HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-05-16, Page 16et's deal today! MFT We're offering the FREE Hair Dryer with the purohase of a new Refeigetatot•Freeter OR Deep Freeze Chest Doerr wins draw, to club convention Families participate in service at GB UC Mothers,. daughters attend rCrediton fete Etimville club stages Wi program service to the church Audi, torium, Special music wes pro.- yided by the junior choir and duet. by Doreen Kenney and Marlene King. Five infants were baptised: Daniel Garnet, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Galloway, Barry Allele, son of Mr, and Mrs. Allen 1Becker, Stephen William, son of Mr, and Mrs. Donald Dinney, John. David, son. of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Qat loway and Sandra. Darje.oe, daughter of Mr, .and Mrs. Wil- liam Yearly. GIFTS PRESENTED A special Mother's Day pro- ) gram was held in the EUB Sun- day School with the Dorcas Band Class in charge of the opening devotional. Mrs, Alvin Fink- beiner acted as chairlady, The scripture and a stor y were given by Mrs, F. W. Mor- lock followed by a duet by Mrs. A. M, Schlenker and Mise Ella Morlock. The guest speaker was Robert Southcott of Exeter. Gifts were presented to the mother with the youngest baby present, Mrs. Wilmer Wein; the mother with a birthday nearest Mother's Day, Mrs. Em. Fahrner and to the mother with best attendance during 1962, we. Martha Ratz who was present 50 Sundays. Woodham Exeter Lions Club, held its regular meeting at the Defferin Hotel, Centralia, Thursday, May 10, with President Fred. Darling presiding.. Past President Ed Brady Pre- sented the first slate of officers for the coming year. The elec- tion will be held at the next meeting. I.C. Jake Sweitzer gave a report of the regional rally at Clinton on May 7. He regretted the small attendance from the club at the rally. Jack Doerr was the lucky winner of a draw to attend the convention at Cornwall on May 27. By MRS. WELLW,OPD GILL GRAND BEND Family Day services at Grand Pend UC were well attended. Two services were conducted by Rev. C.A. Brittain, The music was provided by Pays for damage, avoids sentence Milton Lawless, London, con- victed some time ago of polio mischief at Hensall, was given a suspended sentence bymagis- trate Glenn Hays, QC, here Tuesday after it was revealed he had paid damages of $141.50 resulting from the Incident. Lawless, a member of the armed services at, the time, caused damage to a car and bo- dily harm when he was being driven back to London from a Hensall home. He was ordered to post a $200 bond to keep the peace for • one year, John Carey, 18, RR 8 Park- hill, paid $15 and costs after pleading guilty to careless dri- ving which resulted in an acci- dent in Hay township on No. 84 highway April 21. Clair Howden, 42, Waterford, was fined $5.00 and costs for driving in Exeter without tail lights after he had been warned to have them repaired by Con- stable Lloyd Hodgins. A charge of failing to signal a left hand turn against Harold Gowen, RR 2 Crediton, was withdrawn after the accused pleaded not guilty. C.V. Laughton, QC, serving as acting crown attorney in the absence of W.G. Cochrane, QC, prosecuted the cases. By MRS., ROSS SKINNER ELIMVILLE The 4-H girls with their lead”. prs, Mrs. Delmer Skinner and. Mrs. Torn Horn, preseated the PrPgraM at the meeting of Elim- yille WI last Wednesday even- ing, Sharon Fletcher commented on the exhibit which was dip, played on Achievement Day. Margaret Brock and Susan Allen demonstrated manicuring while Margaret Anne Prance did the commentary. Barbara Hero showed styles Nurse graduates Carol Ann McCurdy, Younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Coop- er McCurdy, RR1 Centralia, graduated from St. Joseph's School of Nursing Thursday. She is a graduate of SHDHS, she plans to remain at the Lon- don hospital at the present time. Of teasing hair and the way to put the hair in curlers with Geraldine Blair as model while Sheila Elston gave hints on the care of the hair. Shirley Johns, Marilyn Johns, Sheila Hern, Kathy Hern, Judy Blair, Wendy Elston and Mar- garet. Cornish demonstrated the physical exercises the girls practiced at their meetings. A fashion parade of their dusters made in the course was the highlight of the program. Re- cord books were also on dis- play. Past president Mrs. Harold Taylor presented Shirley Johns with a revolving silver relish plate for achieving her pro- vincial honors and Margaret Anne Prance, a cup and saucer for winning county honors. Ruth Miller, who also won provin- cial honors, but was unable to be at the meeting, was given a relish plate. President Mrs. Ross Skinner conducted the business. The members are taking a bus trip to Macdonald Hall, Guelph to hear the ACWW president Mrs. Gerda Van Beekhoff of The Netherlands, on June 20, The ladies raised $344.30 in their canvass of the district for the cancer society. Hostesses were Mrs. Theron Creery, Mrs. Harold Taylor, Mrs. Gilbert Johns and Mrs. Jackson Woods. two families. In the choir at 10 am the Clarke Kennedy fa- mily sang and at 11.15 am the Al ilenimingwaY trio sang. At 10 .00 am the organist, Douglas Gill, was assisted by Mrs. Clarke Kennedy and at 11,15 am by his daughter, Ona- lee Gill. CG1T BANQUET The annual CGIT mother and daughter banquet was held in Grand Bend United church on Monday May 13 with President Joanne Des Jardine giving the address of welcome and Secre- tary Donna Ruth Sturdeyant in- troducing the guests. Rey. C.A. Brittain introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. R.S. Hiltz, Exeter. Her theme was "The Pattern For Life". Elaine Green thanked Mrs. Hiltz and presented her with a gift. Neva Johnson thanked the la- dles of the UCW who served the banquet. Dianne Mason played a piano solo. Jennifer Jackson led a sing song and Jean Kennedy and Linda Miller sang a duet. Mrs. Hiltz presented the girls, who graduated with their pins: Elaine Green, Jean Kennedy, and Marlene Thompson. By MRS. ROBERT RUNDLE. Family Day was observed on Sunday morning when a com- bined service was held with a christening service for Susan Doreen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Spence, Verla Ellen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Copeland. Miss Dianne Smith received the award for the most promi- sing girl singer other than first at the Blanshard Township Mu- sic festival held in Woodham United Church on Friday. Danny Jaques came third in the class, for intermediate boys. Misses Hilda and Helen Levy of Transvaal were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Levy and Rachel, and Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ja.ck Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Ford of Flint, Mich. were weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. A. Scott of Farquhar. By MRS. G. HOOPER Those taking part at the Bien- shard Music Festival at Wood- ham on Friday were: Senior girls solo, Ann Parkinson, 85, first, (trophy) Blanshard Muni- cipal Telephone; Jeanette Hoop- er (tied) second 83, junior girls solo, Donna Jones, 79; senior boys solo, Jim Doyle, 80, in- termediate boys solo, Paul Rea, 80; junior boys solo, Paul Par- kinson, 81. By MRS, PRESZCATOR. CR EDIT ON The. WSWS of the EUB church sPorisorecl a mother and daugh- ter banquet Friday evening May 1Q, at which 120 guests Were present, Pnring the supper hour a sing song was led by Mrs, E. Fahr- ner, at, which time, solo parts were taken by Doris SchwartZ and Ella Morlock accompanied by Jean Krueger. The guest speaker, Mrs. M. E. Reuben from Stratford, gave an inspiring talk on "Women". A vote of thanks was expressed by Mrs. Ed. Hendrick. The Christian Social Rela- tions Committee with Mrs. C, Sims as convenor arranged the program. Mrs. G. Rats, presi- dent extended .a word of welcome to the guests and led the de- votional period assisted by Mrs. Martha Rats, Judy Finkbeiner favored with a piano solo. A toast to the mothers was presented by Janet Morlock and replied to by Mrs. Alvin Fink- beiner. A toast to the daughters was presented by Mrs. A. M. Schlenker to which Joan Smith responded. The program which followed included a Mother's Day song by a chorus of girls, accordion solos by Linda Haugh and Judy Smith, vocal solo by Anne Reu- ber and a clarinet solo by Sheila Fahner. MOTHER'S DAY SERVICES Mother's Day was observed in the United Church with a joint CARS Home ec teacher Brenda Becker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Becker, RR 2 Crediton, graduates from Ryer- son Institute of Technology and Toronto Teachers' College Fri - day, May 1'7. She is a graduate of SHDIIS and will be teaching home economics at Sir Adam Beck Collegiate, London, in September. Crornarty By MRS. KEN McKELLAR Rev. J.C. Boyne conducted Mothers' Day service Sunday with a large congregation in attendance. The Sunday School pupils with their teachers occu- pied the centre pews. The prepared program was used and the junior choir led the singing under the leader- ship of Miss Carol Ann Dow. Six girls sang in a double trio and the choir contributed a special number. The Sunday School superin- tendent, Mrs. T.L. Scott, pre- sented diplomas for memory work to many of the pupils, and certificates and seals for regu- lar attendance. Ten children were presented for baptism being: William Ro- bert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ro- bert Gardiner; Peter James, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Laing; Deborah Louise, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Beverley Taylor; Laura Elizabeth and William James, children of Mr. and Mrs. William Hulley; David Kenneth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hulley; Judith Alice and James Roy, children of Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGhee; Kim- berley Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Walker; Joanne Ma- rie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.R. Currie. Thames Raad By MRS. WILLIAM ROHDE Mr. and Mrs. Tom Murdock and Jeffery spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mur- dock of Blenheim and Mr. and Mrs. Blake McKeen of Staples. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mayer, Kirk and Sherry of London spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mayer. a combined school and church service was held on Sunday morning with Rev. Hugh Wilson in charge. Billy Jeffery read the scripture lesson and Mrs. Don- ald Bray gave the story. The rite of baptism was ad- ministered to: Connie Lorraine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jeffery; Sherry Ellen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mayer; Mark Allan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Merlin McLean; Robert James, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McCallum; Deborah Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Reid Mr. and Mrs. Dwayne Tinney, Grand Bend, Mr. and Mrs. Hed- ley May, Exeter, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hodgert. Saints bury '61 THUNDERBIRD, loaded $4,000 '62 MERCEDES DIESEL 190D — every man should have one $3,000 '62 PONTIAC STRATO-CHIEF, V-8 automatic $2,350 '61 FORD SEDAN, Fairlane 500 V-8, power .., , $2,100 '61 DODGE PIONEER 6 SEDAN, automatic $2,100 '61 FORD V-8 SEDAN $1,900 '61 FORD 6-CYL. TUDOR $1,650 '61 VOLKS DELUXE $1,200 '59 FORD COUNTRY SEDAN, V-8 automatic, power steering-2 to choose from $1,650 '58 EDSEL 4-DOOR HARDTOP $1,000 SEVERAL OLDER MODELS — GIVE US AN OFFER Enoch Rowcliffe dies at 90 years A nonagenarian, Enoch Row- cliffe, died in South Huron Hos- pital on Monday, May 13 after a short illness. He marked his ninetieth birthday in October of last year. He was born in Usborne Township but spent most of his life in Exeter where he was at Harvey's grist rnillfor years and with the egg and poultry division of Canada Packers for 22 years. His wife, the former Euph- emia Bell predeceased him 17 years ago. He was a member of James Street United Church and of the IOOF under whose auspices a service was held Tuesday evening at the funeral home. Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. W. W. (Verde) Edmonds, of Flint, Mich. and one son, Hector, of Usborne Township; also three grandchildren, eight great-grandchildren and tw o great-great-grandchildren. Funeral services were con- ducted by Rev. S. E. Lewis on Wednesday, May 15 at the R. C. Dinney funeral home with in- terment in Exeter Cemetery. Pall bearers were Messrs. Asa Penhale, Clark Fisher, Otto Brown, Maurice Quance, Joseph Kernick and Luther Penhale. TRUCKS By MRS. HEBER DAVIS On Thursday evening Mrs. Earl Atkinson gave her home for the WA meeting. There were 14 present. The roll call was answered with an article for the June bazaar. Mrs. H. Davis gave a report of the WA Deanery executive meeting held at St. Stephen's church, Stratford, and the 76th annual held in London. The la- dies decided to hold the cleaning bee at the church on May 27. A mystery prize donated by Mrs. Harvey Latta was won by Mrs. Harry Carroll and the win- ners of two contests were Mrs. Lorne Weiberg and Mrs. Tom Kooy, The hostess was assisted by Mrs. Harvey Latta and Mrs. Heber Davis. '58 I-H 200 V-8 TRACTOR, tri-axle and 3-axle dump trailer $6,600 '59 F-700 CHASSIS & CAB $2,200 $11:0$ 6 0500 '61 FORD, long wheelbase, 6-cyl. pick-up '60 VOLKSWAGEN VAN '59 GMC TRUCK with platform $1,300 '50 FORD 2-TON CHASSIS & CAB $ 300 '59 CHEV 2-TON CHASSIS & CAB, nice one $1,000 7x12 STEEL DUMP BODY $ 300 TRACTORS Hicks, Irwin Ford, Ken Hern, Keith Madge, Robert Jones and William Ford. Grant Ford, 59, Usborne native Grant Ford, 59, of Byron, a native of Usborne Township, died suddenly in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Friday, May 10. He was well known in the community having lived at Elimville, Centralia and Hen- sail and had been employed at Byron Sanitarium for the past seven or eight years. Surviving are his wife, the former Beatrice Anne Madge, Hensall; five sons: Lorne, Ex- eter; Roy, Ottawa, Gordon, Lon- don, and Harold and Ronald at home; two brothers: Fred, Usborne Township; Arthur, Stephen Township and one sis- ter, Mrs. Irene Hicks Clio, Mich. and six grandchildren. Funeral services were con- ducted by Rev. H. J. Snell, Lon- don, on Monday, May 13 at the Hopper-Hockey funeral home with interment in Exeter ceme- tery. Pall bearers were William SHOWER BRIDES A miscellaneous shower for Miss Shirley Henderson of Ex- eter was held on Friday even- ing at the home of Miss Ruth Roeszler. Ruth was assisted by Miss Irene Van Wieren and Miss Mary Lou Witmer. Marilyn Goulding was taken by surprise Saturday evening when the Wein relations gather- ed at Crediton Community Hall to honor her with a kitchen shower prior to her marriage of June 1. Following several readings, contests and a sing song led by Lawrence Wein of Exeter re- freshments were served. Guests were present from London, Toronto, Galt, Exeter and Crediton. CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. John Galloway were honored on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary by a dinner at the home of their son Robert. Present were their family as well as other relatives and friends. Out of town visitors were Mr. and Mrs. James Brokenshire and Mr. Norman Brokenshire of St. Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Brown of London. STUDY MIRACLES The UCW meeting was held Wednesday evening May 8 in the Sunday School rooms with a good attendance. Mrs. R. Molitor was in charge of the worship period. Mrs. L. Preszcator reviewed the study book taking the chap- ter on "Miracles" from the "Word and the Way." Mrs. G. Zwicker president conducted the business of the evening. Hostesses were Mrs. W. Mack, Mrs. E. Lawson and Mrs. R. Molitor. FETE CHOIR The senior choir of the United Church were treated to a ham supper put on by the UCW of the church. A vote of thanks to the choir for their faithful service was made by Mr. Ed. Lamport. The ladies were thanked for their kind gesture by Mr. James Mawhinney. INIEMBIEBIBRIffelffell11111POIMMINO. '62 FORD SUPER DEXTA DIESEL, 600 hours $2,550 '53 FORD JUBILEE $1,000 '51 MASSEY-HARRIS 44 $ 800 '49 OLIVER 77, live PTO $ 700 '52 FORD with Sedore rear-end loader $ 850 '54 MASSEY-HARRIS 22 with 4-row scuffler $ 650 AND SOME MORE STUFF TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION says... "You'll be proud to own a MOFFAT appliance because they're quality-built to last a housetime!" RING SPECIAL on SHE BALES BEST! pp arance Reconditioning IN l 4, A BOB HARVEY Spring Time IS Carpet Time FORD 250 HAY BALER There isn't a range that can compete with the styling and features of a Fiesta ! This top model offers ... Exclusive, powered oven rack, Rollout cooking top with safety latch. Dial-A-Heat surface elements. Therm-0- Guard element, Easy to clean lift out surface elements. Porcelain enamel drip bowls. Full width fluorescent light with protective lens. Timed ap- pliance outlet. Thermostatically controlled steel warming shelf with neon pilot, Individual element pilot lights. 4" high side trim panels. Accurate clock control and Minute Minder on Sapphire control panel, Electric roast-meter with buzzer. Choice of mirror chrome or pearl gray porcelain lined eye level oven. Automatic preheat oven control. Clock controlled rotisserie with kabob kit. Recessed oven light with safety lens. Corn- pletely removable oven racks. Removable oven floor in chrome oven model, 32H100 Buy the Best For FIESTA WITH BASE CABINET— Less at Sandy's • New —Choose the bale length you want— from 12 to 50 inches—with new bale metering assembly. . , . and we are in the carpet business. This week's special features a whole roll (more than 100 yards) of 100% wool carpet at not $9.95 but our special Introductory Price $6.95 Yard SANDY ELLIOT mei woe • New—v-belt pick-up and auger drive pro- vides increased life of pick-up teeth. J New—Maneuverability of PTO model. J New—Greater baling capacity of engine models provided by increased power. 4 New—Strength and ruggedness throughout for more money saving endurance. . . . These, and other improvements, add still, more to the already proved performance of Ford 250 Hay Balers. See us now—for the full story on today's best baler ITyl See Larry. or Ted SNELL BROS. LTD. This means a 9x12 rug costs not $119 but only $83.40. This genuine all-wool carpet is used extensively in =telt and apart- ments, as well as for Wall to wall carpet in your home. It's fully guaranteed. See it today, in our show room or you can see it laid wall to wall in our apart- ment. We also have a few used rugs that have been exchanged on wall to wall carpet. Also Sandran Vinyl in many pretty patterns for your kitchen Or bathroom. You get more for your money when'you buy your Roth. coVer- Mg from Larry Snider Motors By MRS. FRANK SQUIRE RICHARD E. HODGINS Richard E. Hodgins a resi- dent of Granton, died at the home of his son, Norman on the town line North Boundary, Bid- dulph Township. Born on Sept. 16, 1878, one mile south of Granton he was the son of the late Richard Hodgins and Sara. Carty. He later moved to Stephen Town- ship along with his parents. After some time in that district he returned to Biddulph Town- ship in 1901 and was married to Martha Hayter on Feburary 11, 1903, who predeceased him on November 8, 1962. He was a member of the St. Thomas Anglican church, Gran- ton for the past 60 years, and served as warden for several years. He was also a member of the Orange Lodge Woodham LOL 492 and served on the Bid- dulph council as councillor and reeve. He is survived by three sons, Nelson of London, Kenneth, Granton, and Norman of Bid- dulph Township, nine grand- children and two great grand- children; a sister, Mrs. Sarah Harlton, St. Marys, brothers, Hubert of Granton and Eckron, Woodstock. Three brothers and one sister predeceased him. The body rested at the C. A. Haskett & Son funeral home, Lucan, until Saturday when ser- vices were held at the Anglican church, Granton. Interment was in St. James Cemetery, Clande- boye, Rev. L. A. Bennett of- ficiating. Pall bearers were Howard, Gordon, Grant and Allen Hod- gins, Keith Niblock, and Harry Herbert. UCW SELLS PLANTS Twelve members were pre- sent at the UCW meeting for which hostesses were Mrs. Mc- Cleod Mills and Mrs. Eric At- wood. The theme of meeting was "Praise ye the Lord for his power". Mrs. Cleve Pullman read the scripture. Articles for the bale were sent to the Supply and Social Assistance, Toronto. The ladies are working on the plate pro- ject. A cleaning committee was appointed during the business meeting. The program feature was taken by Mrs. Harry Klahre. There was a plant sale at the close of the meeting. FAMILY DAY SERVICE Family Day service was ob- served in the United Church on Sunday morning with Mr. Wm. Morley as leader and Rev. D. M. Guest taking the sermon. Spe- cial music was supplied by the choir. Lovely Bowers adorned the pulpit Including a basket of yellow roses for Mrs. Laverne Morley presented by Miss Carol and Jim Foster. Wash, Cleaning & Waxing - ONLY I Qualify Outteattiti Mdttitetiande getVidet SANDY ELLIOT LIMITED PHONE 1354640 EXETER Ford, Pairtarkii :PatiOti and Peed Trucks EXETER PHONE 235-0660 FURNITURE t.t.• APPLIANCES 444 Male 8t. By MRS. ARCHIE DEWAR HIGHEST FOR SOLO Robert Strahan, a seven year old pupil of the Base Line School was honored by being Presented with a silver cup for the' highest marks In the junior boys solo (88) at the 131anshard Music FestiVal held in WOOdharn United Church. Robert is the Youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Strahan. Pt: MORALS Bible Eason, ton of Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Baker ' piked third in the foot race of One mile hold ai Mitchell sponsored' by the Iltiten & Perth tehe01 meet,