HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-06-20, Page 10Trivil. .honors
past president
At the meeting of Trivitt
M eared al grind, Thursday,
Mrs. C. Gibbons, past president
of the group, was presented with
a gift Plor to her dePartnre to
live in Lindsay.
mre. Epp EeVries conducted
the devotions. Mrs. Torn Vick-
erman was in pharge of the
business session when plane
were made to serve dinner in
the Parish Hall to the visiting
Crane Lodges on Jely 12. Ap-
pointments were made for visit-
ing in the Parish during the
summer months.
Mrs. D. Ault was hostess for
the evening and was assisted by
Mrs. H. Russell, Mrs. 0 Hod-
gins and Mrs. Fred Dobbs.
()Pen Tues., Wed.,, Thnre., Sat.,
9 to 6
Friday 9 to 9
We specialize in
For appointment phone
235-1452 Exeter
The young wife on her first
fishing trip was working busily
over her line. Finally her hus-
band asked her what she was
"pin changing corks, dear,"
she answered sweetly, "This
one keeps sinking."
. . . photo by Jack Doerr
groom's mother, who chose a
blue satin dress with white ac-
For travelling in Northern
Ontario the bride changedio a
pink chiffon dress over taffeta
with white accessories.
The couple will reside in
. photo by Jack Doerr
St. .Boniface ceremony
Will reside in London
Hensall WI tours stately parliament buildings
Earlier this month, Beam11 WI members enjoyed athree-day visit to Ottawa where they toured the
parliament buildings, Royal Mint, Rideau Canal and other places of national interest. The ladies
are seen here on the steps of parliament where they saw the Hall of Honor, the National Library
and Museum. They attended a session of the house, during which they heard part of the debate on
defence. -- Mrs. Clarence Reid
of red roses and white mums.
Maid of honor was Miss Linda
Meidinger, niece of the bride,
wearing a street-length gown of
yellow chiffon over taffeta with
lace bodice. She carried a bou-
quet of carnations tinged with
yellow. Flower girl was another
niece, Miss Gail Ducharme, in
white chiffon with yellow cum-
merbund. She carried a nosegay
of yellow-and white carnations.
Ringbearer was Kevin Hartman,
Windsor, nephew of the groom.
Best man was Gerald Hart-
man and Stephen Meidinger and
Lawrence Hartman ushered.
For travelling in Northern
Ontario and parts of the United
States the bride donned a blue
figured nylon dress over taf-
feta with white accessories and
an orchid corsage.
The couple will reside in
crystals held her elbow-length
veil edged with lace. She carried
a bouquet of red and white roses.
Sisters of the bride, Miss
Doreen Ducharme as maid of
honor and Miss Phyllis Du-
cha.rme as bridesmaid, were
gowned alike in blue chiffon over
taffeta and carried white mums.
Patrick and Gerard Jeffrey,
Zurich, attended the groom and
Paul Ducharme ushered.
A reception was held at the
Colonial Hotel, where the
bride's mother received guests
in a pink lace gown with white
accessories assisted by the
Miss Evelyn Ducharme,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max
Ducharme, and Peter Paul Jef-
frey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Do-
minique Jeffrey all of Zurich,
exchanged marriage vows at St.
Boniface Church, Zurich, Sat-
urday, June 8 at 10 am. White
mums and ferns formed the
floral decorations.
Given in marriage by her
father the bride wore a floor-
length gown of lace and net
over slipper satin with lily point
sleeves and sweetheart neckline
trimmed with s equins and
pearls. A headpiece of tulle and
Charlotte Anne Meidinger and
Jerome Cyrille Hartman, both
of London, were married by
Rev C.A. Doyle in St. Boniface
Roman Catholic Church, Zurich
Saturday, June 15 at 10 o'clock.
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Meidinger,
Zurich, and the groom is the
son of Mrs. Theresa Hartman
and the late Mr. K. Hartman,
also of Zurich.
Given in marriage by her
parents, the bride wore afloor-
length gown of French organza
over slipper satin. The fitted
bodice was styled with lily point
sleeve s and round neckline
trimmed in motifs of iridescent
sequins. The aisle-wide skirt
featured a lace over drape ex-
tending to the back and caught
with an organza rose and bow
A crown of seed pearls held
her elbow-length veil of silk
illusion. She carried a bouquet
Not surprising if the young ladies et right look familiar to you, They're the famotre
"Lennon Sisters" soon and heard by millions on the Lawrence Welk Show, ABC-TV.
For A Summer Treat, Choose
Our Sunny Fashion Honeys In
Cotton or Cotton Blends ..
Yours to Wear With Beauty
Comfort and Ease of Care.
"We had 11 good reasons
for buying a Maytag"
And right along with Maytag
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lems, an Automatic Water Level
Control that saves gallons of
water, a Safety Lid that stops ac-
tion in seconds when opened, and
a zinc-coated steel cabinet to pro-
tect against rust.
"And they ranged from a 10-
month-old baby boy to a full-
grown daughter," says Mrs. Wil-
ham Lennon, of Venice, Calif.
"That's why I had to have an
automatic washer that I could
count on to do four or five loads
a day, seven days a week.
"My first Maytag Automatic
was like that for 8 years and 10
children. When I traded it in to
get all the new features, natural-
ly I picked Maytag. Now, 2 years
and 1 child later, I say that May-
tag still makes washers like they
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lem on the automatic."
That's one case. Maytag has
built more than 13,000,000 wash-
ers and dryers since 1907 with an
outstanding record for dependa-
So, if you've got one, two, or
eleven good reasons for needing
an automatic you can depend on,
be practical. Pick the autr-iatic
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day. Ask any Maytag owner
which one that is.
444 Main Street .. photo by Truax
Only $9.95
A Few Left At $1.49
the dependable automatics
. photo by Phillips
Wedding trip to the west
piece suit with white accesso-
ries and a white mum corsage.
• On their return they will
reside in Seaforth.
Guests were present from
Thamesford, Denf i el d, Cro- WMS
• • • •%•:••?::•
NY honeymoon
follows nuptials
Two vases of long-stemmed
rose carnations decorate d
Christ Anglican church, St.
Oatherines, for the ceremony
that joined in marriage Mary,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
George W. Davidge, and Donald
R. Love, son of dr. and Mrs.
Ross E. Love of Grand Bend.
Rev. B.J. Baker performed
the ceremony in which the bride
was given in marriage by her
The bride wore a white or-
ganza over taffeta dress with
a small rose applique across
the neckline and two rows of
roses around the very full skirt.
The dress had a draped, rolled
waistline and was in street
length. Her bouffant veil was
held with a tiara of crystals
and pearls and she carried white
roses trimmed in rose.
Sheath dresses of rose or-
ganze over taffeta were worn
by Mrs. Paul Wickman of St.
Catharines and bridesmaid,
Miss Wilma Birt of Toronto.
Their dresses had overskirts
trimmed at the front with large
organza roses and leaves. Their
veil headdresses were held with
taffeta roses and they carried
white carnations trimmed with
rose net.
Groomsman was Robert
Schurman of Kingston. Usher
was Clare Love of Sarnia.
The reception was held at
the Wedgewood Inn, after which
Mr. and Mrs. Love left on a
trip through New York state.
For travelling, Mrs. Love
changed to a beige shantung
dress with jacket and lemon
yellow and beige accessories.
They will live at 10St. Dennis
Dr., Toronto.
::•:• •
•:,••; • • • Former Harvest Queen we s
marty, Hayfield, Kirkton, Kip- tours
pen, Hensall, Exeter and Bruce- • • •
field. Iocai piants A large number of friends, have you set the date
for your wedding?
relatives, neighbours attended
the reception for Mr. and Mrs. The WMS conference of the
Harold Parsons. Stratford Presbyterial of the
Presbyterian Church in Canada
An address was read by Ted was held in Ca.ven church last Robinson and a well-filled purse
of money was presented byGlen Wednesday in afternoon and evening sessions. Sturgeon, brother-in-law of the
bride. Between sessions the 80 la-
Those attending from a dis- dies in attendance toured the
tance were from Ancaster,Sar- Exeter Furniture, Tuckey Be-
nia, London, Kitchener, Wing- verages and the Exeter Times-
ham, Woodstock,Teeswater, Advocate and were served a
Picton, and Tharnesford. salad supper by the Caven la-
tars, Grand Bend, wore white
crystal charm and carried a
pink gathering basket with pink
carnations and blue button porn-
Richard Lobb was best man
for his brother and ushers were
Clare Love, brother of the
bride, and Murray Lobb.
A reception was held at St.
John's Parish Hall where the
bride's mother received guests
in a yellow two-piece ensemble
with lace bodice, white acces-
sories and white mum corsage.
For travelling to points east
the bride changed to an aqua
walking suit with white acces-
sories and pink corsage.
Mr. and Mrs. Lobb will re-
side in Kippen.
Then, drop in for a copy of our
bride's booklet. Contains a complete
check-list of things to do until
your day of days:
Make an appointment for
your wedding
picture8 how. A
Nothing in life is more wonder-
ful than faith -- the one great
moving force which we can
neither Weigh in the balance
nor test In the crucible. . .
To each one of the religions,
past or present, faith has been
the Jacob's ladder.
--Sir William Osler.
..not me!
Main St, UCW
meets at Bend
Mrs. 13enson Tuckey was hos-
tess at her summer home in
Southcott Pines for the meeting
of Main St. UCW afternoon unit
Thursday of last week.
Dr. R.S. Mitt presented a
discussion on tape of the study
bOok The Word and the Way.
Mrs. Mervyn Grainger led the
devotional assisted by Mrs. R.S.
Hiltz and Mrs. P. Merkley.
A report was given on the
newly detorated Sunday School.
and lighting fixtures. A social'
hOur was spent.
Rev. M. J. Love, uncle of the
bride, assisted by Rev. R. K.
Farrell, united in the bonds of
matrimony Kathryn Irene Love,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross
E. Love, Grand Bend, and Fred-
erick Robert Lobb, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Harold W. Lobb,
Brucefield, in Grand Bend Uni-
ted Church, Saturday, June 15
at 4 pm.
Baskets of pink snapdragons
and white porn poms, and ferns
formed the floral background
for the ceremony. Douglas Gill
played the wedding Music and
accompanied the soloist, Ken-
neth Flea.r, London, who sang
t' Wedding Prayer" and "0 Per-
fect Love."
Given in marriage by her
father the bride chose a floor-
length gown of white nylon sheer
over satin. The fitted bodice was
styled with pearl clusters on
lace appliques, scoop neckline
and lily point sleeves: The bouf-
fant skirt had a straight front
panel accented with matching
pearl clusters on lace appliques
and the back featured puffs.
caught tip with roses giving a
billowy Appearance. Her elboW-
length four-tiered veil was held
by a large rose and she carried
a cascade of pink roses, white
carnations and trailing ivy. '
Maid of honor, Miss Carole
Hogarth, London and brides,
Pills .
Marriage vows were exchan-
ged between Phyllis Charletta
Josephine Lostell and Harold
Roy Parsons in a quiet Cere-
mony at Brucefield United
Church Manse May 25 at 3 pm.
Rev. Harold Johnston officiated.
The bride's parents are Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Lloyd Lostell,
RR 3 Kippen, and Mr. and Mrs.
Archie Roy Parsons are parents
of the groom, RR 2 Hensall.
The bride-given in marriage
by her father, chose a floor-
length gown of French satin:
The bodice featured lilypoint
sleeves with a boat neckline
dipping to a V at the back with
French applique embroidered
on the front panel of the dress.
Her finger-tip veil of silk il-
lusion was held by a jewelled
crown and she carried a white
Bible crested with red roses,
ivy and white streamers.
The bride's sister,IvIrs. Glen
Sturgeon of Hayfield was maid
of honer and Miss Susie Mae
Lostell, also a sister of the
bride was bridesmaid. They
wore identical dresses Of tur-
quoise nylon chiffon over taf-
feta with white accessories and
carried bouquets of white baby
Gerald Parsons Thamesford
brother of the bridegroom was
best man, and Ushering the
guestS was Wayne Pridharn,
C rorn arty.
The wedding dinner was Set-
Ved to the two immediate fa-
Millet at Zurich DOMirdoe
tel. The bride's /nether reCei-•
Ved guests in a brown and
White Enka sheer dress with
W n accessories and the
bridegrociM'S diether assisted
in blue and White Printed AO-
Wei' organza over taffeta With
white accessories.
For a wedding trip to the
Western tgiints of Canada the
bride Changed to a betel two-
Fir relief hem'maid, Miss Phyllis Lobb, sit- backache or that ter of the groom,and junior tired out feeling bridesmaid, June eters, Orand 1 depend on—, Bend, were gowned mike in -
pastel pink crystal charm in
street length and styled with
fitted bodiCee, scoop necklines,
sleeveless and with bouffant
skirts. They Carried white Cir.
nations edged in blue With atepli.i
knotie FlOWer girl, Janet 1*.la.
They know by eXperience, and
riot by boot*. and experience is
everything; it's hearin', and
seein'y and tryin'; and arta
that, a feller 'Mist be a born
fool if he don't know. C. tialibutton.
Mrs. J. G. Boyne introduced
the guest speaker,Miss Mar-
garet Near, a deaconess in
Chinese work in Torcinto. She
Svelte of the work of the Pres-
byterian Church in Canada and
elk, of •Cenditions and problems
in HOirg Kong.
The address of welcome was
given by Mrs. co J. gr$tnen,
and greetings from the Preaby.
tell were brought by Rev. J:
C. Boyne for the moderator, Rev. James Ferguson, Strat,,
President Mrs Wilfred Carr,
Stratford, led the :meetings and
theafternriOnWOrehip Wet taken
by mitobeil WMS and Cromarty
WMS conducted the evening de
Votiorie with Mrs. Mervin DOW
and Mrs. dereid cirey assist-ing.
CaVeri Children Of the Church
'0010d numbers for the even=
irig session. Study book materiel
was die-15106d bYlVirS. Art
smith, Lxeter and Mrs. M. La 4
Moat, CronitirtY. „.. • • • I • I • . 7$