HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-05-09, Page 3A Financial Report to the Ratepayers of The Town.of ...Exeter Auditor's Comments. Revenue 'Fund Surplus .Account PUC Electric Power Exeter Separate School April 5, 1963. credit Balance Debit REVENUE REVENUE The Mayor, Members pf Council and Ratepayers, The .Corporation of the Town pf Exeter. Exeter, Ontario. Bnlance at beginning of year . . Snrplua included in Current Budget Write off account receivable Surplus for the year . . . . . 09,410.20. 16,288.51 54126.75 24.80 53,101.95 34,001.77 Sale of Electrical Energy: Residential Sales .. Corninerelal SaleP Lighting, etc, Industrial Sales Lighting, etc. . $77,603.72 Sales to own Municipality Street Lighting • • Government Grants; Ontario . , , 2,000.00 .4415400 .33,83P44 29,548.96 5,436.85 •If 3,000.94 3/00.09 2*806.99 Total Revenue . Deficit . . • • • f 't i .P. a M. • • • a V PAP • Dear Sirs: f• • • •.• Tetals of Debit & Credit columns 15,313,31 93,617.03 Balance of Surplus at year end We have audited the accounts and records of the Town of .Exeter for the year ended December 31, 1962 and have prepared therefrom the fir nancial statements listed in the Ode* accompanying this report., .Operations The operations for the year resulted in a surplus of $24,50141 compared with a surplus of $17,623.55 for the year ended December 31, 1961, Presented herewith is a condensed comparative Statement of Revenue and Expenditure fpr the three years ended December 31, 1962, 1901 .and 1960. Total ;0,800,,99, • • • • .• •4 5,436.85 EXPENDITURE AdMinistration . . • • # . a • . • • • • • • Plant operation and maintenance . . a . Instruction Salaries -- principals, teachers and Inspectors 2,680.00 Instructional supplies • ... 1,912.54 Miscellaneous Revenue; Servicing of Customers' Installations Sales of Merchandise Interest Pole and meter rentals . . . Sundry 231.74 1,320.19 4,908.85 226.24 784.50 14.85 Statement of Revenue and Expenditure REVENUE .P43.1A 4.592.54 9.68 9.68 30.90 30.90 5,806.99 7,254.63 158,308.94 158,308.94 Auxilip.ry services Interest on temporary borrowing, bank charges Total expenditure Total Total Revenue . . . . . . Year ended December 31 Revenues 1962 1961 1960 Taxation ... . . , 244,8'75.'71 232,841.02 207,670.15 Debenture debt charges recover- able 75,118.08 73,559.11 55,105,09 Contributions, grants and subsidies 32,509.64 24,244.61 37,957.48 Contributions other municipalities 10,888.66 9,084.54 8,414.44 Licenses and permits 1,388.95 1,175.00 1,359.37 Interest and tax penalties 2,593.04 2,621.67 2,456.51 Other revenues 5,137.54 4,819.23 3,216.90 Surplus of prior years used to reduce levy 16,288.51 1,443.26 388,750.13 348,345.18 317,626.20 Total Revenue Section . . ... $5,806.99 Actual Budget 244,875.71 240,456.44 75,118.08 72,471.49 .. • ... 0.0 •• fo• Total Revenue from Taxation . . . . Long-Term Debt Charges Recoverable Contributions, Grants and Subsidies Governments; Canada 949.39 Ontario-- Children's Protection '769.05 Direct Relief 5,789.74 Highway Improvement . . . 11,047.51 Payments in lieu of muni- cipal taxes 1,264.45 Police and Fire 197.10 Unconditional per Capita Grants . 9,303.10 Recreation 3,189.30 EXPENDITURES Exeter Recreation Committee Administration and General Customers' Billing and Collecting Electrical Energy Purchased Transmission and Transformation: Operation Distribution; Operation Street Lighting: Operation Other -- Exclusive of Depreciation and Debenture Debt Charges: Cost of Merchandise Sales Building operation and maintenance 7,817.01 7,985.55 103,407.49 900.00 REVENUE. G r a n t s : Province of Ontario ... . ...... • . • ... 31:21882 800. 9 :00 6370 Town of Exeter . 3, Exeter Kinsmen and Kinnette Clubs Exeter Lions Club , 400.00 R.C,A.F. Centralia 400.00 Exeter Community Centre Board-share of ex- penditure 2,775.76 Minor athletics 1,293.39 756 .7 Playground 1,096.76 Figure skating club 557.95 Other activities ,187.16 f 0 • • 8,709.75 2,563.66 1,357.92 4,390.78 1,836.24 1,836.24 6,227.02 8,854,00 146,922.40 11,386.54 $158,308.94 Expenditure General government Protection to persons and property Public works, roads and streets Sanitation and waste removal . . Relief assistance Institutional care Education Recreation and community service Debenture debt charges Discount for taxes Taxes written off County rates capital expenditure out of current revenue Deficit of prior years levied for Provision for reserve funds . . 24,036.50 26,265.81 17,873.69 31,022.64 28,941.37 25,835.42 37,773.73 26,6'74.58 61,670.77 10,807.23 11,139.40 9,293.40 3,048.43 2,168.62 1,182.91 4,809.85 5,214.78 2,467.26 91,401.81 79,934.31 67,543.80 15,943.15 13,605.21 19,304.70 83,470.60 84,553.93 65,985.00 1,601.22 1,529.81 1,316.81 1,773.37 578.93 564.15 40,559.83 37,972.64 36,615.94 31,560.25 28,247.70 10,888.66 9,000,00 1,338.95 1,050,00 2,593.04 2,400.00 Other Municipalities County of Huron 10,888,66 Licenses and permits (include dog tax) Interest, Tax Penalties, etc Other Revenues-- Rents, Concessions and Franchises 683.04 Fines . 244,33 Service Charges 955.00 Recreation and Community Ser- vices 134.10 Depreciation • 14,982.99 Total Expenditure Surplus for Year carried forward to Surplus Account EXPENDITURE Salaries directors and assistants 9,643,73 Administration expense . 2,366.07 Minor athletics 1,935.41 Playground 1,617,69 Figure skating club 404.00 Other activities 183.97 Equipment 41.29 9,272.00 10,842.59 2,870.24 Total Expenditure Section . . . a , 18,000,00 364,248,36 330,721.63 24,501.77 17,623.55 2,016.47 1,400.00 320,496.44 (2,870.24) Miscellaneous Provision for deferred revenue 655.27 Discount on county rates 1,372.38 Sale of land 96.00 Recovery of taxes written off . 609.15 Sundry 388.27 Exeter Public School Board Surplus (deficit) for year 16,192.16 Excess of Expenditure over Revenue 1,209.17 The results of the other Boards and Commissions were as follows Public Utilities Commission Hydro Surplus Water Supply . . . . . . . Surplus South Huron District High School Deficit Exeter Public School Board Surplus Exeter Separate School Board Deficit Exeter Cemetery Board . . , . Deficit Exeter Community Centre Board Surplus Exeter Recreational Council Deficit Exeter Library Board . . . Surplus Exeter Industrial Development Corporation 3,121.07 2,300.00 372,461.62 358,225.63 16,288.51 16,288.51 388,750.13 374,514.14 REVENUE 11,386.54 5,379.54 15,512.84 306.09 2,806.99 82.62 838.95 1,209.1'7 98.75 Gross Total Revenue ...... Surplus from Prior Years used to reduce levy Exeter Public Library Board Government Grants: Ontario 61,485.26 61,485.26 REVENUE 388,750.13 374,514.14 Total Revenue Section . Taxes requisitioned (including debt charges): From own municipality .. . From other municipalities Township of Stephen Township of Usborne 62,738.84 750.81 243.5'7 Grants: Town of Exeter 2,100.00 Province of Ontario 1,596.21 County of Huron 39,85 Room rentals 252.00 Fees 97.42 Microfilm 213.89 Sale of books 42.50 4,341.87 EXPENDITURE 63,733.22 1,149.40 158.00 4,713.86 131,239.74 $131,239.74 Surplus . 517.31 Tuition fees from counties, other school boards and individuals: . . . General Government Executive and Legislative 3,315.00 Administrative 9,972.91 Other 10,748.59 24,036.50 24,850.00 Auditors Opinion Other Revenue: Insurance refund We hereby report that in our opinion (1) The ,financial transactions which have come under our been within the powers of the municipality. (2) The audit has been conducted in accordance with the instructions of the department of Municipal Affairs, (3) The financial statements present fairly the financial position of the Municipality as at December 31, 1962 and the results of its operations for the year ended on that date. A. M. HARPER & CO. License Number 2386 158.00 EXPENDITURES notice have Protection to Persons and Property Fire 8,978.83 Police 13,612.84 Law Enforcement 48.00 Street Lighting 5,522.69 Protective Inspection ...... . 273.00 Ausable River Conservation Authority 2,509.79 Dog pound . . . . . . . ..... . . . 77.49 Books 1,306.43 Magazines 23.45 Salaries Librarian , . ....... ....... 1,060,00 Assistant librarian 38,30 Secretary 100.00 Janitor 451.90 Light, heat and water 534.10 Repairs to building and equipment 64.35 Stationery and supplies 61.94 Insurance 4.15 Membership fees 4.00 Postage express and bank charges . - ... 6.04 Microfilm 588.46 4,243.12 Excess of Revenue over Expenditure 98.75 Surplus at end of prior year: Total Revenue: Total; 31,022.64 31,170.00 EXPENDITURE Public Works--Roads, Highways and Streets etc.. Sanitation and Waste Removal . . Social Welfare Relief Assistance 3,048.43 Institutional Care .. 4,809.85 Education, including debt charges Recreation and Community Services Debt Charges Long-term debt charges . . .• . 121,069.22 Less own share of school debt charges 37,712.51 83,356.71 Short-term interest and other charges 113.89 37,773.73 46,200.00 10,807,23 11,300,00 2,947.19 Administration: Plant operation and maintenance Capital and Loan Fund Balance Sheet Assets 13,276.30 Instruction Salaries--principals, teachers and inspectors Instructional supplies 7,858.28 7,936.00 91,401.81 90,354.51 15,943.15 14,820.00 77,942.26 6,288.90 84,231.16 Exeter Industrial Development Corporation 374.47 Auxiliary services 374.47 218,429.54 General Fixed Due from Schools: Public 197,000.00 High Debt Charges; :Long-term debt -- interest .... 000. principal instalments 9,995.00 15,000.00 24,995.00 87,972.50 284,972,50 REVENUE 83,470.60 83,467.49 Discount for Taxes 1,601.22 1,400.00 Taxes written off and refunded 1,773,37 500.00 Joint or Special Expenditures County Rates . , 40,559.83 Grant - Town of Exeter 821.00 Membership dues 236.07 1,057.07 Due from Utilities & Other Municipal Enterprises: Water Supply System ...... . . . 171,937.18 Housing 400.00 172.337.18 Due from Other Municipalities 369,027. 50 $1,044,766.72 24,995.00 305.8'7 126,129.79 5,109.95 131,239.74 Other Expenditures Share of taxes written off 305.67 EXPENDITURES 40,559.83 41,159.00 Miscellaneous 195.53 Provision for Allowances, Reserves and Reserve Funds 18,000.00 Gross Total Expenditure . . . . . 364,248.36 Surplus for the Year . . . . d . . . 24,501.7'7 Travel promotion . . 128.65 Entertainment 78.63 Stationery 11.17 Office expense . a . 8.85 Signs 187.46 Land survey 125.00 Total expenditure Surplus Total 18,000.00 371,352.53 3,161.61 Liabilities Debenture Debt Issued and Unmatured: General Debt Schoola PUblic . . High 539.76 Excess of Revenue over Expenditure 517.31 Total Expenditure Section $388,750.13 374,514.14 31,400.00 31,400.00 197,000.00 457,000,00 654,000.00 Exeter Community Centre Board Exeter Cemetery Board Public Utilities & Other Municipal Enterprises Water Supply System . . . ...... Housing Total Investment in Capital Assets • * . „ PUC Water Supply System REVENUE Sale of PlotS C14.00.01•40.00 914.00 Care of Plots . • . . . . . . . 2,117.00 Burial Charges . 41 ...04•0.0•4 ••6•• 0 5,107.10 Miscellaneous Revenue Interest on investments and bank deposits 3,582.17 Provided by Municipality from Tax Levy ... Total Revenue 171,937,18 400.00 172,337.18 857,737.18 187,029.54 1,044,766.72 REVENUE Hockey 302.59 Grants: Town of Exeter • . . . . . . 2,000.00 11.C.A.F. rentals . . . . ..... . . . . . . .. .. 1,655.00 Sign rentals a 850.00 Minor hockey .. . .. a , . . .. . - , , . . . . 1,562600 Skating . . . . 1,399.63 Roller skating ........“.a. 137.35 Other rentals . . . .. 4.00•4446:6444' 831,00 F air board .............,, •A Ili 6 •••• 200.00 REVENUE Sale of Water: Residential . Commercial 31,236,10 9,486.44 . . . . . . . . 9,034.68 . . . 4,750.00 An agreement has been made with the Ontario Water Resources Com- mission for the construction of sanitary sewers at an estimated cost of $291,860.00 3,682.11 1,000.00 InduStrial . . . . ... Hydrant Rental . . . 12,720.27 82.62 12,802.80 54,507.22 Deficit for year . a 06.1 Miscellaneous Revenue: Interest revenue . . Sundry ... • . • . 444'44.4 Telephone . . Oa. 5.08 Figure Skating . . • . 398.00 Ice rentals • . •11 eon a • 427.00 Revenue Fund Balance Sheet 400.00 1•4•4 441.• •0 a 27.86 io . •#•.. •1• 427.86 54,835.08 64 0 '980,b0 •geaSell4 S tickets 4 • • 4 4 44 ira • 4 0 4 4 t 4 0 244.00 Grass cutting wages a . a a . . 500.00 Bream ball 4040 0 ..... 10000 Total Revenue ASsets CEMETERY SURPLUS ACCOUNT Debit Credit Balance at beginning of year a a S4641,52 Balance after adjustirtents Defidit ter year a 9 a . • a • a 82.62 224 541.02 Totals bf tiebit and Credit, COltittie8 82,62 13441,53 talanee of Surplus at year end 8)34NbtrUkt Atithltifttittioh and General * 41444444'404V Maintenance and 'Care Of buildings; Plots and v.v.... a a a a 4444 Oa as $10,521,65 41,61142 1,039.51 6,208.83 949.39 124.29 41,241.35 2,671,74 $91,846,33 Total Revenue Section . . . a . aid.* daah Bank . • '.1E4444 A.cdoUnta Receivable , a . , . .. a.i lif a Due from PreVitiCe of Ontario. 4 aVi*:i'4314 Due from Dominion of Canada 6 9.1 440v4474d Due froth ether Municipalities . .1.44 i • • TakeS itedeivable . a 4 i • gi' " 0 4 ..... 4 4 Deferred Charges . 4 ar*tvaway-aa a.ava-al-..** Balance 33,541.62 33,541.52 EXPENDITURE Salaries and WageS0-4•44•044O+441•44049 Light and power , , . a a t4. r a • iri.§urance 4444444444•4•44aviialia144 3,466.11 RePeita and maintenance 4a 4' • a V 4 a a V: V a Peel iii • a aa a 000 a i'a't 44141411114414441414. Secretary-treasurer 41141',44*/ alaikaaaaa Park trinintellariCe iata aahtt** st r. 4 • 'n10010116 a a 1"4 4 .44 lait.11.144 f4 a 4 4 4V • ACIlleftiSingia•atill'iWiltfietialfita.*Vat tank cluirgea a ta•iii.4"4.44all'afaa4/44 Capital expenditures 41atatiaValia444i a . Association fees • a, • t as .teeielv. eta Sign Mailitetienee avyteivitaclat Miscellaneous V aa k ialta a alVa a., 2,241.28 2,264,58 2,28'7.69 1,050.31 820.06 200.00 44.92 130.95 66.41 2.08 438,14 20.00 10.30 84.08 EXPENDITURE Administration arid General . 6 1 a a * a CUttorner,S' Billing and Collecting ...*4 ev. Power and Pumping Matriteeetree a a . 444114 4 laaaat 10444. OPeratiert d 4 44;14'4,4'14444444 P .817/8•08 1,626,20 tbtil A.§ett Y 444 a. •144-a -S Via% 4* 44444a1a%.144 33,468.90 Liabilities 8,975.84 3,183.97 13,112.40 19,129.42 49,555,54 6,319.54 $54,935.08 4,030,40 9,558.08 499,74 2,013.50 142,89 /7,605.'72 $95,846.33 TtalittlitSSieil and Distribution AdooliiitS Payable 4141-Vra a 4 •• 44 444a•Vaa'aa CeeljetiS Otte 4 • • 44 44'0'4 14 • a VatVO bee to Other MittildipalitieS e 61.6 Dee tO Sehools a 4 aa'a 444 441414airaVa.41a14414 .1444 p repaid' 140Sitie SS 'T itywrviti, ailvaawatat StiffilOS a Vat a a '444 • Nitaa 4.41444 a k 8,205.54 9,091.26 12,802.89 12,802.89 Oljeratlen 1 t a 4 4. • i a, 4 a a. a it V 4 a Provision for defitediatlen Y . a a a *. s• * a a a a 1;ieljt:Clitirgea 4404a Via aiVal/V141414Vaaaa Tots! Expenditure . rY a a a It V*4'41'6'14'0 V if as SeVillS telt YeAtawavvv*********aa.** Total Expenditure 9'40.16 080.90 80'009 for year a 4,44#4****,********** ireete'ef flevenue over Expenditure *iv a * total Expenditure'Section . s rtii-eirvitt r Total tiabatiea and 'Surplus