HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1853-11-10, Page 1Ch L osoY K GEO. COX. rim*" emboolieisieralhalhoseak. lama • ill OV thilseghe 1174-- NA[AT. The lbtrt ekasenebn, Mete be , • N el' a old nem tfe mast llaspetsb VOIR which TOSOltenia Naltiblb, st." bath •Rtspkke, !garde s BtB Cheek t1 ores. a. B116 of Led pooh INrl. (, ■ Court awe tad every slat daariptias of Lesser puss Prtatleg. Cadgers Ternss gg// tkd Hums erodes f,_TEN l9HILLINGS r sawn Iliad&dwsee, or Ire Bit Peleestric the **wisesee TT the Tear, No paper da•coetiaeed roti) arrears an paid up, unless tie publisher Naha it ',hi adraetage to do eo. _ Any iadiridaal to the country becemisg' NOTICE 18 HERP.IIT GIVEN, that responsible for tit ..b•cribers, shall re_ ill to a Resole*'' sl the Board cease a wreath copy gratis. of Dtrresara, pay mem .4IM NEW 188UE Cr All letters ad reseed to the Editor OP SHARES of the must be post-paid, or they will not be tato• Hitrk of the Bwlf.1., B tel Railway Comps, is TIM sHILLI(tfest ser AAAAees, " nut OMIATY! PSS$IsL$ GOOD Tpiaei QtATI,T P111S$ISLN NVltlil• TY. EL1't AAD BIX PRNCI 4 •• tau ala ea TY nue. VOLUME VI. GODRRICH, COUNTY OF IIUItON, (C. W.) THURSDAY NOVEMBER 10, 1853. NUMBER 43. CASH FOR BARLIT. mum babacriber win pay Its.de eerwsey liter pm bushel for good clean Barley, M da - f, at the MatUasd Brw'Ur Ooderkk, Sept. hits, 1tIN iR,TT.13311 Buffalo, Brantford and Godericb out of the poet oiee. to the Treaurer of the Terms of Advertising. --Bir line+ sag' Bank of Brew► Nesta ) under, first iareTltw, LO 2 6 Iia lye until lestalment Each subsequent insertion, 0 0 74I 30 per cent, os or be 'Oen Tines aad tinder, first iaaer., 0 3 41 M., seal. Each subsequent insertion, 0 0 10 20 per cent rn or Or Over ten linea, first in. per hoe, 0 0 4 ' "I! .eat, Each subsequent inaertios, 0 0 1 820eptrmber Deal. per cent on or be.. the Lt day of A liberal discount made to that who 20 per `tent ns or tef re ib. fat My oI advertise by the year. November next, Advertisements without written inslruc- '30 per rent oe or bolgetb lstday of tions will be inserted until forbid, and, J■nuari, 1864. charged accordingly ; tad no advertisement By order, discontinued unpaid for at the time of with-' ARCH'D G INB(di, dowel, unks by (be eminent of thepub Office of B. B. k G. Radr Co., . tabor. Brantford, Much 15, Al -n9 iikrultiffWffi_iIISNiemogommigkie '• . THE; WAY TO SAV MONET t, -• ar.D;o • is ceased Capital .rd ase Goiter ptrod to 8..& eMy, at the (rice, Bnauord, ,. follos,t m the 1,, day of m lbs 1w day of 1)R. P. A. MCDQUGALL, CALL a< the B«e ani ow Snot Store sarket Nurse C! A N be consulted at all hnnrr, H Ga1erkh, cabers will hIeeery tAe reeidenee formerly occupied desen'ptioe of Ladies', Gen s' tad Chil. Roberf,llodrrweil, sy., Fast Sireet,.Mwrr.. dren.' BOOTS & SHOE Ostia kabben, kit Square, Coderirk, &c., kc., all of which wit d neap for Gaderieh, April l9tA, 1882. vl coal. Tbc ondersigeed begs o inform the iohebitanta of Ooderich, sunoendiog iRA 12W1N, i country, that be boa pare rote Mr. R. B tRRISTER, SOLICITOR, &c. West- HILL hie Stock ted Busi ad also leased tweet, Roderic h. I the building occupied by 1, with the in - Juno taiti. 2vn2fi tentless of commencing and Moe _- Baotou, in ail ii,. branched• has on band at pr.-.r.nt • veru large i of Gentle- DANIEI. GORDON, ., I mets Bora. WWI Shoes of stones and CMINE? W 4KRR, Three door" Feet o quality, too numerous to me the hauls- Company', office, West -'He bas Mm • large lens t of Coarse street, Gederich, , Bo. to 'tit l;if -rent soars-uos cheap. Avomit 27th, 1849. 2v.so i Alay a variety of Children' and Shoes, - plain a,1d linty. Ladies' of every de- DANIELHUYE LEAARS. ! scrrptfoe. Bronze cf different Bilk and I Satin, C•-nemeued, Potent. ATTOR'JEY AT. LAW, •s1 Cunroyaq•• i (kin of various sire" and st •I ter, Solicitor in CRancery, kc. has his ' New York The above stork iP•ejt ro Bctedr ea1- be of lee as formerly in Stratford. the .ubecriber himself, the Ion eperkoce be Stratford. 2nd Jut. 1360. :Ive49 , hos lied in the bu.inem enabl a, to reelect a .u; erI.r ankle, and by paring ca,A. Whoa porchn.t-d cheap, which will enable him to sill J. DE1 1SON t I cheap. Small profit and quiet maina is his 4: 1 V 1 L E N M 1 N E E R. Ate. `I wry of doing businebuyingss. Please call mod see the CODE RICHC. w, stock before buying elsewhere. N. B. --D. M. has nought from the Fat au Aug. 98th, 1862. .5.31 J assonmeet of supe'ror Leather, Fruits and English Catf-ekios.enamelled Leather, Patent JOHN J. E. LIN7ON, Leather, Spanish hale Leather, Le., die. 'OTARY PUBLIC Comeliesa.ser Q,B W o prepared(Wer lo rock` to order n e; do • . h "ori too of Wort In his line of bnsiets; all and Cusveysocer, titration. orders will he p.sctually artraded to, aid b strict attention to bu.inemot, be hopes to mmi BTRACHAN AND BR077113R, skate dpMicpatronage, Terms reaoouble and to suit thes, ecu( mid Afleniee at Leap, 44/,,e timDAVID MORROW. Gessatcm C. W. Goderick, Sept. SIB, 1863. .32-3m IIN BTRACHAN Barriat/mad AAl ter- y at Law, Notary Public ea4 Cgl',y- I r I LOST. XANDER WOOD 8 lACNAN,I - stereoy et Law, Rolm' u Chea. eaveyacer. Gedericb, 37th Nome ,1Ohl . LLIAM HOD(.\S, TECTAL CIVII. E*61NEEk ice 27, pandas LONDO C. W. 16th, 1662. v51,30 4. 1 MOOF 1118TER-dT- us the Post 0l teb. 663.1 13ETW KEN Mr. Samuel Rogues, Jun and Brumfield ea the London Road, on Moo - day the 27th ion „ a Red Pocket/look eontain- lag mooey. Whoever finding the ameaod leaving its* Jobe ,Clark'.; Req., Land Agent will receive Five Pounds reward. Bruceleld, Sept. 96, 1653. v6-45 JAMES CAMPBELL. BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, Weld Street, Codericb, II AS ))nal received • large Ase.rtmest w. a A of Ladies' Fancy Dress mod Walkisr Ifu,ldrngU Beets and Shoes, superior to any of the i load ever offered for ale in Codeneh.- veatfr Mee, a Targe awertseset el Lute, Boot Trees, Crtmpug Bleck•, Lining Skies, kc. bee., the above articles will be mold is Amu as they nes be purchased is the Loa- d.. market. G.derack, Sept. 618, 1833. DAltf 8berifi'a Sale of Lands. SLACK HORT , el -.quare, r h,I /h• Provincial Metal end aeunaa Mese Toro.I , Ala r the Bl. Imelieweer Count Mot *berg, New ork. Leen A ' 1 Yosiees'e Old ReeS.wtef Nurw Jaly HMO. (! FA 1 Street P.8. MAIM YTI1. LS TAILOR, oast Meer Ei Ones', Store, West v6-.4 NICHOLIS, RRoi ENEZALAGENT. Agent Marine f Fire ire_ Cw ICOTA ,A NCBI' AT$T EIN Q. B. 6u. se Ho. Ship - +541 tly drew., and looks tad ed. y, Ood.rkh , Jody is, , .6d$ • TON, 1T°4WAe. iwiot Mor - chain. Keeper,wend Ageal, hd. Ce air Lando ranee, Oohed sal Predates imewry dams 01111% yi4 , of At Kinser - thee Morels sash l e0-4111 Oaiy Geisha mama w Bruce, Y Vince Facies of a Writ To WN: me of FFieriFa s- treed sot nHer a t- Q.ea " Bead, mod d m mdte dl►ect- ed Wan the lands and tenements of Robert t ▪ N tbe Beit of JOHN DOE, on the FINLEY McPRE, 1 have seised K lakes lk Rzecwlen the Lease of Lor •hi/1h 011e.Meech lle the e Town- ! ► wbid I sbs(I o&r for ak 11* Cam* ateom. to tie Towe 01Gaderieb, 0e the a weal -tiro Or of I4nts. aeon:u hoar of Twelve d the clock Mader AMP I/IeDOPIALD Medd. e o. Herand Bruer. :1a1 k}l. 1853.1 d41d Buff 'Besairord sad Goderich T. "MI. tt,7sas 6eitemem L0TUI Own flet a ended 0Pr d Y. BQP• ILIL*A1, t i O OasDFAICH aid of Ile et• Flue illd tibiaM3Ben.ee.s.1 to4 of Re- no' L}My diel d lite 111411V11t, IOW Mar At Qwk AtLWAY. Vochg. THE IRON AND THE FiRE.µ err ?nemu masse raw. (Written on the oppttei.g of the Eastern Sec- tion of the Great Western IAaiurt.ad, 1st Nov. IBM. And It.epettIully lnecibed to ISAAC BUCHANAN, req., City of Hamilton j Helmut, .or the straight, hard iron road ! Per the Pire-Horne swift and wrung.' Hermit for the puodrooe ebariu-thin. That eerily speeds altrag ! Through woud and wd4l--through hill and Past MM hamlet, but, and hall. The snorting Ir.-bres dye apse., With a swill &dun to all. Trees. Rocks, and streams seem darting past Like shadows on the wind - The earth itself is rushing oo, To recede fast, fast, behind ! Sett) ! away bounds tie mighty steed, While wondering crowd. a•lmlre, And, breatblese„ gaze oo the fearful Imre Oa iron moved by fire. The horse -The hone of our grand►ires' dors With bones and muscles urooss- And the easel tall, and the elephant. Could drag hugs Iowa along; But the mon-hone, from the hand of man, Impelled oy wine and steam, H bins mountain chariots through the air ,sorrow. With the swift:ee of adreams! And ver, ald lir. Adams, we must tome 11 autos to me.she coououed• when Brid to that finally, seises ;ht present course Speed o., strong horse! with thy tidings glad, gel bad left the room, that Yrs. Bross succeeds. TbrosighMate woad and wild speed un- roust be strangelydestitute of household And seat moist.( Bridget era eel TM.6 bear's* abroad in 'numb now, to ilia. Booem'e to bonow a dt.sen to ,.b- Tbe conqquest mrmohas 000!- eoscaioseet, 0, she would nese( be Itis, s nutmeg grater, tad s cot:us of The san•b, mysteries, magic, spell.. obliged to borrow by the wholesale u .8. sheets. Of a darker. bygone day, Before the racy of the iron -hers" ba dose lately. Mrs. Brews was •orpri.,J. 198•Mui quicklya/ kly pass away- Bridget, ", Mrs, AJame, the nest even- pP t• had nes.( bolo.. rea,,.4 such er, And Beet and far,o'er the iron road reg, has Mrs. Brows returasd this articles callus Iron Mrs. Adams and could not Strong thoughts shall et on be borne, she borrowed yesterday. help wondering, bend's •t the nitseellane- To bort the bondsman's trksotoc chain,sus nature of the loan requested. Her sur n. And blast the Tyrant's srn . 'Faith 1 nota Om of it ! but bark t pole was increased us the following day, Intelligence, and power, and peace, there's Jane knocking at the door ills very whenBndgel brought her metres"' comply= As the Maker, God, designed, minute. Perhaps 'km's bruising them (menta, and would Miele burrow h'r clothes - Like a rainbow wreath shall gird the firth, clothes- horse. As the heritage 01 Mind. back. Yes you may taker it; but we shall went 'lire. Brown m moods her eoplimsets,' it early sexy week. But bawn't you Land of the wood, and skean fakes- Of the wild beasts' dark abode. said the lady iu question, en befog admitted brought heck the toothier.?Land where the shirtless savage raved and would be greatly obld'ed by the leen No ma'am, said Bndgm; mistress ex - Land mummeries to his gad.!- peltaewiaidenLl8 eompeny ,o a day or two, Lnd ufthe.aragenowwroore 1 of a parr of glass lamps. Tommy broke end it will ave the trouble of burrowloe Bleat. peaceful, prosperous land ! Th ase'oreuurn, tu ay, and she helot rot nun' to worth. .agatrde dabs doesn't return them ill after - By and freedom are secured j a mire Trus Baud t Well •std Mrs. Adams, not over willing Well thought Mrs. Brown, quite uncon• The Red man's Rude and murderous bow-ly, she Cao have our. today. 1 suppose of she could readily duacover the toot• in that ly epos her ayhbn. Te ry mind its Just as W to borrow a article ',Miami ts- te.dtr•g toreturn it, as to pick a unarms e perk t. Mre. Aflame had hardly seated reralf te her work, whoa Bridget popped bar head to the door sal sold. Maus ma'am Jaat is bene and aha aye Mr.. Brows ..ads 8. r compliments, and would be much obliged for the lo.. of • cater. Hunt she get one of her swot Tse, ma'am, but it bee gut rusty, and .8e's gems to bare sons" company to d'ah Mr. Very well; w• eta do without ours for oue,day; bot you anon tell Jane to return it Wore tba cruor to -sorrow. Yea,ma'am. Bridget disappeared, bet returned in the •pato of a mtsuta. Jane forgot to ask for on loan of • tablecloth sed a doses kmres and furb.. What sea the aromas mean' said Mr.. Adams is aatselabmoot at this new demand. Wall, you may ins thaw to her, but ten nor 'trickily that they mut t•e retuned to very sew the isms* will be empty. You 8vsam Cuaainlcavat carts AOs1aALaa. don't knew half t8m extent to which Mr.• A powerful and eov.I e.mpelft.r to the ex• Brown Carlile An borrowing pruPeasity. wise .rawer route" is about to ewer the W rlhis We bat week she hos borrowed tea, field. and u.e great winters track from cols, milk, sugar, :lath, eggs, frying -pain, Europe to Ilse llamas is le be placed le kenos tables napkins, caper,grdiro., .ho- itioratlon. to compote with the postal ted rd and longe, and other article., es the ?an/rooters treats with Au.lralta• Oaly a auctioneers ay Is their advert'sement., too Iew month, will tn*riens before a regular mimeo us to mention. This is bad cootie), e0elmln,leal ion, by way of P.ealue, will b bel Yrs. Brown ha addition to all 1,.1. ,-.(.blushed, tlouthampten hang likewise, se.oa to gud she act of borrowhne as a io lhe cafe of th• sa.ter. end Cape tsvesune reher web 18. right of permanrn' runts., the pant of departure. The coa- rmoseeaio.. Al :eget I Judge so from the .unnlcation thus proj,cte4 is to be •upplted (tit that sho geld ,m Cr never returns the err til. Australa.ras Pack 41.11 steam - articles borrow, 4. packet Company. an aseoe;atwo tneorp.r- It is possible? said Mr. Adams, in sin's.. ete4 by royal charter, which at an upon - moot. Certainly some sod to st be put to Jlture of • q tarter of a m,lhon, ars hilt tib wholesale rnbb•n-. Suppose you he- and •n o u ,n Bre sere. ueasehi ., Marmot DI•coeer.-.1n oc'ogen.rta ( 4 pP t p wk., dacnbod h,m•elf as an Gid ret of gm to borrow of her. It is • bad ruts that deemed to rue inanity from Au.trelia, min Mari. Antoinette, bed lately to :.,• posses. won't wu,k both ways, and perhaps if you New Z.alsod to Pantie> an I, connecting 1110 a 111111 work t.hlo betonyloq to the wake her feel a little of the auooyance to with the tlsasehips of the Royal West gleam. and need by him on the meinorabio which she has sub acted ou it may be ro I. f of M.gun. Ariel his learb, two 1 J r r I India Mad Steam -packet Company on this a, ',cw., hie only hair, divided Qetwesn ducti,e of benefit. .tile, to saainla,n • rapid and regular steam them km scanty furniture• Without kuow- A good idea, said her was Ian jhtn(; an I service between Southampton and Austral.' ung anything of its former hntory, this lit - .l Is better to try this course tbao to refuse The ate•mrrs prepared *pc -cult, for tbu tie tebls was afterwards .old by its humble directly lending any further; that would coterpnse ret the H agora, Em. Biwai .war, with Other dee Sla, to ere septi.• + brei.( in the Res des lLrtyr+. The pie -- ably produce bad feeling• Strum, Diner -is, and .Mre., u, each of shout chaser •+Ir at a gluten .he 'meanest* o(- 1600 lona burden, supplied web auxiliary his bvgmin, and .1,11 further enhance its screw machinery of 300 horse power, vale, set ,o work to take a apart err order po typal o de eansepnd rens. u, out Ibis upo- and 8'ted with propellers pounded by jrata. he du.a.vered a burro t,rawor con- ) tem' fies letters elooefy tied toge'her.- ___ Two of them which wer, addressed to Marto Aolaueits, and slg.eJ Necker, are 1sp•rtanl historicducumenta. Ths throw when wore from the C•nnte d'Artois, bee J1utute of my public interest. tai o TNN aASDLIO AT ?HI 6/1111 ' ?AL LACS. Mr. Areh•r, wi a lettere askew*,► s r. i.itsoe l,wssetmn, worts Pam me* order to rive ewes Mee of doe aa' des gerdeeing operations Wit were i ne,atatwunr.ed that 60,000.earlel ger hadYeera n dared for tear year' ids, • P8... would be required for the hairo neve that were beteg laid sot. '1 . (lain fenstal• had bis preurved, 1 would he pissed outwits, .td (1... y tow.led in height. P.eslug on from fw.t.t■ doer. the stop*, the lecturer ,s tribal the .uccea.lea of walofa.le, w . were mode, from a 11111104110, to look one s. .nen on a smaller seat., at Cb. worth, Ito. ram• the lake., with their , nnmerabla 1••u .urrnund••d with walkir frees sops rhe latter i.e.ng .0 t1l •I extensive to allow '00,11.10 mourn 1 ell,,. at their eta Ind w,• :•h the el • the roommate; snJ • Intl, further on .8. lernunsI ng bae•n, 1n which 1.4.. would he 100 Juts. Ti.. tatter lo ntpt•• the boIntale, w.. obi..... id 'root an a tion well, r,,,0, wh•rh •t eras forced 1 . large r..er•n,r .t the hu CIi'r part or •' ground, and .miller one. on the trip the town.. Fr'm three elevaiuom world here a force rq'i+I to the delta. of 9000 ,g(allon• mor second. In anoshu part of tft. crow,' *hire was • mooed tor - anrm.unted by a heanl.fol t,•rnole e.nrely formed of trelhre• en,.r,•,! • 'h roses. - Manr th ,usanJ+ of err, •n- '1 .lend rep. on Ih• to,, of i h.., 'o inn!, m enjoy Ih charming its 11 ,t a as nitended to sou-. mind. His dim.y bark canoe - His (rauuc "ur.bip-war whoop wild- eoora,.M will provide tomorrow. But you of her neighbor, 1 town fey 18,1'. decidedly Ana nuunma not a kw- haven't brought In the calor and other ar- cool! From Art and Cummerce dad away, bele. I lest yo. yesterday. Every New England housekeeper knows Yielded mental sort. ; that Tuesday . down day In all well re - And Sckaea now, os her ions road, Lanosaid Jase,cooly,ao more i haven't; :panted fainting. lira. her rim 4,rse. , , lira. Brown said as else expgcted company 1 should Ike to know, remarked Mrs. d ,itt., to morruw,ahe'd jest keep'00 and Brown on that morning, why Mrs. Adams doesn't rerun my Uothse bora. She Hail, Canada 1 Thy fame, in pan; Is shadowed here to -day, When moods the .team -ear's whl.tt. loud R.psrrt n. --- ,Ctrl Bay. And hark 1 hire whistle .Good. again Crowds prose, with keen desire, To witness Mind's stupendous power In iron and in Are. (Caaadian.j LITERATURE. that would Save the trouble of sendu,g mat know that it will be in use to -Jay.- agw • Jae, go over and ask for it. Very considerate, upon my word,thowght Jac. doll her errand. Mrs. Adages, 1boagbshe did not nay It.- Give my compluneo's to Mrs. Brows, She couldn't het eS a however with replied 111,s. Adams, ■red tell her that mace P 1 Ifs she borruweJ our clothes Imo, we have le Come alight emptiest': dry our clothes to the twits*, and therefore isn't thereasythieg else I could lend her were obliged to borrow her clotbe..ber.s, to day. W..bould have been through noon it, but as she has our largest tub, it takes more Then now, exclaimed Jane with 'sudden Ihan,oee day to get through with the wash..Ptie rote Floe. reeodscuon, 1 case nest forgefliee one lig* THE TROUBLES/ME NEIGHBOR this', and I should if you hat memo weed This message produced a little .nation to the boos* ever the way. The resold it. Mrs. Brown would like lo hon* year was the immediate return of the article' A FAST STORY. A HINT TO BORROWERS. g(rdlron. .■owned by Mrs. Marne. Mrs. Brows - Grd• iren! said Mrs• Adam is u ou►h- began to apes her .yu to the fat 18.t she As Englishman wwasbragging of tl:e vimmol aT SAIL el As, too ores set altogether guiltless in respect .peed on ngltsh railroads to a Yankee - to lb" faults which She cundemoed in traveller seated at hie side to one of the Mrs. Brews and Mrs. Adams were near Yes ma'am w,'►e Mislaid ours sad ca't o,b re• car. ot • •fs.t train,' in England The neighbors. 11 this had beau in the city. find it, as4, so if you beim oo ohjectros She was sot cured. however. The nes, they wet have lived thus for many nus we'd like to borrow yours, as %s regoing oil hey Jane male her appearance regne'tug '.hs loss of dm gridiron. to bruit' corse steak to morrow morning .- Tell your mistress, said Mrs. Adam. CNaaICTwa or Ma• fh,cn•-I1avi5J ausfied himself of the propriety of say particuiar pol:wv, Iltock@ is a etateema Oat stakes out boldly to attain his object. Ile is nut toe man either, to l.,ok back s,t.l .igh and wt the tune to • whrmpori.g op- position or to modify indt,td .aI hardships, which had bec,me o y f or the gene ra! good. Hut very boldness frequeotly palsies the energies of his opponents. - RIM or wrong, having determined he sets Heine much of ler succus. Instance bis Rebellion Losses Buil. Before the storm which this measure raised about tom, al most any other loan would have Tooled.- Iflncka, however, did sot. Ills stern de tern,loation carried hum through and that triumphantly. But then be It remembered, he surrounds himself with the choicest tnen his party affords. His pubt.c mea are chosen for one qualification -the amount of strength soil .upport they we cunp.- tent to aff.,rd-you And no fogyism about h1s cabinet. 116, t. • man of business and a man of progress. None of hie mss• utters ars allowed to segetale in ore., and has seta them a brave example of i*Jwtry and pers.veranee. Ile writes li,a der patch,. in a tone .f todependeout which commands respect. Wilmette hip Coerces poodouce with stir Job n P.cki.gtoe 011 the Clergy Bourret quesuo-lbadia. Rs• corder. Without making each other's equate, 'ace. As' however. the village in which they Bridger, said Mrs. Adams in a lose of des, with soavlty, that nothing would give 104' lived was but a small one, vicinity naturally Jame, anpleurae,w pair, get the gridiron for d if -she greater but it ,s out of my po- led to familiar acquarotaoe ., and this to an cost sued, tansr, a ens borrowed uta month ago and has to th, latter, you could mol yet returned 11. interchange of netthbrly courtesies. It (uurn it in the course of a fortnight 1 Mrs , Brown's eyes were opened still should be glad. wider. bb, ytr,' "aid Jane, Eim I Cor ■o• The seat day Mrs. Adam. was re,y,e.t. twist Wit tie tone in which ab which had ensues hy *males beets borrowed by Mr,. Brown spoke, 1 don't think we shall want it above and the latuer would reluro them. ■ week. With Bridget'', help, Yr.. Adams made out • het of thirty .erne atomise. which sho ant without comment, Mrs. Brows was petrified with astonish - meat. Like all habitual hororerr she had not been •wale 01 u' eateot of her depredations. 8be was really eery sorry for the trouble and t.soe,entence whit* she must hare occasioned her neigh- bor. She rent a message to that effect. Then after twin days diligent match she cosumoo to get together all *ho artlelus mentioned in Mr.. Adam,' 11.1. She wan now thoroughly cored of bor- rnwieg; and when Unm, mischievous propel rely was mace eradttatel,ehe ceaded to be a irouble.osne sem hbor. will sot do is cuit.vata exclua, is a country raiders -'to keep ono self to osis self,' as the eaying is. Every on Oakes It a pout to know all about every body else, and feels aggntved if say smpedi meats are throwa to bre way. This, bow - ever, to som.tltsg of a dugr..aios. I don't see the castor, remarked Mr. We bare only further to means tbat Adams to his wife the sexy day at the din Yn. Adams bad but lately become a re.i. net table. Bridget ought to remember to at of the village, where my story is I* lo- place 1( on lb. 1.841. eared, and that bieracquaistascewith Mrs. So eh. would, bot Mrs. Brown oar next Brows .was therefore of but reeest neighbor, hu borrowed it. 4.1.. Borrowed the castor? Rather a or sore Midget, said Mn. Adams to bet Irish request 1 think. But why did'nt Bridget made( all work, uteri, that lady's pre cook the steak i seat home? clots ens morning, bow much sugar it, Because Mrs. Brows bee borrowed the there left in the basket/ gridiron. Mute, ma'am ase there isn't more then Mrs. Brown again' You ought not to enough to last to day. land her so freely. By the way where a re le it possible! aid Mrs. Adana, to err- all he umbrellas. It rained this moroiog, pries; sed rt was only got last week.-- but 1 could sot Bnda,y in place. What makes n go w fast. 11 doe'* know, 1•m sure. Perhaps 1's thinking, ma'am It's because Bridget eau inform we. Oridget, said Mrs. Brews bas sent to borrow 1t three she, whom the yogis( lady had mos- weee. leered the eummo.s of tbe b.8, 'do you 'And 8a.'.1 ohs tbee(lit n( reterairg Imo. what hes become of all the u.sbrei .t.' 1a.? 'Welt, int and lest,. ebe'. borrow- Bore, ma'am arra Mrs. Brawn has got ed about ten monde, sod a few days two of '.m. 8be borrowed them e week ager mks seat is two pawed' or dry, ago. dirty brews sugar, foil .f ease and .trek., And hasn't relented them ye•t sod wa'et At for say Cbn.ts.' at all to No sa'•m, reed i 4o.'t behave that's the sat wont of it. Has she berrowe say Una( else labs- Jest then the boll nag, and Bridget ly. obeyed the seetaN... ( desld like to know wkrg Mi tit 81 .. Meww seeds her eompllsents, said borrowed. 5'I0d.y ebe w.d a b.; ebe, reappear,.(, earl would Mia to borrow «..•p, del a gears w mtg. hell a dws our largest wash tuts pewee 01 8err,.toil a Fern of .,o4..ew.- Mr..ml Mn. Ads.looked at sack other Seery else ssonde err her Hee is borrow t* aelerrlmkawiat. fsanNtmg s18'r. Wink anthe formes. al length, for Ad d*ewt Cha store "et t►lege bell. e'' M Weeny, the palm must •. tuioly Mr dam eh. W Mee the m a. .1 the i I to Mew drew.. It is sae per. 1 thata Untie wree.le esu se bed w • tae, kat T 41.1411I,As os lr esu bow many w Tea Dur► Auva.-We sr. Inf r spy*, seem •eselloitsI.e8 ytt mdist ay rmmem.i ssr*s bed • m berserk( kl d„.m~e eire m Met of stairs nuthe C000rrt Iklaa y••••41/d 'be niters' enytht.g all seigbbee) (lens • tire days Wave sae suss swot 1. Il• Am l le MM Bow the net sold Midget ha" b'.6". hie ..eh, 3#40uvsr wlow t..t, 1(b.st l• W MON &API NU*" asel skid* lipinhaNeawil s Ceses.e'e Inq*e.. cams 1.14, and . word.... M Mild bee aJlale. Miksa Inst tMattw a of 'tssetdsatd dr ay remosed w wall. Awe. home ggall al/rV amlM, e S de *by ram, gem Ye. Mdemailsaghieg, Yee Neer Wenn, lees tab M *vend :Ix asp Cha tui she ysfm 15.4.I'% "my ogee mf'lINNp, mid Aat*t tem wilt slA iyplsypwK V►afht B••. Ad.tem n .hers r'MmrNeig It-wesA A n 'emrrew"d Al..s. f bele ere tlr.l erg Jy saki /mg, 'tense a woes` Qlph (ha OatMOwg ti3e bk;st bag a t IMI. wu.ry( df f a00 being Wien Ina ow* el to dopedw so e'teal,- left she rusea.p .*HMwet et be des ger fwd. -A Glntbr. iq►,flrefaped No.00y 8111 A Pat+tea. -Much ties 18. steer log remark et a person 'tending not a tbousaod miles (roils the door of our sane um -retering to the t,r..(ewlon we to lour iw pride. Nobody but a punter, in 'tooth It makes our blood run rampant through our reins to hear •ucb sapeessiouefait fru, the lips of the.. n'trad uu repelPtcan ..,tl. *Mod- bet a pouter, any her! t8I o woo Be•7.ma Fra.kltel No',o.s bet • printer. %Vbo wee William Caxton, one of the fathers of literature! N..body bun a printer. Who was Earl Stanhope! No- body but a prinier• W1•, was Pmorel Woodworth. Nobody but • i rinier.- Who was Governor Staid•, of P.an.ylvav mat Nd.►ndy beta printer. G.... P. or rw, Jam.. Ilarprr, Thnrlow Weed, Horace Greeny, Robert Besr.. and 8e.a'or. 114, Ceeuruw sad Nu..? Nobody but pnnler., any how. Do. thong .. evtdest, every perces that th.n... e.s't 1. • past Of ; brei* are Seaneary.-tseka.g. p. • • 'My son yen are getting wore thio; said a matron to her hopein!, Who wee ab, it to bo leveed. 'Y'., mother; be replied, 1 expect shortly that you will b• able to wee my rib. Said one gentleman of Ismer to another. "If you duu't accept of my et alloege, shall poet you u1 the papers.' '0o. tamed' (.aid the other) 1. had rather f:1 a doaoo papers tban on. cot$.. 7'h• news reepcctnr,( the ascent ter John Mitchell, ,s confirmed. But Motile is sill Ica bondage. A devastating gra ie raging hi the wood,. and swamps neer D •non, de.trulsg every-, thtog nu As course. Tun thousand ecru of wood awsa.p bars been completely b.rroed over, destroying houses, barns, fences, ke. two wood/are buteng on the, moorhen road so that the falling u( *tie trees obstruct the passage et tie train. OPENING OF 'filE GREAT WI'(:S. ';TERN RAILROAD! 'fuiiDAY, the lot inst., being the day appointed for the opening of the canters section of the Great Western Railroad, s eery Targe concourse of people had finked down in the forenoon, and were thickly crowded aloe the liras to Wel/Wel/engraft-O.,-., nearly the wale of llro city. The rX- pectatioo, and anxiety, and eutbuaium oC our citizen,, of all classes, sufficiently in- dicated tbe feet that, die! were fully aware that it was an eventful .by for the city of Hamilton -that it was indeed, the Com- mencement of a new era is her buatory. engine bell was rung as the irue neared a iTwelve o'clock was the hour an:iUnaced station. it suggested In the Yankee an for the" start" and precisely at the hour, opportunity of taking down his companion fisc of the superb carriages from the Car- a peg or two. Factory of Ft.her, 11'ilhams, & (:o., filled he YaoksBraise? ineotestly McIntire,'with perhaps 200, or upwards, of the We are thatepproec!.tng a town, said the chief men of our city, and.. a umber of En_uahmen. Tbet Aave 10 coeuraoee other respeetalla, and attached to one of tinging abort ten miles before they get to the hurcukwn locomotives, started orf • station, or else the tato would run by it smoothly amid a fair amount ot cheering before tlie bell could be heard !- from the spectates. Wot.der(d isn't It 1 *oppose they S. Limmm erao. Eery,, the ebterprisiog. haven't Helmeted tills to A Dano for ! contractor, to whose 1411N1ed et:orisons w' "Why, yeti, replied the Yanheel■we're his eoetract, n unanimously ascii/oral thaw. got bells, bat ea .'t use them on our earl competition ot the eastern aelion of railroads. We rum ►o 'l.,nal hast that the road, had invtten, by card and circular, the train Alward' heepn ahead of the sound, a large ntnuber of geulkmen from liatml- Nn use ',hummer; the sound sever ion and other places, inclhding lbs Direc- reaches the village till atter the train gots Ion and Engineers, the Gory Uoua-.I, se by.' t-erJ 81. P. P.'s, the Preis, &e., &c., to !Indust,'exclaimed the F.eghs)•mee, a dinner at the Clifton Howse, Niigtrs 'Fact,' said the Yankee, had to glvr up Fells, et four o'clock, P. M. ; atm/ thither bells. Then we tried oteatmwhutUes-but they wnuldh't answer, o,lher. 1 was cm a ward the guest•Io.dad train sped na. Ineomotive when the whwt!e was tried• - 11 would certainly be very ankh-, awl Ws were going et o tremendous rate, hut- unreasonable, to expecte " glowing, tbril ricanes wire nuwhar, sod 1 had to bald my ling description' either of bite velceity lbw heir on. We .►w a two ho -se waggon compl.lencss of the adaplaUens, or tkw ''ro.o;ng the track, .bout Bvo miles ahead, success of the practised working, on this and the engineer :et the who le un,•ereech trial trip. 11 meet he cousith red that the' Ing Ile a trool-,. It ecrramed awrol'v, read is ,ret onlynew, but has keen forret on it wasn't nn ate• The e• err thing 1 into knew, 1 wadi oolong myself out of a printoexi+tenal.Y it were, by •tort of iOt- ny the road ,d'. amid the u.gmemu of the o o hone process in on ulpreealewrly abort °comotivr, *lead Interne, broken n.(oa and period of time. And though stay ilia Uteri esu;mer(, lying Motile me, j..1, partmeot of it bean the ponies •rides.. then 111e wIi II. rime .1. pg, mooed by sof the lee swbsto,Uiai, s the Belpre of w:Ib sums frightful oaths the, 18,1 heard 'bingw, both time and use will be respired the engineer u.► cal.., he L,.t raw th•• to consolidate it, and time and use wM Atm hones. IPoo► fellow, ha era. 4e44 WO .111! Jie reghiK,f to gore to We machinery ,Mt tut voice gni lo I on. meter that as reed .1g Iva. .nppn.ing that the." w..nld ten sl np.'cdhor+s of action neelssary to superior Ia.'cr thee eon,•d. Of .oma Pe power spied, and smooth mslion, th tui that the eh rkeee wok.. up all .loo( ladled, it n pt+ebsbte that boli* Contrite. the road trite wr come I.v. supposing( 't to tori avid Directors have hems too ansioww, he mersteg, Sot the l•gr...mim a kept and too lusty is putting the road is opus - dhow: ' I it atoll, mrd w.e 11 the d.r4eda., lion w soon, that bot, typo far as their ow* with the light elute on behold 11; 1104 iatenBts, nod their own sena/action art eoot.'el •Irep w rib w mheh light in the eeweavned, but the public ahonld make Bks' nibs VVMS. Finally we lied 1.1 stator elecinc telegraph' all al. -.g 11.e rod, with .8... ace for all Riese Itun054 Asea on togeal swot* rnsr.ph whorl the snits there rAtrsolerstio►s we coo rattly p.. tient. WOO is . gl.t: en.? l l..ta heard trot mime to far sal we fenced Cele tt( 1M party ow of 18. net two. ►.»t tn,e b(bten erg 18 ereda7, vie., es far as Grim** we fell Grim**, with N tarty 40 miles, Hat i can't perfectly aeti.ied wit► the estop/011•11. say .. that ,s trot -I►. 11161 1 know to be 111 is true, there was • gnat devil of delay Ito ' ea ohene armoire* S1tea---,lot fess say i.- inwittmweeme clicker! Corker to the rood, er » tie. - Tho Hite er.p is the Laced Stant' th•' kiwi. or in 11N midi aii wanogeureat, hot year, will b .1.i,,&1. .Mrr(. afoot of the aiaei•ly it eonseq'leeti *f tla. nen,(-,, - r pl..rsttes. have Nen se. rA.red by the tool 11. earrisge wheel' ane Joertaslb, ua.•gs s des riseof the rivers, mad by Cunrtat and m aetaaul ►sa.'aare•, -coi.1414614)1114,14! d *s1i•adt r4• beery tai .e. pre.enf ►be ellirt i ret I 1840 , a tie bare ,.9t yet '*sous( say - The bra • Ica w h.eh Napoleon I. wee the •. t)ilwa•r," mlech, ort lei Irnrw, 111 A104/01,.. hs. nog woo card,* t her wan wog at tended, a41 thus _ '.pet... 111 , to to to. t0.am Gni e1, es we Hera 'het newt of *borough', rewarwf. A wide coca • pica te lekee s walk ter foes, of le he e-taOMstsd le &sat J,,, fwd • .tatos bdw. obey wow rho iS Nyal cool* evened *evens. tali Me wet /itla. ,.a'. ear has. tam*s1tNn Mil. en at las ('k5.yw; l .... es. east eartlanig eaye; Suttee Wtk, we, hest !lira. Tal pwt -tithe .int.. •