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• Ladies enjoy flower trip HS ANNOUNCES PROMOTIONS Tinwi$41/40v00111k June 27, 1963 Page 3
and Petit the day with Mr, and
MrS. newton Clarke.
Promotion in the two-yepr
CPI/Me—Barbara Bieber, Jqyce
Bower, John Breen, Wayne
Chappel, William Chipchase,
Ronald Clarke, CralgDavicison,
Diane Dietrich, Allan Erb, Jim
Finlay, Barry Greenacre, Eu-
gene Grenier, Barry Hicks,
Charles Klopp, Plane Koehler,
Brian. LamportA Larry Hern,
Dale McAllister, Linda Piper,
Margaret Prance, James Prest o
Joseph Regier, Roland Rumpel,
George Taylor, Richard Thiel,
Lorne Whittaker.
Mrs. Harry Ford of Woodham
and Miss Kay Borne of London
:spent the weekend with Mr. and
Mrs. Freeman Horne.
Mrs, .K1Sen LYnil, Mrs, iPhil
Hem Mrs, John Coward, Mrs,.
'Her 44 Delbridge and. Mrs.
Newton Clarke ;attended the
icirktoP 'ffertienitPral bus trip
Monday to St. Thomas .and .Lea,.
Mr..and Mrs, Colin. Gilfiiian
and Barbara visited Sunday with
Mr.. and Mrs. .liervey.Smithanti
Penny of Crediten.
Lat), Joan Qingerich (home ec),
,Hubert Gratton (Fr), Neil
Greenlee (Eng, hist, math, sc,
bkkeeping), Carolyn Barri s,
(Eng, math), Sylvia Henderson
(Eng, hist, geog, Lat), Helen
Hendrick (Eng, hist, sc, Lat,
Fr), Rosalie HiekS (Eng, Fr), Louise Jones (math, Let, Fr),
Sharon Lightfoot (Eng, math,
Lat, Fr), Peter MeFa.11s (hist,
math, shop), Maxine Mellin (Eng
hist, math, sc, Weeping), El-
aine Miller (hist, math, so,
Lat), Ross Miller (Eng, math,
sc, Fr 11, geom), Harry Moir
(Eng, bickeeping), John Nagel
(hist, math), Bill Noakes (math,
sc), Doug Russell (hist), Fred
Sanders (math, Eng sc), Bill
Shaddick (Eng, list), Mervin
Taylor (Eng, hist, math, sc,
Lat), Allan Thiel (Eng, hist,
sc, Fr), Larry Wein (hist, shop,
bkkeeping), Linda Westc ott
(math, hist, geog, home ec),
Eric Wolfe (hist, math, sc, Lat).
Grade 11
First class honors--Wayne
Baynham, Bob Bennett, Jim
Bisback, Jim Carscadden, Eli-
zabeth Chapman, Linda Clarke,
Lyle Christian, Jim Coates,
Steven Elder, Judy Finkbeiner,
Keith Hay, Margaret Hyde, Lar-
ry Idle, Anne Johns, Danny Le-
naghan, John Loch, Ted Mock,
Grant Peek, Elaine Powe, Shir-
ley Sauder, Ella Mae Schlenker,
Susan Thompson, Marian Wal-
ker, Tinie Vanderlaan.
Second class honors--Iris
Becker, Brenda Bocock, Vale-
rie Desjardine, Peter DeVries,
Gary Ford Shirley Genttner,
Elizabeth Gosar, Arthur Hor-
rell, Margaret Johns, Jim Kin-
rade, Marjorie MacPhee, Neil
McAllister, Joanne M ar t e n e,
Gary Scholl, Glenn Shipman,
Gail Siebert, David Payette,
Nancy Ryan, Carolynne Sim-
mons, Brenda Smillie, Judy
Snider, Sandra Troyer, Cam
Third class honors--Jack Ai-
ley, Bernard Bedard, Thomas
Bratrud, David Dale, Susan Din-
ney, earol Ducharme, John El-
der, Bob Hoffman, Garry King,
Howard Lawrence, Malcolm
MacDonald, Robert McNaugh-
ton, Barbara Mellin, Ron Motz,
Kathryn Oke, Glenn O'Rourke,
Ruth Petty, James Semple, Bar-
bara Webber, Norma Young.
Credits--Roy Bell, Tom El-
lerington, Jacqueline England,
Grace Keller, Elaine Keys, An-
marie Kraft, Jim Neil, Cathy
Scene, Mona Schade, Robert
Shapton, Francis Skinner, Don
Credit with conditions--Ro-
bert Borland, Cathy Brown, Ja-
nice Burridge, Mike D'Eon,
George Farwell, Ruth Ann Flax-
bard, Henry Gackstetter, Mari-
lyn Galloway, Ruth Geiger, Neil
Hamilton, Janis Hood, Mark
Hoffman, Judy Lamport, Bruce
McLaren, Allan Roszel, Ted
Win c h e Ise a
By MRS. 'W.K, WA
Fred Fred DelPrOge, :Lynn
and Danny Waiters attended the
4-11, • club meeting Wednesday
night at London Agro Fertilizer
Mrs. John Coward, Mrs. Tom
Campbell, Mrs. Newton Clarke,
MT'S. CelinGlIfillan, Mrs, ElsOn
Lynn and Mrs. Horace Deli
bridge attended the bus trip to
CAC Guelph, Stratford and St.
Marys Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wrn, Walters
.and Danny, Mr. and Mrs. How-
ard Dayman and family of Kip-
per* attended, a picnic at Hayfield
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fisher
of Exeter attended Elimville an-
niversary services on Sunday
As a boy Sir Wilfrid Laurier
was sent by his father, who
hoped his son would some day
enter politics, to live for two
Years with an English family
in order' to become truly bi-
By MRS. FRANK .SQUIRE vice Sunday also wane
spent the weekend with HMAr ti :NO Sg131114111:77;'a74714Mr:"1"4:F'14'ilik41:::
Mrs. Ann Egan, qr ant q
Mrs. ifirant Bieber. Jackie and 0044 attended; the
Western OntarioaMterr:Q
. Norman:
Angus 1.1c'n9iflc iarsire. 1?1TITen Pg141115;a Itre94:494001114e:
funeral of their aunt{, the late
gins and family attended the.
Saturday at
e C4V :MrsFink)414 host her
2andms. Aler Edwards,Ar4 a car,ppc4toSati vn
day.Mr hsr.Glse.nxt13011a1WIllitPhvit l- . Nits, '1'11e teacher a and PUPAS Of
Squi re,
eM ki ep ns d Ba:nrbsetr. mi3iaerbyesr swnitehntmthre, isreohnleol wehhallled4renzaniond apnatir pe171 tgs
Grades 1, 2, 3 and 4 also pre
ning and Muriel, Mr. Wilfred
Herbert, Mr. and Mrs. Allen
Jaques, Mr. and, Mrs. Ray Ja-
ques and Steven were Sunday
guests with Mr. ,and Mrs. Wm.
Tookey, Londe!).
Several ladies from the com-
munity took In the Nis trip on
Monday sponsored by the Kirk-
ton Horticultural Society. They
were in St, Thomas arid were
at Alma College, a museum and
reviewed a very old church.
At London they visited, green
houses and rose gardens. All
report a good day.
Miss Avis Hodgins, Gordon,
Allen and Jimmy Hodgins at-
tended the Kirkton 4-H Beef Calf
club meeting on TburSday even-
ing at the home of Andrew
Arksey, 10th line.
Top honors
for dancers
The liSDHS prometien list
was released thisweekbyPrin,
cipal H. L, Sturgis.
Students dame to the school
Wednesday to receive their re-
sults in the nierning and were
dismissed shortly after report
cards were handed put.
The list, by grades, ShoWs
honor standings. lieWeVer, in each standing the names are
pre s e at d alphabetically end
not in order of merit.
Special Commercial
First class honors Sherrill
Clarke, Grace Eagleson, Jean
Essery, Joan Essery, L,ishet
Gravlev, Marjorie Hendrick,
Margie Howey, Marion Kers-
Second class honors Edna
Ducharme, Mary Anne Du-
charme, Peggy Hall, Bob Lain-
mie, Vicki Masse.
Credits in listed subjects --
Diane Hood (law, arith, rapid
cal., corres., off. prac., sht'd.,
spell, pen ec.), Sharon Law-
rence (law, arith., rapid cal.,
corres., off. prac., sht'd., typ.,
spell., pen., ec.),Wayne Mellin
(law., arith, rapid cal, off.
prac., spell, pen., ec.), Bill
Shadclick (arith, rapid cal., off.
prac, typ., pen.), Marion Stone
(law, arith., rapid cal., corres.,
off. prac., sht'd., typ., spel.,
pen., ec„).
Grade 12
First class honors--David
Buchanan, George Godbolt, San-
dra Jory, Grant Schwartzentru-
ber, Mynie Verkerk, Bette Lou
Second class honors--Janet
Blair, Adrian Brand, Carolynne
Bratrud, Barry Brintnell, Carol
Brown, Don Ferguson, Sharon
Hugill, Gerald Merner, Ken
Moon, Ada Plumb, Tom Plumb,
Katharine Roszel, Ruth Anne
Salmon, Fay Schlenker, Joan
Smith, Bonnie Turvey, Gary
Wedlake, Ron Weber, Larry
Weido, Ted Wilson, Bill Wright
Third class honors--Pauline
Aquiline, Faye Becker, Joan
Franci s, John MacNaughton,
Jo-Anne Miners, Brian Mont-
morency, Ron Oke, LarryRatz,
Shirley Reynolds, Linda Tie-
Credit--Barbara Bern, Lar-
ry Horner, Bruce Horton, Mar-
garet Hotson, Jean Kennedy,
Bill King, Fred Negryn, Marie
Regier, Pat Soldan, John Snell,
Karon Taylor, Paul Turnbull.
Credits in listed subjects--
Allan Bakker (Eng, hist, geog,
shop), Ken Bachert (math, Lat,
Fr), Frank Boyle (Eng, hist,
geog, shop bkkeeping); Brian
Christian (hist, geog); Dick Col-
ter (hist, math); Patricia Cre-
ery (Eng, hist, math, Lat), Bob
Cuillerier (Eng, hist, math, sc,
Lat), Andy Desjardine (Eng,
sc), Joan Dettmer (Eng), Bill
Dinnin (hist, math, sc), Gary
Eagleson (Eng, hist, math, sc,
this Sunday. Wednesday afternoon
and during the evening throughout
the week;
Mrs. Cora Morley visited
Sunday With Mr, and Mrs. Art
Hodgins and family, Clande-
Mrs. Edythe Parkinson and
Wayne are spending this week
with Mr. and Mrs. Art Hardie,
Mr. and .Mrs. Lloyd Elliott
and family, London Twp. were
Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Cleve Pullman.
Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Mor-
ley, Mrs. Alex Baillie, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. French, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. O'Brien and Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Duffield attended the
52nd wedding anniversary of
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Jones of
Richards Landing, at the Rus-
seldale Hall Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Jones were for-
mer residents of this commu-
Rev. Hugh Wilson of Thames
Road occupied the pulpit Sunday
morning in the United Church
here while Rev. D. M, Guest
conducted anniversary service
at Elimville UC.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morley,
Janice and Robbie attended
Elimville UC anniversary ser-
park,ntyfmoripr., h a4id cl a Exeter.mP osnn. aoetnl tdail.Sy; ee a f
r Gun -
and Mrs. Gordon o Bieber,
Hunter -Duvar Ltd.
The Western Ontario Con-
servatory of Music have an-
nounced the ballet examina-
tion results in Exeter. All pass-
ed with first class honors:
Grade 6 -- Iris Marshall.
Grade 4 -- Geordie Laughton.
Grade 3 --Jo-Ann Whilsmith,
Mary Wilson, Jacqueline
Grade 2 -- Susan Page, Janet
Ecker and Elizabeth Mickie
(equal), Melanie West.
Grade 1 -- Susan Wooden,
Pamela Mickle, Jill Drysdale,
Melanie Ann Hackney, Cather-
ine Read.
Elementary -- Pamela Mick-
le, Jill Drysdale, Cathy Ecker
and Debbie Wooden,(equal)
Primary -- Kathleen Burke,
Michelle Lafreniere.
Sanders, Dianne Shaw, David
Taylor, John Wade,
Grade 10,
First class honors -- Bryan
Baynham, Robert Heavers, Wil-
liam Beavers, Dwight Bender,
Judy Bordianne, John Brown,
Kathy Buxton, Carolyn Camp-
bell, Marion Carscadden, Mary
Corbett, Carol Dietrich, Sheila
Fahner, Ann Fairbeirn, Donald
Farwell, Karen Finkbeiner,
Shirley Flaxbard, Robert For-
rest, John Franklin, BrianGill,
Susan Qoman, Hank Co s a. r,
Elaine Green, Margaret Haist,
Marlene Harness, Mary Ann
Hayter, Joanne Hicks, Douglas
Huntley, Linda Hunter-Duvar,
Karen Jermyn, Marilyn Johns,
Michael Keay, Lona K e 11 e r,
Elyse Lamport, Tony Lever-
sedge, Phyllis Madge, Iris Mar-
shall, Pat McCoy, Brian Mc-
Lean Nancy McTavish, Lorene
Mellin, Ann Mickle, Ken Oke,
Roman Orenchuk, Earl Rei-
chert, Margaret Salmon, Ted
Semple, Jacqueline Sharpe,
Sandra Skeoch, Bob Stone, Keith
Strang, Bob Thompson, Mar-
lene Thompson, Geraldine Ver-
kerk, Robert Wolfe.
Second class boners --David
Beaver, Willie Berends, Rose-
Ann Charrette, Helen Cole, Ro-
bert CroWn, Joan Dalwood, Jane
Dettmer, Yvonne Devine, Caro-
lyn Eagleson, Robert Harring-
ton, Robert Hartman, Lynda
Jory, Roger Keller, Nancy Kyle,
Don Lenaghan, Paul Mason,
Margaret May, Bonnie McCrae,
Carol Pollock, Sandra Prout,
David Rader, Joan Rader, Judy
Ratz, Janet Rowe, Lois Sim-
mons, Janet Skinner, Sandra
Taylor, Mary Visscher, Cath-
erine Waldron, Lynn Walker,
Sandra Walters, Richard West-
cott, Barbara Willert, Sue Ann
Third class honors -- Pat
Adams, Robert Bannister,
Barry Bloch, Richard Bolton,
Bob Burns, Eric Campbell, Gus
Creces, Gerald Finkbeiner,
Yvonne Fisher, Carole Foster,
Jens Gravlev, James Kerslake,
Callum MacPhee, Ian McCon-
nell, Bob Middleton, Keith Mil-
ler, Robert Miller, Doris Mills,
Marlene Noels, John P r yd e,
Gail Sangster, Sharon Sanders,
Anne Shoebottom, Brian Smil-
lie, Kathy Smith, Michael Sold-
an, Douglas Stanlake, Diane
Stone, Alie Vanderworp, Thom-
as Wolfe, Barb Woodburn.
Credit -- Bonnie Foster, Di-
anne Gaiser, Greg Harness,
John Harness, Sandra Hunter,
Elsie Miller, Marilyn Neil, Su-
zanne Rennie, Jack Schenk, Lin-
da Snider.
Credits with condition — Judy
Arnold, Ken Baker, M ar i on
Bentley, Helen Campbell, Craig
Chapman, Mike C or rive au,
Helen Dietrich, Don Geiger,
Janis Gill, Carole Hendrick,
Robert Higgins, Glenn Hoffman,
Fred Learn, Bob MacDonald,
Lightweight - Decorator TV
Miss Marion Blatchfor d,
Toronto, spent the weekend with
Mrs. J. W. Powell.
Mrs. Edgar Rodd, Huron St.,
celebrated her birthday Sunday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Lorne Passmore. Other guests
were Mr. and Mrs. Laverne
Rodd and family, Woodham, and
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stewart and
Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Kestle
received word of the death of
Mr. R. Boyd McBride, Bryan,
Ohio. Mrs. McBride was the
former Laurette Lambrook, a
native of Exeter. They were fre-
quent summer visitors in the
With Fresh New Sculptured Styling
Stephen families
enjoy contests
The annual N-Joy-U-All pic-
nic at the second and third con-
cessions of Stephen TOwnship
was held Friday, June 21, at
Riverview Park, Exeter. The
weather was cool and windy,
but attendance was 72.
Re sul t s of the childrens'
races are: children under 5,
candy scramble; girls, 5-7, Ja-
nice Davey, Barbara Preszca-
tor and Brenda Neil; boys, Keith
Davey, Paul Shapton and Steven
Preszcator; girls, 8-10, Susan
Davey, Sandra Shapton and
Brenda Fahner; boys, Larry
Shapton and Wayne Preszcator;
girls, 10 -12, Carol S h apt on,
Ruth Ann King; boys, Glenn Coo-
per; girls, 12-15, Marie Powe;
Wendy Neil and Patricia Ma-
kins; boys, Wayne King and
Brian Lamport;
Young ladies, Sheila Fahner
and Judy Lamport; young men,
Jim Neil and Ross Cooper;
married ladies, Jean Neil, and
Ilene Webber, married men,
Tom Treibner and Gerald Dea-
ring; three-legged race, Jim
Neil and Wayne King; egg tos-
sing contest, Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Neil. Various relays were en-
Oldest person in attendance,
Asa Penhale; youngest child
present, Kathryn Davey; lar-
gest family, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Shapton and family; guessing
combined weight of the three
heaviest men in attendance, Do-
nald Dearing.
Officers for 1964 are: presi-
dents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald
Davey; secretary - treasurers,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Neil.
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Precious Blood fetes first prospective grads
A special mass and communion was offered by Father J. Kelly Friday at Precious Blood School in
honor of the first prospective graduates, shown here with their teacher, Mrs. Helen Ryan. The stu-
dents are, from left, Anna Marie Dietrich, Mark Hinton and Arlene Ayotte. Principal Mrs. C.
Mittelholtz and Father Kelly attended a luncheon with the graduates following the ceremonies. The
students presented Mrs. Ryan with a gift. --T-A photo
Craig MacLeod, Laura Mac-
Millan, Don. Mahoney, Marlene
Masse, Pat MCClaren, Sheila
Neilancis, Auriol Noonan, Rick
Richard Stade, Sharon Stone,
Rose-Marie Vesci, Norma Wei-
gand, James Young,
Grade 9
First class honors -- Alfred
Aquiline, Sharon Baechle r,
Larry Ballantyne, Janice Bra-
trod, Helen Brown, Karen Bur-
ridge, Bruce Clark, Mary Coch-
rane, Cathy Corbett, Sue Ann
Coxon, Bud Desjardine, David
Ducharme, Richard Ducharme,
Barbara Ducharme, Kenneth.
Eagleson, Bill Farquhar, Shar-
on Fletcher, Bruce Forrest,
Linda Gesell°, David Grainger,
Vern Hern, Shirley Bern
ane Holt, Robert Hendrick, Sa.,
die Hovius, Elaine Hugill, Phil
HUntley, Debbie Johnston, Don-
na Kipfer, Gail Lennox, Betty
McCallum, Barry Morlock,
Rose Marie Nellands, Larry
Otis, David Parker, Ruthanne
Pepper, Jane Poortinga, Marie
Powe, Doug Prout, Glen Rats,
Gail Richardson, Judy Ryan,
Mary Jane Sanders, Ray Sauder,
Marcia Sauder, Larry Skinner,
Sherrie Smith, Elizabeth Snell,
Darlene Snell, Shirley Snider,
Jayne Southcott, Cheryl Stade,
Linda Stire, Nancy Strang, Mary
Mae Swartzentruber, Judy Syl-
vester, Ann Webb, Wilma Ver-
Second class honors -- Tom
Adams, Paul Baker, Sharon
Baynham, Mike Bedard, Bar-
bara Bell, Paul Brintnell, Bill
Burridge, Sylvia Cann, James
Carroll, Ruth Ann Cudmore,
Douglas Currie, Cassie Ann
Desjardine, Brenda Di nneY,
Louis Ducharme, Sandra Eng-
land, Barbara Forrester, Elsie
Gamble, Rick Beveling, Mal-
colm Hiltz, Jim Huxtable, Jim
Johnson, Lily Mae Johnston,
Grant Jones, Charles Keating,
Jean Laramie, Gayle Lamport,
Kathy Lawson, Peter Lawson,
Kathy Hern, Sue Ann Linden-
field, Len Hume, Phyllis Masse,
Norm McDonald, Rick McDon-
ald, Peter McLeod, Linda Mil-
ler, Robert Miller, Jim Par-
sons, Cynthia Pfaff, Eric Price,
Kathryn Regier, Donna Rich-
ardson Barbara Schwalm,
Christina Shaw, Gary Simpson,
Margaret Snelgrove S and r a
Stanlake, James Sweitzer, John.
Talbot, Allan Thompson, Don
Wolfe, Judy Young.
Third class honors--Charles
B e c k e r, Jacqueline Beckett,
David Bedard, Harold Bender,
Geraldine Blair, Ray Cockwill,
Wayne Decker, Marlene De-
nomme, Wayne Desjardine, Bill
Dinney, Lee Ellis, Bryan Fink,
Ricky Geiser, Carolyn Glan-
ville, John Grassick, Wayne
Helm, Irene Hendrick, Garry
Hern, Bill Hoffman, Brian Ho-
'garth, Lynda Hogg, Mary L.
Kennedy, Earnest Kerr, Wayne
King, Christine Kingma, Danny
Kipper, George LeBoutillier,
Joyce Mayer, Barry McKnight.,
Ivan Miller, William Morenz,
Richard Mustard, Ron O'Brien,
Gary Parsons, Henderika Plan-
tinge, Joan Ratz, Bill Schade,
Bill Soldan, Bob Taylor, Doug
Taylor, Grant Walker, Larry
Credit -- Johanne DeVries,
Robert Forrest, Ricky Hend-
rick, Lynn Hoffman, Gary Max-
well, Donna McLeod, Dalton
Noels, Joanne Tennant, Kenneth
Westlake; Carol Zimmer.
Credit with conditions --
Carol Abel, Shirley Brewer,
Bob Bossenberry, Richard Cor-
nish, Ron Coulter, Paul Denom-
me, Marianne DeVries, Judy
Ducharme, Larry Edwards,
Linda Edwards, Mary Lou Ed-
wards, Pamela Ersman, Bill
Finkbeiner, Richard F r a yne,
John Gibbons, Brian Hicks,
Dennis Hockey, Larry Johns,
David Johnston, Barbara King,
Linda Kraft, Alvin Lavery, Gary
Lovie, Larry Lynn, Patricia
Makins, Sharon McDonald,
Carol Miller, Linda Mock, Bar -
ry Mousseau, Wendy Neil, Faye
Oesch, Allen Oke, Wayne Payne,
Lorraine Piper, Edward Press-
cater, Linda Rader, Sharon Re-
gier, Paul Simms, David Smale,
Yvonne Steeper, Judy Webb,
Diane Weber,
MacNaughton launches
Summertime Specials
study of county roa s
at Middleton Drugs
BATH CAPS . 60 TO $2.98
NOXZEMA SUN TAN CREAMS , . 750 - $1.25 - $3.00
O.F. SUN TAN CREAM • , $1.85
SUN HATS . -6* . .. • • • • • • I / • • .. • $1."
WRITING PADS SPECIALS . . . .. . .. 2 for 26
LINEN ENVELOPES. . . . o . ..• a for 16
FILM 127 3 for 990; 120 . 3 for !W
57 METEOR SEDAN, Tri-tone,
automatic V-8
automatic , radii), new tires
53 FARGO 1/2-TON, new tires,
MIDDLETON firs 5 South :End.
Russ and Chuck. Snell
PH 2354322 EXETEFk“ POHONE 235-1570 EXETER
Highways 'Minister Charle8 S.
MacNaughton disclosed this
Week that he has written to all
county councils in Ontario in
connection with a new rieed8
study to re-evaluate the road
reqUirenientS of each county
road system in the province.
Time expected to complete the
Study is two years.
The purpose of the new study
is to up-date the data compiled
in the course of a previous de-
partilientel. study which. included
an appraisal of the county road
syStems generally and theirre,,
lationShip to the evet411 road
needt of the Prevince. The
findings of that study were pub,
lashed Ina 1959' report entitled
"Ontario's Roads andStreet'S
In the interval since the 1957-.
1959 needa
of the
county tyetem:e have
Changed neticably due to higher
Mine their yearly expenditures.
Instead, a basic objective of the
study is to organize the data
on county road requirements in
such a way that the counties Will
be in a much better position to
prepare realistic programs for'
the next five to six years.
To outline the procedures.
which the department is Pro-
posing in 'respect to the new
study, explain the working de-
tails of the project and es,.
tabliSh the most effective foritiS
of, Halton between the county
Officials concerned and depart.
Mental personnel 'at all Stages
Of the study, three regional
teetinge are being held. The
first has been scheduled for
June 18 at London; followed by
()ilea at the Department's IL O.,
DoWnSVIeW (Metropolitan Tor.,
Onto); June 21; and Xing:Stet ),
June 26,
standards of construction ne-
cessary to handle greatly hi-
creased traffic, Changing traffic
patterns, the affect of annexa-
tions and other causes.
This new study is designed to
bring the road inventory and
other information compiled in
the earlier study up to date,
thereby providing a more
tent guide as to the needs of
the county road systems over
the next five to ten years. Thus;
the counties and the department
may, together, prepare con-
struction 'programs In which the
funds available Will be directed
to the areas of greatest need.
In the letter to the county
officials, the highways in fidget
m akes clear that thettUdY
hidtieS which Will be empl'o'yed
Will in .do WAY :rechida- the auths
ority of the'counties to deter,,