Huron Signal, 1853-10-27, Page 2go
Ole J
PREPARE FOIL w uw,jt,•••
ON mob, le *gaits taming, with
mercies frosteasA meow stereo If ever
there was year when farmers ebeald look
clue to the mesepeaest of all kiwis 'Aliso
meek, that lime is moot assuredly the pro -
beat. ‘Vitli high ra.b prices he every ar-
ticle raised ova the form, sod ouly a retry
moderate supply of hay, oats mid swots, the
ecosomital monde:mote of imosetic
mak throaglm the a?proaeltimgheloog soder
le • matter loam Willer or • shoo... 1.5 -
Volt O the ortb side, bed de reemies of bey, it am& aim be foaled Isposeiblo to,
Cooed Macelosell, bis Aid4Ahleeeep, were °buns a cosetitssecy which would ro
leered is a Valet 'sae Booth side of as calcium mad idisestial body ot COINICW.
this fanodatioo, wilt ail dee ceremony ea Ion.
the Ijili iley of Lkteiler, 1853."
(From the Lornhlorreing Chronicle.)
twowthirielves of lire Canadian Le-
giolaiwe have receolly amlihe.scit the crown,
to petitimit of diametiwal tendeacy, res
peeling the future ermatitution of the Up-
pormuce. One object k uot to write a Wog per lloo.e. 1 I. Legislator Como il, not
elaborate ai title, but *imply to gime timely unuaturally, entertains the minden tl•at
warnieg to our Agri, uttenal readers, tool there is moilritie, either is the actual atate
t toes out Goe or two practise! su-Arttiona. ot the pros -Mee, or in the charm- ter of its
imy e.frill attentemi to the coni calls for an &her:01om in
rentable loing of cattle, by ttio adoptiou the form ot government es'ablished by the
of toch espedients, 1. die alt.:went% of srw, Act of 3 and 4 r. C. It is at-
eubstaritial buildings, ss ab_ leged that the ei mirtation uf Legielatise
mals (loin lite incleineucy of the wet that . Couneillora 1,, the Clown tarries out, at
'Ilk is the soca' trey oI econuettiziug their nearly as ilw eiteuinstances of a roltiny
Lod and prompting their brill!, aud gross tb.prima dnanlogy of the: I) itish Cotisti-
An ammo' secured agateut wet and cold,,, tut ion and Om( the sr.lectiou of both Houses
o clean and well ventilated plot -e. will du bja popular tote would (lest' o' isapct..
1•eltcr, Out i grow faster aud lay on more laid cheek iss hasty and intemperate men -
fit and muscle, upon 25 per cent lese food, sure•s. Ariel making due allowance for the
titan under the oalu'el circumstances et patina! repuerlance of apublic body to re-
Iiiiquiali a power vs Welt it oosses.e. ssoielit
which too many cattle a -e placed du. r the
lung aud sere nintera Meident to It.i
ity m feeding, i.a point
nf 'note itaportnnee than is gene.ial'o
1Lotiolo. A smaller aliment of food punc-
tually. supplied at reoular 'Intervale, with
of I
may still be attached to the judgment of
eseeriented politicians aud men of busineae,
iII acquainted with the circumatances of
the proviiere *Melt they moist io gosern-
ing -1 here i, no queotion in Canado be-
Oseen the enjosontott of clime and an •!-
abontlance of water, dry and clean bedding tiling democratic cononiniity. All sill, -
gal how a„1,1,,a( an animal til a oirja,„; ..tattioal power moist eds from the constitu-
condition than si much larger trientity ir- theirs: and it may be added that all paro
ties agree in ibt espediettcy of providing
regularly gime:lend uuder eppteite condi-
tions. some check which -hall prevent legi4eistion
1 hird,-A variety or mixture of fusel from folloaeing too closely the pneular im-
Oren to stock is both .'co,sounstjtawl %Jai pulse Gf the incrieent. It will be ohserred
tiny. 111s astonishing how a kw torstip., Inat the members of the Legialatave Gem -
'donjon 50 lAy or ,it lay but little "tress out the pierogative of
etiow.prcooetes the healthy action of the sr- the Greevii, as exercised in the noon -a -
/am aud a vigorous pOddlh. 1.ttuitbr mere meat of noon two.. 1 hey very properly
bruising of grain, or the cutting- hay or 11.31 rise subject from a colonial point of
atrow before giten to stoek. i• eta venni- tiew, as affecting the distribution of power
t al atei hereficial practice.; and [Ie touting, between different relies and classes within
of cattle toed by boiling ur steamier, and the province.
'tieing. Las been found to promote lare.oly On the o:l:er livid, the Legislative As -
I Le azi tee en do. seedily strongly wee; the expedieticy of
The few simple iuggestioes, if carried extending the elective lamely:lee° the cou- pini lice, ns circionstancesoinny allon stitution Of the Council. On this side of
ocold 1 f, lied cxceedieg botielitiul to far- the quesOion. as on the niters, the example
in cabling them to keep tItir stork of the Motile': Count' y is quoted as Cur-
t retie i :e trio tering:lie 311 ste - tits ling a lomilimot ie change which
cess.-- Agrirult t.! t ; • is propose:J. It is the opinion of the As
• that the upper branch of the Le-
eidature would possess greater weight if
OCTOBER. it derived its authority ficm, [he people ; ,
and a scheme of election is suggested by
which the principle advocated 'night be car-
ried out in detail. The petitioners recom-
mem! that each section of the province be
iiito thirty dietricts, each to return
. . , . -
ene egis.ative _outlet or -the franetise
being given to the !orlon!, who are alrea-
tly qualified to vote formeinbers of the Le-
gialative Assetnbly. The plan further-con-
temolates that oneohird of the Commillors
shall retire every two years, and that the
Crow!' shall have the power of dissolving
any Council, if it shall hero rejected, io
two successive sessions, at intervals of not
less then six moaths, any measure passed
by the Legislative Assembly in the same
two session., and passed the second tiine
by an absolute majority of the whole As-
tembly. Previsions Introduced iota the
project far the gradual IT11101ing of the es-
t -one; members of the Council, and .11
• rated that the Qualification for the I "ji-
II ritt Ile u,ossessson 01
I d 1 • • ! forI
()etcher is one of the most active months
in the year with the gardener, orchardist
and nureerymais. Transolanting of al:
Larch trees, bhsubs and planta tonally be-
gins at this season. nod as ue go farther
scut'', it must Ire tleferrred later. We are
in layout of early planting. when
it is oracticable ; it it; by no means neees-
'my to wait until the leaves have fallen.
It the g000th has fairly ceased. and the
weed hat becctne firm, trees may be re-
moved ; the leaves must be talo n off to
r . present shrivelling, and the roots must be
carefully guarded mraiest exposure until
tl.ey be rivin,placerriu the ground. Ag-
it:len phoited trees should by all memo be
secured agaitot the winds, either by baiik-
Mg or sinking up, and they should be well
mutated besides. Prom IlOs time until the
li.aoieg up of the eeesied; leg
t ut 011 imorovtioilit tat lieweplaces sheuld
Le carried los ward vigorously as the wee-
- ther and condition of the ground are both
01.3C0 favorable than doing the summer or
Ne 'broad orchards should now rte reoo-
%toed I•y manuring acid eleughing, or spotl-
it% uhout roots. Thin should neve,
left till spring, because during the winter
and sarong the sod decays, the manure di
•ctit., aud 111./1-1D110113 feed IS thus prepared
fur the laces next season.
The gathering and similar of fruit must
be tarried!, attended to, by alt oho libel'
a Fever estimate en the products of their
(ocher& and fi oil e,ardens.
Iiitchen and garden crops for winter and
strino use 0 quire iiiue managt meat to keep
them in ',roper emolitien. Such as are
taken up awl placed in the root -cellar should
Ire tasdkd when dry, and perfectly free
fain moisture Loth above and below. It
.l (lid also he dept as cool as possible.
'I Le folios nag memorial was read 1.y 'Mr.
Intuit at the toting of the feundatteu stone
of this intiotaiir u t :
The halile of Queenston was fought on
thee Leielits en the 1311i October, IS12,
reheat the Glory of Victory was clouded
by the Math oi Major General Sir Isaac
Brock, ohe fell in the early part of the ac -
tiff, 10 the ac'. of rallying a few of the
brave 411111 Regiment, end his Aide -des
toimp, (Odom! Stet )ouell, fell mortally
%%wooled in g,allatilly leading n charge of
both regitlars and militia against the enemy,
atsi died the following day.
•• .11-tlionli fame has recorded the deeds
•i the MAU, the Statestoan and the Hero,
tet in such Veneration and respect was Ill!
110 Lo.y held by all, that a Nlenutueut was
• serried son!, after the event on a site ewer
1..• boar, 01 11. Iiiilor the eastward of this
5, utdatien, to which his resnaint, with
ti -se of Iti Aid -de -Camp, were removed
neaa the bastion of Fort (.corp. Niagara,
teed re- Intel red on the 13th 4 letotter, 1S24.
*' lief in coikequence of the former Allo -
i ;intent having received on i. -reparable in -
by a lawless net, ett the I7eh April,
1140, it has berm find re:TU.4e to lake
ith7veis thee 'trustier, PIA CrOC3 this Alonis-
mem to peotoueoo the Alumni • of the la -
mewed Ilero, Subscription.
11, t,nndaii Stone, therefore, was
h thc Idtli day of Octeber. 1853. by
voiraiel Doc..1.1 Deputy Adja-
ht011 tieuteial of fur Canada 111'isest,
the booboo of the Otlieer, wholloo-
hly tell ierrierlately after the death of biS
Oeveral, in the perfonsmoce of ars duty as
l`roeiucial Aid de.Cemp.
'1 he Who; Uninini.tee for the Este -
It.,.( thee Mrountent are sir AN.. Na-
pier hieNalm. M. P lino: William'
Hamilton Sten -,t, M. P. P. 'themes.
(torte, El., M. P. 15., Chief Jeobeit
Robinson, 141. Kerhy, Col. Glarbe, Cot
ilemaltoe, e I lloa. 4widiee
blaeleas, Ilous. Justice hla•-auly, mid 't
Easen, Lag.
LISS T11014A1, A relitae t.
dons- Wisariticnrow, !Udder.
" The re-sss nt Alijor Clement Sir
imes Drook, k.. B., were Warred ta a
• •
landed property to the valor of .C1,000.
Doubts will probably be entertained in
smite quarters as to the sincerity of the
Assenibly, in professing a desire to give
new weight to a body which is intended to
furnish a check cm its own proceedings. It
may be urged, tliat even if an elected
council possessed greater weight in the
country than the present body, its influence
would be altogether at the &motel of the
party which from time to time, commands
a majority in the Legislative Assembly ;
s bile to the weaker section of tbe commu-
nity, would be of little importance whether
Elm power of the State was exercised
through role Ilouse of Parliament or by a
more complicated machinery working under
the same impulses, and directed to similar
11 be issoc is not, howeser, 30 Ample as
it may appear at first sight, and it may
perhaps he found that tbe petition of the
Assembly furnishes an opportunity foe the
Home Government to interpose it. media-
tion iu a manner wilich will be satisfactory
to all parties. The scheme propoted fur
the organization of ib. elected Council has
the disadvantage of being too nearly iden-
tical with she actual constitution of the Le-
eidative A ssemble, and it may fairly be
objected that there it "'P.m.' why or and the whole body marched toward, Brae
tame conttituencies ',bottle! thittibute thew l
mar, on their way to the seen.- cf Gather -
representatives between two (looses which
The Carirharsons. to the namber
of eielity well 'dressed and handsome me,.
met them at Auchenileyne, tinil the united
elan% then marched donee!' Castleton,
amidst the loud checrino of a crowl, com-
(From the Aberdeen nes M.)
be Braemar Gaibernig. eat of the most
leriiimate sr ,1 most celebrated, d .sset
01 the chit.' ot our modern meeliap for
the di -lay of Highland mimes, mod the
practice of I lighlaud genies, C/1113* Of 011
Great peeparatioss bad, as
11.11,3 beets usade. Majesty, it was us-
deratood, would be present with her suite,
and a number of dedingutaired visitors were
also expected. Care, loaded with vessl-
%lens titre seen winding their way up Pee -
'hit for da)r, preen uely-all the great fa-
milies making prusisiou for the due ries-
cite 'if IlieLlaad hospitality. Tire clama-
nt( n uudtrwetit their pi eliminary Mill, the
Castle greeted, were rut m order, aud the
racer* and eutlet a and dancer. were alt busy
iryiug to wake sure ef sictory, or of sm.
feriug only a graceful defeat. There wet e
large parties al Corriesnulage, luvercauld,
and Mar Lodge, aud Abeldeen mut its
proeo:iton of setotato:s.
The most spirited feature of the prepn-
relive mocectliuga was lite appearance el
lir Furbeset from Dunside, upwards of a
hundred stroag, stio, under their leader,
Sir Cloaks Fut bes, of Newt mid Edina
glassie, started foam the clan
rendez% oua, on Wednesday forenoon, and
walked in military array to Corrietnulzie,
attract ing great attention all along the road
by their fitte, soldier -like appt metier. Oir
l:hat tel and bin party reached 'orrieniulzie
about seven o'clock, the pioers playing
" Pibroch ta' Douneil aud the men
them ing lustily. They were welcotned by
'Ir. nod Lady Agtits Duff, a timber of
%karts!. at the Cottage, and the Duff clans-
men in cestume, at a aro on the road near
the beautiful tomantic lion tallish ekes
the. name to Oda delightful Highland resi-
dence. After drinking a glass of whiskey,
Willett was gallantly dedicated by Chas.
to the health of Lady Agnes and' all that
are dear to her," they were conducted to
the place fixed on for their encampment.
It is one of the finest of the many fine
ot itat a • d C ; I L -•
rather higher than the scattered builtfing;
which reran the valiout seiles;01 rooms uf
which Coriieundzie cinesista, and within
sound of the dashing Min, it command, a
fine view of the valley of the Dee, with
the .noWspotted ianautains brooms] wild,.
cm the back ground it is closed in by lofty
pine-clael hills• The baggage carts had
precedeJ the party, who Mend them ready
for impacking, and alongside ample Kea
of highlatiel hospitality. An iiiimense bon-
fire blazed in the middle of the camp, .and
on one side of it a noble stag, one of four
provided -by 11r. Duff, is as roaded whole,
and giving forth au odour not at at disa-
gree:aisle to men who had walked some
shirty odd miles. 'there was aI.o bread a
(14ccr,liqn; as the french wind,' say, and
mountain deov, both literal and figurative,
in great abundance. 11 -ben • the men first
drew up arouail the boufire, the picture
they preented was truly striking, and well
calculated to recall the days when such tee-
the - • 'gl
hood for more emnest- and not unfrequently
less -innocent purpoOes. By about ten
o'slor O the tent. were the ce-
Lison was ''-Ltd. ntel the in. and °th-
ere, too, addressed them -solves to the idea-
tes's; teak of •demolkhin; an excellent sup -
I per, and washing it down with a due pot-
! tion of that Mink which seems natural in
!the Highlands and doe a nobody any Ithrm
when taken (twee eves a little too freely.
After Supper, the ramp ER, were renewed,
land, aud, bet ween chatting an hour or two,
aud eine eases, more, was pleasantly
P1"0.40..lilursdoy nierMeg, the cotne--which
every bit said was a miniature Chobliam,
with the advantage of biino• situated amid
much grander sceoery-nas early astir ;
and the commissarial department. which
10 be well eared for, indi•pcndent
of Uorriemulzie supplies, ivht tIrrietn upon
for the materials of a capital breakfast.
In the meantime tl,e111/ n themselves
out smartly, polisliino their pike -heads, in
a prig kite fashion. by robbing them among
the 'owe. They Milled and menu:tiered
in slow, quick, and running, time. Pre -
rime% to leaving the ground, the party were
drawing up in marching mder, in front of
the draning-room, where they %sere much
admired l; the Countess Dowager of Er-
rol, Lady Lady Grace Doff, and
the other lady visitor. at the Cottage.
The ilnif Ilighlanders, nembenno betweat,
fifty and bitty, Islas had been •aaitioo to
receive their Donoide friends. now fell in.
have the seine functiont to perform and pos-
SCS4 equal qualificationt for their duty. In
order that one leeklative body may ese.-
cise a beneficial cheek nnother, it 15 ne-
eestary that it ale -mild protest a different 1 it.,roiacet,a ,entliejileantrileft,,,enntni,f7hyttoeueit:ge ar r., (11.. odi,,,,..
rbholthraientileyr,lwaltelqm:lifyl.irottliined tiilltiiini;tecnoarriiejenni co:.
;eking up their reme(tive positions before.
of the people. The true mndel for a Coo
Ionia' Parliament it to be souold, not in 1 The 1)trf men were tinier the cot:mend of
tbe ohl C3.111' ahont two -o'closk, e.m.
istocracy, liut in that fortunate imitation of
England, n iili its ancient and powerful ar- imher.dri-faillintr,2 nonil iiil:s.,eiroite43,.nte:c:tinr,:nceengo_t
lith:dlitrseililsfilincntnli‘elitr.inSn.7111litcnininhalf ‘15 rnramturfiril'ic illtialriZelltal:P s(!erf.rieheeuirn'irret'anIn;eulrbd; 1 NIlbre 11.:aarrqq::.-
oily strongly re•emblino the eriptdalw" " I harson in pereen. astisted by two ol kisCanaIa. Caoada• r I he great a" U‘r:"T Ow" P"`" tone ; and the Porhetet, se we have 'rid,
*eased by the American Senate is derived t I .sirt (.7htart.. ,i:n.b.., r,f Nose and
. eau a. tther man hoer entleeda.tic elant.
partly from the esclusie e Wm -Atone which ini.:Inio.o.s.4. no ,,,,,,. ofricere., by ,:aptnn
it it entitled to eeerciee, but chiefly from
rodr,.4, . of Illelack. Mr. .14111PS
111170 rttti tint
r it
ai 'lien:let id' irrreteUtrlYft eiti:Ctileil6ttligeY John Forbet, 11r. Charles Forbe., NIr. her-
sa I
selvea ietimied for independent purports's. adeliffe. There were ten piper. on the
titres, %herb elect the Senator., are their. -
Anil Messrt. Perry. Charlet, and Reginald
and they canon! therefore, like the stluee,,toran
eld, inr helm 4 Anglo. Nlarkay piper to
of Reprewntativee. The late Le"' a' born. of Mai arum, Mr. Forties ling
or so' e modern Enropean coost il 4' r Nlajestv, oho all arginoeil themselvet
degenerate into mere delegates chose ar greatly to the aatitfaction of the listenert;
a reseed -le object. 'the unequal distnb tioe wit 111 leattedmired Inn a
ion( rpaoriewspulati; othewereliloffelyrenete:ttnehlise,tpdhates. sip)igrirt ganpdirreg.:et.lin ptayrd esoimmgentaa join.
raise the eherseter of the Senate : and the Tue camel ivia
proceeded with an
tsvilivorew.e"theofproApnlerielryi.nnf inellroredwer"rniTiortoirill,_!air- hour, when nonce was peen that the Royal
spirit. be: onle for about a quarter of an
n ada witichimpTy MOT, nrIX•csal I'm" party from Balmoral W31 approaching.
that by which the l•nikestiye A""MY fire* carriage contained 1.ody Augus-
rope's, to constitee tbons
te elected Conseil on
-- rime., the lion. mi.,000 col(0r.
Piller, are, it la tree, no iserPellek" Stat. don, Lady Cooper and Dr. Robertson
within the limits of the Prvel".; Itt lb." Soon after bet Majesty's carriap came to
ere, ihe direct mein 01* I langs "rniCh 1 sgMaeders were (Instil np, female' • lose
are various local Undies srblebisiglit mour. sithi, mad aseediztely a portioa nf tiol
i.s almost naive -rot 11)' • juditi°" Pa"- from the W" of the park. 'The greotest
hos name% ennsicira elnY'rig6", grill/4 et thw•isem peeestied is the erortd, mho
feet'', sod other suborned oesemblages sheered 10„.ny. 6.4 waved
hat. awl 614
actables in ths vinous distriete of the so -
W. Vamooses owl kir. DmII
recessed the repolcy as they alighted,
sod .11F. twat raciooly 'wilted by
Ilse WINO oh Albert, who both
.beek buds criedli.yeritb dins. Ou reach-
ing the dais that bad bees revered on the
elevated cosi! at/pion Ilie astir, her
Majesty, "rho waei mauled respectfully by
the 4,i be. party theie aseembled,
shook Imit with Lary Agnes Dia, Mrs.
Farquharsou, and several of ihe other la-
dies; while Pilate Albert engaged in con -
'treaties **Mb Alr. Dolf, Mr. Farquhar -
WS, Alaswell Wallace, and others,
as well as with members of the Royal
suite. '1 hromehout her w bele slay, her
Nlejesty conversed iu the mest affable moa-
ner es ith Lady Agues Duff, who oat sealed
hear nee, and with Mrs. Farquhar -ow.
SLe had the Teenager children behueltv to
lter. and serene] 12111r aintowel and delighted
wills the gestated, and treire reyttio, of
the youtioest of them all-Nlaater Duff.
Sir Edwerd Laudwor, oho sta. wiluessiog
the sports 11,roip..:b an opera glass, from
the Lack of the Castle group, v...s acci-
dentally obsetted by her Mejesty, and, re-
ceived a gracices recoguitien ; as did some
others of the distinguished visitor:. The
party from Balmoral, besides her Nlajesty
and Prince Albeit, and three ladies, who
enure with Dr-Lobed:von, included the
Muck of Wales, Prince Alfred, Die PrIll.
re's 1:44til. the Ptiucel. Aliato aud
11 1,1-
cesa Helena, the Earl of GraAville, Count
51eusdorff, a distinguished foreigner, the
lion. Nitres Butted, Col. Pltipas, the Hon.
Cot. Gordou, Sir Jame Clark, Di. Beck-
er, Mr. Carl Hoag, artio, and two or
three coachfuls of sereants.
After the arrival of Ler 'Majesty, the
Dull Duel Forbes 111ghlanders, who had
formed tho line of reception, were marched
mita the ouclusure again, the pipers playing
their respective ina.cLes; mud bot then,
and wheu reformed in IiiW round the sidt.,
presented a very (Inc appearance. The
Games then proceeded aside apirit, and, at
these conclusion, her NInjesty, led by Prince
Albert, proceeded to their aarriage, which
;yea drawn up at the bottom of the declivity.
Ou taking their aeats, the Royal party was
itgaiss lourrly cheered. ape! the euthu,iostic
applause old nut cease, CH Ole last of the
Royal carriages. was out of sight.
Mr. Farquharson of Invereatilt1 had, as
usual, prepared 'um:broil, to whirl& parties
were treely and kindly Melted. The re-
past, whish was both sumptuous and ele-
gant, tees laid out noh great taste iu the
Hall of the Castle ; the vs ails being- beauti-
fully ortioinented with evergreens, heather,
and wild flowers-eand the tattle ilecuteted
with vases of garden flooer,, and furnished
aa as decorated, with dishes of •grapes
and autumn fruits.
'file Games theruseleto went off admit -
ably --at all events, a% well the average
of auch things do. The tosseng of the ca-
ber was exenuted by two or thi ee tearer: -
Mors most satisfactorily ; the (faking was ,
excellent, as all highland daneiug should
be, and the foot race was a sesete trial,
and km:11.y contested, Charles Alllardy's
throw of eighty-one lett seven inches of
the 1G lb. hammer, with the -simple swing
without the twill, was considered a very
great feat.
The New York Jumada el Thoreiley
forge' • toter -spa wOeb Vit
1 gee Mee; meet have beaus *set from lesedeps
to Live:peel, pest Newer the same, eir the
steamer and after he coluisiss of ibis tog
lush papers tur the ovaria bed bees cloemi.-
annouecee the deelefellUll /./1 W111 6.4-
lows: -
Ise rarouosi_LO,POI TO IJTES
1.030,F, Hatur.!ST, Oct. 8, *853
(Frew the Conies Timm)
Peau, Friday -The Teneresti which ar•
etveJ fd•reeilles front Censtantinuple,ha•
brt tight the twin/mai ten of the neat. thei
on the 20tb u !taw, the Sultan declared war
agaieet Russia.
(Ften the Jimmie% 1.0.1.)
PAIN. Pfli!II eight -A ie:egraph des
pails bent Vieena, hae jest been receised
here. It imams that the Porte has fixed the
ot tour ne•ks as that within which
t be evatnallue of the Pritteipelitess. reeell
tak1eVeplaacree;nelined to believe that ibis is
g nice because al :d character 141111
rs sloes evensiand bears int ern.I cadet ce
ut authenticity. There te r.uaz for e.oibt,
turas user.
George Brown is most unfortunate In les
camp loll. Nfld. Ile is a shrewd rams him
pelf and tal, teed and a fair tacecisn.tbeugh
bit enthusiaem pow -tunes lende hen in
overstep the limit•ot ng, :hue to
develop as. ny of his shirk &silent But
his apostles kill bon t break the err
e:c :ncuhii.on has bal. formed the bird, and
expose it to prenistnre death Mr. Brower
w melee cur.d a lite aro veitli two (peat
Protestsm Demonstrations. At these the
Aileron Reverends 'twittered in respect-
able force -mod witb them a 1..11 retinue
lay men. At one of these a M:. Clime
figured preens:xi:fly. Ile is ore of Dose
men I'D whese cranium !lope is largely de
Ur to the time of otr gen to press,
n othing new bat 50 'Milli likely to af-
fect Ibis importout subject. Various sad
varied are the speculations indulged tit by
outocoolemporarie., hut, as yet all iteincer.
lenity Soule seem in think there is yet
room fur hope that an amicable arrangement
may be entered into. Others, and these
are flee more uumertetk, look upou war as
iuformation, Lighly mobable that War has
actually been declared by Tui key, and that
hostilities have ere this commenced.
unateidable. Il appears ft ow the lateat
Quarterly exannuatiou of the 'dal..
season is very far adeauced, mid it would
seem strange to comineuce operations at a
time of itis year when such ueually cease
and troops are put into niuter quar-
ter'. But the Turks are anoious to com-
mence and there might probably be danger
iti allots ing an irregular army like the 'rur•
kisla to remain Isno inactive with a certain
'respect of war heroic it. The Ruasiatis,
on the other band, ate concentrated, and
it in hazarded by 51,10.2, are .caiting. for the
freezing over of the marshes of the Dan -1
ube, to advance uy rapid inovetneuts upon!
Constantinoele. France and England hare 1
detrontned to support 1 urkey, and there !
:1,:aatkatkeen ettroobiLliget.1
i. every danger of the War being not ouly
_-. „ -...-----;----,
Commander Meets,* is H. 11
.fisocaliaomer, has safteeded in mobil%
what is called, tba Neeth•Woot Pussera.
.,. a sailed in Duessbor 1849, mitered
Bberings Straits sod has jut returned
by way of Davis' Straka The mato ob
jut of his voyage has nos been Mania -
ed as be briogs no news of 8ir John
Los or Tate Doss Or W ILLIPIGT011.—
This is a well written work by J A
Btooqueler Esq, Author of the British
Officer The Hood -book of Dhs, die
The Career of th Great Duke, and the
sicking scenes through which he pused
laIrtei:teolibedewbardibeepdlendidly illustrated in
One large volume neatly bound at Mr.
B000akreSrtrogrnee,biGe ;du:rill:kw that the
C134%1 lie el Ter 117111e. he is, un- bloody and expensive but also widely el- .
forlocatsilt P"r1m)4". I" traded, aud will probably embroil the whole
hucer ',Shuttled'''. In a speech that
natJ 1:Istria nal join Ritaaia
ibbeirrat jet,11,Avere,.
Ilt-Itifahnt:ir.',.•" bathe eSsis'end loofolsal;:ubri7ePrut...eia wil/ do the satne, while
the Huneariaos and Pules and same other
of the minor dependencies will declare I
against the despots and seek to avenge
their toug endured wrongs.
'I. he exile. in New York hove already de-
mined to form a legion to assist Turkey I
lib -tract princir:e.r. and tear one another to te
Ile Cf.. while the were rereading who certainly have the sympathy of ;
ittntitei "er la"' and ge'llnIt,•the more liberal aud dr•interested portions
tench ;depart,: and irflue:.ce tete triter
of the wcrhl on her side, and it is hoped
I beams from the F.-tab!utlinteni-radiant , le
b37.dtir'.re • 1 sunny idea -bright with the
of the Eu. -
11' war is to be endured, that Turkey 1
with the glared of howdy. Mr. Caret* be al -de w'th ti '1'm -stance 5 ,
is ID huneet titan; it may be, and French officere and engineers in Ler I
but lull he hau given us, a 'ertnny.• .climpse service present a bold and succio.,:.(11,
cif the towns of Brriven'ti agitation,. Mr..
'Why, eheold Protestants :frout to ler iinpermus Meader,. If I_:ng
keit atuut absii act prihreplee'-wity bat,- land awl Erance are true to their proletsionsl
IJe about norses.ertels-.afy
depute there can be little doubt of the cause of
ut modes Proteetant olole the
olturisunieCia,tohdo:Licianarrreeie,pnr;ailitintegirthietmaivuel:neceier the opprested ntually triumphing. But .
tOe war nuns be a protracted OW!. The
--ewsyng the cutinces of its. nation -ace
pt„pertv.•nJ „al ,,,,,_ uuteeloua Russian 'tmps posse's almost
dacity utterly irroncovablb.aetioilty hatter. itivincilde determination and combined with
ng sway ag's'n't the walls "5. itis New the artnie5 of Austi ia and Prussia arc not
Jarupalern. To the melee and In the bate
hia pelt up soul of the fellow mg rath-
er metaphorical and %tithe! puettcal
13 WAS 00!!Ibld 11111 their might be some
surny spot in the future, *ben the State
'merit proevly take charge of the Mach,
but so tang as that sunny trot had nut ar-
rived why Protestante fight thew
l% I th ugly 1.abet net ponetples••_!„,j likely to surrender their prey without a se -
'Twat the evening of a lovely dae-the
lag for tbe ic•b:c curl A
you04 lade .tood at the tootle oate and de•
sired adv • t t1 • d: -„,9; . le
svis clowly veiled, aud the keeper could not
imagine who slut was, tier why any one of
such pi out! bearing should be a seeplicant
at the prison door. However lie granted
the boon --led her to the: dunaeon, opened
the massive iroefloor, then cloeed it agam,
and the lovers were alone. De leaned
agat the prison walls, with a dowrica•t
bead; and his arms were .folded upon his
biea•t. Gently she raised her veil from
her face. and Enimet owned to gaze upon
all thot earth contained fur him --to girl
whose sunny brow in the days of bis
11001 had been his polar star--ittts inairht.
who had sometimes tnade him think that
the world was all sunshine." chinking
of the heavy chants sounded like a death -
knell to her rare, and she wept like a child.
Emmett said but little, yet he pressed ler
to hi, bosom:and their feelings held a silent
meeting perchance as es held in heat en, only
that we part more. In a low owe be
sought her not to forget Imo when the cold
grate received 111l 11131110311C biota --he t
spoke only of by -gone days -the happy
hours of childhood, when lit, !opes were
brialo and glorious, 'and he concluded by kP
requesting her sometimrs to visit the places
and scenes that were hallowed to his me- '
mory from the days of Ins infamy; and C
ehould the woe a
the ft. wives he in abeyence-take Wove. vere struggle.
fl; 0 e and ad v•ce-shoutiler, the -
the man clout. De this ;first-accempli-b side of the Atla
. We have also something. to tear on thi•
meeket arid the PP•111.. and to forth to slay
h • d,..reetesn, then tn ftWile ••;i:nre •: ntic- It is true desolation
r 11.e.t.e!ree et itq• Protestant ' ! may not he brouaht t sur
sr. it;r1Z,the caMmet rf peace, to t. ; • ..11 tiiere 110 doubt our rce,
can settle the abstract principles, anJ mire
eines the grave questten whether \the
State aught properly take charge of the
Cherch •
Is this the sunny spot.' that reform-
ers have so long contended for ; Let
them beware ' For to this end does
Brown's agitation point. -This the ob-
ject of the Protestant Alliencethis the
future that Brown looks to -when fan-
aticism triumphant. and the constituti-
ouel-refrom party di -banded, he, as ar-
rogant leader can parcel out the spoils
as hit policy or prejudice might dictate -
We repeat let Reformers beware. Let
them fortify themselves against the wily
machinations of their open -enemies and
their false friendo-let them scout the
clap trap cries about l'aparzy and Prot-
estantient, for in the liandt of ambitious
kuaves. they are only claptrap -let them
kecp firm to the principles of old. and
regardless of contumely. pledge their
fealty to them. and the men that saved
heir fine country in the hour of its
greatest peril. arid whose influence and
guidance advanced it to the proud and
eneperims position it now occupies ----the
righteat colonial gem in the diadem of
Iritain's Sovereign --the colony whose
haraeter acd credit stand the highest of
ny in the world.-Aforning Herald
lit on 'mice his nat. e with
scorn aa 1 roett mitt be prayed she would
contieue to ring to lam with affection, and
remember him when alt others should for- '
Ise. Hari ! the church bell moulded, and 1,
he remembered the hoer of execution. -
The turnkey entered, and after dashing the '
tears from his eves he separated them from
thew loiig embrace, and led the lady from the 1
dungeon. At the entrance their eyes met ,
--they could not say farevrell-the door
swung on its heavy bulges, and they parted
!It:era:tee:. ,i"io! not forever! Is there no
At swinge the next morning he suffered ,
le,blocrrtioyusly - a martyr to his country and to
• • • • .
' Aa I on: --r ' the myrtle showers.
I,- I, ay., 5 ‘ , t wind. 5.‘,.”...1;
she lade. ,,,,, y it, Italian flowers—
The laet et its, lair baud.'
'Twos the land of Itely--what a gorge- '
ous time of menet in Italy -what a inagni-
Ilion. scene, A paie emanctated girl lay
upon leer bed of death. Ohl it was hard for
Ler to (lie, far from her home in this beau -
Wel land. where flowers oom perennial
and balmy sir comes freslit to the pining 1 ou understand me, Jones.
soul. OW nn, bet -star Its eel! the bright -
twee of her dream had fatied--ber heart was SEMI, 3 e regret to
broken. When ties have been formed on ' learn that as A. L. Willem; Esq., of ties
earth -rending mid agonising the spirit then town, and his lady wont returning from Ha-
to find at lass the beloved is anatelsed away milten, on Friday last, the horse took
end alt our love is given to a'poising low- frgbt, about Eau end a quarter below
er!' Enough ohs died tbe betrothed of Ancestor, aell 11811 Meer the precipice, pre -
Robert Emmet the lovely Sarah Curran. cipitaliag horse, boggy and all, down an
Hale coolants leer lett reemaina-ite flower, ascent of foil thirty feet. Mrs. Willson
breathe their (regress* Or bee grave, and oval severely injured in the bead, sad is
the ielliag tones of the shepherds Mete sound iconfised to ism had in a very Ailerons
a requiem to her mmoory. , state, bed Ilstre are hope. of her recovery.
Mr. Ws. and home 'seeped abort.
FRASIttll. Acevoirrr.-We regret to I -stem should be taken by the
say that ',Motility mersisg. tire mete . prortoten ot the rood to have a proper
31•9 A.003030,6 hul barb sis sor, sasses og by wall erected nn the precopice side of tise
the niebbin4 rope, at Port Phiheesie.- • nog, as the* occident.' of a similar natsre
keretufs as the terrine dress through1 Si • Catheoies4" A"ntal • Iva eat happen m future --Cotirier.
public works and general improvements will
be greatly affected. Money will not be
so freely circulated; and:although the prices
of provisions may be considerably eultanced,
there is danger that the general financial
disturbance will seriously be felt by us.. --
We linpe w ar may yet be averted but if it
doe h come; may it be the destruction of ty-
ranny•and despotism in Europe and an ad-
vancement to civilization noel constitutional
Our generally' peaceful - 'roma- came'vcry
near, a few dayt ago, being the wene co
(mite a little trojEedy. , A duel na• about
10 be enacted, seconds were jut to requi-
•ition,claallenges were given and accipt-
ed, and pistols talked of. The hostile parties
were two gentlemen of our neighbourhood
one or both of whom, it is said, et about 4
o'clock a.m., in the house of one of the bet-
ligerentsmsed terms too Iamb for ' ears co-
ntr.& if we are carrectly.informed twee was
something like alurning out of doors. 'Ube
gentlemen being " bleod,” of course could
not settle lbs affair without an appeal to
arms. Fort unetely for the Town and Coun-
ng upon • 'tidy, my first •, who, have
ng asked for an article we •elid not keep,
eft ti e @hop. Thegreat man m•de a
Stdidlid 0111 THU COUNTSR.....1 Wad attend.
ties such valuable lires hate been spared
mot tun with Me hand for me to follow tern. to.kener. i.: :pace, but is on „lamination
I did in'o the identical room of the day pre ,
vines. Dow came y.ou to let that wctuan
go without purchasing Junes. We bad g I t . a to ity of nur constables and the
inte I the Magistrates. Both gen-
eral got in sleek is hat she n anted, air. _If
How do you know what ohs wanted.
ssoliterelisirdannntswfrunmise,Llesahrtihneldthresavte acrr,eaotieda torfattehes affair was coodocted by out. meg,,,..
with clowd doors and the " vulgar
shspman.. Olt' 1 didn't know sir; 111 en -
herd" °alewives included was shut out hone
delver to do another time, cod I recaleasly i
premising. D.dn't know! Yon have been i the privilege of being able in future to frami•
in a shop benne. D.d you learn at your 1 its quarrels in a gentlemanly style, we can
coma ty inrolution, pra), tier customers,
.tome to bad ready made. No, any body
can a tee a persett who really knows whet
hundr d who enter a shop. Why, Jouleth
they and but that is not the emote %retret,
they freq.tently come in for the expellee
pnrpoes of pulling the good, about_ and eot
berme at all; tied when 1 have to deal with
them they go out ot the shop sorry Inc the
adventure -They intim buy of me if 1 'reeve
them. You ste to sell, and sell you moat;
Napoleon threw away Ile, and said, and did
conyter. I do the same, and will sell. -
n ot gave further particulars. Less fashion-
able quarrelt hare frequently been elpoted
at public exhibition by our magistrates ansa
we are at atom to conceive why a public
rehersal of the assaults of bod-carriers
should be considered more cooducive to the
public weal than thou of gentlemen.
Tbe Magistrates os the beach, u far as
we could judge from an " outside" view,
through a window, were Ji.,. Watson,
Benjamin Pismo.. and David Clark, Esqs.,
and time amount reeognisanv entered
tato by the belligerzot parties, we bear,
was LAO each, a rather small sum after
all, as the artifice 01- honor !"
Irr The Hoe. Mat.eouir Cannon
was at Kinston a low days ago.
bt0" Time Selsooner Mary," Grotaia
Mannino of Kiacardine, w.mime to say,
sprang a leak, Mit\ Lake Hof", Ileum
wit pr --logged, and west mbar*
on the *maks( of ktsedley Ike; eargn
steely a total kos.
ono -
moo School will take place on En4ay,28th
October commencing at nine o'clock in the
OCT° No Eastern Mail Previous to
the time of going to Press.
ulti In ication 8.
Sliv-In the last Sign& lied an sr -
tido quoted from the Protoivr. beaded
"Si. Marys 1R oad Company rr
Municipality of Biddulph " Now 5'
as many of your northern readers en
never have beard of this P,orolyeir Wee.
and may think in the simplicity of tie
hearts it, Editor is an honesi. dills/ -
rested journalist. who faithfully and a.
partially records passiug events, and*
you know the Profane seldom goes i
from home, they may never get a than
to see it and find out their mistake -
1 shall, therefore, feel obliged if".
can give place to the following reruns
When the St. Marys Road was firstes
posed many persons in 1!iddnlpbait
private stock in it, for the accomaa•
tion the road might afford, but asset
business speculation moot persons rid
inheearlyprdas,v!s87 ttik, eyof ktoackngat
wiitenuia ;
not pay. Well, if the stock wanot
taken up how could Mr. Talle the
Editor of the Preto:Nee get emptied at
Engineer? so to chew ignorant coordly
men thata practical business im had
noaucli feara he took stock toirery
large amount. It was a portionthis
mind. and not or4,inal stock iarriShed
to transfer to Biddulph. ,,He see to
the Couto:II, and with a deal of "eon -
pion induced the Reeve. Mr Rosand
two of the Council to agree the By -
Lew should be framed and *shed
for the purpose of raising Li' to tako
stock in the Road, but he kat that it
is fro some reason By -Laws are to be
published. and - that delays ire dingo:
rons, and anything would be a stop in
the right direction that word increase
the chance for hint to ge 60 much
useless stock off his bands sche request-
ed Mr Ilyan, the Reeve, 4 sign tho
Stock Book theii. The Reeve and
Council objected to do sossid the By•
Law would be passed, Mr Talbot still
urged. and at length two ofthe Council
sewhoinet: wht enot hti edneepvt ent nteheuer tHieleraesitavhesight gordoo,
not to be binding if the Below aid not
ers understa aff have hut read•
and it
titaellpYayPae deAcidpeudbliacgalgeonnigitt
did not pass. and Mr Tilbot still holds
ly it ought to be foigivete for het.,
his useless stock, but if i: be ',ill sure
ly sorry for it Ile wo
was made thrnodugthrialtimidrelpliiimat°a(nrc44- *
ponse of £3.500. Oil LW !Ole 0013C113:0D
of the Council taking stoelE: now
soBirndeduplepolpi let., tg,00•24.1t to:t Marys whtchever
t ot000htshesselairovirenea ibout already
uyp London
gnto rb,oaprdTe; oce oan i ainediduoisartorspiroad,biwoirtinhte: tdi e
through a portion of the Township of
noLfoitiltbeyeetlwfoo:oltousf"oledloiwistebyclepolafteioltItoruetwnitsaw ch hat°'weinll
two 1 i n e , s p 0 k e n o f wee Pairsif ailindbtiolisptcoTorerodloirm!blw:ghttYpinei prompt
tant, and this space had 10 be crossed
whether by a new rya if the lGih Con -
The Prot:pepper Oka: mwtubee should aBylaunn-.
shard be esesellan:118"ner 60:yethhaBoun:Bt tidddnb.lipnhtel.
tyr , which owes undergo a roshem
when the charge Is made by the Prato -
by the Editor only a nickname, if any
omiaomakisonnmn,olgtdo:enuidtbaldre,:agessessyfoh,orairosioigan4atasiodonniln2 5:.:..Ahloveiy..;,, : nijKo fst is 3iinnBiddulphi msnosiel, to. _iii_
1 am, Sir,
Thr7i,BtAhsniik__Aiselia:esthanabikishedWasundoerr ntebed
efootivoifadeeptiher:bpogia,netiovn..iirtktiogettimbetlasommimoost osses1186°Itispecothon' ninresesiiiiti:dessesarehmossassTelidariub:fi-
tsetse 8
wont!. „
given WOO toward'
to the pillory
bis soaps
he woelli em aka •
erhoof le 111:woultia
(1 for Ibis IS nor.
rtyr ea iatmoty bee
mortalNy of Wm* Is
11 the resew, 01
n emirs tato due 40