HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-05-02, Page 11May 2, 1963: .Page .11 .celebrating thoir birthdays. Bobby Clarke 14 patient iii St, ,Joseph's. Hospital, LOA- cif oor.:.:p.nbpdaqyvt:i. onwfceinth da:do.:::lioopp4reyrr,ynatotal Allan of Exeter 4pP1).1 the week,, end with Mr, and Mrs. Colin ,Q11:111an and family, By MRS. WM. W.At.TFRS, Mr. .mid. Mrs. Arnold Wise- man Of Burlington visited eo Wednesday with Mr, and Mrs. Newton Clarke, Miss Joan and Jimmy Lynn W.ttertained a number of ,boys and 'girls PO Saturday afternoon GIANT AUCTION SALE CLINTON LEGION HALL SATURDAY AFTERNOON MAY 4 AT 1 P.M. SHARP AUCTIONEER LEO E. BIRD will be selling for Supermarket Distributors, London, Ont. a large part of a $50,000.00 inven- tory of brand new clothing for MEN, WOMEN, CHILDREN AND BABIES, For the MEN such items as pyjamas, 100 pair of socks, work socks, 200 pair men's underwear, sweaters, dress and work pants, dress and work shirts; for the LADIES over 1000 pair of 1st quality seamless nylons, dozens of slips, blouses, skirts, sweaters, slims, jeans ete,; for the CHILDREN AND BABIES over 200 pair of poodle socks, sweaters, shirts, blouses, jeans, jumpers, dresses, 2 piece sets of all types, pyjamas, baby sets, blankets, crib sheets, creeper sets, jackets and many other items. Also flanelette sheets, cotton sheets, pillow cases, cushions, hair curlers and 1,00 other odds and ends too numerous to mention. WE WILL ALSO SELL WITHOUT RESERVE ALARGESELEC- TION OF FINANCE COMPANY REPOSSESSIONS, BANKRUPT STOCKS, BAILIFF SEIZURES, AND PERSONAL CONSIGN- MENTS CONSISTING OF MODERN HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, TELEVISION SETS AND APPLIANCES. FOR A SAMPLE WE WILL OFFER FORSALE a large selection of slightly used television sets, 2 refrigerators, 2 washers, a large chest freezer, matching pair washer and dryer, 2 electric ranges, combination radio and record player. FROM ONE FINANCE COMPANY A JOHNSON 18 hp. ELECTRIC STARTING OUTBOARD MOTOR in new condition fuel tank included. FROM ANOTHER a complete separate offering of merchandise used only one year consisting of 5 piece bedroom suite with spring and mattress, 2 piece chesterfield suite in nice con- dition, 5 piece chrome suite, two step tables and a coffee table, 2 lamps. FROM ANOTHER LOT a 3 piece chesterfield suite used only 9 months -- consisting of chesterfield and two swivel rockers also a platform rocker and hassock. We have also been pro- mised two other lots for this sale but details are not available at present. WE WILL ALSO OFFER FORSALE alarge selection of BRAND NEW FURNITURE consisting of 2 complete walnut bedroom suites, two 39" continental beds with headboards, two 54" full size mattresses, 2 foam rubber chesterfield suites, 2 davenport sets that make into a bed, 9 piece, 7 piece and 5 piece copper- tone kitchen or dinette suites, step and coffee tables, lamps, hostess chairs, desk, chrome rocker, hi chair, gossip bench, 9' x 12' rugs, runners and many other items. DON'T MISS THIS OUTSTANDING AUCTION SALE AS THIS IS THE LARGEST AND BEST OFFERING WE HAVE EVER HAD AT THE CLINTON LEGION HALL REMEMBER THE TIME AND PLACE CLINTON LEGION HALL - CLINTON, ONTARIO SATURDAY, MAY 4th AT 1 P.M. SHARP TERMS CASH - cheques accepted on furniture All items must be removed from the hall NOT LATER THAN 6 P.M. Your co-operation will be appreciated AUCTIONEER - LEO E. BIRD 25 Auction Sales WEDNESDAY; MAY 15 at 1 p.m. FARM IMPLEMENTS in- clude drill; binder; .rubber tire wagon; hay loader; roller; long list of carpenter and blaeksmith tools. Also complete line of house- hold effects and antiques. Complete list in next week's issue. JOHN H. 'COCHRANE, Prop, ROSS LOVE, JIM McALLISTER, Clerks ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 2c FOR AUTO WRECKING REED'S AUTO WRECKER IIENSALL Phone 212 or 190. e;e;16;20* 16 Properly For Sale BRICK DUPLEX dwelling, moderate price, liberal terms. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, 86 Anne St, 3:28tfc CHOICE BUILDING LOT, Hill St., directly south of and overlooking Riverview Park. Apply Box 1111, Times-Advo- cate. 8;23tfnc C. V. PICKARD REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE 4-BEDROOM BRICK home, modern kitchen, new oil burn- ing furnace, close to school. This is not a large home but will accommodate a family in comfort. Reasonable price; terms. INDUSTRIAL building, 80' x 28', tile block construction, BUSINESS BLOCK-4 tenan- cies all occupied. ONE LOT- on Pryde Boule- vard, C. V. PICKARD, REALTOR 394 Main St., Exeter Phones 235-0310 and 235-0414 2:21tfnc 16 Properly For Sale HOUSE, well kept, with ap- proximately 1/1 acre of land, new oil furnace, modern bath- room, garage. Apply Mrs. Percy Tyerman, 146 Andrew St. N., Exeter. 3:28.5:2* EXETER-House, 11 storey, double living room, dining room, 3 bedrooms, sunporch, 2-pc bath downstairs, 3-pc. bath upstairs, oil heat. Priced to sell, 21 Victoria St. or box 208 Tavistock. 2*tfc 3 BEDROOM asbestos shingle cottage. Oil heat. Garage. 2-BEDROOM wartime house with oil heat. 3-BEDROOM instil brick, New oil furnace. LARGE BRICK HOUSE com- pletely modernized. Rent from separate apartment will pay heat and taxes, NEW 3-BEDROOM, living room, dining room, basement, garage, oil heat. LARGE OLDER HOME which could be renovated into a showplace, Terms. 3-UNIT APARTMENT house, $2,500 down. 1 ACRE OF LAND south of Exeter on Ne, 4 Highway. 100-ACRE FARM in MeGit- livray, $14,000. . 100-ACRE FARM in Stephen, $19,000, 2.BEDROOM IIOUSE on 5 acres, $6,000. NICE SO-ACRE FARM includ- ing tractor, cultivator, 2-fur- rdw plow, disc, $8,600. $50.00 DOWN will buy a 76' buiding lot, JOHN. BURKE Limited DEVON BUILDING Phone 238-1863 5;21fne RESORT PROPERTY FOR SALE HIGHLANDS SHARROW'S SURVEY Two miles north of Grand Bend. We are offering for sale two 3-bedroom cottages within 300 feet of water. Seve- ral choice building lots also available. A reasonable down payment will purchase one of these cottages. Mortgage terms arranged if desired. Phone 235-2915 Exeter. 4: 25tfnc HOUSE, red brick, centrally located, corner lot, in Exeter, with • 3 bedrooms, kitchen, breakfast nook, dining room, living room, 3-piece bath, full basement, garage, oil fur- nace. Apply Mrs. 0. Hodgins, 87 Sanders St. W., Exeter. 25:2* BRICK BUNGALOW, 7 years old, in Lucan, 3-bedroom, liv- ing room, kitchen, 4-piece bath, recreation room. Priced for quick sale as owner trans- ferred. Phone 227-4485 Lucan, 4:25tfnc BRICK RANCH STYLE, love- ly, large windows throughout, floor to ceiling fireplace, 3 bedrooms, colored bath, van- ity. Mortgage arranged. 236 Huron St., Exeter, 4:25tfnc BRICK HOUSE, 11/2 storey, in village of Woodham. Six rooms with 3-piece bath, sun porch, full basement, oil heat and garage. Apply Carman Switzer, 928 Eagle Crescent, London, phone 439-7112, after 5 p.m. 2:9c CHOICE RIVER-FRONT lots, reasonably priced. Phone 238- 2088 Grand Bend after 6 p.m. 2:9* 17 Properly For Rent „ „....„.. . ....... .......... APARTMENT, suitable for two. people, beet. and hot water supplied. Apply Pete hale Ants„ 70 John, St. pest, 3114tfnc APARTMENT-Upper 1 bed- room, furnished. Heat, hot water supplied. Centrally lo- cated, quiet district. No pets. Apply 59 John SL E., Exeter. tfnc LOWER APARTMENT -. 1 bedroom, furnished, heat, hot water supplied; good location, Newly painted. No pets please. Apply 59 John St. E., Exeter. 2ltfnc APARTMENT, modern 2-bed- room, stove and frig sup- plied, private bath and ent- rance, central location. Apply Parker apartments, 431 Main St., phone 235-0915. 3:28tfnc APARTMENT, spacious 3- room, heated, furnished or un- furnished, no pets please. Ap- ply 169 William St., Exeter, Phone 235-0736 evenings. 4:4tfnc 1 ROOM, available now. 16 John St, E., Exeter, phone 235-0382, 4 : lltfnc SMALL APARTMENT, unfur- nished, utilities paid, available now. Apply Times-Advocate, Exeter, 4:11tfnc MODERN APARTMENT, in Crediton, all utilities paid. Reasonable rent. Available immediately. Phone Crediton 234-6301. 4:18tfne HOUSE IN EXETER, central- ly located. 2 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, 3-piece bath, full basement, unfurnished. Available May 15. Phone Kirkton 39R3 eve- nings. 18tfnc A NICE HOME for newly weds or retired couple. Very clean and cheery, newly dec- orated. Very private and quiet. Bathroom, kitchen, bed- room, dining room and living room, only $50.00 per month for 2 people, Unfurnished, but this includes steam heat and hot water, also coin laundry right at your door, Elliot Apts., 444 Main St., phone 235-2912. 4:18tfnc APARTMENT - 2 bedroom, heated, unfurnished, available immediately, in the former Simmon's Apartments. Phone 235-2012 after 6 p.m. 25tfnc APARTMENT, furnished, heated, centrally locate d. Beavers Hardware, phone 235- 1033 Exeter. 25tfnc WALK IN, hang up your hat. Fully furnished and newly decorated, steam heated one- bedroom apartment, all new furniture and appliances, in- cludine ° television. Elliot Apts., 442 Main St., phone 235- 2912. 4:25tfnc 2 APARTMENTS, unfurnish- ed; one 2-bedroom, $67.50; one 1-bedroom, $57.50; stove and refrigerator available; heated, in new building. Ralph Lippert, phone 227-4313 Lucan, 2c APARTMENT, 3 rooms, fur- nished, centrally located, main floor, private entrance, heat- ed, ,available May 15. Apply 365 William St. or phone 235- 0776. 5:2tfnc APARTMENT, heated, fur- nished, 3 rooms, ground floor, private entrance, centrally lo- cated. Available immediately, Apply 365 William St., phone 235-0776. 5:2tfnc APARTMENT, one • bedroom, heavy duty rangeite, water on tan. W. C. Pearce, 86 Anne St., Exeter. 5:2tfnc 3 - ROOM APARTMENT, pri- vate entrance. 3-piece bath, heated, suitable for one or two persons. Phone 235-1055. 2c 18 For Rent FLOOR SANDERS, electric, Beavers Hardware, phone 235- 1033, Exeter. 12:13tfnc 20 Wanted To Rent PASTURE FOR 20 HEAD of Holstein heifers. Ed. Cuil- lerier, Phone 228-6221, Cen- tralia. 25tfnc HOUSE or lower apartment in Exeter with 2 or 3 bed• rooms, Apply to Box ,R44 Times-Advocate. 2;9* 22 Notices ee,eeinile-ffeeem4feeileleOelileOeffleeeteigeeepe Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable 'Ranch Style Dwelling, Modern House- hold Furnishings and Misc. Items On the premises DUTCHESS AVE,, LUCAN WEDNESDAY, MAY 29 at 1 p.m. Watch for full particulatt of this interesting sale in future issues. HUGH BIRTCH, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 15 Wanted 25 Auction Sales 16 Properly For Sale 25 Auction Sales 22 Notices GRASS FOR 25 HEAD of HOUSE, 6 rooms; 2'1.9°111 cab- cattle. Phone 269W4 Liensall. in; 8 miles north of Grand 2p Bend, 4-minute walk to beach overlooking Grand Bend. For information apply Hotel Im- perial, Grand Bend, 2:9c USED CARS Ing. of hieyclee on town side- walks and. police have been Instructed to. enforce this reg.- ulation, The bicycles of offenders will be impounded, Bicycle riders Are also ad- vised to ride in singlo file, rather then abreast, When two or more .are travelling to- gether. C. H. MacKENZIE Chief of Police 25;ec WILL WHOEVER took from basement old wooden chair (Canadians),, please return. No, questions asked. Cherished by father as only remaining mother's chair, at 1 p.m. TRACTORS and COMBINE: McDeering Farmall "M" .trac- tor 'in A-1 condition; Allis Chalmers "IV Standard trac- tor in guaranteed condition; Case 6 ft. combine equipped with, Wisconsin motor in all- round new condition. FARM IMPLEMENTS: 51 H 15-run grain and fertilizer drill 'in new condition; Cock- shutt. 3-furrow plow; McDeer- ing tractor manure spreederl M. M. 28-plate eraeter disc; John Deere 5 ft. 8-plate one- way disc; Bisset dual land packer; Bisset lever harrows; 4-section diamond harrows; John Deere binder, 7 ft. cut; MeDeeririg mower, 6 ft.. cut; Case 4-bar side rake; set of sleighs; single plow; single scuffler; grain thrower with piping; rubber tire wagon; 16 ft, combination grain and hay rack; hay loader; colony house 1.0x12, newly built; elec- tric motors; emery; anvils; fanning mill; Wood's electric grinder equipped with 2-h,p. electric motor; power mower; heavy cable and pulleys; 1/2- inch piping; water bowls; set of harness; heavy logging chains; antique wooden horse collar; set of chimes; cutter; sap buckets and spiles; coal brooder stove; quantity of snow fence; electric drill; vice; quantity of tile; exten- sion ladder; grain sacks; elec- tric -cattle clippers; boy's bi- cycle; steel posts; hay fork rope; sling ropes; pig crate; 40-gallon barrel; 400-gal. steel galvanized water trough, etc. HAY and GRAIN: 700 bales choice quality hay; 300 bales oat straw; 1,800 bushels choice quality mixed grain. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS in- clude 3-pi e c e chesterfield suite; 2 complete bedroom suites; dressers; commodes; kitchen cabinet; tables; solid .oak dining room suite; chairs; floor lamp; toilet sets; rug 9x12 and many other miscel- laneous items. TERMS: Cash, ALVIN MOIR, Proprietor GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPE.R, Auctioneer 25:2c heifers 600 lbs. HOGS; York sow with litter 5 weeks old; 2 York sows due in June; 16 hogs 110 lbs, each, FOWL: 190 Hy-line pullets, 10 months old. FEED; A quantity of hay and epsilage; 150 bps. Russel opts; 4 ton mixed grain. IMPLEMENTS: Oliver 550 tractor, with Superior loader, dirt plate and snow bucket; Minneapolis Moline tractor Z with upimatic and PTO; McD. thresher, converted for har- vester; thresher, with Eber- sol shredder, grain blower and feeder; M M cultivator on rub- ber; M 1,4 9 ft. double disc; McD. 13 disc fertilizer drill; M M 4 row beet and bean scuf- fler for M 117 Z tractor; Mor- ril wheel rake; Cockshutt corn binder and loader; M H 7 ft. grain hinder; steel roller; 2- furrow M H plow on steel; J D 10 in. hammer mill; Shultz 110 bu. manure spread- er PTO, nearly new; harvester wagon and rack: rubber tired wagon and 16 ft. flat rack; Hanson power sprayer, Brod- jet swathomatic 3 pt. hitch, barrel rack and barrels; 2- wheel trailer; bean puller; MeD. 3 section spring tooth harrows; spike tooth harrows; oat roller; steel land roller; 100-ft. 7 in, drive belt; trac- tor canopy; sleighs and flat rack: cutter; root pulper; aluminum wheel barrow; steel farrowing c r a t e; De Laval power cream separator; 1 h.p. electric motor; 'A h.p. elec- tric motor; 4 rotary hog feed- ers; hog wire; steel hog troughs; steel barrels; elec- tric fencers; block and tackle; nuantity of 4 in. tile; snow fence; Posts: steel cable; jute sacks; heat lamps; iron kettle; Chore time egg washer with heat element; egg baskets; chicken crates; Queen oil brooder; hanging fe e der s; waterers; chains, forks, hoes, shovels etc. 1953 Ford 1/2 -ton truck, FURNITURE; Dresser, stu- dio couch; table and chairs; cupboard, copper kettle and many other articles, No reserve, Farm is sold, TERMS: Cash. EMERSON PATON, Prop. W. E. NAIRN & SON, Aucts. 2c REWARD, for any information to the vehicle which killed pedigreed Boston terrier dog, April 30, in front of Whitney Coates' farm, Phone Kirkton 3,9re. 2,:, 23 Legal Notices COUNCIL OF THE CORPO- RATION OF 111E VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND enacts as follows:- 4, That Saturday, the first day of June, 1963, between 9 o'clock in the forenoon and 6 o'clock in the afternoon, shall be the day and times for tak- ing the votes on money by- laws, on the said proposed money by-laws and on the said question: 2, That the votes of the said electors shall be taken at the places and 'by the Dep- uty Returning Officers and Poll. Clerks hereinafter ap- pointed, namely, Polling Sub- division No. 1 Canadian Legion No. 498 Hall, Grand Bend, with Murray A. Desjardins Deputy Returning Officer and Mrs. Audrey Hutchinson Poll Clerk. 3. A copy of the proposed money by-law (or; a synopsis of the proposed money by-law) and a statement of the said question, and the notice re- (wired by the Municipal Act, R.S.O. 1960, chapter 249, shall be published in the following newspaper on the days herein- after mentioned, that is to say: 4, On the 18th day of May, 1963, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon, the Reeve shall attend at his office in the Council Chamber on Main Street in the Village of Grand Bend and, if requested so to do, shall appoint in writing signed by him two persons to attend at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk, one person to attend et each polling place on behalf of the persons 'interested in and de- sirous of promoting the pro- posed money by-law or voting in the affirmative on the said question, and a like number on behalf of the persons inter- ested in and desirous of oppos- ing the proposed money by-law or voting in the negative on the said question; 5. The first day of June, 1963, at the said Council Chamber at the hour of six o'clock in the afternoon is hereby appointed as the Lime and place for summing up by the Clerk of the Corporation of the number of votes given for and against the proposed money by-law, and in the af- firmative and the negative on the said question, respective- ly. Read a first and second time this 29th day of April, 1963. Read a third time, final- ly passed and enacted this 29th day of April, 1963. Stewart Webb, Reeve James H. Dalton, Acting Clerk I, James H. Dalton, hereby certify this to be a true copy of by-law No. 117, finally passed and enacted on the 29th day of April, 1963. J. H. Dalton, Acting Clerk, 2:9:16c Third Annual HOLSTEIN DISPERSAL SALE of 30 Choice, Holstein Heifers On the premises 2 MILES SOUTH OF GRAND BEND, on FRIDAY, MAY 17 at 7 p.m. JOE VAN DONGEN, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 2c Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate, Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises MAIN ST., DASHWOOD on SATURDAY, MAY 18 at 1:30 p.m. REAL ESTATE consists of 2-storey white frame dwelling. Main floor-living room par- lor •and bedroom; newly in- stalled 3-pi e c e bathroom; kitchen and dinette; sun porch and utility room, Second floor-3 bedrooms. Large basement, soft water cistern. Barn suitable for double ga- rage, Ample garden land, beautiful lawn and shade trees. Home nicely situated and in first class state of re- pair. Inspection invited. Terms of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale; balance in 30 days, Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid, Complete list of household effects in next week's issue. Otto Willert, Administrator for the estate of the late Herbert Willert ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 2c 23 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In The Estate Of John Hazlewood, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of John Hazlewood, late of the Village of Hensall, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, who died on or about the 5th day of December 1962, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario by the 4th clay of May, 1963, after which date the estate will be dis- 'tributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Administra- tor with Will Annexed, EXETER, Ontario, 18:25:2c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In The Estate Of Annie Mousso, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Annie Mousso, late of the Village of Grand Bend, in the County of Lambton, Widow, win) died on or about the 22nd day of April 1963, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors of Exe- ter, Ontario, by the 18th day of May 1963, after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Extensive AUCTION SALE of Valuable 100-acre Farm, Dairy Cattle, Milking Equipment, Tractors, Farm Implements, Feed, Complete line of Household Effects and Miscellaneous Items On the premises LOT 12, CON. 4 BIDDIJEPH TOWNSHIP 2i miles east of Moorseville thence 1 mile north or 5 miles north of Lucan The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, MAY 22 at 12 o'clock p.m. REAL ESTATE consists of Lot 12, Con, 4 Biddulph Twp. 100 acre farm on which is sit- uated a large red brick dwel- ling with all modern conven- iences. Large bank barn, newly built milk house with large tank milk cooler. 2 new silos. Land all tillable and of choice clay loam. This is an ideal farm, In- spection invited, TERMS OF REAL ESTATE: lOceon day of sale. Balance in 3 months. Sold subject to a reasonable reserve bid, Full listing of this sale in following issue. CLAYTON ABBOTT, Prop, ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 119 Dashwood 2c 24 Tenders Wanted Two signs of spring at Tip Top Tailors Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate, Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises, Lot 2, VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND First house south of Gospel Hall Church The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, MAY 11 at 1:30 p.m. REAL ESTATE-Consists of Lot 2, Bosanquet Twp. in the Village of Grand Bend on which is situated a two-storey cement block dwelling. Main floor-dining and liv- ing room, modern kitchen, bedroom, large sun porch and utility room. Second floor - 3 bedrooms with clothes closets; 3-piece bathroom. Full size basement, soft water cistern 'and newly in- stalled oil furnace. Also ga- rage 18x20 with living quarters on second floor. PARCEL No. 2 - Newly built cabin 17x20. Property nicely situated with all buildings in first class state of repair, Inspection in- vited. Terms of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS & MISC, ITEMS: Oak dining room table, 5 matching chairs; china cabinet; 6 dining room chairs; library table; 3-piece chesterfield suite; occasional platform rocker; daybed; end tables and stands; Westing- house refrigerator, like new; Westinghouse 4-burner electric stove, like new; GE radio; Locomotive washing machine in brand new condition; Ray- mond sewing machine; 3 com- plete oak bedsteads; 3 com- plete steel bedsteads includ- ing dressers and commodes; wicker and oak rockers; mir- rors; Goblin vacuum cleaner; 4 toilet sets; kitchen table and chairs; kitchen cupboard; 2 wardrobes; kitchen clock; electric toaster; new 'feather weight iron; electric clock; electric lamps; large assort• ment of dishes, glassware, ob- lique dishes, quilts, linens, mats; Axminister rug 10x12; Pillows; aluminumware; hot plate; kitchen utensils; ice box; deep fryer; lawn chairs; doll buggy; bicycle; ladders; carpenter tools; lawn mower etc., etc. TERMS: Cash, No reserve-everything will be sold to settle estate. Mrs, Lyman Grallen, Mrs. Murray McNab, Executors for the ESTATE OF THE LATE MALVENA GRATTON GLENN WEBI3, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 2:9c All persons having claims against the estate of Catherine Jane Collins, lade of the Town- ship of Biddulph, in the County of Middlesex, Widow, who died on or 'about the 6th day of March 1963, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solici- tors of Exeter, by the 18th day of May 1963, after which date the estate will be dis- tributed having regard only to those claims of which no- tice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executors, Exeter, Ontario. 2:9:16c Bell. & Laughton Solicitors for the Executor, Exeter, Ontario. 2: 9:16c In The Estate Of Catherine Jane. Collins, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITORS BY-LAW NO. 117 OF THE CORPORATION OF THE VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND TO WHOM THIS MAY CONCERN: I wish to extend my sincere apology for the notice in the paper the last two weeks con- cerning my wife, Eileen. I had no reason for doing this and I am sorry. -Mr. Eugene Webber. 2c All persons having claims against the estate of Mary Ann Gill, late of the Township of Stephen, in the County of Huron, Widow, who died on or about the 24th day of March 1963, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 18th day of May 1963, after which date the estate will be distrib- uted having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executor, Exeter, Ontario, 2:9:16c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In The Estate Of Mary Ann Gill, deceased. Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable Household Effects, Power and Carpenter tools and Misc. Items On the premises 47 GIDLEY ST. W., EXETER The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, MAY 8 at 1 p.m. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS - Rogers Majestic 21 inch tele- vision set; solid mahogany dining table, 5 m a tchin chairs; china cabinet; buffet; 3 piece 'chesterfield; chest of drawers; modern light oak 3- piece 'bedroom suite; 2 up- holstered arm chairs; circular small table; end tables; table lamps; trilight; coffee tables; TV lamp; arm chair; mantel clock; electric heater; maga- zine table; floor polisher; trunk; Filter Queen vacuum cleaner; Bissel cleaner; 3 folding chairs; ball mirror and hat rack; antique desk; small trunk; mantel radio; couch; rockers; 2 kitchen tables and chairs; chrome kitchen table and chairs; Singer sewing machine; GE 4-burner electric stove; Philco refrigerator; painted bed, dresser and wash stand; 2 ottomans; 5 scatter rugs; metal ironing board; large selection dishes, glassware, silverware, 'bedding, linens, pillows, pictures, sealers, and kitchen utensils; v eranda chairs; small stool; set wall shelves, etc., etc. POWER and CARPENTER TOOLS and MISC. ITEMS - S. K.F. bench saw equipped with tei 11.p. motor; Shop Master band saw; electric grinder with motor; electric sander; bench vice; 1/2 -inch drill; pair snips; 2 pair of pliers; pair of cutters; 2 hammers; 2 saw horses; 16 drill bits; 2 hacksaws; saw and box; pair of vicegrips; extension cord; auto pack; 2 shovels; crowbar; extension ladder; metal tool box; rake; 2 hoes; wheelbarrow; pair of clamps; 2 monkey wrenches; homemade press; Step ladder; snow shovel; scythe; power mower; wooden tool box; 2 hand drills; hand saw; ratchet screwdriver; plane; 3 ax-es; set of wrenches; square; quantity of wood. Please Note - This is an extra large sale, Everything in first class condition. Plan to attend, TERMS: Cash. THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE RE: Arthur Day, Proprietor GARNET HICKS, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 25:20 Clearing AUCTION SALE of Entire Hotel Furnish- ings and Misc. Items IN THE TOWN OF EXETER on SATURDAY, MAY 25 Complete list of sale in fol- lowing issue. AMELIA L. ACHEeSON, Proprietress Our ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 2c we have NOTICE TO ready-to-wear suits are the finest ever shown--beautifully out and tailored all-wool worsteds in the newest, most-wanted shades and patterns. New styles include the, very latest 2 and 3-button natural shoulder, Our ready-to-wear suits are priced at $ ... which is at least $15 less than you'd pay anywhere else for styling, fabrics and tailoring like this! BICYCLE OWNERS A by-law to provide for tak- ing the votes of the qualified electors of the Village of Grand Bend on 'a certain pro- posed by-law and a certain question; WHEREAS By-law No. 116 of the Corporation of the Vil. lage of Grand Bend passed on the 29th day of April 1963 pro- vides for submitting for the assent of the electors of the Corporation qualified to vote on money by-laws, a certain proposed money by-law en- titled "A by-law to provide for borrowing $27,000.00 upon debentures to purchase for a Municipal Building certain lands and •premises more par- ticularly known as Lot 31, Plan 30 for the Village of Grand Bend in the County of Lambton, AND WHEREAS By-Law No. 114 of the Council of the Corporation passed on the first day of April 1963 pro, vided for submitting for the opinion of the eleetorS of the Corporation qualified to vote' on money by-laws the follow, ing question, that is to say, "Are yea in favour, of the Corporation of the Village of Grand Bend purchasing the lands and premises known OS Lot 31, Plan 30 in the Village Of Grand Bend in the County Of Latribton for the, 13tilldingt7 NOW THEREFORE THE 25 Auction Sales TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE WEED KILLER Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 2:30 P,M., Tuesday, May 7, 1963, for supply of 100 gallons of 80 oz. 2.4-D low volatile Ester weed killer, to be delivered to the Township Garage at Eli.mville before May 21, 1963, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further information ap- ply to: W. J. ROUTLY, Road Superintendent, Township of Usborne, RR 3 Exeter, Ont. 25;2e ExtensiVe Clearing AUCTION SALE of 40 Cattle, Hogs, Fowl, Hay, Grain, Silage, Imple. ments and Furniture will be held on 1,M' 5, CON. 2, BLANSIIARD TOWNSHIP 1 mile north of Kirkton, I mile east of 23 ,highway, on , THURSDAY, MAY at 100 HOLSTEIN CATT E; 10 two-year-old heifers due in Sept.; 6 heifers open; 13 short keep flereford heifers 600 lbs.', 3 Hereford steers 650 lbs,; 8 short keep Shortherit 13y town bylaw, every bi- cycle owner is required to purchase a licence every year. The 1063 licences are avail- able for 50 cents and should be purchased immediately from the Police Dont at the Town Hall. One Of the major benefits of licensing is, the registration of bloyeles which assists police in recovering stolen or lost hikes, It is to your advantage to have yetir bicycle registered. RIDING ON SIDEWALKS PROHIBITED bylaws forbid Town bylaws forbid the rid- Clearing AUCTION SALE of Valuable Tractors, Combine, Farm Imple- ments, Hay, Grain- ' House- hold Effects and MiSc, Items On the premises LOT 22, CON, 3, USBORNE TOWNSIIIP 11A miles east of Exeter on Highway 83 Tlic undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction On SATURDAY, MAY 4 TIP TOP TAILORS Walper's MEN'S WEAR EXETER. Clearing AUCTION SALE of Fame Implements, Blacksmith Equipment, Carpenter tools, House. hold Effects, Antique and Mitd, Items On the premises LOT 5, CON. NORTH BOUNDARY, HAY MP. 21 miles west of Kippen or 11 miles east of Ilillagreert on "Golly, Mom, you said to wake him up.-you didn't say. howl"