HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-06-20, Page 9.$0,011r.
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litres-Advocate, 4une 20, 1963 Page 9' 7evoe 70,44
Mr. and Mrs, Alfred CP1P1 t
Stratford, and Mr, and Mrs. - hunch Thames Road. SS'
marks anniversary ksheron, Johnston,Jack town, lett WO,
discusses change msday for a motor trip to,
Iierthern Ontario, Ottawa and
the St. X.,awreece$eaway.
Mr, and Mrs, Clark Fisher,
Mr, and Mrs. Bennett Fisher,
mr, and Mrs. ,Glenn Fisher and
Mr. and Mrs, Wit Rowe :and
families of town spent Father's
Pay, w'th Mr. and Mrs.. MAPS
Warwick, port Berm
MiSs. *len Sweet, Toronto,
spent the weeicend with her leo,
flier,. Mrs, Muriel Sweet.
Mr, and Mrs. Preston Pee-
neg. Welted last week with re-
latives in marIptte,
Messrs, Carfrey Cann, Cla-
4:ewe Down, GeraldGodlaolt and
Robert Soethcott attended the
11th annual conference of United
church Men of Canada at Cana-
dian Keswick over the weekerin.
Dr. Tom Allen, Glasgow, was
the theme speaker.
Mr. Cann was sectional.
chairman of the worship com-
mittee for the weekend.
Graduation exercises conducted at
Graduation exercises for the grade 10 students of Our Lady of
Mount Carmel School were heldSunday, June 16. The guest speak-
er was Mr. E. Ennis, separate school inspector for the district,
who encouraged the graduates to aim for excellence in their
education. Class valedictory was given by Dennis McCann. The
last will and testament was delivered by Thomas McCann.
General proficiency prizes were won by Carolyn Hall and Mary
Eileen Carey. Father Kelly presented the religion prize to
Our Lady of Mount Carmel School.
Joanne Dietrich. The class presented roses to Mother Raphael.
Thomas Ryan was chairman for the exercises. The banquet for
parents and graduates was prepared by the Catholic Women's
League. Graduates are: front row, from left, Alice Rimmer,
Joanne Dietrich, Carolyn Hall, Janet Dietrich, Mary Regier;
back row, Dennis McCann, Dennis. Morrissey, Charlotte Regier,
Mary Eileen Carey,Donald Glavin and Thomas Glavin.
--T-A photo
institute at Elimville
hears postal official
Zion Sunday School picnic
was held on Saturday at River-
view Park, Exeter with a good
crowd in attendance. After the
dinner hour sports were en-
Winners of races were Jeff
Darling, Linda hem, Dalyce
Gamble, Joe Darling, Alan
Hero, Yvonne Jaques, Sheila
Here, Gordon Hern, Jim Dar-
ling, Barbara Hern, Elsie Mil-
ler, Larry and Vernon Here,
Married ladies 50 ft walk,
Mrs. Norman Brock; married
men 100 ft walk, Ward and
Harold Hern; three legged race,
Margaret and Grant Skinner;
wheelbarrow race, Joe Darling
and Grant Skinner; kick the
slipper, ladies, Clarice Hern;
men, Fred Miller; needle and
thread race, Berniece Jaques
and Jack Darling; guessing con-
test, Olga Hero; smelling con-
test, Sheila Hern.
Three relays were enjoyed,
crackers in glass, grapefruit
and elastic relays with Cliff
Jaques' side the winners. Abell
game was also played.
Sunday Morning the Sunday
School anniversary- was held
With music supplied by the Sun-
day sahoei members with miss
Agnes Bray at the organ and
Mr. Ross Rowe at the piano.
Rev, Harald Currie of Her:Sall was the pest speaker who took
as his sermon "The Christian
Among some of those who
attended and spent the day with
friends or relatives were:
Mr. and Mrs. Clarenee Knight
of.Exeter with Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Knight;
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McC er-
ter, Exeter, Mr. Robert Proce
tor, Goderich, with Mr. and
Mrs. Lee Webber;
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bern,
Linda and Fred, Zion with Mr.
and Mrs. John Selves;
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duncan
of Exeter with Mr. and Mrs,
Gilbert Duncan;
Mr, and Mrs. MerlinMcLean
and son, Exeter, with Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Alexander;
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Merk-
ley, Mr. and Mrs. Earl John-
ston, London, Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Love, Ginger, Debbie and
John, Grand Bend, Mr. and
Mrs. William Cann, Mrs. Ger-
trude Wiseman with Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Cann;
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Brock,
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Miller,
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gardiner,
Exeter, with Mr, and Mrs. Ed-
win Miller;
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cook
and family, Hen.sall, with Mr.
and Mrs. Victor Jeffery;
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gil-
mour and sons, Lucan, Mr. and
Mrs. Mark Strapp, Laurie and
Michael, London, Mr. and Mrs.
Donald Bray, Robert, Janet and
Ruth with Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Harris,
and family, Mr. and Mrs. James
Harris and family, London, Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Harris and
Ronnie, Stratford, with Mr. and
Mrs. Leonard Harris;
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Abram
and daughters of Thamesford,
Miss Mary Scene of Hensall
with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Eth-
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mc-
Curdy, Nancy and Barbara,
Miss Marion Kerslake of Exeter
with Mr. and Mrs. William
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Fer-
gusan and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Oliver Jaques, Hensall, Mr.
William Jaques, Toronto, Mr.
Harold Jaques, Kippen, Miss
Frances Jackson of Crediton,
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Geiser
and Brian of Ilderton, Mr. and
Mrs. Clayton Vanalstine, Exe-
ter, with Mr. and Mrs. William
Mr. and Mrs. William Thom-
son, Exeter with Mr. and Mrs.
Glenn Jeffery;
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rohde
and Joyce, Mr. and Mrs. Alex
Rohde, Mitchell, Mrs. Margue-
rite Gibson, London, Mr. and
Mrs. Milton Sleamon, Mrs. Ri-
ney Keller, Exeter, Mrs. Esther
Howe; lucky spot, Lloyd Howe,.
Several relays were held.
Special PriaPS were awarded
to; oldest person, Pmpre
lelopp; youngeSt baby, 4013.0rt
IVIcCalluni, most recently mar,
ripd, Mr. arid Mrs. Stewart
Kraft1 largest faintly Present,
mr. and Mrs. George Rader,:
lucky number, Barry McCal-
Officers for 1353 are: pre-
sident, Lorne Klopp; vice pre-
sidents, Glen Weide and garnet
Weiberg; secretary, Mrs. Leo-
nard Prang; treasurer, Ivan
Taylor; sports , convener, Ervin
Rader; table convener, Mrs.
Herb Klapp.
About 35 neighbours from
the Bronson Line South gathered
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Kraft, recent bridal
couple, Friday, June 14. They
were presented with a chaise
lounge and lawn rocker.
Oscar Hartleib, son of Jacob
and Christina Hartleib, died
suddenly June 6 in his home at
Russell's Point, Ohio.
He is survived by his wife,
Audrey, his sisters, Tillie and
Ethel and brothers, Charles and
Funeral service was conduc-
ted June 10 at New Carlyle.
Albert Rader spent a few
days at Aurora, Ill. with Mr.
and Mrs. Percy Kleinstiver;
their son Allan returned with
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haugh,
Mrs. Mabel Burmeister, Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Rader and
Philip, Mrs. Cora Geiser, Mr.
Milt Haugh, Mrs. Vernon
Schatz, Mr, and Mrs. Lorne
Haugh attended the funeral of
the late Alvin G. Schluchter of
Pigeon, Mich. at Elkton Mis-
sionary church and the burial
at Caseville, Mich, onSaturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Krusinky
and family of Palms, Mich.
attended the Miller-Dixon wed-
ding at Brinsley and spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ed-
win Miller and boys.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Brandt
of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs.
Ervin Brandt of Waterloo spent
Thursday with Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Becker.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred TenEyck
of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Triebner of Exeter spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Burke and
daughter of Brampton spent the
weekend with Milt Haugh.
Several from this community
attended the Miller-Dixon wed-
ding at Brinsley on Saturday.
The final ineetinI for the summer of Zion Lutheran Lae
dies Aid was held Wednesday,
-AMP 15,
Rev. Wine Gals took as his
topic, Lutheran churn)? In Ca-
nada. The advantages and dis-
advantages of becominga Cana-
dian Church without Missouri
Synod were discussed. This will
be continued at the first fall
mrs. Milford Merrier, presi-
dent, presided for the business.
Mrs. Leonard Sche nk, Mrs.
Cliff Salmon, and Mrs. Addison
Tiernan, were appointed a corn-
mittee to organize swing bow,.
ling. A picnic will be held in
Goderich June 20. Donations
were made to the Deaf Institute
in Detroit and the local mission
Room 1 of Dashwood Public
school with their teacher Mrs,
Ada Webb, mothers, and pre-
school children enjoyed a picnic
at Grand Bend last Friday,
After some time at the lake
they motored to the roadside
park in the pinery where they
held sports. Winners were: Jane
Guenther, Ricky Hayter, Scott
Boyle, Ronnie Andersen, Tho-
mas Hayter, Marty Becker, Ja-
nice Tiernan and Darlene Webb,
Janice Hayter and Sharon Ra-
der, Gary Tiernan and Marty
Becker; mother and daughter
race, Patricia and Mrs. Gordon
Bender; mother and son, Ricky
and Mrs. Robert Hayter; mys-
tery spot, Mrs. V.L. Beaker;
oldest mother, Mrs. Grig g;
youngest mother, Mrs. Mervyn
Webb; person making own
dress, Mrs. Mervyn Webb;
number of candies in jar, Mrs.
Hugh Boyle.
Room 2 and 3 of Dashwood
public school with the teachers
Mrs. Letta Taylor and Don
Finkbeiner enjoyed a bus trip
to Hamilton where they visited
the steel mills, museums, and
other interesting places.
The Rader reunion was held
at Riverview Park, Exeter, Sun-
day, June' 16, with about 100 in
attendance. Mr. Ted Steinbach
was president.
Winners in sports were: 7 and
under, Lynn Gamble and Gerald
Weido; 9 and under, Donna Ra-
der and Ronald Rader; 11 and
under, Lynda Koehler and Gary
Gamble; 14 and over, Wayne
Weiberg; married ladies, Mrs.
Floyd Rader; three -le gged
race, Janice Heater and Sharon
Rader, Ronald Rader and Keith
Koehler; shoe scramble, Paul
Rader; kick the shoe, David
Rader; pin clothes pin, Lloyd
Lloyd Rader, Melvin Reste-
mayer, and Leonard Schenk,
spent last week fishing in the
Parry Sound District. The fish-
ing was only fair.
Mrs. Rudolph Becker has re-
turned home from Clinton Pub-
lic hospital.
John Rader is a patient in
Clinton Public Hospital with
blood poisoning.
S.L. Howard of the London
Post Office was the speaker at
the agriculture and Canadian
industries meeting of Elimville
WI last Wednesday evening.
He showed a film “Postmark
Canada" and told many humo-
rous incidents that happen in
the post office department in-
cluding the improperly addres-
sed and poorly wrapped mail.
He was introduced by Mrs.
Bison Lynn who chaired the
program, and thanked by Mrs.
Franklin Skinner.
Mrs. Philip Hem gave area-
ding on "cheese". Roll call
was answered by a Canadian
industry in which a woman par-
Mrs. James Miller gave a
report of the South Huron Dis-
trict Annual and also on the bus
trip to CAC, Guelph, Thursday.
Articles of clothing were han-
ded in for the Children's Aid
Hostesses were Mrs. Gerald
Here, Mrs. Donald Parsons,
Mrs. Gordon Prance, Mrs.
Freeman Horne and Mrs. Ross
The Elimville Sunday School
picnic was held on Friday even-
ing with around 90 present.
Supper was served at 7 pm.
The Young People were in
charge of the sports with win-
ners as follows: preschool, Joan
a week ago Saturday evening
visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Pettiheile with Mr, and Mrs.
William Rohde;
Mr. and Mrs. Newton Clarice,
Winahelsen, with Mr, and Mrs.
Bev. MOrgan;
Mr. and Mrs, FraYne Par-
sorls Murray, Margaret and
Mark, Hurondale, Mrs, percy
Pasarnere, Mr. Walter Gunning,
Exeter, with Mr, and Mrs. Al-
mer Passmore;
Mr. and Mrs, James Ilacigert,
Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold
Cann, Judith and Bradley with
Mr. and Mrs. Reg Hodgert;
Mr, and Mrs. Fred Johns,
Kee and Doris, Mr, and Mrs.
Don Johris and boys, of Cm-
Marty, Miss Linda Allen of
Fullarton with Mr. and Mrs.
Barry Miller;
Mrs. Louise Oke, Jimmy and
Gerry Cottle with Mr, and Mrs.
Alvin Cottle;
Miss Jean Anderson, Strat-
ford, Mr, Peter Black, Fuller-
ton with Mr. and Mrs. James
On Wednesday evening last
Mr. and Mrs. William Green,
Exeter, entertained in honor of
Mr. James Cottle's ninety,-
fourth birthday.
Those attending were Mr. and
Mrs. William Cook and Billy,
Granton, Mr. James Cottle and
Miss Reta Cottle, Exeter, Mr,
and Mrs. Arthur Harris and
Ronnie,Stratford, Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Cottle, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Cottle, Mr. and Mrs. Ro s s
Cottle and family.
Mrs. Muriel Miller of Sea-
forth spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Murdock
and Jeffery have moved to Exe-
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hoggarth
of Staffa were Sunday guests
with Mr. Percy Duncan and Miss
Pearl Duncan.
Mr. and Mrs. Les McRae of
Sarnia spent the weekend and
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Carroll of
Iona spent Thursday with Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Carroll.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jeffery,
Alan and Connie visited on Wed-
nesday evening last with Mr.
and Mrs. Raymond Heard, Kirk-
Mr. Frank McCallum of
Greenwood, NovaScotia, visited
his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Ed-
win Miller, on Wednesday even-
ing last.
Miss Verdella Metcalf of
Guelph spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cann.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rowe
and family were guests on Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Amos
Warwick of Port Huron.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ballan-
tyne, London, spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Shulman
and family, Embro, Mr. and
Mrs. Allan Wanner and Lois,
Sarnia, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Pym were Sunday guests with
Mr. and Mrs. John Pym.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bray,
Robert, Janet and Ruth were
Sunday evening guests with Mr.
and Mrs. William Elford.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Ahrens
and boys, Mitchell, wereSunday
guests with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thomson,
Sharon and Mary Lou wereSuri-
day guests of Mrs. Bruce Si-
mington of Thamesville.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thack-
er, Cathy and Joy, Mrs. Fred
Patison were Sunday guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Thacker of
Teeswater who were celebra-
ting their 50th wedding anni-
versary and were Sunday even-
ing guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mar-
vin Hartwick of Ebenezer.
Mr. and Mrs. Don King and
family of Lakeside were Satur-
day evening guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Wm, Jones.
Mr. Bob Grover of Ebenezer
spent the webkend with Mr.
Clare Hooper.
Miss Ruth G. Hooper of Tor-
onto spent the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper and
Mr, and Mrs. Mitchell Leib-
ler of Mitchell were Thursday
evening guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Gladwyn Hooper.
Mrs. Gladwyn Hooper, Veryl
and Jeanette attended the show-
er for Miss Doris Hooper held
at the home of Mrs. Jim Mil-
ler on Monday evening and also
attended the trousseau on Wed-
nesday held at Mrs. Earl Hoop-
er's, St. Marys.
Mr. Orville Rinn of Ilderton
and his mother Mrs. Myra Rinn
of Snowflake, Manitoba, were
Saturday evening guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Thomson.
Mr. Ross Jones and Miss
Marie Morrow of London were
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Sawyer
of Brampton, Mr. and Mrs. Tom
Sawyer of Vancouver and Mrs.
Lila Stafford of Montreal visited
on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs.
Newton Clarke.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Fulton
and Larry of Elimville visited
on Sunday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Freeman Horne.
Mr. and Mrs. Elson Lynn and
family and Danny Walters at-
tended a picnic at Elora Gorge
and Elrnita on -Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Par-
sons and family visited Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. John Coward,
Misses Judy and Sheila Blair
attended the class party at Med-
way High School Monday after-
noon at Fanshawe Park.
A family gathering of the
Skinner family was held at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Skinner on Sunday afternoon.
Guests present were Mr. Cecil
Skinner, Exeter, Mr. and Mrs.
Ken Mason, Belgrave, Mr. and
Mrs. Ron Denham, Kirkton, and
their families, also Mrs. Ann
Denham, St. Marys, Mr. and
Mrs. Emery Motz, Leon, Joy
and Dale, Elkton, Mich. and Mr.
and Mrs. John McAllister and
Joan, Brian and Elaine Pym,
Elimville, spent Saturday with
their Skinner cousins.
Mr, and Mrs. M.H. Elston
attended the 100th anniversary
services in St. Marys Church,
Maxwell, also the banquet on
Saturday evening. Mr. Elston
was the former clergyman and
Mrs. Elston, the organist of
the church.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Weiberg
spent the week with friends in
New Dundee.
Mrs. Allan Elston and Mrs.
M. Elston attended a shower
in London Monday June 10 in
honor of a cousin, Miss Doris
Arthur, prior to her marriage,
Saturday, June 15.
Mrs. Jack Grey, Milan, Mich.
spent Monday evening with Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Blair.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Blair at-
tended the graduation exercises
held in the new arena, Port
Huron, Mich., Thursday evening
when their nephew, Terry Lee
Warwick, was one of 546 gra-
duates from Junior College,
Mrs. Mervyn Elston accom-
panied by Mrs. Melvin Gardi-
ner, Exeter, attended the 75th
anniversary of the WA of the
Anglican Church, Ailsa Craig,
Pym, Larry Johns; girls, 6-8,
Karen Hern, Joan Allen; boys,
Dennis Hutton, Jimmy Skinner;
girls, 9-12, Janice Johns Deb-
bie Hern; boys, Dale Skinner,
Jimmy Lynn; men's m inute
walk, Allen Johns, G ilbe rt
Johns; ladies, Mrs. Franklin
Skinner, Mrs. Wm. Allen; kick
slipper, girls, Elaine Johns,
Janice Johns and Barbara Gil-
fillan (tie); ladies, Margaret
Skinner, Marion Skinner.
Several' humorous relays
were enjoyed and a ball game
was played.
Sunday visitors with Mrs.
Thos. Bell were Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Wolfe of Valleystream,
New York, Mr. and Mrs. And-
rew Houston, Seaforth, Mr. and
Mrs. Laurie Stephen and family
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Skin-
ner and family visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Shore
and Mary Ellen, London.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Squire Herdman and Anne
were Mr. John Herdman, Exe-
ter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Coates, Exeter, Mr. and Mrs.
Hilson Whiteford and Julie, In-
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wolfe of
Valleystream, New York are
visiting a few days with the
latter's mother, Mrs. Thos.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pyrn,
Joan, Brian and Elaine attended
the Lobb-Love wedding at Grand
Bend United Church on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Johns
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Allen
Johns, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne El-
ford and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Delmer Skinner and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Elson Lynn and family
spent Sunday at Elora.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pym
and family visited on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lobb,
Clinton and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Pym, Exeter.
Mrs. Wm. Routly spent a few
days last week with Mr. and
Mrs. Gerald Rennie and Joanne,
The Elimville Sunday School
anniversary service will be
held on Sunday morning at 11 am
DST. Rev. D.M. Guest of Cen-
tralia, will be guest speaker and
the children's choir will supply
the music.
Mt. Carmel
RESTAURANT' This is a Used Volkswagen.
it with water and brush it on posts,
walls, anywhere that flies gather.
3. Hort:, Flies: Are about half the site
of ordinary houseflies and will be found
in patches on animals in pasture. When
the number of Horn Flies averages 25
or more—it's time to spray I Dairy
Cattle Dust and Dairy Spray Will do
a good job!
4. Horseflies: use Purina's new Fly
Inseetiticle Bomb. Excellent for dairy
cattle, beef cattle and horses. Just
Spray it lightly oil affected areas.
Especially good for show animals; safe
for young animals,
foe fast,• e ciertt feed service call
Flies mean less milk in the pail, less
beef on the hoof, and they spread
1. Muse/lies:They're not blood suckers
and do not cause direct losses in meat
and milk production but they are dis-
ease carriers. Purina's NEW Fly
Checker is one answer, hang it On a
nail or wire or set it on a shelf, window
sill or wherever the flied gather.
Purina's New Fly Checker has two
fly killers and a special attractant that
kills 'em in bunehee.
Stable Flies: They're blood suckers;
have piercing mouth parts. About
same size as a housefly; stable flies bite
animals around the legs and lower ex-
tremities. They spend a part of their
time in barns. Use Dairy Spray or
,Parry Spray Concentrate or Purina.
Fly Bait. Scatter bry Ply Bait around
where the'flies bunch up: feed rooms,
barns, Windowsills, Out in the bartilot
Use Ply Bait (Sugar Base) inside, :nix
Cann's Mill Ltd,
Eketer Phone 235.4733
Whalen -Coriiera Phone 35%15 kirktiaii
Per Inforination, Tieketa and EXp eas
PRONE EXETER •-211.1180
i a = = = _
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lane and
family of Detroit spent the
weekend with the latter's mo-
ther, Mrs. Laura McCann.
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Carey
spent Fathers Day visiting in
Windsor with Mr. arid Mrs.
Paul Masse and family.
Vincent Ryan and Larry Die-
tricb are on vacation at the
home of their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Ryan and Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Dietrich.
Rev. Father Hugh Fleming
PP bf Aylmer Spent Sunday in
the village and attended the
graduation banquet.
Mr. arid Mrs. James Carey
and Valerie, Exeter, Mra.
Laura Glavin and Theresa of
Centralia Mr. and Mrs. Clare
flock of London dined with Mr.
and MrS. Joe Carey on Fathers
Mrs, Catherine Morrissey
spent a few days in Stratford
and London last week visiting
With relatives,
Mr, and Mrs. Gerry bignari
bf London visited over Weekend
With Misa Bernie Madden.
The Mt, Carmel dWL was
held Tuesday evening With Mrs,
Jack Morrissey, the new pre-
Sicient, in charge. Many plans
Were made for the corning laWn
The pupils and SisterS par,-
titipated in a field day on TtieS-
day and ail students perierriled
their best,
Mr. John Campbell is home
from st. Joseph's hospital and
feeling fine
use PURINA HEALTH Al-DS today! Canadians who want healthier profits tomato
Volkswagen in top shape; the way
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it your guarantee,
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Used Volkswagen.
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it's hard to tell betause a Volkswagen
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the knaw,how to put d Used HuNTE 0