Huron Signal, 1853-11-03, Page 1b -5 l .t b ._ 1 • TjB8VRON SIGNAL h i s'a -a' Po MAW wow 16•011401, BY GEO. COX. Gl , *Ad Jgere, [iadwnth. reeve •t• oa leassm. arrtat.ts Tee p of IM 11111111111M. having so - ivied het elaII a` the pesetas of a lam adduh•el variety of Platy asd Posy Jul Tres, kis sow prepared, epos the unlit Nameable terms and wltb greater deepaleh tyle herrtofere, toe:se tae an orders .'thy/hick h. way ate favored ; east as Books, Pespble,s, gaol( Checks, Handbill., of size,Circu- lars. Cards, Noses of Hand, Bill Heads, Check souks Bins of Lading, Order Boobs Div'- THE btu sc iter will pay 3s. Od. eerrmicy i. s Court Blasks and every other deeevipeiea liber 1uod clean Barley, on de - of Le[ur Yre•s Prialiag. A/x►-Jp'riatiag rt y, at the Maitland Brewery. C•M„rs. J. F. BRITTAIN. Goder'ch, Sept. 12th, 1863. n331f Buffalo, Brantford and Goderich TEN BHILLIN-a8r Ir AevAACI. r' TPIS GREATEST rostrata GOOD TO Tilt GREATEST POaSl.La Nt'M8ER.n VOLUME VI. GODF.RICH, COUNTY OF HUROI,-(C. W.) THURSDAY NOVKR13ER 3, 1'i53. CASH FOR BARLEY. Taro of the Huron Signal. -TEN SIIILLINGS per annum if paid strictly in advance, or Twelve and Six Pence with the expiration of the year. No paper discontinued until arrears are paid up, unless the publisher tbinka it his atilt antage to do w. Aly mdividaal to the country becoming responsible for six subscribers, shall re- ceive a seventh copy gratis. Qy. All letters addressed to the Editor must he pool -pard, or they will not be taken out of the post office. Trans of Adrertuing.--Six 'ince and wader, firstio•erton, LO 2 6 Each subeequeal insertion, 0 0 7; Tea bees aid ender, first inter., 0 3 4 Eaeb subsequent insertion, , 0 0 10 I Over ten lines, first to. per lase, 0 0 44i Each subsequent insertion, 0 0 1 r.I Olt' A liberal discount made to those who ' advertise by the year. Adrerasements without written instruc- tions will be inserted until forbid, and charged ercordiumtly ; and no adeer;iuntent discontinued unpaid for at the time of wilh- drawel, utiles by the conscul of the pub - RAILWAY. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN, that pursuant to • Resolution of the Board of Directora,payment of the NEW ISSUE; OF SHARES of the sonis ascii Capital Stock of the Buffalo, Brantford and Gorier. ,ch Railway Compay is required to be lad, in the Treasurer of the Company, at the Bask of British Nem, Atomics. Brantford. in five rqual Irstaleirnta, es toCra5: !0 per cent, o0 of helot the tat May next. ao per cent co or before the 1st day rat July 'neat. 20 per cent on or before the 1st day of September next. 20 per cent nn or tefore the let day of November next. 20 per rent on or he!, re the 1n day al Januar', 186*. By noir, ARCII'D GII.KINSO ,, her y. Office of B B L G Be 'war Co iLcr• Brantford, March 15, 18:3. T6-•9 • ;garbs. 1)n. P. A. McDOUGALL, CA N be consulted at all heater, at the r.eidewee formerly nrcry,ted by RoIn.rf.Moderwell, Esq., East Sfreet,Mar- ket Square. Codrriek. Goderieh. April t9th, 1852 e-5 IRA LF..WI*I, B\RRiSTF.It, SOLICITOR, kc. Wcet- etrce', Goderich. Jane 1818. 2vn25 DANIEL GORDQN, CABINET MAKER, Three doors ratite tire Canada Company's slice, :%est - 14,..., a.:a..tea. August 97th, 104.9. 'sneer DANIEL HOME LIZARti, ATTORNEY AT LAN'. and Con veyeo- t L' car, Solicitor in Chancery, kc.'ha• his office as formerly in Stratford. Stratford, 2nd Jan. 1850. 2vn49 J. I)1:NISCIN. CIVIL ENGINEER, dr. GOD E RICH, C. W. Aug. 95th, 1862. *6031 JOHN J. E. LINTON, `\OT.tRY PUBLIC, Commissioner (.1.B., ail Conveyancer, Stratton.. S-1tACHAN AND BROTHER. Barsijler sed .9tforwies at Late, e(•c,. Gs.oestcr C. W. ITRACHAN Barrister and Attor- w, Notary Public and Convey. LOST. ,OHI, oily a sneer. THil WAY TO SAVE MONEY!! CALL at the NEvr Bt.nr .en IOWVJm Sao. Story, Markel Square. Goderichwhere you will find even. ' description of ladies'. Gentlemen. and Chit drew.' BOOTS & SHOES, India Rubbers: die., hc., all of which wit! be sold cheap for cash. The' nnslersigned begs leave to inform the inhabitant. ut Gtdrrish, and surrounding 1, country, that he has purchased from Mr. R. HILL hi. Stock and Bueiueme and also leased the building occupied by R. H. wick the in- t tenuity to r.,usmenciug the Boot and Shoe • Businr•. in all ate branches. He ha. on hand ' at present a very large aeeoriment of Gentle - mens' Boots and Shoe, of different .ize. and ' quality..tuo numerous to mention. He has alio a large assortment of Coarse Boon, of dates ren' sire.•-unsually cheap. A1.o a riety or Child mos' B.wa. and Slane*. plasm •.4 fssxy. Ladies' Ware of de - 1 .erfptiva. Bn.nae of different shade.•. Silk ar.d Satin. Enamelled, Patent. hi re- .,•.' Seal- .kio of varlet,- Size. a...; -is i• imported rted from New York . The above sack was selected by the sut•,crilrr himself. the lung experience hr has had in the business enabled bin/ toe -cirri a superior article. and by pay Mg the ra..A, he has ' purchased cheap, whi.•h will enable him to sell cheap. Small profit nand quirk returns is hie way ufdoing business. Pleasecall and see the stock before buying elsewhere. N. B. --D. M. has brought from the East an assortment of Superior Leather. French and English Calf -skin., enamelled Leather. Patent I Leather, Spanish Sole Leather, Ac.. &r. He to prepares to make to order every de eerie lien et Work in 10, Init. M bn.inena;all ori. rs will he .o. '-;u^ny anrrde'd to. and. he airier Willi. .:u lne.ineas, be hopes in sacral a *hare ut ; uuhc patronage, Terms reasonable and to •net the limns. ' DAVID MORROW ! Goderich, Sept. Mb. 1853. n11 -3m ALE'. NDER WOOD STRACHAN, Atte ey at Law, Solicitor in Chan. cony, Ce eyancer. c rich, 17th November, 1851. WI IAM HO'DGINS, AILCIIITI:t i'S ( IVIi. ENGINEER Ojlire 27. Dundas Street, LONDON, C. W. Augu.t lath, 1861. dN30 A . J. MOORE, BARRISTER -AT -LAW. OFFIt 1. in the Post Office Buildings. God/rich . June 701,1B63.( •6o19 HORACE HORTON, (,Market-sgaare, Goderick,] AGENT for the Protracts' Mutual ad General insurance OAiee. Toronto, Also Ageat ler the 8t. Lewreece County I Mutual, Ogdensburg, New York. Local Agent for Samuel Mnulson's Old Rochester Nursery. July 1850. 23 A. NASMYTH. FASHIONABLE TAILOR, one door West of W. t Gran'■ Store, West Street Gederich. Felt. 19, 1839. v6 -n4 '1'110:VIAS. NICHOLLS, BROKER ANDGENERAL AGENT. Ageot fa Ontario Maria 4' Fire Ix- nee*ce Co. NOTARY PERI , ACCOUNTANT AND Cel EVANCEP COM 1118810 1NSURANCr.r pin` and Gads All kinds of Books and Merlon OBke over the July 11, 1861 R IN Q. B. be. on Hooses, Shlp• reetly draws, and stied, are, God.rieb. , 6.2e E. R. L'ORW ARDU wd chat, St Ampat. for the said Parma, Hoveab.lf *eery desertptim Ott sat dee N ea. Mara 94th 1811 WASE Famine Mut l E, �.OAprr*I. Aaron at, , tit r�. JOMP m BARIIIB, Iwo of the Riau - tui- tom+ 901119 ETt44 EEN Mr. Samuel Bogue• Jun , ani Bruee6eld on the London Read. on :Ion - day the 27th inst., a Red Porl,et Book contain- ing money. Whoever Ending the same and leaving iter John Clark's, Eiq.. Land Agent will receive Fire Pounds reward. Brucekeld. Sept. re, Its53. vi.n2;o JAMES ('AMPBELL, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, West Street, G.derick, 1.A9 just received a Large Assortment a • of Ladiei Fucy Drees sad Walking Boots and Shore, superior to any of the lurid ever offered for sate in Godencs'.- Also, a large assortment of Lase, Boot Trees, Comping 8:ocks, Line( Muse, Inc.le kc., the above articles' will he sold a cheap se they eat' be purchased a the Lon- don market. Goderich, Set 1. 611, 1853. n31tf Sheriff's Sale of Lands. Poetry. From the N. Y. )lwsfeal World & Times. ODE TO THE WIND. IT rota O. raaaaa. Thou viewless wind! Mysterious thine' From Suutheru vales 1 feel [bee come-, Aad as thine unseen pinions wing Their dight still North, -the genial spring Comes to our ice -bound home And while i sit and watch the sur That ushers in the twilight hour; And dream the maiden, now afar, Feels os magnetic power; Thy gentle sigh, sweet Southern breeze, Is like to her's I love so well; Theo if 1 wspeash heire"', Wilt thouhimy tor essag'leettell, ire Sweet sighing wind! bear to my Love The vows 1 breathe, the wish I make, At twilight through her garden rove, Let her from the my kisses take. l'hea stern November russet, all 11e plain, Aod sweeping down o'er lake and fill, Of winter night thou seemest to tell, And the dark blu,t ry eights sets in amain, By dying fire. my rustic lyre The harp EEolian in the window strung, 1 much admire thy fairy choir, That makes its music gently swell, Whilst thou art whistling its charmed chords among, t A. If an unseen angel sung. Whence hast thou then, mysterious thing! The chastened music thou dust bring, Thr chords are [rue to even' sound Within the charmed circle found That rnusic calls her own; First wailing low like regnirm aid, Then high a d quirk the note,, atsd glad; Now di,!aut .a r, then closer by. Or sweet and 1.':y, or loud and high, _ Thy ever changing tone. While round the la'v.c roach moaning wild 1 hear thee rove -.lies more a child, 1 !ooktowar,'.s my Mother's chair, Fearing (Inc witches in the air, And for a moment, e.nly dread 'The h•nur. that strikes the "me for bed. The nor:heru gates are open wide; And Boreas comes with giant stride, With all bis horrors at his Lack, .. Fierce blu.erinit through the air, Leaving de.truction in his track: And strewing riches rare Among the raver of ocean wild, While contisente ate rudely piled With works, e'en time would spare. Roaring and raging o'er tne.earth, And laughing hoarsely in has mina, The howling winds sweeps by; Pro music ,harms the lisening ear, No genal, lullaby: He fiercely bowls and loudly roars, And hotline and harsh the noir he pour,, A funeral to the parting year' Blow. then. black Boreas'-I'rom thy cave Unchain the worms and let them rave. - Tear from their I:omes the ancient trees, Show to the earth and foaming seas The aright reposing in thy breath.- • That to resist .by course, redcoat. Ohl how my soul delight. to be Alone with earth, and night. and thee! On darkening storms of winter tide, Grim and secure the henchmen ride - O'er all the earth wide lordly reign, O'er man. and heist, and mighty main, Rede Boreas rules. dark, drear and dread; The world is dumb, and nature dead. unifidCaestid •f) DY Virtue of a Writ Moron and Roan, j� of Fieri Facies Is - To Wit .ted oat of Her Majes- ty'. Court of Quen s Bench. and to me direct- ed against the lane, mod tenemrnu of Robert Armetro.g at the Suit of JOHN DOE, on the Demise of FINLEY McFEE, 1 have seized and taken in Etecmaon the Lease of Lo', Nonan Ong. (South Boundary) In the Town- ship of B'Mlalph, which 1 shall offer for sale at the Court Room is the Town of Goderich, oo Wednesdaythe Twenty-first day of Decem- ber next, at thour of Twelve of the clock noon. JOHN McDONALD, Sheriff, Horan and Bruce. Sheriff's Office, ooderieb, 91st Sept., 11163.1 .34-d Buffalo, Brantford and Goderich RA LWAY. T. nix attest se seer Ceweeee. 1ATOT1E is hereby given, that a certHed jr eery of the a► Pana or the BUF PALO HRA D d GODERICH RAILWAY, drthigh tie costly of Heron, stall eat teeth to bepsassd over, tad tato therefor, i ale a Seek d Re- tie a peseta de.erepha of the the .awes of the oweea and se - theme( N Re- as they ea be seem adages, tuba aseemwry A► tie rflrkl eadessalathIt /goof rdeb a asp nplea, *1. Cert rh itis MM ter *1aiai Mire provided. pemasmt sen. 10 the mama r ARCH'D OiILK ZION, 1 Swam i Odea et the Ilable,Itneated sed Getter eh Rafwe'y' Cala, Btremelb d. arab aert-, NORsi>tlf ROWLA rD WI1.L11nU$ - A 1 411 giekeithish e�esr Mi Leath liner adablit peeperty ea ha (fatty It 'WPM* w'ph0a MOW, ♦let MOR - LITERATUI2E: T1aW'F.i.VE AND FIX PENCE at Ttsa site ata ria rtAa. NUMI)EIt 39. kir..'Noumesds ri11♦ataed ler To lie eie a he dei. roomy a of live and twenty who Me foreign seri' t r.;o are, wit tbeating gofek a ;iron('rwlMin his a:od, at that time. not engaged in any par- teeolsr low atter !- fancy bits soddenly thrown into the aneiety of Mary Pesch -- really a welt-rJwsd acid pretty, if sot quite a brauucul girl; m.resacd to make for place his home as Ione a, see pleased, and the quarters scarp isoiely comfortable !- - Fancy oil Elan., ant wuuder, sf you can, at .Ir. >esmoa.l, elite forgetting- tiiat let had (Lettered "age pup' i.lsrert" for the out -ale fare to Leudou. Thew there w.:ra such beautiful enalckes of scenery all a'onr that l;lossnp road, which sten P.•arb rr- a s -- ----- -- eamatenJrJ ken) to look at, nod to which ah bndl` accompanied Ina. as be marl.t sot be aide to hug 111,111 nut without her assistance; and sae had so uu.:h te ask, and be 13 tell her •la'wl kteeign cuuotrsr•, and Ike peril, be h4•1 beta w, anal site evade him tea lees agate how bee Ire i his woan.t et \1'aterluo; ao.l she bad each a m.rrtty war of seeeain4 to heiews with tier dark 6tey eyds, a...l--bet 1 need sot go o t. 11 was a dear ease. true ewe but t kicked the servant out of doors to peeve my wife how much 1 loved her. But would you balletic 11, ser. She aetue!Iy lareegbt the girl back agent. Tha' put m. I admit into a pillows-ilea1 ad- ministered a kick -a simple kick -and then a blew -only one blow. liere the tender beerted into burst into oew flood of tear.. Yes, coed the wife, weeping wore abun• dandy, ht was only a .Ingle blow. Ile did'at meas to hurt me,Tuh sure. Ile adore. one. In truth, sod that Prestdeet, there is no mak•og out what you would have. It we were to believe the d.pushti.w • ou saw• o0 ••king• your eomplaml.year bw►.nt want- ed to murder you -and new you defend haw. But the Arm complaint was confirmed by witnesses, and by that we shell abide. We coachman poor husband to two months om_ prsonmeot. Oh, merciful heaven! shrieked the wife, Two months without seeing him. Two u.on,he! creed Ibe culprit ie despair, menthe from her. 'Take sweaty lbn prisoner. a.d remove 5Ls women, said the President. Phratse!-dearest Pbraiee!-yon will come and see ms in prison, will you sett cried the husband, the very picture of des. - pair. Yrs -rib ye.. and I win Mint you some of the macroni which you hate so well. KISSING AND FIGHTING iN PARIS. (From French Police Reports 10 Galig 0a0t.) The wife of a ►mal; eatin, house keeper appeared before the Trsbnnal of Correc- tional Police, on Saturday, to complain of her husband for assaulting bar. The mo- ment be was placed at the bar, the accused cried. - 'That woman, Mr. President, taloa all she can get out of me to cram her soa-a seri of whom I am not the father! -She wall bring me to a crust aid a alnw bed before she has dune with me.' 'Let us hear the complaint; said the Pre- sident. A buxom woman •"stepped forward and said. '"That fellow, sir, whom 1 blush to call my hoeband,Tas treated mein • most abom- aabl. way! He has given me kicks in a pert of the person which no woman who respects herself likes to receive.' Finally, h• gave me the other day such a blow on the arm that It was .t a state of appopl nay all day.' 'In a ■tate of wrist 7 said the Pre• ardent. '01 appoplexy! it was as Maras a0 Iron bar.' 'You mean to ray Catalepsy.' '1 have always heard say apploxy. To die of appoplexy-aa attack of app oplexy. However, air, on the day of the great scene he csme to me with his great kitchen knife. and pard, I must skin you.' Yes, sir, the monster actually.wanted to skin me like a rabb.t.' •Well, accused, you hoer the charge? what have you to say' mod the Presi- dent. •Sir,' answered the culprit with gnat 101010., my wife, my wife, 1 love her. 1 will even say, 1 ud•Jue her. Bet she has a eat, and 1 don't want•top Lin et the son.- et bus father support ht . It is only geese 01 husbands who eat it their wive'•. sen -and i am sot • goofs. No, 1 ea0not swallow the eon. But with that exeepuoa I lose her. Ole, yes, i love her dearly, de- votedly. Hen theeeatdmeotal culprit buret into a Seed *fleets. ''1 Asd IMO, 1 tort you too, myr, erred ale wife, saddest, .ympatbieieg, a weep. tag to.. Ir., yoga do sot Nee me. Ob hareee., hear Mal A.d after that 11t My mamma etas herself away a News • deg et . ow *Byers levet/ .IM .e.ld lou Comm, fa sa kers fat eweveew.o, add the Presides.. ttid 710 strike your edea pee K ills. MY, Mecca w ea sed eon will see w8eth- w 1 Isse my with .r at. That le ass the ie.ulsa-•did you strike lar. T w•a in ace Ikea bar. Wan. w ked a Ma sae balsa., MI ay ale sensed we WWII (last a ate alto lkr. it we.et We repeal our w.retoj, (a.t me.t.• ought to he takes to relate In the C.I. one, a .decant ouppluy of dour 1, r our owe ..s.. It that to not sone we ate convinced that it will be tburoughlr draioei.-Npecroter. 110\W SIM MONDSGOT A WIFE. A PL&ASAST ADVE\TCn& walla a slide; "bet 1 have bet at for some years where a man's name was the Int thing required from ham. Put inc dues Ensign senoritas of the reetb. ~ Mr. Samsung, was duly entered in the book, and thence on the way bd. Indeed ler was not. 'floe moment the llhe traveller des:ribed l,unar•I. aa Ensign Simmonds of the 'leets,' Sam Peach closed his beg Ikdgar with au When railway travelling was undreamt u-inpiu.ia which wuuJeJ nut unlike •pistol of, and mail eoar•4:, were ' atone in their sh,t-pu•Fnrd the til -headed boukiag clerk glory; the ancient and sooty Iowa of jhef- a•iJe -took his place venin a countenance field rejoiced in the possession of an inhabe- q„he radical with rxcilcrneut--and iu bis tent u ed Mr. Samuel Peach. '1'o have blandest tone, asked what a tete he should euquieed Inc him, however by that appella- tion woold have been next to useless. X rat tater in the day -hook. only in Sheffield, but throughout the len•eth Eamon Sunato of Illi 1'epti.' and breadtl, of the three ridings of lurk- "Well,” sant Sam, an the subdued Owe - tier of a men holding a confidential ruuter- ,hure,'Ise was known and very often „alarm with *,.mast( "w.•ssoray earl did EXTENSION AND UTILITY OF TILE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH.. The Medoterranean E'ectric Teletrapb a, we ara,told, an a fur war of execution. Some contracts have just been entered into for the construction of the materials that are to become the vehicle of intercummu meat ion between Europe and Africa; and it i. confir.lently beI.eve l that before she cod of o' xt year the electro (Lid wr'I be trav- elling -to and fro, ever lard and under water, .n the service ofcontmere, and eirilcz.aen. --`Vast,' says a correspondent, as olio pre- sent line is, the magnitude of Ica usefulness will increase a IutndreJ (.old when its con- templated continuation to India chati base been carried out. Six thousand wiles of telegraph now ender construction ra India, cony-yrng the thoughts of 120,000,000 of fellowmen, will be bronglit within a few hours of our own door. The multifarious auJ complicated retstions of abet immense empire wish the mother country will find a daily, nay, howdy expreseton throug h the sdrnt yet eloquent win that will soon be falniliarlv,l•ukcn of as 'Sam 1'cach, of tint deceive toe. \That a siugular thing this is to be sure." Thea addrresint Mr.-- StenmouJs be said, "lo the army Sir I" "Why conssueing that I bear his Maj- esty's commission, 1 may safely soy that I ant." "Seen any actual service 1" "Yes, two years in the l'enineula, and in the Angel coach -office; just as people speak of 'l'om Waddell of the lien -and chiekeus, at Birmingham, or Isaac Taylor, of the Lion at Shrewsbury. Eccentric in many things, yet with a dash aquae! humour, and a most Catholic frit of humanity in his nature, was thesP 1 Sam Peach. ile was wealth) , of course- • I for eccentricity is too great a luxury for a door man to indulge in. Of the importance of hi. position, as autocrat of the mail and stage coaches which travelled to and Irom Sheffield, he had a high opinion. Nut Ii r- ing auy co.eection with the statirtical so- ciety, it would be impossible to state, with the requisite fullness and particularity dar- ted, faletail, how many of these coaches 1e possess - cd -bow malty horses he had on the road - how many quarts of °ate aus loads of hay his eatik annually consumes, --how many miles per diem his carnnee travelled --to how many families his calling gave bread - Eno'. gh read•Enough to say, that Sam l'each,tnerossing the " conte} ancmg department' in and from Sheffield, was considered a wealthy personage, the rather, perhaps, because he studiously arouded the display of riches. -- Ile had purchased some laud in the nehgh- boorhood of Sheffield, extensive enough to be called an'e,tate. Ile always spoke of it as •• the firm,' though the house he had erected thereon was sudiciedtly imposing in appearance and extent to make it sometimes be taken for the country seat of one of the squirearchy. \\ ith that. order Sam l each c.tablesned be:wceo D,otSay and the boast Lad no desire to be identified. Plain and But Sam Prads pi.l.e.1 aside the of6- I J••I •Ill t l v the last hrush frith the French at \Vater- I prorpeet+; Elul he I::d hrar:l, and if Mn loo." Siur.unnh..oeld obtsiuthe led •'e consent, "Wonderful !" exclaimed Sam Peach. I iso tali at earth w .u1J lar w r acceptable "Got a \Waterloo medal ?" i as a sou -in-law. •'.1e-, ani a \Waterloo wound, lo.leed, 1 $horde atter, \ir. Simmonds and Mary I Fuse been at Ilnlne getting cured; and Peach were united -elle hetnT, too good a daughter to decline guars an acceptable now that I am o0 s► legs again, am nit to s,u•tn-lave to iter fatter. \Visit- furi.wsu town to report myself to the hone guards'sl:e had woe sever exactly known; but they, tor duty. Our second battalion is to La ;dr ore ole from I'ae chord" in a Lan dome disbanded ; and as we ale likely to have a ''b,riot old tbu:, nru:c1u ' ,v, peach bad I•acsraied t:. t:.c a:'. Ire COO -'L'. 4:11 just a, the. bride;rocut WA, about,leppu;, tato alae vehicle, ett[e:e sat Ole bride, all Loauty and blouo'e, Sam Pea:h delivered hsusself as Inllo vas; • " Sinunnn.l., you tweet asluetl ate wl2 saw in pot. 1, 6 ,1i Sits\ we met, too limey to you, an.1 bring you m Know, thea, that in to. :..r. a t years I have b• cn at t:l . -fad of the r. . 1t4 in Shetlirsd, t hat.• :, r! buadreJ. of oat- Iuuty' men to airy ..slice, to be Looked for my places -generale. colonels, majors, Inv* a hast of captains --hot you were the only crisivt 11111 ever came across nt. For the singularity of i:r: llv.a •. I thought that phew,nte•ou wt••:niy of a wool dinner; and your Orris good qu auues have done Ale rest. Good bye, now. God Mese you, and lee • ane hear (roan you and Mary every day. " Thee there were sighs, tb: Jeep -r (sr rt,n presaiuu, And stoke glances, sweets for the theft." In st•.it, it had come to pose that Mr. Sihmnonds Ind a palpitation of the heart , wtwitcher Mary Peach .Note to hint air looked at bum. •• lis love with her," eon will lay. 1.u:t know hon- it cod; a acenc with t11s lady - a bhe,b or tui o -ball a dozen tela -the whole to coatl,.Je with-" speak to my (.6- lher." Not exectty ,o; for when our hero four'.! that he was in love, he took the o;toorteal- ty of snea:.uh; to jam Patch, before he lueutioned a eta;lti word of the matter to the l.t-ly. Yon thiol that lac Yeah. la a pretty pas- sion, no doubt. \1',o ratagaiu Sam lull \Ir. Silomoode that the had been oepecting. 1otnethiog of the. Lind, haying full ax of hie eyes and I ean.; twit under this expectation he bad made nhquirica as to Mr. Simeionds and hie Imo; peace, I am afraid I shot' Sears some dillicu'ty m gt sting Upon fuit 4.17 in another regiment.' "Then," said Calc Prat 1, ratheran16010. ly, I .uppese you are °ol'bound to be al *Le llnrse Guards by any perticular day 1" Mr. Siminouds replied that he was not. "'That being the ease, sir," Paid. Sauk Peach, '•it can't nsake any' great udrereuce your not being able to travel by any of my coaches thus afternoon." "Not go, after paying for war sent !" "Afraid not. All the seats are raga- getf.." IIere the fat -headed book-keeper chimed " Not of atm. Only look at the way of A fries. A!th.si g', tl a sane.! stare. • somewhat brusque iu Li, uutlner, f:e nae taus, underling. nn, t .art to n m as through whose land the lune meet tars IncI a "istonpaJ wbu did not know whet Ise was t prone aloe bwicess by which be Lad ac- ,ayiub' Then res.imne his cuurrroaliou waling to Send all facilities ani nopporta to quire(' an mdependenee; and it is ret remerf- with \Ir. Sitnennnds, Ip aided: tee undertaking yet the arrangements ne- y to eetabls.t the ennerro on a •oosd{ tiered ss a fact, that nn one occasion, when ' and safe basis, in a enm,netcial point of a dislmgaush•:d commoner, in the neighbour - view, ," a peer an I a cabinet hood taste become ( require time and ennnJeratmo. Io. Jepeodsaly of the vast I ndno coeneetron mlpuuer) addressed him as- Sarnoel Peach is prospect. lbs ewe company. lose already . Esquire," the reccipieut, erlu knew the rendered to the mercantile community in writing, returned the letter to (Inc post -of - this country, and to Frame. aoJ Italy, • flee, with an endorsement, w not known at rerr considerable service by b: i•gin j the the angel coach Am.* heart of the Mediterranean Sea within the Wealth and integrity, backed by has ec- electric circle. Henceforth nrigatore by axil or by steam need no longer travel to a centricity, had made Sam Peach quite a continental port in order to communicate P^Pular character as :h.OitlJ. Neter did with their friends or principals in Europe : any one care leas for popularity. Ili, line but by passing by and stopping a few hours of conduct war to follow the right whatever at a port to the island of Sardinia, t`.ey can might betide. flu, peuelianties leaned to tread their tidings and receive t)iear teatime mercy'. side. It was as much as any of bun. .'setdelerrmueJ to Alar the lis„ t. tions (rein Loodon, Larerpno', Glasgun•, bis coachmen's place was worth, for one , sleasily dedmcd gunny an eaplenahnn; and Dublin, Paris. Hamburg, Amsterdam,. or of thews to see a tired fowl traveller oat the the result wn that .t sats n'clork th.(t ,f• any commercial place rn Enrope. Tons Iroad, and not immediately " pull up.' and British eoterpr,xe has been leading onwards invite the wayfarer to a seat. The sterling the majestic ei,ilisotion, and we may say European character of the man was estimated from that supported as it Is by the Public, at is the oniy .ucceufal and norma- I the fact that must of the people around Lim " 'The fact i,, sir. all the scats este en- gaged. Ilut as you lure paid your fare, 1 am bound to +end yod forward to a post c hae : or make tire delay of no Io„ to you. \ty house to only few miles out of town. 1 shall feel gratified by your cotton.; nut to dine with me to -day, in tit :nothing. I shall drive you in if you like, and vnu ran start Ibe London by any coach you please." 1 Vainly did \Ir. Simmonds a,.ure Sara ' Peach that lie had much rather pro(e'ed to London without Jelly; that he Jed not wish In intrude upon his hospitality; that he I would prefer remaining at the Angel.- Vauly, ton, dal he endeavor to ascertain'i why (wren there evidently was no real int- r pediment to Ina immediate departure for Loudon) Sam Peach should veldt to drlaurj Sr..TLTr. ail' 11It:LATE Si* 1;nar:r.r PELL IN \\ ES rMrsstin Anucv.-(.il - son', statue cl late late Sir l;nbcrt feel has been erected in the north transept of Westminster Ab4ry, under the superinlee- Idence of the sculptor. The statue was scttl;otured in Rome. It le of the life axe ! in pure white m,rlde and stands nn a pedes- tal of blue-vriaea warble. The likeness is good, and the attalutle espre„ere, represen- ting the late slat&atn in the ant of ad Jtes,iu.tr, the senate, and marking an auplu- 1 sir by the pre„air of the palm of the left heed, with a scroll which he hold, in Ileo richt land. l'be Mrs. Miller, who allot a man named Rngg, on a Mlsulo-appe •te.tnbust • few day since, 'Hemp. me wJece+.t full latrines with her (person, hes 1 een di,- eberged by Jus: tem Beek, of St. Lout., who heli float h:r Isla, resent input was perfect- ly j su4ab:a. NAPttLEON---THF. GGEAT---O4 'PILE"EASTERN QUE flex.,, "in the emcee of a few years, r:nasia will lata Cotrrantinnrle, the greatest part of 'Turkey, and all (;recce. TMs 1 hold to bo a, certain as 51 it had already (siren place. Almost all the oijoling cf Aletaa- der practiced towards one, was to gaps m, consent le effect tins n t. I would not consent, (orweing that lM eq 'thorium of Europe would be destroyed. In the na- turel ce'trse of things, in a few years Torr- . key must 1111 to Russia. The greatest part of her pnpolutinn ere Greeks who v00 mar say are Itrp•isens. The •-ers iv would injure, and who could • .e '' ,•c Eog• land, France, Pru.aa,and Austria, it will he ea.y for Rem,* le engage her semitones tie gtrmg iter Serna, end otter pronuscr. bordering an the .lu.lriau Jotninioem mach- ete iter lir Cnamenhnnple. The only hy- p•oheeis that rewire and England maty ever h.- allied with •iaeeri;v, will he in order in preempt this. Bet et, n t'.ris alliance will not avail. Iran:e. I:nglanl nod Pru,.ta nettled ea,mot prevent it Hns•ia and Aus- tria can at any thee effect it. Clue non- • tress of Couetentln2lsle, Russia gets all list commerce of IIw )l.•deterra.ean, beeesees a gre.ot nasal power, and trod Wows what may hnprreii. the Tolerate with yolt- ntiretns o;) to Holtz an army of 70.000 ,nnrl vd.Iaer,-"!eir!1 to ittnsta i, no4bj* - -3111 • 100.000 c onraille I.'n*nck, and end l ng'.nJ fu•e. iwdia. Alwin all the poweee, lined* u the, roma to be feared, especially by you. iter soldiers are heater than the Awlness, red s!m bee tlw menu of raising a, natty seen es Am pleases. la braver, the Email ad Ear loth soldiers ere the nobly "ea to W titter pend re tbed MI thee threes*. I ea ate laterite farther thee others, ad t wase led le estabtieb a Leerier again.* tines hbr- bariesa by re-es:06611 Sal the kis;4.se ' Poland. tfwd pet.w4 Poinatmv,l,r at far heed eK it as lei t tt o,s. ewes eia'f sf nweroll: s wrwo .. •, , _ -.e l . A u'. .deal I year* bene. 1 shalt he pitied. (r ..d Europe. saper.ai' y !thatle eLjlw�ud, wilt I & es d t seas.!. 1Ylea the (M very lise•t eitimeigp sed a Irsf I s tMtr . -O7 Ableen'a 0 lretfea gad.' Dent conqueror of the world. THE ANTICIPATED CRISIS• Tne Montreal " TnHrray'." •,ae.king of the present aspect of eommerrral matiere, and Ills effect likely to be ,rodueod on chit country by the etnngesey in the money market, and oclser causer, makes the follow - mg reining'. We learn, from prorate advices, that the outside at any prier. Bank England had rimed its rate of dos- 11 happened one Sunny day to Se; Lein count to 5 per teat, and that ■ con•sderab'e bee IS 15 that Sam Peach was sitting In Ina check had Leen experienced in the nteuu. coach -Mike -hie cu,to5 ever of an alter - 4104(1114 dutnets. 'Tri Ihr. 1”stale of noon --engaged in examining a ledger, for affair. in China must have largely court- T” f•.r I:e lewd to say that Icy attending 10 bided, hut, p•r:.a,s, the pnnery,l ten's u � tiro Dnwneas ie was pretty ,u c of lou -uta. theennr.nrtt: ^xpartatio05 Ir.rn ElgIse.l nn MAIL • •der Come circ nn.soanc.v, the I attendag to hem. .\ gentleman carpe m Lou - mimes of Ina, d.wsI area, ani g aranirea and asked what was Ibis coach torr to Lou - in Canada a perfect midnees. We are jest doing what we did seven year* We ars are b.gIanieg to go • head. wh.77 all prudent people pool in. '144. (vetoer trade I. very goad Tb.t as Baer very profitable: sod the minor antelope, .ueh is better and eggs, have brought • great deal of money onto the clamory, ad proportionally eve• .nel.aaced the lust of Ioele,;. But, for Ihe ewaplNion of works requinag soy eters- erhsare motley ideational, we hasng nose te epee.. W. meat ow us &.gleed fee a *amity; ea, Y mosey is cot le M lad from t,gla.d, tai beetles e 0 B.ahrep'y. Tao Rea .f %satasd u en cos vie e110 .f e1Mctaaees to14.4.4.s1/ . .spadsF..Ag,Ma rosf b.gry,n1•agd the l4lwrmtt. staeraata, (list lwy haws 'oil roped* mead the ra4.8I'MNwt Mew leu ill. ad f be tiered that had been in his employment for upwards of twenty years. It Is more than probable, that Sam Peach never heard of the name mud system of Lavater, and yet it is certain that he had a habit of taking 'thee and dislikes to peo- ple's leen', which Involved the putting them inside for outsi•le (are, or for iso fare, or the stout refusal to take them inside or dui. Ile booking clerk. with pen •cross has mnatb, eller the fashwu of per,nus wise would lain ap,.•er'terrdlag homy, an.wer- ed, " Oise ped fifteen, eel; two puri tea, ternoon, \Ir. SammonJs found Meta If at Sam Peach', table, discus..iug what any gentkm:n, even if lie had not campained uh the Pennes,da, an•I hod hospitable fare at Brussels for some weeks after the dao of 1Vaterloo, would have bee., j.-tuGeJ in con- sidering an eecelleut dinner. Such a thing a, •' taking lite pledge" (except at Hie Lombard Arne.) was not thought of al that time; and therefore a few lA f old wine Jt 1 thein 110 essential harm. \Iu:li Ihry talke:l 1 Kn,tan Sim• moods of the adventure. Inc had met with while on furea;(u sea vice; nnJ Sam P.•ach, OLIO vasa capital listener, pleasaoily keep - int up the ball by occa,aonal shrewd goes - mune and racy remarks. At last -but bus was about the conclusion of tlhc second brit - 01 that urcenupata4le pore, which reefed like nectar anal -pelt hie a bnq•ert--Sam !'each grew communicative about himsetlf; told hoar hr had riven to opulence hi' in ! dustry, Irmo a semll br�nmm�e; :.nd 1naa1- rd ,tow, far above his wealth, lir prised lis, only dauphter. " You shall ,ac her to the 51,i ning ' soil he; " for 1 did not like to iutroduee you until I same whether my ii:.t mnprewiolra would be %omit teed on closer acquauslance. 11 i, not every one, 1 can tell you, that 1 :tourwould iotrndece as a Iricsd l., nee „hid Mery ?" 4t,pprul breakfMl the neat m-.rning and not the le-,. plra".nt herons.. pretty Man Peach pre•i Ird at the beard, emitted 'fhe tray eller desired to be honked for in %unto social denw, (s, h.•t mother h.d k plane it (bele were rano. been deal for many year•) Inc a mai lea e Not oat wet talon;' 1504 I:°'bnok.11' stmt, who was neither densy nor ,!newish. 1 ems- ••I'Ira,nl'veotlw:r," nb•.r,red Sew.-- " 1 aoppnge 1 Md letter pat' yon here," 'Are eon smelt of a %porno an 1" inquired the Irrv.Uerr. "'lethal,' gaol Mr. Sire'ooeJs. " We . bad plenty of praeliee at red h•Rye�d parte Jn.t u you please;' vena the r ince; radgre se the pw,in.'r:.t. i•e,o throe." 41,,. es!y, ectal wf here the money, )tib Ilei- sna Ilnw l.o.d \\'elltn trnt. Yr•e slnald tier put foot i. the easels watt a it. " Imre seen Low ianrd V elhn jtnn pep;arr'l The mom) was aeroo'Jiagly d.hersed 1st. Arm., *ban be had unthaw j c1./ of w ant very pehkorie pfu e. " 15'041,' acid S•m, " enfeorte.»arty 1 had t" ached Nee hook clerk. and tM throes n1 ,.•eine hien. 1 clank yew . What sem. 0,v ttot cantly tied to lire as In este 1a.- . Whal ens .4" erbeel\ala pavelter in is Lnodos aatl tf you gate snip Nome 1. l tweet remembered a .. i tM.oglt f spot. pbm esso gh,' asa.1 + y""r aisd ..1 to vertaM t. -,sorrow, wires tk. Omsk pets me 1M •er,w, as i1 se I44. eisrk may. Whet „wM are we t. 's a Vats JM Mastee N Ise bar. esedwteeMj 401..1, 4 set atomic ratese die Met M 1 I scores dot you hate a 1 b..44, s vee ape 1M plserrtm mama rm.. ease •flasersrti ha le reetelela Its die- Mr ...Pet. end 1 roe tell Feu time .nt a meed" .1 beg purr pa ri11, " said Ihr Irartner, 'a ties ieA 0r,d !'secs Iia 40,0,.• n • ' 1• 1. wet we , arta, ...