westward by entering tbe Polar ors, for for butcher than soy other breed what -
the wow. alwsg More being very oarruw ;server. Ju Jlr. Biggs' Landau Dairy
aid wind contrary, and the pack impels-- there are many excellent well bred cow.,
treble ; hist through Prince of Wales Rud to every instance these are iu hitter
Strait, and by keepag along the Atoericao ' coudatiou than the Yorkshorc cow*, or ate
Beast, 1 soeeeive it practicable. Milt ' long•borord cows , and, as make's, they
wood is to great abuudaeee upon the east Iare only second to their relatives the
llauras, Nov. 11. -
The royal Nail Stesm.h p America from
Liverpooe,sSa url.y, Uci. 29, arrived at
this poi( Le•to,.n 9 and 10 u'clwk the.
morning • Dates from the Seat of War
and To, cey ue n..l r.. late s. the 23 h ult.,
the day turd by the sSaks° tar tie cum
wccct want ui WWII! lar; bit lilt nen e,
nevertheless, appears to be decisive as to
the fact Shat a culh.iu0 between tbe Hue -
coast of ibe Prince of Wales Strait, anal Yorkshire cows. Ou the other baud, a elan. acd 'Turks liar dctuaby taken place
on tee American shore also much Ba e.
pude sLu.t hot „r even a three parts nn
.ruSe. and slthuu
A 1na
In tbia vieiwty the (hills abound w rein- bled sae, a on unprofitable animal for a n pores speak us the very strung deshre.ot.
deer end bares, which remain the entire butter or cheese dairy, not merely because the part uI (1.e Count Nese rude to still
wurter, we bate been very fortuuate in ber milk is usually deficient in iicluess, het further segotlstsuns upon the subject to
dipsute• yet all the luuetutuns are d-ctdediy
in favor of war.
The unfsvuralle character uf the Essean
Question t.as bad brat l.ttte effect un the
Liverpool cotton m.rket, and prices are
set essentially changed.
Since the ►ad,n,1 el the Fru.aklia, sales
of the week fool up 37,000 bales. The
pr•oeersop upward" of 4,000 lbs. 'because of the delicacy of her constitution.
The health of the crew has been, and 1u the English dairy counties, the cows are
still 'outmues, ezeelleat, without any di- ; generally allured to pasture in the fields
mrnution of inembers, oar bare we frit the both in summer and winter; and, in coast -
slightest !race of surrey.
••• j quence of this being the prevaifiog custom,
'Ibis notice was deposi'ed by a trart•Iliag . it is an essential qualification that they be
party in April, 1852, comsasting of Caplets !of a hardy constitution. Now, the pure
A1cClure, Mr. Court, mound master ; short -born eau neither withstand cold nor I .oarkets tar breadatuffs continue active, at
John Calder, Captain of the forecastle ; feat, nor su,lueu transilous of tempenttire, , curer "ret tv inereastog pacer. The top
pr:ce tor nae w, Ile wheat 5t leverpoul u
11e.; Wealeru cans! trier 37.. dJ a 3Jr.,
Ohio 38..91. 1nJisu conn 10;.0 cnnt.nue5
to aevance, and hoe qemtelle• of whf.e have
reaLzDd in some ca,es as illi.• The Pre -
mien market has underguuc no mater ia.
change aiming the %etk. Maneleater mar
Lets duh', but the favorable 'dashes (ruin
ladle to maintain prices.. ' The Loudon
money market c,otu,ues as airasgent as
ever, and it u anticipated that the bank
may bo co pelted to advance the discaent
rate.. All foreign 'luck are inact:se, and
pricer lend downward. •
Sergeant Wood, Royal llariue.s, George without suffering injury, iu the fwmer, the
Gibbs, A. B.; George Bounsall, A. B. ; ' flow of milk a arrested by the expenditurt
Jno• Davis, •. B. ; and Peter 'Thompson, I hof the band in maintaining the vital anergy
Captain of the foretop. \\'•:,,ever finds (which.is below au average w all animals
this, it is requested it may be- forwarded of a lymplutie temperament), and in keep -
to the Secr_tasy of the Admiralty. i ing up the normal or natural heat of a ear -
Dated iso board Iler Brittauic Majesty's I rase always very large in proportion to the
discovery ship investigator. frozen in, in ' iilal moons. Great heats, or sudden al-
tbe Bay of mercy, Iat.74 ON., Ion. 117 terationsof temperature, are also tuubd to
5410,, April 12, 1652. ; act very tujuriously on the milkicg proper-
ROmr. 31CLLInt, Commander. ties of the short horn cow, in consequence
of their weakening and enervating efforts
at COTE% Or Tit. Coos•.•\DER al'CLCRC 100 A constitution sal uaturally the most ro•
?ROX THI LAST AND LILCTENANT ; bust. Of course these causes are also M-
inn f$03* Tilt wssT. I furious to other breeds of dairy cows, but
much ices so, in consequence of their
The first meeting of Lreuteoaot Bedford 1 smaller rarcame and hardy constitution.
Thai with the party from the Invest:gator Fran dairy fanners would ever thunk of por-
i; thus described in a private letter from chasing a pure short -horn cow of that sit- The Fr,ur(lfn brings IG2 passeagen,
Capt. Kellet, C. R., dated Ler 31ajesty's riely known as the " Durham breed ;" and aui.Jatea from L aerpuI to •flit :6th.
ship Resolute, 3lellulle lalsad, April 19, even to those of them oho treat their stock
1855 -_ '1 here was uuthtog dreun•c ua tar Last•
e s ! as is done io moat of the English Dairy cis question. It remotes as halon re -
questionable if any adran- ported.
voyage, and shall be sept as a holiday by { tare is derived even from an infusion of the I A telegraphic despatch from Constaoli-
our heirs and successors for erer. :\t nine Durum blood; but to Wilk -dairy men rho 1 nople, dated 17, senouueed that the coin -
o'clock Baia nay our look -out man made the practice the system of Iv,u.c-leaden
signal for a party then eoming m from tba • y g- based proceedropassed the Dardople. No
westward; all weal to meet thew and as- � throughout the winter months, nidi alone.; � would to Comtaotinople, No
wee them in. A trio m ,art was then i dame of ikb nutritive food, few animal. ret I other trent bad uccurred since previous
I yasy breed will pay so well as a rrw with a :actio -pit.
wan wasthar samisen la Sreadatua•..-..
1. eaaa(Pe la W 'trehala etaeNoa.-..
War maw pa M aveswd e•-asevduaus
us talar areogresellaw.
sero. Dr. Donville was tire first persou f i tart a proportion of short -torn bloodies Lcr The army of Asia was Avery day re-
test. I cannot describe my feelings when . „,.lite, as she will accomplish what no other fresh', recruits.- Utnar Pacha was
he told me that Capt. M'l;lure was ensued I row can, namely, male bulb wilt: and beef
tbe neat party. 1 was not long in reaching at the same time.
him, and giving many hearty sbakes-ran rho G_L'oning is a drserildioo of a pure
purer were ever given by two men in this slier• -horn cow, as Ewer by carious writers
world. AI'( lure loots well, but is Sony of collie and their breeds: -!lead
Imo Hit d t' f 1'' ' long
gay. 1 escnp woo un s within
the Harbor of Mercy world have bees a and tap,riwg; m,a :Ie small and cleanly
tin. suLjee, Inc tar pea at. Captain 3)a,rl- 'form( d; noels els wide and flexible, dis-
alt, were 1e abve, tending widely with every inspiration; eyes
M'Clure and his first keutenaot were j prominrut; dear a0I mild; A.uru abort,
walking ma the flue. Seeing a perste) cum- •smooth, sli;;Iitlr rurred, cream-coloured,
ing very fast towards them, they suppuseJ "111 pinluL Aral culonred Gps; neck
1. was chased by a bear, or had xcn a ''•Jai above, deep and firmly set, and to-
Dear. 1\'Gleed towards Lon; on gutI ;.� toile devoid of dewlap or loose skin;
eiwart a huud,ed ya.ds, they could lee 1slwrldevs broad at top, deep and well co -
"from the the proportiaua that• be was sot j vend with fie.h; Grease and brisket broad,
roie et them. Pim began to screech and ' round,it'd prominent in front, pr ectang
throw up his !muds (his tare was as black i considerably beyond the legs, and forming
as my hal;) this brought the Captain and almost a straight liar, or gentle curve
lieutenant to a shod, as they could Dot hear I downwards from the neck, and from loose
sufficiently to make out his leaguage. ' folds of skin ; front legs widely wt, with
At leugth I'm reached the party, quite ' a thick muscular forearm, and a dens, small
beside himself, and stammered out, on short bone below the knee ;bark end side•
.1'Clure's asking, .s N'Iro are you and ' bounded by straight„ panllal hoes ; belly
where do you noose from?" " Lieutenant very slightly coaeave pest bellied the brie -
I'm', Herald. Captain Kellett." This was , ket, then gradually cut mot greatly cheep_
the more ut.*plicable to 31'.:Iure, as i was 1 rug' mod iorm'ug a 'end.: coovez carve be -
the last penon he shook hands with is • tweets this posnt arid the flank ; when seen
11bbaring's Straits. Ile at hmgeh foul I floe the side, the outline ot the bully i.
that this solitary stranger was a taw Eug- t 11�hte00raatltytiDgin: bron!eallyr ilia"; afro o°a
Lshm I I I - j
am -an angel of hx it Ile bays straight line d. awn from the lowest part of
He was sass seen from the ship; they lbs brisket to s point midway between 1Lr
bad only see hatchway open, sad the crew
were hid, jsmsned tare an their •odea- I mann it'd leu hock feint ; tithe bonen
es ood,
eon to get hep. The etek crew jwrpeJ out couare., oot vered with 'm rfss ` not 1 rJ on in
of their hammocks. sad the crew forgot lamps, but baring s roaaded outline l'he
tote derspordesey; in fact, all was changed I %distaste Deliver') the Aaunch bones and
oa board the Inispeetoi.
McClure bail thirty men And !base di- rowel! more than the atenee of any
cera fully prepared to leave for tie depot breed, and g& 1"11. Convgnrnd!, great
at 1'eist --pester. Whet • dawppoistmeet I weight of Lfid qv: Hers ; r;M arulai d, and
N „wind have bees to go tbere sod tui i , clow up to the haunch -boots ; rump bones
1110 nifesrebh yacht \Ivey with four or 1,w well covered with fl:.L ; Arps broad per-
emab et provision., insroad ul a lime large I aodtlar bind Irgs ericelar, and r 'byre (itis, n t the ,thimall
imaliA�n�ther art n( setae mem were to below the bock joint ; shin soft, moderately
p y thica and well covered wide soil wool
Lave Erne by 31cYen:it, wiUa ragweed 10 hsdr, �etperiatiy a for short 'ihu-s rear
flee at Past iarapsoli1, io IM\4. 11. ally believed to iadicate a hardy connote
thirty mea are os their way over to me.- turn and also on the belly and leek and
the Adtu,ral.ty 10 s'vd a ship oat to meet
1 a►ufl, if possible, send them on to Beech,
epos the lure part of the ander. The aJ-
L1and, wait shoot ten ween of ay own
der itself is selalom large in the pure sluut-
enw, le ha taken b qe the first egx„tu- ' bore, be it is frequently very bread in frost,
and rho feats are .metier flan •Mese of the
ALy '' -:•Ire.••estnr'& seeoad party, torr dairy cow. The cams is either •ed,
red mid white, white, creme or rars, or
cowruhw; of Lieutenant ('rcuw.•11 and str•whtrry• The whits le su4i.osaed to Oe
Wyaantr, Mr. P rice and Mr. Meeestseh- droved (roma Iosg be! cross wltb the
tlg Gerivtod, bringing two el." on thew Wald white freed of Aritawa: t red w -
.1edp. )fey aNde M ealnnrdsa.r, r a
�e�1 p � buil to the 1(olJernesa breed, but coa-
ter sae. in their state. 1.10
Ire of own ore e%.rted rats scar- o'er by the Ironer( Galloway heifer w►ieh
tit, ben ver, hos ocia �Ir. Cattiegs selected a bur int etpeai-
semiremeacemernememisme rapidly Pr g• meal 1e .ea the ohne•-barn based.
Toto are either a union of
- 1YPRO1-lty BLuoaT-IIOlE N Ante or este!. The Ms eet frame
,d CO w tad eyfmdrbsl body are alae from the
Wawa, 0,5a, esw, while luagisb horse of some ,
crow detachments from the Caucasus have
The li.vmeae srq 11/11100/ were to • &tete
.3 .ver, beoig nverrua by ladle Isadore o'
.Hoed mee,raid i+, emcee.! 14 000 to number.
been directed upon the Turkish (route r oreu,ued fortified Iwwi .e5, whetter
Asia. 'fbe Caucasian army consists of
three divisions of infaulry, with the resetve
brigade of Caucasian Grenadiers, a com-
pliment of engineer and rifle battalhous,
leo squadroos,and ISO pieces of al t,llerv,or
60,000 troops ot the liue, and 10,000 ir-
fhe "Breslaur Zeiunng" bas letters
from Bucharest of the 1 Ith Inst. stating
that the ltussel° engineer., while sounding
the depth of the Danube, approached eery
close to the '1'urkiab bank. 'They were
warned orf, and, as they paid no attentlou
to the wmmoos, a gnu was heed. 'Ihr
ball struck true of them a Major, and killed
Mtn on the - tri.
The georrel impression Mill prevailing
in London and Pails, was that although war
between the Russians and 'Turks conld not
sew be avoided, yet that six months at
least wouldelapse before any- inllita)-y or
nasal operation en ao extensive scale could
be carried out• The iutertut would be oc
eu..ied by the \\'entero powers to strenuous ( , mnk,J, as shy haver .1 I:1'0, 51(` market
' 1 ger mere'
they au,eard the British poets with ueea-
.ionel euecees•
They were said to be instigated by the
King of Ava.
The resumption of hostilities was Goa
r.dered intuitable•
Col Mackin: a bed been roared by
an Affjtao, at 1',s,awur.
t.apia10 Parker and Eoeign Bosworth bad
Isee n k, led i'i so affair s lth ArWs to lea .,
N tam country.
The envier le ter. from I'0.t Pu iltp re -
celled by the Eagle are extremely uafa-
,orable arta regard to the state of the mac
kers. G..0d5 conUoaed it pour an bewail
pia . f the woad: and as many were ea
.1 .tier than sutra'
+rev.+nn to h°. on r
I g
oenmedfato sacrifice, ships acro being
purchased In nutn3ers,tu be urci lar eta-
rsge• Othe• eons had com r lo 'the eon-
c!u;i.n Ihai. ill.• snt.cepau .n of great tin*
ru. amen' 01 •51 the r 't;• 1•1 the !woes
h..u1,s t .iu b_ .,, , wield 'tredve deoep-
t1ve. If c..13-1 n'..rn r. e•ama fir'•, `.r1, It ia
endeavors to bring %boat• le arrangemeut witi be pertbetly glut •d, 1 m
between the combatants, 50,53 to uloid, it
practie Lle, a European conflagration.
\-acssa, Oct. 20,.
At the steamers .annnt fun on tar low-
er D!nube, letters to and linin 'Crustan-
tioople are fur the future to be forwarded
via Belgrade or 'Trieste.
It is said that the Austrian Government
has addressed a circular to its represeuta•
tives abroad, as.:u iuo. there ()fits strict neu-
trality in the Eartero question, and of its
inteution to coutinue its mediations, even
after the outbreak of hostilities.
Arcounts Irom Bucharest speak of the
frightful mortality of the Russian troops,
from typhus frier. The houses used as
hospitals are being constantly changed -u:
order to mitisate the infection, fromwhich
latntJ rte pride, but a rage• 1.155! van 1.
were overawe tram $sogapre,. h sc h wool ,
Qting Targe supplier, and adr.dittonA, q Ian
roles *Ile ,z acted (rout Gottentnry an•1
Ibe. Cosstitutioral Cemmirtee of the
Legislative loosed of New South Wale.
lad recommenced the ealabliehment of the
Upper Chamber on the ; goatees vy.tem,
aid segatwsd the grommet to, make 11 elee-
,rrc. Largs,gwotitam et gold eonuuw to
be (sued.
The „tali •teener Calcutta had arrived
•1 Wymouth, w�lb dates fore the Cape -of
Good llolm to the nal uf September.-
The aspect of affair.. beyond the colonial
eviller was against satisfactory, the with-
drawal of troops and rho abandonment of
w ac be Oraege ;leer'overe got! haviet 01011-
sgseetee. TIN Chief a.c..ib
about ten per cent fills victims.
This has wasted poeaeadee of the A1.tete rave a•
always been the scourge of an invading 1 ,a,,,s, but •bra was refits J by toe Yritta!•
Raman army in'I'urkey, and may be traced I A co.umunlealiea hsd bees °posed
t° the bed clothing and food ot these between that Great take sad the vsc n -
wretched troops, joined to the fatigue they It! uta Waith Bay, a fire gays throes:. the
are so ill able to support, with, perhaps, desert -
the chane of climate. -
The subjoined letter in the Tinges. dated
GonMantiDople, Oct. 19, furaishes full par-
ticulars .of the naval and military naove-
ueuts of the 'Turkish forces, together with
other iuforinaliou :
3lebon,cdi Ali, the Seraskier, bas pro-
n,ised an addition of 100,i)00 di.erplined
crtnwg pea On
direcuug the works. He wasp repaving Bey
to cross the Danube. '1' he bridge be•tweeu lbe " ardoo;' corp♦ drmrtue, e, Syria. -
the awl the lines em About (1,000 more were expected from the
the iruuteir ui y 1'0'• I sat», place. On the same day the steamer
1' J 1 b the Turkish i
CEN 1'1:1:1-,
At Rutland assizes, hell on the 4th of
March, 1541, Samuel Canby, alias
Kirby, aged 21, and Gecrge Bell, aged
26, both of Stamford. were cosvieted of
edict in Asia, and ti),00) in "'tau -tarring a sheep., the property of 3.4. -
the lith, 1,537 troops arrived fi our ! r.l'awleit, M 'Pinwrlt, mid each wail
root by the Medindcs stwmrr, part . -, - .t.d' ten yea,: trins;.ortai:on: A
1 wedding bad bees arrange) hrtween
I Kirby and a yowlg woman, ruined Sarah
Aon, Utilising, who was.enctente by hire,
but the appreh.Isi.:a of the .parties on the
above charge eretenied ib sul,rnnizatroo.
At the Dine the offence was committed,
Bunning was sleeping at tbe.bou.e of Kir-
by's'nether, and, on its coming to their
knowl••dge thea• suspicion attached 10 Kir-
by of having slaughtered a sheep, steps
were immediately taken to remove some
mutton from the premiss -s, and, as Benuing
was seen Int William Lon rwortb, a game-
'keeper in the employ of Lord Lxeter, W
tale froom ender ber clothes a shoulder of
stilton and tbrow it over the hedge in tbs
George. close, she we. also apprehended
on suspicion of being implicate an the of-
fence. She, however, was discharged,
but compelled to become a witness 'roost
her sweetheart. Upon sentence being
pronounced, s painful scree was witnessed
an court; the young woman shrieked, threw
beraelf upor her lover's neck, and became
overpowered with grief. Kirby afterwards
averred that tae bad nothing to do with
slaughtering the sheep, but. being about
to be married, Ise accepted of the mottos
that had been takes to has mother's house.
Sarah Anne Bunning obtained a livelihood
for herself and child by making stays, ad
latterly she had been in the habit of rioting
the neighbouring villages for the p.rposs
of receiving orders. One day last west,
she had been on business, and entered a
railway carriage at I.uffenham ttetioae to
return to 'tamto' 1. 'There were bee eel
men in the carriage, ate of whom even-
tually filed Ism eyes so iateutly upon be
tbai she was isdused to change her polities
with a view of escaping appareut reclaim.
The man bad recognised the features of bis
new fellow -traveller, and again etdarmed,
l'ra the man, I'am the man."- The ,Geer
of Sa,nnel Kirby, to whom she was to
have been warned leaer twelve years ago.
then fell upon her ears, and tba estreeedi
nary eseetmg led ber 'shave bytterical fits
an for carriage. She revised her sse-
ss rousness, sad the trait approached Stare -
lord. tat slightbsgat the station boll pro-
ceeded to the woman's bore in Ws1M-it•,
where it was speedy arranged that 11'
long-pespssod wedeiisg should f ibe4I
lake plate. ♦ license res palmed with.
out dairy. and se 8emeeds� I..f, lb Geer•
Pier wereeleb eu+rt e1.M*rlin'b dank.
(t spgswd dim Mhos Kirby eWiad lis
Ibb..lp, ha prs.sedsd ar obs d 4111.1.1P.
whew �pp.swr mseeallil• M• 1's-
b.sd a Ina *id
o he bi
with ..her te
tM day Ile ttr.re
by pre W wM ASO. ae s1 ,
Gd tine t . ,noted y '
sale was a pea y occupied
troops. 'Ilse t ussiaus were suarchistg tub i Slerrfii $Iwdi brought (row rripwli 1,857
great force upposite \\'itliu. (tar line. was remou1CJ at Paris that Iho lest
of a sew Ituasiao Manifesto had reached
Paris which contained so nelbm; very in-
sulting to France, characterising her as
the hotbed of Itesolutiou• One of its et -
premien' is as follows : Sly rights 1 will
defend as well as the lights of try co-rcli-
gioaists, against all lure's° luta r terrace
whatever. 1 stall not stood alone."
A letter fruit St- t'ctershurg of the
14th says, the declaration of w: r by the
Porte had piodic_ tJ • powerful!aensatiot
ua the north of L• urope. The anuy and
the civil service were for war ; but ui the
south more pacific ideas pint Ad. Nodules
like warlike enthusiasm was apparent .n)-
wlere ; aliliough 311003 ulcm.s. bi t btcu
taken to produce it. Notonlistan!uag all
these untuvee aide s) u, .toms, public °pintos
both is Loudon aur Paris 1r. our tl.: Odra
that the resources of d,p1o'rlats0 power
were not oil exhausted, sol that war may
yet be rosette!.
The 1:us.ians were sctthae is their win-
ter quartets at ltaicharest.
Engles!' into, bents at SL Peters -
bung had been assured by the Lmiwror,
tinou,fli his mousier, that their properly
oral penins wua,l be protected, 1111d tat
there was no rik of ships or property be-
ing interfere J with di, m& the present sea -
sou; and that in case of hostilities, it was
not the Emperor's intention to detain Brit-
ish subjects •n pd. ports.
I1 's rumoured that the Emperor of
France had recalled his minister at Naples
on accunut of seine fanned indignity.
The ove,mni mad had arrived at 1'neste
with dates from Gong Kong. Itevoluts
in Chime was prng.essio& Elie im,,eri.il-
uta had bad tom:. sueecsi at -troy.
Lrrerpool, 0.t. 28.
�ti't1CAT Ma,aatr ur fuesn*y,
23. -\''beat is extensive demand, at eld
per 70 Ib. advise(c on all good qualities,
compared with that day week. Floor did
not participate in full extent, but quotations
show heli adeenre of 2.. 61. mines Oct. Ig.
Flue qualities 0t Anaenew ae
wheat &thaed
4.1; inferior ld to 2J• AmericasFlour
21 to 2s 64 , het the fell advance
was not generally sebeitted to; Western
mel held 37. ; Baltimore it!te. Mosey
market costumes per,l wrisgvst ; Cumin
ler moss dI ,. Sebes Cellos autesgsd
&Loot bans at s.eb.mged pram.At bungee who Wit.
1�mt •sirnse
eltmatitleto taw jerr sta �se1 w.rriv•
e seelpsumeary their the ti eft Weedepmrimras, end falling eft tib ,
oa.s.ew .e�.,l...-...w... - .. , .. _.....-..._....
troops c
About 1,100 troops are just embarking
for 'I'rebizond. A &learner is now at Var-
sa waiting for the answer of General Gori.
eehakoff to the summons he has received
to quit the (Atoms territory. In the event
of the answer being segatice, the captain
has instructions to proceed at once to Ba-
tuum to order the commencement of hos-
tilities. Sia frigates are sent to defend the
The oW Admiral, Achim( Pasha. has
gone into the Black Sea with a squadron,
composed of four frigates, a corvette, a
b-ig, and a steamer, with a double Blow•
anile of captains and lieutenants, in order
to practice evolutiots and gunnery.
An ancient custom requires the Sulbm
to marrb against the infidel at the bead of
lou sacred troops. This custom has deg,-
( ne:ooed into a fiction. 111 accordance with
Iit, uowever, the I'adi.ha is preparing to
' quit his palace, and die mg the war be is to
1 inhabit the kiosk at Therapia, which his fa.
cher Mahmoud occupied during the late
Russian war, and which is being prepared
for bit reception, and it, we may mod,
vastly more comfortable than the tent of
Lu great ancestor, Soloman the Magnifi-
A frightfrl accident happened on the
1Hirer Aledwa, near '('uu's,s lge Wells, on
I .• the 21.1 ult., by which nearly fo,ty persons
perished.aconwgnearce of the Medway
basins or *edits basks, a number of
bop -pickers, alter haring finished their days
work, were being conveyed through the
gourd in a wagon drawn by three hone~,
when, on arriving at !tortlike Bridge,tbey
became alarmed at the rush of water, and
uttered Iolid caws. The partyoonsisted of
men, whalers mid children. The noise they
male alarmed the horses, whit, it appears,
ran away, and ramie in center• with the sea
of the Is idge, wheel beteg ins dilapidated
state, broke Bows, sad the wages was pre-
cipitated tea the mer, olid all the penman
hid drowsed- Thirty -saves persona were
w'llrrg Luis arra fie!' that r a
theF=Boer that tab 1�.M tsps v al
the Freak w.ttjd I.aedelb m oven, -
km, and that pats see in.. wee beim mule
Maur• marten fat th it ree.patsa, *arab
wenn be ••lama's, npb.dbd, pertie heel in
the elite. Tbia s$Ms at wee nerbl as
lathe 1,401.5marked Mete w
N!/.Meap w sou. Mwaey grties.d
gtleet'Iir♦ad. and wan upwind 1a get
rials• ha'
A • 0aow 0. ; s 10111'
A1& -'thee are Mrhea Gary -Gies
pr g -r for trial n la Arnaw beteghsM.s .t Hnmitw. The ludo City sip-
pure se be anbios i° eiwe my* thus
♦ d{..ppot.lad etcher, isdsdampi le h
veis,s( ahem poists omen del rival se-
rialised, ohs r encomia', the men
eep.rgpal, self t, assorted, shako
creature tied erer asy petunias 1•G
y (fear sir," ist.rn.p.
gate forget your -
literates." »Geed,
led a redeems, el
Ove of the mese rkeble instances of
iodwtrioaclever spdthat has ever cue
to oar kap/ledge, p Ir
he escape elf Coeviet
(hirer miry frees 'be Proviacisl Peons-
:cotaare Kiogstoa,on the eight of the
28th ult ,Mels we advertise in another
column. :'arse7 u a coloured orae, .l,o
has mom hale reputatioa in our neighbour-
hood, b .bbiug the bouse of Mr. Norman
of Dun aid Mr. Smellier, of liaaailioe,
same li ego. 11 the l'tuitenliary be
was sot or his sagacity aid smartness
and had ante ralhi,r a favorite with the
officiate so fat as beteg employed is do -
mg km 'Oohs of handicraft was co.-
ceroed. Ls the evening previous to Lis
escape, erer, be lead ogcuded, intent ioo-
ally, it saposed, and was confined in the
dark -c ea punishment for La refractory
cooduc `las, it appears, was exactly
what I ;::rd, and between the hour of
ten ■t i .buil two in the moruieg, he
succede is aumg through a stone wall
three t :;ihickueu,and in scaling the
wall of wilding and the outer wall, one
of wire 'a a -141y feet it height, and
at the I euncd hour stood a freemanbe-
yond lb I, :r' of the Prniteutiary! '1'Ise
three -feet sad through which he lieu/tat-
ted, bas hers built fur fifteen or astern
years, a horn it is known that the only
instrue sed, was a piece of gat iron
about t ars inches ,hes iu
tab 1
broad, iald tee -eighth of an inch shirk , with
a few nicks isle the teeth of a saw on one
end. it mad be acknowledge that his iedus-
try. and preeterance almost entitle him to
a better fate time to 'leaven of the I'eai-
1t is sureeed that he hos a -me wrlward
as he had rryilrn:lr hunted Junreg-l.13 con-
finement list Le had a considerable amo s
of looney tried to the vicinity of llarnd-
ton !--Csaadiaas. •
1iJsers ELLsorr has consented to
act as Agent for the Sigma! is a • (Nan
ty of Bruce
q•gtinSD:%Y,NOVEMBER 17, 185E
In a late number of the Globe we find
an account of the Brown (demonstration
at Godenicb- beaded " The \I iuistry urn
damned in IIuron " It is stated that
Mr. Brown visited Goderich by the in
vitation of a large number of leading
electors" Who these elelurs were. we
do not know, with the exception of the
four or five names appended to the hand
bills. as els names of the large number
have not yet publicly appeared. But if
wit may jedge from what we saw of those
who danced attendance upon Mr
Brown during his presence here, the
large number of t.EAntao electors who
ezteoded the invitation to that gentle-
man were Tories mingled with a disap-
pointed ezpestsut or fro. The electors
by whom the Honorable Malcolm Came-
ron were returned, held aloof from the
prooeediogs altogether, sad gave them
little or no countenance, and at the Din
veer given here to Mr. Brown only
LIGHT of 3Ir. Cameron's voters be-
sides ourselves were present And
of this very- small number which inclu-
ded the disappointed expeetants, the atten-
dance of some would not hare been secured,
had not other infleeocea than those of re-
spect for the oviduct of Mr. Brown and
disaffection towards the Ministry been
brought to bear upon them. Wt are told
that the "Mayor" was called to the chair,
but it such was the ease tbe majority of the
Townspeople bad no fellow feeling with that
gentleman nposthat occasion. It is very
strange tet Mr. Gibbose should have so
lately lowed out tis abort-comesgs of to
venial!, sod se ordinary observers bate
set discovered "ay particular charge 1. the
eoeduct of Minsters since the time he wart
appereetiy )nark, wit► them --the cheap
moat be with birss.lf, as it is well itnowe that
Mr. Gibbose had as etpeetaney of seg
Sheriff of Items is plate of Mr. McDo..M
and ss the chugs in hie views did eel take
pare until after tie espeetatiOn was Mr
1pi-minted, ronetime mindsets scarcely avoid
Inc ennrtu.ios that this diaeppoistesest was
the cease of his pretest eodeet. Bet,
who cautioned Ute Ministry is Herm 1
As we "st4 before the paten pretest at
the tseetis abet the reealwbws wee. ser-
ried, were atiree fourths" Tories, nay d
wbe were ....pmts td dm other Grath
was eentpned of loam bb, leo et three
disielNegtad inbeve es, sad some batt
demes Tadpole; Tbe s. sal. if these
were the pries who essinud the Abe -
Wry w1l`tf«•K anis ilia
ittilVitoltl.illettL itMlla
M.1.1I!)r ION*
isesein. it is 44
..at `0 lint
et Alin
be neidenilly 1161
tidy llttgtb.ai� ;grrymp,
other staid &WMba►° ■
of watch, sed steal
Brum AM As p..
tie Sdwm(Ps mood
thee, and ;.naw
allasi tV
ansa p..-
814100 ha
to ester into
Two sr three
tie proem oat
to hear llr.
ruin R en eppaiW, trtoatiag the
whole whir as %swarthy ei *sties, Gell
hoeing diet it was soap., wow for Re.
form M inistriee to be coodemssd by Tu
rise in !!eros.
Ws are glad to inform our rebid, ow
'rboa. 51. Jones, Esq., one of tis Llirse-
tors of the Buffalo, Brantford aid Coto.
rich Railway Company, Las by this roots
nag's post received a letter from the Secre-
tary of the C.am;:any, anuuutacaag that the
1100. Jam.. Wadsworth, Pres lent of the
Company, has made arrangements is Eng -
lard for the sale of the bonds, and such an
advance oa aceomet, m tsolwntetan,:me
the unfavorable stele of the Weary 'market,
will enable the Company, without diettc
to complete the l ilway._lo Godericb.
Mr Wadsworth has also purchased the
Iron required for the remaiadcr of the
Road- The Canada Company have
very generously agreed to Rive the richt
of way through their Lands \VIT111l1' 1'
CHARGE. • Thus while the Grand
Trunk and Great Western Railway
Companies are disputing about their
lin nd other Railways are not cow
pWa. for want of fonds, we are happy
W nay that under tour abb"and enterpris-
ing Contractors. the Buffalo, Brantford
and Godegicb Road is bsin; rapidly
pushed taw-Iempletion.
-QUA R•l'Ell SL 1oNS,
The Court of Quarter Sesajon, and
County Court opened before his Ilnnor
Judge Aclaad and the-lssociate Magis-
trates on Tuesday the lith Out These. -
..10B has not yet trrwn,ated, the besioess
both civil and and ct urinal huiug.muck'hea-
ver that has been the case for some lime
past. More th-,i, erer half of ti. )•: s .vera -
tined for bring ahseut bean Cr :rt, ;,,:.d 'r.t
answering their natces When ra!,•' . wt.Nil
eorssrdcrable delay was eaten i m
seeullon of the pubhe l•assoess. 11:* nitl
probably a, t as a warrens in fate: c to these -
who a' a &ammr tied 00 juries.
Tier: pupils of the female branch of
the Common Sufool of this Town. under
the care of Miss \\'hitcomhe were ex -
:ruined in the s arioes brsnehe. of Edu-
cation, on Friday last, iu the presence
Iof the Rev A McKid, Sept; i few
members of the Board of School Tres -
i teea, he Mayor of the Town and sere•
rel ladies and gentlemen. We are hap•
py to state that the pupils aeyuitted
themselves ancoessfully, and creditably
to the skill and attention dike Teacher
Amotog the eeriows stmdies, the Pupils
evinced very eonttderable proficiency in
Geography.Astronomy, and Arithmetic ,
and several of tae senior scholars. al-
though but a %bort time under instruc
tion in that branch, solved algebraical
problems in equation"
At the close of the examination, a
very iodinating reeitation, taken from
Uncle Tom's Cabin, was given by rve
ral of the scholar A handsome book
was awarded by the teacher and pre-
sented by the Superintendent to Miss
Skimmings, the senior pupil. whose con'
dust as monitor aud as a .dullest, had
given every satisfaction, We aro much
pleased with abe anooeadul opentioo .,f
abia branch of t►. Coir.mon Sobool, but,
never expect to see owe 'shoots fully of -
llcisot, until the new School Home is
erected, and a sufficient number of good
teachers are employed, who, by $ proper
division of labor, mat' oeeupy their time
with (Pertain aseavm in is.lruoting the
very large .ember of ebillien of all
ager, which reside in the Town. We
believe the Board of 3ehool Trustees will
exert tbemaelves to s000mpli&b times oh
jets% vitt u little deli tar possible, and
we trust that the parade will further the
present alerts of the tesobers by ending
their Address to easel as rag tarty ao
peasfble, for we are Perry to say that
tb. sabool registers show great lenge
Malty is the attendasee of pspib, aid
sMem this is remedied, a peeper mea
tarn of •d...wool be aatieipated
Mac,iait...wid' lrswrm Ts. -The Ran.
A. Magid delivered a vet ywreesaN urd
iaatncit.ive IeelIre to a crowded awdie.ee,
le the HaM ed by the lsaatot, law e
iag, se the a Progressive character if the
predate• age. . This was the find of the
Winter cubes, esd was very ably treated
by abe ds•'.r. Jobe Clark, Ea}, is to
ddame,Lbs, urea•, os Tber.iay Me 1st
►ee�r aysaaatarmt_heL�. y
noa(Prs•1-i A155
et.a ew.
Total Abalone*aid tie Mane Law snit
(TbrbMr) se.'lig end es 11hVer bum
40,4 e. .e