HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-05-09, Page 10Ma y 190g $01100011$ Wanfed' Page 10 10 Livestock for Sale .17 Property' for Reni •..„...„.. 1 ROOM, available, .now,. 16, John St, E, Exeter, phone 235-0382. 4;11tfne SMALL APARTMENT, ltrifOr- nished, utilities paid, available now, Apply Tirees-Advecate, Exeter. MODERN .APARTMENT, in Crediton, all utilities paid, Reaaonable rent. Available immediately. Phone Crediton 2344301. 4 :18tfne WALK IN, hang up your hat. Fully furnished and newly decorated, steam heated one- bedroom apartment, all new furniture and appliances, in- cluding television, Elliot Apts,, 442 Main St„ phone 235- 2912. 4:25.tfne APARTMENT, 3 rooms, fur- nished, centrally located, main floor, private entrance, heat- ed, 'available May 15. Apply 365 William St. or phone 235- 0776. .5: 2tfne APARTMENT, heated, fur- nished, 3 rooms, ground floor, private entrance, centrally lo- cated, Available immediately. Apply 365 William St., phone 235-0776, 5:2tfne APARTMENT, one • bedroom, heavy duty rangette, water on tan. W. C. Pearce, 86 Anne St„ Exeter. 5:2tftic APARTMENT — 1-bedroom, newly decorated. Apply Whil- smith's Senior Citizen's Apart- ments, phone. 235-2473. 9c 13 For Sale 13 for Sale 13 for Sale 16 Properly for Sale HOUSE, 6 rooms; 2.-room gab- in; 8. miles north of Grand Pend; 4-minute walk to beach overlooking Grand Rend, For information apply Hotel 1m. Orend Bend. 2:90 CHOICE RIVER-FRONT lots, reasonably priced. Phone 238, 2039 Grand Bend after 6 p.m. 2:9* 17 ProPerlY for Pent A NICE. HOME for newly weds or retired couple. Very clean and cheery, newly dec- orated, Very private and quiet. Bathroom, kitchen, bed- room, dining room and living room, only $50,0 per month for 2 people, Unfurnished, but this includes steam heat and hot water, also coin laundry right at your door. Elliot Apts., 444 Main St., phone 235-2912, 4:18tfne APARTMENT — 2 bedroom, heated, unfurnished, available immediately, in the former Sim mon' Apartments. Phone 235-2012 after 6 p.m. 25tfne APARTMENT, furnished, heated, centrally locate d. Beavers Hardware, phone 235- 1033 Exeter. 25tfnc 58 'STARTER PIGS Apply Pete De Jong, RR 1 Crediton or phone 229.0252 Centralia YOUNG MARRIED MAN de- sires a job other than farms ing, in Or around Exeter, Has experience in trucking, with. chauffer permit. Apply Times- Advocate, phone 23.54331. 9* classified Yates 22 Words 085 Each Additional Word 30 (Minimum 850) 9 Service, WRINGER WASHERS with. large 11-lb, tub, 0-speed action, gentle action for heel- lens and delicate things as well as regular speed for the regular wash. These machines are guaranteed for 12 years and we believe they are the greatest dollar value on the Market today, We also have a few good used washers, Sandy Elliot, 444 Main 'St. 25:2:9c 2Qc Off GET A QUICK DRYING, (IWO running Sunbeam or GE hair :dryer at Sandy 444 Main $t, .2:9e FERTILIZE YOUR PASTURE ?4,51 111.Ta ryeaCr.D.OP 4oswtowiwther141:141d- Mediately and yet lasts all summer long to keep your PastPres green 'and producing during the months of July and who August, Ask us for information. and references from those have used it. Connis Mill Ltd„ Exeter, 16' VACATION TRAILER, with cabana 8'44,, with ell facilities. Sleeps six. Loeated at Turnbull's Grove. For fur- ther particulars phone 1864, Hensall, MYERS SPRAYERS and Cal- la chemicals available from your dealer Rosaire Bedard, RR 2 Zurich, Phone 93r18. 5:0-6;13* • • GUERNSEY COW, purebred, due. to freshen immediately, William Frost 227-4204 Lucan. Sc. If paid' by Saturday following last insertion, HADCO WELL DIGGING — Machine dug 1 ft, to ft. diameter up to 150 ft, deep; repairing and deepening. Highway 85, Elmira MO 9- 3761, or Lucan BA 7-4660. 2:21*thic REGISTERED POLLED Hereford .bulls, serviceable age, good quality, very of Victor Domino breeding, priced r eoaonably. Also good registered Polled Hereford calf suitable for 411 project. Apply Aileen Lee, Ailse Craig or 5 miles smith of Crediton. 9e .SPARTON SIGHT, '.:SOUND can be yours for less money at Exeter Electric, New 1963 TV and Stereo. Sales and Service. Exeter 'Electric, 235- 0730. 12: 13eowtfne PUSH LAWN MOWER, used, in new condition, used one season, Phone John Katz, 235- 0721, .or apply at 103 Simcoe St., Exeter, 9;10* JOLLY Jumf,Eft. and child's walker, reasonably priced, Phone, 235-2707, BARN, steel roof, timber frame. Phone Hensall 268W1. 9:16c Secend Insertion 21/2 PER WoRo (Minimum 550) 3 BEDROOM asbestos shingle cottage. Oil heat. Garage. 2-BEDROOM wartime house with oil heat. 3-BEDROOM instil brick. New oil furnace, LARGE BRICK HOUSE com- pletely modernized. Rent from separate apartment will pay heat and taxes. NEW 3-BEDROOM, living room, dining room, basement, garage, oil heat. LARGE OLDER HOME which could be renovated into a showplace. Terms. 3-UNIT APARTMENT house. $2,500 down. 1 ACRE OF LAND south of Exeter on No. 4 Highway. 100-ACRE FARM in McGil- livray, $14,000, 100-ACRE FARM in Stephen, $19,000. 2-BEDROOM HOUSE on 5 acres, $6,000. NICE 50-ACRE FARM includ- ing tractor, cultivator, 2-fur- row ploW, disc, $8,600. $50.00 DOWN will buy a 76' buiding lot. SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED— Immediate service, always available. Harold Butler, Lu- can, phone BA 7-4254 or BA 7-4312 collect. 10:4tfne PIG'S—Apply Winchelsea Store or phone 14r7 Kirkton. HOLSTEIN HEIFER, vaccin- ated, due now, bred Hereford. Also registered Hereford bulls (due to the cancellation of the Clinton Hereford Sale), ready for service. Phone Whitney Coates & Son, Kirkton 39r3. 5:9tftm DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL Six Insertions c PER Wrnao (Minimum 4501 KR OEHLER LAZY Boy chair, new, avocado green up- holstery, Apply 244 Main St„ phone 235-1553. 2:9c MORE PEOPLE sleep on Sim- mons than on any other brand of mattress, We have them regular of extra long. A good sleep is much preferred to a bad backache. Get your new mattress today from Sandy Elliot, 444 Main St. 2:9c WEED SPRAYER, 19 nozzle boom; Meyers pump, 2 years old. W. J. F. Bell, RR 2 Kip- pen, phone 265J4 Hensel], 2;9* For dead or disabled animals, call FOR MOTHER on Mother's Day, hair dryers, tea kettles, coffee pots, fry pans, lamps, easy chairs, ranges, refriger- ators, deep freeze chests, a new chesterfield or mattress. You buy the best for less at Sandy Elliot's, 444 Main St. 9c 12 Cars, Trucks For Sale LUCAN 1 and 2 bedroom apartments, stove and frig available, heated; $57.50 and $67,50, in new building. Ralph Lippert, phone 227.4313. 9c COZY APARTMENT, furnish- ed and heated. Private en- trance, Suitable for two, 170 Carling St. APARTMENT, 2-bedroom, in Hensall. Available June 1. Ap- ply to D. C. Joynt, phone 62 Hensall, Ont, 5:9tfnc APARTMENT, upstairs, part- ly furnished, private entrance, 1/2 mile east of Grand Bend, on Highway 81. Phone Grand Bend 238-2763. 9:16:23* A-1 USED CARS Semi-Display Classifieds (Restricted to One Column) First insertion—Per Inch $1.40 Second Insertion— Per Inch $1.25 Minimum one inch, accepted only in multiples of 1,.z inch. DARLING & COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED Phone Collect Clinton Hunter 2-7269 Licence No, 262-C-63 9:20tfnc COMPLETE NEW HOME FURNISHINGS Classifications FOR BACKHOE WORK of any description, phone 235-1075 days, or 235-2596 Don Harris, Exeter, after 6 p.m. 5:2.6:6* Just in time for MOTHER'S DAY! NEW I NEW NEW Now we can supply you with a wonderful sileage corn, which is going to give you more milk and more beef an acre. Use SWEET DENT CORN for top production. No more mixing reauired with molasses. Sweet Dent has a sugar •content of 15%. Place your orders now to avoid dis- appointment with W. VICTOR KNIP RR 1 Centralia Phone 235-1815 Exeter 9:16c JAMESWAY OIL BROODER stove, good condition, com- plete $20,00. Alex Macintosh 227-4598 Clandeboye. 2:9:16c 1956 CHEV COACH, heater, back-up lights, two tone green. 1958 FORD V 8 FAIRLANE sedan, dual range, auto metic, power steering, radio, heater, back-up lights. E. L. CHAFFE & SONS Phone 228-6641 Crediton Road and #4 Hwy. 5:2tfnc 25% OFF KOOL-VENT — NASH ALUMINUM — WINDOW AWNINGS — PORCH CANOPIES — DOORS and WINDOWS — ALUMINUM SIDING - ALUMINUM & WROUGHT IRON PORCH — STEP RAILINGS Our Own Brand Name ONLY $750.00 Automatic defrost refriger- ator, automatic heavy duty electric stove, beautiful 2- piece chesterfield or daveno suite, 5-piece chrome set and a very modern bed, springs and mattress, double dresser and chest of drawers all for $750,00. This makes a very de- sirable combination to start housekeeping. Easy terms if desired, SANDY ELLIOT 444 Main St. Exeter 9c OFF WATCHES 1. Lost, Strayed 2. Found 3. Male Help Wanted 4. Female Help Wanted 5. Help Wanted 6, Business Opportunities 7, Teachers Wanted 8, Situations Wanted 9. Services 10. Livestock For Sale IL Poultry For Sale 12. Cars, Trucks For Sale 13. For Sale 14. Wanted To Buy 15. Wanted 16, Property For Sale 17. Property For Rent 18. For Rent 19. For Sale or Rent 20. Wanted To Rent 21. Property Wanted 22. Notices 23. Legal Notices 24, Tenders Wanted 25. Auction Sales JOHN BURKE MANURE LOADER with a winch, in good condition, $40. Apply to Lorne Ginge9ric6h*, phone 84r3 Zurich. :1 HEDRICK BLACKBERRIES, very strong young plants from certified parent stock. Call and get your needs. L, V. Hogarth, phone 235-1414, 9:16c We do our own installing. Call us for free estimates, 1961 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, radio, seat covers, roof rack, whitewalls and many extras. Phone Claude Poirier, 228- 6236 RCAF Centralia. 9* '57 MERCURY Monterey, 4- door, push button, automatic transmission, power windows, radio, good tires, new shocks all around. Asking price $850 —will bargain. Contact F/0 Lambie, Local 314, or call 228-6811. 9c WALKER ALUMINUM SALES Limited DEVON BUILDING Phone 235-1863 5:2tfne BRICK DUPLEX dwelling, moderate price, liberal terms. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, 86 Anne St. 3:28tfc Sample Saving: 17-Jewel Perma-Spring Ladies' Wrist Watch, Reg. $25.95, NOW ONLY $19.50 OTHER GIFTS FOR MOTHER: Olin Brown Candy New Costume Jewellery JACK SMITH JEWELLER Main St., Exeter 9c EXETER Phone (Collect) 235-0722 3:28tfne See Your Authorized Dealer for sales and service for Viking Electric Separators and milking machines. Basil O'Rourke, Brucefield Phone HU 2-9131 Clinton 2:14-6:20* FINANCE YOUR CAR on our "less than 6% discount plan", Phone Don Williamson, Com- mercial Credit Plan, 633 Dun- das Street, London, Ont., GE 3-1746. 9:16:23:30c COFFEE TABLE, end tables, lamps and TV chair; formal dress size 11 to 12. Phone 228- 6728 Centralia. 9c SEED CORN ,Belleriver Cow Salad Blend, $8.50 bushel. Other seed available at high- er prices. Cann's Mill Ltd., Exeter. 9c 'I Lost, Strayed DEW WORMS, YES! We have fat, lively dew worms for sale again this year. Vic, Bruce and Janiie Fuleher. Phone 235- 1775 Exeter. 9c WOOD CARVING, anti que furniture repairs and altera- tions; F r e n c h polishing. — Sander Molnar, Hensall, phone 322. 18:25:2:9c BRICK HOUSE, 11/2 storey, in village of Woodham. Six rooms with 3-piece bath, sun porch, full basement, oil heat and garage. Apply Carman Switzer, 928 Eagle Crescent, London, phone 439-7112, after 5 p.m. 2:9c PICK-UP TRUCK, 1955 °hey, body and motor in A-1 condi- tion, new 6-ply tires and bat- tery. Ed (Spooner) Cuillerier, phone 228-6221 Centralia, after .5 p.m 5:9*tfnc itatealflinainalWASWIMINAMMeagnitalideefeaMiltiMORMONNet LAWNMOWERS, all types, sharpened and repaired. John- ny's Shell Station, Highway 21, South, Grand Bend. 18ffne FLOOR SANDING & REFINISHING Hardwood floors laid, sanded and refinished. Old floors resurfaced. Quality material and workmanship. MURRAY NEIL 249 Marlborough St., Exeter 18:25:2:9* 5 ACRES SCOTCH COLLIE DOG, male, brown, white front feet, white breast, narrow white strip down face, long bushy tail, slightly lame in hind leg, no tag, household pet, answers to name "Scotty"; lost March 1. Any information gladly receiv- ed and reward offered. Percy Duncan, phone Kirkton 37r10. 9:16* Business Director DRY SLAB and body wood. Also t,vantee to buy good standing timber. Apply Ro- bert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig, phone 232-4450 Nairn. 3:21tfnc McSTEPHEN AUTO WRECKERS RR 1 Crediton Behind Centralia Airport Used Tires, Wheels & Tubes also Batteries, Seal Beams Guaranteed 13 For Sale Only a few miles north of Exeter on highway, this valu- able property is offered for the first time for sale. Includ- ed in asking price of $15,000 is a substantial 2-storey brick residence, fully modernized, plus a machinery repair shop about 40x60. School buses stop nearby. Ideal for fleet owner or suit many enterprises. Cash requested as owner has other interest. Complete in- formation by calling exclusive agent, ROWCLIFFE• REAL ESTATE LIMITED, M.L.S. Realtor, 780 Richmond Street, London. Phone GE 4-5725. 9c itillaraMegeMeaRMNINSealltaallifeaMMIIMeeneeeeenieleteMeallactel SEED CORN—FOR 22 consec- utive years more farmers have planted De Kalb seed corn than any other brand. What better proof can you ask on the profit qualities of De Kaib? Order seed now. Phone 161r1 Dashwood, Ervin Ratz. 4:11-5:1.6* PIONEER SEED CORN does not cost you—it pays you. To- day you can't afford to plant anything but the best. I still have a small supply of seed corn available. Phone Are drew Diepstraten, Dashwood 116. 4:11-5:16c LADIES' WATCH, Bulova, in Dashwood, on Wednesday, May 1, 1963. Reward. Phone 235-2425. Sc ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times. "Service That Satisfies" DASH WOOD EXETER Phone 119 Phone 235.0991 PHONE 228-6214 2 Found MACKENZIE & RAYMOND BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS CHARLES L. MACKENZIE PETER L. RAYMOND Hensall Office in the Town Hall open Wednesday 2 to 5 Pm. PHONE 235.2234 EXETER 14 Wanted To Buy "SINGER" Sales-Service—Re- pairs to all makes of sewing machines and vacuum clean- ers, Courtesy machine loaned on all repairs. Free estimate. Dyson Sewing Centre, Singer Approved Dealer, London, GE 3-3322 collect. 9:16:23:30:6:13* LIGHT TAN PART BOXER, female pup. W. J. F. Bell, RR 2 Kippen, phone Hensall 265J4. 2:9* TRICYCLE in good condition. Phone 228-6258 Centralia. 9c LSMFT 15 Wanted FRAME BARN, 45x70, steel hip roof. Phone 234-6205 Cred- iton. 9:16* 4 Female Help Wanted STENOGRAPHER N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Weekday Except Wednesday For Appointment Ph 235.2433 USED CARS C. H. RODER, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC Strathroy, Ontario OFFICE HOURS Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri. 9 - 12, 2 - 5 Tues. and. Fri. Evening, 7 - 9 By Appointment Please Office Phone 654 Home 1498 BEST GOLF BUY! Famous Spalding Truflite clubs—two woods, five irons, only $45. (London price: $49.95.) Lloyd Greenacre, phone 235-1667. 4:lltfnc '61 T-B1RD, loaded—Join the uppercrust for only $4,000 '62 PONTIAC COACH, V-8, automatic ..... _ ...... $2,350 '61 FORD RANCHWAGON, V-8 stick, driven by a quiet insurance agent $2,100 '61 FORD SEDAN, loaded $2,100 '60 DODGE 4-DOOR RANCHWAGON $1,750 '60 GALAXIE SEDAN, 6 automatic $1,700 '59 FORD RANCHWAGON, loaded $1,650 '61 FORD COACH, 6 stick $1,650 '59 GALAXIE SEDAN, loaded $1,650 '59 FORD 500 SEDAN $1,550 '61 DELUXE VOLKS—I'm tired of seeing it $1,195 '58 EDSEL SEDAN $1,000 '60 PREFECT, low mileage ., ........ ............ $ 900 '56 MERCURY 4-DOOR RANCHWAGON $ 650 BUICK HARDTOP $ 650 DODGE RANCHWAGON $ 400 Various Other Things — From $75 Up Or Twist My Arm For Less FOR AUTO WRECKING DR. J. W. CORBETT L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Devon Building Phone 235-1083 Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoons 5-DAY WEEK For permanent position in Exeter office, good salary. Apply Box NAS, Exeter Tim es-Advocate. 3:8tfne I AM EQUIPPED and re- quest your order for weed spraying in your grain crops, fence bottoms or around farm buildings, or your fruit trees, or anywhere you need the services of an experienced spray mare Also weed kill and orchard spray for sale. L. V. Hogarth, phone 235-1414. 9:16:23c OFFICE HELP BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL, Q.C. C. V, LAUGHTON, Q.C., LLB. Zurich Office Tuesday Afternoons PHONE 235.0440 EXETER '56 '54 DASHWOOD HOME FOR SALE The residence of the late Louis H. Rader, 3 bedrooms, 3-piece bath, new oil hot air furnace, living room, den, dining room, kitchen, base- ment, nice treed lot, double garage. Elgin and Lloyd Rader, executors, or Bell & Laughton, Exeter. 9:16c LOVELY LOG CABIN, all winterized, modern conven- iences, 2 bedrooms, double garage, 19 acres, in pinery on Highway 21; valuable pro- perty; reasonably price d, Phone Thedford 296-4438. 9 : 16 ; 23* REED'S AUTO WRECKER HENSALL Phone 242 or 196 Hensall 2:9:16:26* ROOM SIZE RUG, grey vis- cose, 9 x 9' with under pad, $35.00 complete. Apply 365 William St. or phone 235-0776. 18tfnc 1956 MOBILE HOME, 42'x8', in good condition, furnished and installed on treed lot at Turnbull's Grove. Phone 228- 6683 Centralia. 4: 25tfnc BOATING OUTFIT, 14' cedar strip, all controls; 18 horse Evinrude mo to r, Tee-Nee trailer trap, excellent condi- tion. Phone 238.2142 Grand Bend, 25:2:9c PERENNIAL PLANTS, Glori- osa daisies, spring phlox, lu- pins, fall asters, rock garden plants, columbines. Mrs. Gor- don A. Smith, 168 Main St„ Exeter. 25:2:9* JOLLY JUMPER—The scien- tific baby exerciser, Jolly Jumper means fun —bounces of it— and every bounce 18 acientifically designed to help build up baby. Only $8,87 at Hopper-Hockey Furniture. 25:2:9c DR. H. H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON L.D.S., D.D.S. Main Street Exeter Closed All bay Saturdays PHONE 235.0233 PASTURE for 12 yearlings, Apply G. Hamilton, Hensall, phone 33.93'3 9:16* PASTURE for as number of yearlings. Phone Ross Oke, 235-1707. GOOD HOME WANTED for 2 German Sheppard pupa 3 months old, Phone 235-0343 Exeter. 9c LAKE HURON KEN'S KITCHEN KABINETS, custom wood working, furni- ture refinishing, aluminum doors and windows, general carpentering, Phone Ken Kel- ler 34r9 Dashwood. 9tfnc NOTICE TO FARMERS! Any- one wishing atrazine applied on corn or grain, or pasture sprayed, or whitewashing done call Hubert Cooper & Sons. Phone 235-2807 Exeter, 5:9-7:25e TRUCKS Exeter firm requires lady for retail selling, reception and office work, 51/2 day week. excellent working conditions, group insurance. Apply in writing to Box 400, Times- Advocate, 4:25tfne WOMAN WII0 CAN DRIVE— If you would enjoy working 3 or 4 hours a day calling regu- larly each month on a group of Studio Girl Cosmetics clients on a route to be estab- lished in and around Exeter and are willing to make light deliveries, etc., write Sudio Girl Cosmetics, Dept, OW?, 840 Lafleur Ave., Montreal 32, Route will pay up to $5.00 per hour, 9:16:23e 16 Properly For Sale JOHN WARD, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST` 15 Wellington St., across from PUC ST. MARTS PHONE 1272 G. A. WEBB, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC CLOSED WEDNESDAY For Appointment Ph 235-1680 '58 INT. 200 V-8 TRACTOR with trailing axle and triple axle dump trailer ........ ......... ..... $6,600 '59 FORD F-700 CHASSIS & CAB, motor hauled '61 FORD* PICKUP, long box, custom cab $1,650 '59 GMC with big long platform $1,500 '56 FORD F-700 DUMP $1,150 '60 VOLXS VAN $1,000 '59 CHEV 2-TON CHASSIS & CAB $1,000 '55 FORD PICKUP $ 400 '50 FORD 2-TON CHASSIS & CAB $ 300 '49 1.1-I 3/4 -TON $ 250 7)(12• STEEL DUMP BODY .... $ 400 7x13 STAKE BODY..... $ 300 .... .. .. over- $2,200 Lakefront cottage contains 3 bedrooms, 3-piece bath and living room, kitchen combine- lion, about 5 miles north of Greed Bend, in quiet, restful area, Asking $5,000.00 com- plete. Cash will talk on this one, Immediate possession. Exclusive listing with ROW- CLIFFE REAL ESTATE LIM- ITED, M.L.S. REALTOR, 780 Richmond S t r e e t, London. Phone GE 4-5725, 9c HURON CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES Prepaid Health Plans at Cost the Icoop ) way FARMERS C. V. PICKARD REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE 4-BEDROOM BRICK home, modern kitchen, new oil burn- ing furnace, close to sehool. This is riot a large home but will accommodate a family in comfort. Reasonable price; tennis, INDUSTRIAL building, 80' x 28', tile block eonstruction, BUSINESS BLOCK-4 tenan- cies all Occupied. ONE LOT — on PrYde Botile- yard. C. V. PICKARD, REALTOR 394 Mani St., Exeter Phones 285-0310 and 235-0414 2: 2114`nc BRICK 13UNGAt01/V, 7 years old, in Lucatt, 3-bedrome, liv- ing Twin, kitchen, 4-piece bath, recreation room. Priced for quick sale as ()Wrier traits- ferted. Phone 227-4485.'Lucan, 4;2511n0 CHOICE BUILDING LOT,- Hill St, directly South of arid overlooking Riverview Park, Apply Box 1111, Times-AdVO- tato, . 8: 23tinc USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office — Exeter, Ont. Have your custom planting done this year by experient- ed men with modern machine- ry. We have a new precision John Deere 4-row corn arid bean planter to do your job with 100% satisfaction. While it lasts, we have a small amount of feed corn avail- able. We can supply you with Ontario and Michigan seed beans. Bean cOntracts able, W. VICTOR KNIP TRACTORS WAITRESS; also woman for kitchen; good wages for de- pendable and experienced per- sons, Apply in person at Rether's Restaurant, Exeter, go FOR. HOUSEHOLD DUTIES— South littrozi HoSpital, Exeter, Apply to, the hospital admin- istrator between the luatira 9 a.m., and 5 P,ro, ge BOARD OF DIRECTORS President, Fordyce Clark, RR 5, Goderieh; Vice-Pres,, Gor- don Kirkland, AR 3, Luck- now; Mrs, O. G. Anderson, RR 5, Wingham; Mrs, Lloyd Taylor, E x e t e r; Hugh B. Smith, RR , 2, LiStoWel; Lone Bodges, RR 1, Goderich; Roy Strong, Gorriel Russell T. Bolton, RR 1, Seatlorth; Bert RR 2, Seaforth; Bert Mop, Zurich; Gordon Rich- ardeOn, RR 1, Brucefield; Keeneth Johns, RR 1, Wood- ha tn. C. H. i!otadte Secretary-Manager MSS C. E. Plumtree Assistant Secretary For information, dell your nearest Aitector irr oar office in the tredit Unien Bldg., 70 Ontario Street, Clinton, Tele. phone HUnter 2-9/51. RR 3 Liman RR 1 Cronaarty RR 4 Mitchell 17 Properly For Rent APARTMENT, suitable for two people, heat and hot Water supplied. Apply Pen- hale Apts., 70 John. St. east. 311.4tfne Directors Timothy B. Toohey President Robert G. Gardiner Vice-President William II, Chaffe I RAVE a limited supply of Pioneer hybrid seed corn on hand. You can get it now while a good choice of hybrid and kernel size is available, Keith Lovell, Hensel, phone 265W1. 2512;9c COMPARE the features end you too will buy a Lewyt vacuum cleaner, sold exclu- sively in Exeter by Sandy Elliot Furniture and Appli- elides,. 444 'Main St. • 2:9e KELVINATOR refrigerators,' ranges and deep freete chests, There are none better than Kelvinator ,and there it no better place to deal than with Sandy Elliot, 444 Main St., Exeter, , 2,t0e RCA VICTOR "NeW Vista". Television, arid "Total Sound" Steteo. See the 100$ taodels, Sales and Service, Exeter Electric, 235.0730, 12:13e0Wtine 5 Help Wanted '59 FORD 871 DIESEL $2,550 '62 SUPER DEKTA DIESEL $2,550 '57 FORD 250 BALER $ 750 '49 OLIVER•. 71 With live PTO $ 700 '52 PORb, above average $ 700 '54 MASS EY 22 with 4-row scettler... ..... ..... $ '650 . ..... AND .ki-Mt. MORE -JUNK I - • ,"• • -• E. Clayton Colquhotin RR 1 Science Hill Martin Feeney RR 2 Dublin Milton McCurdy lilt 1 Kirkton RR 1 Centralia ?Ilene 235-1815 Exeter 9:16:23e APARTMENT—Upper 1 bed, room, furnished, Heat, hot water supplied, Centrally le- cated, quiet district. No pets, Apply 59 John St. E., Exeter. 21thie LOWER APARTMENT — bedroom, furtilehed, heat, hot water supplied; good locntion. Newly paltite d, No pets please, Apply 59 John St. E., Exeter, 2ltfnc APARTMENT, modern 2.bed. room, stove and frig sup- plied, private bath and ent, ranee, central location, Apply Parker apartments, 431 Main St., phone 235.0915, 3:29tiric 10 Livestock For Sale WAITRESSES, full and nett- time, kitchen help, booth help And cashiers, Apply Mrs. Neabitt, The Snack Shop, Grand Bend, phone 238-2492. 90 PART OR PULL TIME tiurs- ing help and a took at Queens- Way . Nursing Home, Hensel Phone 222 Hensall, De Will: "Yettr grattdfether Meat bia Very rich." Bilk "NO, he's riot kith, but he hag SO tiffany gold teeth he has to sleep with his heed le the safe." Larry SnIder Motors umito PHONE '235.1640 EXEtElt Fbtd, Falrlane, Falcon and Ford Ttiscita Agents Hugh Beniiieget Dublin Harty Conte' RR 1 Centralia Clayton Harris Mitchell Solicitors IVIackentle -,114 flayinond Exeter Secrete ry-tree surer Arthur Prager Eget& HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, 21/2 years Old, vaccinated, bred Hereford due soot, John Berendsen, phone 21r4 Kirk- ton, 83 highway, 1V4 miles east of Parquher, 2:9:16* COWS ee, Holstein springing cows and heifers, clean test, purebreds and grade's. Phone Keith Marr, Lambeth, 652. 3200, 4:4;5:30*