HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1963-05-02, Page 10'13 for Sale USED POWER MOWERS — Apply 132 Huron St. W., Exe. ter. Phone. 40-3490. 2e. ...„ ,,...,. 4•4 0e_prge and I like the same things, only he likes to save it and I like to spend IV- 13 For Sale 13 For Sale GET A QUICK DRYING, qUiet running Sunbeam or GE hair dryer at Sandy Elliot's, 444 Main St. 2e FERTILIZE YOUR PASTURE and hay crop now with Liquid 25% Urea. Goes to work im mediately and yet lasts all summer leng to keep your pastures green and Producing during the months of July and August. Ask us for information and references from thoee who have used it. Gann's Mill Ltd, Exeter. 2tirle OUTBOARD MOTOR BUY— Brand new 5 hp, Mariner Air Cooled outboard Motor, fully guaranteed. Ideal for fishing, easily carried, weighs only 35 pounds, Only $179. Beavers Hardware, phone 235-1033. 2c POWER LAWN 'MOWERS For the best price and value, see our selection. Beavers Hardware, phone 235.1033 Ex- eter. 2c 13 for Sale . „.... pjoNp.D.R, SEED CORN does not cost you—it pays you. To- day you can't afford to plant Anything but the best, I still have e small supply of seed corn available, Phone An- drew Diepstraten, Dashwood 116, 4:11.e:10e CRATE-6' wide x 16' long x high disassembled, F r a m ,e construction with bolf inch covering, wooden plywood bot- tom, See it at The Times, Advocate. .1.8:25;2* 19$6 MOBILE HOME, 42'x8', in good condition, furnished And installed on treed lot at Turnicitill's Grove. Phone 22$- 6683 Centralia,. 4.:25tfne CULTIVATOR, Ford - Fergu- son, spring-tooth, attachments for 4-row scuffles; .McCormick 2-furrow plough, fast-hitched, nearly new. Arnold Geiser, phone 238.2783 Grand Bend. .2tic 13 for Sale 4 female Help Wanted 9 Services 1963 3 Male Help Wanted Page 10 May 7, BELVINATOR. refrigerators, ranges; .and deep freeze chests, There are none better than. Keivinator And there is no better place to deal than with Sandy Elliot, 444 Main St., Exeter. gc I HAVE a limited supply of Pioneer hybrid seed corn pn hand. You can get it now while a good Opine of hybrid. And kernel size is ayailahle. .leeith phone .205W1, UTILITY TRAILER, menu - factored, 2-wheel, 750 lb. cap- acity; Sportomatic transistor radio, for in car or out; metal roof rack, 'suitable for foreign ears; 9x12 tourist tent. Rhone 228.6989 Centralia, 25:2c HALLICRAFTBRS TV, 31"; Coleman oil space heater, small size. All •articles are in good condition, Phone 92r12 Zurich. 2c K R .0 E H L E. R LAZY BOY chair, new, avocado green up- holsterY. Apply 244 Main St, phone 235-1533. 2:90 BUFFET, DINING ROOM table and 6 chairs to match, in good condition. Phone Hen- sel], 343W4, 2* GIRL'S BICYCLE 28", good condition. Roy Morenz, Dash- wood 41114. 2* COLLIE PUP, 6 months old, starting to work. Phone Henry Pfaff 235-2127. 2c MORE PEOPLE sleep on Sim- mons than on any other brand of mattress. We have them regular of ,extra long, A good sleep is much preferred to a bad backache. Get your new mattress today from Sandy Elliot, 444 Main St, 2c Classified Rates YOUNG MAN, reliable, for farm work, must be good. With machinery and have chauffeur's licence, Apply 'Box .RIN, 'Exeter Times-Advocate. 35:_3* STENOGRAPHER SANDING REFINI4HIN Hardwood floors laid, Sanded and refinished, Old floors resurfaced. Quality material and workmanship. MURRAY NEIL 249 Marlborough St., Exeter 1$:35.:3:9* 5-DAY WEEK For _permanent position in Exeter office, good eelary. Apply Rex. NM-, Exeter` TiineseAdyocate. 3:8trne 22d 85 War $ 6 Each Additional Word aa (Minimum 850) MAN for farm -work, some experience with farm machine- ry and tractor. Net live in or out, Apply _Join) Berendsen,. phone Icirkton 21r4. 9* 2O Off If paid by Saturday following teat insertion. OFFICE HELP LAWN MOWER SHARPEN- ING--Get your mower in shape for the grass-cutting season. Expert sharpening and, re- pairs; Fisher's Hardware, phone 235-2190, 25:20 4 Female Help Wanted Exeter firm requires lady. for retail selling, reception and office work, 51/2 day week, excellent working conditions, group insurance, Apply in writing to Box 400, Times- Advocate, 4:25tille 5 Help Wanted Second Insertion 2 V2 PAR WORD (Minimum 550) Spring Specials Six Insertions 2 4: PER Worm (Minimum 450) SerniePisplay Classifieds First Insertion—Per Inch $1.40 Seeond Insertion— Per Inch $1.25 Minimum one inch, accepted only in multiples of 1/2 inch. HOME REPAIRS "EVESTROUGHING" Cleaned - Repaired - Replaced "ROOFING" Slate Roofs Repaired "HOUSE PAINTING" —Window and Floor Service- -Lawns, General Gardening— Prompt Service — Free Estimates Reasonable Rates T. W. GRAYSON 502 Carling St. S. Exeter 2c TELEPHONE CANVASSER Applications will be received by the undersigned for the position of BOATING OUTFIT, 14' cedar strip, •all controls; 18 horse Evinrude m o t o r, Tee-Nee trailer trap, excellent condi- tion. Phone 238-2142 Grand Bend. 25:2;9c USED chesterfields, bedroom furniture, electric ranges, re- frigerators, television sets. We rent TV sets by the day, week or month, Sandy Elliot, phone 235-0585. 25:2c TRADE YOUR. MOWER—Cut your lawn easier and better this year with a new. finality Maxwell or Cardinal rotary lawn mower, Prices as low as 343.95, Fisher's Hardware, phone 235-2190. 25:2c PERENNIAL PLANTS, Glori- osa daisies, spring phlox, lu- pins, fall asters, rock garden plants, columbines, Mrs, Gor- don A, Smith, 168 Main St., Exeter. 25;2:9* JOLLY JUMPER—The scien- tific baby exerciser. Jolly Jumper means fun — bounces of it and every bounce is scientifically designed to help build up baby. Only $8.87 at Hopper-Hockey Furniture. 25:2:Dc USED SUNSHINE RANGE- 24-inch, in excellent condition. Only $65. Beavers Hardware, phone 235-1033 Exeter. 2c EXETER -- Marlborough St., new 3-bedroom brick home; $2,900 down, monthly pay- m e n ts of $74.00, Including taxes. EXETER — James St., 2- storey 4-bedroom brick home, completely modernized; living room, dining room, den, kit- ellen, recreation room, oil heat, broadloom throughout. EXPERIENCE PREFERRED To work locally. Canada's largest food freezer company. Salary and bonus, For interview call LONDON G E 3.0177 collect 2c STENOGRAPHER TO THE EMERGENCY MEASURES CO-ORDINATOR FOR THE COUNTY OF HURON Salary in accordance with experience and County Schedule Applications must be sub- mitted on forms provided and may be secured from the un- dersigned. Applications to close at 5:00 p.m. DST May 9, 1963. Lowest or any application not necessarily accepted. JOHN G. BERRY, Clerk-Treasurer. County of Huron, Court House, Goderich, Ontario. 2c LAWN MOWER SHARPEN- ER, Foley, new condition, Apply Mrs. Leo Burns, 151 Columbia Dr., Centralia, phone 228-6776. 2c Classifications 1. Lost, Strayed 2, Found 3, Male Help Wanted 4, Female Help Wanted 5, Help Wanted 6. Business Opportunities 7. Teachers Wanted 8, Situations Wanted 9. Services 10. Livestock For Sale 11. Poultry For Sale 12. Cars, Trucks For Sale 13. For Sale 14. Wanted. To Buy 15. Wanted 16. Property For Sale 17. Property For Rent 18. For Rent 12. For Sale or Rent 20. Wanted To Rent 21. Property Wanted 22. Notices 23. Legal Notices 24. Tenders Wanted 25, Auction Sales FOR BACKHOE WORK of any description, phone 235-1075 days, or 235.2596 Don Harris, Exeter, after 6 p.m. 5:2•6:6" SHOP PROJECT 7 Teachers Wanted Framework for a 6'x10'x7' building made in sections at 16" centres, Hip roof. Would make a good tool shed, playhouse or could be enlarg- ed to make a garage. Framed for door and window, Will be sold for reasonable offer. On display at the high school shop, 92 Gidley St, SHDHS BOARD E. D. Howey, Sec. STEPHEN TOWNSHIP School Area require a teacher with duties to commence in Sep- tember, 1963, Please apply in writing stating experience, name of last inspector and salary expected to Wilmer D. Wein, Secretary - Treasurer, Box 181, Crediton, Ont. 2c 10 Livestock For Sale WEED SPRAYER, 19 nozzle boom; meyers pump, 2 years old. W. 2. F. Bell, RR 2 Hip- pen, phone 265J4 Hensall. 2:9* HOLSTEIN HEIFERS, 21/2 years old, vaccinated, bred Hereford, due soon, John Berendsen, phone 21r4 Kirk- ton, 83 highway, lee miles east of Farquhar. 2:9:16* COWS — Holstein springing cows and 'heifers, clean test, purebreds and grades. Phone Keith Marr, Lambeth, 652- 3200. 4:4.5:30* EXETER -- 3-bedroom, hot water baseboard heat, Hiring room,' dining room, kitchen, sacrifice $9,500. Terms can be arranged, as low as $08 per month. EXETER -- Sanders St. East. new 2-bedroom; $3,000 down, monthly payments $56.00, in- cluding taxes; living room, bath, kitchen, oil furnace. BOY'S 28" BICYCLE, excel- lent condition, $18.00, Phone 235-1806. 2c 9 Services COMPARE the features and you too will buy a Lewyt vacuum cleaner, sold exclu- sively in Exeter by Sandy Elliot Furniture and Appli- ances, 444 Main St. 2c 2c HADCO WELL DIGGING — Machine dug 1 ft. to ft. diameter up to 150 ft. deep; repairing and deepening. Highway 85, Elmira MO 9- 3761, or Lucan BA 7-4680. 2:21*tfne GRAND BEND -- Large frame house and double garage, 3- bedrooms, kitchen, living- dining area, furnished recrea- tion room; on paved road, close to downtown. Price; you make an offer. GRAND BEND -- Highway 21, small 3-bedroom; year round living, all conveniences; close to shopping area; reasonably priced. BEDROOM SUITES, chester- fields, dining room furniture, coffee tables, lamps, baby carriages and cribs. Buy the best for less, Sandy Elliot, 444 Main St. 2c EXETER'S MUSIC CENTRE-- All the latest records, record players, radios, musical in- struments and accessories, sheet music. Exeter Electric, phone 235-0730, opposite the Burkley. 18eowtfn NURSING HELP for mornings only at Queensway Nursing Home, Hensall. Phone 222 Hensall. 2c SHETLAND PONY, mare, black, 1 year old. Phone Jack R. Cooper, Hensall 260W4. 25:2* MAN'S BICYCLE, CCM—Ex- cellent buy, newly painted. Price $12.00 for quick sale. 144 Gidley St. West. DOORS — One French, one birch, 32" width, natural fin- ish, hardware, door jams. Priced for ouick sale. 144 Gid- ley St. West. 24- JAMESWAY OIL BROODER stove, good condition, com- plete $20.00. Alex Macintosh 227-4598 Clandeboye. • 2:9:16c 2 Found. GIRL OR WOMAN for motel and housework; non smoker, non drinker, live in. start im- mediately: goed. wages. Apply Pine Dale Motel" Grand. Bend. 18t2.5e2c ee, .e.rei=ea SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED— Immediate service, always available. Harold Butler, Lu- can, phone BA 74254 or BA 7-4312 collect. 10:4tinc 40 PIGS, 10 weeks old. Apply to Wm. Walters, RR 1 Wood- ham. Phone 14r16 Kirkton. 2nc WRINGER WASHERS with large 11-1b. tub, 2-speed action, gentle action for wool- lens and delicate things as well as regular speed for the regular wash. These machines are guaranteed for 12 years and we believe they are the greatest dollar value on the market today. We also have a few good used washers. Sandy Elliot, 444 Main St. 25:2c LIGHT TAN PART BOXER, female. pup. \V. J. F. Bell, RR 2 Ke en. eebonte Hensel!, 205,: e. ea* degtiergieeseeeemeeeeee W. H. Hodgson Ltd. 10 CHUNKS; S good weaner pigs; wanted 20 head of cattle for grass. Apply Ray Wilhelm, 39r4 Dashwood. WEANER PIGS; milking cows, fresh and due soon. ,Take Hovius, RR 2 Hensall, Phone 71r1 Zurich, 2c Insurance & Real Estate Phone 235-2420 Exeter DEAD ANIMAL REMOVAL. MANURE SPREADER, New Idea, #14, like new, $270.00. Alex Macintosh, Clandeboye. Phone 227-4598. 2:9:16c Tex dead or disabled animals, call GRAND BEND AGENT; W. C. DACE, PHONE 238-2457 DARLING & COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED Phone Collect Clinton Hunter 2-7269 Licence No, 262-C-63 9:20tfnc reeleileleekeells eeelentleata" eeeleateee ALvilbg WALPER. PROVINCIA.L LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times. "Service That Satisfies" DASHWOOD EXETER PE one 119 Phone 2354991 MACKENVE & RAYMOND BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS CHARLES L. MACKENZIE PETER L. RAYMOND Hensall Office in the Town Hall open Wednesday 2 to 5 p.m. PHONE 235-2234 EXETER 12 Cars, Trucks For Sale '61 ENVOY SPECIAL, one owner car, in excellent condi- tion, approximately 27,000 miles, very reasonable, Phone 228-6241 Centralia. 25:2* KOOL-VENT — NASH ALUMINUM — WINDOW AWNINGS — PORCH CANOPIES — DOORS and WINDOWS — ALUMINUM SIDING — ALUMINUM & WROUGHT IRON PORCH — STEP RAILINGS A.1 USED CARS N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Weekday Except Wednesday For .Appointment Ph 235.2433 C. H. RODER, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC Strathroy, Ontario OFFICE HOURS Mon., Tues., Thum., Fri, 9.12, 2 • 5 Tues. and Fri. Evening, 7 9 By Appointment Please Office Phone 654 Home 1498 1956 GHEV COACH, heater, back-up lights, two tone green. 1958 FORD V - 8 FAIRLANE sedan, dual range, auto matic, power steering, radio, heater, back-up lights. E. L. CHAFFE & SONS Phone 228-6641 Crediton Road and #4 Hwy. 5:2tfnc We do our own installing. Call us for free estimates, WALKER ALUMINUM SALES EXETER Phone (Collect) 235-0722 3:28tinc DR. J. W. CORBETT L.D.S., D.D.S. DENTAL SURGEON Devon Building Phone 235.1083 Exeter Closed Wednesday Afternoons BELL & LAUGHTON BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS & NOTARIES PUBLIC ELMER D. BELL, Q.C. C. V, LAUGHTON, Q.C., LLB. Zurich Office Tuesday Afternoons PHONE 235.0440 EXETER '51 DODGE CUSTOM ROYAL, automatic, power steering etc. throughout, tinted glass, radio, white wall tires. Apply Gerald Moffatt, Kippen. 2* ATTENTION FARMERS! On the Farm Feed Service. The busy season is here again. It will Pay you to call Kirkton Mobile Feed Services to save time, labor and money. Mas- ter Concentrates and molas- ses available. Phone 107 Kirk- ton. 3:28-5:2* DR. H. H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON L.D.S., D.D.S. Main Street Exeter Closed Ali Day Saturdays PHONE 235-0233 13 For Sale See Your Authorized Dealer for sales and service for Viking Electric Separators and milking machines. Basil O'Rourke, Brucefield Phone HU 2-9131 Clinton 2:14-6:20* CERAMIC TILE—Bathrooms, fireplaces, walls, floors, kit- chen entrances; first grade materials; work guaranteed. For appointment, apply Times- Advocate, phone 2354331, 4:11:18:25:2* G. A. WEBB, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC CLOSED WEDNESDAY For Appointment Ph 235.1680 e'z'''..-eeee.eeeeeeeeeeeeee.e.,........ ewe- eeeeeeee JOHN WARD, D.C. CHIROPRACTOR AND DRUGLESS THERAPIST 15 Wellington St., across from PUC ST, MARYS PHONE 1272 iri CUSTOM PLANTING of corn and beans. Two new Jelin Deere liquid planters at your service (one with herbicide attachments). Liquid fertil- izer has many advantages. Phone us collect for particu- lars. Order now and avoid disappointment in your plant- ing, Cann's Mill Ltd., phone 2354782. 11:18:25:2c McSTEPHEN AUTO WRECKERS • ;et HURON CO-OPERATIVE MEDICAL SERVICES Prepaid Health Plans at Cast the CO-Ole WaY RR 1 Crediton Behind Centralia Airport Used Tires, Wheels & Tubes also Batteries, Seal Beams Guaranteed PHONE 22/1,6214 Surprise package: $1765. USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office — Exeter, Ont. Directors Timothy B. Toohey President Robert 0. Gardiner Vice;Preeident William H. Chaffe Oversized brakes that stop sooner, An inside light that goes on when you flick the switch. A sheet of Metal that completely covert the bottom of the car, An anti-sway bar. (You can go 'round the bend and still be level-headed.) Non-repeat ignition switch. A spare fan belt. (Good grief. We're out of spate and we've hardly stortede Built-in anchors for seat belts, Spring operated front hood, IWe should have mode The pictute .trnoilee.) A tool kit, Vinyl hetirilining the ceiling. (To be continued by your Volkswagen dealer.) Floor mounted gear shift with all gears synchronized. 38 miles to a gallon. (That's an average.) An air-cooled engine that can't boil over, (That's a promise.) Side view mirror, Padded sunvisors. 346 dealers for parts and service, (Across Canada.) 4 coats of paint, (Everywhere.) A rear-Mounted engine for better traction. Two luggage comportments. Oversized tires that 96 farther. Hold on to your hat! This week the wraps tome off a new Custom Volkswagen. take a deep breath, then take a good look at what you get for your money. Adjustable bucket seats. (Back rest ad- justs too.) Automatic choke. Windshield washers. A white steering wheel. (Pretty fancy for on eeonteny car.) Independent tortion.bar suspension. (Pretty fancy for any car.) Six heater vents, two in the rear. CUSTOM CORN and bean planting with new 4-row ,John Deere planter with liquid fer- tilizer attachments. Avoid any delay in your planting. Con- tact me now and assure your- self of good service. Phone Hubert Miller, Dashwood 57r7. 11;18:25:2e WOOD CARVING, antique furniture repairs and altera- tions; FrenCh polishing, Sander Molnar, Hensall, phone 322. 18.:25:2:9c LAWNMOWERS, all types, sharpened and repaired, John. ny's Shell Station, Highway 21, South Grand Bend, 18tfne CUSTOM LOGGING, saw logs, fence posts, fire Wood, etc. Summer cabins built a y where, Phone London 4554411, 18:2512* NEED YOUR LAVVN MOW ED? Phone Charles Keating, 235.1075 Exeter, 2* DRY SLAB and body wood. Also wanted to buy good standing tither, Apply Ro- bert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig, phone 232.4450 Nairn. 3:21tfne SEED CORN—FOR 22 consec- utive years more farmers have planted De Kalb seed corn than any other brand, What better proof can you ask on the profit qualities of De Kalb? Order seed new. Phone 161r1 DashWaed, Ervin Ratz, 4:11-5:16" BEST GOLF BUY! Fatuous Spalding Truflite clubs—two woods,• five irons, only $45, (London price: $49,95.) Lloyd Greenacre, phone 235-1.60. 4: iltffic ROOM SIZE AUG, grey vis- cose, t)) with Wei. Ped, $35,00 Complete'. Apply 365 William St. or phone 2354776. 18tfne BOARD OF DIRECTORS President, Fordyce Clark, RR 5, Goderich; Vice-Pres, Gor- don Kirkland, RR 3, Luck- now; Mrs. 0. G. Anderson, RR 5, Winghani; Mrs. Lloyd Taylor', EX etc r; Hugh B. Smith, RR 2, Listowel; Lorne Rodges, RR 1., Goderich; Roy Strong, Gorrie; Russell T. 13olton, RIt 1, Seaferth; Bert Irwin, RR2, Seaforth; Bert Zurich; Cordon Rich- erdson, RR 1, Brucefield,; Kenneth Johns, RE 1, Wood- ham, RR 3 Lucan RR. 1 Cromarty RR 4 Mitchell E. Clayton Colgtihoun RR 1 Science Hill Martin Feeney RR 2 Dublin R.11 1. Kirkton McCurdy Agents Hugh Benninger Dublin Harry Coates RR I Centralia Clayton Harris Mitchell Solicitoes Mackenzie & Raymond EXeter Secretary-Treasurer' Aran& Fraser Exeter C. Magee Sectetary-Mandget Miss C. E. PittirifVee AssistantSeteetare For inforniation, call your nearest diteetot ter tiiit Offite in the tredif Onion Bldg., 70 Ontario Street, dirtiest, Telex phone Winter 2-0711. HUNTER aiDUVAR 'LTD. 1.4./N .81lIttt.4 Itt,t tSS-1106