HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-05-23, Page 19Tinies-A4Yacata! May •2, 1903 Pao, 15 family of, anclMr, and. Mrs, MeTeer and Mrs, Ida Sanders of: London with .Mr, and. .Mrs, Art Finkbeiner,, Mr. 7rank Levy and :girls with Mr. and Mrs. WraySweit, Apr, .learb. and Ron, • Mr. and Mrs. Walter Paee.Piel of :,London with Mrs. Milt Ra#, Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Webb of St. Catharines with Mr. and Mrs, 0,c. Russell end family. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Good- man of Detroit, Mich. with Mr. and. Mrs. Les Adams apd fain ily, Mr* J.O. 4aMPort and Fred of Pickering with Mrs. Lamport and TOM, Sat., May 25 2.30 P.M. Outdoors Beside PUC Office IN CASE OF RAIN. IN LIBRARY BASEMHNT • . ''' `:: • 72:K2 The mother and daughter 044,- quet for May 31 was announced._ ()wing to the large the number of guests is being curtailed and there will he no "adopted" mothers this, year, TEACHERS' TRAINING COURSE Kindergarten and nursery teachers, met PaturdaY In the. Schoolroorn for a morning and afternoon training course,, with a box-lunch at noon. Mrs. Murray liociginS,repre- senting the Christian Education committee of the Lucan church, had charge of the worship ser- vice, the theme of which •was, "Guiding the Child." Mrs. Ernest Axon, of London, Nursery and Kinderearten counsellor fee the LondonCon, ference, was in charge of the course. Pentecostal Holiness AID IN CAMP BUILDING On Saturday a car-load of members motored to Arthur, to assist in the building of a new dormitory on the camp grounds. The Young People's Friday meeting was highlighted by sev- eral Bible quizzes conducted by the president Paul Graham. Reception for Bridal Couple MR. AND MRS. HAROLD PARSONS (nee Phyllis Lostell) ZURICH Community Centre Sat., May 25 Ramblers Orchestra THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Trivitt Memorial, Exeter Rev. Bren de Vries, Rector Robert Cameron, Organist Sunday, May 26 Sunday after Ascension Day 8:30 a.m,—Quiet Communion 10:00 ,a.m.—Senior Sunday School 11:00 a.m.—Morning Prayer The service to be conducted by Mr. Bev Lindsey. Junior Sunday School EXETER PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Larry Talbot, Pastor Sunday, May 26 9:45 a.m.—Loyalty Campaign in Sunday School 11:00 a.m,—Morning Worship 7:30 p.m:—Evangelistic Service Wed., 8:00 p.m. — Personal Worker's Course Friday, 8:00 p.m. — Young People's A hearty welcome to all. MAIN STREET United Church of Canada Minister: Rev. R. S. Hiltz, B.A., M.Th. Organist: Mrs. F. Wildfong, A.L.C.M. 10:00 a,m.—Sunday School 11:15 a.m.—Worship Guest Speaker: Mr. Ken- neth Toten, representing Canadian Bible Society. Nursery for young children. "Come and worship with us today" ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DASHWOOD Pastor: Rev. William Getz Sunday, May 26 10:00 am.—sunday School and Bible Class 11:00 e.m,--Holy Communion Exeter Service 8:45 a.m.—Divine Worship CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Minister: A. J. Stienstra, B.A., 10:00 a.m.—Worship Service (English) 2:15 p.m,--Worship Service (Dutch) 6:15 pon.—Back To Grad Hour CHID (680 "Cc.) EVANGELICAL UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH DASHWOOD Minister: Rey. M. J. James, B.O. Sunday, May 26, 1963 10:00 ,a.m.—Children's Day Service Kindergarten, Primary and Junior Classes Starting Wed., May 29 Fun-filled double bill! COMING SOON * Delicate Delinquent * Last Sunset * Midnight Lace PHONE 235-2911 EXETER EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH In Bethel Reformed Church Huron St. E. Pastor: W. Stephenson, 13.Th. Phone 235.0202 11:15 a.m.—Sunday School 7:30 •p.m.--Service Wed,, 8 p.m,-,-Prayer Service Nursery for young children, CREDITOR UNITED CHURCH Clinton Sat., June 1 AETERNOON PROGRAM Sehodl parade 1 p.m. Opening 1130 / Cattle Judging / Horse Judging / Pet Short/ / linpleinent and Car Eisplay Midway Pony Rides. :.77.7eeteeeee ':,-.7.7.7XereernMR111StriNelkeereetraeateeeeeeenes Fireworks assist pool fa•Ztlitietemee'VreePeeleter""'"'"'"'"nea. rintitiMMON Shipk 0 CHURCH NEWS LUCAN DISTRICT NE . . . . . •:""•: ... . ::'•••••••••: ''' • • .. .... PERSON-4,43 ,detighter, Miss Glenda and friend of Tpeepte,. Mr. and Mrs• Mrs, Joe Witelthe.n end MSS: Jenkins. pp.eet ends eYeetne, Betty Merlein*teacied the with. Mr, And •C, Tailer- CM,WePtiPP lieltlinWirelegr!,Nfar ef.i.aandon.. A mammoth fire work dis- play., sponsored by the various organizations of the villaee, was held on the Arena grounds last Monday evening. Altheligh the Weather was cold, yet the wea- therman co-operated snfficien-- tly as to withhold the predicted rains so a large attendance was present, Mr. Clare Stanley was MC for the big event. A special feature of the evening was the Heather Pipers of London, with their bag pipe music, Scotch dances and songs. • The Lions Club and the Legion each had a booth. The proceeds of both, as well as the silver collection taken, will all go to- wards lexicon's new swimming pool. Reeve Ivan Hearn spoke briefly, ChiCken Baibecue And Science .Fdir South Huron District High School THURS., MAY 30 suPper 5:30 - 6;30 Children Under 12 r 75 Adults 1.35 MISSIONARY MEETING Miss Irene Orser, a SPuth African missionary was the guest speaker at a special:flits- sionary meeting in the church last Wednesday evening. Miss Orser gave a resume of her work. WA MEETING The WA meeting was held at the home of Mrs. J. A. Graham Thursday with the president Mrs. Howard Currie in charge. After Mrs. Currie's meesege, the time was spent in Bible study, :gp.pDAy VISITORS Mr, Paul Humphreys of Len, don With Mr. POMP, Wilfred' pesArt4pe,, Mr, and Mrs. Milord Die- WO and family of. Windsor with. Mr, and ,i4r,X-Prne Web and family, Pr, and Mrs, B, Sanders and Mrs, Wes Hodgins, has re, turned home after a SIX week's visit with Mr, and Mrs. Sam Seri family ef Woodstock. TWP of the six weeks, Mrs. Earl emit in Woodstock General Hoppital fellowipg a leg :opera- lion. Dr. and WS. S. J. Morrison arid daughter, of Detroit, ettene- et1 the Rummell-Gedeis wedding in Londen Friday night and Mrs. Morrison and babe remained over for a week's Visit with the eeemer'e parents, Mr. and eire. Ralph Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Reavie and two sons, were heliday weekend guests of Mr, and Mrs, James, Davis. Anne and Lynn Stanley, small children of Mr. and Mrs. Clare Stanley, spent the holiday week- end with their grandmother, Mrs, A. M. Devine, London. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jenkins had a busy weekend, On e aturday they attended their daughter and son-in-law's (Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Murray Hodgins, •last Tuesday attended .g joint meet- ing of the board Of directors and the camping eeehmittee of Kee-Mee-Kee Camp, held at cal, very United Church, London.,. Mr. and Mrs. Al. W, Smith attended the Admiralty Bell in Sarnia, on Saturday, Mrs. Warner McRoberts of the Dresden H.S. Staff) who spent the weekend at her home here, visited her brother and sister, Mr. Theron Creery and Mrs. Mae Lamond and families on Sunday, Mrs. J. W. Smith held a surprise party Friday in honor of Mrs,AlexelcFarlarie's birth- day, 501313Y Arnold, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Arno 1 d, and member of the Anglican junior choir, injured his foot playing ball and is hobbling around on two crutches but his accident didn't prevent his parttcipating in the music festival nor of at- tending church on Sunday, Miss Dana Culbert spent the weekend with her friends, Car- Betty Ann, and Brenda Lewis, daughters of Mr, and Mrs. Are MK Lewis, spent last weekend in London, guests Of Mr, and Mrs. Ray Bernard. Mr. 440 WPM, an ployee ef the Keith Organ Faa- tory, Acton, attended the 11 0' clock service in the ,Anglican Church MI Sunday arid teek his old place in the ehoir. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Elsenga and family of St. Thomas spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. clay- ton Abbott, In the evening the AbhOtte visited Mr. and Mrs. Murray Abbott, of Centralia and their guests, Mr. and Mrs. William Abbott and family of Niagara. M. Robert Dempster of Toronto is holidaying with her mother Mrs. J. A. Graham and family. Mr. Morris Darling of Lon- don was a Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Armitage and Mr. and Mrs, Earl King of Londop and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Graham and family of Arkona were callers. The latter left their baby with Mrs. Armitage while Mrs. Graham has an °per.- ation. ,„,.. Angiican Flowers on the communion table, presented by her sisters were in loving inereery of Mrs.. Mitchell liaskett who died in May 1961 and flowers in the chancel were in memory of the late WS. SimPSon. The rector announced motion cla4ss would start on Friday in preparation for a confirmation serViee in Novem-, Per and that the postponed Guild meeting would be held on Wed- nesday evening and a commun- ion service at 10 am on Thurs- day. Ken Hardy, on of Mr, and Mrs. Norman Hardy, sang his music festival prize-winning church solo number. United Sunday evening 18 YPU mem- bers answered the roll call with a Biblical verse beginning with the letter "L", at a meeting held at the home of Gary Rev- ington, The worship service was in charge of Don Coughlin, Cor- alyn Donaldson, and Wayne Car- roll, Mrs. Ross McRoberts, was the guest speaker taking the next instalment on the study book, "The Rim of Asia". The branch received word that five year old Chao Jih Man of Macao will be their "adopted boy". EXPLORERS At the Explorer meeting last Tuesday evening the leader, Margaret Sach took the last chapter in the study book and was assisted in the worship service by Marie Cochrane. In the absence of the other coun- sellors, Honorary Counsellor, Mrs. Murray Hodgins assisted, Maureen Smith led in a game. As the best all-round explor- ers, Joan Lewis and Betty Park were chosen as the two explor- ers to go to camp this year. LAKEVIEW CASINO GRAND BEND John Woode) ninth wedding an- olyn and Marilyn Hill of RR 2 niversary in London, On Sun- Thorndale. day they had as their guests Mr. Harry Secord of London the Woods family, Mr. end's/Ire. was a holiday guest with Mr. Warwick Eveleigh also of Lop- and Mr s. Keith Dickson and don, Mrs. Ben Blackwood, her family. neeeeeeNneenneineeate.k=leeeleeeneeeeeMeSeateeenaannieviaMegt DANCING EVERY SATURDAY Trio carry on despite crash What might have been a much more serious accident, occur- red last Wednesday morning as Mrs, Clarence Hardy and two of her children Gordon 11, and Julie 8, were going to the mu- sic Festival. Though all three claimed they looked both ways, they were hit by a fast moving car from the west, which damaged their right fender badly and turned their car around into the garden. All were badly shaken up, especial- ly Gordon, who was sitting near- est the impact. A passing car took him to the doctor, who ordered him to bed, but Gordon wasn't going to miss the fes- tival for a mere accident, so appeared in the afternoon and won several prizes. As for Julie she won a trophy as soloist and another in piano. Mrs. Hardy, who teaches mu- sic in all the Biddulph Schools, as well as Prince Andrew, and McGillivray area schools, was probably the busiest person in the whole festival for she had contestants in practically every class. In spite of her accident, she went right on accompanying, or leading, group after group, who all were a credit to their talented teacher, Her school choir of between 90 and 100 pupils, was the largest in the festival and came second. Even though each group left the audi- torium, when they were adjudi- cated, yet at various times there was not seating capacity for the vast number of contestants. featuring Hazel McKirdy, Can- ada's youngest recording star. This should be a good show for all you teens. Work is proceeding at a fast rate on our new swimming pool and it looks as though it will be ready for opening on time. Gunning Reunion STRATFORD PARK Sat., June 1 Dinner at 12:30 P.M. Please bring your picnic basket cups and cutlery. President Earl Waddell Sec-Treas. Mrs. R. Parkinson Church Lucan Rec News By NORM CARTER The 8th annual music festival wound up Friday night with a concert of winners, and I am sure that all the people in at- tendance will agree that the quality of the performances was very high. This was evident throughout the whole festival. A word of praise should go to the executive of the Lucan Home & School Association and all the ladies Who worked so hard to produce this major event. I would be amiss if I did not mention the teachers of the various participating schools and the very patient work they put in to mould these children's voices to their standard of ex- cellence. Before departing from this subject I would like to say that the committee made an excell- ent choice in Dr. Fenwick to adjudicate the various classes. Aside from the judging aspect Dr. Fenwick encouraged the contestants to continue their efforts to greater heights. Last week I attended aW0AA baseball meeting in Wingham along with Wes Colley and we were informed that Lucan has been entered in the Midget loop with Exeter, Mitchell, Dash- wood, Crediton, Hensall, Sea- forth and Goderich, The Lucan peewees have been entered in a loop with St. Marys, Exeter, Goderich, Clinton, Hens all, Seaforth, Mitchell. The sche- dule will be made up on May 27. Don't forget the show and dance on Friday next May 24 LIONEL THORNTON and his Casa Royal Orchestra Now Playing likaiefeekeltiN raimatessommaisameassi,..7...., TWO SHOWS STARTING 7;30 P.M. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Main at Hill St., Exeter Minister: Rev. John C. Boyne, B.A., B.D. Organist: Mrs. Murray Keys 9 a.m.—SUNDAY SCHOOL 10 ,a.m—CHURCH SERVICE You are invited to worship with us. Nursery for pre-school children. The Session will meet on Monday, May 27, at 7:30 p,m„ in the church. JAMES STREET UNITED CHURCH Rev. S. E. Lewis, M.A., B.D. Minister Mr. Lawrence Wein, A.W.C.M. Organist and Choirmaster 10:00 a.m.—SUNDAY SCHOOL All Departments 11:00 a.m,----IMORNENG WOR- SHIP UNITED CHURCH WOMEN ANNIVERSARY Mrs. W. H. Pike, of. Eder- eon, will speak. Anthem by the Choir Solo: Annmarie Kraft Nursery for babies and Junior Congregation for children 4, 5, 6 years, WELCOME BETHEL REFORMED CHURCH Huron Street East R. Van Farowe, Minister Thursday, May 23 8:00 p.m.—Ascension Service Dutch language. Sunday, May 26 10:00 aan.--)Morning Service Dutch 2:00 p ,—Af ternoon Service English language. Infant Baptism 3:15 p.m.—Sunday School All Welcome Everyone Welcome iforwrypro It DANCE fr at Bluewater Danceland ) FRIDAY NIGHT 41 from 10-1;30 pm. 4 , Music by DESJARDINE'S ORCHESTRA Bingo And Bake Sale THURSDAY and FRIDAY May 23-24 --DOUBLE BILL-- 'MERRILL'S MARAUDERS' Jeff Chandler (Colour -- Scope) /NV "rOliOy The %yr 'Sleepy Land: "Welting For me "Ors The Hight,. . . Tues., May 28 8:30 P.M. NEIL SCHOOL Admission 50e (2 cards) Sponsored by St. Peter's CWL CONNIE FRANCIS PAU[A PREMISS DAV R01311 RUSS TANIOLYN • RICHARD LONG • RON ?/ NOEL ROGER PERRY and AS PAIGE RICHARDegt Starlite DRIVE V. THEATER Coming Events at SHIPKA Friday and Saturday, May 24, 25 HAM AND STRAWBERRY SUP- PER--at Cromarty Presbyter- ian Church on Wednesday, June 26, 1963. Supper 5-8pm. Ad- mission adults $1.25, children .50e. 23:20c (COLOUR) 'Escape From Zahrain' RUMMAGE SALE -- Saturday May 25, in the Hensall Com- munity Arena sponsored by the Hensel]. Kinette Club. Anyone wishing to donate melees Call 252.Sale starts at 2 pm.9:16:23c YUL BRYNER, SAL MINED ftIlt ROLLED %MING BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 8 P.M. ENJOY TOP MOVIES UNDER THE STARS STRAWBERRY SUPPER-- Thames Road Sunday School will hold a strawberry supper, Thursday, June 20 inthe church basement. 23c xm'A A ,ek "Ok THAMES ROAD MENNONITE CHURCH S. M. Sauder, Pastor 10:30 aen.—Worship Service 11:15 a.m.—Sunday School and Adult Bible Class All are welcome Listen to Mennonite hour 011L0 5:30 p.m. every Sunday. There's music, laughter and all the ingredients for a Reelect time on a date. 8kikt,thg' g reat sport, inexpensiVe and wholesome entertainment. The T-A Choristers RCAF Station Centralia Thursday, May 30 8:30 p.m. Admission $1.00 Exeter Roller Rink SPONSORED BY THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Carling St. Vince Benesik, Prop. MISSION FESTIVAL -- On Sat- urday May 25, 2-5 and 7-9 pm. Sunday, May 26, 3-5 and 8-10 pm, You are invited to visit our Mission Festival during these hours. Also the morning wor- ship which will be a missionary service with members of church groups assisting the minister in their native costumes, at Grand Bend United Church at 11:15 am. SATURDAY and MONDAY May 25-27 --DOUBLE BILL-- 'THE WILD WESTERNERS' Jay Philbrook (Colour) 'THE HELLIONS' Richard Todd (Colour) CARTOON TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY May 28-29 'TENDER IS THE NIGHT' Jennifer Jones JasonRobarts Adult Entertainment (Colour -- Scope) CARTOON First Show at Dusk TWO COMPLETE SHOWS EACH NIGHT Children Under 12 in Cars Free 'SAMAR' George Montgomery Gilbert Roland (Colour) CARTOON BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN Clinton • Filmed In the famed I dedlterranean pleyarounets... In PANAVISIONO 6 METROCOLOR \ 4.t.44 ROMANCE HITS *' A HIGH SEA... When America's favorite songstress gives a 21-Fun salute to the Navy— itliorD•GovvYmAlAseR /meson present a "Spring Festival of Songs" Western Ontario's Largest SPRING STOCK SHOW $600 IN CASH PRIZES 15 Big Games $400 Jackpot Must Go RECREATION CENTRE RCAF CENTRALIA Admission 'S WILL B1 TIM LAST 13INGO uliTIT.4 NEXT SEPT. 0eIttl Exeter legion Halt FRIDAY, MAY .24 8 p.m.. ANNIVERSARY Actonipanisf ,,,•Mil, Lottle laeinttivee biretta Ronald Reinirich EVENING:PROGRAM liorSe show begins et If. / Tory :PROGRAM, MC Clihton Concert and Pipe Bend / Local EnterWninent. Admission 50 / GrandStanci gge OtirS190 Admission 604, EVERYONE WELCOME ZION CHURCH Evangelical United Brethren MAY 26, 1961 tii El:Ott* 11013 a.m,—Itev.. R. S. Mitt A. M. Schlenker, Pastor I:30: p.M.--Ilet, Alex itapsen Sunday, May 26 of Hyatt St. Church, Lon, Conference don (format inieister), NO SEIRVIGES MUSIC by hiller end Senior We are lliVitecl Io the a n- Choirs and MUSIC:AI Mini' niversary services of Qtediton bars. Uniftkd Mirth at 11100 4,tti, Mentley„ May gt, .063 r:Mi PAIL ANNIV MSARY SW:4ER and SiindaY, -.tune g, 1063 at etediuti Ilan MOO aim.,--Morning Worship Irbil) 5:30 to 7;00 p.m. Ilt15 a.m.-4iiritlay Se'lteel