HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-05-09, Page 14.14 MRS, G. HOOPER
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Black,
man of St. Marys, Mr, and Mrs.
Lloyd Thomson antifamily, were
Saturday-evening peeteof Mrs.
certie ThemeM).
Miss Anne Thomson spent the.
weekend with Mr, and Mrs,
ponald Hoorelbeck of St, Marys,
Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Lang,
ford were Friday Sleets of
And Mrs, Bill Norman of HO) .-
Mr. and Mrs. Claire Sisson,
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Grasby
and Debbie visited with Mr.
Archie eluelow at St. Marys
Hospital, London, mr, Howard
Cameron at Victoria Hospital
and Mrs. Edna. ,Cole of North
Miss Nancy B rine of St,
Marys spent a few clays with.
Miss Sharon Thomson.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth park,
inson, Ann and Paul, Mrs, Zella
Dann visited Sunday afternoon
with Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Knott
of Nilestown.
David Bryan of Prospect Hill
spent the weekend with Carl,
Edwin and Donna Jones.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G, Jones
and family were Saturday even-
ing guests of Mrs. N. Bilyea of
Jeanette Hooper spent Wed-
nesday with Donna Jones.
Rev. and Mrs. Joe Lindsay
of Port Huron spent a few days
with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, G.
Mr. John Rinn and William
of Baseline were Sunday even-
ing guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Lang-
ford and John of Centralia were
Saturday evening guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Leonard Thacker.
Miss Ruth G. Hooper of Tor-
onto returned from Miami, Flo-
rida on Saturday night and spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Glad-
wyn Hooper, Veryl., Jeanette
and Clare.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mc-
Kinnon and family, Guelph, were
weekend visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Grafton Squire.
Those attending the funeral
from a distance of the late Rich-
ard Hodgins were: Mr. and Mrs.
Eckron Hotigins, Woodstock,
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hayter,
Berkely, Michigan, Mr. and
Mrs. Orville Hayter, Grand
Bend, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Car-
rothers, Mr. and Mrs. Welling-
ton Hayter and Mr. and Mrs,
Paul Eagleson, Thedford, and
Miss Rona Hickey, Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Pullman,
Roy and Ronnie visited on Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Kirkham, Dublin.
Headquarters for hearing aid batteries
Church at Creditors
ma s anni rversary
A dinner meeting of the Len-
der' district State Farm Agents,
Was held at the KoffeeKiip lees-
tauraet, Liman, last Wednesday
May 1.
Presiding at the meeting was
the local agent, Cecil Robb, who
was awarded a 10 year service
certificate and pin, by the die-
trict manager, Don Kipp of Loll-
Others taking part in the dis-
cussion period, were Messrs.
Hill. Donnelly of Arva and Ken
Greene of London.
Richard Hodgins
retired farmer
Richard Hodgins, 84, Gran-
ton, died at the home of his Son,
Norman Hodgins, Lot 19, North
Boundary of Bidduiph, Thursday
May 2.
The body rested at the C.
Haskett and Son Funeral Home,
Main St. N., until noonSaturday
May 4 then to St. Thomas An-
glican Church, Granton, where
the Rev, Lyle A. Bennett, con-
ducted funeral services. Inter-
ment was in St. James Ceme-
tery, Clandeboye.
Pallbearers includedMes-
see. Gordon Hodgins, Grant
Hodgins, Allen Hodgins, Howard
Hodgins, Keith Nidlock and Har-
ry Herbert.
He is survived by three sons,
Nelson of London, Kenneth of
Granton and Norman of Bide
dulph; two brothers, Hubert of
Granton, Ekron of Woodstock,
one sistr, Mrs. Sarah Harlton
of St. Marys, nine grandchildren
and two great grandchildren.
His wife, the former Martha
Hayter, predeceased him.
Mr. Hodgins, the son of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hod-
gins was a retired farmer.
The Lucan WI held a suc-
cessful Opportunity Day sale
(a glorified rummage sale) in
the old post office Saturday.
The project was convened by
Mrs. Perry Charsley, Mrs. C.
H. George and Mrs. Ira Carl-
As so many people expressed
disappointment they missed the
sale, it was decided to hold
a second sale on Saturday, May
11, beginning at 10 am to 4 pm
to enable morning shoppers to
also participate,
Rec news
Practice for baseball has at
last begun but as yet Lucan is
not officially eet e red in a
Last Friday night Wes Colley
and yours truly attended a meet-
ing of the Thames ValleyBase-
ball League with a view to enter-
ing this loop. However we were
not favourably received by one
or two delegates because of the
size of our population. They
were of the opinion that our
municipality was too large to
enter this loop. So rather than
cause any trouble between pre-
sent members of the league we
pointed out that we were in-
vited by the Devizes entry to
attend the meeting, and that
we would decline the invitation
to enter.
Negotiations are now going
on with two other leagues and
just as soon as our entry is
accepted in one of them it will
he published.
The Forest City Kennel Club
are holding their annual dog
show at the arena nextSaturday
May 11 all day. This should be
well worth taking in if you are
dog owners or fanciers.
The Music Festival sponsor-
ed by the Lucan Home and
School Association will com-
mence on Tuesday May 14 and
run through to Friday May 1'7
with many schools and indivi-
duals taking part. The concert
made up of the winners in the
festival will climax the event
on Friday evening May 17.
Sunday visitors with Mr, and
Mrs. W. Dickey and family
Were: Mr. and Mrs, Clarence
Ford, Jenny and Andy from
Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs, New-
man 136.ker of WelibUrre Mr,
and Mrs. Harry Sperling froth
London, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Ford and sticky, Mrs. Freeman
Herne of Wincheleee and Miss
Kathleen Morrie from London.
Mrs. Harry Ford who re.
eently returned from a trip to
Jaineite, is spending some time
at the Dickey Merle,
Mrs. Rufus Horne and son Mr.
Earl Horne of Toronto and Mr.
Freeman Horne of Wincheleee
were Sunday visitors at Mr.
Clarence Jane. Mr. and Mrs.
Harry' Webber of Woedheria Were
also visitors there on. Saturday
Mr4 and Mrs. Albert Itirkby Of Itirkten Were guesta of Mr.
and Mrs, Clarence Jails on
Wednesday night Of lest Week.
You May net know when you're
Well,eff, but the Internal Re-
venue beparttrtorit does:
Matti ointment telfoyeS pain, 410'000' Intettioti, an Protnotat• That 1i-tang. 5016 • drug 'canters.
SO dibititi
aintsbury cl b Clan e oye native
named archbishop By .NEUE.R. ..PAY14. Sixty residents of various
parts of Hume will be getting
notice some time in May that
they have been drafted' for petit
jury at the county jury sessions
on June 3.
The Hanel was drafted on
April ga by Judge Frank ring-
land, Sheriff Harry Sturdy and
Crown Attorney Cochrane,
Drafted at the same time were
seven men for a grand jury,
which will be called upon to
find (Mime bill" or ''no bill"
in respect to indictments. This
grand jury will not inspect mine
ty institutions; that task is
usually assigned by the judge
in Supreme Court,
HOW Pane attended the 66th
annual meeting of the WA of
Huron Meese held ingt,panl's
Oatheeral, Leedom on Wednee,
day and Thureday of leet week.
Sunday School opened for the
summer months etSt, Petriceee
church on Sunday. Officers and
teachers for the year were elec,
Mr, and Mrs. Howard Clarke
and girls, Shipka, visited with
Mr, and Mee. Bob Tindall on
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Broom,
Exeter, were Tuesday guests
with Mr. and Mrs, Tom Rees.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Elliott and
Craig, Mr, and Mrs, Garfield
Mr. and Mrs. Hobert Cole-
man, Lucan, and Mr, And Mrs.
Harold Dickins, Rochester, N.
were gnests recently with
their niece and eephew, Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Atkineen,
Mr. H. S, McLean, Tees-
Water, spent the weekend with
his dauehter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dobbs jr,
Mrs. Kay Feirbairn, Gait and
Brenda London, and Mr, Ar-
meld Firby, St. Thomas, spent
Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Bill
Johnson and Mr. and Mee. Hor-
ace Lake Grand fiend called on
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis,
Heather and Michael were re-
cent guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Jerry Glenn, Hensail.
Mrs. Harry Carroll and Mrs.
Page 14 Tirn,-Achmot.o, May .9,, 196$
By MISS LINA ABBOTT Rev, L. C. andlVire, Harrison
of London visited Mr, and Mrs.
Ed Flynn en Wednesday after-
Miss Helen Sigsworth spent
the weekend in Lucan with the
Misses Margaret, Patricia and
Pelee Cobleigh, also ettended
the CGIT meeting in London on
Guests on Sunday.afternoon
with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sign-
worth were Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Derbyshire of Longwood RR 1.
Other visitors last week were
Mrs. Sieworties aunt Mrs. Janet
Allison and Mrs. Laverne Al-
lison RR 3 AlleaCraig; on Wed-
nesday evening, Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Forbes of Harriston.
On Sunday evening, Mr. and
Mrs. Slgsworth were guests of
the latter's brother and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wright, Ger-
ald and Alan of West McGil-
Mr. and Mrs. Rea. Neil were
guests of Mr. and Mrs, Rea
Adams, London on Sunday.
Pallbearers for the funeral of
Mies Amanda Bice on Thurs-
day were Messrs. Maurice Sim-
pson, William Northgrave, Ar-
thur Hodgins, Charlie Coughlin,
Andy Carter and Alan Hill. In-
terment took place in the family
plot, Nursery Cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs, Maurice Simp-
son were guests at Dominion
Hotel, Zurich, on Sunday. Birth-
day party for Mr. Fred Rodgers
others attending were Mrs.
Rodgers, Mr. and Mrs, John
Simpson, Rosemary and Paul,
all of Kirkton.
Mrs. Ernie Lewis returned
home from Victoria Hospital
on Tuesday. While there, she
had surgery on a nerve in her
face. Mrs. E. Tomes, and Mrs.
M. Poole of Lucan visited her
Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Downing,
of Chatham visited the latter's
mother, Mrs. Aimee Hendrie,
CHANEL NO. 5 . . $3.75, $4.25, $6,00
$6.35 and $9.00
WINDSONG . . . . . .... $2.'75 and $4.00
STRADIVARI . . . . . . . . e2.75 and $4.00
EVENING IN PARIS, $1.25, $1.75 and $2.50
YARDLEY SETS • . .$2.00,$2.50, $3.00
Free Corsages With Jenny Lind Candy
EL E. Weber
area builder
Harold Edgar Weber, 51, died
suddenly in Victoria Hospital,
London, on Thursday, May 2.
Born in Hay Township, he was
the son of the late Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Weber, He was a build-
ing contractor in Dashwood un-
til 1960 when he moved to God-
erich in the employ of Ellis
Don Construction Company.
He was a member of Zion
Lutheran Church, Dashwood.
Surviving besides his wife,
the former Edna Clara Fisher,
are two daughters: Mrs. Mervin
(Joan) Jones, Exeter, and Mrs.
Leeland (Donna) Restemayer,
Dashwood; two sisters: Mrs.
K. (Jean) Crocker, Mrs, Frank
(Dorothy) Brintnell and o n e
brother, Jack, all of Exeter,
and a brother Kenneth, God-
erich, and one grandchild.
Funeral services were con-
ducted by Rev. William Getz
at the Stiles funeralhome, God-
erich on Sunday, May 5 with
interment in the Lutheran ce-
metery, Dashwood.
were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cas-
well and Dennis of London.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wuerth,
Zurich, visited Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Finkbeiner.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Wein
and family visited Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. CarltonManders,
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Zwick-
er attended the funeral of the
former's aunt, Mrs. Adelyne
Macdonald in New H a mbu r g
Mr. and Mrs. Claire Sperling,
Allen and Douglas, Walkerton,
visited Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Irvin Finkbeiner and Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Finkbeiner
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Sper-
ling, Walkerton, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs.GordonMor-
lock and Mr. Eldon Smith.
Mr. and. Mrs. Hugh Birtch of
Duchess St, are selling their
home and household effects on
May e9 and their daughter, Mrs.
Clayton Abbott and Mr. Abbott
are selling their farm, farm
machinery and household ef-
fects on May 22 prior to mew-
te California. .
Mr, and Mrs. A, M. lledden
were Sunday gueets of Mr, and
Mrs. William Davis of London,
Dr. Watson of the Dep't of
Health, London, assisted by the
school nurse, iv, me Margaret
Smith, and a ude‘ con-
ducted TB tests in , Mtblic
School on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Hodgson
and Karen and Mrs. Fred Fen-
ton were Sunday guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Eldon Hodgson of
Alice St.
Mrs. H. D, Ankers Is a pa-
tient in St. Joseph's Hospital
and Mr. Ankers is staying with
his son, Don Ankers and family.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Loeltyer
and family were Sunday guests
of Mr. William Lockyer of Cam-
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rad-
cliffe, now of London, and Mr.
and Mrs. Ronald Hyland, also
of London, spent their Easter
vacation in Florida.
Mr. Clarence Haskett attend-
ed a two day post graduate
course at the Banting Institute,
Toronto, April 24 and 25. His
son Billie accompanied him and
both stayed with Mr, and Mrs.
Art Haskett and family. Also
attending the course was Lu-
can's other funeral director,
Mr. Jack Murdy.
Mrs. J. A, Graham returned
home on Saturday after spend-
ing a week with her family in
Mr. and Mrs. A, a Ford of
London visited with Mr. and
Mrs. A. M. Redden on Satur-
Mr. Pat Egan, an employee
of the Campbellville. Race-way,
spent the weekend with his mo-
ther, Mrs. Kay Egan.
Mr. Evan Hodgins served on
the jury last week and returns
this week.
Mr. William Amos, who was
on the sick list, is feeling
much improved. His visitors
last Sunday included Mr. and
Mrs. John Scofield and Elsie
of Parkhill, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Rosser of Ailsa Craig, and Mr.
and Mrs. Clayton Amos of Lon-
Mr. J. W. Cantelon of Vic-
toria spent a few days last week,
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. H. Cantelon.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hamilton,
Mrs. Gerald Hamilton and Miss
Thessa Korervaar, attended a
program in the Woodstock High
School sponsored by the Bar-
ber Shoppers, last Saturday
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Schell
and family of London have mo-
ved into part of Mrs. Jane
Somerville's house on Main St.
S. Mrs. Somerville, who has
moved to her farm temeeor the
summer, spent Tereerselay night
at her home here.
Mr, James ;.'tees 7.2.d to re-
turn to 'Neste: ear Ilesinital
last week.
Mrs. Cl-alies eee-
spent the winter ereteer :Lenge.-
ter, Mrs. Ernest efeememee,
returned heme te eeMeeeeirseee.
Mr. and Mrs. ;a z_ "arils
and family, wto Mame eeme
leg in the Hared eirreere se
at the corner ef Male met .ale
Sts., moved lets tee ge: abeam
their hardware stare or: ereee-
nesday and sleet, so so ally
they did not knew there: was
fire a half a block away,
Mrs. Ken Thar of Byron,
following the birthday party for
her father, Mr. Free Arreitage,
at Craigholrn spent the even-
ing, with Mrs. Arnold Mor-
ley and family and Mrs. Wesley
Hickson and family of Lucan,
Mrs. Waiter Gibson of Ham il-
ton spent the weekend with Mrs.
Warner McRoberts of the Dres-
den H. S. staff, at her home
The leader,Mrs. Murray
Hodgins, and 6 CGIT members,
attended the annual county-wide
CGIT rally at Trinity United
Church, London, Sunday after-
Saturday morning the group
collected over 1,800 coat-hang-
ers, and extend appreciation to
all house wives who made this
splendid collection possible.
A number from Lucan and
district attended the races at
Mohawk last Friday night where
the Hardy horses of Lucan were
among the winners with joe.nrile
Chief doming fifth, Herber t
Carter second and Meadow Arts
Lady third.
Mrs. Cora Morley and Mrs.
Pitt attended Clandeboye United
Church anniversary service on
Sunday afternoon and also visit-
ed with Mr. and Mrs. Art. Hod-
Mr. Russell Parkinson, son
of Mr. Frank Parkinson, was
united in marriage to Mrs. Irene
Dilkes of London on Friday.
Lloyd White, London, was a
weekend visitor of Mr. Frank
Parkinson and Glenn.
Mrs. Cora Nuttycomb and
Miss Myrtle Shorthill, London
were Sunday visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Alex Handle.
Mrs. Laverne Morley attend-
ed a teacher's meeting at Lam-
beth Public School on Wednes-
day evening.
Mr. and Mrs, Chas Rawlings
and Blanche, Clandeboye, were
Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Alton Neil.
Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Stela,
Bradford, spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hey.
Mrs. Beatrice Hess, Zurich,
spent Sunday with Miss Lil-
lian Heist and attended anniver-
sary services.
Mr, and Mrs, Robert Wade
and family of Ancaster spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John
Wade. Mr. and Mrs. John Wade
and John and Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Wade and family attende
ed the 60th wedding anniversary
of Mr. J. Wade's parents Mr.
and Mrs. R. H. Wade of Lon-
don. Following a family din-
ner some 240 guests greeted
the honored couple at a re-
ception held at Empress United
Jerry Vandeworp of Kitchen-
er spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin Finkbeiner and fa-
mily. Miss Sandra Finkbeiner
who has been confined to her
room is able to be out again.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Allan Becker and family
teiee iiisgeeieeieeimiiieeeZeie.eegi:tie.ieeeiieieeeeeeeeee.eeieeeeigeeeeiee.eieee.eeieeieeeeee;it*Aeeee:,:eeee.e.eeeeeeeeeeee ..:::K:eeeee.e„meeeme
The 112th anniversary of
Creditors RUB Church was ob-
served at morning and evening
services Sunday.
Rev. J. Henry Getz of Cal-
vary EUB Church, Kitchener,
was the guest speaker. Special
music was presented by the
choir with a trio number and
solo by Donald Finkbeiner. The
new offering plates were de-
dicated in memory of Mr. and
Mrs. Allan Lockhart and son
Roy, father, mother and broth-
er of Mrs. Alfred Smith.
Christian Family Week is
being observed in the RUB chur-
ch by a mother and daughter
banquet this Friday, May 10.
In the United Church, Christian
Family Sunday will be a com-
bined service at 10 am with the
junior choir providing special
Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Getz,
Kitchener, spent Sunday with
Rev. and Mrs. A. M. Schlen-
ker and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Heist,
Dashwood, visited Sunday even-
ing with Mr. and Mrs. &emery
At. St. James Ceurch the rec.
tor,, ReV. E. 0. Lancaster efe
fered Prayers for Archbishop A,
Harry O'Nell,gforteer member
of St. James church, who was
enthroned lvlaY 3 in Christ Chur-
ch Cathedral, Fredericton.
Archbishop O'Neil was born
in McGillivray Township near
Clandeboye, the son of Mrs,
O'Neil. and. the late AlexO'Neil.
He graduated from the Uni-
versity of Western Ontario in
1.928 and from Huron Theolo-
gical College in 1920. He was
ordained in 1930 and was rector
of Gorrie, Fordwich and Wrox-
eter from 1935 to 1939 and St.
Paul's Church, Clinton, 1939 to
1941. He became principal and
dean of Huron College in 1941
and continued as such until he
was made general secretary of
the British and Foreign Bible
Society in 1952,
Elected to the See of Fred-
ericton October 2, 1956 he was
consecrated as bishop January
25, 1957.
On May 3, in a colorful cere-
mony steeped in tradition with
many high church officials from
the eastern provinces taking
Part, he became Archbishop of
He married the former Mar-
guerite Isabelle Roe of Atwood
in 1931. They have one son.
Mrs. Arthur Simpson enter-
tained the ladies of the United
Church on Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Rea Neil opened the
meeting, led in worship and also
gave the study on Okinawa and
Mrs. Wilmer Scott, presi-
dent, presided for the business.
It was reported a97 lbbale was
sent to Toronto.
Mrs. Scott reported she had
attended the meeting of the
presidents held in Lucan when
plans were laid for the regional
meeting to be held May 10 at
Brinsley United Church. The
memorial service is to be taken
by the Clandeboye branch.
An invitation was received
from Lucan UCW to attend a
meeting at the church May 9.
It was decided to quilt the quilt
top that was displayed.
A committee Mrs. Wilmer
Scott, Mrs. Rupert Williams,
Mrs. David Kestle, Mrs. Andy
Thompson, Mrs. Arthur Hod-
gins, and Mrs. Jim Donaldson
are to plan the smorgasbord
meal for the Ailsa Craig Bowl-
ing League on May 23 at the
Lucan Memorial Centre.
Mrs. Andy Thompson and
Mrs. Wm. C. Simpson assisted
the hostess in serving lunch.
The Clandeboye United Chur-
ch held their 98th anniversary
on Sunday. The Rev. G. W.
Sach introduced a former mini-
ster, the Rev. Stanley R. John-
ston BA of Thamesford who was
guest speaker. He was minister
from 1933-1939.
Miss Ilene M. Donaldson was
guest soloist and Miss Judy
Scott sang, also there was an
anthem by the choir. Mrs. G. W.
Sach pianist, accompanied.
The flowers placed in the
church were in memory of Miss
A. Bice.
After the service the ladies
served light refreshments in
the Sunday School room.
On Sunday May 12 service
will be at 2 pm, DST but on
Senelay May 19 the early morn-
ehange for the summer to
gleme DST will be made.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom. Sharpe
and son having taken up resi-
dence in the upper apartment
and Mr. and Mrs. C larence
Wise, the lower apartment of
Mr. Maurice Simpson on May 1
in the village,
Mrs. Karl O'Neil, Mrs, Gor-
den Mains and Mrs. Emily
Tomes have sent bales of cloth-
ing to the Rev. Stanley Tomes,
rector of St. Peters Church, Big
Trout Lake,
Mr. William Darling of
Moorseville, who has been hos-
pitalized in South Huron Hose
pital, Exeter for Some time is
A clinic was held at the Clan-
deboye school on. Monday morn-
ing when the pupils received a
skin test.
Svmmon 60
to ivry duty
'59 Consol Sedan
'58 Pontiac Strait) Chief Sedan 6,
automatic, radio.
'58 Plymouth Sedan, V-8, auto-
matic, one owner, loW mileage.
'56 Meteor Sedan, automatic.
'56 Dodge Regent Sedan, one
OWil cr.
'55 Buick Coach, radio.
Broderick Bros.
Latta and Gary Herr,
and Mr* and Mre.JoheVelgtne,
Parkhill, were guests en gun,-
day with Mr. 41:141,0,5 ,4i4rYPY
Latta and
Mr and. Mrs, .Fredquilioyle,
London, -visited on Sunday with
the former's sleter 401479o,,
or-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Aar-
mone Greenlee,.
Mrs, Earl greettlee attended
a Metrio Eijo convention at the
New conetellatIon Hotel, Toe,
onto, on Friday,
Mr, Dave Verey,Loetion, was
Weekend peet with mr, Wayne
Mr, and Mrs. Jack pickine
and mre, Maurice MacDonald.
spent Thursday in Forest help,
ing Mr. and Mrs. Harry Noels
move. Mr, and Mrs, Neela, Mr,
and Mrs, A. Caldwell, Shedders,
Mr. and, Mrs. Maurice Mac-
DOnald were guests on Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dickins.
• • Presenting Sheila (nde
and her daughter, Angela Mary
euerriere, on their first
modelling assignment together.
Big Selection of
Evergreens - Box Plants - Roses
"Know what the man told
me, sweetie?" en's FARM MARKETS
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Plain End Pipe froth 4" to 27 4
Conte in for a carefree
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Half Chicken
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See Bob Robinson at
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Try Our "2r Special — Special Treat BEAVER
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41040,1,21:4t^,Z40,44., $10..01At2:101.;••44..&:, •1,
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