HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-05-16, Page 31.963 PA.ge' 3 'Mmes-Advocate, May Kirkton PS singers win .Blanshard 'fes Brinsley UCW boo to. area -presbyterial Mr. andWilliam.Fen- ten and family Wetted friends et ,Oakville StinclaY• Mr, and Mrs• Donald Nowey Carol and Colleen of London visited. Mr. picl Mre, Jack •Tre- vithick Sunday, Mrs.. Fraser MKT,. ivtrs, Earl ;Lewis, Mrs. Karl .pick- ering, Mrs, ,James Trevithick, Mrs, Jack Hodgson and mra. Jeek Trevithielc attended the COW meeting at .Lucan Thurs, day evening. Lyell Lee,Mrs.Lawrenee Mrs. Shipley Siddall arid Miss Belle Stephanson, MOTHER'S DAY SERVICE Mother's Day services at Brinsley United Church were largely attended, The Sunday School assisted with the services. The super intendent, Gordon Morley, took the leadership while Allen Athos read the ScriPhire lesson. Mar, garet Amos gave the children's story. A choir of junior boys and girls sang accempanied by the pianist, Mrs. J, Trevithick. Awards for church attendance given by the IJCW were given to Helen and Marion Lee, Ruth Trevithick, Bill. P re st, Neil Trevithick and Paul Hodgson during the service. Once upon e time a rather provincial young man from a rural comninriity stopped by a cocktail lounge and ordered a martini. When he was served he examined his drink care- fully and then remarked to the bartender, ',Back home we sometimes get a drink with a fly in itbutfruitpeels—rieveri" PANR413F. FOR Considereble Work has been One PrinPleY Arigllees, church in PreParatien Par the centennial services on .sunday May 19 at 11;00. am and .7;30 pm. Former ,ministers of the cnereh Rev, Parker AN Rev. Skinner ,alee .aSSisted by Rev. Hick of Brinsley .Valted.Chllreh Will .officiate at the .services„ PERSONALS. Mrs. Mary Craven of perk- hill, visited ,Sunday with Mr. and 'Nfre. Wes Watson and .fa- mily, Many tram this .district at- tended the funeral of the late Andrew Mathers on Saturday victim of a car accident, Mr. and Mrs. Frank ivic- ponaid and family of Clinton, Mr. and wire, Harvey Andrews. Qf Ailsa Craig visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lewis and family, Singers Of Kirkton Public School, by winning three of the last five classes, came from be- hind to oartnre Hie spec i al award ler the school winning the Most POWs in the Blanshard Township Music Festival Fri- day. The event, sponsored by the Kirkton Community AsSocia- waa held in Woodham Uni- ted Church Morning and after- noon and the auditorium was filled with the several hundred children who pompeted. Kirkton school, under teach- ers Mrs. Mary Tufts and Mrs. Norma Paul, received an oil painting from the British Mort- gage and Trust Company for ob- tai ning highest aggregate points. Runner-up for the award, and leader up until the end was the Science Hill, school, whose teacher is Mrs. Marie Brook- shaw, Two other special awards, for the girl and boy with the most promising voice other than first prize winners, were won by Dianne Smith , Woodham, and John Urquhart, Salem. The a- wards were provided by the Granton Ladies Canadian Order of Foresters and D. C. Waters, St. Marys. Kirkton first prize winners in the individual classes were Terri Paul, intermediate girls; Peter Dykstra, intermediate boys, and Luuk Muilwyk, boys' changed voices. Other first prize winners Blanshard singers compete at Woodham were Barbara Ratcliffe, Ander- son, Antler girls; Robert Stre- han, Ease sine, junior boys; Ann Parkinson, SS 4, senior girls, and Donald Stenhen, An- tieraen, senior boys. Robert Straiten received the honer certificate Or theitigheSt mark of the festival, an 86. Adjudicator was Mrs. •Chris,- tine Wilcosz Thompson, assist- ant directpr of music for the Ontario. Department Qf Educa- tion and Who appears on a CBC childreiVa musical show, Music supervisprs, who ac- companied their pupils for the competitions, were E. C. Har- ley, Mitchell, and Albert Fur- teey, Stratford, Chairman of the program was Gerald Paul. In the group competitions, Science Hill won three of the four classes and placed second in the fourth, won by Kirkton. The resells: Two part chorus Science Hill 83, Kirkton and North St. Marys 82. Unison chorus --Science Hill 85, Kirkton 84, Anderson 83. Junior chorus Kirkton 84, Science Hill 83, Base Line and Transvaal 82, Triple trio -- Science 1-1111 83, Transvaal 82, Anderson 81. Duet (open) -- Patti Laing and Phyllis Danard, North St. Marys, 84; Cees Van Muyen and Tom Bennett, Kirkton, 83; Joan Dykes and Neil Harris, Fish Creek, 82. Junior girls solo -- Barbara Ratcliffe, Anderson, 84; Mary Westinghouse has it! FREE HAIR DRYER 111111111111111111111111101011110111111 By GORPON MQR4EY ORMLEY The regional meeting of the north west section of Middlesex Presbyterial was held atBrins- ley United Church May 1Q. Registration Was at 9:30 With Mrs. Earl Morley and Mrs, David Morley in charge, Mrs. George Paul, regional vice-president, presided. Mrs. Jack Trevithick was secretary for the day and Mrs. Earl Dixon was pianist. Mrs. Ellison Whiting and Mrs. Sanford Vplk of Parkhill were in charge of the morning worship service. An invitation was extended by Carlisle to have the regional meeting for 1964, in their church. Mrs. A. T. Thompson, Lon- don, presided over the work shop on program planning. The in memoriam service was taken by members of Clande- boye TICW -- Mrs. Wilmer Scott and Mrs. McIntosh as- sisted by Mrs. Lloyd Derr, Mrs. Earl Dixon, Mrs. T. Wat- son, Miss Agnes Northgrave, Mrs, Erwin McAlpine and Mrs. Basil Romphf. Mrs. G. Moore of London gave a talk on Westminster College. Luncheon was served by Brinsley UCW with the welcome given by Mrs, Wm. Fenton and replied to by Mrs. George Glen- dinning of Lieury. Lucan UCW with Mrs. T. Wat- son and Mrs. Young presided over the afternoon worship ser- vice, Mrs. Moore of London intro- duced the guest speaker, Miss Ada Sandell, missionary in Korea for 36 years. A skit by Ailsa Craig "It Could Be You" was introduced by Mrs. Ray Campbell and was given by Mrs. Frank Dickins, Mrs. Reg Wilson, and Mrs. Wm. Luther. Mrs. Paul thanked those who assisted and Mrs. Jack Rosser moved a vote of thanks to Mrs. Paul. The offerings for the day were dedicated by Mrs. Fraser Dixon, and Mrs. Elliott Mc- Kichan assisted by Mrs. Cecil Hartle, Mrs. Karl Pickering, REE Several hundred students from Blanshard township schools competed in a music festival sponsored by Kirkton Community Association at Woodham UC Friday. Three of the prizewinners chat with the adjudicator, Mrs. Christine Wilcosz Thompson, assistant director of music for Ontario. From left are Terri Paul, Peter Dykstra and Robert Strahan. The latter received the highest mark of the festival-46. photo With this 11.7 Cu Ft. Model with 82 Lb. Frozen Storage. 11.'7 cu. ft. net vol- ume . 62-113. full-width freezer plus 20-1b. fro- zen storage tray Full- width porcelain Humi- drawer holds 2/3 bush- el, keeps largest celery and lettuce crisp and fresh . Door storage for 22 eggs . Adjustable 10-position shelves . In- finite cold control . Whisper quiet mechan- ism. BEAVERS HARDWARE $29.95 Hair Dryer with a new Refrigerator or Freezer Mrs. George Wilson, secretary of the Blanshard music festival, presents a first prize certificate to Luuk Muilwyk, winner of the boy's changed voice class. In the centre is Dianne Smith, Wood lam, who won a special award for the girl with the most promising voice, other than a prizewinner. Phone 235-1033 Exeter WITH TRADE Only $245 Made proudly in Canada by Hughes, Transvaal, 82; Neil Harris, Fish Creek, 81. Boy's changed voices -- Luuk Muilwyk, Kirkton, 83; Mark Holden, Fish Creek and Clay- ton Near, North St. Marys, 80. Mrs. George Wilson, RR 6 St. Marys, was secretary of the festival, assisted by Mrs. Ross Marshall. Ladies of Woodham IJCW served lunch to the of- ficials. phen, Anderson, 83. Intermediate boy's solo -- Peter Dykstra, Kirkton, 84; Da- vid Strahan, Base Line, 83; Dan- ny Jaques, Woodham, 82. Senior boy's solo -- Donald Stephen, Anderson, 83; Alan Walker, Science Hill, and Brian Terri Paul, Kirkton, 84; Patti Laing, North St. Marys, and Jeanette Hooper, SS 4, 83; Shir- ley Timms, Base Line, 82. Senior girl's solo -- Ann Parkinson, Base Line, 85; Di- anne Smith, Woodham, 84; Anne Carr, Transvaal, andGayleSte- May Enright, Science Hill, 83; Shirley Switzer, Kirkton, 82. Junior boy's solo -- Robert Strahan, Base Line, 86; John Urquhart, Salem, 85; John Re- urink, Kikrton, and David Hanly, ,Science Hill, 84. Intermediate girl's solo -- Yes, Marj, it's True! 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Yki?: 'AttittaMintaritlitY YOU CAN'T BEAT You can get a FREE HAIR DRYER with a Especially when you get a FREE HAIR DRYER! Saves 00 Shopping Trips More Fresh Food Storage Space. Refrigerator, Freezer! The "Hydro Special" Hair Dry- Her A NEW iffeiNg HEmillE Affi er is only one of the many "extras" you get from the Gen- freezers at Rtissell. Larger frozen food capacity permits eral Electric refrigerator- og FREEZER Off A OW45 VALUE EMI! HAIRDRYER MO quantity buys. Roto Cold gives longer, safer fresh food storage and ends Messy defrosting. PLUS many Other conveniences made possible for GE exper- ience and reliability, backed by a Written warranty,. See Rus- sell's today about the itHydro Special" and GE1 Most unique deluxe compact model On the market ! As low as Up-tb-the minute 2-deer donibleetion FreeZer and Re- frigerator now in the popular space saving 10 cu. ft, site and Fisher's has iti COMPletely separate Zerd-Temp Freezer' With door rack keeps ti) lbs. Of frozen food really frOteit, Antonia:tic defrost. Slide out ShelVeS, giant erianer, 'Magna 'laic doer, extra capacity deer Compart- ments, THIS OFFER GOOD ON ANY OF THESE FAMOUS BRANDS Beatty • Beiwood . Co-op Viscount Coronado . Eaton's Viking • Firestone Frigidaire • General Electric • General Freezer • Gibson . Gilson • KelVinator Leonard. McClary•Easy • Meffat • Onward Philco • f?CA Whirlpool 4 Roy • tirnpson's Cokispot SimpsonS-Sears • Westing• hotibe • Wood's • And other fine makes *ONLY TWO REFRIOER- ATORS WITI1 zaito.z.oNtr.1.1tiiinZtri SECTIONS (lUALIFV,. NOW'S THE TIME TO BUY A TWO. 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